-mii I V ahd will con- "N0T INTO TEUPXATIOir." L tJjjt hionev Thou great, unchanged, eternal Onoi tme r U ,! Thou God of Nations, filled with awe, n nf the pouthi 1 n We thank Thee for the oourse we run -ri cret$ tne mosi tgi- HE PAID THE PBIOE. It Looked Like He TTas "Worsted, ' But He Wasn't. ! - An old school gentleman who Hrei in the upper part of the city OJlllr1 him an 4nrt Vtm. 1 i Ka . ; t. kj3 iiV . iwhinQrmB vuemo nguieoas- other evening locked the door and iSUievMi-:fr ness. . t . , . -; , ; " IS (T1V area i j, , We feel that so far on our war at tne Thy guiding care had but to 'j i i Gboclculti- use it4" i - leiLst 3 actual Pa . j! Til tasi r3 insure ftwHl send, that -tf E J in the'Soutn. nPHAN KALI WORKS. 0 x Noimu St., New York ,11 if .ri a sottrf c of comfort. They Ve a sourcfc of care,aIsof ; tf vcu care jforyour child's f teith sc rvl! J for illustrated Ukoau:cforders to which K children aifs . subject, 'land J 'tasc'urel fujr5 years.-, j. I . J.. A, S. FREY, ! I JAPANESE had a few words with the vouth. We elve Thee soncr of nraiiA tht rerjorta a "!lAVAli&nri nnnr i J ' ir.th .,-..,., "William," began the father In a " .w frv,v . v ivi uui nail. . s And all thanksgiving eren now 8Ta tone, -x near a eiory aoout if or our uncenqueraole zeal. I Jou inai onnge ine Diusn or shame I tn mir ithaAlr T o n en.!!!.. BUt 'Xhi!119 Zeal ba9 gfWn ,uch Uyseir to belieTe it. I h aye no With no grave errors to retrieve. word aginst the young lady whose That time may come; may be in sight, name has been given such unenvia- ble prominence, though I do think there are other young women who would make life more pleasant for a husband." S - - fI agree with you perfectly, sir." "Then, sir, what did vou mean ADdstrong.resourceful, fearing naught, by fighting over her with that r rom snore io snore our swav extends. TimaAM 9 tt- TilU'ererownemoire.weak.di.tr5.nffht ? , i cuKagcuiem Has but disunion for nn nH Of the moat Riimriaintr thinom tn .ol'a. fa heoouldgetthe belt of you in such an unworthy j way of settling your rivalry." M "Best of md?" echoed the youth, X When we the old-time war would leave. " . I f t I A Tl ..... t 1 , ' the largest I Vieia. AUU ou1uB our cieaniy aanas Free,! cpon application, Follow the lead of other lands .iciest vyfcWM i lospuu me wk, ouiwu ine arones. -1 IT n Where no world-circling ills beset! Stay us in every outward greed! stay us, great ttod, ere we regret I Chalmers Roberts, in Harness Weekly. A PORTO RIOAN SHAVE. Leaves and Bulbs Furnish Soap and a Broken Bottle Makes a Razor. Well, little folks, what do you think? The people in our new with flashing eyes, 4lthev took him home in an ambulance, and I don't look wrecked, do I?" ! j "It's paesing strange. You trounced him and yet he gets the gin-, ?' ' - ,; u "You don't understand it, father. T. UL .1 a l . . territory, Porto Rico, don't have to u 1 01 "vairl we coin weni y . with her bo loner thut t war th Ointment iw tni Omj!M jTreatmcnt, consisting of 'ilTuKIKS, qajsijles of Ointment and two buy soap or mirrors! "Do they have .them given to them?" Yes, but who do : you suppose gives the people of Porto Rico soap and mirrors? Nature. manly thing for one of ub to marry her,and the fellow that was whipped had to make the sacrifice." ' The old school gentleman man aged to maintain his gravity till the youth was hurriedly dismissed, l 1 ; ' Eardwair Co ileld iijver-failing cur for Piles .ture ahd . dfjcrteje It-makes an operation Good, thoughtful oldv.Motheran!h tearB Nature furnishes the Porto Ricans "uu?,M ua uHfcU ' 1 ' u res and' Inflames sore Minute Cough Cure GHEElTf3BOHO. ii knife, wmcn Fa'niH suus wltn tnese tnings. i3renerou8 Motn- . , . fU. nnwrki this terrible - Coughing inj er nnH t a hn A far I . - . ... I lUUgS. UD8 samWksne ' V ' h ' miors lor her rorto Klcan chil- loosens the cold. WASHINGTON CONQUERED. onrrMENTj 25oV and 50c. gurea, rues rreveniea. oy Japanese Liver Pellets, the dren. The wooded portions of heals quickly. The best cough cure Porto Rico abound in leaves and 'or children. Howard Gardner. bulbs that the Porto Ricans use Jm7I 7T7T ,.! -.. just as we use soap. And the , oyfMXJ-aMJO Uit ! leaves and bulbs take the dirt off M EKffiS1 their hands and faces and bodies HinU How to Sepk, Bathe, iU,th cKKviHif fbsh Japanese Pxlb jU8t e our 80ap does for us. Breathe and Eat So to so Be SlfcrnkOPlybyj - Amnnrr fhtx hoof rf tVti DAan trnaa Healthy and Pretty. M LIVER and STOWfVCH KhUULATUKand SoD PL'RIFIEK.! Mnall, mild and 'pleasant iakt: lcially (laid for children' use.; 50 ntfjjttnts. T'iI JuHKU.FaKISH Hnl iNOWARD GABt)NKR, 111- : - v .: Tk : - . A allays coughing and Grip Takes the City in Its Iron Grasp Government Machinery Almost at a StandstillEnormous Per centage of Employes Stricken With LaQrippe Capitol at the Mercy of the Plague. The Grip epidemic is raging in the Capital City, ahd Ifully one- third of the government employees incur mo st!o live up Among the best of the soap trees over there is one more of a bush Sleep on a very low pillow or are 8ick or suffering from the dread than a tree. . Its bulb, when rubbed none at all. Sleeping on a flat bed disease. Violent hadiaha fr on wet clothes or hands makes will help , to give straight,1 ! firmly and chills, sneezing and running at them a snow-white lather. This poised shoulders. . !! the eyes and nose together with lather takes off the dirt just as Walk from one to three miles the bone-rackine aches and Dains well as the best soap that is made every day in broad-soled shoes and and a general eThaimtinn arA th in our factories here at home, and loose clothing, leaving cares at ruie rather than the exception, it also has a fragrant odor home. You may find them when The best way to fieht the tirlu is The Porto Ricans -who are all, you return, or they will have fled to atrencthen the nervea and hnild from the highest to the lowest, entirely. i . UD the resiativA nnwera an ah tn great dandies in their way make Walk witht the limbs swinging throw off the deadly disease germs, soap out of cocoanut oil and home- from the hips, like the .pendulum ; an(j nothing will do this so quickly made lye. And a fine soap it is. and tovthis keep the weight of the and nurelv as T)r MUar "NnrvinA The men use this cocoanut oil soap body forward on the balls ,of the it na8 restored health to thousands for shaving. When a man wishes reet. l his is the secret or a grace- of Grip sufferers after every other to have a shave he starts out with ful stage carriage. remedy had failed his cocoanut shell cup and bis Take a morning sponge bath with "When the GriD left me I was a donkey-tail brush and bottle. It as much regularity as you eat your broken down wreck, both mental is never any trouble to find an dinner. . i! and rjhvsical. Mv nrvea warn td, and we do 'bur ut- uu"l 1U "itu vuua 1,7 u u i. T completely unstrung, my appetite i have any uamaica, or aimosb any 01 iuo iar- nmuu u If you tisre Id correcting' anv faiilt thav taSBQaO STEAM LAUNDRY. Jonx M. DiU. ProDrietor. i e gas has been burning for failed, could not aleen and hAnumn epiiiat to maiii do -not hesitate to ger West India Islands, even in re- hours. Put out the light; jthrow 80 despondent that I despaired of SSSSkJ mote spot, in the mountains. At open the window, as wide aslpossi- eTer g9ttIng well. ijjegan to im- tcay cutjr gouoiwuo wi - w-w- prove witn ine nrst Dottle or ur. people have lived there and thrown "rihg Then leave the window so Miles' Nervine and when I had away the bottles. Theman carries there is circulation of good air. all taken seven bottles I was comDlete- no mirror; he is too poor to own night long. 1 ly cured. Have been strong and such a luxury. Not one house in4 Regular hours for sleeping and wen ever since and weigh more . l- t S il 1 . : . . . - twenty in irorio kico nas even me iur eanng are m uest means oi than I ever did before." very cheapest looking-glass. But keeping perfect health. A dentist rich Mother Nature provides the on looking at a girl's teeth found mirror, as well as the soap. -The no cavities to fill. She asked in man goes to some convenient pool surprise: "How is that?" He re in the mountain stream where the plied that she had probably beenmonev refunded. Be aura and iret water is quite still there is his sleeping regularly, eight hours a Dr. Miles' Nervine. Booklet on mirror. Then he breaks his bottle night, and jokingly added that heart and nerves sent free. on a stone and deftly picks out a there is a science in 4'teeth reading" Address Dr. Miles Medical Co.. sharp piece of suitable size. iNext quite as real as palmistry uoston Elkhart, Ind. he lathers his lace profusely and neraia. begins to ecrape away with his piece of glass, which in his hands works as well as the best steel razor, and he very seldom IDR POMONA HILl SERIES, i'cf oldest and largest Kur--?outh, -Oyer SOyears in success- ration, lotttu) .m l'fcpn to 12 Southern States, New ,vu aaa me efet. Healthyt Stock J to Name, Yp. one of the most features heae Nurseries., r LTZBS: 'OUkiJ??. J?. MARKET.? OB- A OH EAT k'CCESsT i , DEPARTMENT. V ?, ALMS, FEItNS, JtC. ! 'VainS r!',u;loait' ml pamphlet on'How lire hard." i VA. j.ix D LEY, Prip., Pomona, N. C :t jfrvJ l 1 PATCNTOrriCC tune thaa those - I '- u.i'tvitent. is srilred. n t' e 1 t -i , V r"1' " " i . . c t a:d toreizn cbuntries ?SW5?'T Crir r ,1, : :. I- ' k. i " - T 1LTHi IDEUS ni f I n Iff . aiitutt iai Wisest I- I'll. Wu? take Gardners ce. "ky Cough Cure. Saedel F. Pilson, Staunton.Va. All druggists are authorized to sell Dr. Miles' Nervine on a guar antee that first bottle benefits or WAR, WAR, WAR! Among the Furniture Men of Greensboro. The New China Store has added, to fill up the house, a line of Oak and Ma hogany BED ROOM SUITS. ROCKERS. TABLES. Knrinr etc nrl will .oil them for a very small profit, as they are only carried as a side line to my Crock ery business. I am selling more Crockery than any house In Greensboro, and it is because I sell cheaper. Low prices will draw trade. . Next Door to Wak it field Hardware Co. THE GUILFORD ROLLER MILLS, We solicit the trade of this section and guarantee satisfaction on custom work. We make a specia Ground" Flours, Meal, fco which for the money cannot be equaled. Remember the place, "The Mill GUILFORD ROLLER MILLS CO. ty of "Our Patent" and "Battle at the Depot.1 CToorlaagrr Oolllaig', also tla. Toest 3a.eart xlvoA 037 Tpxesa eua.d. Tin n 1 per exzid. ftaved JPLn.o S"h 1r gles, ' Sash, Doors and Blinds in stock. Door and Window Frames, Mantels4Stalr work and all kinds of house finish made jto order. . If you are going to build anything from a hen house to a mansion come to see us. We can fix you up and the price! will be right. Cur country friends will find they can reach our yards from the center of town by crossing fewer railroads than any other. Come to see us. How a Town is Populated. Every town has a liar or two; .a cuts smart aleck; some pretty ! girls; himself .Cincinnati Enquirer. Some Examples of Good Farming. Mr. G. W. Templeton, of Amity, cultivated last year 65 acres of ground. He spent $31 for 'fertili zer and made on the 65 acres 332 bushels of wheat, 500 bushels of corn and 15 bales of cotton. Mr. Templeton and his boys did nearly all the work of raising the crop themselves. This is good farming, but Mr. Templeton is a hustler Mr. J. J. Beaver, of the Amity section, raised 49 bales of cotton last year. He set out for 50 and came,.within one of it. Mr. O. A. Shook, oL Shiloh, raised five bales of cotton averag ing over 450" pounds each, on 4 acres of ground. This, too, is good farming. Statesville Land-" mark. . - Great Book Free. When Dr. R. V. Pierce.ot Buffalo. N. Jj, pnb lished the first edition of . his work. The People 8 Common Sense letbcal Adviser, he announced that aftei 680,000 corieshad been sold atthereg ular price $10 per copy, the profit on whh would repay him for the great amount of Jajor and money expended in producing it. he would distribute the next half million f-J8"1 ? number of copies has already b&old,heu nowdistributinir, absolutely free, 600 j000 comea of this most complete, interesting aitu1V?rTlv' common sense medical worK eyer P""- the recipient only being requirea w m m at the above address, tweniy-wuc .v-"' one-cent nostaire stamps to pay for packing ana postage only, and the book will be sent dv m, It is a veritable medical library, complete mail. in one volume. It contains oTer 1.CO0 pages jind nSre than 300 illustrations. The free edition is iWsely the same as those sold at fl except only that the books are bound in strong naanuia pajer covers instead of cloth. Send now before all are given away. , A Remedy for Felons. , Felons may be cured by an appli cation of rock salt and turpentine. Dry common rock salt in the oven, then pound it fine, and mix with it, an equal amount of turpentine. T n f it- In a IfrtAti ro rr a nrl wran ter off without ; men who stand on around h M A drieg pu nuu more loafers than it needs; a wo man or two that tattles; an old fogy that the town would be bet- make re man on more, and if followed up, the the street corners 1 w - 1 V felon will be killed in twenty-four "6" -j hours. Evangelical Messenger, time he says . anything; scores of ' . !iL . 1 ' ' m -. - men wicn toe caooose 01 ineir qioo trousers worn smooth as glass ; men l -t. Amu a 1 OT tmt, St- tr-h. mmm S -h a wuu van vcu ywu auuui uuvt iuo i v.,tK. th nnn if tati war Question Should be Settled, the haTe a child who soils bedding from inconten- V , . . .t! ence of water during sleep. Cures old and weather, and hOW to run Other peo- young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. L nlft'a business, but who have made Sold by C.ELHolton, druggist, Greensboro, N.C. mm Ik S mt m, mm - m . ' I W Willi a dismal failure 01 their own. Dr. K. Deichea'i Antl Dinrctle Irate Customer "That bug ex- Rev. Peter Edison, of color, who terminator you sold me the other divides the word alike to the faith ful and the unregenerate In the Snow- Creek country, did some good farming this year in addition to his ministerial labors. I Rev. Peter is 73 years old, but he day is no good. The cockroaches have fattened on it." - Affable Statesman "Yes, sir. That's the first stage. 'They get fat on it, and then they die of apoplexy. rained Come around next week and report with his own hands, he says, two again Anything I can do for you, Am mm m I W mm Mm V ml hloD nf Anttan lllll hllflhalo nf An?n luiaaiu w -WW vt WVU, '.. m - a. , a quaniuy ot poiaioes ana otner For coughs and colds take Gardner's truck. While carrying on his Tar and Wild Cherry Couch Cure. farming operations he kept up his Cor. opp, postoffice. pastoral work and conducted or ' " .- - i assisted in conducting a number Spreading rails caused five of revival meetings Statesville freight cars on the orfold & Landmark. ! Western rai road to jump the track near Monevilie one mgnt last wees. health. Cronn. colds and throat Use Gardner's U. S. Liniment for all troubles lead rapidly to Consumption, aches and pains. Cor. opp. postoffice. A bottle or une Minute uougn Curej used at the right time will preserve life, health and a large amount of money, Pleasant to take ; children like it. Howard Gardner. Tba Izi Yea Wm Ahrays Ect mmmmWmT .AT HlBBBBBBBBillllV Cape mmmPOajT mmmLi JOHN A. HODQXK, Sscretary and .Treasurer, Qreeaslcro, IT X. S3 Will continue to give weel by week during 1899, by means ol I'lastrattotxi and text, all the important news of the world in a clear and concise manner. B. C Wells POLITICS Indeoendent of parties, devoted to good government, it will not hesitate to approve or disapprove, Whatever the situation may be. Cuba and the Philippines Special articles will appear j on these . two countries by Messrs. Phil. Robinson and F. D. Millet, both of whom made special journeys to the .islands. 1 . . Jthe ART The leading artists of the country will contribute to the pages of the WEEKLY, as heretofore, making it the foremost illustrated weekly, Hawaii and Porto Rico These places will be similarly treated bv Caspar Whitney and W. Dinwiddle, who likewise made a study of the places. BEST...' PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE YEAR Is what HARPER'S WEEKLY has been in the past and will be in the future. The rreat work accomplished in the Ute.Spanuh-Anxncaa w is characteristic of the WEEKL JL W. Chambers Y live and energetic policy. SERIAL STORIES 1 'when the sleeper wakes. I Nrj I WITH SWORD AND CRUCIFIX. THE CONSPIRATORS, By H. O. Wells By E. S. Van Zlle By R. W. Chamber Caspar Whitney Some ihort-Story Contributors W.E.Norris Owen Hall F.J. McCarthy H-f-J11 E. F. Benson H. S. Williams John Corbln M. S. Briscoe ALASKA and its resources wtH be the subject cl a series cf papers by Edward J, Spurr. This Busy World bv E. S. Martin, will continue 10 THE WEST and its industries will bf treated in a series of articles by Franklin Matthews. I The London Letter wni be written bv Arnold White, will he fail of umeiv matter. 'mat amuse and instruct its reader , Amateur athletics k tinned weekly by its weliiuown editor, Mr. Caspar Whitney JO Cent o Copy Smb$crtptiOH.$4 00 a Year f) (m FrsnUin Matthews Address HARPER & BROTHERS. Publishers. New York. N. Y. HO W'S THIS j FOE A CLUB BATE : THE PATRIOT AIID THE WASHIHGTOn POST ! One "oaar-pxiJLxT-