0200,000 N EC E5SARY. I ( - 5 -A J s - f 1 .- " i 1 1 J SI I 1 I I V " v Jsijumsj tuns Mckes the food more delicious end wfco!escn:3 B Greensboro-Patriot. ESTAnLISDEO 18:21. WEDNESDAY. FEB. 1, 1899. LOCAL HEWS ITEUS. Mr. W. F, Clarida went to .Raffin Saturday to attend tba meeting of the Union Baptist Association. A supposed mad dog hat created some excitement among Southside res Idents during the past few days. Mr. Orlo Epps.of Washington City, a former resident of Greensboro, pas sed through "yesterday oo his way to Blowing Rock. llr.S.R. Ellis has resigned from his position with the Southern Express Co. and will, travel this year" for a wholesale hardware house. Mr. S. A. Hodgin, who holds a good position in the revenue office at Raleigh, came up last week and spent several days here on business. Judge Shaw presided over the Ca barrus county Superior court at Con cord last week. The Times says he presided "with ease, dignity, courtesy and ability." .Jack Robinson, a colored brake man on the Wilkesboro branch of the Southern, was killed last Friday by falling between two freight cars while passing over them. A deputy sheriff from High Point brought two prisoners to jail Friday nightJoe Hay nes and Elsie Carter. Haynes was sent up for forgery and the woman for larceny. The' Greensboro company of the Third North Carolina regiment (col red) will be mustered oiit at Macon, Ga., tomorrow. They are expected to arrive iu Greensboro Friday. . Rev. Howard E. Ronthaler, of Salem, a gifted young minister of the Moravian church, preached an inter esting sermon before the young ladies of the Normal and Industrial College Sunday evening. ' . Alamance Gleaner: Mr. G. "H. Royster, of Greensboro, general organ izer and solicitor for the Endowment Rank Knights of Pythias for this State, was in town yesterday and wrote sev eral thousand dollars insurance." Western Vindicator: Tomorrow Thursday) the Rutherford County Teachers' Association will hold its meetings at Ellenboro, and continue over to next day. Prof. P. P. Claxton, of Greensboro, will lecture at 11 a. m Friday, also at 7 p. m. The favorite whiskey of famous men is Harper. Because of its smooth, exquisite flavor ; because of it's match leas purity ; because of its mellow age. No wonder it's the favorite. Every drop sterling. Harper Whiskey. Sold by R. P. Gorrell, Greensboro, N. C. While in the city Saturday Mr. A. W. Palmer, of Winston, slipped on the ice and fell, breaking one of the bones of his right leg just above tbe ankle. He was removed to Hotel Clegg and given medical attention, when it was found that he was painfully though not seriously Injured. r , One night during Christmas week a man was found lying drunk in the mud of one of Stokes county's public reads. Some persons who chanced to pass built a fire near the drunken 'man to keep him from freezing. During the night he was badly burned, and last week he died from the effects of the burns. ; Mt. Airy News : Mr. John A. Young, proprietor of the Greensboro Nurseries, came up Monday night. He Is stopping with his sister, Mrs. R. B. Hlnes, on Pine street. Mr. Young is very successful and we trust that 'he and his associates, who are establish ing what is to be known as the Mount Airy Orchard Company, wili meet ' with good luck. A movement is on foot among the merchants of the city to organize a Business Men's Association. A pre liminary meeting was held Monday night to discuss tha matter and formu late plans. An adjournment was taken until next Monday night, when every merchant In the city is. requested to be present. The association Is designed te be a benefit to the easiness interests of Greensboro as well as a mutual pro tection to the merchants of the cit' .We take care of estates and proper ties for owners or heirs, pay taxes, Inr eurancelook after general conditions, collect rents, etc. Piedment Realty fc Guaranty Co. Bedford' Anti-Pain Plasters Guaranteed to relieve weak back. Sold by J no. B. Farlss, drnggtst, 131 South Elm street, 7 STATE ITEW&. A large eilk mill is projected for Wilmington. Ex-Judge Thomas H. Sutton is critically ill at his home in ifay etteville. The Southern Biblical Assembly will meet in Charlotte during the month of May. - The Planters' Bank is a new fin ancial institution just established at Rocky Mount. Dr. 6. A. Foote, a prominent physician of Warrenton, died at hie-home last week. A little daughter of George Blackwell, of Rowan county, was burned to death last week. W. S. Sbuman, a well known cit izen of Charlotte, fell dead on the street last Thursday night. It is said that every white Dem ocrat in Smithfield has signed a petition for a dispensary in that town. ... . ' George W. Justice, an AsheTille attorney, was arrested in Raleigh Saturday on a charge of stealing lawbooks. Mrs. Laura Jenks died at her home in Lincoln county last week from the effect of barns received several days previous.7 There are said, to have been thirteen cases of smallpox at Hall town, McDowell county, five of them resulting fatally. Rey. R. L. , Patten, of Morgan town, has accepted the call as gen eral missionary of the Baptist de nomination in Western Carolina. , , There are said to be about fifteen cases of smallpox in one community in Edgecombe county. One of the victims, J. W. Howard, died of the disease last week. A Confederate veterans' bazaar was held in Balelgh last week. It was a success in every way and netted $1,500 for the local camp of United Confederate Veterans. - A. L. Robinson, superintendent of the electrical work on the South ern Railway, has jtfst returned to Salisbury from Manila, where he went soon after the late war broke out. " . Thieves stole" five, hundred dol lars' worth of goods from two stores in Oxford one night last week and then stole a horse and buggy with which to haul them out of town. v Hon. Thomas jW. Mason, of Northampton county, is spoken of as a member of the railroad com mission. He was the Democratic candidate for lieutenant-governor in 1896. . ; F. G. Moore, formerly a resident of Charlotte, but more recently of Washington, D. C, has been ap pointed private secretary to Gen. John R. Brooke, governdr-general of Cuba. Massidon Joeey, of Franklin township, Rowan county, while in an epileptic fit last week, fell into the fire and was fatally burned. He died within a few hours after the accident. The Wilkesboro Chronicle 'says that It is understood that the Southern Railway will apply to the Federal court at an early day asking that a receiver be appointed to hold the railroad funds of Wilkes county. Will Wacasser, a white man of Lincoln county, recently eloped with another man's wife, leaving his own wife and children in- des titute circumstances. The desert ed wife is now insane and will be sent to an asylum, will be placed in the The children poor house. C. C. Moore, a merchant of CrouBe's, Lincoln county, was at tacked last week by Luther Bates, an ex-moonshiner, who cut his throat almost from ear to ear. The knife did not go deep enough to open the jugular vein, which is the only thing that saved Mr. Moore's life. The bills reorganizing the Atlan tic and North Carolina Railway passed the senate Monday. Uuder these laws the road will pass nnder Democratic control and the direct or will be chosen by the Board of Internal Improvements, which in turn will be chosen by the legisla ture. ; The draft of the new election law has been . completed. It pro Tides for a State election every four years on the first Thursday in August, beginning in 1900. It also provides for a State election board of five discreet persons and for a county board of three members each. Th o Ponltontl ary E m p 1 oyo o a In Somo Cases Too Drunk for Business A Female Con" vict Ruined by Employees Raleigh, Jan. 28. Before the joint committee on penal Institutions this evening, Senator Brown, chairman of the Bab-committee investigating the penitentiary, stated that he did not make a full disclosure of the results of examinations, but bed no besitaney in saying that the mismanagement of the penitentiary was beyond a parallel In the history of the State. He said the penitentiary owed $110,000 that he knew of. How mnch more he was un able to say, and advised that this debt be liquidated at once. He thought a bond issue of 1200,000 would be neces sary to. put the institution In good shape, and believed that within two years, with proper management, tbe penitentiary would be a source of reve nue. Mewborne, he said, was worre than Smith and tne employees gener ally were a disgrace to North Carolina.- , Only a few days since his commit tee could not get books from tbe peni teutiary because a book-keeper was beastly drunk, and even now. there was In the Institution a woman convict ruined by the employees, and the con victs alio at Castle Hayne were allow ed to get drunk, and there and at other places were filthy beyond description. He urged the necessity of immediate action, and the committee instructed all newspaper reporters to have their papers insert advertisements that all claims against the penitentiary be sent to J. A. Broun, chairman, inside of ten days. Degree of Foreclosure. Baltimore, Jan.; 27. Judges Goff and Morris, in the United States Circuit court today, signed a decree ior ioreciosure ana sale of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad under the consolidated mortgage, and appointed Messrs. Dunham and Spamer special masters to make the sale. The property is to be sold! as an entirety and the sale is to be made on 60 days notice to be j given by the special masters upon request of solicitors of the Mer-; cantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore, trustee for the con solidated mortgage, and is to be at public auction at Camden Station, this .city. The masters shall ac cept no bid less than $25,000,000, aad in case that amount is not bid, they shall adjourn the sale and ap ply to the court for further instructions. MM nd TT 0 a' in B i ! v dL 89 0. A - ". ' v 1 1 -.'V1 " 1 : I ; i, 75 cents a bushel, S2.I0 per bag of 3 bushels. Guaranteed true to name and 3 bushels in every bag 0 D 01 1 II! i Lawlessness in Santiago. Santiago, Jan. 31. American restrictions on lawlessness are arousing the same spirit of revolt as prevailed under Spanish author ity. Negroes are arrogant and troublesome and most of the large sugar plantations are being oper ated under armed guards. Irre sponsible natives are .constantly cutting' military telegraph lines. A Cuban courier Bent by Postmas ter Kempner with a letter for San Luis has disappeared. It is be lieved that he was murdered by lawless bands who are committing all eorts of outrages despite efforts of soldiers to run them down. . f ! Mrs. Cordelia Botkin's attorneys in San Francisco have commenced their fight for a new trial. They base their claims for a new trial on the ground that the California court had no Jurisdiction in the matter. 1 Whitecaps attempted to whip Tom Jackson in Harlan county, Ky., when Jackson's wife, inter fered, killing William Wright, the leader. . j Use Gardner's U. S. Liniment for all aches and pains. Cor. opp. postoffice. The Right Sort. They have been In business to please their patron; they know how to dolt; they will please you every timeand prices the lowest, at I The Tom Rice Jewelry Co. j. R. Wbart6n and others . ts. v ; The Bank rf Guilford. Haring been appointed referee and adjuster of claims against the Bank of Guilford in the above entitled case by His Honor, Judge Bryan, and ordered to cire notice of the time and place where proof of debts would be taken, notice is hereby given to all persons who hold claims of an r kind, either as depositors or otherwise, to appear before me, and at the Bank of Guilford, in Greensboro, N. C with the proof of their claims, including deposit s ips and passbooks, on the first day of February, 1899, at 10 o'clock A. M., and from that day continuously for thir ty days, except Sundays, until the proofs are all submitted to me. This 18th day of January, 1899. ' S.H.BOYD, 4-lw Referee and Adjuster. NEW BUILDING, 208, 2 0, 212, 214 SOUTH DAVIE ST., GREENSBORO. ALWAYS USE 3 l COCOA PURE ! HEALTHFUL!! Wb are receiving1 a lot , of g IP YOUR i Teeth or Eyes to to TROUBLE YOU GO TO I DE. GEIFFITH, $ $ DENTIST AITS OFTHALHIST. $ to to 20 years experience with tbe W $ Teeth and 8 years with the & b Kyes. Glasses furnished. Con w to sulfation FREE. Satinfaction $ guaranteed. Office in K. of P. $ Building, South Elm Street. S A Cough Stopped ! People who are suf fering from coughs, colds, hoarseness or bronchial inflama tlon will find a pos itive cure by using IN ONE MINUTE. MmM Cough Sp;. 50 CENTS. FREE SAMPLE AT STORE. JFoJm IB. IFejrisa 121 8, ELM ST., OPPOSITK BINBOW BOUSE. 'AT And invite you to call and inepeot them. ? E3EHnESL3rnE3 I 214 SOUTH ELM STREET. satis sqddcSI (DsaW WILSILN SPRING '33 ?his week something NEW in SPRING STYLES HATS and CAPS. tit-: i All Heavy Suits, Overcoats, Wool and Silk Underwear, and G kinds at closing out prices. See them. dves of til Very Respectfully, IL Vaastosy Go. 1 r The Low Priced Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers. J3HKS.STZ7ABT. W. r. PHOTS. U. C. . GO TO BOYCOTT'S TOR THE BEST riltil ID GARDEN SEEDS ! i ! Biggest packages and best values for the money. 0. D. BOYCOTT, 116 T7EST T.TATIKCT ST. Pursnant to a decree of the Superior court of Guilford county. North Carolina, made in the case of J.W. Cornish, et al ts. Elizabeth Pe Kram et al. heirs-at-law of Jesse Pegram, de ceased, the undersigned will, en SATURDAY, MARCH 4,1899, . - ..11 A nrtmliH tn th lat And hitrhest bid- derby public auction tbe following described Guilford county, North Carolina, two roues from Stokesdale. on tbe road leading to Oak Bldre, and located on the waters of Haw Hirer, adjoining the lands of J. 8. Pegram on the east, the heirs of John King on the south and south- west, George regranvs neirs on mo wv., vmu Jones' and John King's heirs on the north, con taining 140 acres more or less: but front the forerolng is sared and excepted tbe hereinaf -ter described dower interest of Elizabeth Pe gram, set apart by metes and bounds as fol lows: Beginning at a stone, Jones' corner, run ning west 27 poles and 10 links f an old chest nut stump, Jones' corner; thence north 28 de crees west 14 poles and 17 links to a post oak. Jones' corner; thence north 83 degress west 23 poles to King's line; thence south along King's and George Pegram's line 114 poles to a stake; thence east (new line) 84 poles to a stake west side of public road; thence north 10 degrees west 104 poles to the beginning 8. Brook bank's and R. F. Watkins' line, containing 45 acres and 56 poles more or less. At the same time and ntace. and upon the same terms, tbe reTersion ary interest in abore described dower lot will be sold Txrms or Sals: One-half cash and balance in 90 days, taking bond and approred security drawing interest from date of sale. This an. SOth, jojfi cj n-i nV mc riclr. wear and restless. Dr. Miles' Rextoratrre iNcrriae brings rest. Happy housewives ' and wtau tcayt on time when . ' BUCK'S GREAT WHITE ENAMEL Line of Stovc-mqrc vsed. H an eaual. Fire back tcarranted JIJ teen years. Be sure to n l91 if you need a stove. ; j Alio the irreat nn-to-diate CHATTANOOGA PLOWS, the US' BORNE DISC HARROW, and full line of Farming Tools. Lowef- prices, quick. salei and short profits. Be ure to see us. THE GREENSBORO HARDWARE COMPAHT, 223 SOUTH: TfTT.TVr tJ'X'irt H . H OlUHEnST SBOBO. STJBSCEIBB EOie THE P ATBIOT.