nil i a .nr ttod J.aniy Has Subm rnrl xu v - Serf bKSK Pnlted -Brethren tm0iSLv vs. the North iSit Company and oil ; submitted -,t artUtf - . W fit I . Ml I f if T- 1 fin .veHoV- K v,,th Mate I iece o of J f ass ft t l. r U tn other aeu ttlU of the rece f doli ment, covering wnn State eich rr . r . Lfc-fet be enuueu "VT T: iJfr . .- Lf jw.o niircnasB nrice of the claims' as Udfge, evidenced by irpd bv a deed in j V. C. Bed bow, 1 i . Urkv in Greensboro ; ihHng paid on tne of tne trust nas The referee1 per nrnvfl for the en- Hpal and interest against the assets rkrorovement.Com . t i ! vv i : KAn now. We l-rrniJeiilaa it aopears by gimpliyi as a collateral r hat"thel$5p,. s, all of which Fry for $160 is Ippears from tjbe ver that the same rntt3d by sbme arrangement tbejaimant and said fti . claim w y rr-4 X 5BaQk, ol Wfw lorn., la uu L-fed. , . J..T f Vaughn, of Mftdi. iPfas foilows: At the "LJih North Bute Improye- FT MrL Vauhn.iri Jan- S JS91, Ip'urcMsed certain lots rljrv to tie ' trakk arrangement Of QYV. H paying ther t-H&OO of his ow i money and Jfopu Ktg to the North State Im Qect Cimpai1 y. Afterwads the Unv Daia,f500 additional, Reaving jjpaid by Vaufehn. He has been session orpmri ui uo .a thprfl are certain dwellings, ihave been rented-and he has re- the rents therefor since 'y, ..lie. rerit.3 have Paid the inter- tjpbnthenbteshbld by Mr. Vaughn, ktfnst in uvor oi me xionn wto'icpaEFi-.' I ' " , I 'J Ibi'report d thd re eree gives the liuf creditors, ofpihe North State spiny. Tiey afe given below : Kirtba A. Kempt! Greensboro. Con- Uaoa of United; Brethren for $ 1U,- 0, with interest trom uctoDer,zuin, 3?,t 8 per pent. I . ' . f " " k y Rowe Wieeins, of Wilmington, ilslieSitidnkl i?anlc, of Wilming- H Wilminiton Savings and Trust atpiaj, Mercnanis uiaiipnaai al ll'oion i and! National Martin .; of Baltimore!,1' settled by recefv- i: . " -i: 1 : yX Williams, of Fayetteville. ; IT. Gray and W: Hi Lilly, eiecu a - : l ! V I . Enrer Creek anc Bluff Mills Co. S:ibR. Garden of New York.. LDivennort. Jr. of Richmond. h& Xttipqal Bank, !of Richmond. MtioDal Bank, Greensboro. Btak of Fayetteville. .E.Kyle.Fayetteviller ITercy Gniy, Greensboro. Kcrchivin It f !nl Nr Ynrk. V.1 Caldwell, Bettie Caldwell and B,Bojrart; executors of D. F i. i n iE. Joyce, assigoeeof W. A wpie 8 Hariri Lypchburg. U.DeRoskett, Wilmington. iWilliabisayetteville. W. a Benbow and C. C. Mc ,Greeri!iboroJ j '128S A. Tml" WoKrtrr U WflliaW New York, fc of WaVne. I j iFalton. . Nltlnnal Pont Janr M.VaupKn'. MiHi-nn I ! M. Rose, Fayeiteville. I Roi al indebtedness aggregates report ; entitled No. Iras 3se win be ,'feiained hv Mr. Man. portiotUte pirt pjf the assets de thd sale df bonds to Iwhieh ggrticular crtditcjr is : entitled. trustee, and conveyed by Mebade. jWiuston Sen- Cald- Lash. a are i , fmoid Fevef in Havana. fTA.NA. ' Mar O j TU1 trv-eaiegpf tYnhoid fflTflr in th I3V Dlvi ion HosDital in! Ma1. L j iEe fever mav hecome ground fT "1 V,n i'f r.W ine intention Hi k -VPhciiic' ' S4 . TV .'"of Ul was jlrainage as good American citv. farH away all refuse. hot. carried opt, oome ae- i i t. 1P oia feyer had 'riea. exiBts in the Tenth t, encamped in the HUb&art f U. in the hds ! i t i j 'o? Retail, will rti Tause oi Banit. bun . - pour does newlv pre hereafter to not appear. Frankness. People who are frank seldom get into any misunderstandings with their fellow or difficulties of any kind. They check any tendency to misconception of their view's or purposes by frankly avowing them, and are incapable of entering up on an intrigue. But there are rel atively few people Who are entirely frank, and hence in real life, as well as in novels t and plays, there are many misunderstandings and many intrigues. Fiction, indeed, could scarcely exist if its charac ters were frank and outspoken; There is scarcely a novel or play which is not dependent for the in terest it excites upon some misun derstanding arising from a want of frankness on the part of some of the characters. Sometimes it is the villain who deliberately mis leads the other characters and con ceals his purposes ; sometimes it is the hero or heroine who fails to speak the right word at the right time through pride or perversity, and thus gives rise to thestory. Nor are these novels and plays mere works of imagination. They are founded upon .the experiences of men and women and are valued only as they approach our concep tions of truth respecting characters and events. But the individual need not be deterred by this con sideration from cultivating frank ness. His neighbors can be relied upon to furnish the material for misunderstanding and intrigues, while he enjoyes the peace of mind that comes of truth. It is not al ways easy, however, to determine the proper limitations of frank ness. When it is assumed it often degenerates into brutal bluntness and gives rise not to misunder standings, but to the opposite. Every one has met the man or woman who prefaces disagreeable remarks or interference into other people's affairs with the saying: "I never hesitate to speak my mind" or I think it only right to frankly say,,, fcc. The frankness that is commendable comes from the truth that. is in one's heart. It is not obtrusive, nor is it subject to repression by pride or any of the baser passions. When one is rec ommended to cultivate frankness he is not advised to merely assume j it, but to plant the seed and nour ish it. .The seed is truth, of which frankness is only the fruit. We cannot have the fruit without the seed, but we may have the seed and so neglect it that it will never grow and bear fruit. To be frank we must not only have truth in our hearts, but have the courage to give it expression, and the lack of courage is generally the chief Im pediment. A desire to avoid con troversy or a dislike, of what are called "scenes," or pride may have to be pvercome if we would speak frankly, and we may not have the moral courage to overcome these impediments to free speaking. To cultivate frankness, therefore, we must first of all have truth in our hearts, and then develop the moral courage required to give it expres sion; But this is not all ; we must, at the same time, keep control of our tempers that, frankness may not degenerate into scolding or in to unnecessary bluntness., The man who is frank in the best sense of the word is the ideal gentleman true, courageous, considerate. We should all cultivate frankness, nev er merely assume it. Baltimore Sun. ": Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suf fered agony for thirty years, and then cared bis Piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin diseases like magje. How ard Gardnen;- An Escaped Postof&ce Robber Re captured. Jo8epfcTE. Reid, a convicted safe blower and postofflce burglar, who escaped, from the North Carolina State penitentiary on January 20 last, was arrested at 3 o'clock yes tesday morning by Detectives Boyd and Home and Postofflce Inspector Edwin S. Leland, of New York. Reid was found in a lodging-house on G-street, known as "Ajax'e." His indentity is fully established, and he will be held for the-North Carolina authorities, who have been informed of his capture. The prisoner, his pal, Joe Jones, and a man named Miller were ar rested in Winston, N. C, on April 24 last." There had been many robberies of postoffices throughout North Carolina, Maryland and Vir ginia by a gang which had avoided capture for a long time. The of fices of Newport News, Falls Church and Hyattsvilie were among those burglarized, and not a week passed for months without a burglary of this kind. In many cases the post offices robbed were in stores, and these suffered, too.- The burglars never carried off anything but cash, stamps and firearms. Washington Post, 27th. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burns and Skin Diseases. These are immediately relieved and quickly cared by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of worthless imitations. How ard Gardner. BY A RICHMOND SYNDICATE Control Secured of tho Soa board Air Line, Florida Cen tral. & Peninsula and tho Georgia & Alabama. New York, March 1 The Mall and Express says : . - i "The Florida Central & Peninsula Railroad, according to advices received Un Wall street to-day, has passed into tne Hands of the Richmond syndicate, headed by John Skeleton Williams, who. recently secured control of the Seaboard Air Line. This control has been obtained through the purchase of the stock of W. Bayard Cutting and R. Fulton Cutting, of this city, who held a controlling interest in the prop erty. The Messrs. Catting are said to have secured for the other stockhold ers the privilege of selling their minor ity stocks on terms giving them full protection. With this purchase, the syndicate will control the Seaboard Air Line, the Florida Central & Penin sula and the Georgia & Alabama." j ' PLANS OP THE SYNDICATE. j Baltimore, March I The following official statement was given out here to-day : .' - ' ' , 'John 8. Williams & Co., of Rich mood, and Middendorr, Oliver & Co., of Baltimore, for themselves and asso ciates, have purchased of W. Bayard Cutting and R Fulton Cutting, of New York, a majority of the capital stock of the Florida Central and Peninsula Railroad. The Messrs Cutting have secured for all other stockholders of the Florida Central & Peninsula Rail, road the privilege of selling their minority stock on terms giving them full protection. . , 1: "It is understood that no changes will be made immediately In the man agement of the company, although it is believed that later. op plans will be developed looking tpa closer union be tween the Florida Central & Peninsula Railroad, the Georgia & Alabama Rail road and the Seaboard Air Line, all three of which are now owned and controlled by the purchasers of the Florida Central fe Peninsula Rail road." :!: . K';. " ' j; It is understood that the associates, of which mention is made in the an nouncement, include the Baltimore Trust and Guarantee Company, the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Compa ny and Irvine Keyser and Harry M. Parr, of this city ; the Produce Ex change Trust Company, of New York, andythe Richmond Trust and Deposit Company, of Richmond, Va. These corporations and gentlemen formed the syndicate which recently bought a controlling interest in the Seaboard Air Line. They now control 2,345.21 miles of railroad. The ultimate plan of the syndicate is probably to obtain a good, Northern connection so that the service will extend from the ex treme South to New York. The lines already controlled and . with which traffic arrangements are operative, ex tend as far north as Quantico, Va., 18 miles from Washington. It is believ ed this gay, a franchise for which has already been secured, will be construc ted in the near future, and that the new system will connect at - Washing ton with the Baltimore fe Ohio, thus making a through line from New York to southern Florida. Car lists Again Active. Madrid, Mar. 2. The newspa pers are urging the government to maintain its precautions against Carlist activity, especially upon the i frontier, where attempts are being made to smuggle arms j and ammunition into the country with a yiewj to an early Carlist rising, j El Correspondent Militar es timates that 440,000,000 pesetas will be required to cover the cost of the last two wars in Cuba. The committee of the Senate for the verification of credentials has examined Admiral Cervera, (who had contended that he was entitled to sit in the Senate, inasmuch as criminal proceedings had not been taken against him. The Admiral declared that if the. loss of his squadron were a crime, it must be attributed to the government, which sent him to the Antilles against his will. He told the com mittee that he wept on receiving congratulations upon his safe arri val at Santiago de Cuba, for he had foreseen disaster. Trusses and Crutches at Gardner's. cor. opp. postofflce. j Extradition With, Llexioo. Citt op Mexico, Mar. 2. The extradition treaty negotiated be tween Mexico and the United States has been signed by Foreign Minister Mariscal and Ambassador Powejl Clayton. The treaty, which is predicated upon the proposition made by Mexico in 1885, is to have a retroactive effect, so as to cover the cases of fugitives from justice duringj the interregnum between the old and the new treaties. The convention broadens the embezzle ment clause to cover not merely public money, but all defaultca tions or thefts. Another clause provides for the delivery of stolen goods on the de mand of either government. A copy of the treaty has been mailed to the State Department at Wash ington, in the hope that it may ar rive in time to be acted upon by the Senate'before adjournment. NO CURE-NO IAY. That is the war all drureteU sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TOSIC foe Chills, Ferer and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children lore it. Adults Draft? it to bitter natueatins tonics. Price, too. JUDGMENT FOR JUDKINS. Danville Man Wins Suit For $124,009 In New York. Yesterday's New York Journal says : "Judgment for $124,009 was entered yesterday against Julian 8. Carr in favor of William D. Judkins for dam ages for breach of contract in refusing to pay a commission of 5 per cent, on the sale of $2,448,901 of stock of the Black well's Durham Tobacco Com pany, which was negotiated bv Mr. Judkins on December 13 last. The sheriff's jury assessed the damages." Mr. Judkins ia a resident of Danville, though recently he has been located in New York city, where he is promi nently connected with the tobacco in terest. - The suit referred to above was insti tuted by Mr. Judkins after the control of BlackwelPs Durham Tobacco Com pany passed to the Union Tobacco Company, the transfer being largely due to tne enorts or Mr. Judkins. The plaintiff is a son of Rev. Wm. . Judkins, of the Virginia Confer ence, M. E. Church, South. Danville Register. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy is intended esneciallv for ! coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and influenza. It has become famous for its cares of these diseases, over a large Dart of the civilized world. The most flattering testimonials have mm Deea received, giving accounts of its good works; of the aggravating and persistent coughs it has cured ; of se vere colds that have yielded promptly to its soothing effects, and of the dan ere reus attacks of croun it- has enred. often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooplag cough nas snown mat it roos mat disease of all dangerous conseaaences. 'Soldbv C. E. Helton. Trasses and Cratches at Gardner's, corj opp. postomce. - Omaha Acquired a Thirst. Omaha, Neb., Mar. 2. Today, for the first time in the city's his tory,' the saloons were hermetically sealed. This was the result of a clash between certain factions prominent in city affairs, one of which has made a wholesale on slaught on the gambling fraternity, and the other, in retaliation, has invoked the power of the police force to close the saloons. The raids on the wet goods dis pensaries began three weeks ago today, but those who know the ropes found little difficulty in moistening their throats. Today it was different. Twenty officers were detailed to watch the saloons, and they did their duty. . Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the Eng lish Baptist Church at Miners villejPa when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says: "A few applications of this liniment proved of great service to me. It subdued the inflammation and relieved the pain. Should any suf ferer profit by giving Pain Balm a trial It will please me." For sale by C. E. Holton.. - Keep in the house VickV Magic Croup Salve (25c.) for this sudden disease. We learn to recognize a mere blunting of the conscience in that incapacity for indignation which is not to be confounded with the gentleness of charity or the reserve of humility. Amiel's Journal. Landreth & Sons' reliable Oarden Seed fresh at Gardner's, corner oppo site postofflce. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if it fails to Cure. 25e The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. - A r j WOOD'S SEEDS. Wood's Tlaine-Qrown Seed Potatoes are unquestionably the best Seed Pota toes for Southern planting. Our Pota toes are grown especially for seed pur poses in the best potato district In Maine, and are noted for their earll . ness, uniformity and large yields pro duced. The largest potato growers in the South are planting our Seed Pota toes, with' the best and most profitable results. We also offer VA. SECOND CROP POTATOES grown from Maine seed. These give splendid crop results and are popular with, truckers everywhere. Wood's Descriptive Seed Catalogue, giving full Information, mailed free. Prices quoted upon request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Va. The Largest Seed House in the South. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED. EVER Y where for The Story of the Philippines, by Marat llalstead, commissioned by the Gov ernment as Official Historian to the War De partment. The book was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Agumaldo, on the deck of the Oirmpia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at tne fall of Manila. Bonan za for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot; Large book. Low prices. Big profits, rreirht paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofilcial war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Sec'y, Star Insurance Bldg Chicago. gimncn Tlbbcc Gmam. the fence. I want tn pa lnt- Vir mnh ORINOCO GUANO was used than from 2. 1 TJVt fei the lot over more net money I will realize where iuo omer Drand over there. This To- - - - . J Ui I . U D W bacco looks fine, and has n ha.uii.-l.Ai.. - ' Pi wv uv,auuj . IS088. tear ain't no usa tAlklnc Hif npivnpnnTTiVAi . . - -t-.v w. tv6vco mior we iJUl umrtUUU." x F. S RoTSTKR Oua2yo Co. : j 8jkTT"'wniT7GrnTlH8 Co, N. O, Aoj. Jl. I used Toiir ORTVOPin PPRttt T7tT . . ,7. r --.www "4iiuitik iur iwu yeari on uiv lobarro rrnn and It acted well for me. My Tobacco Was of good size and yellowed f well on thA hill nnri uroH nUnl. T .v.i.Lj . "u ."ow Weil on : " - - u,vs,ji wuvaiucu kuou prices ior it. It stands at thu head of the list of standard fertilizers. I expect t6 use itaraln. Yours truly, -W. W. HART. 7 j C Un THE HAS COTTEN IN A FULL LINE 11, OF FMCWIK.CflSSIfflES.CflEVIOTS.MlPCOffi v! -'.!:! ; j AND 1 ( EXT JUST TASE A LOOS AT TEE IWft SPEDTQ STYLES. FDufHE inn frf J J lb lSn V Insure your property against fire and see us before, placing it, and get OUR RATES. We have strong companies, and all business en trusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. BOYD & GLENN, Boom No. 6 Katz Building. OPPOSITE S HI N BO"W hotjssl ! ' 1 ZEUooxizigr,, also tixe "best 3a.ea.xt rlrod. 037 press ek&d. Tytnlper and isaTred. HPIxuq STi 1 r gleg- I Sash. Doors and Blinds In stock. Door and Window Frames, MantelsStalr work and all kinds of house finish made to order. If yon are going to build anything trom a hen house to a mansion 00 me to see as. We can fix yon up and the price will be right. Cur country friends will find they can reach our yards from the center of town by crossing fewer railroads than any other. Come to see us. JOHN A. EODQIK, Secretary and Treasurer, Greensboro, !! .C. Over the town, but no one ever thinks of dispensing with these valuable family protectors, to-wit : i ! I t VICK'S -LIT T.L1S LilVlSK JflLil.S, CfC.) & tonic laxative tnat cures torpiu liver and dvsDensia. KODAK HEADACHE POWDERS, (lOc.)torall pains In back or iTead. VICK'S MAGIC CROUP SALVE (5c.) always relieves this dangerous dis ease at once. Sold everywhere, or sent jn receipt of price. , THE L. RICHARDSON DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS, TA If you intend to build or enlarge you on Material. We will surprise you n prices. We make a specialty of btlSeSiEsp 5 3 5 Now don't think for a minute we jsre selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. Our motto : Large sales, small profits. It DO uuni r house, come to us lor an estimate we can show you the largest stock in the South. Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N.C. CT HOW'S THIS FOR A CLUB RATE: THE PATRIOT AND THE WASHIHGTOII FUSi !