1 ' M,MaMMaa.aaaaa-a--- i"""""""""""""""""""""" 10) GMP be U.0. ETET7ALT. , 0 (DD. TO SWEEP ALL. rsJ- - i : - -' ; i ' ' ' ;"; -; ; M v77 ?M . , .' 'X . i ii i OTIS' PREPARATIONS F O R : AN ONSLAUGHT ALMOST r : COMPLETE . of 31 odccrs and 1,702 men, Including LIBRARY the entire Third Infantry resident and a battalion of the Seventeenth infant ry The Sherman ealled from New York, February 3rd. - The transport Sheridan, under com mand of Lieutenant Colonel J.' H. 8mltb, of the Twelfth infantry and a bittalion of the Seventeenth infantry. AND GYMNASIUM. Tho Stato Normal Goto An Ap- m . propnauon oi o,uuu ror aBuildincr Senator Cocke withdrew hia amend ment. ( Therote on the bill ahowedayet, 30; noes, 14. . ; . J The following is the Tote : Messrs. Brown, Bryan, Butler, Col- Will 4 0 nwMil A a Am tlrnTt4 dollar, for imnrovBments at 1 the Stata ?!e Cowper, Eairea. Fields, Ful- Normal and Industrial Collece. at ler OIe.n?.. Goodwin, Hill, James, Greensboro, was the tpecialj order of XV Jonns!?n; I-mbert, Lindsay, .... r.:... ' 'J M makingatoUlor57o3cers and 1J95 . RinM inhft T.ffi.utnra fiiitiirdav Mason, Mclntyre, Newsom, Os- Uisasiroua noouu iu iwu t- mfin Besides tha tho Ecanoke. with " " " 7 i T I borne. Batterfiisldr Kkinnr smim . : . : t . . , laitemoon. i i , . a tfyes of art Attompt Mado by Them to Capturo tho 1 ' , Wator Works. men. uesiaes tocsa tna licanoie, wuo i ,ttrnesnr . , . i . iDorne, eattertield. a fair aiied detachment of recruita for Q.rt. t..i ?- k 1. Pght Travis, Ward. Whitaker. thejirions regiments already in .the lnt naQelng the annoal approp,u. Williams, Wilaon.-Ayes, 30. archipelago, has gotten a good sUrt on . S2 kqq Ha tha .n-i .n The following TOtedo : the way to Manila, and the transport , , had been increased aufflJ M.eS8rsl .BUcf Pmpbeli, Cocke, V.I... ..il.l lm Wan if.annlenn I c- ; . , Whr you THE :n St! Washington, March 6. There is Mrucia su ua M" "V, clent for these improvements some reason to expect important news I?? for ,.M?nl vl .?laJ? made. I from Manila within the next tortnignt. l""' genator Fields aald be U has deyeloped that General Otis b.u J,IIe7 """P'?1 f ways been clpso on practical.? completed bis Vans, r. ber o W, Po nt igned jow to be CoolJt Crlspt Davis, Franks, Hicks, jusuce, Aimer, Murray, Koblcson, O i . 1 1 mi a V m hfl ,i. oiwioaci, xoomas. ioes, 14. Kai these appropria- eigh Post. rikv vour cash for farming tools, you want to get the best irand onslaught uDon the insurgents I Wln vTloas .rP . vt . Denurious. but he o t - i .. i wht inntfiA. mvx naiii thii mrmininiii i . . ... ... . o n ... . I nnikin AnnM hAnAtit inn ntiiN might think him ROBBERY AT THE NEVADA. was aatisnea tnat Bonds Worth S20.000 and Other Plunder Stolen 4Tho Thieves Causht by Accident. rikly on Its merits and is the LIGHTEST DRAFT MADE. nr nrun it k wiinw hi 7Anrpr nrftir. nn uel&did icrtucit u aia.o it mui nn inn irmm ra ior k-5u TT I K U.1DV"V" m - - . ... - i I w T i - hU ipvar. sol d steel frame, ana is wunoui an equai. ceun.' t 0 rt iiorclwara or all aescriDUons. oco oo. ftpr.r iius v ; i ... tjc The apartments of Judge Thomas B. Womack, in the Nevada apartment house at Seventh street and the Boule- THE GREENSBORO HARDWARE COLIPMJY. A GAK Disc Harrows and Far- mers Friend Corn 1 .1 1 77 . Planters to arrive LOAD I 7. 7 - Asl; L3 f. veek. roar neighbor about the will- ten--y" 1 BEST MADE. .,7. nMA.An r.1111 I PR ni flint I that he will form s large part ol his ruvye.c g.mou., u. lent echool which was educating the 11 II I 1 1 III: I I:HII I Ml El II U forca into columns, as soon as hia re- tne cracc eixin anuiery, i, men 8tate-whose influence as II H I I HlvUUUn UIIILkbEl I L.UUU !nrnrMmeilts are all at hand, and will r oroers 10 proceea otherfJ and teachers in after life are - w . r - I . I nil. m . Kt A Aa.llASt mnmAnK I nOM Tfa I . . . ... push these in parallel lines tnrougn v,.-. pa8t computing. 1 am nearuiy in heinneles.clearineouttheinsurgents orcements,wh ,, . . - no rn nnflar an rim of lunRn dt me . mnn j r ward. The American troops are get L oro Normal ana inaustriai voun I .--u T. .n ""r. tine renlese and nervous under the w- ui uwps n w was the fountain head to-day 01 mod- VrY i I. i uT iT 7i . .u rittybu plated for service in the Ulanda and are em cWlUiallon, Woman V God's 1?JJW lib the Filipinos and are so anxious to put MtoUoB: r . f- given angel to mankind. 8he is the JobVcco, C"pnJ' J0 Ai General Otis has The Sixth U nVedtates infantry Qm 0fen and the uiding 8tarof deeds to proper y vielded to their desire. now at San Antonio, the Ninth United man.aJxlstence. 8he is man's govern- a 0UX vc rw tre ,wew 8tolen- 7 Fom-oVe rthousand6 officers and men States infantry at Madisonarracks, home-however big he may think Almost all of this property was recov- bf tSry any forces comprise and the Thirteenth United States In. hlmself abroad. ., j , LJaIV arrCSted the aooroximate total of American fantry at Fort Crooks and neighboring Tfa w heathen method was to through an accident. , : strenethno and under points, and the Twenty-first United ze woman in a narrow channel . ExJDd8 S? Cp W kP 10 order! for seTvi States infantry at Plattsburg. N. Y., rontract her life and development, ZX"Yot ? leib N- C' ?n ?a K and the Sixth United Staiea artillery, d 1 this Christian day, any man Tue-day ntght. In the afternoon he ;rtiVn of now scattered along the Atlantiu coast rtb wiihes to return to this heathen went out, accompanied bjt Mn.Aom. Bto&M-ln atanumberofpoIntP.hedateofe. hi ack to payaomecall. before hUde; . . . . i .i nartura has not vet been fixed, but , .. and aDOUl-me acnipeiagu uua- - . of T,ran!U h- gi" w that hU anartrnfint had been looted. twenty regiments of infan however, and mem is a cowara ana x am wmiuK , . . - - . . . UI lUw iUkT to t;et away, wvvcu.jr e"w w gineer battalion seven troops of caval ry and eleven batteries of artillery, an - -i . a- rvsv ; . . . . . C t PAA . ! - . I IlKRIV LII9 L H COrTRHnunuinv UUlUWt W 12.11 1 1 aggregate oi aoou - men. L - - ; . hmni-ht home. w" " !ui-... J.. j C u. ' he old not report it to the police.- Had agKTBzavB oenawr j U4noo wi. upuaupUjw,ou Landreth & ffll PLASTERS 10 DISC BARROWS- DEC EORO PLADTEHS. Nineteen vessels wltn an of 297 officers, 2990 men and 253 ma rines make up the naval contingent. Seed fresh at Gardner's, corner oppo- This is exclusive of the hospital snip ( site postoffice. Rni. with 162 officers and men all lkAIMVV w " ' SUPERIOR DISC GRAIN DRILLS AND " DISC CORN PLANTERS told, which Is constantly passing back and forth from Manila. There are about 4,800 army reinforcements on the way to Manila, making ,as tapid progress as possible, and there are, rouirhlv 7.500 men in the force under ordert to proceed to the Philippines. The following vessels are now ai Ma nila or Hong Kong under the com mand of Admiral Dewey :; j Baltimore, Bennington j Boston, Buf SonsV reliable Garden me oenaror speecu -u -uo pfo..C3. Senator w imams cauea .no peaa.ur to order and declared . that he would e!8 ' 5 "! '.nTi . r" X " if:: of the West Fony-Seventh naa no. owu tu ji y.r tion. ware walkine up Tenth Avenue heart. . , , . j " II ; Senator Justice continuing THE SOUTH IS BOOM1NG. It not been for a fortunate circumstance the thievea would not have been caught. Detectives Hughes and McDermott, Street Htt- Mr. John E. Searles Says That He Does Not Believe Any yesterday afternoon when they saw a . tik . said arWl yUDg -"" cu-o pawu ouup " a Other Section of the World propriations for is college were con- t and Has so Many WaaUn-Creat- MSft,4S 2 ffiBg to Burn tho Town. .anta, (?a , March 6. Sheriff of Walker county, wired Thrcatene Atla i Hrnv. 0 a". . - -ii '1 V, . . Governor Candler yeeterday tnat he wanted some militia to preserve J. r miinee. wnicn is com order there The pghtn lm- t-. , I - . lL !. J . . . a of immune6 from Illinois, iowa ana Wieconein, is being mustereq out- tod threatened to and the! burn the town alarmed. sheriff became; The Governor sent Colonel 0 bear, member (if his staff, j to Lyttle last night to investigate, and or dered trie fjiur Atlanta Companies Of the Sjtatd miliiia to be ready to move. Meanwhile, as 'a precau tionary measure,' Governor Candler wired Pe8iilent McKinlejr regard ing the iroilble and .asfced him to lend a A)mnanv of regulars to the scene. : He received reply that Danv w(iuir Inor Advantages as the South, take it odt of this increased appropria tfon. The beads oi tbese insiuutions are. unwillingly, no uuuut, iuumg - -a . -a-. rS .1 1 1 L.nM I. . ... ' I.I : Lt . I . v r i nn i Pnetnn "Rtif. I '-''Air Jonn xi. iseanes. rua wBii'fcuuwu i tnisJeslsiature uown wun wnigm-a - to arrive this wee, me J,orii PharlMto Coni New York ficierf was In Baltimore will ruin the Democratic party. I am Planter is a new machine. awhlle yesterday, says a recent ln favor of liberal education for women lD P 7 nTn ffu dl S Shv' Mc- date of the Baltimore Sun. He was and libera, appropriations! for the col of the hoe or shoe. . Ide Luzon, Isla de OuP.a enua, 010- v . . nn,ht nt tn Wir for uuv ,jr r - now. . l ' ! Senator Cocke offered an amend- accompanied by his son and MrRich- ment appropriating five thousand dol- nrd H. Kdmonds. oi iSaltimore, euuor urfl tn the Normal bcnooi at Asne- of the Manufacturers'-Record. viUe. i "The South." said Mr. Searles. in an Senator Glenn said the interview with a reporter of The Sun, iin- Normal School was tne noe or snoe. ue Juuzon. i8ia uo uuua, ,ituu, . u. . k.fti, ft k. Ynrk frnr at7 Harness. Busies . and Wagons at nadDOck, Monocacy, Monterey, Olym- on hia way back tc .New York after a ege, prices never before heard or. aee us. ia Petrei and Yorktown; These ves "H """tr . tLZ.. I flf: 1 9Q7 nffir,. 2.990 ilors and States. On the trip Mr. Searles was Se: TO WN: SEN D . Sunday School Convention. The sixteenth annual convention sels carry 297 officers, 2,990 sailors and 253 marines. The Solace does not re main at Manila. The j Castine and Princeton are now on their way tbrougn the Bed Sea to join Admiral a-. 1 ko.a. i tlfl at- tS. eUhe Trf, ". mve.Ucg ,ep.?M plant of $200 OW.j They South Oaro begUD on a had an an- to 18937 with four hundred students dated at here was au appropriation olfW 000. bowever. There are now 685 and an effort Is . ,r0 of thr North Carolina Sunday f hrnnh the pacifio to the same desti- an experimental penuu, iu w.-. - nuai appropnauon ui .yyv. S,hnnl Afloiatinn ia called to rphaaA vaccAia win atld to the mettle ol tne people anu -ne innereu. k V W W -(P. W-aa--W--W- - UAVlwUl WWW -MWWW" "- , mee. in oalu.uurjr u u x ur navai rce v. . d - t t - Botfa haye 8tood lbe ing, Marcn I4tn, at o cioca: m.ue men ana o r . ?u- v-f;- .. rnd demonstrated to the busi- HMibaratelv made I to cripple this in- continue snips uon juaniae Aun, ""71..,, ortfin(,no6fl nf th whnift ' ;;; " u. 7..,ir, r1n.n thAJmAme - J T I 1 ..U- nAf Br.1l. I lltSSS WUI1U IUO WMUUV w - " I ML1 bU 11UU WT WUHKlUf- - I O--. LQZOD ana iwa ue uuua am u ..- Q . , anih U i 1 1 x-.- T IUm Fnr nnr .nnntvtr nf annh rAmarkflhtfs n&tUT&l id L.kiA i1a t rirAAnflhorO VOU fiod '"i.0' rauVe. that it would .eem to offer ."our Rir1, In ine nJom-and tte pas- -. r lbe broadest opportunities, for exten- Mees filled with trunks. No carpets DO ISia UU liU-UU Willi The Wheeling will join Presbyterian church, to through the 15th and 16th. A full delegation from all parts of the state is earnestly requested. A very pleasing and instructive program has been, arranged, an LDie ior im Solftco has country of such remarkable natural ad- te girls n. J?!8 ?' 'e?;i fJ?! vantaL that it would seem to offer four In aaen oui a uuuiuc. ..-s.., .-,.. rtT,ortnnltlP9 fnr exten- , - . , r t?T etva nrtArfttinnA in tha develonment of n. mttincr find I nlaiu common bed loin tne manna --r-i' ;lAt r" - - - , - 4l- Welrust much good to the Sunday fleet,but is not to be Wntedon as be- s mlnerai ana tilliow hnnl n.nft will reault from this h n, .'iittuhli in the immediate future, extension of its railroad faci ities. . negro girls you find two girU In one gathering. Rev. H. M. Hamill, in ternational field worker, of Jack . . i in. i w non inn VHrv i rw i a. Hah-m wwa m mil v-ft i 4MW w j - ine wguiar natiori of advantages posse - pineisiaocw uuuer cuuiiu.uu u. nAn.i Un t m ana -.o, ww.... r. Wthont COnntiDe all of the remarkable com bl eed by the ber and cotton, room, carpetd and rugs steads. ! Senator Justice said and brass bed Sixteen vnicRamau and upon one com be bent; from Hunts dompany K, of the lnfantryj arrived at ga ai 7 o'clock tonight, Hearing ths and receiv ing worjt frfom CPolonel Ubear tnat the eituatiiin had been crreatlv ex- i i - - aggeratea not to kh i t dir orders two da me omv and tU teenth only h.; la lirKia nils. . 7 Vi m, naa oiten eaia so-me, -i-a- -uero are eeumg x,v, i,ow, -?a.,.w wav. A lot of pawn tici.etsaoa.no islsting of V0ceH f2 other country in the world which can $1,600 salaries every year for teaching fa Womacks' apartments were 0, Twenty.Second Un. ed duplIcat8 lt8 wealth. Other countries schooI and they are paying women d Bonviile, III , will be present participate. The representation in the con vention is limited to ten delegates from each county, except Rowan, from which it is unlimited. m-. . . m (1 11.1 ' I Tne citizens oi oauury ua . states-infantry and xwenty-inira ha e gome o these advantages; some $1000 down to $350. kindly promised entertainment to United States infanty, a battalion of . iron -and coal, and some have tlm- their reeard for wo tnose wno aiienu me couvcuuuu. Reduced railroad rates have been secured upon all the roads within the state. Tickets on sale March 12th, 13th and 14th; final limit March 18th. i. these men less strik- thought so much of the women, why bundle under his arm. Tho detectives in a few minutes man come out, still carrying the bundle. They ar rested him on suspicion and took him to the station house. On examining the contents of the bundle the detectives found a silver cream pitcher with the name "Gussie Womack" engraved ripon It, a silver bowl with the initials G. W., and a lot of table napkins,on which was the word "Nevada." Then the detectives con cluded that there bad been a robbery at the Nevada apartment house, and upon investigation they found that their surmises were correct. . The young man who was arrested said at first that his name was George Barry and that be Jived at the Mills Hotel. A letter was lound in nis East Twenty-First and the detectives there learned from the young mans aunt that his real name was George Keeley. When confronted with this Information he confessed. Together with James Dolan of 250 Eighth Ave nue, he said, be entered Judge Wom ack'c apartments by means o a false key. , The detectives went lo Dolan s borne. He Was not there but they went to his room and waited for him. He came in about 9 o'clock laBt nigni and was covered with the detectives' learned tnat the Governor decided the .militja from Atlan- taralrh iugh he will bold! them un- j She Talked Too Much." Call at Gardner's and get a free copy ...M WhAn hA - m . i ' n i rmm viii wni n. vvuwm lua t mo Mtnnroea rf rhrtHnhatfiS. marble8. 1 in Ka vnlahinf didn't theV CUt dOWO I , . i.Jit k. ..rnra thit h ;Tbe S?Teen! u ?t i granites, etc , is taken into account, I their own salaries and add itito the qU till him. A search of the rooms fantry, Eighteenth United States In- readily belleve as Mr. Edmonds WOmen. The men of that institution JJ"1" . bdnd9 and deeds bldaen fantry Cwnicn nas ou. recenuy . faag often said to me, that there is no are getting $2,250, $1,800,! $1,70U and rA ,ot of Dawn tickets and the i . nAi.ti at n rw a. i nniPHin unit . . i i i . m .it - - - . 1.218 men infantry ana iwen-y-xmra - o these advantages; some i 000 down to $350. Let I them show -. ftn .-locked uo and the txrnmnn' before tbOV I .1 ..1 T era Wnmftr.k United States engineers, Companies . mftrhies and eranites, LmA nd criticise us for I refusing, to rrt! ,Xtnrn tn Nbw York im- C, E, I, K, L, of the.. Fourth United . j u ,g far tQ that no u he mQji they ask or gym. j s . Dr0secute the thieves. States cavalry, Batter them all nasium and all such luxuries, . He is said to be one of the attorneys of i,ui.uo r sTwh TTnitd concentrated in sucn weaitn-crea. ng Senator Glenn said God have mercy and Batteries D and G Sixth United magnateg at-fche Booth.' on the women of North Carolina when ttf m h7vnlnntftr forces alreadv :o UM to DEvjax)PMENX, a $1,000 man was placel in charge of borne the brunt of the engagements vorahle dlmate and a prodae.tveaoil tovewMJtUtohM a n 1 L- . i a h w w n M"tii n onirivH. i iikim i m. i m rirs. .ucw a - a ' the American Tooacco iomp-u.-New York 8un, 2nd. : 1 I - MM, to be in readiness for i The Eighth was Chickamauga 1 more ! rti 1 ho ly company of the Six probably r orders -to iTimAnf nt A- v a mm a t time, as be held there the regiment d to Ma- prpce f 7:r '. . '7i -. ..: - 7 A Big Tobacco Company Trenton, N. J.. March 5 cles of incorporation were filed yes terday of the .Havana Commercial Company, with a paid-up capital of $20,000,000. The company is nrc-Ariized to nurchase. manufac- D r . . I . 1 Cl X L. ! H mm a n 1 -virn hold idb ODauiHu aiuiy islands, and more recently the Filipi- ought not to be any limit ta the possi- ?l,uuu a na . w w. - A rti i noe ' have been there since the begin- ble profitable development 01 -no cuuu- nwu- 01 r " ; " - .Art!- nos, nave oeen -uore oiuwo v r-A a t ita nor. more, or thev would get more some log islands. - A Murderer's Confession. Emporia, Kan., March 6. John Gilbert, in his cell in the county jail, today confessed to murdering hia wife and four small children last lues- rd .... FntArnrilO. Kan.. uo auict wcu wavj - - - I --47 - : . . i . t - i i ucai am..-- v ThAtr nhmnrisa fifteen reel- mous industiial interests, based largely wnere eise. 1 l . . r.iihn. for whom a rewa - J r . . I . . . . 1 1 . I cAnani Maann lnflQirBU II suuitioun 1 u-y. badly i.iauua aiw ava v w a a 1 ment. of infantry, one troop of cavalry on imported cotton and Iron ore. ana Munrwan, -M '",.1; ZZ'a h..n offered, was arre.ted ber. and five batteries of artillery, as olMsrndiDgshedbouUt, a faid w WWW ' - .a a lows J a year for foodstuffs; if New England, ed with the appropriations Jd. .r.u ..,,.i .AnUfrM. could. Senator Wilson said it waaimpossl . . . . tnn . . . J K I i . t l... 4 ltm a. a b I anvanra (nu In. ircua.o, uj.uu.av- ae jfufgt uailioroia, rirsi ojior.uu, niiuuu. ...ri;". ith th. redaction. ture and deal in tobacco, and to do First Idaho, Fifty-first Iowa, Twentieth I by ebe great f ner8y ' PPJ .""r'.V' vfcWrik hev wanted $10, Uuiw a , . . . l f ...mBaiAAa Knilrl nn Its nMMnA.it hAd 000 thia morning to make a bath unon imported coal, and imported house at Chapel Hill now they want upon imput-ci- wt, t rc rvrvn uiM nlav hnnsft for th08e what mav .we no- expeo- ,vw v uuu K j -"t i , ntrnn nhat mAV . . . . m . . . . ...ma m j. - of Jbe South now that it has fairly entered upon the broad development of its mineral wealth and its cotton anu o,.tiaal nVtnnrn hnairiAAR. i 1 1 Kstika. Thirteenth Minnesota, Jrlrst The Incorporators are lsiaore u. m.uuiua, i-un ui.u Carroll, James V. H. Lawrence and Nebraska, Bewmd Oregon, Tenth Penn- zZ Y t Th. Uttr sylvania,. First 8outh Dakota, First Charles L. Horton. The latter enneK;e Fir8t Wa8bingt0Df First owns all the stock except 40 shares. .WyomlDgf First Troop Nevada C-val- tt 1 c . "KT Val. a Puna D .. tlOriOD lOI. alCn iUl- iwi Riftaro A anrl RalrarU K 1 1 fan with twenty certified copies of the r.iaht Artiilrtr HtttAr A and BAtterv lumber manufacture? articles of incorporation, wltn tne d California Artillery, First Wyoming "In all parts oi me own lu M,"w; avowed purpose of buving up all Light Battery, and the First and Eight- mills were reported as profitable and tne tobacco factories that he can eeth companies of the! United tni-ie crowded Itit prden. The -Pendm Signal uorps. - icoiton uue m iumu,-i m w i In addition to theaa another com- one of the finest mill plants I have ever nn Vtrtk'a T.ittle T.iver Pills if VOU 1 -.f uu.i n u. Koan eaan anH Its Alectric.il eaulDment 18 j - - a i iiau v ui uo vjii uai vyui im usva iuo awu i geui aw . . . in debt and nau oeen vrjriuK leave Enterprisefor a long time. He could not take his family.be said, and offered bis wife a divorce. Hfiha bent nancine me about the Sa-liW wf" V eirls at Greensboro. rom lausblng in scorn T am nnnnsed to these Ions runninsr in compeuuon wi-u other schools anyhow. I have a great r contimnnt in me. but I don t want the best tonic. Mild Dili. formed at Manila, being recruited by superior to that of any mill with which transfer from the regular branch of the I am familiar in New England. it army. This means of making up (he general manager stated that it could new company was made necessary by sell double its present output, tpe de tbe lack ol time for dispatch of men mand for its goods coming from all from the United States. Reinforce- Darts of the world. In North Carolina mant for the Philinninea now on tha I found that One county CIS iwen.y- '-it V. JJ Negro Troops Qo Away Shooting. C n ATT a n o op a, Tenn., March 7. The Eighth. United , btates lin- munes, colored, commanded by Col- .1 n:in. wa a m 11 stared niit nf tha service today. Two citizens way aggregate in ids neigDDornooa oi two co.wa uii. - - inlnrarl hv ahnta ..9W m.D.Vl lOlU. .IDBSe S mae more proiegvcu. " w 7 m -hi fol- farmed are said lo be so prosperous, from the train as tne eo.aiere were f L-ir tn th local demand for diversi- leaving the city. About 500 of the Th; lransport Qranty with General fied agricultural products, as to be free discharged men, many of whom jwton and staff, with a total of 42 of- from debt, with a good supply of cash were under the influence of liquor, rflrA an(j 71K mBri. inRimMno. nn h-.t. to their credit, their barns filled-witb T X" IT""" TT I 1 martt Hnrhe bv the Nashville, Chat- 1 talion of the Seventeenth Tnfantrv reT-lrorn and their meat houses with pro- K. : IH rv ! I - .-.-VI c Tinia road, and as I f man t and fonr vtalnna. ' AwL-tf Jt VV. .. , muuuga - m A. I Vr " 5rr :r -I ...i,. eitnatlon. tKev were leavlns tne yarua oi iu i xnianiry. luisoipeamon sanea irom "xxxjuuk "v" r-r ' iney were - . . .J Naw Ypf j.nu.rv iq v, B.. MnArtMi t have tried to do. and appreciating city a numoer oi wuc '"r "rVli of .hat the South has al- In tome war-ecu e a.rrMkHltfnn will raAr ir.n(1. I.. ha. I orlrrantaPj are. I &m tnOrOUgniT CUU- early morning of the 10th inst. vinced that there are great opportuni- The transport Sherman, Colonel J. ties in that section for broad ana com H. 3P-.se, comtaanding; carrying a total prehensive development!. I in stock a nice line of Y 3 i , That, r'irtijiure you want, SEE US annot fail to please you. Mwava riehs.' If it's S ar " . RIDGE CO., ran to diicharize them Into the air tMA ak,4a nti Vacant - houiet. 1 Trusses and Crutches at Gardner1!. cor. opp. postofilce. I TZoV ctildren-said Gilberthr. ,rn and ridicule. ing them up to me. I told J lese State inetitu- ifsbe would give me $10 I d leave want anybody to come here and ask me to foreswear myself in voting lor Kla arkftrnrtriatiOn. .... .I. Senator Brown saiu u was jOu- ian to criticise the salaries of i the beads of a B f Will ftA thaa inctitntlons wnen a urn and never bother ner any uiu.c, During the night I got up and went out intothe yard. Coming back, I picked up the hammer ana hit the baby in the head. My wife ran nut into the road and was go- over1 to the neighbors . irw and eaucbt her. one iiu ing after institutions .wnB" "V " k. if I would behave. dace sauries had aireauy oeen uuc u..uu.P -.w- -- - - . ourof the Senate by the very men and I thought I would go, but who were now attacking tnis lneu.u- wben we goi in iu J " .1 I I a . a. Ba. a n a . 14 fl tion. - . I j thrasblpg aooui oo iub , He said he was surprised a oenaior h t BaW jt i could not noia my- Hickssavine that the girls, bad tne , vnt hit mr wife on the bead same opportunities for exercise thst VD nded ber till she could not boys had: Many things. Senator "fj? l00k the children said surprised him, and U waa wrong be did it. Oil-, to deprive these ' kart .lid -I don'V know; it leem- benefitsof exercise and of a library. tbert 1 n ii an , Senator Undsay said new.sopp ed uae a ju.""-" . . " nir! to the appropriation for unapei mu, tcelng the Daoy mero uu -- but he should draw the I line at the . i jt uu. T. , It.- . -ul .hi,A.mh there are coniinucu eir Is. He was aatisnea wo --6u the Mon waT needed. He knew the eol- denial, of the report that the mou w-w I . it I A . rrv.-A romnany naa lesre was uoioK .uwuum wV- ADenctu - . 'w ght not to do cnppioa m bum absorbed tne umuu 7. h . on ner. i- . , .a.., ranerallv be A aa v t. r-nri iiibu .av ------- . rrV. .r-anrimant of Senator Justice P . A . -.AiMatIon is about -',M"v. 7 "7i7.i wntjid lieve -u- MMXTa I to take pUee. QOWu UJ m tuo u- South Elm Street. r ; 1 1