A - i " '- ' 1 ' ' : : - , Corner. 3rd Lot Reason) rPliA m m m Li" ' TTTTS .LI . ' 1 . 1 ' V I - J tr D f? T I -- . I . NIA khan ejf Knw thel are sel mg not- i- Ar, iht. backward Bprine t ; - , ..-cJ Sfterl in lower thli JUnr1! ITIoasj . , it ftas ever ueen hiuco handling Seeds. Get 'f- .4T Uan ;ice,:bforfyou buy W s some; cheaper, than hi eh vet. We II ii vm nrettv a t i in v . SU. jlu e.H priefe when you J.WScot The. Pi: re IGHBORH & Co. i 1 BED IDSALEBS. OOD NEWS. iatters of Interest ReDOrted by Our 4? ! H Suinmerfleld Items. Mies Kate Dal: on visited friends j2 Rockingham lst jweik. " - Mr.jG.fr. Winirep una a urata tet bbv at his nouse. Ben and -Mrs. jl . u. ygourn arc jatertkining a rejent arriyallts a We do not thirik the rrultin tnis ction was killed by the late cold feather.- - - Mrs Nora Lloyd, the efficient sblw school teacher at'Scalesville, ioseJ her school last Saturday. 'Miss Clara Villeon is teaching a icbool at the.old brick academy. 5:omerfield has; now two good iriina s and we wish them botrf the 1 greatest success MrJ J. T. High Vol Scalesville, tad Miss Mattie Roach were united la marriage i a Btj xpurnuny ai wr iooq. The marriage rites were lolemnized at the home of the bride, in the presence of aj few intimate friends, Rev. Wj H. Wilson, of Madison, otllciatjng. May theirs b a bright and prorero!U8 life. I collected Mr Will Donneil,!of Oak Ridge, wai in town last week. ijsberiff Hosk'ins taxes here SSaturdav; Mrs. Sallie Johnson ,is visiting relatives in the county. 1 We are sorrv tolhear of the ill- jtesa of Miss Mamie tSmith. ' -1 , -..I!. ! i . -XIW. Osburn is preparing: to" ildjon the old Academy lot. ' ieT.Tjj.pgburnjandl little Misi Hilda went to Greensboro Tuesday. R V. Harris, ou'r hustling young merc'antj is busy getting in his w spring good 8. V Mr, Charlie Highfill Was married ! Thursday to Miss Lizzie La fiier, of Battle Ground! We wish this young coupl e e fry Mrs: W. H. Dutibir, of Mullins, S V :deof her father.! Rev. R. M. Staf- - lord who is qoito ill with pneu monia.. - their -Tti happiness. has ben called, to the bed- Oak Ridge Items. " talker it Cooper are .enlarging read t to interest spacious store house. e baseball i team is getting somebody. band here is ifast becoming c?e K the best i4 trie state. Jqe Athenian eoc etv will ffive an 2te tainment about March 25th. Prk has VipotJ rt,,-.nA T. r ,1 . r . isduujcu uu x xux. - t o lie vv uouse ,(Joa he fin?0ha.i Prof, p p v-. ' . .W and CI and it will ax ton, of the State 0 pcture 'to the studentfl on th Her m nil nrt a - ""Km an 9- busm tis interest e.ss.arid Pome. S Indian il T - T tor 1 .11 I I Japanese, has in I Walker & will make this have recently from Statesville. kes, Forsyth, and tches at Gardner's, y Baxaseur Itesxa. - ' Mr. J N. Copeland has cold hit place to Mr. J. Ed.' dole. ; Several of our young xaen are learning to ride the wheel. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moffitt spent Sunday with relatives in Liberty. Rev, Rufus Williams filled the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday ; V: . Mr. O. C. Marsh is beautifying his house by the addition of an other coat of paint. r The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church gave an oyster supper Saturday night. Dr. H. M. P. Clark is out again after being confined to the house for a week with la grippe. Mr. A. H. Thomas, proprietor of the Ramseur Broom Works, went up to Greensboro Monday. Mr. Will G. Womble, of South Rocky Mount, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents here. Dr. S. W. Caddell has the sympa thy of cour people in the death of bis infaut son, a lovely and prom ising child ten months of age. V Mrs. Ann Melton, who has been spending some - time with her son in Macon, lia., returned nome iasi Saturday. She was accompanied by Mrs. J. B. Melton and her two children. , '. . Bnek Cliuroh Items. J. H. Davw, of Greensboro, was here last week. The members' of Low church have refitted and painted the par sonage." i - ; . ; ' ' Miss Espie Clapp is at home now. She has been teaching school near McLeansville. Miss Lizzie Fhipps, of Elon Col lege, visited Misses Etta and Hat tie Clapp recently. - Brookfield literary society still meets at appointed time and. much interest is manifested. Mr. Walter Gillem, of "Moore county, visited the family of Mr. VT. H. Fogleman recently. The public school in charge of Mr. C. C. Barnhart closes the 18th. An exhibition will be given with an address by Rev. H. M. Brown. - A match game of base ball was recently played between Brookfield and Shoffner teams. The score stood 9 to 7Jn favor of ShoffneVs. We have in our immediate midst about twenty Confederate soldiers and one Union, all of sterling abil ity. One of the Confederates ( Wm. Greeson) has an overcoat which he captured in the army. It has sev eral bullet holes, in it, which were shot while engaged in battle in 1863. . - t " Leso Items. Mr. Neil Gordon, of High Point, was among our callers Sunday. The farmers are housed up on account of the cold and wet weather. Elder Broadway is expected, to preach for us on the night of the 9th. , ; v..:-- We are sorry to note that Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burney are quite sick. - The water courses in this section have been higher than for several years. ' - Rev. D. A. Highfill failed to reach his appointment at Hickory Grove Sunday. . Elder Stultz, of Virginia, preach ed a splendid sermon at Walnut Grove this morning. The first week in March certainly leaves a history of wind, hail, lightning and heavy rainfall. Weare sorry ' to note that la grippe still holds its own in this section. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. York are under its control and are quite sick. f Alamance Items. t We have had an extensive rain fall the past week. ! Miss Olive Ward, of the State Normal, was out Sunday. Miss Minnie Weatherl visited Miss Annie Fogleman last week. Mr. David Gorrell and family visited Mrs. Nancy Kirkman Satur day night. " - There was a small crowd at church Sunday on account of the bad weather. . , The old saying is the first thunder storm will rule the year. If such be the case, we may except storms this summer. Gentry Itezaa. : .-i ; Spring time has come and the Tamers are behind with their work. Mr. W.. C. Enoch, of Rattle Ground, Is visiting his parents this week. . .'I'1-- Miss Daisy Enoch has been on three weeks' t visit to her sister, Mrs. T; Walker. ; -' -1 ' : lyr r: Miss Cassie Fagg's school closed last Tuesday with play day, and some excellant music j The Messrs. Simpson, of Aspen Grdve, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Enoch, Saturday and Sunday, j Mr. Conrad Gentry, of Reids ville, came home last Monday to attend the Gold Hill school! exibi tion. j y - : i I It seems that roseola ia.; raging in this neighborhood, as several families have had it for the past week or wo. v'; , j" ' Mr. Eugene Gentry, has gone to Winston, and it seems he has got into some kind of business, as he has2 not returned home. j ! 1 Mr. Monroe Lester, of : Aspen Grove, and Miss Lillie Powell, of Reidsville, were happily married at the bride's residence February 19th. May happiness attend them through life. . ... ; . : ; Thorn's Mill Items. The general health of this com munity is good at present. Mir. and Mrs. Andy Plunkett have a new daughter at their house. Joel Hoffman lost part , of his mill dam last Friday night by the hard rain. --'sS- -':'y -i ' 4-- Mrs. W. A. Elliott and Mrs. J. T. Hanner, of V andalia, ; visited here last week. I i We were visited last Thursday and Friday nights by the heaviest rains we have had for years. Some ' of the correspondents spoke of the unusual February. II think it has been an unusual March. Some of the older heads say they never before heard such heavy thunder and lightning so early. While on his way to Greensboro last Friday morning with a load of tobacco Mr. Charles Kirkman's wagon was overturned by being driven on a floating: bridge. For tunately the. damage was slight, R. . KATZ, Vice-Pres a N. McADOO, Sec. & Treaa. PIEDHONT in REALTY & GUARANTY CO., lttOIIATKD. 4 Estate, j Loans CAPITAL STOCK, $23,000.00. 25m sojth 3 OOM avo. 7, KATZ BUILDING, Elm St, , -1 ' GREEBSEORO, H. C. and Investments. only a part of his tobacco wet. getting Hinton Items. Mr. and Mrs. Everett HObbs; of Greeiisboro, visited this place Sunday-' ' Mr. D. E. All red, of Greensboro, paid a visit to this neighborhood last week. ( The roads between this place and Greensboro are next to being impassable. ., Prof. Gladson has opened his spring term of school at the brick school house. I : Prof. Wilson's free school closed Monday with a game of baseball between the Alamance and Tucker teams. . , - While we have just passed our seventy-eighth mile post, we do not remember having ever witnessed such bad weather as we have just passed through. The farmers are badly behind with their work. Fresh Garden Seed at Gardner's, cor. opp. postonlce. Congressman Bailey, of Texas, has announced that he will not agahf be a candidate for the Dem ocratic leadership in the house of representatives. General Toral, who commanded the Spanish troops at Santiago, has been arrested in Madrid and will be tried by court-martial for surrendering to General Shafter. The senate Friday confirmed the nomination of Rear Admiral George Dewey to be a full admiral in the United States navy. He is now the highest ranking officer in either the army or navy. The appropriations made by the Fifty-fifth Congresshich expired by limitation on Saturday, aggre gated $1,566,890,016, of which $482,562,083 represents the cost of the war with Spain. V The troops sent to the island of Negros in command of Col. Smith, were cordially received by the in habitants, who said they were will ing to surrender and asked to be taken under bis protection. j The Daughters of the American Revolution, in session in Washing, ton City last week, adopted a reso lution asking Congress to pass a law making it impoQible for a po lygamist to be elected to any office. The United States Senate adopt ed amendments to the naval appro priation bill limiting the price of armor plate to $300 a ton, and pro viding for government manufacture of armor if it cannot be secured otherwise. - General Miles, it is stated, will undertake to prove before the court of inquiry that canned roast meat rejected by the French gov ernment was brought back to the United States and issued to Amer ican soldiers as fooL The combination of all the rye whiskey interests has been about completed, and it is predicted that in a short time an alliance will be come effective, embracing all the trusts engaged in the manufacture and distribution of proof spirits, rye whiskey and Kentucky. Baron Farrer Herschell, former lord high chancellor of Great Britian and representative of that nation on the Anglo-American joint high commission, died in Washing ton. Lord Herschell was also a member of the arbitration tribunal to adjust the boundary dispute be tween Venezuela and Great Britain. GENERAL NEWS. p. - Queen Marie Henrietta is criti cally ill at Brussels. It is estimated that the Cuban army numbers 48,000 men. Six additional regiments will be sent to Manila to reinforce Gen eral Otis. - ' Heavy losses of sheep are re ported from the blizzard stricken ranches in Wyoming. I Rudyard Kipling, who lias been dangerously ill in New York with pneumonia, is improving. ; A man was arrested in New York Saturday, charged with stealing! a wagpnload of Paris green. The Spanish cabinet having re signed, a new cabinet has been formed with Senor Silvela as pre mier. . ! General Otis cables from Manila that the Filipinos have not cap tured any Americans as prisoners of war. ' 1 By promotion under the terms of the navy personnel actj Rear-Admiral Schley outranks J Rear-Admiral Sampson. President McKinley has appoint ed ex-Secretary of State Day, of Ohio, to the position of United States circuit judge. Mrs. Mallie -Clark, a widow of Lucknow, Tenn., while in a relig ious fervor, poisoned her three children and herself. Mrs. Sarah Stevenson, mother of former Vice President Stevenson, died Monday morning at Bloom ington, 111. Sire was 90 years old. The payment of the $20,000,000 to Spain by the United States will be made by an order on the New York sub-treasury for that amount in gold coin. v v Eflfs in OF SUPERB BARGAINS IN NEW BRIGHT SPRING AND SUM MER WASH STUFFS. ' . - Every day records the arrival of New Goods. Our buyers are at present in northern markets. The fruits ef their labors will appear in oar weekly announcements In these columns,whlch will prove interesting and money-saving to all who call. EMBROIDERIES. The largest and most attractive line ever shown in Greensboro. Insertlngs and all overs to match. Prices range from 6c. up to $2 a yard. 15 pieces assorted white goods in neat dimity stripes, plaids, checks, lace effects, actual value 20c, at 10c 18c. side fand Apronettes, 40 inches wide, at 9c. 25c. French Organdies in solid colors of pink, lavendar. light blue, black, etc., at 15c. a yard. One case pure Zephyr Ginghams in neat checks, regular 12'c. quality, 9c. One case 40-inch India Linens, real fine and sneer, worth 19c, at 12c. New line 'India Linens from 5c. to 30c Every number a bargain. Bates best quality Ginghams, worth 12Wc, at 8c. a yard. New effects in Curtain Nets and Swisses at 12c. Ladies' Muslin Underwear Specials. Corset Waists at 9ic12c,19c25c. Muslin Skirts at 49c. up to $3. 500 pieces new Taffeta Ribbons, all widths, In all staple new colorings. 40 dozen Boys' and Hisses' Summer Weight Hose, llermsdorf black, fine ribbed, actual value 25c , at 15c. 'BLACK GOODS. 40-inch black Mohair, worth 40c, 29c. 60c. Cecilian Cloth, in. wide, at 39c All wool faced black Cass! mere, 36 Incne, at 21c. 40-inch silk finish pure wool Hen rietta cloth at 39c. -40 shades new Taffeta Silks at 79c 25 shades heavy Satins at 49c New line of the celebrated American Lady Corset just received. Ladies' ready made Wrappers, 49c up. Each week now records, a strong ad vance in cotton goods. We cannot guarantee to sell much longer Fruit of the Loom bleached atoJgC. : Andros coggin and Barker mills at 5c. Yard wide locsdale Camertc at 6c English Jong cloth at 9c Ready made Sheets at 59c' Ready made Pillow Cases at 12)c. 75c. Bed Spreads at 49c. $1.25 Bed Spreads at 89c. $1.50 Bed Spreads at 9Sc 72-inch Table Linen at 39c 30c red and white wine cloths at 19c. 25 dozen pure linen knotted fringe Towels at 12c Large size bleached Towels at 10c The new April Fashion Sheets now in. Ask for one free at our dress goods counter. Patterns kept in stock, prices 10 and 15c Exceptional values in Rugs just opened all sizes. Prices, 39c up to $4. I HIM 8 230 SOUTH ELM ST. ItlG MOM ilLE GO. HAS PURCHASED THE STOCK OP' WORKOAII : FDRIIITDRE : HOUSE. In the M. P. Publishing House building. For the next thirty days tU stock will remain where it now is, and April 1st will be consolidated with our stock. CTREDUCTION SALE PRICES WILL CONTINUE during the month of Maich. First class Furniture has never been offered cheaper. . BROWN MERCANTILE CO. Located at 332 South Elm street, first door north of the express office, has been purchased by the ....... Oasb. Hacket Go m AFST1- At about one-half New York cost, and the stock will be sold accordingly. PW - GOODS Have already been added ; others are to follow, and the business will' be 'carried on at the old stand on a larger scale than heretofore. Cash Buyers Will Find It to Their Advantage to Visit This Store. TOBACCO GUANO. DON'T PLANTYOUR CROP WITHOUT IT. MAKES THE FINEST TOBACCO. Manufactured by COLUMBIA GUANO CO., NORFOLK, VA When you spend your money For a Harrow you want THE BEST. THE .... BST. All steel except thewood parts. Light draft; easily adjosted to run deep or shallow1. We have cheaper ones which are good, but this is THE BEST. 1 ODELL HARDWARE CO., Myron O. Newell ltsboro. 2r. c. ltotMsrt . Iotty. The Season Has Arrived for Plows and Corn Planters. We are still Agents for the tried and true i Syracuse Plow Farmer's Friend Corn Planter. None better at any price. j The largest stock of Buggies and Harness ever shown in Greensboro. EMPIRE AND BICKFORD & HUFFMAN DRILLS. : i 'V 1

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