.:. .-. . i . - : - ' ! .1 ; -: . ' .. ' ' rrx . x A i r vw'i Vo I -f- Vf O;;; - ' .' .""HUM Ma!;es the food more delicious and wholesale ' " ' i . . - Greensboro Patriot. EST AD ItlS BED 182 ! WEDNESDAY. 31 ARCH 15, 1899. LOOAL NEWS ITEMS. -Mr. J. H. Weit hii leased the Oreeoiboro Opera House. -Rtmember W. F. Clegg & Bro. keep up tbVpricei on ldei Mr. R.O. Fortnne Is in New York this week purchasing spring goods. Mr. John Moore, of Brown's Sum mit; gare us a pleasant call yesterday. -ijust recelTed, one car lead high grade Acid Phosphate for making com- POSJ. S. S. MlTCHBLL & CO. Miss Annie Wagoner, of McLeans Tllle, spent sereral days last week with her sister, Mrs. C. M. Pritcbett, of Hin ton. V J. w. Scott A Co. talk te yea this week about a change of diet. They hare ail the delicacies of the season and can please you. 'Alamance Superior court, which was to hare been held at Graham this week, is not in session on account of the smallpox scare at Burlington. - Dr. J. S. Lafferty, who recently mored to High Point from Cabarrus county, has located at China Orore, Rowan county. He has left a good town. 77 anted Reliable salesmen to sell ur complete line of paints, Tarnishes, etc. Good position for right man. Address W. W. Stoddard & Co., Cleye lan, Ohio. H-6t The store of Hammer & Garrett, at Julian, was broken into one night last ' week and $40 inmoney stolen from the safe.. Thsre is no clue as to the perpe trators of the robbery. Mr. C. II. Coble and Miss-Ida Mon nett were married on the fourth Sun day In February at the residence of T. R. Greason, Esq., of Plain, Mr. Gruason performing tbe ceremony. The Southern Furniture Manufac turer's Association met in Charlotte yesterday. Messrs. Jf. J. Cox, A. E. .Tate, W. J. Wren n and Charles Ragan, of High Poiut, are In attendance. Mr. D. M. Greason has added to our museum a freak in the shape of a small oblong hen egg. A depression in a straight line near the middle gtres it the appearance of a double egg. We have received an Invitation to at tend the eighth annual debate between the Clio and Pbllologian literary so cieties of Elon College Friday evening, March 2lstJ The question to be dis cussed is (Resolved, That territorial expansion Is detrimental to the United States;" j . Reidsville Review : "Monday night the beautiful hew home ef Mr. T. W. Hopkins, ex-representative, was burn ed. The loss was a great one and but little of the contents were saved. The home of Mr. Hopkins was near Mon roeton, and he had just recently com pleted this commodious building. He carried $G00 Insurance on it. Mr. B. Jones has been appointed solicitor of the criminal court for For sythe county and Mr. S. T. Neal has been named as clerk. Mr. Jones is a strong lawyer and a most excellent gentleman. He was the candidate for solicitor of the Ninth judicial district last fall and came within thirty votes of overturning a Republican majority of three thousand. v The legislature amended the char ter of the Southern Guaranty and In vestment Company and changed its name to the Southern Loan and Trust Company. At a meeting of the stock holders (last Saturday the change in the business was formally made and officers elected for the corporation as follows President, E. P. Wharton; vice-president, A. W. McAlister; secre tary and treasurer, David A. White. The cqmpany begins business under most favorable circumstances and the names (of the men at its head are a sufficient guarantee that it will be con ducted on strict business principles. The elegant flve-story offioe building on East Marketstreet, now nearlng completion, is the property of this com pany, . . r J Seed Ixiah Potatoes. Just received! A car of fine seed Irish potatoes, guaranteed true to name early rose, peerless, burbank, v. ULxoa& Bro. white star. Business Opportunities. Opportunities for small investors to lon money on mortgages-'secured by gaaxinty. . ; - Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. Take Kodak a snap shot on all head aches and neuralgia 10c The Bear Backed Out. , London. March ll.--The Britiih lion and the Rueeian bear came to uncomfortably close quarters) this week over the Chinese imbroglio. The newspapers! had already begun to talk of a serious crisis and a grave outlook, but the diplomatic switchmen again succeeded in warding off a collision on the sub ject of the ! Northern Bailroad, a conflict being averted by a Russian backdown, according to the jingoes, and by a compromise according to more impartial observers. ' j The-real explanation .of the af fair appears to be that Russia made a protest against the British Rail road contract, partly as a feeler and partly as a warning. If the British premier had shown weak ness, Russia would have persisted, but, in any case, Bussia, by her protest, elicited a ministerial state ment in the House of Commons that the conditions of the loan did not constitute foreign control. Thus Bussia obtained a pledge that no such interpretation would be placed on the contract in the place of default, which is a further sub stantial concession on the Russian claims in Northern China.. On the other hand, Lord Salisbury scored in securing a withdrawal of the Russian protest. v j Barnes Bros. File Their Protest. The Capital Printing Company yesterday, through counsel, gave notice to Dr. Cyrus xnomppon, Secretary of State, that it intends to test the validity of the contract for the oublic Drintinar entered into betwens the firms of Edwards & Broughton and . M. Uzzell and the joint printing committee of the legislature. Through counsel, Mr. B. H. Bat tle and Mr. Alex J. Fields, the Cap ital Printing Company has served a notice on the Secretary of State forbidding that officer from deliv ering any of the publip printing, manuscript, etc., to any printing firm other than the Capital. The contract with Edwards and Brough ton and E. M. Uzzel is declared to be unconstitutional and void in 'so far as it impairs the obligation of the contract theretofore existing between the state and said Capital Printing Company, j Dr. Thompson is paying no at tention to the protest. He recog nizes Messrs. Edwards and Brough ton and E. M4 Uzzell as publio printers,, and will issue all copy to those firms. Raleigh Post, 14th. Tom Jones' Awful Death. Tom Jones, the horse trader and farmer, met death this morning shortly after 2 :30 a. m. at the Car aleigh switch, about 100 yards west of I the penitentiary, on the track of the Southern Railway. No. 12, the Southern's vestibule mail from Knoxville, Tenn., brought Tom Jones' career to a sudden end. The train was mak ing its trip under the new schedule this morning. The train -was approaching the city at a rapid speed about 2:40 a. m. The engineer says be saw a man sitting on the edge of the track. He blew the whistle when he first saw the man, who was in sensible to all warning. Before the train could be stopped the pilot struckthe sleeper and ended his life. The train was stopped and the porter lelt to guard the body. Two hours afterwards it was iden tified as that of Tom Jones. Sun day's Raleigh Post. Wilmington Negroes Recompensed. Yesterday the business men I of Wilmington, through a committee of. two gentlemen, turned over the sum of $690 to the several negro lodges who owned The Record building, on Seventeenth street, be tween Nun and Church, accident ally burned the 10th of last Novem ber when the plant of theinfam ous paper was demolished. This money was given to recompense the lodges for their loss, as our cit izens had no Intentions of wreaking destructions other than The Record property. The money repays both for the loss of the building and the lodge'r'furniture and was turned over to John N. Vass, agent of the lodges. M 1 The money was collected by our highly esteemed townsmen, Messrs. H. C. McQueen and B. F. Hall, and all legal papers in the transaction were drawn up by Junius Davis, Esq. Wilmington Messenger, 11th. ; Wanted Reliable men to put in all or j part of time taking orders for oar lubricating ells and greases. Lib eral coamlUion. The Federal Oil Co, Cleveland, Ohie. l0-2t Dr. B. H. Lewis, of Raleigh, sec retary of the state board of health, says there is now smallpox in sev enteen counties. President McKinley has reap pointed Judge Thomas C. Fuller, of this state an associate justic of the court of private land claims. The War Department is expect ed to issue an order within a few days for the muster out of the First North Carolina regiment in Cuba. " The trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, of Raleigh, have elected W. S. Primrose chair man of the board. H. E. Fries and A. Leazer are elected members of the executive committee. Hon. A. M. Waddell was Monday nominated for mayor of Wilming ton by the Democratic primaries. It was under his leadership that the late corrupt city government of Wilmington Was overthrown last November, j Hon. F. M. Simmons, obairman of the state Democratic executive committee, expresses' the belief that at the August election next year the people will ratify the con stitutional amendment by a hand some majority. State Auditor Ayer says he has received letters from the auditors of nearly every state in the Union asking questions as to the effect of the revenue act just passed by the legislature. From this it would teem that there is a widespread de sire for a uniform system of taxa tion applying to all the states alike. The committee on diseases of cattle, of the Agricultural Depart ment, has decided to send Dr. Dooper Curtis, veterinary surgeon at the Agricultural and Mechani cal College, ! to several of the wes tern counties of the state to study the "Texas fever" or "tick " and to make a practical effort, to pre vent its spread among cattle. Wilkes, more than any other coun ty, suffers from this contagion. Are muchi Higher, before the market . .v : -V ..j- .... jj supply lasts! I will but fortunately I secured "av fair supply advanced. , As long as tjie present sell . . .:. . . lit S2.50 por bag, Sl.00 per bushel. .1 : i ' Guaranteed TRUE TO NAME and PURE SEED. agres The President in the South. Washinguon, March 13. Presi dent and Mrs. McKinley and party of friends left the city at 6:40 o'clock tonight, for a vacation of ten days or two weeks at Thomas ville, Ga., where the train is sched uled to arrive at 4 o'clock to-mor row afternoon. The trip will be made via the Atlantic Coast Line and the Plant " System, aboard a splendid train of Pullman cars, perieoc in equipment witn every provision for the comfort and safe ty of the party. The President oc cupied the magnificent private Pull man observation car Iolanthe, at the rear of the special train, the re mainder of which was made up of the compartment car Horatio, the sleeper Clematis, the dining car Aberlin and the combination smok ing and baggage car Cassius, all handsomely fitted out for the ac comodation travelers; of the distinguished To Minimize the Risk. Washinotow, March , 10. The method of transporting $3,000,000 in coin to Cuba for the payment of native troops was discussed briefly at the regular meeting of the cabi net today. It was decided that the money should not all be risked on one steamship, but that two or more vessels should be employed in transporting it, so as to reduce the danger of loss. For the purpose of experiment, the administration has determined to enlist some native troops in Cuba and the Philippines, and pos sibly in Porto Rico. The natives frill be trained with an intermix ure of American soldiers. Sec cretary Alger has authorized Gen eral Otis at Manila and General Brooke at Havana to organize a battalion each of natives, but the matter is left within their discre tion, r Civil Government for Cuba. Washington, March 10. The Administration is, contemplating a change in some features of the government of Cuba. It is probable that the military government will to a certain extent be replaced with civil government. The head of the government, must of course, remain military, but the change in con templation is to have civil officers in places of the military men in the Cabinet and subordinate posi tions. It is believed that experts in different lines, such as finance and revenue, and in the manage ment of much of the general busi ness of the island and of the differ ent municipalities, will get along more smoothly than the army offi cers. Tfci Kind Yea Kin ten Bsi 0 ID Oil NEW BUILDING, 208, 210. 212. 214 SOUTH DAVIE ST., GREENSBORO. J .. i . We take care of estates and proper ties for owners or heirs, pay taxes, in surance, look after general conditions, collect rents, etc. Piedment Realty & Guaranty Co. A petition signed by teveral citizens asking that the poblie road and highway leading by the bouse of M. L. Haffines in Madison town ship, be straightened leaving the old road north of said Ilnffines house and running straight through oa a level to the south side of said Huf fines land, making said new road at least one hundred yards shorter than the original road, the change being entirely on W. L. llufflns land. This is to notify any and all persons who may opject to saia cnange in auove roaa to appear before the Board of County Commissioners at their April meeting and show cause why said petition snoma not oe gran tea W. C. Bobkk, Chairman. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrators on the es tate or u. u. iritcnett, deceasea, we hereby no tify all persons having claims against said es tate to present them to us on or before the 8th day of March, 1900, or this notice will be pieaa in bar of tneir recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please come forward ana make immediate payment. This 4th day of March, 1899. CHAS. L. SHAW, BOBT. J. HOLD EN", 10-6w Administrators. M0TICE. Don't FaU to Bead This. DONT FAIL TO SEE THE 671 Mt Mm, THE LONG HAIRED WOMEN, Who are giving an exhibit of their Hair Grower and Scalp Cleanser in my store this week. Every woman, man or ehlld who is interested in the hair should not miss the opportunity of seeing these ladies. They will gladly give you any information In regard to the hair and the use of their remedies. It will pay you to call and see these ladles with hair seven feet long. This may be your only chance. ! cSTohia. H. ?ariss OPPOSITE BKXBOW HOUSE. A IF YOUR ,g i Teeth or Eyes : TROUBLE YOUf GO TO 1 DR. GRIFFITH, 1 DENTIST AND OFTZALHIST. . $ A 90 ve&n TrArfpnre with the W J Teeth and 8 years with the zf, Eyes. Glasses furnished. Con- m sultatlon FREE. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office In K. of P. JJ A Building, South Elm Street. i ft BOYCOTT SELLS T1EPQSIT YOUR MpUEY Ifl , - . The People's 5 Cents Savings Bant, OF Ca-R-rTnTTTTBBOHO, 1ST. O, Fays Itrt-t o nrpMj Does strictly a Sarings Bank business. Has been m successful operation tX ten ytK t M3m J. A. IlOtMiIN, Trruure J. W . 5o OTT, Presiden L Hold On ! Don't Despaiil VICE'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS 22c. Vial, has cured others and will ours vou of Cnnatlnstinn .n eyils. This pill Is a Vegetable Tonic LaxatlTe, the purest prescr t wuii2ai sens u oo. leaver gnpes cnua or adult. Trial ?lal 25c. gists and merchants, or sent on reoelpt price. THE L. RICHARDSON TYRTl Ira tfifiiir ntlAn VnA! VII s uw . Sold bj drs WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS, n-sboho, 'ar. c. ! J. r. jobdaiv P. J. SniCLAIB, 7. A. HACDCiH JORDAN, SINCLAIR & LIACDONALD, X2ST Prnnnrtv. Greensboro City and Suburban - . Manufacturing sites. -Acreage adioininrr tho ohv in m tracts to suit purchasers.. Farms and farmjeg lands, tbte;, lands, and tracts adapted to colonization Durnosea in Guilfcr: cpunty. Special attention given to locating people from li luciu uiavco. icai Ul uuuueUilUUS llUriU UUU OUUIU. W respondence with home-seekers solicited. j Jordan, Sinclair & Macdonald, .' - 106 SOUTIt KLM STREET. OBEENSBOKO, Jf. C... ! WHIT I B IT? ?t3- i '- tQ ' ! ,J . . sfjjxt iin.if.- K.'trxi.M;T - " Wools FARM AND GARDEN SEED, j 0. J). BOYCOTT; , m T7E5T IIAftKTVr ST. ' 1 : w combined, worked by two horset, whlcb letTes tout land thorouRtlr muA mrutu 10 me aepio the land to break cloddr the Corn Planter. To see -North Carolina last year as a test and everyone Is gltl The machine will last ten rears, and In ihnwn t M. G. flewell & Co.'s Store, 337 S. Elm St., by RfS. Petty- HOWS THIS FOR A CLUB RATE;: THE PATRIOT AND THE WASHING

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