LEGAREDA EXECUTED ACUINALDO CONDEMNS TO DEATH CITIZENS OF MANILA. Negroes are Blamed. Atlanta, Ga., March 17. Gover nor Candler is .very bitter In hit denunciation of the Palmetto af fair. He attributes the trouble to PATRICK WALSH DEAD. nna With a LOSS Ot TWO WMWf " m mm m Hundred Killed and Wound ed The End Not in Sight. Ho Was Mayor and Editor and Ex-Senator from Georgia. Augusta. Ga., March 20. Patrick the fact that negro regiments and Walsh, ex-senator and mayor of Au QAlHierfl have been nassincr through gusta, died at hit residence Sunday i . . " I ...t. .h.. III f the country and the light of them """"K u W uulu1 ,uc ui insurgents Attack Hollo but hae placed in the mind of.th.n.gr are Repuiseo Dy mo moi o Bi i ry, but his death was not thought to -x ac x-aimon.u ijruuuiuS n be so near at hand. -deplorable as it was bloody and Mayor Walsh was one of the most cowardly," said the Governor. -"It prominent men in Georgia, and had is true the town was burned in the national recognition aa the earnest :. -a I L. A . Ka lis., hthimnlftn rf KAtilnAfn. 1Ava1nnm.nt ..vt";,r rM.,.rM to saoDress of all its women and children. It and, perbaps, the best authority on tbei A. A a&. 1 11 U A V aV W 111 W mmm www - I I - f all Btena calculated to cauae cessation ig true.that I bad offered heavy re- maieriaf resources ana manatactarmg of hostilities. - t .. . ward for the apprehension of the pe?,lb2 , Ir..nfl ,. Twelve adh.ren.sof a incendiaries, and that the.e-negroe. aa"lVb1. hTs tfart Independence of the residents o Ma- jrregted ., 80me of tbem nary Is .1840, b his father . famUy n1I have been conaemneu iu ueaiu uc-1 , . - . .u-: 7 "LI "T . " . . ihev wrote idvieinz a surrender, naa.-conie- ' L ana ""V"1 Et ar.leE At 12 :; .niova! Pilininos have been call- Pcatea tne omcrs in iue crime, years of age ratncic vvaish was ap- 1 n nrfnrm a national service But it was cowardly and barbarous prenticed in the Charleston Evening of despoiling them. to siaugnier inem as ims mou uiu, hbw3,muiuuuo iwd ucvamuajuui' -p-m-w ia.t nn fjiffurdfl viiited fnr rhv had been arrested and neyman printer. nr.uin fnr the nurnose of advising .APA in th hands of officers of the Ho came to Augusta in '62, and has i.-noitn nnit. H artrued with i s.; Anmmitrinr ever since been identified with the th n8,irftnt lder and attempted to ,. . .'.u.!. P'ess 01 ne city, lor twenty-nve years .nnvinu h m of the follr of his re-1 ? , : j..u. I P381 w" T V . l i . DUnlsnment, aau luerts wao uu uuuu -iea.o In tha fr nf such orerwhelm-1 . . . . . . r;:; .,V.i -o. f.,rirt- Rt of their speedy trial anq punish- From 1866 Mr. Walsh was general 4ul aAin .nri nrHr-H ljipareda to be ment, if convicted. Southern agent of the Associated Press executed immediately and the unfor- "Until recently there was no race until 182, when he became manager tunate eeneral was promptly aecapi- iricnon in toe omvo. iuo ucurgio z" .o5wia.gu ooo. tated. J negro is not naturally vicious nor A" uanJO ?UIUA uc Tlilrt frh 20 At 5 OfC OCk thiS i.nna.r1 tho rinri rri lajirin Vif I City I COUnCll, irOID lOli LO J.OIO D8 A IV 1 W t -Ba- - I IllDlllBUUDbU W V WUW W AM aVM 0 W W VB W I . ' j- . . A fmoon Gen. Miller reoort that the :f.M,a fm.. Thl. w.Q m. served the mate legislature ; in lHU. . . . . m" m I ala wvawuo w - I 1 do j i DQ U J.. . U iwt auu lutu uo was a uoioavo tu tuc as leditor and proprietor of the Insurgents attacicea uouo ana toe uut" I onBtrated durine a hundred years VT - '.7 , , AiiLc nf Jam. but were reDuls-t8tr.alea aUiJ?? a unueu Democratic Convention and served for . . . . " ' cj--j- L iu o slavery, ine ijeorcia wnue as be has Ja . U.nf ln finndred. killed 01 Bivcrjr Tts L"Aa man ls-noti his enemy; auu . ... ' . i . . 1 I Cot: Dubosce. with a battallion of naa aounaant reasou 10 kuuw biuco the Firat California Infantry, will go be became a free citizen, buch to Negros Island to-morrow-to join I outrages as this never, or seldom, Col. Smith. " I occurred in this state till. regiments The insurgent emissaries of the ft insnlent. drunken neirro soldiers. Island of Panay are reported to be agi- L. annr nf thft a, ftf the nitie . . . T -BMV uwuu. w. - - ------ tatfng the lnnaDitants oi f eg""-. ... xfnrth and South, were nuartered 1 f k...nfk Iln raMloUs Whl n. ,v"" JIBUI UKI3U' IUO uu,ttu K 1 , A . 1 .L ;n n,mmiinn. ith the excentlon UBf ttUU ,'uoro 111 tUD " nf f!nl. T)nhv. who has not vet arrived, tne &oum. " . j , 7 - - I . 1 UI held their first meeting to-day. a. moo 01 negro soiuiers ran Wheaton's brigade, which defeated riot in Tampa and outraged women arid drove the enemy fifteen miles jn broad daylight. Another gang four years as a member of the Demo cratic National Executive Committee ; be served as a, member-at-large for the World's Fair Commission ; in 1894 he was appointed by Governor Northern to the United States Senate on the death of Senator Colquitt : in 1897 be was elected mayor of Augusta, which office he filled at the time of his death. Landreth fc Sons' reliable Garden Seed fresh at Gardner's, corner oppo site postoffice. I Abolition of Army Canteen. OTaarr HVa 1 O lUr.afr.. yesterday, has returned to its posit on of drunken vagabonds in Macon ! calteen 8ygtem wiU be- con near Pasig. Everything along the AaA t-iAr1 tn flrnn the nnline Ji 7 1 !' " y -"V ' . r iimiea ai army posts or entirely For-months another regiment of ffU8pended will, in a measure. de- the commissary train to keep up with "ca" ;WH !!" B pend upon the interpretation of the the advancs-has-led to considerable uu.iuirui ux iuo "." olBWD army bill by post commanders, who suffering. Many men were complete- soiaiers, terronzea onicnamauga are to be anowea wide discretion. ly exhausted and fell in the ranksJ and the town ot JLiytle, in iNortb I Armv oMcers severely condemn the I UdiUK Biruus hiuuk mo uibi.su c iujw. oeuruiH, Hay UOIUIUK Ul iuo nrtfioinn fnr th ohn Mnn f tka six miles in numbers, in" returning to Griffin .episode and, other similar occuprences. ; They had to be es- 8ertions if the law is enforced, corted through every Southern city Officials of the War Department mrougn wnicn tuey passeu aiter are confldent, however, that the law they were discharged by a battalion adniitH of nn othflr internretation of police to prevent their looting than the abandonment of the can- the stores and terrorizing the peo teen although it is nronosed now 1 - 1 t P16, '. that the Dost commanders be left "The Leeiburg outrage, the Pal- to decide for the nre.ent what con. metto burning and many ther etruction shall be placed on it. similar crimes committed in Geor whil 1 the8e officers, under an or gia by negroes during the Jast few der issued quoting the law on. the repeated. Captain Rogers, of the ""'"" Ixamnle of these law- BUbJe?M areu w?w ucted ln anJ State Rangers, and tour assistants f0X:: way, it . thought the canteen; sys- attempted to disperse the crowds, t; yr- . " tern will not long continue, and that but were fired upon and Captain "-"-mv--;- j-" 4,;"l"l5"T few: garpison officers will proceed Rogers received bullet in the leg. m7 " cto, of a11 troubles. 0n rtheir own authority, but will "j; prefer explicit orders from the bloody and barbarous retaliation Wftr n'rfm.n, fnr thir anid- of Leesbury and Palmetto. ance: Until the War Denartment Dromultratea a formal decision fur. Bryan in Knoxville. nished perhaps by the Attorney- Knoxville, Tenn., March 18, General it is doubtful if the can- The Rangers returned the fire, kill ing Agapito, an ex-policeman, who was leading the rioters, and wound ing a woman and another Mexican. Several other Mexicans were wound ed, but the number cannot yet be ascertained, as they escaped in the Colonel AVm. J. Bryan arrived here teens will be entirely abolished - J r ' o it I I 1 crowa. : - luio uiucuiug at o u uiuuk.. xi e was ' The shooting was followed by a met at 1 the passenger station by number of scattered shots in dif- several f hundred Democrats who ferent parts of that quarter of the had assembled, despite a terrible city populated largely by Mexicans, rain fall. The rain continued and they were construed as pre ar- throughout the day and night, ranged signals by the rioters for This morning . at 11 o'clock Col. re-enforcements. Dr. Blunt, ac Bryan was joined by Governor Ben- cordine to arransements madehad ton McMillian, of Tennessee. The Trusses and Crutches at Gardner's, cor. oppj postomce. BREESE GIVES BOND. The Prisoner Was Released and Left for His Home in ' Transylvania County. , William E. Breese's bond for $30,000 notifind Captain Ayres, in com- hw hed a public reception in the penaing appeal to tne unisea states mand at Fort Mcintosh, that the Woman's Building. This after- y"V"" TT" V ,WB" WM. United States troops were needed, noonthey were entertained at din- fixei tQ aper &Md fter anu ai ir ;io a aeuenment oi the P "7 opiiman. oixtaen nftn, TTnnn th- Mmntnn nf th Tenth Cavalry, mounted and fully Democrats and one Republican as- bond Maj. Breese was released from the arujeu wun iuu rounas or ammunl- somuieu arounu ine lestai Doaru. county jail, lie left on the afternoon tlon arrived. The city marshal. opiiman and Col. Bryan were A. & 8. train for his home in Transvl Jos. Bartholemew, was sworn in as boys together in Salem, 111., and vanla. The bond, which is in the hands an officer,, and the crowds were later were in Chicago. Tonight 1 u- Curt Clerk Moore, Is signed m. . a a r I'm m m- z t . . a quickly dispersed. The leader of Col. Bryan delivered bis lecture on ?y .r ureese as principal, witn tne "Pending Problems," in the large public hall of this city. He was heard by 1,500 people. After the lecture he was! entertained at a banquet as the guest of Knoxville DemocratsJ He responded ' to t a toast, "The Democracy of Jeffer sonJackson and Bryan." ' This morning Col. Bryan received ease a telegram from a Cincinnati news- the first crowd encountered by the military undertook to talk instead of obeying orders to clear but, and was promptly knocked down with the butt of a carbine and so badly hurt that he died within a short time after being-carried away. His followers took the hint and rapidly tfed. A Gatling gun and an ambu lance corps accompanied the cav alrymen, and affairs took on a de cidedly martial appearance. All the places of business were closed. The Wilkes Bond Case. ? Washinqtok, March 20 An opinion was rendered by the Su preme court today in the Wilkes county vN. C, bond case, dismissing the case for want of jurisdiction. The "court held that no Federal question was involved. Thus the case stands as it left the state courts, where the decision was ad. Verse to the validity "of the bonds, the amount involved being $1,000,- 000. The opinion was by Justice Peokham and was unanimouslv concurred in by the court. 1, ; - r -" I The name of Jim Young, togeth er with the names of the other fus ion trustees of the new auditorium building for the white blind, ap pointed by the legislature of 1897, has been chiseled from-the corner atone of that institution. The stone now bears the simple inscrip. t ion : "1815-1898. following sureties for the amounts namely : $15,000; V. J. BID32. J. A. ALBRIGHT. Stock Doubled. Expansion seems to be the order of -the day, and to keep up with the procession we have doubled our stock of Furniture. With increased facilities we are now better pre pared than ever before to serve you with honest goods at honest prices. Our line of medium and high- grade Furniture cannot be excelled anywhere in either price or quality. Come in and examine our Bed- Room Suits, Tables, Chairs, Rock ers, Lounges, fec. VI. J. RIDGE Si CO., 330 SouthvElm Street. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO HAVE ...... .. Good Garden? There are several things Important. and one thing VERY IMPORTANT Is I I can recommend LANDRETH & SONS' As I have sold the Seed for a number of years and it is not uncommon to bear a customer s&y, "I want the same kind I bought from you last year." DOWARJ GMME1 DRUGGIST, CORNER OPPOSITE THK POSTOFFICE. Resale oi Valuable Land- Pursuant to a decree of the 8uper lor Court of Guilford county, North Carolina, made in tne case oi J. w. cornin. etai. y. Elizabeth Petrram et al, heira-at-Iar of Jesse Perram. deceased, the undersigned will, on : Saturday, April 15tb, 1899, ' sell on the premises to the last and highest Dtaaer dt pudiic auction tne ioiiowinir de scribed lands, to-wit: situate la oak uldge township, Guilford county. North Carolina, two miles from stokesdale, on tne road lead- nar to Oak Jildtre. and located on th- waters of Haw Rirer. adjoining the lands of J. S t'e- gram on the east the heirs of John King on tne souin ana southwest, ueoree regranv heirs on- the west, Caleb Jones1 and John King's heirs on the north, contain ng 14 J acres more or less : but from the foregoing la saved and excepted the hereinafter detciibed dower interest of Elizabeth fegram, set apsrt by metes and bounds as follows : . Beginning at a ..tone, Jones' corner, running west v7 po es and 10 links to an old chestnut stump, Jones' corner ; thence north 28 degrees west 14 poles and i7 links to a post oak, Jones' corner; thence north 83 degrees west 23 poles to King's line: thence soulb along King's and oeorge regiam's nue im poies to a stake; tnence east t ew line) 84 poles to a stake west side of pub lic road; thence north 10 degrees west 104 poles to the beginning, J S. Brookbank's nd K. F. Wat kin s line, cont lining 45 a res and 56 poles more or le-s At the same time and place, ana upon tne same terms, tne reversion ary interest in above desert Bed dower lot will be so-d. .!)' Terms of Sale: One half cash and balance n 90 days, t&kine bond and approved security diawing Interest from date of sale. Tnis Marcn 14, 1899. E B JONES. ommissioner.! Mrs. M. A. E. Woodbridge, Miss J. W. Hume, $4,000; F. A. Lance, $1,500; M. L. Sumner, $2,000 ; f . E. Duckworth, $2,000 ; Mrs. A. R. Cartmell, $5,500. Asheville Cit izen. ' I , " - Ktep in' the house Vick's Maeic Croup Salve (25c) for this sudden dis- paper asking for an expression in reply to Bob Ingeraoirs criticism, that Bryan it a back number and has no political future. Col. Bry an's telegraphic reply was that- he did not regard "Col. Ingersoli ai a capable authority to speak of his eligibility for the back number list. nor upon his prospect! far the fu ture. -.. : Col. Bryan will celebrate his 38th birthday here tomorrow, as the guest of his cousin, Mrs. Easter, wife of Ber. Dr. Henry D. Easter, an ifipiscopal rector of this city. Fresh Garden Seed at Gardner's, cor op p. postoffice, t I Tha Spanish Prisoners. Madrid, March 19. Senor Sil- vela, Premier and Minister of For eign Affairs, had a conference to day witn the French Ambassador regarding the liberation of Spanish prisoners in the hands of the Fili pinos. Spain, it is reported, has determined to protest to the civi lized world against the attitute of the Americans in hindering the ef forts of Gen. Bios, Spanish com mander in the Philippines, to liber ate the prisoners. The government will demand a credit for the payment of the in terest on the Cuban debt. The amount to be asked for Is 15,000,- 000 pesetas. Everv man mnaf. thint fnr him. self, and he will alwavs finrl nnn hed a girlTealizes that she has his nath anm truth a, . been lilted she spends the next aHnri rtf f.,k n u.i li week coiner around amoner her through life : Vet he' dare not allnw Knd explaining to them just himself to drift; he kust be self- whT 8n& concluded to break the en- controlled mere naked instinct Bg does not befit a man. Goethe. Bean the Buy Vick's Little Liver Pills if von Cpiataa &i a a. m. . I mo ionic. Mild Dili. I f s9 Misajf M Meslisg of Cfsiitors. : : ; I x the District CocbtoptheUnitkdStatxs for thk Western District of Nort Car olina. In Bankruptcy. In the Matter of John G. Brodnai, Jr., Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of John G. Brodnax, Jr , of Greensboro, in the county or Guilford and dia tnct aforesaid, a bankrupt: j Notice is hereby riven that on the list day of March A. D 1899, the said JobnG brodnax. Jr., was duly adjudicated bankrupt: and that the nrst meeting or his creditors will be held at my office in Lexington, N. C on the 8rd day of April A. D., 1 99. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. at which time the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business aa man properly come before said meet in ft. This March 21st, 18W. J. B. McCRARY, Referee in Bankruptcy. Desirable Farm for Sale. 175 acres of highly improved land well adapt ed to the growth of Wheat, Oata, Corn. Tobacco, and especially Clover and Grasses 30 to 40 acres now in Clover and Grass. The farm is well wa tered by springs and small streams running through it. God well of water, 7-room dwell ing, large gram and feed barn, and all necessary outbuildings. Fine early Peach Orchard; also an Apple Orchard of selected variety of apples: Pears, Plums, also fine selection ot Grapes, all ju&t coming into bearing. The farm is located conveniently to Schools Churches. Mills. Mar kets and Railroad, and in one of the healthiest localities in the state, a family of 11 having re jsi'ied on the farm ten years and not having re quired the services of physician during the time. An adjoining tO-acre tract can be obtained. 1 Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at Patriot J0H1I B. T7. E. PHHT3. e a When you pay your cash Tor farming tools, you want to get the hi j up-to-date that the market affords. . THE CHATTANOOGA CHILLED PLOW ! Is sold strictly on Its merits and is the LIGHTEST DRAFT MA DK. center tootb, double lever, solid steel frame, and Is without an enmi General line of Hardware of all descriptions. See us. THE GREENSBORO HARDWARE L COMPANY, ; 123 SOTJTH ELM STREET, GREENSBORO, o21ce tf Executor's notice. The nndersifrned hereby pre notice of their appointment by the Clerk of the Superior Court or Guilford County aa executors on the estate of A. W. Line berry, deceased. AJ1 persona indebted to the estate must maae imme diate payment, and aU persona having claims agtinst the estate must present them on or be fore March 1st, 190 J, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. This 27th day of February, 1899. " j JAMES B.I.IXEBERRT, j I 1 CUABLE3 C. L1NEBEBEY, j S-Sw Execntoraj viats vrrrtr itutrri cific UIILL UTLI1 r ILUU KEEP THE FAMILY WELL NEVER CRIPErYECETABLE. 25 All DRUG STORES JleadneUB stopped In 29 minutes by Dr. mui unco cent a aosev t lilies' Pais : It, will be to your interest to see us when in need of i i Farm Imple ment of any kind. 3ee our CORN PLANTERS be fore you buy. - . ... f Parmer's Frifind Torn Pltintorft. ' 1 Superior Disc Corn Planters H Superior Disc Grain Drills, Superior Hoe Grain Drills. r A LARGE STOCK: OF BUGGIES, WAGONS, HAKNKSS, DISC HARROWS. CHILLED PLOWS, HAY RAKES. EjlJ Come and get our prices. TOWN SEND. 3 Si '"V i : ; 'j ... And, as usual, we are prepared to offer you the best goods for the least money. The bargains we can give you in Dress Goods, Sheetings, Plaids, &c.f cannot fail to please you. Have you purchased your Plant Bea Cloth? If not, let us supply you. We hare it at lc, 2c. and 2$c. a yard; ; Don't forget that our store Is headquarters for Shoes. We have just received a sample lot that will, go at ONEHALF PRICE while they last. . Call early, and let us tit you with a'pair. Ceo Royster, LEADER IN LOW PRICES, 118 SOUTH ELM ST. W U U M M 1 U U W M U U W . : y - : - t : . j -,; lli I ; 1899 STYLES, , j : Just Received. ! Sifc S LEWIS A. CROSSETTS FIBST SH FKEST. ')Jir ' The strongest line of 13.00 0 V and $4.00 Shoes in .the World, ,tfi V style, snap and service equpl to a ' V average $5 Shoe. CU and UV J) new Spring styles. They sreT'- SPECIAL BARGAINS ON ALL WINTER SHOES. Children Cry for Pitchor'o Castoria.

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