fL 78. j GREENSBORO, N. O., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1899. L j NO. 15. if iit?nFE5Pivw.-M r t" ""j . . , . cnvu, xxlo xxiuz ij.iiru.Gr Trial. ' - - I - '- 4 VI 1 RICHARDSON, publication thl y ."'i T -. "I. .(.-' . j; :" " -Mr.R.W. 3 OrriCB: KATZ BUILDING. 6lS W. OASTON ST. w.p. BE ALL, II. D pHTSICIAH 'Amr Ildurs, I. 630 So-atla. Elrai St. 2 tin Dr. AND SURGEON. Oar Center letter came too late for la week. Brooke went to Char lottesville, Va Monday. . Mrs. Rosa Hamner-Carter. has a new millnery ad. this week. Mr. A. M. Scales spent a few days In Washington City last, week. Charles E. McLean, Esq., of Bur lington, was In the city yesterday. lereece's government i nr. ana Mrs. T. M. dgerton, who distillery, three miles north of the city, I returned last fall from Dallas, Texas, was seized by Deputy Collector O.j A. where they 11 red fer a number of years, Starbuck j Monday afternoon on iac- haTe decided to make their future home count of some irregularities. About In Greensboro. Mr.. Edzerton has Two Arreata ITade. The case against W.K.King, charred It now mn..r. ir k with the murder of W. P. Saunders hare been rommitMnn. " io b count L.t D.cnb.r Summit Ar.nu. to Z Was Called in the Federal ttnart hit fAMk.v . muh t9- four hundred gallons of whiskey Were bought the business of Mr. 8. L. Uhler wn-..- mi.:;' " T 1 . . um ol Ju"oe ana made to suf- seized. A revival meeting is in progress at the West Washington Street Baptist church, services being held at 4 and 8 p. m. daily. Rev. Livingston Johnson, the pastor, Is being assisted by Rev. J. I n: urt Sou are. DENCE : 404 Asneooro sc. 1:30, to l'; 3;to 4:30. NOJ I7 I F. Love, an able preacher of Suffolk urottier varner, of the Lexington Virginia. Dispatch, called on ua yesterday after neon. 1 ST A MET, !M. D. Mrs. A. W. McAHster and children went to Ashebore Saturday on a visit to relatives. The closing exercises of the High Point graded schools will be held May attorney of Charlotte, will 'deliver the literary address. The annual sermon y li frisson's prag" Store J. torofe A- Mr. II. L. Hopkins came over from will be preached by Rev. E. W. Smith, Reldsville Monday and went to Ker- D. D of this city. nersville on business.-,. ,' Orange Presbytery met in the J. W. Ellts, of Liberty, sold tobacco Presbyterian church at Lexington last i - ailVVIUUI com mis I crimes. It will ha .Mu. .a .v. mnnm .M Ii ; I . ' .BUiUfl.u iUU .v.-Mu,Uu..ptcltiTimre,snQ some time In December a number of the jury waa empanelled Thurada beautiful young shade trees on the av mornlng, when the taking of erlden.e .nae were destroyed, all efforts to an was begun. There was alargenumber prehend the guilty parties proving to ot witnesses and the evidence was not tile, notwithstanding the fact that ra concluded until Friday. Able counsel wards fer their detection were offered was employed on both sides and the by both the Summit Avenue Bulldinr trial was watched, with; Interest Company and the city. Some weeks mrougnouu . . js. Glenn, of Winston ; ago the deviltry broke out .fr.h . rior court Monday. Under the new law xveiaoi weniwonn, con- the handsome new Summit Avenue ree- the board of directors succeeds the ducted the prosecution, while the de- idences being shattered. Additional ooara oi education, ana aicer quaiuy- ." ro wirui were on ere a for the capture .nd will rnn m. punfartlnnprr tnrm and I t.. . . " ; . : 1 iromieu xo.r. imd. ju. Karau a caie in me room now occupiea oj Jir. Uhler. They are both natives of Guil ford, Mrs. Edgerton being a daughter of ex-Sheriff R. M. Stafford, of Oak Ridgeand their many friends will be glad to know that they will make their home in our midst. v The board of county school direc tors, appointed by the legislature, 5th-7th. Mr. C. W. Tillett, a leading qualified before the clerk of the supe- SoHcllop M L' ' Mott, of ' Wjllkesboro, costly plate glass in a door ef ing the report of the old board was re ceived and the first meeting of the new board held. The board Is composed of J. BRTAW sional services to the stltute; Prof. W. T. Whltsett, of Whit sett Institute, and Prof. W. F. Alder man, of this -city. Profs. Holt and fi . . . 'Q7SE JUOJB. TAEISS' DBTJQ STOSi. dftlTE BKKBOWiHOtlSK. North Elm 8t NTISTi U pavings Bank BuUding, lm street. jGreclisboro. N. C. r - J "i H. VHEELER, a i br.r lipe: So. 82 H Dr. J. E. : rr - , lit - - I ; ' I gf Office a ; ii i - H 1 - i 0FFCi;:Op. TXliT km m GREENSBORO, ADAMS v & WYCfiE, T at the Banner Warehouse today for night. Quite a number of our Presby- Prof. J. Allen Holt, of Oak Ridge In $25, $35 and $40 per hundred. -Are you on the grand highway the number being Revs. Dr. E. that leads to good fortune? Read the smun, u. uodgm, - n. u. r,eqqeux new ad. of J. M. Hendrix & Co. ; nd J McL. Seabrook, and Mr. D E. His friends will regret to learn that Maj. Joseph M. Morehead Is con- Their friends have been so kind in ned to his home on Eugene street by relieving them of their supply of! tin sickness. s-. wash basins that Rankin, Chisholm, -Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McAcloo have Strou & Reei art encouraged to offer r.tnrn.4-fm-'nittmAMi wifh thufr tbelr customers another pleasant sur- torney Holton, C. B. Watson, of Win ston; John D. Pannill, of Reldsville, and Thomas Settle, of this city, i It developed on the trial that bad feeling had existed between the two men for some time, various threats having been made by them, j Two Whltsett were members of the county n,h P"loa to the tragedy King, Friday afternoon, and although the board of education. wuu uepu.y unuea oiaies marsnaj, evidence was not very direct or strenr. accompanied two other revenue lit was considered tnfflM.nt t ma ' -w mm w w mS m mA KM utM of the depradators and the officers put rortn renewed efforts for their appre hension. The matter same to a focus last week with the arrest of George Ozment, an employe of the Proximity cotton mills. He had a hearing beforrEsqutre Eckel had -jOne of the prominent features of officers in a raid on an illicit dlitlllev prisoner over to court, Ozment belnir Ward's Drug Store. SCALES, Counsellor at Law, m c. daughter, who has been there for med ical treatment. Prof. M. H. Holt, of Oak Ridge, attended a meeting of the executive committee of the state hospital at Merganton last week. Mrs. Oscar Teague, of Delaud, Fla., arrived in the city Saturday, being called here by the serious illness of her uncle, Mr. H. H. Cartland. Mr. S. E. Murrow and Mrs. Emma Hodgin were married by 'Squire Joseph prise In the nearjfuture. In the mean time you will find them uod the corner' ready to serve you. l! 1 Mr. Manliff Raper, who lived four miles north of High Point, was stricken the Famous Mexican Bull Fighters is operated by Saunders, and after he Jose Trigo's performing Mexican bull. (King) had returned home Saunders A feature that cannot be duplicated, and his two brothers came bv and the marvelous exploits of this bovine abused him for the part he had taken wonder being almost incredible. He in the matter. On the day of the mur- 1s as active as a deer, and exceedingly I der Saunders came to the home of the tractable. He teeters or plays see-saw, defendant ostensibly for the nurnose rolls a hugh ball with his fore fet, of collecting a bill owed him by King, fires off a pistol, waltzes, and jumps In the settlement of .the account the with paralysis Sunday afternoon and aiea mat nignt. a.e was eigniy-seven training of most extraordinary char- rel, when Saunders knocked his placed under a bend of $100. Friends were preparing to make up the bond, when the prisoner made an almost suc cessful attempt to escape from the offi cers. He made a leap from the door and began running up North Elm street, running across lots to Green and down that street to the Farmers' Warehouse, where he was overtaken. years old and was a gentleman of many fine traits of character. The remains were interred at Abbott's Creek yester day morning at 11 o'clock. The commencement of Greensboro 'i Female College will be held this year acter. Remember the day and date of this aggregation of famous foreign at tractions. Will exhibit at Greensboro April 17th. nelgbj- Hodgia on Thursday evening of last on tne 30th and 31st of May. Rev. Dr. week, at the latter's residence near Center, - - ' . "W anted- Reliable salesmen to sell our complete line of paints, varnishes, etc. Good "position for right man. Address W.W. S Robert D; Douglas. 1 land, Ohio. DOUGLAS, J. J. Tlgert, of Nashville, Tenn., one of the foremost men in the Southern Methodist church, will preach the; an nual Sermon. The alumae address will l! be delivered by Miss M. E. Carter, of oddard & Co., CI eve- Virginia. i j ll-ot I lf TT TT. riartlAnd wfa aha 111 nana the Attorneys - at - Law," PAVINGS BANK BUILDING, J.t(OH A Wbara, a."C. 1 I Atteri -4- 1 & O.jM. BWIiI5, Greensboro, N.C. NEWJjIN. i I j -; ojs anA Counsellors at Law. . . tiKEENMBOKO, Nj C. ! ' I?ictireiJ state aid .'Federal Courts wher- Are-destrbd. office over xjsite Behbovf House. t their ior vices ' B T N V 11 j' . W . P. B Y N D M , JB , Z. T. T A.YLOB. BTNUM ittcrai 4- s BYNUH & TAYLOR, ;s and !otL&sellor8 at Law. 06 COURT QGyTJT, A TVFL Officd 1 : and i Builder. in Odd Fellows' Building, SB0RC, - L' :1 ;!N. C. MURRaY BROS., to LIFE tiC I the htmiiessof PitKiot readers. HOUTW ELM STREET. ' J. IN8UKANCE. AND ACCIDENT. Justice Prltchett's court was en- we noted last week, is lying at livened Monday by a libel sultbrought point of death and It Is not thought bv J. H. West aralnst T. O. Tuttle. of that he can survive throughout i the Durham. The defendant was bound day. In the passing away of this good over to court.' - - man Greensboro will lose one of her Mr. A. M. Harry, formerly with bet and most beloved citizens, a man w.iir -RmthAiV nf nhnriAtfA. hn. tm In whom everybody has the utmost I cepted a position with Harry & Belk oonnaence. Brothers. He Is a brother of Mr. D.R. Business in the Federal court jhas Harry, ef this firm. been moving along briskly and it Is Mrs. D. E. Osborne, of this city, hoped to wind up the criminal docket will read a Daoer befere the conven- today. An unusual case against two ftAn Ar hiitnMt wnmr and northArnAn. men came ud yesterday mornlnsr. the Italists, to be held at Southern Pines defendants being charged with imper- en the lYth and 18th inst. sonatlng revenue officers. Aitnougn -The secretary of state Saturday th evidence against them was strong, Issued papers of incorporation to the WT9 Fisfeblate-ICatz Company, of this city. Mr. John T. PuUen, or Kalelgh, The incorporators are R. I. Katz, Bob- e of the best known and most suc- ert Weill and Elizabeth Katz. " cessful church workers in the state, - sDent Sunday in the city. He made a ieeiing ana voucniog laiit ai. turn it o'cleck service at the West Washington Street Baptist church, and addressed the young ladles at the State Normal and Industrial College In the evening. Work for the coming season was started In the tobacoo factory of E.J. and A. G. Stafford Monday morning, an accumulation of orders making It necessary to resume operations this early. We understand that every box of tobacoo manufactured by this firm last year has been disposed of. A steam plant will probably ee added to a m jm . m m m m u - . nuraies an exempnncauon or animai two men became embroiled In a quar- mis atrono- dP.lro tnr liWftr -,v tum . . 7 B-W VW faith of his friends in his innocence, who refused to become surety for his appearance at the next term of court. He was then placed behind the .bars. The ease was worked up by persons at Burlington who learned of the mat ter through Pleas. Goley, a former em- mills. Goley was thought to be interested in the matter, so Constable Dve Scott went to Burlington Friday night and arrest ed him. His hearing came up before Justice Eckel yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, several lawyers being retained In the ease. It was soon seen that there was no evidence against the ac cused, se the warrant was dismissed after the examination of two witnesses. While no eyldence was brought out bor down with a double-barrel shot gun. King's wife then came to her husband's assistance, bringing him a revolver, and In the melee that follow ed Saunders was shot three times once in the back. Saunder's gun was not fired; though the stock was broke a by plpye of the Proximity the blows he gave King. After the murder King went imme diately to Beidsvllle and gave himself up to the officers. The next day a writ of habeas corpus was sworn out and the prisoner brought before Judge W. P. Bynum, Jr., in Greensboro, who re leased him under a bond of $500. j The lawyers for both sides conducted the case in an able manner and made strong speeches. Self-defense was the main rilea of the defendant's attorneys, azatnst Goley. It Is believed that he The argument was closed Friday night knows something of the matter, and it at 7.30, Hon. B. B. Glenn, for the is very probable that other arrests will Some time during Saturday night prosecution, making the last speech, be made. It Is hoped that the guilty Mr. Austin Chandler died at the residence of his parents in this city last Thursday afternoon. He was twenty-one years old and had been in declining health for eight or nine months. .The funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon by Bev.L. Johnson and the remains interred in Greene Hill cemetery with the burial ceremony or tne Jr. u. u. a. m., or which the deceased was a member. Mr. Chandler was a most exemplary young man -end had many friends. He was a faithful christian and a de vout member , of West Washington Street Baptist church. a bold but clumsy robber made a suc cessful raid on the Wakefield Hard ware Company's store. An entrance was effected through a rear door, the thief knocking out a large pane of glass and prying loose two Iron bars which were screwed across the door. Had the midnight visitor been an ex perienced burglar he would have un screwed the bars, which would have been much quicker and easier than prizing them off. After gaining ao- The Jury was out less than an hour, re- parties will be reached and punished turning with a verdict of hot guilty, to the full extent of the law, for such So far as we know the verdict is erally approved by the public. gh- Tha Only Exhibition of its Kind America. j The Famous Mexican Bull Fighters that will exhibit at Greensboro, Monday It W R "Rl? A PIT ATlf I Plete Including New York State, Bur HrI. UtoAAjLLILilL, bank. Early Rose and Eastern North Architect T JOHNSON, THE GRSB'Xi e i im , ISBORO m-- sod mini; CI ft LI ST T II ELM Pvks: 1 tion ST. Free. bank, Early Rose Carolina sweet potatoes. -; "' n . t - XI I ATT GZ UAMB. Will sell twenty-five shares new stock in paying business at $105 each in order to increase capital stock, or will borrow ten thousand. Address Box 353, Greensboro, N. C. H-2t Mrt J; A. Gorham, of Charlotte, and Miss Annie Shober, a popular youngjady of this city, will be married in the First Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock Thursday morning, the 27th Inst. . Next Sunday a revival meeting will be begun at the First Presbyterian church. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Smith, will be assisted by BeV. E. E. Gillespie, who has been doing evangelical work for some time. We are pleased to note that the harness business of G. S. Gaulden t Co. continues to grow and expand. Amone the several shipments made April 17th, Is the only exhibition of kind ever brought to this country. affords the American people an oppor- cess to the store the thief appropriated tunity of witnessing an entirely for- elght of the finest revolvers in the elgn amusement. An American Amuse- house and five or six good pocket ment Hyndlcate that is ever abreast of knives to his own use, besides robbing the times and up-to-date, haye organ- the cash register of about three dollars Ized this novel exhibition, consisting In change. Twe young men were sleeping in a room over the store and heard the man walking below, but sup posed it to be Mr. B. B. Beall, the man ager of the store. If the robber should be captured be will be tried for bur glary, which Is a hanging crime. : A returned "patriot" from the late war tanked up with the "reeking red" Sunday afternoon and imagined that m waa ahln f.n nnt n. otVioIa rfflment to the equipment to enable the factory to fl,ght. He mlatok the old 8outhern Mexican Cow Boys, with their Bucking Dassencrer station for a Spanish block- Bronchos ; genuine Mexican Bough i of an entire Caudrilla of genuine Mex ican Matadors, Espadas, Toreros, Pi ja dores, Banderillerols, Capeadores,Chu las famous In their native country for their daring exploits In the arenas, while in combat with the formidable bovines. The management of this pop ular attraction has imported for this, their first annual tour, genuine Mexi can Bulls direct from the famous pas- tures ef Jalisco Mexico, also genuine run the year round. The Democratic ward primaries for the city will be held Thursday night, the 27th Inst., for the purpose of nominating aldermen and selecting a candidate for mayor. The city con vention will be held In the court house the following night to ratify the nomi nations of the primaries and to nomi nate a candidate for mayor. The elec tion will be held on the following house, but was intercepted before de molishing it. An Idea then seized him to take charge of one of the Southern's passenger trains, and when the south bound local came in he crawled up In the cab and informed the engineer that he would run the train to Charlotte. Riders and Sharp fear-defying artists Shooters. These will give exhibi tions of their darinc skill at each and every performance. diabolical crimes should not go unpunished. An Enterprising Firm. It is a pleasure to Invite the at tention of our readers to the full-psge advertisement of the Greensboro Hard ware Company In this Issue. This progressive firm sells the renowned Osborne farm implement, which never fail to give entire satisfaction. If you want a harvester and binder, a ruower, a bay rake era harrow the enterpris ing gentlemen composing th's firm would be glad to receive a call from you, and they will take pleasure in ex plaining the merits, of their imple ments. Each or tnem belog a practi cal farmer, they are in a position to appreciate the needs of farmers, and tbey will always be found ready to supply these needs with the latest and most up-to-date farm machinery at the most reasonable prices. The Greensboro Hardware Company deserves the liberal support given It by the public, and we are glad to know that Its business is growing with each succeeding season. m t r Tne Famous Mexican Boll Fighters. This mammoth organization of Mex ican Matadors, Espadas, Toreros, Ban derillerols, Capeadores, Plcadores and Chulas, will give a true representation of Mexico's National Sport, the Bull 0, 8a.m.tdii30p mlatoftp m .. " fc"D ,u,"""us time the soldier was in a oaa numorJApru lsi, wnen me reuoas ior -'' r ' - ' this week was a set of fine buggy har- Monday, which' will be the first day of ftnd bent on: deviltry.- After making Oliver's superiority that had been ! t' . ' : ' 1 - - - Mint In f t a.taat nnt , rf a I ABLISHED 30 YEARS. May. . Representatives of the Maloney Directory Company, of Atlanta. G&., Ii. Fa I ' f - - nit... I mm rrar's Son ness to a point in Mississippi. Col. John S. Cunningham, of Cun ningham, Person county, chairman of the state board of agricultura, and one of the most extensive farmers In the itate. was here Thursday night on his ..mm frm . hmtinasa trln to Baleiirh. these sfentlemen propose to turn IVfcUlM W mmm mm - - g MM I - ... will meet with general favor and are now engagea in compiling a new and complete city directory tof Greens boro, w e oeueve mac sucn a booK as out we nr4ctor of ADJ USTEfi, Southern Ball way rrfiMtche8 Specialty. 'auiT OF FINE TAf P aring tt,H f H fctlH ' !iJ - I MO I.E. the ad. 4.. vnn . "me ihti ". o.u ain, r??w. Addreaa. atatina- alter remainmsr in tnei weu-ior ' Wll. Hi... AM c m ft. M ' m 1 Kxcluiive and Economic at itarM af Phi lav. . . . are pleased to snow mat tney are Normal and industrial oonege, went mMtln wlth iacce8S. Th haYe -r l .1 U .mmA m wr tn. m ft an A m mamt- I J io ic.Ku w - publlthed dlrctorI for ArteTlllt ingoUha board of directors of th.B.p- ChIotte and Kt,eIgh, and , , , ust remaio uDinnnjv "v- - number of other Southern cities. have this institution open ny oepiem- ber. . Mr. T.C. Boscher, of Pomona, came near losing his life in a well yesterday. While removlner some bricks the well llr. A. L. McLean the Winner. The contest for the Oliver chilled Policeman Jordan gently persuaded plow, advertised in the Patriot by the FI nt n Grcen8boro, Monday, April him to postpone his trip, but by this Wakefield Hardware company, ciesea 17tQ prominent among this noted time the soldier was In a bad humor 1 April 1st, when the reasons for the T - ... of M exic.n9 i- Antonio Fer nandez, the greatest of all Mexican Bull Fighters. This renowned Mata dor wlh appear at each and every per formance, ills inconceivable suppll ness and agility, while tormenting the formidable bull, Is unrivaled In his na tive country. The honor bestowed upon him for his daring exploits titles him Matador De Antonio nandez. re- an unsuccessful attempt to break into ceived were sent by us to the manurac- an express car the officer took him in turers, who decided the contest. The charge, but was compelled fe use his Oliver Chilled Plow Works, of Blch- club twice on the obstreperous prisoner mond, Va write under date of April before reaching the jail. Monday af- oth that they had carefully examined ternoon tne mayor sentenced mm to the. roads, but finally changed the sentence to a fine after the prisoner bad made some fair promises. 1 all the reasons and awarded the plow to the author of the set of reasons Wanted! Reliable man for manager of branch office I wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O. K. here is a good Veterans Reunion, Charleston, S. C, Hay 10-13, 1899. Tickets en sale by Southern and At lantic & Yadkin Railways May 8tb, 9th and 10th. Good to May 21st. Bound Drize. and i marked Ko. 10." These reasons jwere submitted by Mr. Archie L. McLean, a prosperous young farmer of McLeans ville. and he is consequently the win- en-Fer- sa. - - i i i rranK j. u ner of the plow. We congratulate Mr. senior partner r-T ; -,nnfn tM. klnih1a doipr . bosmeM trip $6.60. J. W. 3cott, Com. Guilford Co. Camp. SirifiJ.iI5r Mthout cti a wSonal caved in, burying him under a maai of Upenlnir. Kindly mention this naner tr riPHo. . j - . - . - m i . ... . ! fiutta VrwUi? SS!?1 T8M5 1 dirt anoether debris, ue was rescued wnen writing. ; io-6t s-riTiArOHio. Cirror Toledo T.rr COCSTT. Frank J. Cheney taaaea oatn tnac ne ta too oi id arm ok . j. ,acnvj m w- McLean Upon winning this Valuable lnd state aforesaid, and that aaid firm will pay the sa oi u. c. iivnutkbu wiaaiw ..h .nd ererr cate of Catarrh that cannot to enterprise dls- cured by the nae of HaU's Catarrh ya.?ricvi:V fiwornbefot-e me and anlHcnbed In my pi eoce. this 6th day of December. A. U. . - MX WW - ir. m,J M m We take care or estates and proper- Notary pnbiks. the Wakefield Hardware Company . upon their played in the matter. for themselves or some Or av . n FhUaaelphia, Pa. time. A. T. Morris, Cincinnati,1 0. Illustrated catalogue 4 cents postage. Business Opportunities. Opportunities for small investors to loan money on mortgages secured by surance, look after general conditions, ,U f'i'gjoiedo, o ties for owners or heirs, pay taxeaj in- nail's CaUrrhCuru intr guaranty. Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. collect rents, etc. Piedment Realty A Guaranty Co. Sold by UrncgiBta ic. , llall's ramuy rtu are um