" rt . , r. , : ' .- - -i : . ' . - j . ; . !....-. ! .--l 1 - S I 111 11 L I PJ iU n I.I.I W I - L A -T - . . I .nf m and flavor of fruits 15 irance of ve in i f toaid plumpness 'iproducU by. Potash. es, n 1 : Mm - i V.I t,:4 with Prine- Ur Aaa anu mu,- so and increase yieia quality of any crop;' f . 1 aflgEt Free our pampfaletf, which T?L mltuv and use fertilizers with ecbnckr an profit. :: j'jV flERFlAN KALI WCRK5. -v pj Nassau Pinr York IKE -re i sonrce of comfort. jThey a I source of. care, I Also. Tf xbi care for your child s i JmI RPnd5 ! for illustrated iiTrln the disorders to tsrhich ctil4r :n , re: subject, j jand fcisciircd for, 50 years. 1,1k tUl hf mall tot Mtft j . -.. Rati 8. FRET) i f Ilaltimore.Sl. STSASTdST. r DAVIE WHITE. ( 1 j - ; ' Vice President, ! Jl. W. IfeALXSTES. sec. A iTreas., apital $2 50 0 0 p ai d j u p . Surplus $24,539.65. XEGQTIATFS LOANS It- ! XECUTOROP i .i i LVLiKSTATE it i LEGTING AG EN K 00 CO I tects Anlpl fehtve ijin Cbii itnotber ilCotltw; taose.exc Avenue ; Vti pro jDtrv and (Jill on or E!f A rn-po CY. GBneral Trust Business. na ror loans nts ranging toave money are pplicatloi riay amou .HO.- We Jtiea are knxiou.4 to have placed at desired from $100 to istedi which always re- Becurity Ia for rent -three. dwellings. rch street, one on Spring bn West Lee; near Npr- bllent (Jwellitigs m Sum- mi improved and i unlm- riprty, both in city and sted f(r sale; address us for particulars. I 1 There was a man whe never made A blander In his life; N He loved a girl, bat was afraid, If she became his wife, ' ' That he or she might rue the day That brought them bliss, and so lie pat the hkppiness away That wedded lovers know. One day the man who never made Mistakes perceived the way That led to famebat, still afraid, Drew back and stole away ; H hunned the winding paths that led To distant, unseen ends, And kept the road that stretched ahead With neither steeps nor bends. At last tne man wno never maae -Mistakes fell by the way; In garments that were badly frayed, And pale and starved he lay; No weeping friend bent o'er him there, No servant, child nor wire; But victory was his he ne'er Had blundered In his life. 8. E. Klser, In Chicago News. .. x " A Hew Kind of Syrup. A good story is told of a Kansas farmer who entered a general store in Emporia, Kan., and inquired for somethin nice to put on griddle caKes." 4MoIa88essr " said the store keeper. , "Nawi somethin' nicer. Be'n eatin' molasses for twenty years Ain't ye got somethin' slicker?" j The grocer told him about ma ple syrup, and praised it highly. All the "toney people" of Emporia use it, he feaid. "That's what I want. The high- tonedest you've got." By a strange mishap when the boy went to pack the goods for the socially ambitious farmer he took tin of varnish, the varnish com ing in pquare cans of a kind, simi lar to thoae cohtaining the maple sap. Three or four months after ward the man came back to town and reported at the store. The storekeeper, having made the dis covery of the error, was in a panic. At length he m us ted up courage to ask how the maple syrup had an Oh, she was all right,'? said the customer. "Kinder higb-iaiutin, but . good. My wife at first said ehe thought it was some rancid, but when I told her what you said about it bein' a high-toned dish hat the best people in Empory jes' nacherally craved she seemed to take a second holt, and now she won't eat nothin' else. I 'thought there was. a kind of snap and bite to it that sorter reminded me o' what we used to git, when prohibi- bition first struck the country, but n gineral it's mighty good stuff." bad effect at amazed store- an1 the w uouf motto, and we do-our ut MO.Hve. up to it. ! If you have any iSlDt tO in&kA rin tint haaltota tn 0Ut, We are mhrp thnn imvlhua all ht our riiltnmnra anil tnVo ted. r i j r j NSBDRO STEAM LAUNDRY. -4s lULHICLUlA IPO Mi -)10NA HILL i SERIES. p or ;t 1 V " "li o, Ipt Ami largest ur- y ears in 8ucces- orders hinoed rJ - SouthUrii SratPs Xhw "ti- West. I HPHltKv.S;rnfk '"f.fis hn of the most f'Etr ii Nurseries. i KILTIES s "Was there all?" inquired keeper. . rrr n Ii 1 ii . w en, now, x cau t eay iiiere asn't. You see, it was my wife's first experience with dude' grub, an' she kinder lost her head. Got ambitious. Allowed that if we was good enough to have that kind of eatin' we was good enough to have some other things to match. Bought a lot o' new chiny dishes from a pedler and made me prom- se I'd get her a new hat with red n it an' a dress this trip in town. Yes, I s'pose you might say that they was some bad effects, because vanity is certainly sinful, butyou're married man' yourself, an' you know they ain't no way to stop a woman's ambitions when she be gins to kinder get in society. Gimme a couple gallons more o' that syrup, an' if you have some that has jes' a little more o' that pleasant bitin' sting to it, why, let's have that." , r i "a- v i v i .... " - 'ck. umm e and MarkHt or- kits;. USE DPARTMM7. y-HllJ DESIGN'S. AC. l-s.;, f ''"is rs PKKVA in r-u'liVHt' art l l i Ibnnai, N. C in.. ktoZW Jake a dose or two TTite Nervine diUj; A Country Without an Army. Gen. Hutton, a skilled English soldier, who has been put in com mand of Canada's army, is now busily employed looking for the ar my He says at present such a force does not exist. This fact is good evidence that Canada is not afraid of an invasion from her big neighbor. Canada would find it a hard matter to exist if it were not tor the United States. Her people sell us eggs, potatoes, and. other things, and they comet over into our territory, work in the mills in New England, get timber in the Maine woods, and make better wages than they can get at home. Canada is even trying to sell our people coal. The nearness of the United States is worth a va6t deal more to Cana da than all the advantages she de rives from England. Some points in the American tariff may not be altogether satisfactory to Canada, but she knows too much to quarrel with her best friend. .. A proposition is now under dis cussion between England and this country to modify the agreement made as to building ships of war on the great lakes. When that is done Canada will have no need of an army or navy. All she will have to do if she imagines she is in dan ger of some enemy at present un known will be to call on Uncle Sam, and he will see that she is protect ed. Baltimore American. " ' - ' r -' NO . CURE-NO PAYi That ia the way all drnrtiaU sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CllILL TONIC lor Chill, Terer and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteleMfonn. Children lore it. Adults prefer it to bitttr nanseatinf tonics, race, wc "The Powell Procssa." " . How long before the rankness of tne beef inquiry will drive ev6n Russell A. Alger out of the Cabi net? From day to day the evidence has shown more and more . clearly the unspeakable infamy of the war and .commissary departments , dur Ing the Jate war. On July the 13th, Just ten days alter the destruction of the Span ish fleet at Santiago, at a time when me aecent American citizen was rejoicing at the triumph of Ameri can arms and the approaching end of the conflict, the department. had a letter. It was from Phillip D. Armour, butcher and philanthro pist. It informed the commissary department of the superior .advan tages of the Armour Company in the matter of fresh meat. The company had exclusive use of the "Powell Process" for preserving meats. It came a trifle high to be sure, but so had, the "Hanna pro cess" for preserving the "nation's honor. Had Armour not invested liberally in the latter? The con tract was given to Armour, accom panied by a glowing "endorsement from the Secretary of War and the Commissary General," and as the laureate af the stock yards rhap- sodioally j exclaims, "Such results were never before accomplished i In the history of the fresh meat busi ness." Undoubtedly! such results never were. So far as history shows, the results were absolutely without a parallel, various coun tries, "in the history of the fresh meat business," have starved their soldiers because they had not the wherewithal! to feed them ; it re mained for. this country, through Alger, Armour, ftagan & Co., ito poison its soldiers at a higher fig ure than was required te feed them. And when the general of the ar my exposed the crime against civi- L-i'--nVBAM .M A.m;M.AM. uiaior, ordered In a fruitless attempt to break the force of the exposure,! it is found that the "memoranda are not in the file boxes." They have disappeared along with the endorse ment of the "Powell Process" by Alger and Eagan. It is a sweet chapter in American industry, and rtA ri l of a.it r T tha f.aah. wiant business." News and Observer. Farm implement 'Headquarters! That's what our store is. We carry one of ' ,r.-'-v.?W7U - -the largest and best assorted lines of Im- ' i' I . , , ' ft v ' '' - . -t - i.- plements to be found in the State, and you will find our prices to be always the lowest. Our stock of wood and iron Pumps i is second to none. .Wood Pumps firom S3.50 up : Iron Pumps from v Y we can save von mon- ey on a Pump and sell ' ' I.- .- you the VERY BEST MAKE. XWhen in need of anything in the Hardware line call on us. We can and will save yon money. l v w Mi a.m b . xioe vvire xor xara Fence. It ia Btronx. Parable and Lo-w Priced. Wp Hake Special Prices for Grave Yards. up; $4.50 up. This is a "Handy' Little Tool and Eyery Parmer I I Should Havo One. For Truck Patches It Has No EquaL Hardware Co Mr. S. A. Fackler, i Editor of the Micanopy (Fla.) Hustler: with his wife and children, suffered terribly from La Grippe. One Minute Cough Cure was the only remedy that helped them. It acted quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as a specific for La Grippe, and its exhausting aftereffects. Howard Gardner. j Ovation. Don't you get tired of "ova tions?" When the husky third baseman has put the ball over the fence and trots proudly down the homestretch, he is "given an ova tion. ' When the popular candi date for road overseer arises in the dimly lighted sohoolhouse to dis cuss expansion before thirteen con stituents, mostly boys and women, he is "met with an ovation." When our member is announced to come home from a period of legislative wrestling with a private bill to re- ieve John Doe from the effects, of . -- - t ; hereditary inanimation and a char ter for the new bridge across Tur key Creek to show for three months' labor, the word is passed around for all the boys to come out, for we must, give our man ia bigger ovation than the Democratic member' had two years before. Kansas City Journal. , ! " . Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burns and Skin Diseases. These are mmedlately relieved and quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of worthless Imitations. How ard Gardner. Disappointment. "Let me see," said the stock spec- 'didn't you once enter a track of land in the mining regions of upper Michigan?" "Yes, and like to lost my little fortune,", answered the rural caller. The 'tarnal place was as dry as a bone, and every time I'd try sinkin a well Id strike copper. There was no drillin' through the plaguey stuff, less'n I'd buy a lot more tools, so I jest throwed up the claim and kim back where I could raise su- thin' and git plenty of water." A Bad Habit. That suicide is a "pernicious habit that obviously tends to short- en lire" is tne aeiense sec up oy a life insurance company in a recent action, on a policy which expressly included liability for such repre. hensible habits. It must be con ceded that suicide, if it becomes habitual, wuld have the tendency described. J -For Over Fifty Years. Vrs. "Window's Soothinsr 8yrup has been used ot over fifty Tears by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the cmia. softens tne Kums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-Ave cents a bottle. Be sureand ask for "sirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. j Why tho Flag Was There, j The Troy Times tells of a visitor at a public school, who being re quested to address the pupils, spoke of the necessity of obeying their teacher and growing up to be use ful, - loyal and patriotic citizens. To emphasize his remarks, he pointed to a large national flag that almost covered one end of the room, and said : "Now, boys, who can tell me what that flag is there for?" One little fellow, who un derstood the condition of the room better than the speaker, replied: "I know, sir. It's to hide the dirt." f uouehing injures ana innames sore lungs. One Minute i Cough Cure loosens the cold, allays coughing and heals quickly. The best cough cure for children. Howard Gardner. . i j Still water may run deep, but some men who talk but little think still less. : ; ' : ' TO CURE A COLD IN ORE DAT TakeLaxatiTe Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if it fails to Cure. 5e The genuine has I. B. Q. on eaca tablet. Richmond, Va, June 10, 1898. Goosx GaxAsx Lxkimxxt CoGbixxsboro.c. Dkak Sir Some time ago yon sent me one dozen bottles of Goose Grease Liniment to be used in onr stable amongst our horses, and we beg to state that we have nsed this exclusively since receiving it, and would state frankly that we nave never had anything that gave ns as good satisfaction. We have used it on Cats, Braises, Sore Necks. Scratches and nearly every disease a horse can have and it has worked charms. We need mere at once. Please let me know rf yon have it put up in any larger bottles or anv larger packages. than the ones sent us and also prices. Yours truly. , STANDARD OIL COMPAXT. By I.G. West. IJotice by Pablication. i ... : , North Carolina, i Xn tMm ftnrnrnnJ Guilford couhtt, j ... Action concerning Beal Estate. Domenica Xuchi, Thomas Luchi, Bafaelle Ka- vina,uetttni rrancesco. vs. I Giovanni Rossi. G. Emsley Donnell, R. D. Pat- I terson ana wire, nme Patterson. In this action, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, by affidavit, that Giovanni Rossi, one of the defendants, cannot after due dili- ence be found within the State, but is a resi- ent ot the State of Pennsylvania: that said Giovanni Rossi is a proper and necessary party to said action: and that rhe nature of the ac tion is real property, the purpqse of the action being to determine the various interests of the parties thereto in two certain tracts of land sit uated in Guilford county, N. C adjoining the lands of Ed. Lambeth, John Barker and others, and known as part of the Donnell tract, con taing 400 acres more or less; and to require of the defendants' to make and r deliver to the plaintiffs good'and sufficient titles to 320 acres of said tracts in accordance with written agree ments between the parties; and to exclude the said Giovanni Rossi from any lien or interest in the said 220 acres. j It is ordered by the court that publication be made once a week for six weeks in the Greens boro Patriot, a newspaper published in Guil ford county, N. C, requiring the said Giovanni Rossi to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Guilford county,' to be held in the court bouee in Greensboro on the-5th day of June, 1899, and then and there answer or demur to the complaint herein to be filed, or the case will be proceeded with as if personal service of summons had been made upon the said Giovanf ni Kossi. Given under my hand at office at Greensboro, in said county, this 30th dsy of March, 1899. i u JOIIN J. NELSON, C. S. C I A. M. Scales, Adams & Douglas, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 14 6t Resale ot Valuable Land- Pursoan t to a decree of the Superior Court of Guilford county. North Carolina, made in the case of J. W. Cornish, et aL vs. Elizabeth Pegram et al, helrs-at-law of Jesse Pegram, deceased, the undersigned win, on - Saturday, April 15th, 1899, sell on tne premises to tne last ana nignest bidder by public auction the following de scribed lands, to-wit: ltuate in oak Ridge township, Guilford county. North Carolina, two miles from 8tokesdale, on the road lead ing to Oak Ridge, and located on the waters of Haw Elver, adjoining the lands of J. S. Pe gram on the east, the heirs of John King: on the south and southwest. George Pegram's heirs on the west, Caleb Joces and John King's heirs on the north, contain ng 140 acres more or less ; but from the foregoing Is saved and excepted the hereinafter desciibed dower Interest of Elizabeth Pegram, set apart by metes and bounds as foUows : Beginning at a .tone. Jones' corner, running west 17 poles and 10 links to an old chestnut stump, Jones' corner; thence north 23 degrees west 14 poles and 17 links to a post oak, Jones corner; thence north S3 degrees west 23 poles to King's line: thence soulh along King's and George Pegiam's line 114 poles to a stake; thence east ( ew line) 84 poles to a stake west side of pub lic road; thence north 10 degrees west 104 Eles to the beginning, J. 8. Brookbank's and F. Watkins line, contAining 45 acres and 69 poles more or less. At the same time and plaee, and upon the same terms, the reversion ary interest in above described dower lot will be soid. - Terms of Sale : -One-half cash and balance) in 90 days, taking bond and approved security CUawing interest irom oaus ox sais. -. -This March 14. 1899. is. B. Jones, commissioner. CAPACITY, 10,000 JOBS RN AltNUM. Smm fmik th Ml. f thmp tank to. prMU an Itrt, Pn'i alio ywnrif w b. T.ui. tat bayiaf a (ldiyja I. rdOT t. . a Mar r m. SOCa HiLL" UuwUa at. - A LI ill. Ht(W ia Ptm., But" thy Ru4 Uak aa4. atov. all. KIEP A WAT r ROM TUZ SHOP mtklmg thtm taMt la tka 4. Sold bT IntlaM llm mIt. If momm mm mmim In jmu towm, vrit. dinot. : ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hill, S.C. r.l.G. NEWELL & CO., Agents, ' GREENSBORO, N. C I I- SPECIAL PRICES ON..- Mais, Ik As usual we have a full line of School Books and School Supples. WDflBlII'BBlfS.. jiooltselleiMs fc"pB tn tl b n o reuTD NEXT DOOR TO BANK OP GUILFORD. LOOK FOR TDK BIO FOUNTAIN TIN. J. A. diLBEXQHT. CHOOSE YODR DRUGGIST CAREFULLY. J . ! 1 A druggist can do more hrm or good than most people give him credit for. There aro dif ferent qualities in drugs Just as there are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by the same name." The difference between pure, high grade drugs and cheap, inferior driigs of toe same name, means the difference between keep ing sick and getting well. When a doctor writes a prescription, he means best quality. When some dm gists fill a prescription, they think onlv about big profits. i - j Choose your druggist carefully. , 1 . i i ' . . i When in Need Apply to HEADQUARTERS POa ALL XIXDS OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES: I ' '- 1 I' Lime ..."Carson's Eiverton," ' Cement Rosendale. Cement. .Portland. Building Brick. .V. .... .Common. Building Brick Bepressed. Fire Brick. ......... Superior.! . (Of my own make try them.) j Fire Clay .Excellent. Plaster . . .Calcined. Plasterers' Hair. Steel Booflng. Roofing Paper. - Steel Siding Glazed Sewer Pipe. Clay Flue Pipe. Lowest prices. Wholesale and retail. Thos. Woodroffe, j GH3i:EIV8130riO, IV. c' j -. ' ' ' I gT2T8oIeAgent for The American Injector and The Lyman Kxhaust Ueful fhtt Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and an Pat ent business conducted for ModcratC Fees. And we can secure patent ia less tune uan Uk Send model, drawing- or pboto with ccrlp; tlon. W e adrise, it patentawe or not, irr charge. Our fee not due till patent m tccurrd. m V! How to Obtain Patents." with onu of Tame .a the U. S. and foreign coontrks cat free. Address, c.A.sraowcico. Am Sirrrr OmCC W A8MITOH. O. C. Stock Doubled. Expansion seems to be the order of the day, and to keep up with the procession we have doubled our stock of Furniture. With increased facilities vre are now better pre pared than ever before to serve you with honest goods at honest prices. Our line of medium and. high grade Furniture cannot be excelled anywhere in either price or quality. Come in. and examine our Bed Room Suits, Tables, Chairs, Rock ers, Lounges, tc. V7. J. RIDGE & CO., 330 South Elm Street. TMROUGnTijfo. ViRairiix.OHio, YVcirrVTrvGiniA, '1 am, m BT mW It) 4MA VI Y hm LURAY ROTTOES Katural bridge: fountain Lake BRISTOL Knoxville chattanooga Lookout Mountain BIRMINGHAM MEMPHIS NEW ORLEANS NO ROANOKE KEN OVA CHILLICOTHE COLUMBUS, CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST, Thrift ftrRstes. Mmps.Tlint TkbtsJHrrt CJ L AW -BMHaaaaamw WlB-GEVlLL CcMuAacjn. . I SaHlKiai PAAwtl i CotutmuaO. 1 Dr. MIW Nntva PiArrzaa cure JinETJlJ' TlSlT WEAK BACKS. Al ttreist, oaUtsc