Lnt's PbiliPP6 Oojriixiis r 8 ' nnr I Intentions PhiliDDine com- .ian l b' T. issued Wproclamatioa JStoo... setting 'forth the .We' M of the United States in the jw4"TOf - or iucui aves them tie 7T LiiJe of f bis President Mc in no doubt as which will be i - - - f , i . h? islands, . t 1 the message which the n brings, to we r mpinoe : .nMpiti nr. v i w a. t si w w ..,.f nn.J Will ha enforced ::4hPUteTeryiI?art of the archi and those who resent it U iccoipliih no end other than The preamble to this .3 new ui to"" in JiiW": iratip ..J nf Tjuzon. will 1 the natives that t: ' Lcns excel in uuuiur, s Perm tied thousand. W U:L killed and wounaeq, ione pfcil ;.freii the rhe Ici 6 inl.v' inBucts ibis com- Wr:" IL fh neoble of ifl to rv-- .-. VT-i.lL1a nf thia cor- ppine ' willand paternal feeling entertained for them by lent of thW United States people, loa the samejj"cor fraternal feet- cent lam D or meal. After American; wolf has will nd the inno ' n w hla L natives aBHurauuo uo . 4 c ;iir owq ruin. 4 ii concerned. f an independent Filipino i far as this administra- The thousand jbiubtait to the supremacy ! "g! buiiieis of (conquest and are rtHBg war ior lunt puic, .(inentiable. After haying de- ctjed any nopes isos itiignt. naye ect bfe a represe which the Fil entertained for would in ey ery ntative Filipino blic, the President prjoceeds to j the natives, through his com- :J?I0n, DOW uiey pau uo uuppjr n :(t accept" the program he pas 4 down. -The ierican government," the natives Wold, aim and 'is the ele object of the vation and ad- cement ofTthelPhilippine people i position among the most civ- iitd peoples of the world. How ::i consummation; is to oe accom- ihed the commission explains at itb and expresses regret that itii "pure aims And purposes iTibeen misintsroreted to some ifihe inbabitantsT The Filipinos, ; bit oe romarxsa, are not i tne t'jones who have been at ; a loss i .know what were the real pur riei of i the administration! Sev er million Americans have been u Ignorant as tke natives, although i President hasfbeen appealed to lemd again to make some ex- ?.icit declaratiehjof the intentions )fhe administration. They know ut.byway otMnila and through comcmion waich has traveled J?irlj Ijalf way around the globe, Sat ths ultimate disposition of ( islands' is li be. but it is! the i' tuthoritati re . announcement -t btf been mi de since the doc 'ft off ;4benevo lent assimilation' fC promulgated. y : I- .1 V are to be granted liberty and self- redoncilable with a just, stable, effectivo ; fand .UUiv;ai uuminisiraiion pi puo f'ffi ri and cbmpatiblo with the Tweiia and international riehts the obliffftCininti nf th TTnifArl Thd PilirvinM. A. .L. . i (wrnment This-is a very impressive ara.iion on ltsifacei, butUhe de- oljielf-govirhment to be given natives depends so lareelv uuon !:Sit inception of what 'are ! our n and rnternational rights that time alone is really in the H reveal whit f-of tFie.adbinistration and to MttXtpnf t li in i i Hof their own'atTairs! Inde- QCe, a8 t lA'Vilininna nnr)o. Pdt after tie War of tile lievo- the oueetidn..! " t also promises the aonest and effective which,"to the full lich it is nrftcticftL shall Id i hilippi ties; bowevel,- unless 11 an honest civil alrvice in nite StakesJ and i rlaa innr beer intimated ihat the W ?oaJ i out o Presided ":Pisu")9 an 4i u rfice in L 7 rui 10 W m -4 b a this si! -ft s-oi A3 toV sions, to ithe spoils. cohntrv. If Ka viaUb vil service will be islands to their own advantage, re gardless of the welfare of the Cu bans and Porto Ricans. i Congress is not in session now to forbid the granting of " concessions in the Philippines to those who will en deavor to get in on the ground floor" through political influence'. This is the sort of "exploitation" which will be attempted in the Philippines by men who may have tho favor of the administration. It was stated recently, on the au thority of an agent of the Agricul tural Department, that two-thirds of. the land in the Philippines was vested in the Spanish sovereignty and would revert to the United States. What an opportunity this will offer to syndicates which have "influence" in influential circles in Washington ! Baltimore Sun. the finnilamonl nnrl WrrUpiaDd efficient , !iifice friekdsbip," cuse oi th PkniI "irmp ex- ib quue true, nor. iniiiA 4 a 4 -.ivb auu X.I tCiiU- Ni' he Canteens Hot Abolished. The Secretary of War recently requested the opinion of the Attorney-General as to whether sec tion 17 of the army reorganization act, passed at the last session of Congress, prohibits the continuance of the sale of intoxicating drinks by the government in the canteen sections of the post exchanges which are organized and maintain ed at the various army posts and encampments throughout the Unit ed States; The Attorney-General, in his re ply, decides that the section in question does not prohibit the con tinuance of tho sale of intoxicating drinks through the canteen sec tions, as heretofore organized and carried on, exoopt that no officer or enlisted , man can be detailed from duty in the canteen -section to do the selling. Section 17 of the army reorgani zation act is as follows: "No officer or private soldier shall be detailed to sell intoxicat ing drinks, as a bartender or other wise, in any post exchange or can teen, nor shall any other person be required or allowed to sell such liquors in any encampment or fort or on any premises used for mili tary purposes by the United States ; and the Secretary of War is hereby directed to issue such general or der as may be necessary to carry the provisions of this section into full force and effect." The Attorney -General holds that "the regulation of the post ex changes and canteens being within the power of the Secretary of War, the act means that he shall, by or der, modify the regulations upon that subject so as to make them eonsitteat with the .provisions of this act. To that end it will be re quisite that he shall determine the question of the persons who may be employed in the post exchanges, and such other conditions and re quirements in connection there with as his good judgment may dictate." The decision of the Attorney General on the army canteen legis lation of the last- Congress has stirred the temperance and relig ious elements to activity, and to night the superintendent of legis lation of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the head of the -reform bureau an nounced that they would not sub mit without a fight to the interpre tation put upon the law by the Attorney-General, but would appeal to the President himself and would not rest. satisfied until Mr. McKin- ley had acted. They indicated a purpose to begin an agitation of the matter in the churches and to have them exert pressure on the President. Sang Hymns to City Council. ; Chattanooga, Tenn., April 5.- Onr hundred of the religious wo men of Chattanooga last nignt sang hymns in the city council chamber during a meeting of the aldermanio board. - The scene was unique and inspiring. ; During a recent revival meeting conducted by Rev. "Sam" Jones the council, through the influence of the religious element, passed an ordinance requiring the saloons to close at 10 p. m. and not to open before 5 a. m. Recently there has been great pressure upon the al dermen to amend the ordinance and to fix the closing hour at midnight. It was reported the ordinance would be so amended last night. v While the council meeting was in progress a large number of wo men filed into the council chamber. One of them was given the privi lege ofthe floor and made an ap peal that the ordinance be not amended.' After her address the further "indulgence" of the coun- Lcil was asked, and, led by Mrs. L. B. Wilson, the ladies sang "Mand Ud for Jesus" "Rock of Ages" and' other songs. The aldermen were impressed. No j motion to amend the ordinance was made. act "exploitation?" fcn.LWHa was necessarv Wiraoa'nted to secure ff Hien fcill8 in Cuba' and UliL,-lC0 from Ur.uuiJ. .L T ; exploiting tne These are dangerous times for the health. CrouD. colds land throat troubles lead raDldlv to Consumption A!bottle of One Minute Couch Cure used at the right time will preserve life, health and a large amount of money, Pleasant to take: children like it. Howard Gardner. For a War Against War. Boston, April 6. Among the communications received by the United Society of Christian En deavor recently in connection with its proposition for a "War Against war rand Peace by Arbitration," aro two from former United States Presidents, Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Han ison. I Ex-President Cleveland wrote: "The members -and the friends of the Society of Christian Endeavor have never entered upon an under taking so practical and so noble as the effort they are now making to secure an abandonment of war as a means for tho settlement of in ternational differences ; and if there is any substance to the claim that our institutions and the traits that i characterize us as a people tend to national elevation and Christianization, it is eminently proper that our country should be in the lead in any movement in the interests of peace." ; H Ex-President Harrison's letter says: "1? or. my self, and much more for the great body of its citizen ship, I express the desire of Amer ica for peace with the whole world. It would, haye been vain to sug gest the pulling down of block houses or family disarmament; to the settlers on a hostile Indian frontier. They would have told you rightly that the conditions were not rips. And so it may be, and is, probably, true that a full application of the principle is not presently possible, the devil still being unchained. "It is by a spirit of love forbear ance mastering the civil institu tions and governments oi tne world that we shall approach universal peace and adopt arbitration meth ode of settling disputes." A Mare's Nest Found. Hono Kong, April 6. The Fili pino junta here has issued another of the extraordinary statements which have marked the newspaper campaign directed from Hong Kong by tho agents of Aguinaldo. In the present instance the Fili pino agents say they have obtained their "information" from American sources at Manna, iney assert the existence of "mysterious in-- trigues" on the part of the Vaticaa, Gen. Wesley Merritt, President McKinley, Gen. Elwell S. Otis and Archbishop Ireland "leading to the latter'S journey to Rome." Con tinuing, the Filipino statement "The Paulist Fathers' actions prior to the fall of Manila were suspicious. Now, in conjunction with Archbishop Nozaledas, who! is intimate with General Otis, they are trying to procure tne former ascendancy of the church in the Philippines, hence they are sus taining General Otis, who, asi a Catholic, has refused to obey the Washington orders and transfer the command of his" force to Gen eral Lawton, because he wishes ;to remain in power and assist the church to recover its real estate. "The policy of the Paulistsjis more subtle than that of tho Jesuits, and unless they are promptly re called they will work further 'mis chief. The Philippines are a valu able hunting ground for the church, hence the Titanic efforts to main tain; its supremacy." Shot Wife, Baby, and Self. Albany, Ga., April 5. -Walter R. Jackson, his wife, and their three-months-old babe were found dead in bed this, morning. Jack son and his wife pach had a pistol shot in the head, while the child was shot through the body. Death was evidently instantaneous in each case, it is evident tnat uacKson first shot his wife and child and then himself. The deed was done during the night. The only other occupant of the house was Mrs. E. E. Richardson, Jackson's grand mother, who was not awakened by the shots. li Jackson was a young business man of high standing, and married Jaaie Godwin, a leading society girl, a little over two years ago. Until recently he was cashier and bookkeeper for a warehouse firm. It is supposed he brooded over the loss of his position and killed his lamny ana nimseia in a nt on in sanity. . ' ' ' ;! " ! Death of a Leper in Ohio. Junction City, O., April 7. Hannah Garey, aged twenty-two years, the older of the two Garey sisters who have been afflicted with supposed leprosy for the last sev enteen; years, died "at their home, three r miles from here, last evening after two weeks of intense suffering, the result of the dread disease in vading the vital organs- probably the heart and lungs. About two months ago the Garey sisters were examined by a prominent specialist on that class of diseases from Chi cago, who diagnosed their disease as genuine leprosy. I s The f am il) live on an isolated farm in Perry county, which is shunned by all the natives ; no one can be persuaded to put their foot within tho limits. I Is Bryan's Star .Waning? Washington, April 7. Comment in political circles over the spring elections in the West has been quite animated today. The result shows a condition of public senti ment which foreshadows conse quences of importance not only to parties but to individuals. The Republicans say the Democratic party of Illinois is split up into fragments, and the Democrats re tort by asserting that a similar condition exists as to the Republi can party in Ohio. 7 ' . The friends of Mri Bryan reluc tantly admit that his star is visibly becoming paler, and no one was sufficiently enthusiastic as to claim from the present outlook that" his chances of securing a two-third vote in the next national Demo cratic convention are very brilliant. As to Altgeld, of Illinois, he may still have some little power for mis chief, but it is ' believed his star has permanently set. There is much talk about combi nations to be formed in both the Democratic and Republican parties with a view of controlling the pres idential 1 nominations next year. Some of the theories are both in teresting and ingenious. They should not, though, be accepted with too much confidence, as public sen timent is at times very changeable, and the situation next year may be altogether different from present appearances. 1 Spaniards Help Filipinos. Madrid, April 6 -The minister of war has received information that a large number of Spanish officers and other prisoners in the hands of the Filipinos have enter ed the service of the latter. Among the prisoners were some chiefs of the Spanish general staff and artillery. In Spanish military circles this explains the military organization of the ' Filipinos against the Americans, which hith erto has been inexplicable. The following semi-official note Is pub lished by a journal friendly to Premier Silvela: "A rumor has reached the gov ernment to the effect that certain general officers who where thought to be in captivity have come to an arrangement with the rebels. The government has no proof that the statement is exact, but if it were so everybody will understand that the fault lies with the Americans, for they, from the beginning, pre vented any negotiations for the liberation . of tho prisoners and placed the latter in the position of having to die of hunger or find some means of life. Under such circumstances it would not be sur prising that individually some pris oners may have entered the service of the Tagaios." Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suf fered agony for thirty years, and then cured his Piles by using De Witt's witon Hazel Salve. It heals Injuries and skin diseases like magic. How ard Gardner. Administrator's Notice. Harinjr qualified as the administrators of the estate of R. C. Scott, deceased, we hereby notify all creditors to present their claims properly rerifled to us on or before the 15th day of March, 1900, or this notice wm bar their recovery. Ail persons indebted to the estate are requested to come forward and set- tie the same At once. This 15th day of March, 1899. Z. CflRISMON, , . D. SCOTT, 13-6w Administrators. Administrator's Notice. Ilaring qualified as administrators en the es tate of C. O. Fritchett, deceased, we hereby no tify all persons having claims against said es tate to present them to oi on or before the 8th day of March, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate payment. This 4th day of March. 1899. CHAS. L. 8 HAW, 1 KOBT. J. HOLlEN. 10-6 w . Administrators. Executors' Notice. Having qualified as executors of D. F. Cald well, deceased, late of Guilford county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims againt the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned or Wharton A McAhster, agents, of Greensboro,' N. C., on vr before the S2nd day of March, 1900, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. W. A. Caldwii.l, W. B. Bog art. Miss Bettik D. Caldwell, Executors. This 21st day of March, 1899. Elortgage Sale. ' Xorth Carolina, Guilford County. By .virtue of the powers vested in me by acer-. tain nortgage aeea executea on me secona aay of April, i9i, by H alter Uobbs and wife Laura Hobos, of Gailiord county, state of North Caro lina, I wil sell at public auction for cash at the rourt house door in Greensboro, N. C, on MONDAY, MAY 1, 1899, , at noon, the following described property: Be ginning at a white oak, Uobbs' corner, running south SOI poles to a stone in the public road known by the name of the West Green Road, thence south 79 degrees west 46? poles to Cum inings' corner stone, then north 1 poles to schoolhoue corner, then with schoolhouse line south 83 degrees west 5, poles to a stake or stone, then north with some variation 23 poles to a stake or stone, then east 54! poles to Kitz maurice's corner, then with Fitzmaunce's line north ICO poles along the county road, then north 12 degrees west along said road and said line 45 poles to a sycamore tree in public road, then west 1 poles, then north 9 degrees west 45 poles to center of road, then north 62 poles to a stone, Fitzmaurice's correr, then with his line west 29 notes to his corner in Dundas' line, then north K pole to a post oak, thee east 8- poles to the beginning, containing ixa acres more or less, except 15 acres Iving along the old stage road sold to Ransom Bass, and two acres In extreme southwest corner sold to another party. This ITta day of March, 1S39. W. D. BEATIE, Mortgagee. A. M. 8calee, Attorney. i "QBIMQCQ" TQBj,Cdj GUANO If every farmer who plants Tobacco knew as much as we do . about the value of Orinoco Guano, we could not nossihlv Qimnltr the demand. Its fame is soreadine- now and we have all we can do to supply it this season. ; ii you want a nice smooth wrapper and irh 'nrAnt' wtfK rAi-1 UJ.. a rich color with, good for "Orinoco" and you body and weight, ask will make no mistake. Place your order at once to be sure of being suDDlied. ' 1 1 a a . , JUL F. S. Royster Guano Co., Norfolk, Ya. For Sale by 0. C. TOWNSEND. GreenRboro. N. 0. ' Ve present to Tobacco-Grovers a Perfect Tobacco Formula. TOME Ci-IBAH is -3-2 1-2-3. AIJEV7 Tobacco Branid, Btj n TUP.!1 Tnhanon Pnrmnlfj Bnt by an OLD House. Look out for OSCEOLA under North Carolina Tobacco this OAAtnn Tt'o nni n rr r Via 1 an A ' 0 1 1 J . t BWfow. jlv u guiug kv mo ueaiUiiuuii. vail iur aUU lij V7BCCUla. I - I J J ' ' "M A 1M t J Jf A t 1 1 ' 1 J .h:i OLD DOLimiOH GUANO ' 'AND FOR SALS BY ALL OLD " S. S. MTCHELL & CO. CO., BR., NORFOLK, VA, DOMINION AGENTS KVIBTWEIRX. represent us in Greensboro, OTHKR A0XNT8 IX ALL TOWNS IN TOBACCO BXLT. old On ! Dont Despair ! VICE'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS . 25c. Vial, has cured others and will care jon of Constipation and its attendant stUs. This pill is a Vegetable Tonic Laxative, the purest prescription known to medical science, Never gripes child or adult. Trial rial 25c. Sold by drug gists and merchants, or sent on receipt of price. i L. RICHARDSON DRXTG CO., WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS, i i Ml j i i Insure your property against fire and see us before placing, it, and get OUR RATES. We have strong companies, and all business en- trusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. BOYD & GLENN, Rook No. 6 Katz Building. OPPOSITE BENBO'W HOTXSE. Ssit .UbslTeu Want? 7T& liave It oil A -rr-xTKrG a.t3a.erToon rtt n rr-Tl 'FlooxteCLgi Oelllaier, xiso tla.o "best h.eo.rt xl-v-ed. Ojr- T?ress stsidL T-ojaipor osid. sawed. S'laa.o Sl-laarleo. I i I - i Sash, Doors and Blinds In stock. Door and Window Frames, Mantels, Stair work and all kinds of house finish made to order. If you are going to build anything trom a hen house to a mansion come to see us. We can fix you up and the price will be right. . , Cur country friends will find they can reach our yards from the center or townby crossing fewer railroads than; any other. Come to see us. Cape Pear ajn.iojna,ctiaxirLgr Co. JOHU A. EOLQIlTSDcretiry ia4 Treasurer, Greeait:ro, II .C. Ti I i m do llULll ine) i ri-'.A Tf von infpnrl to hnlld or enlarge vour House, come to us tor an estlmate on Material. We will surprise you on prices. We make a specialty oi Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. Our motto : Large sales, small profits, i I 4 , j i . i. - " we can show you the largest stock in the South. . Guilford Lnmber Companj, Greensboro, N. C. " ss ssisissiaBsasVi sssaai bbibbss Children Cry fo Pitchor'o Cactorla-