j AM ' ' IJl- . . h I 'Ui! Pi t mm -i -.. APRIL ITtli. WASHINGTON LETTER. V,.: -t " h f-v Only Two Admirals Afloat A 9 FIGHTERS, WisniSGTOK. Anril 8. -The 1a Washington, April 10, 18SHJ. office of naval intelligence respect- It is daily becoming plainer to ling the present rank of command close observers tbat Mr. McKinlev ing . officers of the various Eu- and his advisers do not regard next iropean fleets, both in home and year's .campaign as a Republican foreign waters, shows that there over. iuey are uuigeniiy I are uut vwo aumirais oi iuu graae ing ways and means for cor-1 now flying their flags afloat, one of electoral votes that they con- whom is Admiral Dewey, command- eider doubtful. The trip that Mr. ling the American force at Manila, McKinley is now arranging to make and the other, Admiral Sir John this summer to the Pacific coast is O. Hopkins, commanding the Brit- one of the ways that has been de- ish Mediterranean station. cidea upon, loey ao not expect Admiral uopKins was a rear- to be fcble to carry Delaware, Mary- admiral, and in charge of the Brit- land or Kentucky again, but they ish squadron during the naval re U 9n.w nana w A XTU ..U tiian XT am "V.r t A n.tl 1009 mu M jij j r"s, pi r rfci pi ri r n i i i j i ootn oi wmcn states are liseiy to ana ine senior omcer present, as em trip. They are. also beginning Admiral Gberardi, in command of to realize that some sort of a bluff the United States vessels. Ad against trusts must be made.' !, Rep-1 miral Dewey is also the highest resentative Landis, of Indiana, has ranking naval officer on the Asiatic ceme to Washington especially to station,? advices at the Navv De urge upon the administration the partment indicating that the com necessity of doing something - to mander' of the British squadron convince the voters of the middle there is a vice-admiral, and the west that the administration is an-1 commander of the French fleet is tagbnistic to the trusts. Mr! Lan-lonly a rear-admiral. die has done some very plain, talk- France has no grade in her navy ing about the danger to the Repub- higher than vice-admiral, and dFNurNE MEXICAN BULLS direct from the pasturss bf lican party and it is evident that there is but one officer of this rank ne nas irigmenea some oi toe aa- woo is now auacnea to me rrencn ministration men. . . . admirality office. Russia also does Attorney General Griggs, doubt- not recognize a higher grade than less acting under orders from Pres- Tice-admirai and none of her sta- ident McKinley, has made a play to pni are now commanded oy om- nhift the reBnonaihilitv fnr hl r. cers or niguer ranK tnan rear- "r rz2 rzD ' ..." - . ' : -' !' ' I -' ' - 'I ' i ' is- i 1 W! PE1 MM OVER THB 7,1 dF MEXICO'S ATIONAL SPORT, THE Blip ; --.I l . ..-.,t utoTrinan iiftfiidor. Ksoadag. Toreros. I'icaaores. liane- I r ii r I it v i m g w II . ' J. -L u t.llllnf onH arottlnv avVilhitinn nf gklll &nd d&f- jolts with Mexico. i -600 yards good Calico at 2c. 2,UU0yds good cotton Checks,2$c. 5,000 yards fine -Calico Shirt Waists and Dress Patterns at 3ic. 1,Q00 yards good 36 in. Percale at o cents. - - .. , - : L- . - 2000 yards good Domestic, 3 Je. 4,000 yards Fruit, of the Loom quality atr3Jc. - 50 doz. good Towels at 2Jc. 300 pairs Pants at 15,20, 25 and 35 cents. - - i 600 yards all wool Dress Goods at 19c. - 200 yards fine Lawn for Summer Dresses, all cotton, all styles. 6c Bleaching at'5c. 3,000 yards Barker Mills Bleach ing at 5c. t ' v !; r'i I? J:-":-:. 5,000 yards Androscoggin Bleach at 5c. ? , , ! , ,.: ; II . Limited quantity of Bleaching to each customer. ! : 3,000 yards Sea Island Percale, 36 inches wide, at 7c. : I if ' Ladies Ready Made Dress Skirts at use., fi.25, 51.48, $1.69, $1.98, fine gooods and all' cotton. It will not pay you to have them made when you can buy at these prices. 100 dozen Men's heavy 4 -ply Linen Collars, 15o. quality, at ! Sec The finest line of Silks for Shirt Waists in Greensboro. - 75c. qual 1,000 dozen Ladies' and Men's ity-at 48c; 85c. quality at C9c; "T Hose at 2c. pair. A, $1 value at 79c; 50c. value at 29c. !k -- I)'- . ;U iWiilla of Rot . I I f. I tee I I i - ! i 1 - - A MUSICAL . ' 'v. J '' 1 11 " ' ' i " '" -- ' i' 1 GR : : 1 : N gh ! Riders, Cow Boys, Sharp Shooters, Bucking Bronchos, Trigo's Educated Performing1, Bull, an Exemplification of Animal Training. MEXICAN BAND, ORGANIZATION OF MEXICAN SOLOISTS. AND AND GORGEOUS SPECTACLE, THE ENTIRE CAUDRILLA MAKE THEIR DAILY PASEO (OR PARADE.) cent queer letter about trustB from the shoulders of the administration, by proceeding against the Chesa peake and Ohio Association, gener ally known as the soft coal trust, under the Sherman anti-trust law. The suit was instituted in Cincin nati, and will be directed bv the Solicitor General of - the United States. The public will watch the prosecution of this case closely, owing to the Attorney General hay ing so recently' stated, in writing, that trusts could not be reachtd by Federal laws. The latest Philippine news seems to justify the opinion of those who believe that the fighting over there is likely to go on for an innefinate time. General Lawton has started on a campaign with a picked force, with" the intention of trying to run down the Filipinos. Democrats are not the only ones i ii 5 j I ''.:.'t I - l ' ' 1 . . .. ' aamirai. ijreat iiruain nas more admirals than all the other naval powers combined, although the ma jority of them are members of the aamiraitv Doara. one is in com mand at Portsmouth and another at another important home naval port.- vv. Czar's Disarmament Congress. Washington, April 7. The Sec retary of State has announced the construction of the United States delegation to the disarmament con gress, which will meet at the Hague, BUY THE CELEB ATED JAMES MEANS $2 50 SHOES FOR THIS ONE in toe latter part oi May. The delegation consists of Andrew White, United States ambassador at Berlin; Mr. Newell. United States minister to the Netherlands ; President Seth Low, of the Colum bia University, New York; Capt. Crosier, Ordnance Department, United States army, and Capt. A. T. Mahan. United States navv, re- SOLE YOU CAN GET THEM AT $1.68. 200 pairs Men's $3 Calf Shoes, Good heavy plow Shoes at 74c.- uand made, for $1.98. A fine Sum- 100 pairs Ladies' fine Button $1 mer Straw Hat given away with Shoe at 69o. each pair. .Don't miss this. - 200 pairs Ladies' fine Shoes, but- 300 pairs Men's Fine Shoes, lace ton and lace, $1.50 quality, at 98c. and congress, $1.50 quality,at;$l. 15. 400 pairs Ladies' Oxford Ties, 100 pairs Men's good solid 'Shoes black and tan, for summer wear at 98o. i i $1.75 value at $1.25. PPR PflK TJ A f JflP finTJTlTF.NflTriG AT 8 P EI wh? r? tfae Philippines as: an ti;ed M;. Frederick Holls, Our gocds are all parfecUy new7 No old stock. All bought from rljlllUlllliailUJj, UUillilllJllUlllU ill O 1. HI. undesirable possession. Represen. vfirftfNewYopk wiii hft .'rfltftPV the factory. The Bee Hive is the leader in low prices in Greensboro. if tative Steele, of Indiana, a staunch supporter of the administration, ADCISSIOIT, - - 25 yer of New York, will be secretary tQ0 factory of the delegation. MP a ine American commission, as a is tne leader in low prices in ureensDoro. k ' - . uome ana see ana you win say so. -I . - - m . I wr 1 l a ui w & . w c v ui ui i ww y a k r. a r i h A1 fw V J a a rt 1 M f r w n I a L . a .ur. ..c whole, is regarded as an exception uaj ui inu Bgu, aiu ui iucuj . ou .,. -trnticr hnrv hAincr mH nn nf W44 w ---r 4-fc w w J y w w 4 mm r w v mm r w 4k. i. ! pEPOSIT YOUR MONEY If! j.w The People's 5 Cents Savings Bank, OF C3--EUiJ.HLDTBBORO, XT- O, J Ctcibliked In I8ST. f! rByilBwmionepui.. D.jea sti-ictlv a Savitikr Bank business. Has been in successful -operation iorien, years nu r 1 .OTT. President far as I am concerned; I would like to trade the Philippine islands for a yellow dog, and then kill the dog, if there were nothing else involved but possession of the islands." Mr. McKinley has accepted an invitation to attend the Confeder ate encampment to be held June 7th and 8th at Falls Church, Va., men well known, not only in public and political life, but in the world of letters and international affairs. They are all men of scholarship and fine linguists and of those attain ments helpful in a congress repre senting the nations of the world conducted under the diplomatic us- MIS 2 3 3 Soixtiln. Elm . s-t. never lost a dollar. 62-3 m J. A. HODGIN, Treasurer. . . w . . . oa vhlnn m a Ira a h r.nnh tha o n unaer ine auspices oi vae jiaugo rga lansuai?e ! i' L 1 - J : .mm mu m The safety letnenng ) I -p a r-rnrj ' i ' t-m SEC Machine. 1886. Gives owners perfect and safe control of their stock, and the animal an opportunity to get many a bite of grass which would be of valuable assistance to it, yet too small an amount to be fenced in. J Has the best Coil-Coppered Steel Spring, in cased so as not to be exposed in bad weather. Will last 20 years. JJew, safe, cheap. Over 100,- 000 in use. ised to deliver an address. Race Fight in Hawaii. San Francisco, April 7. The steamer Mariposa -arrived today from 'Australia via Samoa and .the Hawaiian Islands. The Associated Press representative at Honolulu sends an account of a racial battle between the Japanese and Chinese laborers on the Kahuku plantation, which took place on March 26. The Japanese, armed heavily and well organized, made an onslaught on the Chinese quarters, first hav ing placed their own women, and children in places of safety. The Chinese were taken entirely una- wielded -Agents wanted. State and wares. The Japanese County Bights for sale. Price, I axes, clubs and knives, and before 't -K free on board cars at ureens- boro, $2 50.- Liberal deduction tn th trade. IFor further in formation, address the GREEISBORO SAFETY TET 1 GREENSBORO, N. O. e will ol In$ toft-prices Our Oar Our Our Our the Chinese could make resistance three of their men were killed and a dozen more seriously - wounded, some fatally, and about forty slightly injured. The noise of the battle reached headquarters and the manager of the plantation, Mr. Wright, ered a force of JLunas and went to the scene of ! the trouble. After considerable difficulty the belliger ents were dispersed. A sauad of police were sent to the plantation from Honolulu and martial law was declared on the plantation. The Chinese fled from the plantation and great difficulty was experienced A Trust in Court. Cincinnati, April 8. Attorney General Griggs, through U. S. District Attorney Bundy, filed an anti-coal trust bill today against the Chesapeake and Ohio Fuel Company and seventeen others. The governmont ' asks for an in junction against the fUelcompany from carrying out its agreement with the other firms, alleging that a trust has been formed. The fight against the so-called trust was begun some time ago before the Inter-State Commerce Com mission, which, found the charge practically sustained on one of the complaints, viz: "That the Chesa pease ana umo ttaiiroaa naa a contract to carry coal." Then the matter on which the suit was filed was brought before the grand jury by Bundy, and in dictment followed. It came before Judge A. C. Thompson, who is now . i - The Greensboro Center Draft Plow. one-horse Plow did not give This Plow was put on the market for the first time last year. The returned .to us. There have they have' been sold to other considering a demurrer and motion giving entire satisfaction to quash the indictment. The in junction suit is the latest phase of the case, and instructions to bring it arrived from Washington this morning. general satisfaction until after we altered . i w . - . . . rrt ; the beam. Since then we have heard no complaint oi mem. xo proTo that the two-horse G. C. t. Plow has given satisfaction, of the more than one hundred Plows sold on a guarantee, we nave oniy oh va uuu been more than this number returned, out parties who have reported that they are for these Plows : In ordinary Western nade are not tad out oiir line of Men's nd Ladies' Shoes at the follow- Our line of Men's $2 50 quality at $1.48 Olur linel of Men's 2.00 quality at 1.15 dur line of Men's 1.65 quality at 98 . Our line of Men's 1.25 quality at 85 line of ijadies' Dongolas $2.50 quality at $1.75 Ht(a of TlnaiAfl' nnnorolas 2.00 auality at 1.15 line of Ladies' Dongolas line of Ladies' Dongolas line of Ladies Dongolas 1.65 quality at 1.50 quality at 1.25 quality at 1.00 98 75 Too Busy to See Them Now. m mm v Washington, April 7. in, re sponse to a note sent to the. White House, by direction of the District Woman's Christian Temperance in locating them. Twenty-three of Union, asking for an interview the Japanese ringleaders were ar- with the President in regard to rested and seven Chinese were also Attorney General Griggs' interpre- jailed. tation of the "anti-canteen law," The Chinese on the island are Mrs. Jfimma i?. bneiton, secretary crreatlv excited, and the merchants of the organization, nas received in Honolulu look for further trou- the following reply: ble, though the better class are "Dear Madam: In reply to making every effort to keep the op- your note of this date, I beg leave GO posing factions within legal bounds, to state that tne Jf resident's en gagements are sucn as to render it impossible to arrange for x We make the following guarantee grey land they will do airthJ work that the high priced Wester Plows will dd. All we ask for them is a fair trial. If they what we say, your money will be gladly refunded. OnrnhlPft i tn aive our farmers a Plow that will do th hiirh nriced Western Plows, and save them money cost of Plow and inj the repairs. --' i j i Price of the Orie-Horse Plow, $2.75. Price of the: Two-Horse Plow, 5&.uu. the both in work of the first XtfLAJSTTJOXTJIlED 2T5T T. dsL on, 212 LEWIS STREET, GREENSBORO, N. C. ' ! , ' I TO - i . - , 1 1 . ...... - - , GREENSBORO. N. U. 2lf SOUTH ELM ST GREENSBORO, N. Incense Question in Nebraska. Omaha, Neb., April 8. The is ue in the recent election was al most universally license or no li cense throughout the State. Larger nla.re h&va almost without rpn. ' . -.r i . . . lm, l a. .L. tion elected license tickets, while Driu8inB " ,uu,lfcv w fcUO in the smaller village. nrnhWv dent'i attention. half ha AiAmd aaaltiU r : ! J. POSTER, ue of saloon licenset.! Politici -owwiwjr-w iug-wwN . . . I cut no ngure wnatever in any ex- Trusses and CrnUhes at Gardntr's, cept tne larger city. i cor. epp. poatofiice. arrange lor an audience this week or for some time to come. If you will be good enough to submit in writing what it is desired to bresent. I will take Dleasure in . Presl- Boycotts Grain and Feed Store Hess mi (Fogs Holt's Stravberry Corn 1 Tne Best Seed Corn Groivn 1 U6 WEST T.TARKET BT. I have the finest herd of REGISTERED HOGS! In the South. Pigs for sale at reasonable prices. """"