I I I. iPt la f(m tq crop !( and will con- be the money hid South. The riven the most cot- . . . at is in dost mo. use cy area the e one who makes Good; culti rotation; and fertilizers! con 0 nrtnnl 1 1 .,cC I) J ' '-'til PoMsll I 1 1 . .8 3 iijsure up. - .onri Free e i hm in if I.k. South I -C 111 v largest iyielcV upon application ercst every cotton' oerhaN kali works. - ! - . I a avr a otmiMasbincwion. .Vasoarcc of comfort. They 1 !je a source of care, i also. 1 5t you care tor your child's I tJsuth, send for illustrated tot on tlic-di&orders to "which children axel subject, I and I w?ich Frcyis . Vcrmltago I jXs cured for ko years. , I I ft. js. PnEY, j l 1 xjfy Ilaltimorf, 8Uk I J 1 " -I . "fcnl, ! ; v ; Vice-President, ViatsrcsT a. w. mcIlisteb. '.-'' DAVID WHITE. - ; ; .- ; b ai M tcspj. i Capi AND al $25 000, paid up. Surplus $24,539,65.: SGOTfAl KS LOANS. fOR OF ESTATES KE A L ESTATE COLLECT I AO- .AUJSpiUl. T' I hr3AKXECO. M a General Trust Business. Applications foj loaii8 arejdeslred nil? amounts Ringing from $100 to OOO,, ne have money listea wnicn Am afe anxious 10 nave niaceu at security is always re- e. rpple j:red. 1 e bav :e on ; (T :l.notH .(.'(.He Aven red ji b. for rent threo dwellings. 1 ;hiirch eron Ml f - . v ee. - xcellen he and i mpertyJ entry and listed Call on itreet, one on Spring est Lee, near Nor- dw filings on Sum- mproved and unina- iboth in city, land for sale. r address us for particulars. t 'A T EE 3 'i-c- - day fJarMile'iri MOXA HILL NURSER(E One r, oper l.acJ we nromUfl i vnnV wnfthinir i 1 r the package and just test most satisfactory on ever ad done. That ia what P th'd water, hoi lino- anriitha iron 'ir tIace. Give us a call or WWBORft STEAM LAUMDRY, El r' -'I; I -- -. """-1 .'ALL'' READY i 1th. Anon tit. " N tat V r 4 A ak ;rkkvsboro.) i 1 "oldest -and largest Nur- Over 30 years In success--20,0ft j orders' shipped outberirStates, New '"West. Healthy Stock une. laioiip of the most tfi of ttietn; Nurseries. .tUlJ Hi V VrCK. ilMM E AND NH f'.r 4 H3i Tl .Y A UN UTS, QUSE oepartMemt. 'Vv-v s F A T' iksigxs, ac; .N i s l'.yuis. If ERNS, &c. -v.n.uf apt! pamphlet on IIow "iau- anOrchar." riVni.rr iMn romiina, X. C ii ; : Yes, stone the woman let the man go free I ' Draw "back your skirts lest they per chance may touch Eler garment as she passes, but to him Put forth a welcome hand to clasp - with his That led her to destruction and disgrace.- Shut up from her the sacred way of toil, That she ne more may win an honest meal; But open to him all honorable paths, Where he may win distinction. Glre . to him .'tV . .ff. ,: '.""7 Fair, pressed down measures of life's . sweetest joys, - Pass her, O maiden, with a pore, proud face, '- . - ... , If she puts out a poor, polluted palm; But lay thy hand in his on bridal day, And swear to cling to him with wifely 'lore . . " And tender reversnce. Trust him who led A sister woman to a fearful fate. Yes, stone the woman let the man go free! . : Let one soul suffer for the guilt of t we lt is the doctrine ef a hurried world Too out of breath for holding balances Where nice distinctions and injustices Are calmly wigbed. But ah, how will - it be . On that strange day of fire and flame When men shall wither with a mystic fear, And all'should stand be fere the Judge? Shall aex then aake a difference In sin? Sball He, Che searcher of the hidden heart, . In his eternal and divine decree Condemn the woman and forgive the man? Some Prizo Jjlea. " At the Pathacket Fair lait fall tbe committee offered" a prize of one hundred dollars for the most appalling lie ' It may . have been very hurtful to the feelings of the good citizens of our worthy town iior the committee to imagine that there was a citizen in Pathacket who could tell a lie. But some of the efforts submitted are due a place in history. Euky Mears, who bad some rep utation as a liar before the war, said he was out fishing one night, and caught a boat load of eels, some 'twelve thousand ; ' that in reaching around to his hip-pocket for his old crow" he accidentally capsized the boat ; that every fish had an opportunity to escape, but realizing that Euky was a man of great magnetic powers, when the boat was up righted they were all in place, fawning against Euky's shin-bones and wriggling around generally. This was a good lie. It is said that it paralyzed one meraberof the awarding commit tee, and there was consequently some prejudice against the story. Had it not been for this it would have taken a prize. Next came a lie in the way of an appetizer. It appears that Bcb Shares saw -a man at a barbecue down in Darby eat twenty-eight pairs of wild ducks and a whole cake of cheese, with the rag on. That was fishy. Then there was the legend of a man, a fat man, who was so large that his trousers held thirty bushels of corn. - . ut the contribution which took ther first prize was, a ; war story. Tobe Punkin, a friend of mine, told it. There was a man from Fluvanna county, and the strangest part' of the story is that he was not a Populist, who haefan extra ordinary growth 'of beard. His beard bothered him considerably. It would grow alarmingly fast. Before he was sixteen years of age be bad to shave every day, and when he became a man it was nec essary to shave twice a day, and even then it would get away from him. At last the war broke out and he went into the army. Now comes the climax. About 1863 he was shaving all the time. Before each meal it was necessary to re move his hirsute adornment. A growth of six or eight inches would accumulate within a few hours. One morning they went into a bat tie, and tbe fighting was fierce for several hours. After two days of continuous firing the beard of this Barbarossa was six feet in length and still growing. He cut it off, but it grew worse, or better, as the case may be. Matters went on in this way until it finally became fiecessary to give the bearded man an attendant, whose duty it was every ten minutes to clear away the web work. And here the story broke off. It captured the jrize a bob-tailed lie; but there are maoy opinions as to. where this ffood man went. I think he is in Kansas. ' ' Accidents Will Happen. "Why, Johnnie, you've got a big lump on your head. Have you been fighting again." . "Fighting? Me? I gueps not." "But somebody strudk you?" iNbody struck me, I wuzn't fightin' at all. It was a accident." "An accident?" "Yep. I had just trun Tommie Scanlon down, and was sittin on him, and I forgot to hold his feet." 1 r . ioratlve Nervine daily. Bears the Eignatue cf ThaKind Yon Hats WwarsBcsgfct A Happy Toi7n. T The town of Beattie, in the state of Kansas, should be, and probably is, the most beatitudinous ofj all towns. In it the sweet influence is supreme and petticoat government is firmly . established. The same thing may be said in a general way of other towns. But in other towns woman rules through mas culine agents, and by them the government Is corrupted. In Beat tie, however, lovely woman has grasped the reins of government in her own small but firm hand and men are shoved aside without cere mony, as they should be when they get in the way. The mayor i of Beattie ia a woman,and four of the five counoilmen are of the same persuasion. The minority is com posed of one poor man. Unless that man has been hardened by the Harveyizing process he is doubtless made to feel his inferiority at every meeting of the board. Weoan im agine the scorn with which jhis propositions are reoeived by the majority, unless, indeed, he is a single man and some of the ma jority are spinsters. The meetings of the mayor and oouneil are con verted into afternoon teas, where conversation is unconfined and where even Mr. Two Tongues,' of Talkative alley, would find himself outdone. And while all this! is going on the town is governed like Utopia, The streets are swept and dusted every morning. Bum is not permitted to ruin any happy home. Cloves and salted peanuts and Cof fee grains are not tolerated, tea i the official beverage, and husbands are subjected to a proper and wholesome restraint. Other towns in 'Kansas have had petticoat gov ernment and the most serious scan dal and charge of corruption ever made was some years ago, onej re lating to an unauthorized use; of public property for private pur pose. It seems that one of the council ladies was accused of heat ing her , curling tongs with gas which belonged to the city. The charge was not satisfactorily proved but it caused great excitement, and another council lady, who had fluffy hair which didnot require heated tongs, was especially con spicuous in the prosecution. It is to be hoped that not even a charge or suspicion of such a malfeasance as this will ever trouble the town of Beattie, but that the ship of state, so to speak, may sail olacid ly and prosperously over a summer sea of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, temper ance and virtue. These are dangerous times for the health. Croup, colds and throat troubles lead rapidlv to Consumption. A;bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used at the right time will preserve life, health and a large amount of money, Pleasant to take; children like it. Howard Gardner. . ; ' A Long Beign. Louis XIV., King of France, as cended the throne on the 11th of May, 1643, and occupied it until his death on the 1st of beptember, 1715, a period of 72 years. and 110 day 8. He was succeeded by his great-grandson, who became Louis XV., .and reigned for nearly 50 years, these two successive reigns amouning in the aggregate to 131 years, which is another record. In the case of the throne of England, Her Majesty Queen ' Victoria has occupied the throne longer than any other sovereign; George III:, until the 23rd of September last, held the record with 59 years,1 96 days. The Queen on the 30th of June next year, will have completed her sixtieth year as reigning sov ereign of England. If ancient rec ords are to be believed, King Pepy II., of Egypt; enjoyed a reign ex tending over the extraordinary pe riod of ninety-four years. Coughing injures and inflames sore lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens tbe cold, allays coughing and heals quickly. The best cough cure for children. , Howard Gardner. ! An Enterprising Citizen. n. . r . i . I "You ain't toP me nuthin' 'bout John what's he a-doin' of now." "Weil, when he ain't farmin' he's teachin school, an when he ain't teachin' he's a-practicin' medicine, an' when he ain't in the medicine business he's preachin an' savin' souls, an' when he ain't a-doin' of that he's a-runnin' fer office, an' when he ain't in politics he'slawin1 in the jestice courts, an' when that gives out he most inginrully is a-eellin' of books or a-makin' of 'moonshine' licker !" Atlanta Con stitution. NO CUItE-NO PAY. That is the way all druggists eell GROVE'S TASTELESS C 11 ILL TOMCfor Chilla, Fever and Malaria. It U simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children lore it . Adults prefer it to hitter nauseating- tonics. Price, 50c. Richmond, Va., June 10, 1898. Goosx G re ask Liniment CoGrexnsborox.c. Dear Sir Some time ago you sent me one dozen bottles of Goose Grease Liniment to bo used in our stable amongst our horses, and we beg to state that we have used this exclusively since recei? ing it, and would state frankly that we have never had anything; that gave us as pood satisfaction. We hare used it on Cuts, Bruises, Sore Necks. Scratches and nearly every disease a horse can have and it has worked charms. We need more at once. Please let me know if you hare it put up in any larger bottles or any larger packages than the ones sent us and also prices. 1 ours truly. i STANDARD OIL COMPANY. ' ! By I.e. West. . I0o X2ST : : - m " ' " ' - ' . - ' ' im'mtrlmJZi : j' 111 l -HI LLEI I hi 111 WHICH CLOSED ON APRIL 1st, 1899. Was No; 10 and he is to be congratulated on winning this, THE BEST PLOW MADE. We want to thank our friends for ths iaterest dis played in tbe contest and to assure them that we appreciate it. Ue Are Still Headquarters for All Kinds of Farm Implomsnts AND CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO OUR "STAB" COM PLASITERS. - i This Planter is light but strong, has all the good features to be found on any Planter, a a 4 naay features distinctly its own. It is guaranteed to do its work satisfactorily. Call and see it. It is estimated that 5,000 miles of new railroads will be built this; year in the United States. Tor Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing 8yrnp has been nsed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sureand ask for "Mrs. Winslow's; Soothing 8yrup," and take no other kind. CAPACITY, 10,000 JOBS PER ANNUM. Illlr 6mm 4ln path th. m1. .f rawta taprtd ' th. praflu u. Ivf. tma't allow yMiwlf w b. t.uiis I.I. Vaylng ahaddj job la ordir t. a dlw r M ROCK HILL" Hucick WA Liitl. Hie, U PtW. Bat thT at up, look wil. ud. tbm all. AX If AW AT FROM TUB SHOP inakln Uin ctMajMria th. wd. Sold by flntrdM. dwWrs al. if bom ml Mia la J9nr to-n, vriu direct. . ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hill, S.C. r,l. G. NEWELL & CO., Agents, GREENSBORO, N. C. CHOOSE TOUR DRUGGIST CAREFULLY. A drugfnst can do more hsrm or good than most people give him credit for. There are dif ferent qualities in drugs just as there are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by the same name. Tbe difference between pure, high grade drugs and cheap, inferior drugs of the same name, means the difference between keep ing sick and getting well. When a-doctor writes a prescription, he means best quality. When some druggists fill a prescription, they think onlv about big profits. Choose your druggist carefully. - e. W. WA3RB. SPECIAL PRICES ON..- Mat lite, ( Teetamgnto, Ik - ! 1 ' ... 1 ' As usual we have a full line of School Books and School Supples. WMETOi 'BEOS Soolcsellera JSc 8taUoners.l NXIT DOOR TO BANK OF GUILFORD. ' . ' LOOK FOR THE BIG FOUNTAIN FX2f. The Safety Tethering Llachine. DEC. 1886. Gives owners perfect a a a4 safe control of their stock, and tke animal an opportunity, to get many a bite of grass whieh would be of valuable aesie.aaee to it, yet too small an amount' to be fenced in. Has the sett Coil-Coppered Steel Spring, in cased so as not to be exposed in bad weather. Will last 20 years. New, safe, cheap. Over 100, 000 in use. ' .., Agents wanted. State and County Rights for sale. Price, free on board cars at Greens boro, $2 50. Liberal deduction to the trade. For further in formation, address the' BttEMMO SAFETY TETHER CO GREENSBORO, N. 0. We will close out our line of Men's and Ladies' Shoes at the follow ing low prices: ; Our line of Men's f2l50 quality at $1.48 Our line of Men's Our line of Men's Our line of Men's 200 quality at 1.15 1.65 quality at 98 1.25 ouslity at 85 Our line of Ladies' Dongolas $2.50 quality at $1.75 Our line of Ladies' Dongolas 2 00 quality at 1.15 Our line of Ladies' Dongolas 1.65 quality at 1.00 Our line of Ladies' Dongolas 1.50 quality at 98 Our line of Ladies' Dongolas 1.25 quality at 75 mn KTIS.ILIE BBIEdDS. 214 SfeTJTH ELM ST. GREENSBORO, N. C. Desirable Farm for Sale . -, j j 175 acres of highly improved land well adapt ed to the growth of W heat, Oats, Corn. Tobacco, and especially Clover and Grasses 80 to 40 acres now inXlover and Grass. The farm is well wa tered by springs and small streams running through it. Good well of water, 7-roora dwell ing, large gram and feed barn, and all necessary outbuildings. Fine early Peach Orchard; al-x an Apple Orchard of selected variety of apples: Pears, Plums, also fine selection ot Grapes, all Just coming into bearing. The farm is located conveniently to Schools Churches. Mills. Mar kets and Railroad, and in one of the bealtbiet localities in the state, s family of 11 baving rer sided on the farm ten years and not having, re quired the services of physician during the time. An adjoining fcO-acre tract can be obtained, f Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at Patriot office 11 1 r- .M Tp-i.farV Stained And all Pat- - v,aimu m m ent business conducted for moderate Fees. Our Omens Opposite. U. s. p V"kt,;"" remote from Washington. . . i . , Send model, drawing or photo., with ewenp- tion. We advise, if ptenu.ble or not, free ol chArre. Onr fee not due till patent is secureo. a pimpmlct JIow to ObtAin Patents," with eoft o sameia tne U. S. and foreign Countries sent free. Address, ! , C.A.SNOW&CO. mm D.rriiT OmCC. WASMINQTON. D. C. 4 . Tr. Miles' Nms PxaTTRa cure Rut UlfA T1S1U WEAK BACKS. At druggists, only 230. r THROUGH Tij( M MM' AMAt V5fGIf3!A.,r1IO. YSTVirvCiniAi, i ". Ann ii i in. r s if ik ii LURAV Natural bridge fountain Lake BRISTOL Knoxville chattanooga LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN BIRMINGHAM MEMPHIS NEW ORLEANS V NO ROANOKE KENOVA COLUMBUS. CHICAGoilO AND THE NORTHWEST. Ifrite fvrRate: Map. 77 wTSVesJBtirri Cf VB BEVILL l fUXMtfML. 1 C Pus Aun I Fasa Atm fcrni Ntti t -r i

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