THE GR E EN SBORO" PATRIOT. 11 jiriYH tor. - tAr-A ! rk ' g Greenorp, nitieaj for, the Inves iiufacturer and : micseeker. u a letter! recently ap- Mn n ufacthners Record, C. E. HlAM MM ; j; ir tel. fei -- L r ' " J " ." " j ' 'I s Drug Store ,.Y the j Tf the bj gislature "of 1 Authorizing in bonds to extend tern of water, lights 'ireensboroj is but an- f tht rapid strides in more than few diich has opulatioii in Umbers 13,000. ne of t centers of Mi Pa; , U' i a! 'I 'A j-TIl . 4 'A w, r, manufacturing, there hundred cotton mills of fifty miles, which . success are attracting !i inost casies. are pre- their cmacity. EDDCATIOH. Guilford's Fuel in the Lamp of Learning. . Colleges, Academies, ' Institutes and Schools, Our Strength, Justice. ? Our Aristocracy, Knowledge. The educational advantages of Guil ; ford County are such that families are ! seeking settlement here for the pur r pose of educating their children, i Its own excellent schools, and the readiness of its people to patronize the foremost colleges of the State and County, have given Guilford County a well deserved reputation for scholar ship and culture, and it is well entitled to be known as the "Athens of the ' Carolinas. , 1 The fact that morality and intelli Acme Mill Works. L. M. CLYMER, Proprietor. u li i. a ILL1 J rt. arrest, the Proximity INTKRIOR VIEW OF C. K One of the oldest; drug stands in the city, is that of C. j E. Holton in the McAdoo Hotels an interior view of boro;; employs several which we present herewith. and expects to make Mr. Holton is a native of oth to the; plant. This, Carolina and a resident of Greensboro controlled by Cone for the past fifteen iyears. He entered ' ! f t . ilia rXmtrr Kncinacc :Vioro in 1 RftS T111 credited kvith annual chasing the stock and trade of Hun- It is rdliably stated ter & Michaux, injtne store ne now I'll - S . t J. 1 $300,000 will occupies, fcince men ne nas greanj tlie nresent increased the" stock in -both quality HOLTON'S DRUG STORE. l costing durjng ingly popular throughout this section of the country, and is supplying, t to the drug trade generally. He : is the inventor of the Marshmallow j lotion for the hands and face, a delightful preparation for the skin. Mr. Holton has taken a prominent Koll Grinding and Corrugating. j vices for doing the work for which This business was founded in 1696, ! they are intended and this together ' orr Viae nlroailr gccnmail o dftcavrafl u-!4l 4Vn I. n . . l. t . i , gence go hand in hand find exemplifi- ; , . "7 ! ,luu,uuKu Knowictige nnu 1 oun iuc muuuiuv. t. u i mciia vl j J I tl V; I ICU 1 rXJHTieilCe OI .1T. Ciy this State and is one of the best mer has secured for the works the Its citizens have long been eminent ! f?lpPf .- P'an fK 's c,mraf ter " patronaKe of almost all the roller literary and scientific pursuits and- , , 1V . . J . I cation in the high moral tone of the community. in earnest in their efforts to secure for the people the opportunities for edu cation and culture that have given the the working machinery, heavy lifting cranes, and every necessary contri- ; vance to the successful prosecution of tmrt in Pvthianism and is oast master county u high niche in the tern- , , . occ n. I mf ' M. ! llSJi.K. l"V onittcu of the State; in .Odd Fellowship he laTninS- J and experienced mechanics are em- work a dis- has been eauallv active and is Past The story of some of the educational ... inaa Xoble Grand of Buena Vista Lodge. mstitutions whose work in the field -j manshi to its product Jllg u l;icco mar luiiuds 'sol The nrescrintion department of his of letters has cast a benign influence 1 tlnnil- Ur,,,tnt . . I I in all flliartprs rf 4.Vlo crato anl cnrooil i business is under tne personal super- " 7-- , tant industry and one that is absolute volume of the business accordingly, j vision of Mr. Z.. . conyers, a graau- w . " . " " afP of the Philadelnhia Colleere of beai .OI earning, irom ( i . ;, " I f five employment to and quantity, and has increased the oV Ihandsj. In fact, volume of the business accordingly. In addition to roll grinding and cor- ' rugating, Mr. Clymer also manufac tures flour scalpers, purifiers and dressers. The popularity and superi ority of the Acme Dresser is fully demonstrate! by the fact that over seven hundred of them are now in operation. ion in a most jimpor- j Mr. Clymer is also manufacturer and agent for pulleys, shafting, bear- .i,J Mr. Holton is now the owner and j iiiiujiliuui 1111; j manufacturer of the famous lar lleel Liniment, which has become exceed- Jet shov last year, lv necessarv in a section vh the ocean . . ,1 1 t..H roner uiins are in operation ana ;omers ; vater wheels, steam numns. roller a. - . - VX7f 0V1 cr eriArao flown -m V w m ... - a & k. w v uu A A m. . A pi m w m-m . i narmacy, anu a uruggi o. lung , - -- are constantly being installed The mills, corn mills, meal bolts, boltinir perience Itliingl ovef ;$ 1,200 wiis rmers. Gfeenisboro is r t - i j wholesale ndw repre- uls having permitted 11 g jnto rv, line is I 'i'i f:i .L. ! i 1 r: lly r rishi'ri.. wh of tju- fcotton mill; is one of the in tlr- Sunt;) H. IH. CA le to j exp i ' . i ! . ..' j ' RTLAW D I - ' ; . 1 .:! i I rid wonder- in reachinf jfhe South- he finishing mills at f ich. finishes the pro- 1 i, ani its products are j-, t' ', India, Africaj th'tUL'l! iher e are ic a 1 1 1 i-. . flrTMil.'l li UjaC Souil'ln rn lv re 1 i- Hl).(liie-f rrigl . - Mitl loirL'V ;niil i a'iij:T- ..istat extellertt railroad ;facili- 1 by (1 rcensboro indicate prominervti textile and :'"f" num land else- WEBEHflClT TAILOR, AND DEALER IN rous manu- Fine Cloths Gassimers and Gents' tu ring S'II po i Mit, having ii.' er trains daily. ail way has f shown its ently .completing a t station df brick, 300 s erecting on reijiiislxini lis the t fey mm ; i'l (t i s. 4v m k ' i t b e .isH'iil'ii'r' train. liaiik. COl Gate ' and service. OF ALL KINDS I '. 1 i Furnishirgs rock-ribbed vallev of th TTi and beyond the confines of "the Old ! f M" y T""' C,0th rf,k ad wire)- whcat "" XWth stt u fl t, : .K.iod flour can not Vrodueed, To , elevator cups and Iwlts. flour and corn - T IV1U AU. tf UO V ' T J.1 a. ? j I . ,, - ; Keep mem in tnis conamon macnin- follows: . . , . , . A, rr-v x Tr 1 . " . A . . I ery specially adapted for the purpose The State Normal and Industrial , , -; . , , , fmust be used. The plant of the Acme College for Women was established by : wn mi j ... . , . ' . . , , ; Mill Works is equipped with a grinder act of the General Assembly of 1891. . AT -, a . . . . and corrugator made from designs an elegant costing $50,000. 1 Q6 South Elm Street, for travel- sro bv the convenient GREENSBORO, N. 1 'A. i Mil lU I; The city has trust . com- p;uii?slouiit;t() 'Open their Spoors. The; s.!tl.s imjnde istate institutions for ft iiw xk colored, female colleges, - 1 - I 1 r:iild schools, i?tc, hnd almost every 1 - :r- . j j r !:Lriiiis lcnoin nation lias: a church. hat is'sliid jo be the finest office iiiifr in this State is i i course of tiii.c(stiiig $35,000, which will - t lie congestion on those lines. ie soil of this section permits rais- a.ll cereals, and is very productive. past atteiition of farmers has -ji jril)rtj;illr ile voted toj cotton and id(f. w ne 1 resnltetl in a laclc 01 loping other agricultural inter- c. Greensboro Sash end Blind Fectory ! ? - ' ,J""r'"1'1 J - '-r-jTq ' if . . 's -f " More Avheat, corn arid bacon a"re with the fact of wheat n 400 per cent in this: Stat If:? (lc cliintni' . 1 in t ln-ir i n fa 't, iroii and jthat more drills were i last yeaif than any l(us yean con firms. its in North Carolina lev, both in textiles. mm 'ii V m should be located "at some suitable place where the citizens thereof will furnish the necessary buildings, or money sufficient to erect them." The Boaird of Directors accepted Greensborofs offer of $30,000 in money, and a ten-dcre site, donated by R.,S. Pullen, R. T. Gray and others. The purpose for which the Institu tion was created is stated in the act establishing it: "The objects of this Institution shall be to give to young women such edu cation as shall fit them for teaching; to give instruction to young women jin drawing, telegraphy, typewriting, stenography and such other industrial arts as may be suitable to their sex and conducive to their , support and usefulness. Tuition shall be free to those who signify their intention to teach." , Dr. Charles DMclver was chosen president. Under his administration the growth of the Institution has been almost phenomenal. It was opened to students in the fall of 1892. Every Legislature since its establishment has added to the annual appropriation for the support of the college until the amount has been increased from $10,000 to $25,000. Beginning with dormitory capacity f less than 150 with fifteen recitation rooms, including faculty offices, a tepehincr force of fifteen, and an en rollment of 223 students, the Institu tion has at the end of the sixth year 437 regular students, and 188 pupils in These machine's are the most perfect de- 4- mill machinery and furnishings of all 1 kinds, while special attention is given to all repair work guaranteeing sat isfactory' execution of all orders. " if you have a telephone call 121 or address all letters of. inquiry to Greensboro, N. C. MURRAY BROS., INSURANCE. t Vi . '- 1 11 1 -is-J t -.1? 1 rV) 1 5 i; we respectiuiiy invite you to; insure your life in The! Fidelity Mutual Life Association. This is not an untried institution. It is a Philadelphia com pany which began operations in 1878. The business has steadily increased, until now it has 1 $75,000,000 insurance in force, over $2,300,000 in cash assets; has paid over $5,500,000 in claims, and has 33,268 policyholders. We issue all desirable kinds of poli cies. Eor a straight life policy, we charge about 30 per cent, less than The oldest-wood working establish- ated between two streets and on two rail roads 4 ment in Greensboro On every . - I . 1 !11 A. A! raiufactuiiersjare paying hand- aoove iiuibirauo... ' livi!en,s ahd mittinff theiri sur- tv r.rppnsltnm is depicted, in the Sash and Blind ntlipr pomnnnips WV rpII n. twpntv the practice and observation school, a , - J ... ,. - . . L . , . , , , . advance payment life policy for what teaching force of thirty and dormi- t i , . 1 omens ciitiiie. lur au uiuuiui v uic ory accomodations for 350. fe x x 1 eo 1 1 fifteen advance payment policy for A total of 683 people are receiving J 1 j7 instruction from the faculty of the College. The purchase of 112 acres of land what they charge for a twenty pay--ment; and a ten advance payment life policy for what they charge for a fifteen payment. We give paid policies, cash surrender values, and extended insurance in fact, we. do everything that an insurance com pany can legitimately do for its policy holders. We do not issuein vestment or endowment policies. We have something far better. For the same premium that you pay for an endowment policy, we will give you 50 per cent, more protection during the term selected, and considerably more money, if you wish it, at the end of the term. lrm iijuvuprations, annoyed by pactory began business in 1884 and t-urVi 1-;hihor kgitatibns or dis- has doubtless furnished more material 'at-.- ;iui iinlr , '.!:i!ls f 'J jMMiii'ent. . TJie lumber Indus- 4u0; i,nc ot..t-,,1 Into th ronstnietion 1 a , lllUi 11UO growing. Jjliere were Gf buildings in this city than any car L'-vu-ii , -n- miuiv ,111 joi Ninv art,. ! wv:iit!i,'r is -3i - . , peration in me railroads are all sect i oiis, and ealthV financial con are unsurpassed, the all thati icr wint 1 i railroads, with side tracks through wlich it can ship by either the :Atlan- adjoining the fourteen acres already- tic & adkin or the bouthernKailway. occupied by the College, provides a The product of the plant supplies a private park for students, considerable amount of the local de- j More than 1600 students have ma- mand and is shipped to Virginia; West triculated, representing every 'County Virginia and South Carolina. The out- Xorth" Carolina, except two. pu embraces doors, sash, blinds, About two-thirds of its students brackets, mantels, framing, ceiling, would have attended no other North THE GRISSOM BUILDING. other concern The location and shipping facilities siding, flooring, mouldings, fine; in- Carolina College and this indicates plant being situ- terior finish being a specialty. , could be brs of the KiKiWn, nor; tne long f t lie IS South. But sitii- section .t,, rit: : i the, two; this ;tTul inediurx and per rk ten moi ths in the v I - " I "' . f tlegant estates, with r-'ViMiients and , highlj' if. Tlie latter, as a hst)itableJ arid cour- This i the para- 1 inter; the mild cli- HONESTY AND FAIR DEALING IS OUR MOTTO. BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. CRUTCH FIELD HARDWARE COMPANY. S. ELM ST.. OPPOSITE WATER TOWER. , E. P. PARKER, MANAGER. cieariv that most of tnese young wo men would have been deprived of the advantages of higher education and industrial and professional training without the aid of the State Normal and Industrial College. Greensboro Roller Mills t ieir breeding, and ke them out. There .1 1 .h. 5 I . It 1 t Bv arol 0- -ill .UX , V pro,.,; v. sklent hunters, but quail from being iiei Maie. . - t ker Of eriergy and ' presents' many at 11 v to farmers. Good ; rd kit price's ranging r acre, which, under n.ill bring handsome , 1 markets' at their j a Question of time I i' us( advaritages will nergeticl 1 hustling! Vestern people, and ill be kriown far and ufacturing1 and agri- G. T. Kearsley. mm j ;. ? ss ' ' :" I85? -we-. . j A-. m 11 - - w s .' -t-f-. 4 See Reading Notice on Pags 15. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE. ! pThis college, one of the oldest insti" tutions of. the kind in the State, and indeed' in the country, has an impos ing structure in the center of a beau I tifu! natural park in a pleasant part of Greensboro. It is a Methodist insti tution, the original suggestion of the trustees of the Greensboro Female School, to the Virginia Conference of thi M. E. Church, asking that a female college under its auspices be estab lished at Greensboro. In 1837 the - A 4- . : . ' . - i"1 , .ii7 " ZAZZZSSTrr ,T7 i-. . i f ' , j ..... . i - I - M. s the followed by others and during the past three years many pretentious store? have been erected. The building is now occupied by .the Fishblate-Katz Clothing Company. Dr. Grissom is the holder of other im- unimproved realty in Of the former his rsi- North Carolina Conference was estab- The above pictorially represen listed and in the following year that Grissom building on South Elm fctreet body obtained a charter from the , . . , illllstration tfle build- State Legislature for the Greensboro . . x , . L, Ferkale College. This was the first ,nS 15 ' f" ?X " female colleire in the State and the frontage of 140 feet. The erection ol second in the South. this building marked ant epoch in bus proved and The facultv is an able one and the iness edifices in Greensboro. Prior tc, Greensboro. e f tliU hlhck there was s flence on Market street and two near teniae JM. icavuiug j . . ti.a 1 11 1 ivnw. w X t I the mind, the character and the soul tn thp highest tvre of womanhood which has ever been the aim of this houses of the city. This building with j property is on a very desiranie ima ... . . ' n-,:n ! rT, nr.A i wll worth the attention LOiiege. lis imposing iruiu ui ivuahimk" : " - . . - hydraulic pressed brick and granite j of those who desire propeny iui - Urimminirs set the example which was hdential purposes or inu. s the erection of tins diock mere was j oence on .wuni. - il not a pressed brick or modern stone- i by houses are among the more modern I, front structure among the mercantile : homes of the city. The unimproved (Continued on Page 15.)