" t. T H E G'REE N S B O K O PAT K I OT . 13 NSBORO, THE WHOLESALE CENTER OF THE M GRE nd Commission in Greensboro. Cent' flreat Activity. With hal Freighting icilitiesY .1 Tbe greets tl that stai .the fact t lar that. ile'' toon :- fori. W'' ' Wre-l h'"' Vss the raft ar- With ' : ford c'; titiqn.v iirftir;7' -" . D1' t;;k ' d3Ct. I- :jn' nts; i : '. iiltrib trad'.:" . mite ji be, fotJTMl to whom go . mould 'anil times in to In analogous ness world, riking, feature that J)f the visitor and one clibly upon his mind ?ensboro Js built upon uring basis, with bus to warrant every dol n spent jn improving iany mofe that will t in thisf same ndid direc- and wtole$ale iness that has cen- found thalt Greensboro ing center for a i - .1 . - Juntry. i -.:'! ' anching inesj in Guil- trolled by two great giving direct compe- iv i one ana xvew. jnir- (K radiating in every king tne country as a i verts from a common n the raw 1 Jmaterial finished pro- ..- v.r vay tne n - the great iconsign- ihufacturedi goods and them throughput the i nwping the great arteries and dis- ". transportation t He blood oi commerce ! : . i l ! , . the little veins that ferti- ommercial of this great Piedmont empire, it is that Greensboro has be- iale center of an epoch of commer- wi pol- Odell H ar d Ware Company WHOLESALE DEALERS AND ( JOBBERS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, MILL SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIALS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ETC. tions lies 1 always tevolve around one or from that the i ' own hent personacres : t i I forth the influences hape the spirit of an image or tneir matter, in the busi- he beginning of, institu vith the (men1 whose thought, energy, and will gave them birth, and so it is with the influences birth, rhich :h 'foster stitutions. success and It ma v w trade of th cferi?lis the growth carry tnem insure their that the revei ret m fix!. said s. city of jsuch in- .. i i upwards to perpetuity.: ! f vholesale als the char- f three men, whose un- cpasiiJJalK'jrs have been given singly harmony towarq a Common i hey and Ceasar ! , hre J. A. Odell, J. tV. Scott Cone. of these, a native Of Kan- first dclph- i cmnity, j came toj Greensboro twentv-throe years apo ana opened a artiall, Wholesale and retail dry goods store lLatkr the business i drifted Imore largely into the wholesale trade, ami In 14 Mr; C. if. Ireland came to rdware department, which l.nce absorbed the Ab(iut fourteen years yfrgo Mr. whole busi es dell went to Durham and established 'he Durham Cotton Manufacturing Co., returning two years, later to be forne the (president of the Odell Hard ware Co.J which from its inception to presejnt day has borne his name. rth rafpid strides the business 'pranp into prominence -frith the buy iif: public, broadeninc scope from Jar to year until from! a beginning f a $i0,ooo trade during the first Tar, it has grown in voiume to $350,- H anft'ually, with forty-three house ""r.&mce. cott, a native of Guilford opened a small grocery store hsriV -The business grew, as patronage of the! public. Soon fplpyiei, nine traveling salesmen, f fKk of $H0,000 and store-ropms cov fHnsr..f.fty thousand square jfeet of 'r.sp;; fountv here iij ! the ?mal Mne motion terpns are ! " cash ' and jobbing The rade was .begun, but ps superseded by a wholesale wholesale business and' a linp of rtrv froorls nnd p o- iv a. s added. TTiV nnmp of .T. ?e; 1 eat -e st T, Th s (', In s4 fi "rts 1 l3! ?. tor i M M ? i 5nj known 'mercial everywhere as Traveler " tells - ' ' - HISTORY. In 1872, Mr. "J." A. Odell established a wholesale and retail dry goods and notion business in Greensboro, then little more than a village. , A few years later a hardware depart ment was added, of which Mr. 'Charles H. Ireland, of Lynchburg, became manager. ' In 1883 Mr. Odell retired from active connection with the business, in order that he might' devote his attention ex clusively to cotton manufacturing. The dry goods business was discon tinued, and the present company suc ceeded to the hardware business,- un der the management of Mr. Charles H. Ireland. j In 1886, after having established one of the most successful cotton factories in the State, Mr. Odell resumed his connection with the business, becom- ing its president. ! BUILDINGS. From the first the, company has owned its real, estate, and has made various additions and improvements, in order to meet the constantly in creasing requirements. Beginning with a building 25x80 feet, containing two stories and basement, together with a small wooden warehouse, the present plant consists of a commo dious store building, 50x137 feet, three stories and full basement, with a foui story brick warehouse, one of the best in the South 60x120 feet. Yet the buildings are taxed to the utmost to accommodate the immense stock carried. ' . ' I JOBBING BUSINESSJ This company! is the pioneer in the aggressive jobbing business in. Greens boro. New lines have been added front is time to time, and the force of travel ing salesmen increased, in order tc mmenso ing that this department is a businesr in itself, it was given no secondary place. Special salesmen were put on the road, to represent this department exclusively, and it has received as care ful attention as if it were the only de partment of thp business. The re sults have justified the wisdom of the policy followed. The sales for 1893 showed an increase of three hundred per cent over those of 1897. Ample space in the commodious warehouse has been devoted to this business. To attempt to enumerate all the articles carried would be useless, but mention might be made aid in the distribution of the stock. DEPARTMENTS. GENERAL HARDWARE. In this department are included, not only every kind of heavy and shelf hardware, but guns, ammunition paints, oils, varnishes, tinware, wood enware, house furnishings, stoves; ranges; etc. . ' f PLUMBING DEPARTMENT. A study has been made of tho plumbing business, . and the result ie a very handsome line of bath tubs lavatories, closets, gas fixtures, as well ' i p as pipe fittings, and all the goods nec essary for equipping the most elab orate buildings. A handsome cata-' logue has just been issued, which wir be sent to all applicants who are inter- i ested. An efficient force is maintained ! of loom reeds, strap ping and Harness, steam gauges ana. valves, special bolts, machinery parts leather and picker sticks, sheet picking, roller covering. mineral wool, asbestos, pipe covering, ' suppy .them. oil separators, saw mills, engines, boil ers, cotton and linen hose, heddles steam traps, anc , in fact, almost any kind of machinery appliances used in the manufacture of cotton, woolen, or leather goods, and in lumber and wood working mills. The remarkable growth of the busi ness of this department may seem to be phenomenal, but it is not, but the natural result of! the increase iri the manufacturing interests of the State: and of the attention givento this de partment by the management. t A specialty is made of belting, leath er and rubber, and the famous Canvas This company has Alexander Brothers ; tivator, invented by a citizen of Guil j ford county, and made ; near; Greens ; boro. It has been handled with great success, large numbers having been ' SOld. . 'j ' , ; . J They are just preparing to put on the market a cotton plow of an entire j ly new pattern, which bida fair to ! revolutionize the cotton planting in dustry of the South. It has been fair ly tested, and it has been shown that the cost of production is reduced per haps one-half, j Four-and-a-half-cenl cotton, while it seems very bad, !may jseem better when the cost of produc- tion has been reduced by the use of 1 this new .implement. I I I 1 MANTELS, GRATES AND TILES. Mantels. Thirty-five different) de j signs in oak, cherry and sycamore. Every one. fully warranted so far as ; workmanship and quality are jcon j cerned; a few special numbers surpass ; all others in style and finish: j No. 87. Quartered oak, highly j ished a beauty and captivates every body. Further, information can be se cured by calling at the store, and ex amining for yourself. You will also see another seller. ' : j No. 222. With either square or French mirror, turne-d colonial umns, hand carved, quartered and ished.- "-!: .':-' Grates. Three lines of the and most artistic made are carried Radiant grates are not only the pest, but the most attractive ever brought to this market; design and finish se lected with a view to I blend ing With your hardware. Tiling. A complete line of glazed and unglazed tile hearths and facings; designs and colors to suit the taste of everyone always in stock. It will be to your interest to e xam ine entire j line of builders hardware carried by the Odell. Hardware Com pany before yon buyj as they have studied your wants and are prepared great oval best Stitched Belting. the agency for . p.um."" -.i. I Leather Belting, considered by many first-class manner. In ihis department begt qq arkeU have is included also steam, hot water, an i had snccess jth the Combina- ! tion Dye House pelting, for which not air neatmg. , MILL SUPPLIES. f Situated in the midst of the cotton manufacturing industry, certain goodf in the supply line had been, added from time to time to meet! the de mand which naturally came, j It was finally decided to add a thoroughly equipped supply department, and carry a stock equal to that carried by the exclusive supply houses. Realiz- there is a growing Mr. W. T. Powe, of the department, in every detail. AGRICULTURAL demand. who is at the head knows the business IMPLEMENTS. A full and extensive line is carried. Everything that the farmer heeds can be supplied. This company is the ex clusive selliner acrent for the Globe Cul the jabove-named men, the most r?tial 'U'ttr iity 1500 1 1 w 7 1" ,cor. St Important sin- the material growth of Ceaser Cone. jThe ef-fyme-Vhavej been! supple brbther Moses H., both thjrown their Jot with 3 by indomitable cour 'ital, an a wide influ i of means -whose posed Jn their ability ate hewn the way for iopmentjin a measure rt of phenomenal. ; Finishing mill and ' jn mills, " ' employing ' , cam the Cone Ex ssion Company, hand out $5,Q0O,0OSjand the ; of its kind! in the tat, ,. ..f;hich to the. Merchants Ore ith atx annual busi ! million dollars; the Shoe Company. ' with , and fkle Dry Goods. Com- 3ust been established stantial enterprises all came to Greensboro through the influence and also responsible for the establishment in Greensboro of the Revolution mills, a company with a capital of $1,000,000 for the manufacture of canton flan nels, the first and only concern of its kind in the Southern States. . " The Hunter Manufacturing Com- pany, until recently called the Hunter Manufacturing and Commission Com pany, is known throughout the South and West as an important concern handling the products of Southern mills. This business has recently- taken on the, manufacture of pants, shirts and overalls, and a three-story building 50x100 feet has recently been fitted witK every modern appliances for the manufacture of these goods. Greensboro is not a jobbing point in the usual acceptance of the term. The wholesale merchants of the city have steadfastly avoided that method in the transaction of their business, and the buyers throughout all the States tributary to this Piedmont rail road center have come to know that advantages are offered here surpass ing anything heretofore seen in all this section. Among others that contribute in no small measure to the commercial suc cess of Greensboro as a wholesale cen ter are as follows: r . ' The L. Richardson Drug Co., Whole sale Drugs. J. W. Jones & Co., Wholesale Gro- cers. : i i John J. Phoenix, Wholesale Pro duce. J. L. Keeling, Wholesale Grocer. W. F. Clegg & Bro., Wholesale Pro duce. John Barker, Wholesale. Liquors. ' There are" also numerous jtobacco brokers and leaf warehouses, hand liner an acfirre trate of about five mil- THAD. C. McCORKLE, President. ini mi uu BUY -GiIg j MISCELLANEOUS. The preceding are some of i the lead ing departments but there are other? where you can find dairy fixtures sporting goods, farm and school bells, carriage hardware and materials, sad dlery hardware, bar iron, steel, bolt nuts, mechanics' tools, cutlery, leads! leather for saddlers or shoemakers, terra cotta and "iron pipe, grindstones, chains, harness, saddles, whips, sponges, and hundreds of articles In daily use on the farm, in the house hold, factory, workshop and ware' house. THE SHOW ROOM. The first floor fronting on Elm street is used for a show and sales room. It is of generous proportions, and in the arrangement of the hetero geneous stock due regard is paid to the principles of order and good taste. This salesroom is in itself a trade bazaar where are shown and sold the product of the skill of the American mechanic side by side with wares from over the -seas, wares of pon derous proportions, tools of intri cate construction, the hammer and saw, surveyors and mathematical In struments, articles wrought in iron. wood, brass and steel, raw material destined to become under the skilled manipulation of the mechanic articles which contribute to the uses or wants of men. 1 GROWTH. The growth of this business has nok been of the "mushroom order but has been the solid natural growth caused by the demands occasioned by the prosperity of the people, of this sec tion and the ability of the Odell nard ware Company to supply this demand. But this growth has been largely fos tered as it is in the soil of public con fidence which has been tilled by this company-for a quarter of a century. The Odell Hardware Company has im parted some of its vigor to other con cerns and has been an important fac tor in making Greensboro the trading center of the State where not alone trade the merchants of North Carolina but those of other States. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. J. A. OdelU president; Charles n. Ireland, treasurer and general man ager; J. Norman Wills, secretary. i; 1 . . $T? Li r I 'i I- - - f t "1 til i i ll ji , ri View ok Retail Department. M. L. SHIELDS, Vice President. WILLIAM H. HAGUE, Sec'y and Treas. Mil 0 RY mm R n n ji J IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALERS GOODS UMll, OF HON OCEE3ED F"0 IEV3E EV3A. W I, NEW GOODk LARGE STOCK. MODERN METHODS. A E OA N S A E YOU SV3 O W E V. VISITORS TO THE CITY ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK nor-os8tHlc.'-Th,esei sub lion pounds per year. G . C.

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