THE 5 GREENS B O R O P A T RIOT; 14 1 amount of business had increased $300,000. In 1898theoluine of bus! to promise of still greater railway facili ties in the 'near future." The splendid ness amounted to half a million, and 1 new- building, a view of which has the prospects for a large increase the present year is plainly evident. 1 'A 2 ' - ..: 1 ! ( .i .1 1 mir "7i ' !' fi ' i ir "' iT ' " ' ' y f r " llTfTTll IflgTi S U ij t -- " - t -..A . A yr? TUT r-- J:. i.l r ' : in ! been used to illustrate this article, and I a full view of which may be seen on The Merchants'- Grocery Company i the front cover design of this paper, is among the largest importers of was built especially for the Merchants green coffee on the New York market, Grocery Company, and equipped to and the largest dealers in this com- j meet their especial needs. j modity in the State of North Carolina. ; The gentlemen who compose this They import coffee in large lots," ef-) firm are Julius W. Cone, president, fecting a considerable saving on the j formerly of Baltimore, where . he price as well as a saving on the j learned the grocery trade , in his freight, which reverts to the direct father's firm, H. Cone & Sons. He now benefit of the customer. : ! lives in Greensboro and is the active j A specialty with this firm is the hiead of the business. Mr. Sol. N. Cone, trade in red sole leather. They are j the vice-president of the company,! is the largest purchasers in the South a retired capitalist and lives in Balti of red sole leather, and receive these more, where he makes purchases for goods in car-load lots. v ; this firm.. Mr. William Simpson, the- ! They are manufacturers agents for secretary and treasurer of the i com- f all the chewing and smoking tobaccos, ' Pany formerly with the firm of A. D. snuff, cigarettes.- cheroots and cigars Simpson & Co., wholesale grocers, of ; w 1 ; m ry . 11 ! that are sold in this market, supply- enn., ana wne, ome as 1Wrfeen Tons of R Bought hy Mer, Greensboro in 1896, and was identified ' with thft MfrchnTits f5ronrv Cnmnnnv mi n i 3i xt f mt j iue C?"T ; at its inception. output of a number of canneries, and ; g Btrfctl a Carolina enterprise, is prepared to supply canned fruits in makin & ialt of Carolina trade. prices. - molasses this: firm has exceptional j bing centerf and can save their trade warehousing and shipping faciUtiesf both freirfit and time of eoods in tran- along the sea coast towns, utilizing sit A11 orders are filled on the day :IfTICK" Baking Powder in one ship the long haul by water and the short received, and we resnectfullv ask the nient. These cars contain about twen- trade to Give this comnanv a liberal thousand (26,000) pounds, or, in share of their business. . I 9ther words, thirteen (13) Visitors to the city are cordially in 4' ing these goods to the trade at factory I prices. The men at its head are better quali fied to know the wants of the retail To meet the demand for syrups and customer than those at anv other iob- GOOD LUCK chants Grocery Company. Greensboro should feel much grati fied that it has within its borders a jobbing house able to cope with the largest in the country. This house is the Merchants Grocery Co., whole salers of groceries on an enormous scale. To illustrate, they buy and ceive a solid carload oi "uuuu T 1- T haul by rail to effect a saving in the freight, giving the buyer the advan tage! in the price. The following is a summary of otner words, thirteen (13) tons or ' GOOD LUCK." This is the largest vited to call at this establishment Rurase baking powder ever made -4 few 'of the leading articles handled by! wnere North Carolina hospitality, ty1 tnis section and gives striking evi 4 The largest wholesale grocery house in the State of North Carolina "is lo cated in Greensboro. The Merchants' Grocery Company njoys this distinction. They buy in car-load lots, at car load rates arid sell their goods, accord ingly. In May of 1896, the ..three gentle men now at the head of the business came to Greensboro and opened the liouse, actuated at that timeas they are to-day with the'desire to make of Greensboro a wholesale and jobbing center f of the State. They have broadened their' scope of business until it has become an established fact. . ". ' j ; v The capital stock was $50,000 and Bags, they started-with a full and complete this' firm, and shows how they are bought: Car-load lots of Sole Leather, Car-load lots of Matches, Car-load lots of Salt, Car-load lots of Baking Powders, Car-load lots of Soda, Car-load lots of Vinegar (cider), Car-load lots of Lamp Chimneys, Car-load lots of Tinware, Car-load lots of Soaps, . ; Car-load lots of Starch, j: Car-load lots of Pickles, barreled and bottled, 1 Car-load lots of Buckets, Tubs and Washboards, Car-load lots of Brooms, Car-load lots of Oysters, Car-load lots of Sardines, Car-load lots of Crackers and Cakes, Car-load lots of Candy, Car-load lots of Wrapping Paper and i .Mm W coupled with first-class goods at the ; Tnce OI ine ireraenuous grocery ous lowest nrices. are the characteristics ! lness Dein& done by this jobbing nf thP hiKi'nPSR housed This affords a iair conception 4 I 0 " Car-load lots of Baskets and Willow- line of everything in staple and fancy j ware. groceries. , j '. Greensboro is to-day the largest The first year's business" amounted j railroad center in North Carolina and to about ' $150,000, and in 1897.. the fit is j such firms as this that give it r - " - - ! ' " ' V'"' v . J . r 7 At 1 V- .. . Fr:!"P . l 1 Mart 1 , i " i i.,. 7.-. i n J: - r I I I'M- - ' . . . . 3- s PRODUCE' CDMHt55lDN PRCHAtfTS : The farmers of this and' nearbv ; counties have found that the Cleggs are" paying the highest standard price I ;f or chickens, eggs and other pro duce arid their business methods have gained the confidence of all with I whom they deal. .. ; It is with pleasure that we com mend these gentlemen to the thou sands of readers of this edition. WHOLE CHUNK TOBACCO. of the quantity of these people on till an up-to-date, pro,-... grocery establishes everything in the 1 ' hence buy1on the h. ' and are prepare. o ; in the most K:uii ' With their excellent shipijin'g'f:-. surrounded-themiUj! t " v era means that el.e; ; handling the busin possible to "compete all the large com i. Under -such .c.ircuinstuj forth their larpe eorj. salesmen with the full f ; no jobber is better j.r. j the trade than thev in. results that have beeji seem to findno.dinieu:' , it clear to the retnih-r i: serve him to his great er' 5":it it ,x. 5-;t.:f '-j tra,'. :ijar.r.,r ' "'' hate 1 rn.i. , 1. 1 'H' that . i . 1 niakir. WHOLE CHUNK TOBACCO. fully understand how ti mands of the tohacco-u The accompanying illustration of Whole Chunk tobacco will doubtless seem familiar to the thousands who use it daily, lor it nas become immensely popular throughout the South and fifty thousand pounds of it tiave been sold in the State of North Carolina alone by the Merchants Gro cery Co. during the past year. It is manufactured by Pegram & Penn, of Madison, N. C, who by reason of. their central location in the great xobaccogrowing belt are given excep tional facilities in the selection of their stock, which is universally of .the highest grade. -Both members of the firm have had long experience in the manufacture of chewing tobaccos and ; stock to try a sample lot. t the !. i Pegram & Penn aVe aNu tW uuke of " Sally.. J" " Kir- u ? .-. Jacket "-and 44 Xlggrr ;i'.M all r, which are carefully "liunle fnn grade stock and have gaijni th aj. proval of the trade fo tlu ir milforra standard of excellence. - f i TheNierchants Grocery Co.. !ixi the selection of high gnulej rlu uinu to baccos for their trade, (le'eiHetl ujtoa these goods, as the best :nil uUx sat isfactory brands that conM U foiml, and have the-exclusive cojitrol f ih-ir sale for the State of1 Xrtli Vnrolim Orders for any .of thes. hramls will receive prompt attention'. It will iar anv denier who hasn't these itm1s in SIMPSON-SHIELDS SHOE CO. 71 m It n ! .r 1 jfrT t Til r-u: I r .r c; r.j j ,4 t , - ,' 1' ' ' "- 1 ' --"' u. r il ,m 1 j i '"T d In entering our third year we can not refrain from thanking our many customers for the success we have met with m establishing this business which has grown, from an experi mental start, to take its place alongside of the lurgest shoe houses in the country. AVe take pride in directing ther attention to the cut herewith, which represents our new store, built to accommodate our increased busi ness. We can safely say we now have one of the largest if not the largest buildings in the South, entirely devoted to the wholesale shoe business. . Our trade in 1898 amounted to 300,000 and the outlook for the present yearindicates a large in crease. .1 I , . We began business in a warehouse withj,500 square feet of flooring and werp soon compelled to enlarge our quarters to 5,000 feet. The im- i mense five-story building wTe now occupy has t 12,500 square feet of floor space, and we use it al ESTABLISHED 1888. W. F. CLEGG & BRO. : WHOLESALE i i mm VUNGANON & GO. GREENSBORO, N. C. CARRY A FULL LINE OF can be used in this market or shipped . ' abroad. - ' i FRUITS, PRODUCE The business has crown to h on ; AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i of importance in the traffic of th ! city, and the gentlemen at its head ' have grained the confidence and re spect of the whole community: Their trade extends: all over this ! and adjoining- counties, and" ; their shipments of home products are made ; direct to the great markets in New and Baltimore, use them, iving' the North Carolina farmer the "We cater to the Carolina trade only. "We make a study of the wants of Carolina mer chants. We handle only styles and nualitT adapted to the Carolina trade, - and for this reason we claim we can serve them better than anr jobbers that cater to the trade of the whole country. With our very small expense account, low rate of freight to their 4eP ani shoes botight for spot cash in car load lots, at the very lowest prices, we are prepared to make it to their interest to figure with us. We want your name on our jooks. "We want PDAflPDTPO AJl DDAUTC1A1I0 Put iherevith goods that hvill keep the ac trMUCttlCD AH I) rllU lOlUIl O COiint alive. Therefore, we offer you our "Jule Carr " shoe for $1.00, net 60j days. Truly a gentleman's shoe for the price of a brogan. The very best selected Satin Calf, inade ion the most sty ish lasts in both bals and congress. Solid as a rock. Every pair guaranteed and personally ins ected before leaving our store. ! i Onr A rlr'Articia'r Vi Kocst. UhnJ pvpt maAn DODS THE BEST MONEY WILL t0 T1 ' .50; stylish and Jf tlje ve best. PHY wearing material, soiia tnrougnout,!, ur leader, Dill. your trade winner and money maker. Our fall line consisting of 250 styles, each of which was especially selected for I the Carolina I .' .3. . ".4 AND ? Everything carried by a flr$t-cl4s house in the general grocery line. The large wholesale produce and commission business of thisfirm is the direct result of the untiring ef fort, courage and business integrity of the. two young men at its head, and is a living illustration ofl what may be accomplished here in Greens boro by those possessing like quali- York Philadelphia, ties with the inclination to use them. JPing the North Cai In 1S95 the Store va5 nnAnoil W IT full benefit "nf io5 xx?Ao 4tA F. and Z. V. Clegg as a fruit and con- nections, and the prerailing hieh : Prices at Lowas Honest Goods can be trade, and bought for spot cash, is now ready. i Sold. fectionery stand. In January, 1896, Pces in the Northern markets. the Business was changed to whole sale fruits and produce, and the foun dation of the present trade was laid To-day the stock is general produce, embracing everything in that line: Fruits, from Florida and the West Indies, fresh meats, pork and beef, hides, tallow, beeswax, and almost every commodity of the farm that THESE ARE FACTS. Call at 528 S. Elm St. and be convinced. It was this firm that conceived the idea of receiving and distributing car load lots of New York State cabbage and aoDles in TO-Vi PomiSnn trade, and later in the season from ! ' Florida, giving the people of this sec- r ! tion these staple fruits and vegetables ! - Sole agent in Guilford County for Dr. fresh frrm , x, . , . Perkin's Improved American Herb Com- fresh from the fields, both m and out j und, the Medicine on Earth for or season, during the entire year. . j kidney, liver, and blood diseases. One of our six salesmen, who are now oh tlie roa, will visit you shortly. 6ere are their names: M. D. Long, J. J. rcQoldrick, W. H. Wakins, Jr., C. L. Cannon, Frank H. Neal, Herman Jones. It will pay you to await an inspection of our line before placing your fall order: VTe now have 1,703 customers! on our books. A. 01 SIMPSON. Pridnt MILTON L. SHIELDS l-. T,-. .T ' I Y 5

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