Makes the food more delicious end wholesome M III I Greensboro Patriot. ESTABLISHED '.1821. TWELVE PAGES' WEDNESDAY. MAYJ10. 1899. LOCAL "NEWS ITEMS. Maj! A. Summers, of Gibson vllle, was welcome caller Monday. Mrs. L. A. Smith is having a - nice residence erected on Summit avenue. Messrs. John R. Stewart and C. C. Shoffner went to Winston Monday on business. Mr. G. A. Smlth.left at noon yes terday on a business trip down the A. &, Y. road. Editor Phillips, of the Telegram, spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Chatham county. ' . Col. W. II. Osborn went to Dur ham Saturday attend a meeting of Keeley Institute directors. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Stewart have moved into the residence one door west of Mr. J.X. Brockmann's. Prof. W. II. Albright, who has just closed a successful term of school at Ramseur, called on us one day last week. A contract has been jet ior tne new Catholic church, on North Elm street. Hoecker & Morris are the con- Rev. J. B. Tabor, pastor of the Greensboro circuit, preached at the BaDtiat chanel. in the eastern part of s - the city, Sunday night. Mr. G. II. Royster has returned from Charlotte, where he spent some time in the interest of the Knights of Pythias Endowment Rank. Mr. P. Hf Apple, of Morton's Store, was in the city last Thursday for the first time in three years, We were glad to receive a call from him. - Rev. W. L. Gri8somv occupied the pulpit at the .First Presbyferian church last Sunday in the absence of the pas- tnr Rv T)r: Smith, who war in TTIirh Point. r . -." Rev. Dr. L. W. Crawford went to Germanton Saturday, where he deliv ered an address. He occupied the pulpit of Centenary Methodist church, Winston, Sunday. Revt. E. P. Parker, G. A. Stauffer, H. M. Brown and P.JD. RIsingef,and per haps others from this county, went to Salisbury last week to attend the Luth eran Synod of North Carolina. Prof.liC. J. Brockmann, Dr. J. H. Wheeler, and Messrs. Ney Forbis and Frank Blount went to Wilmington last j. nursjaay co assist some oi tne musi cians of that city In giving a concert. - "B Mrs. F. L. Reid is preparing to build a new residence on the corner of West Market and Edge worth streets, on the lot now occupied by her home. This house will be moved farther up street. - The largest stock of infants' and children's sandal slippers and oxfords in the city and the . largest and best stock of tan and black shoes for boys and girls can be found at Thacker fc Brockmann's. . A called meeting of Orange Pres bytery will be held in the First Pres byterian church tomorrow lor the pur pose of ordaining Rev, Allen Jones, who U engaged in evangelistic work in Ashe county, Mr. R.C. Dick, ot Whitsett, was here yesterday. It was his Intention to go on to Charleston to attend the Confederate Veterans reunion, but a sudden attack of sickness forced him to abandon the trip. Recently an election was held and carrie 1 in Reidsvllle to issue bonds for water rorks and otffer municipal im provements. Last week the 5 per cent, bonds were sold at $109.40 and the 0 per cent, bonds at $118.83. Those who heard Rev. J. R.Jones address on his recent European travels at tne friends church Friday night, were well pleased with it. Mr. Jones is an obserrant man and while in the old country he learned much of interest to thepublic. Mr. H. L, Carter,the clever travel ing representative of D. M. Osborne A Co., manufacturers of the renowned Osborne farm machinery, hat moved his family from Charlotte to this cityr They occupy the residence on South Forbis street recently vacated by Mr. Buchanan. , Ex-Sheriff Hosklns again adver tises quite a number of delinquent tax payers. If you should be so unfortu nate as to have your name on the list It would be well to square aoeounts with the ex-sheriff befora the first Monday in June, or the property will bt sold for the amount of taxes dot. About one hundred Confederate veterans from Durham and Person counties, under the command of CoL J. S. Carr, passed through- early yester day morning en route te Charleston to attend the reunion. A delegation from the Daughters of the Confederacy met the veterans at the depot and served hot coffee and sandwiches. j !! The Century will Issue three spe cial, numbers: June, 'Out-of-doors Number"; July, "The Story-tellers' Number"; and August,! "Midsummer and Travel Number." An article by Henry van Dyke on "Fisherman's Luck," and a dozen striking pictures of Niagra Falls by the artist Castalgne, are two of the features of the June issue. . I Memorial Day will be celebrated here this afternoon with appropriate exercises. The Daughters of the Con federacy have arranged a suitable pro gram for the occasion. The procession will leave the court house at i 4.30 o'clock and move to the cemetery, where homage will be done the mem ory of those heroes of the "Lost Cause" who have gone before. j Miss Elise MoAllster, of Asheboro, a sister of Mr. A. W. McAlister, of this 5 I city, died Saturday morning In Char lotte, where she was In school at j the Presbyterian College. She had been seriously ill for several weeks and her death was not unexpected. The re mains were taken to Asheboro and the funeral held from the Presbyterian church of that town Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. She was nineteen years of age and was a young lady of much Nash County Gold. A Rocky Mount special to the Baleigh Post, under date of May 4tb, has the following. . Mr. E. W. Lyon, one of the gentlemen operat ing the mine, is a citizen of Greens boro: - A gold bar weighing 4 pounds, worth between $800 and $900, Nash county gold, is on exhibition at the Planters' Bank in thi town this morning. r "It is the product of a six-days run of the Mann-Arrington gold mill, operated by Messrs. Campbell & Lyon, of Argo, Nash county. 'The bar is pure gold and 'its value and the time required in get ting it out shows a yield of $150 per day at a cost of about $35 of $40. "The eastern Apalachian gold belt is on the eve of a great move ment, and the eyes of the world will soon be opened to the wonder ful richness of the East Carolina mines. Some of the best gold mines of the world are to be found within twenty-five miles of Rocky Mount, and gold mining is expected to become a mammoth industry in this section." We Cannot ' : - I - i i l Let the other fellow do that Our efforts do ndf run in that direct FLOGGED AT THE PEN. Story of Federal Prisoners In carcerated. Washington, May 9. The Evening Star yesterday published a complaint from a number of Federal prisoners in carcerated in the State penitentiary at Raleigh, it. J. The prisoners were or dered to work at some brick yards 8 miles from the prison and refused to comply, claiming immunity under the law from labor outside of the prison walls, whereupon they were flogged for insubordination. Tne complaint was submitted to the Attorney General and an investigation has been ordered. - $ (is (is IV "it. (is a i m - . ! i (SS ". : ' ' I 4 (is If you (is j - OS -TT- ! Ki (is 9j (is OS (is (is ' .- 1 (is p . (is . (h i Our goods will OS V1V p W W W ' AS 221 South Elm St., 'KV ' ! ill, Afford to ?ool You" l V ion. X want good, honest, up-to-dat oocis aid CHEAP.ER than you can buy . them WHERE IN GREENSBORO, see us. Shoes ANY. , give you SATISFACTION and OUR PRICES SHALL SUIT YOU. ! WW SSRSS GO, - ' GREENSBORO. N. C. ! the Southern states. TEL, RI'IIONE A conference of the Mormon Church is in session at -jChatta-nooga, Tenn. There are over 500 culture andahigh orderof intelligence. eJd6e8 9,000 communicant8 in The sale of lots in the Vanbokelin tract last Monday afternoon waa some what interfered with by the rain storm which came up shortly after noon, hut was neia as aavenisea. un account or the unfavorable weather the attend ance was not as large as it would otherwise have been, though quite a crowd of buyers was present. Under the circumstances the sale was fully as successful as could have been expected. The lots told did not hrincr hfirh nriroi nr war .h nH... nr0S I Confection Fruits, Cold Drinks, are many lots left which are as de sirable as those sold, and any one de siring to make a purchase can do so at private sale as well as at public auc tion. Messrs. Jomdan, Sinclair fc Macdonald have charge of the prop erty. - SMBSMSSSiSilMBMSSSSWSSMMMWSMSSW Wall IPaiX3?. If you wish to paper your house, now is the time, while you can! go to Golden's Paper Store and buy paper for six cents (6c) per roll and up. If you want a Bed-room Suit, Sewing ...... . .? . . ,i " Aiacnmes, f rames, juaseis, j etc., you rvo. goo, Vor your LUNCHES, and as fine ? ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS As can be made.' will save money by calling and looking at their last consignment, which In cludes a lovely line of Pictures, Medal ions, Pastels, Reprints, etc- also several good French Plate Mirrors, large! and small, all going at very low figures. Consignments solicited at ! K. D. Golden & B rot's Auction Room, No. 103 E. Market Street, Greensboro, N. C. j j Mr. Yancey Tickle, of Elon Col lege, was in the city this morning and favored us with a substantial call. Jurors For Special May Term Court. FIRST. WEEK. R M Sockwell W H Clavton Albert Ingle R F Dalton John M Amick L H Coltrane William Canoday A C Lloyd i John A Armfleld WmF Lin villa ! T C Starbuck ! J Elwood Cox ! Geo W Small Ervin Donnell C A Kirae B L Busick J W Landreth J Frank Hendrix SECOND WEEK. Lewis Jones -Robt A Thomas J T Smith Thos J Rumley J E L Wagoner J F H Jobe D L Lewis S S Haithcock John R Tucker (1 Fine Cigars and Fancy .Goods. Deliv ered from 6 a. m. to 10 p, on short notice. Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor, open until 11.55 p. m. Sunday Hours Breakfast, 7.30 to 9.30; Dinner, 1 to 3; Supper, 6 to 8. V - Tin VATTT i Teeth or Eyes TROUBLE YOU GO TO DR. GRIFFITH, ; DENTIST AND OPTHALMIST. QUALITY AND PRICE ets as s ts ts (ts s to to to to to to to $ to to to to Are two things to consider when buy ing Furniture. These two points are essential to my business, and when you visit my store you may rest assured of WE WANT TO EAT "Wkte i men Raised in Guilford County this Season. We wieh to get you interested in our Saddles. So for x ir melon we will give a'nice, Quilted Seatrtrimmed mtti Un full'r ottuuie. ii is wen world making a trial for. Call and eximist: ieast.- Also our stock or bingle and Double Bueev and Wa vunai o, uriuics, v nips, raas, tvc. igon Hir. getting your money's worth. A line of - ! fine 20 years experience with the Teeth and 8 years with the Eyes. Glasses furnished. Con sultation FREE. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office in K. of P. Building, South Elm Street. Bed Boom Suits Just received, and I would be glad to have you call and see them.' It may oe a Baby Carriage you want. If sol G. S. G&ULDEN 1& The Only Exclusive Harness Dealers. IIVr-3rII3 IIARISE88 OUIt H1K.;IALTV, 217 South Elm St, Harris' Old Stand. HOW'S THIS FOR A CLUB RATE: have an elegant make a selection. line from ! I which to John R Davenport Daniel E Albright t S Davis Chas L Highfill Walter Nelson E A Guyer Thos Fuller J.J Frazier C B Hayworth Jurors for Jane Term. FIRST WEEK. Geo W Brown J M Pegram Joseph W May N F White WH Bennett . Fred N Taylor John R Boon W J Benbow t HR Donnell T B James J Henry Coble John O Murrow Adolphus M Bevlll W H Case W C Rankin John M Dick .Samuel L Gilmer R G Thomas WC Bain R A Fleming B E Jones D Thomas Coble Thos J Styers t Norm a u Wills John C Parrish D A Oakley John W Lindley 1 w r uaynes JWSapp June A Johnson N W Beeion H F Church W B Steele N G Kirkman C C Crouch Ira Montgomery' SECOND WEEK. Robt L Apple f Isaac N Woodara H H Lavton George E Greene. J B Reece Frank L Coble Wm A Dempey J L Brock ma tin WmC Kirkman Eula Johnson C H Hancock R F Little H G Moore John Merris J M Marsh John H Cook Samuel Pitts Mrs. Rosa Hamner-Carler Has one of the nobbiest lines of W. J. RIDGE, I 330 South Elm Street. THE PATRIOT AND THE WASHINGTON FiSi One Tear Only 1 .40. MILLINERY ROODS fp If Ira km l - : I. I I Ever brought to Greensboro. Everything new and up-to-date. Made especially for the Spring trade. My stock of TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS Is unexcelled and you should see them. Prices always right. 107 West Market St. kHz Wm Ll W P Welch THIRD WEEK. Walter A Shepherdll W Gordon John EIsley C L Lamb ., Geo W Efland John L Daria James A ChrismanStar Hlgeins w R West James C Leonard R J Smith George Bornn j John H Lucas Alfred M Rumley w a oauaaers a v xnornton Joshua Causey W A Welch, Sr. I he state of North Carolina's net debt now is estimated to be 91,00,000. To this must be added i!i U D 0 0 D WITH IRON. Guaranteed tp Cure or Your Money Back . ... Price, 50" Cents. Seld only by the 1110,000 to pay the loss incur-1 ITirKm TU m4nn red by John E. Smith and Mew-1 c!J Olm K 150 Buggies, to Select Frflm. Carriages, Phaetons, Spring-Wagons in Abundance n(D0 AKT(DiEi0m nBin(R(Knis& . - ... -I I v ' . -..jit3 borne in pretending to run the pen itentiary, and the bonds to be is sued to pay penitentiary farms. There is nothing to equal it for the monev. zsers ine ireignt. Une car DRUGGIST, 121 8. Elm St., Greensboro, K. C. t for the money. In buying in above quantities we ie . load Old Hickory Wagons. Largest stock of llarneis i THE ONLY LAItWU DEALEI18 IN GREEN8BOKO.

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