1 , were l officii L r r " ft t Booth Killed Lincoln. intertited in j jrrK-,r 4n V-ur. Student. It was sent Wdereon Foote. eon of - - f - r i. George A. Eoote. of a honored and highly gician, lately deceased. an extract rrom Ap t 1 T I i J I npeqia oi oiugrapiiy inttf l Biology,") Of - Jl 1 ' i J II I cuai very uauaui othcer, Captain ()U9 leal n in M a r V, It , . , ' 1 .i- .i r ! ' j t a. -j I'd I-'l . r,iw i "I ;1 ' it n 7 a j I'iut"nj in April nqmbsr of a native 1 1 1835, and 18 65, as i ihfamous, most in- e "vfas reguiariy commis- h ucjting underjj&rders. rue many disgraceful .th of Vir- hanged spy, and Vanpats in thte South, and lit- reasonable or y t 11 : I A LA sketch na8 found t(? s papere, wno was ne --vponieueraie army A" Thomas Jefferson. j umt oenerson Hainan Nature the Same. has been one tn,nnin .i.u.Tl" A " 5 ur"- canton, w j u w tt i Lii : ii ii riii w a ..oa MA.Hti. u . nao auuuiucu ui me cnarce Of recently it has coma tr k .... l . . . & U1 w w w UIDI1 I II 1 il n ul n rr m a w a -fl f i ...... c r . urom pouu- con, there mmm mm a m 1 . Ilf A cians dream or .u. . Zr T; " L. " Scuerai Joinca for offlrA t r. "4 wum.up uon. Xfje reports say that church idL !- "klD.e bell were rung in celebration, and w umluv ui deiiennn- u avam . u i t shouted t . k " I , " umwwiB ui buo guspei rusnea wjr lucm ID nil UI) I a DO tit unrl ahnntr h.no space and time and round off ora- sons whom Ston .A.7m torical sentences. Jefferson .0i-Bg,Tfir Jeffe"on .n,ean y- Mrs. George wa. made a herbine Z "'. JZFZil 'ne- Cr"on betrayed her. and r,ur'j nuo uro out OI Oulce. especially of cranks a name nn glorious now used to express what ever one may conceive far it. But Thomas Jeffei son himself was ho such shadowy being; he was a man it was believed that she had killed him. She had taken the law, her own hands, and avenged wrong. .And the people of whole community applauded verdict which said that she into her the the every inch, and;every moment of justified in so doing. Thus the uis me ne was the embodiment of whole community nut italf I lUU rnnn rri oa fnnn.:. : 1 ' j nried in Fort.Cpolum. Iia; eternal principles. For his good name's sake we could wish that some of the men who use it so freely would cet'them a hnnt nrl learn about him. '-Jefferson ians" would then begin to mean some things There would be no Question whether he would a rbor. DrJoote's pen 19 ootn inierest- He tells of the save Captain ealfs dollar political dinner. record as favoring violence inlpre ference to the orderly proceeding of the court of law in a case where a woman s honor is concerned. What is the difference between the condition of public opinion in vauion, u., ana . War Tax Collected. . A few days ago, W. M. Yearby, oi mis city, wno is president of the JNonn Carolina Pharmacutical As sociation, wrote to the department in wasningto for figures concern ingthe war tax on medicines, ete and received a list containing the iouowmg amounts and articles up- uu wuicu ine tax was collected from June 131898, to March 1st, Schedule A.documentarv stamns. Schedule B, medicinal and pro- pnetary stamps, $3,747,616.09. lieer, f 21,619,173 61. Tobacco, $9,103,856.79. Special taxes, $5,578,253 30. Cigarsr$l,835,410.97. Cigarettes, $965,105 69. Snuff, $477,564.18. Excise tax, $396,155.19. Legacies, $285,983 60. Mixfd flour, $6,165 65. Total, $68,856,593.85. The abeve mntinnpH finmroomon be of interest to our rAnHra oo WA "OKINOOO" ' TOBACCO GUANO I1 ! -II. ' . r w v . . i i a.' yi, n - u pincs lobacco :new as much as we Ho ahnht th i.,. i nnoco Guano, we could nof nn:C;Kl,oii.. the demand. Its fakie is spreading now and vve nave a wft ran Hk .1 Vr ' V uppiy 11 mis il you want a color with season. nice smooth wrapper and cirArA K-wJ.- 1 1 . ana weighty ask f f p in Newman. Ga.. w vm va u 1 u ij 1 ww 11 cic n. iirv rii w mm w-carvnriw'i w vi -m i 'a. dollar no1itml honn, '. r- u TJ? "" jruBu r uu uo. rememoer to nave seen them , .. - ""vi"'1' w uuo m ccu inBiance anevoua wrona nnh iiafiori i . r n nan noon r)rn A a 1 ! . I mt . r F J f ww ttuluou, UUl in IDC If we a for iriace your supplied. 1 p --w 11 1 , XJ JC Urinocp j. and ou will make no mistake; nce to be sure of being - 1 - -h J a , . I" - vmwi UUl uu, UUL III Lilt .v)iVvtTn-or Andrew, of Mas- prehend the old nation builder's Newman case the woman had suf- h .-la'il'L?. fniii others, but in vain, character, hn wnnlH hvA pta.,i w .l. i b'fl WftB trnirrht Uran. ...... 7L . . 6' nfoug. -uumam &UD. I . L J L Li. Ll i. I ,j . . us I , . wa,v MO tuuiu a, mo uuiiioa case, tne woman adjoining. Captain have gone to either and taught the took the law into hr ua- i Tir : i i i i .. .. w i -" - v u uoumo. a world of common-sense and killed her seducer; and the rlO tl MITI Ttol iatr.l in nnnn I 1 , , , m m j- .j I, r .w.a upu- wuiuujuuujr appiauaea ner lor do- Iriend8. lar crovernment. nrlnr ra u xt . . u ,mo iwman case tne Ihe druggists of th paid 5 44 100 of the total ve very way tq i.i s 1. h : h i-l bee a frith tri"l e ji'rel-ettge-ifrojn pruqhj 'n. 'Arr-'eJlorji to secure i.i was made! in which D , t&e interesting point rea ioric interest is to follojv Dte si prrvate memorandum lateiiient of equal ing it. i m m - secure rights that he was, his personal community killed the assailant of Muy m Law tea were sucn - that he would the woman. And that is about' all bis es- have been as mtifth At hnm of th. Lr th l- Foote I ten dollar as at the nn.rlniur hon ' Lf iAiAnA i i . wtu- w '.awswutso, liuu tUO LU Ufl DOin t a party; In fact, two quet. You who conceive of Jeffer- of view. But it will be borne in o naukht. son in sloueh hat and 1a 'n.i. Imir, i i. V Ura wi it President hio t I i hv John Wilkes Us the head ilea and jvas the i upon Jjs,r.th at j I5(o oi son in slouch hat and Ions hair mind that no f.hnrrh Vtal 1 a ly Of miss the mark most palpably. He rung at Newman in honor of IIP 1 XXT a a on 2 1- J . . It ? . I! lr Trrt ptim. 2 vr.. m u in. uis aiure, nonxiciae, and no preachers rushed tw o xo any gives luxurious in his tastes, and man around shaking hands with 'all these questions, you should lose were the NERVOUS - WOMEN l Do you fee! like screaming just before and during the monthly sick ness? Are you easily irritated? Do you get the blues and wish some times you were dead ? If your answer is "Yes" to any 4.1. a m m i F: S. Royster Gubo Co.; Norfolk Va. For Sale by C. C. TOWNSKND, Greensboro, N. C. We present to Tobacco Growers a Perfect Tobacco Formula. 11 surprise many, enough in his heart coinm on idea is a in his heart to indulge sorts of disreputable people and without fear of offending, congratulating themselves andjall them uuiu.wbs uiuruer- ne was no trimmpr. ir Hnnh f r.moc. uu i iuutu vcpauee uis sympatny wittr ther DeoD e. no is a fa r inferenne th.t if f the Northern doubt of his feftltv to onnoi ir.ua I troo u-iri u : . ; . - j v viiul" 4,6u,,oi r uov "v vumuiiiicu tuo crime in he st ho his rights. He was born wealthy, truth is that in each case he uo lumaieu ioe iasnionaDie cub. f smnt or vflmrpon hori ka em douot ot his fealty to equal rights, Hose had committed the crime the no doubt of his faith. in the people, Canton'of which he was guilty her and no doubt that he was unafraid would have been dealt with ju nse of the people, unafraid to exercise about as he was in Newnan. Tl pon8ible f q f outh. In bth hJ being in inten 2painy-wuiimiH-ooui.il, and. De t tome what daft, had assassi id the-President ion account i courbe in the. war. - After- .ts tailed ur. foote says looth He was a man of the people, but he that whiteuman nature, whether snedto Washington, and.jon his was no demagog to conform strictly it is found in Canton, O., or New Hmrored Resident Ijincoln to popular prejudices. Were he nan, Ga., is pretty much the same uoiaiy jcvru iu paruon or living now we do not think anv- Beall. Lincoln body's banauet would have arrested no time in taking: BRADFIEIsD'S FEMALE REGULATOR It will overcome and cure every form of irregular menses, leucor rhcea, falling of the womb and other uterine trouble. St at DruoaMm. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. 1-2-3- " "im!u iud xaauiuuauie cus- spirit ot vengeance had got the : - of toms of France; he owned hundreds upper hand of the better spiritjof TIntlP h?J PllhllOGTinn the of slaves; he drove a fine carriage, law and order. And it is also true UllUC UJ rUOllCailljn. past respite body's banquet would have arrested Fillipinos More Capable of Self Goy-- This brd all it w5f: or North Carolina, f'.w'r, Guilford County, j InJhe Superior Court. Action conceraine Real Estate. Domenica Luchi, Thomas Luchi, Rafaelle Ra ina.Bettini Francesco. Gioyanni Rossi. G. Emsley Donnell, R. D. Pat terson and rife, Annie Patterson. Tn thil tohnn : .. Ihe llipin08 are more Civilized of tQecourt, by affidaTit, that Gioyanni Rossi. j it. . m tm i uue ui tne aerendantH. oannnt ttm w ju 3er we executed, and ties claim a monopoly of hi. name. " P .1 1 leii-gOTernment E"tS.tat,i..S tangW within Tttlrty The author of the Declaration of 'Jh' DtgT0' f th9 ,Sout!; te-I.SJM'Sa ttuwu i.uejr were vmaocipaiea and acwon; ana mat me nature of the ac- :anied tarespjte, but thad flight his attention ;'and we sometimes ifred hia execution. Dri Foote wonder if his ghost is not restless ernment than Southern Negroes. when parties and factions of nar- the t master-work- my wihdow and inside I Indenendenea. ' i . - I!" I :tloiumous, ahd not at i) Island, as ha$ been f real reu::. tms time.. And the man who iJooth, for what he termed the thinks him up a little idea and p of President Lincoln toward calls it Jeffersonian does violence :ie!f and frieqd Beall, at bnce toairserious sense. Biblical Re- ):eto avenge bis friend'sl death corder. - ' J . , ww MW (uiBier.irurii. ffiTen the riaht of ufFracro o,1 I PPerty. the purpose of the action John- man of the internal supports of I ,5 g . r uffrae And 7et J2f :!rm.in th rwiouTinterest. of tSS uintly our Nation, belong, to. no pP.rtS of dent is their treatment by SlWe i this time. And th mL 4n the government of the United -2 i A NEW Tobacco Brand, By a NEW Tobacco Formula. , y -.- But by an OLD House. Look out.for OSCEOLA urder North Carolina Tobacco this season. It's ffoiner to be he&rtf from roii . -' j 1 iui nuu iry WBCeoia. -1 j I OLD DOMINION GUANO CO.. BR., NORFOLK, VA. AND FOR SALS BY ALL OLD DOMINION AOKNTS XV1RTWHKRX. S. S. MITCHELL & CO. represent us in Greensboro. OTHER AGENTS IN ALL TOWNS IN TOBACCO BXLT. illling both Lincoln and Seward. H' mux luieuu sio HiinfiL unnnin It !- I be theatre, but :prtunity did inhere., i .: ' . Position For Mr. Cleveland. he contemplated The last news received here in s . i f m ... not offer itself reference to -the prospective busi ness PUrP08ei of ex-PrAfiiriAnt C..A. I ! I ana mown a part Of the Donnell rmor MJ U,. , ' M iln aSre8 more or le8; and to require of , The Filipinos are more civilized rSZinifltlLP e .and, de,Iver to the B j .vfi. . plaintiffs trood and sutflcient titles to 320 acres and Capable of Self-government of " tracts m accordance with written airree- than almo.t any other people of Watt.?a& WW ABIE. 1 flftr nilVA matia nnvtLAFwaorca - .r. -. wvrr ituoi old On ! Don't Despair! VICE'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS for the fact that. RnAth'o Cleveland connacta hi nnm witK ( i. . I j, w T I - mmmmmmu . f . ' ruK"v "i curtain itnat tuo prcsiuoucj oi a new stocK com- ii night; he would have efceiped Paoy now in process of form Ail , It . nrrioiurl K - . . . . . I i . t . - , - . . . i 1 1 ut Lilt? uui n inn nnnniirinii Kva i . sideraoie advances in the arts and' I?aAe.0.nce week for six weeks in the greens-. 25c val has cured others and will cure vou of Oonatlnatinn .n it. .tf.-t. sciences. They inhabit lare; and ?ocouVt fJ1 J. P111 ,8 a Vegetable Tonic Laxative, the purest prescriotlon known flourishing 'cities. Many haye ?rio Trial vial 25c. Sold by drug- built and live in handsome an4ktfurtto 1 I ,. . - I June. Hnd thon in V1o i "Z cosuy nouses. xney Have well totheconViiintto trained and disciplined armies. 'Wloratirde. The Wad had lt to do w th the aesasaina- due W President; it was 'ft m ...solely tbreveneejinten ...II- J Itooth 8 Ibve and adrriira. LiWfrisnd.- fh went to New 100 in New York city. Cleveland in Washington think that,he would hesitate before ac cepting a professorship in Prince ton, as was lately intimated be cause of the necessity of tieing him self down to routine and details. I enuirjned and armftri with tha mn.f atlon 4 . , Friends 0f Mr. j p p : n w jaro. inueeu meir condition can- not be compared to that of the ignorant and recently emancipated slaves of the South. And yet the United States gov ernment gave to those recently will be proceeded with as if nerannni uniM summons had been made upon the said Giovan- . Given under my hand at office at Greensboro, in said county, this 30th day of March. 1899. . r 0 , JOHN J. NELSON, C. 8. C. for PUintiff!!8' Ad DOUglaS' Att?I?678 Executors9 Notice. to medical science. Never gripes child or adult, gists and merchants, or sent on receipt of price. THE L. RICHARDSON DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AND ManjFACTURING DRUGGISTS, l j;biy aninfeatie man. i liad periment. tfjeast idea of Booth's1 rilan The pre ;?"aaie tiiri I'resideht. This company is ft M I T r. a8iknown tidflnev rtf n 'Vtirr an entirely different .uuuo l7 luo DHme Its. duties could be ar- u ana numanity : i , And now that samn crnvrn mant , "wuni-re.Teaien.it on i v i uukcu so uu not 10 oe onerniifl ann e" hpfnr. rdi J .1 J Uk. u: . , controlled bv the Renuhlinan nartw ,m ! yioi a8Ba"ioauon.ruo nDIB"'"i uisuauiB aiooe wouia , " - , 1 . 7." Wtowhoni hAthnflJn command afinaaaUrtr Afr Pa luo name OI "waom aol human. j .i-. r -r vaw uu O VI 1 . . vtw Harin ir qualified as exerrntnrA f" n p ri. well, deceased, late of Guilford county,N. C. hi. tern 1 1 . . . . ' is again! them to McAlister, but the power to govern and lord 32?Hdi i . . . m . . r.v. m vi icwmiY. All IXfrSOIlS in. it over tueir iormer masters : o UU Insure your property against n one! njan, matter. ?Pf.ebegKe 1 him not to! eaVrv land would not allv himself with na8 car"d ts soldiers and sail - Ifndijtr that TWh U. anv business institution nr ors everal thousand miles across i O . . v " T .MB J . w., vvi .1 . m I .;f C1tybefu 8 tuotiht turned 1 ar'.' i rom pis revenue. . uniess ne was a re the horrid trae- ti8fied with its metho i i i . . . ! 1 j nonorabie conduct of affairs, ntimate with Dr. It has been known in Washinp:- fears. He was lng for some time that ex-President !iJ.:?Hpj,lhf tjc, I and skilliul. something suitable and coneenial r?BiB- t ia,Li,4 . . k . :ii .jj i. . , - - mm trutniui. iuai win aua 10 nis income, in. deed, it might be said to be almost a necessity. The most exaggerated stories have been printed of his ac cumulations and his speculations. Instead of being a millionaire, hia I I I w dollars a sbuare possessions at a liberal tim.tA rxr ; I - fcw foot will not foot up quite $200,000. In ot this, of .course, is included his debted to said estate will please make imme- A. Caldwki.l, -W. B. BOO ART. Miss BeTttie D. Caldwell, j. This 21st day of March, 1899. Executor Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator on the es- re and see us before placing it, and get OUR RATES. We have strong companies, and all business en trusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. BOYD & GLENN, Room No.' GIvatz Building. OPPOSITE IGJiLTsJ iJO"W CHOUSE sincere. We at statement without I.i II- Kington Messen- .tndred oO.OOO' otTered teer v. and 0r 'r run nine for the corner erei. Ben f LI r4'-! on sf.i 'the i uui jux - j.. . iiavmz quaunea as administrator on the es. it all times the 0Cean t0 r distant country tatesoflVmingThomasoriandPar " . and is Waging a cruel and inex. f son, deceased, ,1 hereby notify all persons hav- ds and its ! uunauic noi upuu IUO r llipinOS I Yes, in the name of freedom and humanity the Republican party disfranchised the best and most intelligent white men of the South and, enfranchised their former to me on or before the 6th dav Atirii. i9m nr thi notice will be plead m barof their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estates are notified to make immediate payment. This April 6th, 1899 .' 4 M J.W.PKGRAM, Administrator of the estates of Fleming Thom- ason and Parthena Thomason, deceased. " T Administrator's Notice. And now with the same hypocriti- Ilavinsr qualiflel as administrator on tbees- Cal Cry the Same party 18 driving tate of W"el sborn, deceased, I herebv no thtk FilininnQ trmm thai -.5 tify all persons hating claims against sai'd es tne Filipinos from tneir homes and tate to present ihem to me on or before the Itl Per" bquare aminD, Stil 1 wish; to se man, southerly xsi!de house in Princeton and, his Buz- btrier zard Bay property. This latter is for destined, it is said, to be verv val. !t.- 0 Broad wav. uable some dav. but lust now it ia i. , r 4 j W J 1 - " HS 18 the hlorhBt tntallxr linnrndnitivA foot With a wife and four children. uve or six inousana aonars a year, the full extent of his income, is not very much for an ex-President of the United States. So, as his friends anticipate, Mr. Cleveland will most probably enter upon an active career when the position that is agreeable can bej. found. Washington dispatch to The Balti more Sun. . H. and did tiie nrnUrfxr f'l.uare foot I Cough. . y whoj was near of whopping TecommiTifi1 'Remedy. I did medicine would yg jhlni a few y 1 noticed ah im- "'nue cured him latlie7resouKnineaicine HtoU 'iSTl- Moore. . p lorssle by Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suf fered agony for thirty years, and then cured his Piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin - diseases like- magic. How ard Gardner. shooting them down like sbeep. Bleating aogs. ixcnange. Walter Page Will Come. Mr. Walter Page, of Boston, a native of Wake county and the ablest and most prominent man of letters which this good old county has produced during the present generation, has written friends here that he has made arrangements to fill the engagement made through his acceptance of the invitation extended him to deliver the literary address on the occasion of the commencement exercises at the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, which begins oh June 9th.- Raleigh Post. day of ApnU 1900, or pie&u in oar oi meir recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate payment, j This 7th day of April, 1899. I C. E.M. R A PER, 15-w Administrator. - DPloorlzigr, OeUlaa.gr, also til "best lieart rl-ved Op press SL33.G. T-vajaiper eiaa-d. sa-wed JPIslo Sliisigrleo. I ! Sash, Doors and Blinds in stock. Door and Window Frames, Mantels, Stair work and all kinds of house finish made to order. - If you are going to build anything trom a hen house to a mansion come to see us. We can fix you up and the price will be right. Cur country friends will find they can reach our yards from the center of th- town by crossing fewer railroads than any other. Come to see us. this notice will be 1 I 1 Cape Peai 3aJrlia.act-iajriri.g: Co. - JOHN A. EOCaitf, Secretary! aajl Treasurer, Oreesstcro, IT .C. Horrible agony is caused by Piles Burns and Skin Diseases. These are immediately relieved and qulcklv cured by De Witts Witch Hazel Sslve. Beware of worthless imitations. How ard Gardner. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified before the clerk of the Su perior court as administrator, with the will an nexed, or the estate of Martha R. Brothers, de ceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to me on oi before the 8ih dav of April. I9J0, for payment or; mis nonce wm oe pieaa in oaroi tueir re covery, and all persons owing the estate must make immediate payment or the claims will be collected bv law. 1 This April 8th, 1S99. 15-6 A. M. LEWIS, Administrator. Trustee's Sale. i On the 8th day of May, 1899, at the court house door in Greensboro, N. C at 11 o'clock, M.. I shall sell to the highest bidder for cash Robert P. Gray's interest in 45 shares in the Mount Airy Granite Company. The interest sold is to have the share transferred to purchaser upon the payment of his bid and the further sum of 12.315 and some interest. The stock being now held by John W. Fry as security for the last mentioned sum. JOHN S. MICHAUX, Trustee, s April 15, im . 1 UJj11 K7 If you intend to build or enlarge your house, come to us tor an estimate on Material. We will surprise you on prices. We make a specialty of Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. , Our motto : Large sales, small profits. we can show you tjie largest stock in the South. Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C. Children CryforPitchor'o Caotorla. f!