HTVtf miPQtinn fia; hppn P.Qtefl whv wp qpII ClntMnnp fAi-' looc aL-.: "iLJ.!1 Trrr t-a ptt tt a t-- 'Onp PnVft Ta;li Rnsmess. hnv our crnrifk fnf icnnfr racli fli AroW i ' ' 1 1 : ' r , a ; , . - 1 " I f M4u sv-ttlus kcsj. uiscoums ana lowest prices. We maki debts and do not calculate on losing a single dollar. Don't your better judgment teach you that we -have a strong in our iavorr A IF wl rawDipb oDfl CEDdodscb Sonfife 1 .. j. I - (DaassnnDD I i . I ' -. - . v. 7 . I . 1 MM i ar2umen M 0 SodDdD ,ofc95D iBiey cle Suits, $3.00;- Bicycle Paints, $1.85 Come in and get a drink of ice water and make yourself at home with us. - i r . . - ' so sovLtli Elm St.. 3-xeeaasTooro, asni-C. ' - - . . I v . - - . i I ! 11 ' .- . - r : 1 RADFORD TO MT. AIRY. 1 - ' - , Proposition to Connect Them oy nan way Again con sidered. The Roinokfi Times rnntsf column article concerning the proposed construction of a railroad from. Rad ford, Va., to Mt. Airy, N. C, a dis tance of forty miles. Though the Nor folk & Western will probably construct the line it will be due to the efforts of the owners of the big minea and iron furnaces of that region, j The connection by rail of Mt. Airy and Radford will be the realization of the hopes of the officials of all the rail ways of Northern Carolina and South ern Virginia. It was the desire of former President Qrav. of th nlri n t? T. fe Y. V. to extend that line to the coal and iron fields of Virginia, but he died without carrying his plans to suc cess, The Norfolk & Western tried to reach Mt. Airy but found it impossi ble to traverse the mountains by the chosen route.. V Dewey May Return Soon. New York, May 8rThe WaBh- ugiua correspondent 01 the Herald nay: "xresiaent McKinlev has been advised that Admiral Dewey wuutcuipiBies coming nome within a very thoflime. As aoon as the Filipinos have laid down their arms 10 cipeciea ne win proceed with the cruiser Olympia to the United C! i t 1 . owi,c., prooauiy cnrougb the Suez 1 A. - Tk,T v um 10 iew lork, and come im mediately to Waahin suit with the President "rmAt "The Admiral has now been at Manila for more than a year and has been in command of the Asiatic tation since January 3, 189S. Of ficers returning from the Asiatic station say he is not ill, but it is believed that a restand change of scene would be beneficial. Rear Admiral Watson, commandant of the Mare Island navy- yard, -will probably be c elected to succeed Admiral Dewey in command of the Asiatic station." Family Drowned in a Flood. Dallas, Texas, May 8. Reports from Benjamin, Knox County, say that a terrific storm, with swept over the countrv Ahnnt f- - j -.wvav uiic ttchu oi inai place last Satur day evening, and that the family of George Humphries, consisting of lour persons, were drowned by the rudden overflow of a branch of the Brazos river. Other fatalities are believed to "have occurred in the Panhandle, but reports cannot yet be verified. An Anti-Trust Conference. Dallas Texas, May 6. Repre, sentative Wooten, of Dallas, the recognized Democratic leader . in the last legislature, has addressed a letter to Governor Sayers review ing the growth of trusts, which concludes as follows: "I beg leave to suggest that you, as chief executive of the greatest of these states and official head of the strongest Democratic household in all the nnion, do call a confer ence of the governors and ntfnmonc W WW A W 6uo a me ooutnern ana West em eiaies at such time and place as may do suitable for the purpose of discussing and agreeing upon a uuuceneu ana enective policy and line of legislation against trusts anq monopolies. Governor Sayers said tonight : Bna" not issue a call for the conference until the Texas Mesisla iuic witKcs unai action on the anti 1 1 - irusi oiu now before it. I have Deen anxious ever since the Legis lature metto have a strong anti irusi iaw passed. I want trusts destroyed In the interests of legiti mate business and the public wel fare. 'When the Texas legiilature passes the law now before it or one approximately similar, I will then call the conference of governors and attorneys general with a view to inaugurating a definite by the states based on uniformity of legislation. I believe the Texas egislature will pass the desired law. The conference will probably be called soon after." PRESIDENT AT HOT SPRINGS A Qx eat Experiments London, May 5. Thu r -r.rof. of the Wireless TeWr.nh n J pany says the first attemnt t mit trans Atlantic messages by the rvui ojaiem wiu De made dur . ... O Avl iuo America's cup. .-. btations will be established at -1 . . 7 wocucro uu8 course laid out for th- great yacht race from which the caure contest will be visible. Mes sages recording the progress of th races will be transmitted, accord- e, w present plans, from these tationi 1 to appoint on the Irish caost in the neighborhood of Water ville. Authorities oif the United States and Great Britian hmr k- ntd of the project .and have ex pressed themselves as being deeply interested in it. . p 7 Leaves Washington in a Mag nificent Train for the fVir- slnla Resort. Washington, May 8. President and Mrs. McKinley left the city to-day for a vacation of a week or tan Have at. trt Springs, Va. The trip was made in a handsomely equipped special train which left here at 9.45 o'clock over the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad and is scheduled to arrive at the springs at uyuiuvK. m-morrow morning. The President and Mrs ririniA -WA.lUlC V occupied the private car Cleopatra, na3 attauuea 10 me rear of the train, the remainder of the train being "Jauo me compartment car Pa tagonia and the combination smoking car Auansic. Tne train mm equipped with every convenience y uo uuuiiurt 01 tne travelers. The party included also Mr. George B. Cortelyou, the assistant secretary to the president, Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Rixey, and Mr. Barnes of the White House clerical force. The President's hplth a u., ne feels the need nf root an and hence all official business during his absence will be attended to as far as possible at the White House. While at the Rnrinra tha m stay at "The Homead"" Vhe SS una jurs. uage are now located for a week's stay. Powder UiU Blown up by Tramps. jl'oTTsviLLE, Pa., May 7. The powder mill nlant of thm tU.-h Hater OomDanv. Innti u Indian Run Valley, several miles ucrc.oxew up to-day, de stroying eighteen tnna f 1-.a workmen were ahnnt th- i at the time of tha Tnia?nn u.. John K. Sieders, who lives jiear bv r- ,..6MMJr uun. a gang of tramps, it is believed. f magazine, which contained 1,200 -f5j"i Diasung powder and 50 gsjoi rme powder, in all about xuuren tons. When the flames rcacnea tne powder it exploded with a terrific rnnrt . -p-jii and vicinity was shaken, and many "-fr" f"cb m me nouses in the ncBiern suburb nf thio i . . i ato were Five minutes afterWun? tf,A. ueo second exnlnainn rying house, finntninit... . . - v tour ions of powder, went up. The two ex plosions wreftri . . t, 4 w buuib piani. !WaS"rrled ''or distance mile. Stuck in the Ice for a Tear. New York. Mav 6. The RtU ship Cova. from South Amerinnn ports, has biought additional news 01 vapi. Adrian ae krerlaches' k A. A.' 1 ... umrcuc exploring expedition on the steamer Belerica. S ' On March 13 the Coya put into jruma Arenas, a Uhilian trading seuiement on Tierra del Fuegoi in ine straits or JUagellan, and while her skipper, Captain Thomas, was 1 v . -r. a. . j . annum no mei Uook, of iirook lyn, who was one of those in charge ui iuo uejgica. ur. uook said he had had an interesting voyage and might go on another trip before returning 10 tne united States. For seventy days, he said, jtbe ty was m total darkness. - Two men were lost one overboard and one from sickness. The Belgica was stuck in the i -ww j " V W months while exploring Alexander t. a . . t ianu. Captain Thomas save that Tir Cook did not know of the S American war until told of it j by " a. ? mt ... . I ! r captain x nomas, wno left him file of newsDaDers. I ! A letter to Miss Anna E. Forbes, Dr. Cook's sweetheart, was brought uv vauiaifl XDOma8. MIIR WnrU. died more than a year ago. ! it is Deiieved that the Belgiac is f Amm v w a. m It on the The tCubian,, Knot Cut at Last. iHItANA. Mav 6 Pnrttr tjinn. sano will be used as the devisor in p" w um ob ui tua soiuiers in the $3,000.000 allotted hr th United States government tn v I t - - w rllVlrifkrl n m nn m K a. T """"s vuuku (roops, and the payment will becin at th I j p ar ay w end pf next week. A general order declaring the payment and setting forth the rule tn h nYat.r.A .:n be! issued to Governor finArl Brooke. The governor general and r i uhvo ueciaea mat it wOuld he verify further the armr rnlla a submitted hv t h roAnin j CUban Assembly. General Brooke today sent to General Gome l?of of the commission fnr thm . t ; "m v ao , - erai corps asking if he wished to uaao any cnanges. The commis Bivucim, one uunan and one Am-; can for each corps, will be ordered toj meet at once in Havana to take action as to the details nf th .11 , : ww Vi- Tision of the money. Sheriff Wants Governor Restrained. Pana, IU., May 5. Sheriff Dow. , I mwmm. L. . Georgia Hail Three Inches Diep. Wadley, Ga. May S.7-A terriJj hail storm passed over this YJeffer. eon) county, this afternoon. The hail was three inches deep at tbfs place and some of the stonei were i . . . . 1... as large as turkey egg9. berenl specimens weighed ' rrcr three ounces. Farm, fruit and vegetable crops are totally destroyed. At Four Score. Or. Mites' Nervine Restores Health tiAtVfY "rZJ!."11? l a Quinine in a j . . 77 v"VA4Ca IOTA It. AHnlt. t w DHr nausetin tonic. Frtc750c. friends expect him home nnn is possible that he will return the 8team8hiD Cacinne nf i f W j wuw Grace Line, which was due! at x-unia Arenas three weeks after captain Thomas left there. Florida Anti-Trust Bill. Tallahassee, Fla., May 7. The x luwua legislature seems disposed to join in the procession staried by the law-makers of Arkansas buu xexas and enact a measure for tne suppression of trusts. There uuw penning in the lower house a bill of this character which, aimougn reported adversely by the committee on corporations, will,1 it Bia, uo sioutiy obampiened by owuio uj. iuo aniest turntern nf r.K - O - w. w fcu patterned more cioseiy alter the New York nk trust statute than after the f.m.,- .vuo ATKansas law. ney,! who was arrested nnri .11.. 1 w M UAB armed by the militia yesterday, has instituted suits for injunction against Gov. Tanmr. Artn Keece, Col. Culver. Pftnt rrt.,w- and the state militia to restrain lu-mirom interfering with the sheriff or the civil- ami hnPuA. i. the DeriormAnnM nf (,.,. 1 1 , - ------ v ioir legal au- ties. It is generally hu.., u Judge Farmer will arBn '.k. junction. Sheriff Downey also brought suir for $5,000 damages against several officers of the state militia. .Pwaav J ONCLE EZEKIEL OBEAR, a5sesr:J tax collector. Bertrly. Ma, tu .1. C lA V. . t .,! till- "Dr. Miles' Kestorative Nervine Las U . great deal of good. . I tufft red f ryf i";.3 sleeplessness and nerve us heart trca--Would feel weary and used up la the c Ing, had no ambition and ay rk iet CASTOR I A .For Infimt and Children, i The Kind You Hare Alaajs Dcught Bears the Signature of Work in Harmony With Whites. stand on the race problem has been IBKen by the B.lrrn r..l.-Jl.. ,. . j , - . ow mill Uter here, in r.nnlniir,. i Pea. The.e Utt.7 " 1""" 5S'J?rl,,,,?ii" "Dd tho,e "ho shield i i " ujfco nome in stitutions, and for ttiA oi ignorant nrifndu. -iS jsalousies of the white race. They kl ' "'uob oi with u.t0 WOrk in harmony with the white people. La GriDDA In B train - precaution .hni k1 :UIC- ery EldenJ IKx, says .vft:B. A?1TeJt,Mr take, ouick to VeMant quics to act. Howard Gardner. zne grand good medicine. &ud I iH 'r' . O M S W VWV aUWf aa- - anyone Inquiring, full particular Mm. mm MaaHaWalSfl uractory experience. Dr. Miles'-Iiemedles are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on d is eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, I DR. MILKS MEDICAL Cu.. tUt"" in. jl Nervine j 5,;Bcstore7 rA rkarthvy A petition sirnel bv mn;. r- " f',;:'i :J In tbat a rublio r.i-l - '.v, . - . . i . .1,1' mi -i road, lea.hnjr fnm 'ri'i'"'"X:!:.e t ,!; . running1 neailr in h .r r . ft'K of I. K. Huilioe-. t'H '; .4 i r near Mills 8tnr residence southeast of -Absalom "''t" . ,n i I'-;; Clapp,D. K IlufUoen. Mstn -U jj ., .. A. 5mith, this is to notify any .;,all, t.p;v pear before, the Hoard of County on thefirst Monday CKf Tisir wpak it ACK& At droi" ,