I ! i ' ' . . . . - ; - . l .i . I 'll- - ' ' , : : - I - . . I 1 ' II. . - ' .. . . ' . . 1. . . 1 UNTO NATHAN! SAID fiords Utfered by Ex-Gov- 1-C i J-v- in v.,Un (raid Utlto' . . 1 - fflore if"' ernor Nprthen. n The War Still Goes On. ers detractor! and maligners of the ex-GovsrnorNorthenin big MUTSZZJQuH.'ZS1' .,pU" plainly showed. Cause of the Samp.on-Schley Feud. Ve bresnnt (n Tnhi... eJLL or it hi u ii ... I v wuubwu ui UifKnt Tt KflnaM Titk.... r- T .7 mr uemooa mat mere ii an old fend mitsioneri in Manila, the military between Commodore Schley and Admiral Sampson, the two officers just now making his Lor iDemiehroo mH fnr k. Upon their arrival country. When Seh!v , I ' w I ay U W U '..Ur Nortben. of wtta parte of the country-there 7L " l."! 11 JIS!". r "7"" Tf T jt ' . I i a - V, i . . . r-'J-,-." iiuuBuiwwj inunaatea Slffn he wna nn .ui.. : his address before me niaae with invitations covering hoth rlU sa . -,7r" . WV nal C bb at Tfemont c.p tnat wnicn ha. been fre. Md afch. .Bd - u u VUCOO VVIULUM9. It l Arftnrr lntrartnr. mo uiu BUkkBIUDu II r IflB WIBft M; ' r!Alrlra Frenchman, who. when asked to Iu. ww ?u ueiieye in me oreast of Sampson. The aP.n I LnH nnn n'terfere'nce be- "Tor the abolition of capital pun- M .i.iu, .7 1,1-1. 77!. L- ? Y9 Bna Je" a ectioni mat ne nrst rr:u!,r ""utcV,liruTlueu corded them. Reports received - i i . i rT! . u . ! I lukl LiiH mil rii Rrpri annnin n ror oi - 1 - tea out to n,ru r . - ' r :r- .V. " n:::rom Persons who have arrived bananas which ha had hn. n7 usv UUlfOKBB frnmi tha intarin. .1 .Uk tJ Ll. . O tU5 j , . 0. I'.Q If if filhi' absolute f F1 ' . .r :i,?i6inty for tft Prlt .t 1. q f rplntirtnfl arleBsneis and share jof re Dresent dis- between cease which provoke the applica- troon. Vr-i lrt L k X i" " ui j .u i l troops are left m the northern anizrv tion of Wnch law and the lynchines M,iBna n j i 1 .K will 1oti-ii.I c.,- wcrc an uraneq mea i V ' I - j v . jg, te ni the colored races in He had referred, to the t!it neoDla of Maseachu- Injured by Labor Unions. Mr. Halstead, the United States n 1 uU Uee burned a negrd worn- . -ii th 'PliiKe, suspectu, upu not i iUO DHi imOUV ut ouuo i fDr th e'.3,7f poi8onng a wnue man wife. He argued with force nature is the f same snip to ripen. He was very over the loss of the fruit and to find tha thiol Cinnlln U after the-outbreak of the came to the conclusion that a. cer The villages of the west tain marine r th coast are almost deserted, and the sent for him. The marine renlied south war. 'TIC? nnnnni oonaAi. . 1 : i : . . 1 . . r consul at Birmingham. Encland. 1 71-- ' J,? ,f "t i ,u,Saanuy i"at he had not seen .u-ta. ' T .c;T" ' Ui JU1UIUK me Americans, u only tde bananas and- that h w.a vii w l M(J MW O DUrDOSe Of Criiahincr thAlthiof . I .VMWIVU.W.. If a : - 1 J I - n . ifai 1-2-3. A rJEVZ Tobacco Brand, By a NEW Tobacco Formula, But by an OLD House. Look out for OSCEOLA under North Crolira Tobacco thi. .e.on. If. going to be herd f,o. Call f.., aodtry O.oU. rA. M A TSTTJ 'SI I .Jltorrl it upon Woman t the ciyi outrages e led to e lyncnin r . 1 irdiruke the same sp if committed in ized; world and srssrssLs -atbrri,asi iimcau 01 me people 01 ureal um- would have necessarily have enJ. for the druacriat anrl . tha dip jt he most jgs at the! tlj North, te'ipeople of p. , 1 I... He asked ior protected" country, thle rfSoulh the r The word "imported" hat not for ,4 consideration which is shown ine ears 01 untisners tbe dulcet ernment 01 Austria when BUUu fc UBB Americans 1 : -1 i I ' 1 . . i I I III . ... r9l,hi!non grata'! lsjwithdrawn W1" cenainiy pay ior an "import- j uo lurcea. upon wv i,uoU w. uuubb taiivi of our peo- tic article equally as good, if not sttellirie and ef- better. The people of Great Brit- 1ddres8 was un- ain-dp exactly the reverse, and LrV'a represen 1. nut Liio uaw 'a?ite Dart or nis a rjbtedly that, to which jjerred, where ne paq tnemsea til own consciences and consid eirbwn .responsibility :m ibring oman. ttlu ia to purcnase no me manuiac- BmbH : , , . .oo wa S tared articles, and thiri. loyally dTa0;8'1D J .""UaTH "k m " '"""T8 do" f ipecaC- Luth carried into practice ..pt for 'ft".d. the ,nhabl""1t -f chle7 wae ashore at the time, Fit of very good re..Pons ,0 cbe contrary. th" ..-.u . .-.-'-..LL 0A."?.5iU,,,,2.i?. "W .the MFree.trAda" rirAt" Rritoin a 1 uutu tUi iuo uuiy ruipmo 1 ou"K. ocmey aSKea i u. : 1 1 der General Luna, at Tarlac, and drug that caused the sufferint? of about 4,000 under General Pio del! tne tailor. Pilar. Even these are demoralized" Sampson told the whole incident, and short of arms and' supplies an the matter so incensed Schley Many of their rifles are disabled that he exclaimed: "No gentleman and the Filipinos are unable to r e J would treat a poor marine that pair them owing to the lack of me-, way," and, following theexclama chanics and material for so doing, tion, he slapped Sampson in the The United States commission- aco Tnei scene followed, ers have offered tha FilinitUa Sampson demanding satisfaction. . 11. 1 1 t . OLD DOLimiOH GDABO.CO.. BR, NORFOLK, VA. AKD FOB SAl. BY ALL OLD DOMIS.OX iOESTS EVXRTWHMr. S. S. MITCHELL & CO. i represent us in Greensboro. OTHER AGKXTS IX ALL TOWNS IJf TOBACCO BKLT. (6) 1 I vmryr fa ef tham ill knn am IlB VC I ' J awt wa iiuviu II 111 GSU V U V au . . .. , MT - I ni i . , , irch article of foreign manufacture if louowiag iorm 01 gevernment wamwai ider the same article is made at home, consideration of the fact mat! agln8t e regulations for naval ,w and this irresDective of tha coat, they lay down their arms and sur- offlcert to receive or send challenges ei:Jl i If.." "V lift flCTXht thiS mmnknf riti-h w.nr.; render to Jhe United States forces : to duel, but added: "That wJuIly joined! With- theli in was followed in the United States, go'ert.or-gener.1 to be appointed, need 0' PBt llriig nnd condemning. H. it would tnock out the whole argu- by the President ; a cabinet to be hS I '"fo:.r" -r, o Taking up step by step thekhis- :ry j of the white ami! the (black in this country, from the first sportaiiop 01 iijo latir, ex virov- l-:or Northen asked and answered men t of the nrotectioniata of thia appointed by the governor-generil ; ! country. all the judges to be appointed fby Mr. Halstead says the British tne President ; the heads of depart press and public will take any one ments and judges to be either answered I tu on. iur uuyiag manuiacturea ' : - v " "T,uut ""j E i'. t I ' I . . a bestion: "If the slave articles abroad, and a good excuse B..u fI8 a general advisory coun iierica,iw,aa a sin, 5 nr t ft Hin nf :e tin of iKnglandJ ...II i,L nL-nmnrinti oUwifi. i must be civenl Recentlv "eleetrio 0ll its members to be chosen bv JV HU iiuuivvw -rm w.w.wa T aM i J I 1 1 . i - I v vw w vmw viuf Alia V O J ' i i l i a nn at ma m nii -i . i tug ucuiiia Kuuiirii inv in r ri n t nr m i naoii nuinMn f ii v. iv.-a . W Ii O B 6 BIQ Was " i am uaui uvo ui UI1CU I . a o .w.., uw.o uiuaij . x ue ueai UU 1111 Cure your getting sat- We can both resien today and then fight it out." Sampson did not resign, did not seek satisfaction, and the matter was dropped.Chicago Chronicle. Coughing injures and inflames sore lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens the cold, allays coughing and th4 Southkbut machinery and engines from the or suffrage hereafter to be deter I oi the Dutch United States. The papers and mined upon. Patriot. .i'Lr . x 11 rXL.i the nnlitiniana Irinlzrl nn pnnh l i ija iUl aiorr- IJUkllOUU, rVJVUllUK I Z " Buwa. m 4 1.! II ! - i i . O I . . . . . n to the history of a later pe- rumpus that the corporations were sdJ'he asked: "If the confetrine iorcea to mate formaland elabo- In the Victoria Tower of Win. f citizenship and tue I ballot I upon rate explanations of 4heir action. 8or Castle is the small anitM nf i r i I i I l I m t . ;w 'inr miMinnB nf npnnlo nhanl n tpItt ! 1DO est elements for children. Howard Gardner. r.iught in. the simp f government was P. fbso mistake was i i . ii . . - i Intake of the bout ue'of the North.'' :i further asked. it - a mi the B7 i r:e Dal outrages ence and m iven to olitics taught i i unexiestruction lln lnrhnsa a :Mia bf the South The Times of Cuba asserts that among the untried prisoners in the Havana jail is an American citizen who was imprisoned in January leaf $n wm Vi.:n. ! j 1 . ut-ely The work could be done cheaper room, known as the Queen's prl- ZmnttotrnttTiwhUh rJ bf!? It ttZZL. bai 1 !S -t. apartments. An V-V as tJX. vBKe, r . vu w, amencini imi tne Uueen's nn.r nl.im. th. h. hj . fact tnavthe Americon firm, con- private "lift" is a little room fur- ic T he bank on which the check tracted to dehrer the machinery in nished in crimson upholstery oak wa. drawn - but he surrendered much less time than the English and gilding, lead, to ?h. first floor! thi rk and one day wVs a firms were able to promise. For oI the Tower, where are the private hearing. The offlcffl Wore whom this condition the labor unions are audience chamber and H, ?! .?' ...JB.?"0!f . .m - I : - . W I IlB W MM I.HH MM II I II ri I TTl T n CI r n A and lynchines 'rgely responsible. tv'. - sittimr-room.. dni.wm ! ..ITrV- .... .1:: havefbeen It is plainly apparent that the in- and bed-room. Fifteen G.in.bor: pecuUng J.weier harine dd u fcUWuK" :::::u, " :r "uu J P"rai i eorge ill, was "not in a position to withdraw i i iihi.hmiiiiiv i" nn rH v n in r n n in raraor i .... fii i - ucru au - - """ .a.vaat. iubbu uuarione ana meir sons ana i th to pursue 010 worKingmen, are operating daughters) hang in line in the aud I n i 3 i m 1899 STYLES, Just Received. LEU1S I CROSSETTS FIRST 8HIP1IEIT, "4 Not - . .' out tne mis on and hate," fto blood and The strongest line of $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes in the world, with style, snap and service equal to an average $5 Shoe. Call and see the new Spring styles. They are "birds." SPECIAL BARGAINS ON ALL WINTER SHOES. 302 SOTTra Hold On ! IJon't Despair! VICE'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS esses CD.. TTTiTkT STEEET. 14 or of trie white ban to their terrible disadvantage, ience chamber, and beneath th liri Was it? (Not There is a moral in it which may now hang Winterhalter's paintir wng given his em I shall interfere, the defendant must net W inrafhslfaii'. n ... I . ar.ua j ::; h. tn m hAftrt h, lw '"::rr a Vr"um remain a prisoner lor the rest of uui. iuo siu ui. i j ui vueeu v icioria nine cnnnren. 1 1 hio fA it. . k. tt i . a o ii . TT7" i . i i . . .. . I 25c. Vial, has mirerl nf.hora uml aril I omva nan t pnn.t.tt i . e complaint." Evidently, unless evils. This pill is a Viable f oni 11 thn: the American military authorities to. medical science. Never gripes child or adult. Trial vial 25c. Sold bv drue- waw.uvo, va ocui v 11 ICUCIIJI of price. a questions to d jmnormadeskillf in me united states. When the nn.A honnitin ;n nnabian.m -di British workmeman has a leeal Tn Arh mnm nf u r..1AA. s h auditors these icest. the ex. holiday, and there are a goodly suit ia a aervfhahl litti. t Wr liikpplication, number of them, he is not content eter; one of these is even placed in . w fi, contrast, ot tne lesson uj uuhubwh upon jb ffudjard Kipling has geher- alto having the twa or three suo- uecuiug uojre, auu mo uoione pro tect him from any displeasure of the employer in consequence. But the employer, by reason of this. . THE L. RICHARDSON DRUG CO., -T .T.-',", UBTT- un the whitA mnn' hurHon gW, his. old reward Tk? cT6 Pr lnot ye better, uf iie or thost ys gusrd." lW fesf effective ; viup snare ot tbe peop rr prese, her pew in the private chapel at Windsor. - The walls of the Queen's dressing-room are paneled with green silk, and these walls and hangings make a soft background for the WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS, GBEE1TSBOBO, ZfcT. C. e U, the people in the South Mhe negro inlhis absolute iuisne.a nim With maitia tn ' ate property land monev. 2(ta 1 IU- - . i . H ! 1 - 1 1 ueefullneis bMuve for ge he of and cannot All his specified dates of de- ..ia... r. 6 , . I . ' iumuure. ine aressing articles J - I irA rnada nf irn H ik Ko. ,.;.,! mmvmv wa auiv .aaa UCBUbllUl '. C . i .. . . Jf I 1 '?ou G-in the""old reward'1 i'a a-: ' J 1 efly led lim whft'n h wa h in. in life, wtiose but ttvth1 hk I , WMT va iuw njeration8 rjorne 4,'T v T wuue e gives marKea ejni return through Tri.. - ' c u o r 1 I i. I U .1 ,' I A. ..J- . v oaiulrj "UIU8, Ul "1 W,lth . the fraMb-Uo0a rsT pnegts of Northern Intol- if'-pihteou.M k and Pharlsa- his ISirt U . J uUt ujtve tne wnoie- dim niJh lncr some; s Wu t of i!WtW-P- La ji r - fHkyiwmuvv auu Fnin'ation fflich a a .1 I 1' ju -put h tbe eubj V HI -la'. T 1 ifxt on -i v u i i f ri n 4r "'o.t; ur Pftenuation or ibkeclareabs 44Xble H NnexibleLbp. f cUs! f crimeeor ild be weigh allavinc! !the ! i ' R I ' : nd recrimina- J ' ". a ..V- I -L . eci or "OQum- commonly! dis- Ex-Gov0rnor word to pay extenuation of 4 t4X ''tidfl whi ;Wuaf tlret none" U,.. am n6t pretend! to Hctirt rf'-wgiin qi nis state He Mcpplv invbted re the annlieatinbit nf i --. w-r- w - m Which BAVa : nn among andi the Tl 1 D . . Bf B n I ft It. 1 1 . Vit?aPI tha mn..A i- M UJUW JU If i bids those out North- Where Votea Count Most. Although the presidential nomi nations will not occur until next year, the politicians are already hard at work figuring on candidates and probable results of the voting. Interest largely centers in what is workmanship. All the toilet acces sories are ot gold. A member of the Queen's household describes the dressing table, with mirror be hind. In front is a large gold tray, with four crystal scent bot tles. Two of these are mounted in known as The pivotal group of 8taa?8 ? gold filigree. The pin states cushion is of dark-blue velvet, fit- It is a fact worthv of note that llng in,t0 a 8tand of open-work geld all candidates for the presidency eleoted since 1876 have carried New FEMALE REGULATOR is for women's diseases and irregu larities. It cures evervthinflr that ia commonlj called a "female trouble.w 4 It acts directly upon all the distinctly 4 feminine organs of generation, driv- J ing out weakness and imparting 4 Birengin; stopping unnatural drains, J and rejnilatme the monthlv flow ! xu every instance, it maxes sicluy and weakly women strontr and well again. 1 a bottle at drug stores. I Send for a free book about it TheBredfleldReoDlatorCo.vAtlanta,Ga. IFii i s York, Connecticut and New Jersey, or New York, Connecticut and In diana. It is also significant that no president elected- since could have received a majori votes in the electorial college elusive of the vote of New York, and those states which almost in variably go the same way as New York. This has been true from pierced in a pattern. On the table lie ten or twalva crnM hnroa rf i. riousshapes and sizes, a Hny, Eiortoaae Sale of Land. tillfr.ono nan rw U'ai)m ....... a I . 1 . 1 m . F'lcu" a square OOXOI large Size Bj Tirtae of the powers vested in me by the Insure your property against fire and see us before placing it, and get OUR RATES We have strong companies, and all business en trusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. ' - 1 - -j . ' I BOYD & GLENN, Room No. 6 Katz Building. OPPOSITE BENBOW-HOT7SE. ; - i ' - . - i n f i n oi rna rAi K.aii.. i - i mrirTirxtrK i i fTarnr0n nv a iu h'nhea fl 1876 "WtV4- kMW VV "a""rniB"- hi. wifeT S. o7 EuTiTsTothV 29?h daVof Jm- I I or f iai Aval n.f. i . I f . li.v. i ... . lJ OI lion.1lAa . -Vjii Pge 254 et eeq. I shall sell atpublic auction to ex. U1 canaie- the highest bidder for cash, on the premises, at I Bbictva auu a uiue nana pell also p ,on i stand on the table. MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1899, the following tract of land, situated in Greene townnhip, in Guilford countr. North Carolina, the following tract of land, to satisfy the debt and interest due on the note secured in said Having constrained a reluctant rt l m a . . damuei maen aown to William legislature to enact a law tarint? htga?e, default having bien made m the McKinley. In most cases the sue public franchises as realty, Go.ver- tPh7n VtoSeSS cessiul candidates have won by the nor Roosevelt, of New York mw the Acad.my, thence west iede- , xt v u , . " ujw gree easf 2 po, to a Btone tbence north 14 VOteS 01 JNeW lort and tbe tWO proposes tO Secure amendments to poles to a stone, thence north-16 degrees east 31 small adjoining state.. . tbe lair which .hall render it. oDer- SiS i "SI: nCeVdirt.tondJSS! ation certain, uniform and eauita-. I SSS.yc? SSS."?!;" 170 K??.,?i;,0,,e 1,1 -i , , . ouiim " iur. .ucuv; cvuiu a. unices nci H Die throughout the State. The law- Ples to a black thence south J5 degrees matintr hnHv i a. i. ' M ! west 63 poles to the first station, containing 12J maKing Doay IS now in extra 8es- acres, more or l-ss. and less 11 a?res which Sion at Albany for this nurnnan were oold for taxes in May, 1887, and deeded to JTau , PurP08e, w.J.Staley, which is excepted, from this ale, ana there IS no dOUbt that It will uid land adjoining the lands of P. & Smith. S. arniiiparA in thi 0A.nn.). Johnson, Fred Keitzel and others, on waters of acquiesce in tne governor 8 SUgges- Stinkiug Quarters. tion of amendment. How fur th'. I This May ioth, 199 machinery for levying the tax may be effective . can scarcely be con jectured, nor is this consideration of especial importance at this junc ture. The main thing, as the gov ernor rightly holds, is to imbed the franchise tax principle fairly and flrmltr in . I . .... rr, i aaaaai.j ill IUO BlBtUlCB. 1D6 aC -ITloorlaigr, Celllsar, also; t2a.e "best 3a.eart rived. Op press arid. T -ojlper aad! sa.-sred. Pino S"h Ingles. ; Sash, Doors and Blinds In stock. Door and Window Frames, Mantels, Stair work and all kinds of house finish made to order. 1 If 70a are going to build anything from a hen house to a mansion come to see us. We can fix you up and the price will be right. Cur country friends will find they can reach our yards from the center of town by crossing fewer railroads than any other. Come to see us. ! j t JOHN A. HODQIK, Secretary aad Treasurer, Greensboro, 17 .C. TheWiIkesboro Ch ronicle says that Mrs. Patsey Hendrix, of Elk township, is quite a remarkable woman. She is 90 years old, has never lit a lamp or struck a match. She has never been sick to amount to anything, and is now well, stout and active. She often enjoys her self as in hev youthful days by go ing barefooted and playing with the children. Mr. S. A. Fackler. Editor of hel Micaoopy (Fla.) Hustler, with his wife and children, suffered terribly from .La Urtppe. One Minute Cough Cure was tne only remedy that helped tbem. It acted quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as a -specific for La Grippe, and Its exhausting after effects. Howard Gardner. VA I 1 W.J. ST A LEY, Mortgagee.' Sale of Valuable Land. By virtue of a power of sale contained in the last will and testament of allie Brincefield, late of Guilford county. North Carolina, I will on I SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1899, at 11 o'clock a. m.. on tbe premises in Washing ton township, in said county, sell to the highest If you intend to build or enlarge your house, come to us tor an estimate on Material. We will surprise you on prices. We make a specialty of Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. Our; motto : Large sales, small profits. onmnlifllim.nf - a .. bidder two tracts of land, known as the Thomas w-.r..BuiOUl ui ouuu 01cm in tne Brincefleld lands, containing in both tracts 104 face Of the opposition Of Dartiaan acrerand 9 poles, more or less. . , p " 1 Priisan ! terms op S LK-One-half cah and the other 008868 ana powerful corporations balf at the expiration of six months from day of wouia do a service which the people chase money is paid r . wouiu not soon lorget. ''!' t . we can show you the largest stock in the South. Guilford Limber! Company, Greensboro, N. C. This May 10th,lS99. I. D. RIPPY, Executor. Children Cry for Pitchcr'o Caotorla.