.rt.;:.- fcfc t -i. " ! -I Greensboro Patriot. ESTABLISHED 1821. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY W. M. BAKBEE fc CO. EvzciTTWX One year, $ LOO; six months, BO A motemeht is on foot for; the The Civil Service- Bars Let Down. election of Dr. George T Winston J : Washington, May 29 Presi president of the University of cient JUcKlnley today issued the About 2 o'clock yesterday morning Texas- to the presidency of the amendments to the civil service ,fl wa. discovered io the livery stable cents vwx ; threi V 7 . , 1 . i r ti rules which he has had under con- ,D the rear of Shoffner's bar, en South Agricultural ana juecnamcat uo. gideration for about a year. It re. Eln street, and soon the whole! build lege, at Raleigh, to succeed Col. A. leases from the operations of the In was wrapped in flames. Tne flre- Holladay, who has resigned, civil service rules about 4,000 offi men responded promptly, but were un- e moDlDs, d. ibutuw. The StUuent DOCl V 18 a unit LOT 1b I ----..i6 uicurei uriuiiu I . .o u-u-i-g, nuitu o I . - . i I X T : , .. . I J 1. ... - . . . . Section of Dr. Wineton, and bil " IBr8e,t "f T ei u con enw. i included ID tha nrrlfti- thYW Five horses htarao tnn narriao- many friends and admirers ; exciudtd from the cia8Biflir, mmi and several other vehicles, as well a. rirtnmnBiMtioM.mueMtneT conum lmpor- uiwu6uuu. - - "uepuiT collectors. I stun, ware ourneu. ad- iSfintTare not win and ii rejoice to see film return io me 1 internal revenue service, 472 1 store- I otner norse was so badly burned that acceptable in eyerr otber ways they will inra- nio rw.raw"HW-4W""" ' ' . : . , emn nvd. ROO m to n..b HAM ble wu nr.l.kv a rAnAn. TJiSm.Bu.n which no 'qSdM.o.W charge of tbt ,lDtUWUoii.. ill Subnet. Yd mDtoirea MbI" ball, oo ortb moit . W',U e" of some wbetT It comes Pinion. i marked wiu be eonOnaed -niu ...ii.nt. .j msloa ana employee, 58 , post- """.one oi tn most progressive and J, . nn.ml,,ti,.,, . h,n.nir.v ,f" v . - ' . m ii i iiiiiiil ill ni.iiui mm a a w mm m iii w t ii z m-.. . m w . - . - . . tne option 01 me puuuBuw, nu wiai i - lumue, uunuce cxerKi ana casDiers. uc' kuowd coiorea men or tne cut, heavily npom him contracted for has expired cnargea iraneiem rate for the time actually publiahed. j Ilemittances must be made by check, draft, postal money order, express or in regisierea lei ter. Onl v such remittancesjrill be at the risk of the puDhshera. . Address au leiiers kt THE PATRIOT, Greensboro. N. C. J It's a pleasure to talk ; to pour ybur thoughts in into the cold, unsympathetic fog horn, like shoveling Z Cr 'Tour m."? you begin to think ''Silence is Golden. WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1899. THE VOICE OP WISDOM. ' ergy North Carolina has produced podtofBces, 22; deputy marshals, He had Insurance to the amount of, few men the equal of George T 204; private secretaries to United 70- The building, which was a 7rame Winston, and the Agricultural and "yOB orneys, o; spe- .un, wU me property or j ones ' .- , a. clal agent, general land office, 30; Taylor and was insured for $200. The Mecnanicai college unaer mn. 8Uperintendent8 of warehouses ir. origin of the Are is unkown. ! agement woum extena lisinnuence ngation and logging, 20; financial and increase its numbers as it clerks, Indian agencies, 60; Alaska could under the management of ; chool service, 32; pension exam- few other men. Hie work while "ureu"B' '0.' . o uuouuieii uierKB pension agencies, 36; special agents and experts, de partment of agriculture, 25. president of. the University North Carolina will not soon In an interview a fewdays ago forgotten and he has been equally former United States Senator and successful in the Lone Star State. Secretary of State John Sherman, Should the trustees of the Agri than whom the Republican, party cultural and Mechanical College has no more learned or able mem- induce him to return to North j Crazed by Train Horror. iReadinq, Pa., May 30. Crazed The excavation has been made for Rev. W. L. Grissom's new building on South Elm street and the brickinasons are expected to begin work in a few days. The building, which will 1 be erected adjoining the south aide of the Fishblate-Katz Company's store, will oe zaxiuu rest and three stories in height. The front will be of i cream s,.Oo. Goods and Prices are loud talkers and will anneal tn m,, n a phonograph attachment, all you need is eyes, and to follow is " ir heal i will carry you to the cheapest store on earth. -e C1 UP White hrinlr w? t-V iilf.U k..r xr tvi am fli a at i a a a k n 1 I x?-,. ' i- tt, tt - . I " ...feo. iucuuui whi oe "f"," ' uwiw flom i d of tiling, while a steel ceiling will was placed in charcre of the author- u.uiV. ... . r . ! V,ar a thA inininn trint tliA P..n1tn. Urr M nnrfnrm a .J tt r:L - luuauiy ue put in. It Will D6 OHC Of .l. du:i!-!-. T.1..J.L.1...1. .l T-: -r. .-i . iaB prettiest business houses in the uttiivcB oi iue jTuuiupmo ABiauue vaiuaoie service ior iue hiuio. iuo uoauiug ahuwbt. ana .fgta rptQ ... . . , ; j . , ,. state, ine ground floor will be occu- are an outraged people and our - . assisted in removing bodies from pied by Grissom & Fordham as a war against them a cruel ana need- """" - - V V & ,J -'iarug store. The second and third less th ,s one. Speaking further along woman was outraged by a neg in fl" 11 be rented for offlc.ete. ie line he said: - Waeh.ngton City and ,t was with da heT;, d 8ymptomf f YnW v KoUce. A) No use trying. It is impossible to maintain high prices'so Ion in these diggins. We came here to do the business of Green.-boro 'Aha if Delinguent taxpayers are notified to ?P doln? ln?w' we a!e most- Tbe Prlc'e8 wo quote below is the 'One cannot imagine a more un- the greatest difficulty that an in- 8anitv. :. . I I mf ' . M -I Wmr W M A ttM BL. M C U L imVVM H m mm iini lion r r I fortunate war than the present furiated mob was prevented from He had been a regular attendant pay by our June court Jun5tM.nri fat unlocks the pocket-book. Cash prices on caah-boucht tftxh vf'Z atrnarcrlA with th nnti'vAa of thn ' &t thn ra ilorl V.;w. .... , ' I AND RUN: - ' i , 5 ' r-L' WaBL,aLW VVM .WMW w VMW I V II i: I I I II LIID III I1LI1 B 1 111 IIHL LlIlllC;! WW WUW aBSaaWCaUBJ.D X 1JI1I1L 111 nil M 1 B WO rWAII IA .A.. mi. f A- I L..irr, ttt - r . . , . ,. : .-.Mwuii..Uu xms is iasc i -r i ? l i frr ' " w I it . i . . I umB Aa last I , NhMf n Vin a Um.n.A O. . T 1 0 1 - u . xrnnippines. we were wrong irom uu ua u MJnristi a Association, and his af- ntn. -n , i L ' rr -uo v , xuwoia ac anco zac : Hntifi t. the beginning, and should j have L- .. . fliction ,ook the form of religious .ale of land and lot. r,t..-ni.!.v: Uf-ttSf. LS!??I,I?,III,..I5?W .Goods..u?'. 23c: ! vjuij vtio buiouuiu T-i . . . , , i " i &iDu a vjwno, nauauwu msk vuiurs. Ave. O ior i ZOC : nAfllltllul linn i .ul :.u. man For a week he ha en place Julv 3rd. Advertisemeatito h- Pioues and Lawns iuat rcAl vaH. TTnrlAfM . i.!.-. . i (l rf"ie(. Indeed it was withdrawn our forces from those islands when our war with Spain He system of the city that eaved 8inging an(j praying almost con was over, as would have been be- the culprit's life at the, hands of stantly, and last night he became coming for so great agnation as the the mob. We have watched pa- so violent that for his own safety United States. , The -Philippine tientl for lhe gcare headline8 in he was placed in custody today. question will not be an issue in the , ' . national campaign of 1900. It will the ortbern papers depicting the Census Supervisors, be settled before that time. The horrible affair and for the editorials "7A8HIKOT0N May 25 It now end is approaching, I believe." brimming over with sympathy for seems tjiat the Democrats .will get Mr. Sherman, though crucified the colored aggressor, while the none of the census supervisorships on the alter of selfish ambition, is poor woman is forgotten in her n North Carolina. According to excelled by 'few in erudition Cln first week in June. 3 J. A. Hoskins, Ex-Sheriff. worth double the money. Down to the very cheapest Pant Kv pt - j I rants iuc. Just in another cargo of Shoes, Men's Low Cut ha H TVe take Clire nf PAtnfpa anrl nAnon. nhrl f3iiirAr in oil nlnro on4 nAa T J ri an I ' f . . I Vm w T 1 -1- T?..11 It . t Ml t.n . . . ' hcb lur uwuera or neirs. rHV rTP in. i jlbu buu jjiauit. run line rii ijni nron h nnnon oior b h t:' . wai.uiujaK.iuK.. x-aca oi ine iouowing articles only ONE CENT- Mew" no nor 9 Mint knAlra IP. fi.k tin LI ce . -l-i V '-"J rrt iu uau uuuan, xl ixiai uies, Ztl envei0pe8. 1 tah f mi - mm W " I IIiT ! surance,look after general conditions, c9st 01 making. . Each of the following articles only ONE CEXTI- l uuncci reuis, etc. I Piedment Realty & Guaranty Co. i w. . n . . . m t s or miaerv and humiliation ' aa would "V l"?cuk Brraugemeni OI uireo- - i nrA..;. . i a. i xowitgumuueoo, auu uib upiuiuu i nave utjefl me case uau ido anair on this or any other question of occurred in Georgia or Mississippi public int3rest is worthy of con AGENTS WANTED rOE "THE LIFE AND Achievements of Admiral Dewej," the world's ereaiesi navai nero. liy Murat HaUtead, the life-lone friend and admirer nf thA nmimu irii r u. T j n'.V " ".t "r o-u pages, bxiu po&vtovio ffii uo xupuiibia buu six iucucs; neariT wu pages nairtone illustrations. . RermhliVfinfl nil nf wHnm rill .nlJ I160 Enormous demand. Big comrais-j iepuoilcan8, ail QI WDOm Will De Uions. Outfit free. Chance ol a lifetime. Write mm trm. mm mmmm . . . - named Dy benator fritohard. The ?UICf xne uomimon Uompany,3rd Floor Cax- eideration. He, like many others, 8cee the impending storm that is brewing over the heads of the ex pansionists and that is destined to soon envelop them in ignomy . and defeat. Some may not agree with him in the opinion that the Philippine question will not be an issue in the campaign of 1900; but be that as it may, it can be ac counted a certainty that the people will be heard in this matter, and their voice will not be sweet melody to the ears of those who are re sponsible for this unholy war of aggre8son. In this connection it is interest- ing to note the large number of prominent and influential men in the Republican party who are at odds with the administration. This opposition is not composed of disappointed office-seekers and dis gruntled would-be party leaders, but is made up of strong and in fluential men men who are pos sessed of a brand of patriotism that is not subservient to personal emoluments and selfish ends. ' It is evident that the present ad m. . ministration has rough sailing ahead of it. nine Re- ton Bldg., Chicago. 22-16t The project to buy Admiral Senator wanted to have Dewey a fine house in Washington publicans appointed, but Director fiT?IY W "PT?TrTPT"l?rIvP I iresent him. with a large IMernam wanted to give some of ' w tyTi J KjIiy ana Dreeent mm witn a large Riim nf mnniamlrlr.rTolnwhoorl the positions tO Democrats. mm mmmm w . Ill V J Q HIV fl W M V sowing cotton, 2 boxes blacking, finger ring, paper pins, 2 paper rWe H thousands of other useful articles at same price. Hurry up and 'come i ' with the hundreds making for . j ' HA RRY-TJELTT RT?.nS i- " ' --wrw w, CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH, 22b SOUTH JfiLM ST., - - - K. of P. IUHLDING.- Sen- Ktnr "Pi f r h a rrl it in aaiA 'Am.... ""V uuuu.uauug uccu to tni8 wnen a compromise was ef raised so far. Dewey is a widower fected by which Populists are to be without immediate family and is named by Senator Pritcbard, who worth $50,000. He draws a salary wlli De satisfactory to Senator But- of $13,000 a year and will receive ureensboro, N, C, GENERAL AND 8PECIAL" AGENT FOR ENGINES, BOILERS, ANYT3IZE, WOOD ANI IE0N WOSEINO 1IACHINEBY. Gas and Gasoline Engines a specialty. Esti mates furnished upon application. Has always on hand Second Hand Engines and Boilers. Write for prices. i j ler. nearly. $100,000 in prize money. General "Joe" -Wheeler called on Thus it will be- seen that the Ad- President McKinley a few days aeo miral likes a good deal of being a fsked to be assigned to duty pauper, and the impression is gain- ;oId the a" uA WnnM nor ffrmitiH (hot ha la oitba n t. j.Lii . , - . . . .g.,wo kU uo- uo au m nis power ror nim, but ing burdened with a house for that he was unwilling to send him which he, has no earthly use. The in 8Ucn hard service. The old am. : . people who are endeavoring to gain u ; responaea mat it he could notoriety through this .cheice " V, "1 ,Z Tn might employ their time to much hold a commission with nothing to better advantage. ' doi For a man in Washington to A demand an opportunity to earn his A member of the Filipino peace salary, and threaten to throw up commission says he cannot under- Qis commission if the opportunity stand how the constitution of the 1B uot 5lvnt is maeea a rare occur 70ARIS IT ARTS REEN IREEN rt5 o)ARIS IfARIS KEARING HIS -FINISH! And Aguinaldo thinks he hi 'n enough. Uefore you near the finiiM a glass -of poor beer you come to ttt oarae conclusion. Our Cabinet Cms Beer is the leader in popular fafor fwf line flavor, purity, wholesouieneii : general excellence, and as in iovin tor and summer drink It ckn't t tui But a fact to be remembered it Ui superb excellence of our'jnhoice Ko tucky Sour Mash and Xorth Ciro:.:i Whiskies. Ask our distlnuiM t Itors who graced our preuiftti Iti Friday afternoon. linhinsL. I ' l our?, ! E.G.XEW.C0MB. Greensboro, X. C. i REEN i REEN Judge James H. Mirrimon, of Ashe ville, favors a convention of the people of North Carolina Xo frame a new constitution, the aboli tion of the Supreme court-of the state, the creation of a Court of Appeals in its place, and the estab lishment of three Supreme courts one for the eastern, one for the middle and one for the western portion of the state. This system would be similar to the -systems prevailing, in the courts of the United States, and also in the state of New York. We do not doubt the efficacy of euch a system, but its adoption would mean the estab lishment of four courts where we now have one and a -great increase in the number of judges, thus un necessarily adding to the burden of the tax-payers. Considering the population of North Carolina, our state now has courts enough and a sufficient number of judges to fully meet the ends of justice.- It is not denied that the quality of some of the material on the bench is not of the highest order, but the people have the right and power to replace it with other and better material in due course of time. United States sanctions the ac quirement of colonies by this gov ernment. A large majority of the people in this country are asking the eauie question, the answer of which is to be found in the fact that the men who are applying the constitution in the present case are not imbued with that spirit of American liberty 'and patriotism wnicn prompted the framing ef that much mis-used document. rence and one which will send cold chills down the spines of hundreds. At the old stand of Clarv mw w Market street, you will find a GREENSBOBO MARKET REPORT. CORRBCTKD WEEKLY BT JOHN J. PHOENIX. Wholesale Receivers and Shippers of ouniry roauce. The German Baptist Conference, in session at Roanoke, Vs., last week, decided that no delegate who raises or has raised tobacco should be allowed a seat in the annual or district conventions. This action might perhaps be correctly termed puritanical and proscriptive of personal liberty, but anyway we think the German Baptists are con. sietent in this matter. If it is sin ful to chew or smoke tobacco, why is if not equally sinful to raise the weed? The Democratic national com. mitteeheld a meeting at St. Louis last Thursday. The deliberations of the committee were chiefly con fined to ways and means and to party organization, little or noth ing being said of the complexion of the platform for 1900. This was - perhaps wise, for more than twelve months muit elapse before the platform can be constructed. It will be time enough then to line up for the fight. BUYING PRICKS. Beeswax Chickens old per lb. . . , Large spring chickens ib! "! Small spring chickens lb.... Eggs ... Feathers ....L. Hides dry . . ; " " Green I. '... Oats r... Sheep Skins.. Tallow Wheat....... r....!! Wool washed Unwashed Dried Fruits....... Apples lb.... Berries lb Peaches, pared, lb Corn, new... Flaxseed Onions Potatoes Irish, new.. i Sweet Rags Cotton Bones lb. .. - 6 10 ..... 12 ..... 6K 32 .....525 3 GIIRKR'S 1M0H CORNSR OPPOSITE POSTOPPICE. . The Right Sort. i I They have been in business to please their patrons; tbey know how to dolt; they will please you every timeand prices the lowest, at The Tom Rice Jewelry Co. i j I : IRM! Carrying a NEW and UP-TO-DATE line of nm UUUU 9 Notions, iag, Els., I The ladies will find our line of LawnV. Perralee. Calicos, V-'i- Organdies, etc., etc., SDeciallv nuithl fnr Rummer wear: snd J equally important, the prices are as low as goods can be sold faoae'V We don't want to rob you. eo come riht alone to our store, t .will always find a hearty welcome. . , numerous citizens ark- a point - , Va A "petition siirned by in t that a public road he nrwni fmm near Robert Kankinneh iwnd.on the Company Mills road, leading from Greensboro to Liberty Store, running nearly in a direct line tothe icsiueuee u- unmneg, tfience Id a north easterly direction to a point on the satd road southeast of Absalom Smith's residence, ran- niShf?ai,5h .i"1' Ema-el and iDanicl VPP. D- K.Unfflnes, Matilda Gerringer and A. mith, this is to notify any and all parties who object to said retition being granted to ap pear before the Board of fnnntr t nmmScci-... on the first Monday in June. W. C.BOREN,Chm.B.C.C. 3ESL d& 8UCCESSOKS TO CLARY k STACK, 1 No. 110 West Market St.. - - . Greensboro, c i . ' When you are in town with nice Spring Chickens, Country Hams, Side Meat, Etc.. come to see me. I am in the market and PAYCASH. II , A petition signed by numerous citizens ask. in? that the neighborhood mad learinir the main highway below John Cook's on the Mc Donnell road, and rnnnin- thrnmrh h. ..1 tions of Jehn Cook. T. D. Sherwood, iu" T; Thoma. C N. McAdoo and others, down to the loung or lianna mill, be made a public road this is to notify any partial who may bjec? . . jTiiuuuci a uce arranten fr appear before the Board of County m mi ione on the llrt Monday in JnnV und SSl the cause. w. C. BO REN, Chm. B.C. C f , JORDAN, SINCLAIR & MACDONALD, Greensboro City and Suburban Pr pperil AGENTS WivTvn vru mth t . : Achieremenu of id.ril iUV," X" We-long friend and admirer of tbe nation's idol Biggest and best book, orer 800 pirell Sxio Only ILSO. fnnrnnni A mm i "'"? " ' -16tT. Ill East Market Street. KSZTrg?? tw lo. vac ceni a ocMe. - I . Manufacturing eites. Acreage adjoining QHxt tracts to suit purchasers. Farms and farming ,a?.Tnjir lands, and trao.tn nrlantnrl f lAlUotlnn nnniOSC-'l-" '. county. "Special attention given to locating : peIe lrC cq Northern States. Best of connections North aud poow- . rosppndenco with home-seekers solicited, I-. A - Jordan, Sinclair & Macdon 106 SOUTH ELM STBEET. GREENSBOKO. c aid. ! ! .-

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