rr P LIFE,! to be vig- 8EAE0H ihououe heaets. . ,a!T I A l 1 T JroU5 and neaimy, must have . PotaSlhi Uonc Acid and Nitrogen. -. .L.ontinl elements are -' ill ' , - I - i s 05 flourish on sous weu I !iedUvith Potash. - ; t i ; I ,i)Mtts tf'l how to buy and applj it 'and 're free to all. ! . -l ; . 'I ln?TNS KALl! WORKS, ! i Ji 4 We Have a. hnnir -rflirM ercciaiiy for you. which iAiil Trtte. It treats of th irnfift disorders worms, etc. fCit evttV child is liable to and for prey's Vermifuge i - 1 l-L.. ..wxa d rr :irniriil r-ir Jf .... IS II . il hr mull fori"!. ' ! K Y, IU!timor, iL fc2&? J Vice PiesideuJt, A iTrr-'V.AT.T?T'n'TJ ..1. .! WVUMtWiMUi -i ri '1 real., 3 3 tapi $25,000, paid up. s Surplus $24,539.65. Xfr)TIATES (LOANS. TSAS HX KCUTOH OF ESTATES liKA Ti ESTATE j iSDCOLLKOTING AGENCY. f a General Trust- Business 4 .pjiliWifrns-'for loans are desired iSv amiunts raninsr from 10O to K' WtHi.uve money listed which is are jlatixmus to have placed at e security is always re- Misve jfar rent three dwellings. !,!) "firm srreef, one on spring f.i' ifli t i on West Lee, near Kor ejlpnt dwellings on y Avemie janil improved and uhim erty. both in citv lifted for .kale. - tuldress us for particu um- and ars. I' . .! l - J ! I 1 0 - i ALL READY promise; your washing, r& V Hte most satisfactory That is vhat b.fliH: , ' " K aiKI ine irons LJifr,!are- Mve us a call or . me wirei -! , j !ss?UR0 STEAM LAUNDRY. -rXif f'- "'A'K.ll'roiirietor. I ie i Intbrest '"I'ruit Growing iOU&V VARIETY MfK oe.s H bear ood fruit; iiU. i f n vel k ' 'uwn down. We !h.;t cen -htewn down, hut rn 'tf-V -,morcl of our, fi ruits . 1 L nfIX-',,r' "tiel to sorts of every- r ... . . ... f . m;:,: Krrsris positive , f- fe i - ' n" sections. ' I ; ft C i . ... - w treesours bear name. Our C. ! i . f.. i. S 'U' Five , :in,ihS. ripening in Veririfeti" of Teaches, . v irom .jiinp ri ; rik; and so o Ap- .'4 '"V- 'nil particulars. I ;: .THi!iNUrserip i ii ii ii i ill I 1 1 1 1 I I I III! w u i 1 dearqh Thoo our hearts, O Ood, and ' see . . If this our strife be waged for Thee. Thou gavest in our lnfancv The precious gift of liberty. ' And Is it, then, through Thy commands vv e rename gut trom other bands? Lord God of Battles once wast Thou 1 rri 1 .- r i ueurare lUJBejI UDCO US DOWJ. For since One came, the Prince of jreace, Hast Tbou not bidden war to cease? Yetperadventure, now, as then, Through darkling paths Thou leadest . men. . From present ills of war and blood. Pennittest then to work out good. An hundred years Tby face bath shed Its light upon the paths we tread. And all we did was in Thy name. And .Thou bast given us power and fame. . No stronger nation walks Thine earth man ours, cne one or latest birth. Since Thou hast given such bounteous What need, O Lord, have we of more? Then woe to us if we profane Thy name to clothe our lust of gain I No sin more hateful. Lord, mav be Than that which cursed the Pharisee. AndrThou, howe'er we cloak intent, wilt judge u by the thing we meant. Search Thou our hearts, O God, and see ir this our strife be waged for Thee. Anne Virginia Culbertson. 7 Mr. Youngwife's Trial. About a year ago a little cherub came to brighten the Youngwife home, and, as it is just about now "beginning to notice things," as found mothers have it. Mr. and' Mrs. Youngwife decided that they would take little Roderick on a trolley trip last Sunday. This im portant information the diminutive Roderick received -with that im perturbability peculiar to one-year-olds, but the thoughts of such a voyage Jilled the hearts of his en thusiastic parents with delight. Accordingly, a capacious hand-bag was filled with articles necessary to the trip, such as bottles of milk, packages of graham wafers, sooth ing syrup, veils, wraps, handker chiefs and sundry other things, and the trio started eff bright and early, Mrs. Youngwife maternally proud, Mr. Youngwife paternally protective and Younywife junior ecstactically gooing. Alighting on an open trolley the trio were assailed by a sharD breeze and with a gasp of recollec tion Mrs. loungwife shouted: "Mop the car! My ' dear;, we'll have to go back aha get baby's coat or he'll freeze to death." Alas ! for the hopes of delight ful day. This was but the first of a series of setbacks that made the Youngwife outing jnemorable, if not pleasant. -Once armed with the necessary garment, Mrs. Young wife said: "There now, you carry baby and the bag and I'll look after the coat to make sure of it this time," and they retraced their route to the cars. Inside of three minutes after they had taken their seats Young wife mere had made a score of plunge at the baby, fixing its cap or its coat or fussing up its gar ments in some wajy or other; Youngwife pere had grown red and fidgety, and every passenger in the car had come into the knowledge that it was the first baby. But that wasn't the worst of it. Just as the car stopped to take on a jolly party of picknickers, Mrs. Younywife in a voice of maternal anxiety called gut: Now, papa, oo must diy 'ittle'bby his mi'ky man,'' and, with jold perspiration dropping from his brow, the un happy Younywife, inwardly groan ing, was forced to yank from the hand-bag. a large, fat bottle of milk and feed the baby, while an urohin oh the sidewalk yelled : "Hey dere, popMou8e is breakin' de. Sunday . .. . . law with that flask. Cheese it!" Arriving at Pairmount Park it was decided to take the youthful Roderick to Horticulture Hall and how him the flowers. Onceinside the fernery, where the temperature was considerably above the normal, Mrs. loungwiiemade a grab for the baby, quickly skinned oh? bis coat and cap and sweater, and with sundry "Goodnesame's !" started to fan him with such gusto that Rode rick pi-omptly set up a startled howl, which he steadfastly refused to cease until his overheated pa had taken him and paraded him ud and down a dozen times pick-a back fashion, to the intense amuse ment of a party of jocose young men, who insisted on commenting in race-track terms on the qualities of Youngwife pere as a pacer. At the conclusion)! this performance the fertile maternal brain devised a new amusement for thebaby, and the floral conservatories, with their wealth of azalea bushes and other flowering plants, were inspected. Here Roderick, when held to the flowers by his mother to "smell petti 'oses," insisted on .pulling over the plants or eating the blos soms, and to the apprehensive Mr. Youngwife's fears that "baby would hurt himself or the guards might putthem out of the place," his wife : replied scornfully : ; "Well, 1 1 declare; you are certainly the den Best man. Can't vou see how dear: ly the little darling likes these flowers? I really believe he is go ing to be a botanist. Now, just see him he can actually tell one DU8n irom another. Uaby, show mamma the pretty pansies !" - "Just then "baby" grabbed the flowering stalk of a big azalea plant, and with a yank pulled St smash ! on the floor. While Mrs. Youngwife moved coldly awavaaif nothing had happened, her liee i ... ... iora, trembling at the knees at the approach of a stern-looking guard, endeavored'to gather up the dam aged plant, It took ten minutes of explanation for Mr. Youngwife to enect iiis graceful exit, and not 'a word spoke he on the way hnmn. mentally vowing, withal, that jt naa been his last trip of the kind Stl. tKA Am-m wm Mi -f 1AA 1 Awi. i,uc ouuiuier ui vj at least. ' ., Pate of Old Bicycles.- A writer on the subject of bicy cies says that he had often wonder ed where all the old machines went to, and whether they could, possibly oe turned to any other use than that for which they were built. une day, while traveling through an out-oi-tne-way Western dis trict, he came to a farm-house, in the yard of which was a deep well. Instead of drawing up the bucket ' B - oy nana, the farm hands would step into the saddle of a dilapidated bicycle of ancient make and enor mous weight and pedal away grave ly. Geared to the wheel was the shaft of a, drum which carried the rope, and a few. revolutions of the pedal brought the bucket up. Ever since then the traveler has been prepared for a movement to- waru me uiiiizaiion oi the bicycle for light power production pur poses. Such a use has been made of the wheel under somewhat ex traordinary conditions in the Sou dan campaign. After the battle or Umdurman 121 British wounded were conveyed to the military hos pital at Abadleh. Of that number A. L - - . M ' mere, were twenty-one cases in which the bullet could not be found or its absence proved by ordinary methods. In twenty out of these twenty-one cases an accurate diag nosis was arrived at with the heln of the Roentgen rays, the odd case being toojll for examination. The greatest difficulty the military sur geon h ad was in obtaining current to work his coil. There was ap parently nothing in eight in the ' ' m . i; way oi a power-proaucer. in one of the rooms of the hospital, how ever, was a bicycle, and the surgeon naajt hrmly bedded down and then coupled up with a dynamo. The scheme worked splendidly, and the current from the dynamo being used either for charging accumu lators or for supplying the coil direct. Chicago Record. I i II Not much perhaps when applied to some things, but in Harvesting Machinery it means a good deal. If you want the easiest running, lightest draft strongest in make up the kind, of Machinerv that always pleases and for, insist on having and take no other but that wuicu nas ine name m Our Tubular Steel Mower , r 'V- - S -J - "WALT EH fl. WOOD" On it. Machinery with thin nnm u sents the best that money, brains and years of experience can produce. Don't think of buying a Harvester and Binder. Mowintr Mahino iit. Rake before you examine the Walter A. Wood's. Is fitted withRoller Bearing.," makine It th ...i..f dr. t, lighted running machin.'on the n?a k. h"8 . the good featuree of other m.kee, none of their had one.! Our Hahester and Binder Is all that could be desired F)e ; vyork in the most satisfactory manner, han- uuug any dim an Kinas oi grain. Our Hand and Self! Dump Rakes Are constructed on sound scientific prin ciples, from j best ; materials, and are models of strength, stability and ; execution. fflitlililllQl fciolrairi (Gfniinnsrmirnv? OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT, OUR GOODS ARE RIGHT. Come to see us. A Faying Investment. The New- Orleans Times-Demo crat, in commenting on the remark able development in progress in Southwest Louisiana, cites the case of a gentleman from Iowa, who fifteen years ago entered the prai rie section and disembarked from the train at what is now the pros perous and progressive village of Jennings, in Calcasien parish, on toe line of the Southern Pacific Road. He found land so cheab that one of the large land owners was giving away hundreds of his acres in order to save the expense of a possible increased taxation. For $30 he purchased 300 acres of land. , Fifteen years of progress and development throughout the entire section in which these acres had witnessed a gradual increase in the price of the lands, until now these 300 acres can only be bought for $30,000, and this is one of the results of an intelligent and com prenensive cultivation of rice. A Superfluity of Heroes. London Sketch has felt called upon to moralize as follows: In these days, when Lord Kitchener, daggers, Cecil Rhodes, Dr. Grace, Dan Ltno, Tod Sloan, Hall Caine and John Roberts are all heroes and do heroic things, the-time is come to protest. We owe a duty to our generation, and a little judg ment, coupled with a modicum of restraint, may save us from some merciless satirist yet in his teens who will rise up and call us fool ish. Cricket is a fine game, but it does not make or mar heroes,- and there is no innate heroism in the act of scoring a century on a bil Hard table wicket or getting six wickets for six runs apiece on a crumbling ground in a bad light, or in playing a good game for a losing side. These feats represent a combination of skill and practice, ana should not have a false label. It is stated there are an average oi ou men employed to every 100 mues oi railway in the United Diaies. The Farmer's Enemy. The greatest enemy to the far mer is the farmer himself. Were he to show an eagerness and anx iety for the elevation of his voca tion it would soon rank with the so-called learned Drofessions. and , . r the Vocation wmild Via rAornrriai? hi the mass of mankind as distinct from the business of a mere la borer as that of a law ver from a lawyer's clerk or that of a physi cian from a mere apothecary. No occupation is so well calculated to keep in equilibrium all the powers of the mind and hnrl v : It nMa " J m I forth the most varied qualities patience, care and diligence; zeal, industry and economy: tact and skill to direct and manage. No faculty of the intellect or power of muscle or feeling of the heart but what is brought into requisition by the successful farmer. Deep sil ence and pliant at must unite in him. He must not only know how to direct, but he must know how to execute. Let him train and pre pare himself by increased knowl edge for the brilliant future that lies before him, and take that po- 8ition in the forefront which the God of Nature intended for him. Southern Farm Magazine. Sayings of the Rev. Patrick Dickey. Heaven is so clost ter you dat you could reach it wid a ten-foot pole ef you'd only stan tip-toe. ! I dunno whether hell is a burnin' lake or not. All i knows is. ef hit's des a slow fire hit'll be too hot for me. Job's frien' wuz purty ha'd cus tomers; but dey's one t'ing you kin say fer 'um they didn't ax Job ter len' 'um any money. Uey say de streets er heaven is pave wid gold, but tf I kin des strike a silver fitreak dar I'll be satisfied. , Dey ain't no sense in borrowin' trouble. One half the bridges vou go' cros' in dis worl' ain't got no toll-gate. - ' Ef I ever gits ter heaven I don't want no harp ter play. I'll be sat isfied wid des a front seat in de gallery, whar I kin see de star per formers. WOOB! W! Wl!!! 1 1 We are still AGENTS 1 for the well-known ' t Leaksville " ' L ' " WOOLEN MILLS LEAKSVILLE, N. b. Bring your Wool to us j and we will forward same to the Mills for you -without extra charge. They work Wool on Shares or for Cash, into a variety of products, j Write them for new Catalogue, furnished free on application. J. J. MWL k GREENSBORO, N. C, I IT AT. PRICES ON.., Desirable Farm for Sale. ' '-r - , ' ?5res of hJ?hly ini proved lanl well adapt ed to the growth of Wheat, Oata. Corn. Tobacco, and especiallyClover and Graswe 30 to 40 acrei .'"v'wvcr sou uraM. i ne larm is well wa tered by springs anl small streams running thronsch it. Gcod well of water, 7-nom Uwell- "'fvF.6-prain antl tce(l barn' ntH necessary out buildings, -fine early Peach Oichard: &l an Apple Orchard of selected variety of apples rears. Plums, also fine selection of Gram, all just coming into bearing. The farm is located conveniently to Schools Churches. Mills, Mar kets and Railroad, and in one of the bealthieet localities in the state, a family of 11 having re sided on the farm ten years and not having re quired the service of physician during the time. wr mwjuiiiiu cw-acre iraci can ie obtained. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at Patriot omco t . m m - m '-w -- aw say v v-y 'v?n CHOOSE TOOR DRUGGIST CAREFULLY. A drugtrist can lo more harm or pood 'than ujioi, icijiio nne uim crem ior. mere are air ferent qualities in drugs just as there ate in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualitiep go bv the same name The difference between pure, "high grade drugs and cheap, inferior drug of the same name, means the difference between keep ing 6ick and getting well. When a doctor writes a prescription, he means lest quality. When, KntTlA ririlffirista All narnlnu .or V..nW onlv about big proOts. J Choose your druggist carefully. Gr. W. WA1B, r jTHROUCnTht VvSTVfrvGlHI or jC Teiers'IIes. ! ' 7estwts, Etc Tha Kind Yea Haw Always Bc&t Sentenced to Sunday School. One of the most peculiar sent ences eyer passed upon a person in an Ohio court was giren James Frisden, a Wood county bov. at Bowline Green, this mornincr by Mayor A. R. Campbell. Mayor Campbeil will be remembered as once having fined himself for a misdemeanor. Young Firsden is the terror of the village, and although fourteen years old, had just finished serving a thirty days' sentence in jail. When arraigned before Mayor Campbell he was sentenced to at tend Sunday school and church at the Disciple church every Sunday for eight weeks, or go to jail for twenty days.. Upon presenting a certificate from his Sunday school teacher at the end of that time he is to be paid $1 for his good con i 1 - 11 hardly know," said the corn- fed philosopher, "whether it be better for a man to remain sintzle and disappoint several women for a time or marry and disappoint one woman for life." As usual we have a full line of School Books and School Supples. WOJIRTBI BROS.. , Booksellers &. Stationers. J ' NEXT-DOOR TO BANK X)F GUILFORD. i i i- l LOOK FOR THE BIG FOUXTAIK PEN. PflRTTTOH Secured. May deposit rUUlllUllrJ money for tuition in batik tillpositlon is secured, or will accept notes. Cheap board. Car fare paid. No va cation Enter any time. Operi for both sexes. Catalogue free. Write to-davJ DRAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS- NasltTille, Tenti. ff Savannah. Qa. S Indorsed bv merchants and hankers. By far best patronized business colleges in South. Three months bookkeeping with us equals six by the old plan. All commercial branches taught. . For circu lars explaining Home Study Course," address 'Department A," For colletre catalogue, address LJepertment A 4 ( r LURAY qrottoes Natural bridge jviountain Lake BRISTOL Knoxville chattanooga Lookout Mountain BIRMINGHAM Memphis ( 1 . NEW . ORLEANS COLUMBUS, CHI AND THE NORTHWEST. Jtrife forRntes. Mmps.Tim Vtbiesltr-J Car J?ejrruation.DtriptimPmphUf. f ijAgemtwU (cSu NO I - ROANOKE KEN OVA CHILLICOTHE V.BBEVILL. Qtniui. Pass Att-t Allen Hull. CoLunavs.O. ROAriOttVA s S ' Oalv4toti.Tet. Texarkaua. Tex. , r I T- I f t4;u a nA T1 P.f.f ent business conducted for MOOCRATC FCCS. Ovn Orncc is Ofposit? U. 8. PATtnTOrrict r..i ri ran secure DAteSl ISX lc&S timo ILJJX remote from Washington. . . Scad model, drawing or phcto., Vith dfvnp-' ilea. tve au v:s, u pa:eniai,.e or n. ireo wi charre. Oar lee not due t.i patent is stcure a. . m. .. llnr ta Obtala Patent'." with coit ct samftin'the U. S. nd lorein coucmesJ sect free. Address, r C.A.SWOW&CO.I Opr. Ptcmt Orncc. Wamihotom. D. C. f To prevent La Grippe take a dose or two of Dr. Miles Restoratir e Nenrine dauly. -1 j, . : - - : I Ill, 1 1 Ml i I " : -. : i ! '.I .

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