MORAL EXPANSION. OR. TALMAGE ON OUR DUTY IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Iavlnar Political Question to tbe . Statesmen, He Give HU Vlewi of What We Should Do For Their Re lljfloaa Welfare. Copyright, Louis Klopsch. 1S99.1 Washington, Jnne4. In this dis course Dr. Talmage, steers clear of -the political entanglements of onetime and recommends tbat'which will meet the approval of all who hope for, the per petnity of onr republic and the welfare cf other lands; text, Genesis xxviii, 14, "Thou sbalt spread, abroad to the west and to the east.' - - Since the Americano-Hispanic war. is concluded and the United States em bassador is on the way to Madrid and 4V, SnQTiish embassador is on the way to Washington the people of bar coun try are divided into expansionists and antiexpaneionists. From a" different standpoint than, that usually taken I discuss this all absorbing theme. I leave f tVila KTirVlPrt to statesmen and warriors and pray Al mighty God that thermay be enabled .rightly to settle the question whether the islands in controversy shall be final ly annexed or held under protectorate or resigned to themselves, while I call attention to the fact that a campaign of moral and religious expansion ctaght to be immediately opened on widest and grandest scale. a th rlnsft at this war God has put I II H IHJllULai aoKv.ii v j into the hands of this country the key to the world's redemption. Heretofore the religious movement in pagan lands had to precede the educational. After in China ana India and the islandaof the sea the missionaries liave labored over 50 or 75 years the printing press and the secular school came in. Now to better advantage than ever before re ligious and secular enlightenment may go side by side, and so the work be ac complished in short time and moie thoroughly. Starting with the fact that mm ma u in Cuba and Forto Kico ana xne .rnuip pine Islands at least three-fourths of the people can neither read nor write, what an opportunity for school and printing pressl Within five years every man in those islands may be taught to read not only the Bible, but the Declar- ation oi maepenaence ana me cousw tuUon of the United States and the biographyVrf George Washington and cf Abraham Lincoln. It seems to me that the government of the United States oughts by vote of -congress afford common schools and printing presses to those benighted regions. Our national legislature by one vote appropriated $50,000,000 to give bread and medicine to Cuba. Why not by a similar generosity give $50,000, 00 for feeding and healing the minds and souls of those ignorant and besotted archipelagoes. In the name of God I nominate a echool for every neighbor hood of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Phil ippines. As soon as the gavel falls at 12 senate and house of representatives and the roll has been called and the prelim inaries observed let some member of our national legislature, with mind and soul and voice strong enough- to be heard not only through those halls, but through Christendom, propose a meas nre for the mental and moral disen thrallment of theislands in controversy. What has made American civiliza tion tbe highest civilization the world has ever seen ? Next to the Bible and the church, schools, common schools, Bchools reaching from- the Atlantic to the Pacific and from British America to gulf of Mexico. Five years under euch educational advantage, and this 'whole subject that keeps our public men agitated, some. of them to frothing at the mouth, will settle itself. Give those islands readers, spellers, arithme tics, histories, blackboards, maps, geog- tares at their next meeting, some of them assembling in early autumn, take parts of those islands under their es pecial educational patronage. What is needed is state, and national action in this matter of schools. Work of the Printing Press. Then let the editorial associations of the United States, as many of stich organizations as there are states.- resolve at the next convocation to establish in very region of those islands a printing press, to be supported by people of this -country nntil it can become self sup porting. Each of these state editorial associations sending out to those islands at least one editor and two reporters and enough typesetters, down will go the ignorance and superstition of those islands as certainly as the Spanish fleet under Cervera sank under the pound ing cf our American battleships, and into their every port will go intelli gence and love; of free institutions as certainly as into the harbor of Manila went Admiral Dewey on that famous night when he was not expected: Hoe's printing pressl Nothing can stand be fore its bombardment Editors of American newspapers and publishers of American books! Take the ordination for such a magnificent servica Elo quence on yonder Capitol hill cannot meet the exigency. Epigrams of politi cal platforms of in state legislatures will not hasten the desired consumma tion one week or one hour or one mo ment. .. Wken Cubans and Porto Ricans and Filipinos see the morning and evening newspapers thrown into the doorways and hawked along the streets of Ha vana and Santiago and Manila, those who cannot read by the force of curiosi ty will learn to read, so that they may know what information is being scat tered, and that-which may be mission ary effort at the start and carried on by Americans sent forth to do the work will Boon be done by educated natives. Porto Rica n editors 1 Porto Rican re- gjrters! Porto Rican typesetters! Porto ican publishers! It was a great mercy to take these islands from - mnder the heels of despotism, but it will be a mightier mercy to emancipate them from ignorance and degradation. The expansion of the knowledge and intel lectual qualification of all those islandy regions is the desire of all intelligent Americans. Awake, all you schools and colleges and universities and printing presses, to your opportunity 1 Still further, here is a wide open door for Christianity. First of all.yire bave tbe attention of those people." The heathen nations are for the most part soporific. The American missionaries heretofore had great difficulty in get ting heathendom to listen. They ex cited some comment by their aUire, so different was the parting of the hair and the shape of the hat and the cut of the coat and the formation of the shoe of the evangelizers, but the questions constantly arose in regard to the mis sionary: "Who is he?" "What is he here for?'- And then, the- interrogator would relax into the previous stupid in difference. But that condition of things has passed. The guns of our American navy have awakened those populations. They do not ask who we are. They have found out They are now listen ing to what American civilization and our Christian religion have to eay on any subject i Now is the time, while their ears and eyes are wide open, to tell them of the. rescuing and salvable and inspiriting power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. The steam printing press which secular education plants there may be used and will be used to print religious news papers and tracts and sermons and mighty discussions of questions tem poral and eternaL . Influence of Homes. The comfortable homes of those pop ulations, when Christianized, standing side by side with the degraded huts of those who "remain pagans will be revo lutionary for good. The Porto Rican and the Filipino will come out from this nhcleansed and low roofed and un inviting kennel and say to his neighbor of beautiful household, "Why cannot I have things as you have them?" And when he finds that it is the Bible, with its teachings on family life and per sonal purity and exalted principle, and the church of God that proposes the rectification of all evil and the implan tation of all good, he will cry out; 'Give me the Bible, and the church, and the earthly alleviations, and the eternal hope which have wrought for you such transfiguration." Now, church of God, now, all Chris tian philanthropists, is your opportun ity I Nothing like it has occurred since Christ came. Perhaps there may be nothing like it till his second coming. Here is a definiteness of aim that is most helpf uf add inspiring. The mil lions of dollars I given for the redemp tion of the world and the thousands of glorious missionaries who have as volun teers gone forth among barbaric nations were given and enlisted under a great and immeasurable idea. - But when they come to add to the great and immeas urable idea tbe idea of definiteness we will infinitely augment the work. More than three hundred million of heathen in India, more than three hundred mil lion of people in China and more mil lions of heathen than can be guessed outside of those countries sometimes stagger and confound and defeat our faith. But here in these islands of pres ent controversy we can farm out, the work among the churches and in five years, under the blessing of God, not only fit the people for the right of suf frage, but prepare them for usefulness and heaven. The difference, between tbe general idea of the world's evangel ization and some particularized field of evangelization is the difference between the improvement of agriculture among all nations and the improvement of 75 acres put under one's especial care and industry. By all means let the general work go on. But here is the specific field for religious concentration and de- I velopment This is not chimerical or impractical. I read this morning that the American Missionary association of the Congregational church has already begun the work at San Juan, Utuado and Albonito, and all denominations of Christians in six months will be in those islandy fields, and we all need with our prayers and contributions to i cheer them on to take for God and righteousness those regions which our American navy has captured from Spanish: perfidy. It has been estimated that this Americo-Spanish war cost us $300,000, 000. It would not cost half of that to proclaim and carry on and consummate a holy war that will rescue those archi pelagoes from satanic domination. Who will volunteer? 1 beat the drum of a recruiting station! Who will enlist un der the one starred, blood striped ban ner of Immanuel? Cuba and Porto Rico and the Philippines are stepping stones for our American Christianity to cross over and take the round world for God. We need a new evangelical alliance or ganized for this one purpose. In all de nominations there are those with large enough hearts and who have been thor oughly enough converted to join in such an advanced movement men who,! putting aside . all minor differences of opinion, "believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker, of heaven and earth, j and in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son," and who would march shoulder to shoulder in such a gospel campaign. The result would be that those islands, 1 after such a scene of goepelization, would assort themselves into denomina tions to suit "themselves, and eome would be sprinkled in holy baptism and others would be immersed in those warm rivers and some would worship in religious assemblage silent as the Quaker meeting house, and others -would have as many jubilant ejacula tions as a backwoods camp meeting, and some of those who preached would be gowned and surpliced for the workj and others would stand in citizen's ap parel or in their shirtsleeves preaching that gospel which is to save the world. ItellsTloua Teaching Xeeded. j lark you well that statesmanship! However grand it is, and wise men of the world, however .noble, cannot do this work. Mere secular education does not moralize. Some of the most thor oughly educated men in all the world have been the worst men. Quicken a man's intellect, while at the same time you do not make his morals good, and you only augment his power for eviL Geography and mathematics and meta plastics and philosophy will never quali fy a people to govern themselves. A corrupt printing press Is worse than no printing press at all, but let loose an open Bible upon thosa islands and let the apocalyptic angel once fly over them, (and you will prepare them to become either colonies of the United States! government, or, as I hope will be the case, independent republics. God did not exhaust himself when he built this nation. Those islands will yet have their Thomas Jeffersons, qualified to write for them declarations of inde pendence; and George Washingtons. capable of achieving their liberties ; and Abraham Lincolns, strong : enough to emancipate their serfdoms, and .Long fellows and Bryants, capable of putting their hills and their rivers and their land scapes into poems? and their Bancrofts and Prescotts, to make their histories; and their Irvings, to write their Sketch Books: and their Charles O'Conors and Rufus Choates, jo plead in their courtrooms: and their Daniel Websters and John J. Crittendens, to move their senates. : ! The day cometh- hear it all ye who have I no hope for those islands of be dwarfed and diseased illiterates the day cometh when those regione will have a Christian civilization equal to that jwhich this country now enjoys, while I hope by that time this country will be as superior to what it now is as today Washington and New York are better than Manila and Santiago. Do you see by this process of gospelized intelligence those archipelagoes will as a nation be protected from the two woes prophesied in regard to this coun try f the one woe prophesied by the ex pansionists and the other woe proph esied by the antiexpansionists? It is said j by those who would have-us take ail we can lay our hands on as a nation that,' unless we enter the door now open for the enlargement of our na tional domain, we will decline the mis sion jwhich God in his providence has assigned us. But surely no woe will come upon us or upon them if we Christianize them as we now have the opportunity of doing. The political technicalities are nothing as compared With the importance of this movement I implore all political expansionists to augment us in this work of moral and religious expansion, for -unless those islands are moralized and elevated in Intelligence and habits we do not want them, and their annexation would be political damnation. On the other hand, I implore all antiexpansionists to take a hand in the gospelization of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands. The only way to prepare them to take care of themselves is to give them the ;Tenj Commandments that were pub lished on Mount Sinai and let them hear the groan of sacrifice that was breathed out on the heights of Golgotha. What they most want is the gospel, the pure gospel, the omnipotent gospel, the gospel that helps heal the wounds of the body and irradiates the darkness of the mind and achieves the ransom of tbe soul One Platform For All. But on this platform the so called ex pansionists and so called antiexpan sionists will yet stand side by side. Though: I am not a prophet or the son cf a prophet, within five years, if this religio-educational work is properly at tended to, there will be a Cuban re public, a Porto Rican republic and a Philippine republic, none of them on a large scale, but they will all have their schools and printing presses and evan gelical churches, their presidents, their senates and house of representatives, their mayors and their constabularies, and as good order will be observed in their cities as now reigns on Pennsyl vania avenue. Washington, or ' Broad way, new xorK.". Christ has started for the conquest of the nations, and nothing on earth or in hell can stop it7 The continents are rapidly Tolling into his dominion, and why not these island's, which for the most part are only fragments broken off from continents, the interval lands having been sunk by earthquakes, al lowing the ocean to take mastery over them? Each mother continent has around it a whole family, of little con tinents. If the continents are being so rapidly evangelized, why not the is lands? If America, why not Cuba and the Bahamas? If Asia, why not the Philippines and the Moluccas? If Eu rope, why not the Azores and the Ork neys?! If Africa, why not Madagascar and St Helena? The same power that broke them off the mainland can lift them into evangelization. In the old book, which has become a new book by reason of modern discov eries, especial attention is called to the islands. "Declare the Lord's praise in the islands," commands Isaiah. "Let the multitudes of the islands be glad thereof," says the psalmist "All the islands of the heathen shall worship him," writes Zephaniah. "He shall turn his face to the islands, " prophesies Daniel "The inhabitants of the ieles shall be astonished at thee," foretells EzekieL "Hear it and declare it to the islands afar off," exclaims Jeremiah. You see from this the islands are not to be j neglected. Perhaps they are the Lord's favorites, as in households, if there is any favoritism at all, it is for the weakest. The islands, too email to take care of themselves, have the eter nal God to take care of them. Let na tions look out how they , tread on the islands, however small and weak, for they are omnipotently defended. They may not be able to marshal large ar mies or to send out natives to sweep the sea, but, better than that, they have the chariots of heaven on their side and the drawn swords of the Almighty. I mum About advanced prices in Woolen Goods. ... , . : -1 v ni ' - - - received a number of letters and circulars from different manufacturers to this effect. But we bought our goods before any advance , and propose, TO SELL THEM AT ONE PROFIT. We want your trade. -v f. ; ... . !' Hive We And if we can convince you of his wheat and EXPECT A LliTLE and anxious to mi CftlAftlM . JVW. Crawford, W. H. Bees, Harry S. Donnell, Oal(3SIIIl3U ! Will. B. Bankin, Jon T. Bee. - have as much faith in the salvation of the smallest island of the Falklands, of the Canaries, of the Ladrones, of the Carolines, of the Fijis, of the Barba floes, of the Cape Verdes, of the Society islands, as I have in the .salvation of America. - j ! The continents themselves are, only larger islands, and the world in which we live is only a still larger island, and the solar system is a group of islands, and the universe is an archipelago stud ded with islands of worlds, surrdunded by the great ocean of infinitude and immensity. So you see when God! plan ned the universe he diagrammed it into islands, and he will look after the in terest of each' of those islands, however small, and England and Holland and France and Germany and America must not treat the smallest and weak est island that comes under their; sway any different from the way they j treat the strongest nation of all the earth. God may chiefly deal with individuals in the next world, but he deals with nations only in this world, and when persistently a nation practices injustice against other people it is only a ques tion of time when the offender will find his doom. The path of time is strewn with the carcasses of nations that be cause of their maltreatment of other nations perished. The higher such Sending empires rise, the harder will be their falL j I ! j " Perpetuity of Our Government. I believe the United States govern- ment will last as long as the world lasts. I believe tbe fires of the judgment day will leap on tbe domes of our state and national capitals while yet theyj are in their full power. I believe the last earthquake will put its explosion under our national foundations while yet they stand firm. I believe that Republican and Democratic form of government will be tbe universal form cf govern ment for all nations when they have been evangelized, for then the nations will be capable of self government and will have demanded and secured that right. It will be either that or a the ocracy, which will be the direct govern ment of Christ in his personal reign on earth, as many Bible students believa Yet that jubilant expectation is found ed not on the skill of human statesman ship or human legislation, but upon the belief that this nation will Submit to divine guidance and obey the1 divine law and carry out its divinely imposed mission. But if we defy the God of na tions our doom is fixed. I I It required the pen of an Edward Gibbon, through four great volumes of more than 500 pages each, to tell the story of "The Decline and Falij of the Roman Empire" concluding his monu mental work with the words, Vlt was among the ruins of the capital! that I first conceived the idea of a work which has amused and exercised near 20 years of my life, and which,' however inade quate to my own wishes, I finally de liver to the curiosity and candor of the public." What, the Roman empire dead I Did she lack warriors T No. Be hold her Pompey and her Julius Caesar. Did she lack lawmakers and lawgivers? No. Think of the masters of Roman jurisprudence, our American attorneys today quoting those laws in our court rooms more than 15 centuries after they were enacted. In poetry did she not haverher Virgil and Ovid? In his tory did she not have her H3allnst and her Livy? In eloquence did she j not have her Scipio and Cicero? In satire did she not have a Juvenal and a Hor ace? What pens were wielded by her Cato and her Terence and her j Pliny 1 All nations heard tbe cry of her war eagles, the voices of her oratory and the chime of her cantos. But the day of judgment came for that nation, and Hannibal crossed the Apennines, ! and Continued on Third; Page. ; 1 1' ii. tfre get your attention long enough we can same. When the farmer gets $1.00 for 75c. for his corn, we are then going to better profit. You will find us ready do business with you. nnfRin nn 01 mi uwu j fi. ! i! Pennsylvania Preacher's Argument. Negro ministers here have an nounced that on next Sunday they will preach on a book, a copy of which hai just reached here, by the Rev. Gottlieb C. H. Hasskan, D. pastor of the Second Luther an church, of Chambersburg, Pa. Dr. Hasskari's book professes to prove by scriptural history that tbe negro is not descended from Adam and Eve and is not of the progeny of Ham, but is Darwin's missing link. He affirms that the negro' 8 main superiority over tbe gorilla, ourang outang and baboon is that be utters sounds that could be imitated and understood by Adam. Hence conversation ensued between them. He says the negro in the capacity of a beast entered Noah's ark and consequently the negro being a beast and not being counted with the eight souls that entered the ark, who were . Noah and his wife, his three eons and their wives, is without a soul. Therefore it is idle and wrong to sacrifice either life or money to convert the negro either in Africa or America to Christianity, as only the descendants of Adam and Eve, in Ged's image and likeness, are meant to be beneficiaries of tbe gospel. Pittsburg, Pa., Diipach. The Boston Small Boy. "Kant's ontology, if I mistake not," he said, "is based on the post ulate that object and are, in the last analysis is identical. This drives him, of necessity, to con found the phenomenal with what be calls tbe nominal. Did I say Kant? I meant, of course, Hegel. Tbe refuge of transcendentalism, it seems to me, must be gross ma terialism despite (its pretense of a sound philosophic basis. -Until you grasp the conception that thought and being are separate and distinct entities or, in other words, that to be and to exist are totally different manifestations of creative power, and that tbe phenomenal projection of things which to us seem tbe real, are merely tbe shad owy appearances which avoucn the real, we have no adequate founda tion for a cosmology that shall sat isfy the independent explorer who seeks to penetrate tbe exbaustless domain of truth." In this manner the artless little Boston boy entertained the. young man in the parlor, while his sister was upstairs dressing for the ope ra. Chicago Tribune. ,. - " KIDNEY I a deceptive di ease thousands have it and don't TROUBLE want quick results you can make no mistake by using; Dr. Kilmer' S warn p.Iloot. the srreat kidney remedy. At drvgsrUts in fifty cent and dollar size. Sample buttle by mail free, also pamphlet telling you hotr to find out if you have kidney trouble. Addre&s, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bmghamton. N. T. OTiU) 7, Richmond, Va., Junel0,is?. Goose Grexsx Liniment CoGkiixsbokoi.C. Dear Sir Some time ajro you sent me one dozen bottles of Goose Grease Liniment to be used in our stable amongst our horses and we beg to Mate that we have used this exclusively since receiving it, and would state frankly that we have never had anything that gave us as good satisfaction We have used it on Cuts, Bruises,Sore Necks, Scratches and nearly every disease a hone can have and it has worked charms. We need more at once. Please let me know if you have it putnp in any larger bottles or any larger packages than the ones sent us and also prices. 1 ours truly, STANDARD OIL COMPANY. nyl.C. West. mi 'V V Weth faliies 300 South Elm St., Greensboro. CAPACITY, 10,000 JOBS fIH annum. Sm irtUn puab th. ml. of rtixp rM th praAu mr l.r.. l.o I l . ; f i . i- t. an 1 .to buTlnlil.lTjob In uc-lrf i .... I, t( "ROCK HJL1." Ilujrlf. A 1! Ii r : Bui 'tS7lMt ap.l'.-k i, 1. : Vl'f A WAT FROM THE Hoi" , . ft . . n4. f!4 Ij flrx-etwta datitit tiu'.j. It . - la Jwr Iowa, writ, dirrrt. i ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., RockH n.S C, M. G. NEWELL & CO., Agents. GltEENNlJOHO, y. C. It ssssssaAAAAA'''i WEALTH DEA5 Caa yen tilik ef usit&r tt Jt f row i dm : th7 7 tfizt P V, Bsfori ipjlT tzt pite-.t, frt r.? .: c2m. bvistcr i aiCrott ul isf rim ef pVJj tali ton. raft Wukirtfca City Mst fru a n$A 13 COPP A CO.. t tst Attoniri. TMfl Southern Railway swj- las", zf' , a n IN EFFKCT DKCEMBKK 4. 1 This condensed whodule is.l'lifJ formation and is subjecvto cUBi notice to the public. Trains leave Greensboro, N.C.: j 7:05 aTm -No. 37 daily. Wa..n western Limited for thailoit.-. (, Dminir Car and VHibuwO to Atlanta. ' . 7:37 a. ro-Vo. 11 f.-r.Ui" - and all mints South, t ..nj.e- t AHheville.Knoxvillean-H l,i:ui"J , sleeper New York to n x 8:10 a. m,-Xo. daily, f-.-i "a! and locul station-. .j pJ W6i. m.-No. :"dailj ' l i. 1 : :' Mail for Washington, H "n ir' Ncrth. Car-rit-H thrniiu ,', '; .; Koont Iluffet hleejr .Vw n,' .l .lB.V-annvill til NfW 1 I ' " " ...i i" bleeping car on .M"ui" Southern l'aciflc. San lr:.i,u , 7:24 p Mail f ?-Mn m.-Xo.S5 iaiiA. ' .1 Sleeper Wednelay Cisco. - - , Southweetern Lnitt-I . ,, i. J iints North. 1'uliaaM Washington and Nw , 6:15p.m.-No.7ii:7"r,i' points. 8:10 a. and loci il'point-.l C"'"" 't ... Norf. ! W ai" : t r Newbern uu M'i' -t tf. ni-f for TarUn boro for . Raleigh, ai A i6:5op.m.-No. :2'V',:-;r nil east, m- to Norfolki . xv ... ,n 8:15 a. nr.-". .' "L . w and loal 1 'vr-'f . Daily except Minus;, t r.t l!:Mli.B.-N:,l,,; . Winston-baieui. r .v .i.b 2 . I m i. i carry pasener lftea are scheiuled to sur- K i. G te. John M.'CrtP. v.. l. M SAW " At. ftf ITS!". W.A.TrRK. ot.ip;,r! r.. "'ii. mingham, Memphis Aioniini. - K Orleans anLall imt hmiih ';' A"f.a Connects at tjharh tu- fr -U( Savannah. Jacksonville H"! 1 '"' i?. ,' Pullman Sleeper Sevf iik - lira v r . South and fouthwe-i. ". -. J-;, for Columbia, Au?uta. v. - and local station. I'n ..jn ' IIT rl . Buffet Sleeper New ';' , t.., t A York to Jackonvi Wv t .iJ .. ;.., hm? rhailulte to A' K'"'1 r t l U