ENDS OF SILVER. A M t nflmbr.racy b iric ino w 3 , - . IIinois-,v W"V - Indiana. The Benefit of Banks. We copy the following concern- Concluded from Second Page. eat. Gathering Rebresent- ing bankers from a leaflet issued ti rrrtArrnr.V Int OHIO. hff a TnUfln flrm Ohio, tetnd The Ohio ey' theatre, "J KT"" They are merely trustees for their of her catacombs, the wins of her nl :r;e"t: .err: they re he If J .1 1.V0C- liar pored -it DC fiul'-fc de tiled. the visiting delegates and that the by a Toledo firm : ''Bankers are human beings. Demagogues call them misers and robbers. Some are pawnbrokers. borne ate blunt and chilly. A very few are dishonest. A large ma jority are successful, progressive and conservative-business men' ...in: Kv.. May 31.H' !T-a nf ; Bimetallic clubs. Vi:er;'' , 7 States of Ohio, Illinois . . i ui l l . . COffK.V ' r: Ms hb dim ts third 'd Ption in this; city. Mc- ,2I..', theatre, the c --r. f n-el v decorated r . - wtprnoon. When Presi- tbey were reckless speculators, ex- c CiHt .: " , nf the Bimetallic League, travagant or careless in making ' Mninvw . ii i . . - - w &evr , . ..nnnol adriresL nerhanai loans, thev would flARtrnv nnn fi . orf.l ii.-iu""'"- ;r I I " " . "J "H.' -. ' i 1 J tl,k J. J j . 1 , ... , , -lKd people weitj iu iuo iucaoio. ueuco anu reuuce meir deposits. Weaver, n juia.ujc, uninvested capital, sucn as is de posited in bank8,is always timid. Moral Expansion.! the Goths and Vandals swooped, and the Carthaginian fleet assailed and Nnmidian horsemen galloped, and na tions combined.- and Rome sank. The tourist now on the banks of the Tiber sees the rains of her forum, the ruins of her colisenm, the ruins of her art, the ruins cf her aqueducts, the ruins depositors and stockholders. If aces. - Trusts Menacing Religion. Tiffin, O., May 31. At the Re formed Church General Synod, which closed its business today, the committee on church. and state reported: "The danger to be apprehended from certain agencies, which are slowly but. surely revolutionizing the entire social fabric : thu ab sorption of the wealth of the coun try in the hands of the few; the steady enlargement of the poorer classes of people, and the gradual diminution of a DrosDerous and Ve present to Tobacco Growers a Perfect Tobacco Formula. rework would be s f i endorsed Bryan for 4 it if 1 j. 1'." Tar ib's remarks were at 4n v reference to a rjeafflrma- pr'an en- he presi- goal for Money buried in dirty socks is out much as our opportunities have been greater tnan any nation that ever lived. and the mission to "which fhe has been j he Chicago: platlorm , ,.,;f f f V. J.jUryan as .. - nt-e being the si j applause; i .i... everflng introduced i?lavius session 1 President o monometaIli8m is the true ,n and the b'asis on which the .... i . j ! 1 meat anu ecjuumiu nuesuuus Cr.i;ov. J. r. iiigeia, oi Aiiinois, ifcepnted.--i.ne greatest entnus- WfeM'm Ninety per cent, of the business is i'MaZ STtoS.iT aw: by cheeks and with the .id of r T, .koorincr lnotlW I T-Ta the banks. leg -""".Y .r. & "r--r-- Poke ,:n part as louows : lad, H'nafmuc'h a? tne a ratio nracticaliy amount!) to .MW . ; - . '1 the oiit'ician makes a fatal mistake who ttinis the ratio pan be abandoned ithout disintegrating lind jdestroying the deep! i i dniv it. . .. - . . bifiiiciDlf-s, ten tnousana men convictions wouia leave us. at the moneyjqaestion is if'rfjat ouestioo tfiat confronts us, 1 ! I. - - 1 . I There is the great question of govern of circulation end of no benefit to 'ueiness. "Some apply for loans' who are not accommodated. Occasionally the banks are too conservative. More frequently the requests are unreasonable. Some try to borrow on decayed assets, nrosnective If our nation forgets its duty to other nations and practices injustice against will net take another Edward Gibbon ppjr f luu,c me aopeoiey. 20 years and through four great vol- crJ ""Ting state; the rapid in- umes to tell the story of the decline and creaBe ana intensification of all fall of American institutions. Rv I those social and industrial ncrenmVfl . . . - " wnicn tend to make human life a burden of despair to the many and S-2 1-2-3. A NEW Tobacco Brand, By una ordained is more stupendous than 'any bestowed by the Almighty upon any people, if we forget our Gcd and enact wickedness our overthrow will be quick er and more tremendous, and yonder capitoline hill. with, its architectural magnificence, will beccme a head of J "Van Profit8 ilx Klondyke and air-ships, gigantic mine, to be visited by the peo- or merely on -their face. livery disappointed applicant for a loan curses the banks. This accounts for part of the prejudice among the ignorant. : "Banks are a necessity. Na tional banks were started in 1863. They operate under strict laws. a material paradise to the few all these things cannot but -exert a balefal influence upon and prove a constant hindrance to the progress Of the kingdom of Christ nnnn earth." ; - Original of the "Cranks." In the traditional slow-coach age a NEW Tobacco Formula, ! But by an OLD House. 0.nn0Utr.f0r 9SCEH Aander North Carolina Tohacco this season. It's going to be heard from. Call for and try Osceola. f BY pie of other times and other nations. who will read in letters of crushed and the crank was a rarity. We had crumDiea marnie tnat which i David wrote many hundred years agci upon parchment, "The wayt)f the wicked he turnetb upside down." an- maniacs in painful plenty, as we nave now, but we had few mono maniacs. Today one meets a crank at every turn. Every movement that stirs the populace brings into being a swarm of whims and cro chets and crochsty people And we nave these crochety people in very grade of life. TTe have al- OLD DOMINION GUANO 'CO., BR., NORFOLK, VA. AND FOR SALE BY ALL OLD DOMINION- AGKXTS EviRYWHKRK ' ' i M M -s . ' S. S. MITCHELL & CO. represent us in Greensboro. 0 . " :. . ' I ' r ! ! . OTHER AGENTS IX ALL TOWNS IN TOBACCO BELT. Garlands For Our Heroes. We concluded a few days .ago the nual decoration of northern and south era graves. Three years ago, at this sea son, in memorial sermon I rironosedtthA They sulfer from fail- twistinar of two earlands one i! tn h ures and are anxious to see pros- put upon the grave of the northern sol- wa78 looked for trifling idiosyn- ;.4l1 .,iia that fAQnit. fmm Ui.a irnirt perous times, xney nurse many ana , me omer io do put on itne u. mmu, dui nowa T .4 i . . iTA,,M'AM V. a - nnu crnva nf tha snntriprn snMlor Rnt 4V.ia )bvb wa want r tnnw U i-tirdard have not Deen exaggeratea or jwuub "ca urmo. xuey pro- , , r j- "w """" vwvuniuK ,a ' , i , . , . t I :i j i j ; l i . ' 1 vear we nepfl three trflrlanrliL ftia thr1 avAm hi k,.alHAl m.n ... ... .l.. rWersiated. - J.ime nas susiainea uv xanures uaru umes uy De- r ; , ; "'"'j uimu wo boo wuav Leiillist and that man mikis a fatal ing liberal. The panic of 1893 1,? putUJ np?n th.e T68 of, thYho particular subject he is crazy about. iike who tbinEs. the American came like a cyclone and most firms Zr;" ": rSS nyour pencil down the list of teodle are ready to abandon tne cause, were greatlv extended., Had the I f7J;; n;; r.:2;. u " Au!! 1 the best minds of America of to . - 1 i .1 vn. I w - i u k, uu auu ao Aauauh aa tuo utuei uioiwjr vaiiou fcueir luauB i two. xnese last neroes craved more than when due, many more firms would bayonets and bombshell. They braved nave succumbed. Banks are not the pestiferous breath of the tropic J. E. CARTLAND, I ! (SUCCESSOR TO H. H. CARTLAND,) MB RO HAFT -J ; ! ' .1 of charitable institutions, but they have, been a blessing to many. the jlJeinocratic party, or every Aueir goou aeeas are done private- or6fwealth-wotshipinggbll Demo- ly, arid not with a brass band on jrats! Wbo would be brought -,tp our the street corners. . " Stacrd by such jin abandor ment of "Banks are not robbers. Thev are generally fair and reasonable. Their net earnings have decreased with other business. Official re ports show that- 3,700. national 1j : . . iL j DankH With a anifftl nnrl anrnliiB ipenl vy, injuncuon, a .system unaer r - r. tbicb aifederal judge, electeil to office of $900,000,000 had net earnings tjv corporation influences, sttikjes down last year of only 2.68 per cent. against 10.36 per cent, in 1872. net the tie; right of free speech and with a contemptuous wave of tbo hand, friisbes aside the rjght of trial by jury, tibat 'bulwark of English liberty, at the ffiere reciuest oi a corporation, agent. "I-Le temptations offered by corrupt Cipijaii being too great for the c rdinary it&n to withatand. it is evident that as ibngTas these temptations are offered thev will be fiffective. By the ee tab- whole battalions, whole regiments, whole brigades, whole armies of death- ful malaria. They confronted those op positions of the torrid climes which no iword can pierce, no agility climb, no ttratagem flank, no torpedo explode, no tourage conquer. Under the awful tharge of visible and invisible j hosts ubout 6.000 men went down, some to instant death and others through 1in gering pangs in hospital. . ( If in this third wreath you twist the crimson rcse, suggestive of sanguinary sacrifice, and the white calla lily', sug gestive nof glorious resurrection, put in also a few forgetmenots, suggestive of day, and mark those who, wise in all things else, have shown them selves fools over some question of the day; the names that remain may be counted on one's fingers. T JlI i i i ( LOR; Wishing to; close out the line of E HiC Wait! Genls' Fnrnishing Goods, Canes, Umbrellas, Etc., 5,200,000 depositors. . Ten per cent, was a common interest rate ten years ago. The average for lament, oi the system of iriitiattve t"e entire country now is not over i i . . . T . i . ... -. I : j . ana yeierenaum, tne iruits oi Drioery eii per cent, ana money easv to se- couia be taken away and tnus ne in- cure. Tne rate will continue to lucem political t i6r ent to bribe would be destroyed. a quarter of a century, both parties have denouncied cor pora i6ns, trusts -and .mpnbpolies. gonahle. Onlv a fw hftnkem are Xearlv pvprc Ntsitni in thA linfnn hna legis ated against them. The federal overatoent has j legislated against tteM. jet in spite pf this dentinpiation, lie moDoly for the public, The number of banks has slightly remembrance, and a few passion flcjwers, decreased the past five years and suggestive of the love that mourns the some are now consolidating to re- slain, and a few heliotropes, suggestive duce expenses. There are nearly a of the fragrance of their memory, j Then thousand savings banks, with l?t the night's dew put the tears into the country becomes decline as wealthier. "Don't be a demagogue. Be rea- icicle8.', The Boy King's Sad Lot. One of the most interestinsr fie- rrUaTr OVTr i A V T T T 1 the blue eyes of the violets, and all the scldiers' cemeteries be so many censers burning incense before the throne of that God who has been the friend of this nation from the time of Lexington to the time of San Juan Hill, from the guns of the United States warships Constitution and Constellation, at the beginning cf this century, to the; guns of the United States warships Olympia, egon, Brooklyn and other loaded thunders at the close of this century. Remember here and now that! those brave boys opened up the way j for a Kina or expansion we ail believe in. open the gates for the An expectant mother had better i not take, anything at all than those positively dangerous mixtures so widely advertised to relieve her discomfort and nausea She ought to know that outside external treatment is the only way that can possibly be of any benefit. She ought to know that Mother's Friend is the only remedy that will help her, and it is an external liniment It takes, her through the entire period in comparative comfort shortens labor, and childbirth is no longer to be dreaded. More than that, it preserves her girlish shape after the ordeal, and her little one will come into the world perfect in form and health Get Mother's Friend at the drug: stores for $ 1 a bottle, or send to THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free book. ' Before Baby It Born," finely , iiiusimm. ror nwrnea women only. The entire stock is offered At and Below Cost I also have about one hundred nieces nf fine Mnth dnlt.M. fA boys' clothing, which ill be sold below cost. Some of these pieces" would make nice tailor-made suits for ladies. Hold On! Don't Despair ! VICE'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS I 2oc. v ial, has cured others and will cure you of Constipation an evils. Tfcis pill is a Vegetable Tonic Laxative, the purest to mecucai science. JNever gripes culld or adult. Trial vial 25c. UvJP,innn ,nJB UTeB of todav 18 Alfonso XIII, king gpeedy srospelization of islands stuoid ire meters of the situation. They Spain, who belongs entirely and with the superstition of ages. jThey Uvd come to stay ' and therefore it is exclusively to the 20th century, cleared the way for missionaries and iteiusMon and the duty of thd Demo- ine years tnai ne nas passed on fntib i:trty to secure the benefit of this side of 1900 have been few and PMie ;i that mekns municipal and Ipyehhiental ownership of All monop wesiw-nicn it is nf ftp.tlp.ji I inr a trnvftrn. cnf.aByet.to control. urar u sain int we cannox enrrv we country unless5 we get New York, n order to get New A'ork we must don our prinbinles. In!, the first f. I dispute both propositions, and for the irresponsible. He does not take iii kbar Viae fi second place I want td say; that frsc led . irou ime has gone by when th " can-carry Npw York ori ipSft of thfe vChicgoS p n party any where in ;t ';snd oonipeterit judges tell el demo- al blear - : I P Jtuorm.. The rank and I file of 'etnacratic party in New Tork is . l ! - - . ! I and It 14 hi Hovntnrl Ito tho . . T J . atform the coun- me that '.Trr',r v. .oseveh's election5 wris made r,-e. b the rdtPS nf lWmiPrlt. wrhn grjed to support an open enbmy to frturuni: a Iferrinprnr whr ctrWl fnr I ' MUirjl I r , I T TU I 1 n OC R n T n A CI ihe riiwpnnrjci tr Pfiran filter ine speecnes tJ repaired ( to the Gait pouse, u'rer a QM'iet of the Yound Men's j.'KW James Tarvin, the president. t . -I?1 land to respbnd to the BrvL u Deri pcraiic Tarty, ' Mr. mr: ?e a special-: tHp to . j j ys earlier than he ex pear, orchards prop. 'it 'fa. .1 V J liUi an Verauie :lr:n''pof varieties. Gen- l'J trT r tica better plan is 4J1 5 will often jliv 3 and ordinary life-time. i for no bther, re ehouldlbe taken U Old. trififl TRll At AO fcitls nlanfinrr Kova , f I I UUU U(0 V A. A. a u u a I L 11 A L and proven V K ii,! n the they are Ito grow. lav of anil. riimntA --j 9 ' growth difference make a in the Of tU fur. . I i. w Hilt .1 ..J I ,rw uoe8 well in ohe lo o iiiur m the conditio,. .LA e fruit produced, and ereiit. up the reins of sovereignty or as sume the cares of kingship until 1902, and between now and then revolutions may overwhelm his hapless country, But he already sits upon a dig nified throne, and though at pres ent be is unknown outside of his own palace, he has a near prospect of ruling the destinies of 20,000,000 of subjects. .. Few kings, even of Spain, have begun life under worse auspices. His name is unfortunate; his num ber a pledge of bad juck. His un happy father was dead before be came into the world, and his moth er, the daughter of an Austraiu archduke, was confronted with the hateful task of ruling an antipa thetic country. So far the mother has emerged from an impossible situation with a certain distinction, if without much glory. But the son will have a harder task set him than ever fell to his mother's lot, and he will face the music inexperienced and untrained. His aspect is familiar to every one in Madrid, and his presence has never yet succeeded'- in arous ing enthusiasm. Now and again; as the guard is changed outside the palace, at Madrid, a pale, har assed face is seen gazing from a window. London Mail. Bibles. .They set those islands! free Leaving to the United States govern ment to decide what shall b thA nnliti- o1 a;t, f i i n csL'li5l8easi4poie8K a mapie, tuence v cJica, c ua dii nortn 75 degrees vreat 40 poles to a red a join in a campaign oi religious expan sion -expansion of affection that can take all the world in, expansion of bur theologies until none shall reject! their broad invitation, expansion of ! hope that embraces eternity as well as time, expansion of effort that will not 'cease till the whole earth is saved and the Commissioner's Vdua.lile Lands Pursuant to a decree of the Snnerinr ivmrt nf Guilford county. North Carolina, made in the ffists and merchants, or sent on receinf of nripp. i-oc " "vnii alio nuu cita BUS. 1118 wne. and I. W. Watts and Nannie Watts, his wife, et al., ex parte, heirs at law of Samuel Watts, de ceased, the undersigned will, on 3IONDAY, JULY 3, 1899, sell at he court honse door, in the citv of Greensboro. N. C. to the last and highest 'hid. der. by publia auction, the following described tanas, miuaie in summerneia township, Guil ford county, x C, adjoining the lands of K. M. Stafford, J; H Barker, J. F. Hoskins, Miss A. J. W nson et al., and bounded as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a poplar near a spnnir, rtmning d its attendant prescription known Sold by drug- THE L. RICHARDSON DRUG CO., i WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS, G-REEITSBORO, iT. C. Cholera Morbus Quickly Cored. "During the hot weather last summer I had a severe attack of cholera morbus, necessitating my leaving my business," says Mr. C. A. Hare, of Hare Bros., Fincastle, Ohio. "After taking two or three doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era p and Diarrhoea Remedy I was completely relieved and in a few hours was able to resume my work in the- store. I sincerely recom mend it to any one afflicted with stomach or bowel trouble. C. E. Helton, Druggist. time arrives when the prophecy ! shall be fulfilled, and they shall coraeifrom the north and the south and the east and the west and sit down in the king dom of God, and the last shall be first and the first last." i I Week before last, in this capital of the nation, we-set three nights on fire in celebration of naval and soldiery heroics, and there were rockets of; fire,1 and wheels of fire, and sheaves of fire, and spouting fountains of firej and bombardments of fife, and ships of fire sans in diiiows or nre, ana tbose tnree nights were three garlands of fire, j But now we are in softer and quieter mood, and the three garlands of today are woven of blossoms and corollas of all colors and all pungencies of aroma, and we bethink ourselves that this third garland was needed to chain together the northern garland of other decorative times to the southern' garland of other decorative times. Floral chain of three tnence north 80 decrees west 16 Doles to a bladk l . . -1 . . T ua, ouuwu g corner, tnence west ta poiea tq a uiacKOBK, inence west vs poies to a black oak, Bntton's corner, thence south 120 poles to a stone, thence east 22 poles to a stake, thence south 92 poles to a stake at the creek, thence east 1 pole to a etake. thence north 6 Doles to a stake, thence north 5 degrees west 18J4 poles to an eim, tnence. north 51 degrees east 67Ji poles to a sassairas, thence north 22 dezreea eat 17 poles tj a stake, thence south 74.91 poestoa rock, the edge of the low trrounds. thecce north 81 degrees east 12 po'es to a street gum, thence south 84 degrees east 17 poles to a stake, thence south 12 degres we-t 24 poes to a stake, thence eat 76 poles to a stake, thence north 6 degrees weft 51 poles to a doe wood bush, thence west 65.8 poles to a poplar, the beginning corner, con taining 164 acres more or less. See Book s, No. 2. pp, '8.et seq., in the office of the Register of Terms of Sale One-half cash and balance in six months, deferred payment to bear six per cent interest from day of sale, and title retained uu purchase money is paid. xnis June 1st, isy. A. B. KIM BALL, Commissioner. . 1 mortgage Sale of Land. Br virtne of the powers rested in me br the mortgage deed executed-by A. M. Euliss and his wife. S. O. Euliss, on the 29th day of Jan uary, 191, which is registered m book No. 83. page 254 et seq. i shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises, at the hour of 2 o'clock p, m., on MONDAY', JUNE 12, 1899, the following tract of land, situated in Greene township, in Gmlfbnl county. North Carolina. the following tract of land, to satisfy the debt and interest due on the note secured in said mortgage, default baring ben made in the p-yment thereof, riz: Em JV. Insure your property against fire and see us before placing it, and get OUR RATES. We! have I strong companies, and air business en trusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. - BOYD & GLENN, ' . Room No. C Katz Building. OPPOSITE BJbiL KOW'HOTJSE. s it aStII 2s - TX7"e h.ave It sell aa.d3 ZErstinln gr.'T'ea.tla.er'bca.rrl r (?. -nocrlaar Oelll3a.gr, also t!h.o "best 3a.ea.rt ri-vesa. Cy press etaad. J"n ri 1 per and saed ZPlrie S"h lngrles. Sash, Doors and Blinds in stock. Door and Window Frames, Mantels, Stair work and all kinds of house finish made to order. If you are going to build anything trom a hen house to a mansion come to see us. We can fix you up and the price will be right. Cur country friends will find they can reach our yards from the center of town by crossing fewer railroads than any other. Come to see us. links 1 For the first time in 60 year, the SSSZZUSSSZ&h 5B' 1S uuriu auu buuiu eiauu in comniete uc s?um.ii)w Aiaurm, incite id ue- brotherhood. Heroes of Vermont and Alabama, of Massachusetts and South Carolina, of Maine and Louisiana, shoulder to shoulder! May that alliance remain until the last oppression is ex tirpated from the earth and all nations stand in the libertyvith which Christ would make all people free! Rev. Horace Burrows, while ho! ing religious services in Mill Creek Valley Chapel, near "Dunlow, Wayne county, told a funny anec dote in the course of his sermon, says a Huntington (W. Va.) j dis patch in the Baltimore Sun. His audience laughed for a prolonged period and the minister became en raged and walked from the sanctu ary before bis sermon was finished. Burrows has asked the Wayne county grand jury to investigate in matter. grees eas 2 pole to a stone, thence north 14 poles to a stone, thence north 16 degrees east 31 poles to a stone, thence north 17 degrees east 22 poles to a stone, the new dirision corner, thence south 89 deg- ees east 17o poles to a stone in P. C. Smith's line, thence south 11 degrees wet 6 poles to a black o ik, thence south 15 degrees west O'J poles to the first station, containing 122 acres, more or li-ss. and less 21 a?res which were sold for taxes in May, 1$7, and deeded to W. J. Staler, which is excepted from this f ale, said land adjoiinghe lands of P.C Smith, S. Johnson, Fred Heitzel and others, on waters of Stinking Quarters. This May 10th, 199 W. J. ST A LEY, Mortgagee. Sale of Valuable Land. v - By rirtue of a power of sale contained in the last wiU and testament of sallie Brincefield, late of Guilford county. North Carolina, I will on SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1899, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the premises in Washing ton township, in said county, seU to the highest bidder two tracts of land, known as the The mas Brincefleld lands, containing in both tracts 104 acres and 9 poles, more or less. Txrms of Sale One-half cash and the other half at the expiration of six months from day of sale. Title deeds retained, nrtu all the pur chase money U paid. This May 10th, 1SW. J. D. RIPPY, Executor. JOHN. A. H0S3X2T, Secretary &si Treasurer, Greenstcro, 1? .C. 1 ! i i. ! . . ' 1 Tf vnn intend to hnild or enlarge vonr house, come to us tor an estimate on Material. We will surprise you on prices. We make a specialty of Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost,AS no one can do business on that basis. Our motto : Large sales, small profits. we can show you the largest stock in the South. Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C. Children Cryfor Pltchcr'o Caotorla.