! " . I - . : . -. .. . ' .-: - ' ". , -..-V,f : . . -' ' -. - -, - -v ; . . . ' -. ' . v , -.. l- ' r- ' - - ; V ' : " M :' M , .: :M--M.m M- -- , MlM-'M -: : : -:'--r-. . : ' - ' ' -.M . .-. v " .; - - !' M f '!" : - ' - ' ' ' .... - J .... - - : . -. - " - . . . ! ...... - . ' !,-,.,.! . ' . . . ' ' - Mj j ' - '' '' ' ' ; ' ' ': ': "- ' 'V..: ' " : ,j -. ; j ; ': . j j- ; ! , '" ' . ' ' ' jtgSlGHliG ; :- ! f: vebno PEAD. , . , ,. a uxoxaE m,Su. -7 ' I rlRHftluftn KIlArho rSon. In PIhnFitA nnl n . . 71" MmUmh r M IV J II t IV R 1 I 1 1 kw ' ;; - - , IL ii i f n y n a w i Jfr i van r . - . - : r ; Ml ! r W 7k Pnntrv nnr nUU 1 .X Inn n. fl ntt I J UGlllo II nl DIIIIIK III II III linOQO tUi rtU Mi , . fl . IlK "" S ! i . - ' fit-. flP NTT A 1- A lTrm .i W ' 1 ' 1 k UUiLKAJNTM H ' 'f 1 r4.rT7Tm a A mTOTTi a rtmrv " r - , i : m . - the jfe 1 ' : lJ m .. 'M - M --, '!-.-: -I -: M DEua-a-isT, Si J 121 South Elm Street, . j ; j -J-. GREENSBORO, N. C. I ; i iview - n Li.r fOUNTRY TOO 'inM ruf ARTILLLE r f l k iti - - Deserted from uetn.!" , i Ul I -ClIJ Mignal Service-Am Ltiride. , . clad Gunb if nf-I u OUCH Y. e .".Tfto fcatta Cover i oats. Ilioos of tfoona. imder-Gpl.Whaley, 1 tiodedT under the iover of on-clad r-adonga 1 L JV Mlili PHf" L. firinu frhm -Ki i CiCU iii'"f - ? ' 1 t Nipidan. At Co u I ii "Ml: . ,it(,B mmn. reserved thair li 'i t h? xroope were ashore and in 4. t - c I fire on ,tne insurgents ana 'f .?h. from tbir position ii.Ji'P itQL ,ic the -''"i'Mi if Wh r-MM' winding! live. Tnd towntbe rebels Americans iwere urents I opened LfiH batteries et Ancona, the it --.r'king at Cavadonga. killing troops fleeing at Me e irom The yards. thirty-five bundreq batteries also iired at the urgente during Ihe unevenneea Of he cav- eut8 the snaintenance of ;i-r: :. tcxenl escapes, 01 tbe ins ,lrkh tne lines werp reporter il .1:1;.. r-rat K.riinlete cordon of troops. i MkQT Haiiey wires that he has been i.' . ; 4 : . . .. . I K-t c6:ltirj:aljy ana jnnaJjy naa aban V"' , - fa .1 ned lh communicaUon which has Wsw-t "P.vi.a rasig The fmifjhest kina oi country is tra- Kd by the Americans. In ihe vi lid ino rHiSfibie, ana even tneeigpal eer rce wagons1 have been abandoned. iFfveM'rnnHtrjen deserted tibe signal -vic've5teraay. ana ine flr.H' are unable Wm. H. Ellerbe Dies at His Marlon County .Home Charleston, 8. June 1 William Haeelden Ellerbe, Governor of Scuth Carolina, died near Dillon this: even Ing. About two weeks ago he went, in the last stages of consumption, from the Governor's residence at Columbia where he had been an invalid for months, to hi plantation home in Marion county. He was a descendant of Capt. Thos. Ellerbe, of Marlon's brigade, who came to this State" from Virginia in 1737. He was born in 1862, and educated at Wofford College and Vanderbilt Uni versity. He was a planter and mer- chant at the inception of the Tillman movement in 1836 and was elected Comptroller General in 1890. In 1894 he Was defeated as candidate for Gov ernor. In l&yb he was elected Gover nor, carrying every county in the 8tate except one, receiving the votes of many conservatives, as he had rjro- clafmed his determination to know no faction. v When the Spanish war was nro- claimed he promptly seconded the call of the President for volunteers and his appointment of officers gave general satisfaction. In November 1898 he was re-elected Governor after a hot cam Dai en and The Fate of the Dispensary Before the CourtsThe Complaint Filed and Used as ao Affidavit for Restrain Order An Elaborate and Comprehensive Iiocument The complaint filed in, the suit of E. T. Garsed against the city of Greens boro, i. E. bergeant, E. J. Stafford, E; Richardson, A. V. McAlister, B. W. moons, ana 15. . Bouldin in a suit oegan uriaay ana returnable to the August term of the Superior Court of uuiiford, is a lengthy document.! The complaint has twenty separate paragrapns or , allegations, and nine prayers for j udgment. The complaint in suDsiance cnarges : That Greensboro is a municipal cor- paraiion, ana ae rives all its powers and functions from its original charter, and' amenaments thereto. That tbe dis pensary act is an amendment to its charter. That the dispensary board was elect- ea by the board of aldermen of the city, and are officers of the city, and nave no powers except those conferred by the law under which they 5 were created. That the dispensary board has)rgan- nea in pursuanc of their election, and eiectea a trustee and manager: and have proceeded to carry out the prom over a most formidable opposition, lses, of the act of February, 1899, by many conservatives claiming that he wu5 aim mcurnng odii had not fulfilled his nledirea. H K?oa preparatory to opening warmly approved the Spanish war. dispensary July 1st, 1899. -ftavinp- in hiq sniPoh tn iho vninntMN . J.nat tbe manager Is the aeent sim o ? f w v v. w .wwJ .1 1 t a 1 m . "We are all Americans. The senti- i lDe8e omcers ana oi the city. ment of every American, yea, of every A.ne itn eeC"n of the 7th Article of South Carolinian, is expressed that!?1? Constitution is quoted whichfor- faction will not divide us, that sec- Pit"7 t0Wn or clty t0 Plede, il tionalism will not destroy this repub- J"0 tend its credit or contract any lie. Ite borders shall be extended, its de,b.t excePl -or necessary expenses, commerce shall float upon oversea, its wunout the sanction oi a majority of stars shall be trebled and its institu te qualified voters of the cityand rendaining tioms flourish until time is no mom. lu" imi DM not oeen aone- That icri: a're unanie to i carry tne wires, we fought to destrov the Union, hut wpin7 upensary is not a neces- Seweailt Wadak, with the wire jrepair- we were right in principle. We were 841,7 exPense. That all debts I con- if -party ia cut -j off behidd the whipoed and are now in the Union to lraclea ko., by the dispensary are uiira vires, ana ODnoxius to the Con- sen bad rushed to Sergeant Wadak's His domestic life has hen a htnnv stitutlon of the State and in deroza- .tscue and has routed the enemy who and beautiful one. He leaves his 00 tne r,8ht of the plaintiff and otM his return.! 4 M widow and six children valuable landed H overtax payers of the city. ( rirst Lieut. nawtnorne, 01 isattery estates in Marion county. -iu uuuor me n section 01 the First artillery, is unable to. proceed, He will be succeeded by Lieu tenant! -a- 01 February, 1899. Jhe dispensary ik to the impassable condition of Governor Miles B. McSweenev. of "coDomfssionerS Be' empowered to bor sljecbuoiry.and wasompelled tb burn Hampton county, a former Charleston r?w moey contract debts, Ac.,! and ae wagon, aruuery ana ammuniiion printer ooy who has risen to the ton ,u' Ia wuirary 10 jaw, ana tne nanas tnrougn his own exertions. - aiuwouiooc. 1 ui ine uonstitution. ' 1 ma . prevent their falling into the the enemy. M ; - . . fiebting lively all 'along the 1 MM : I- - ' DUPE0 NORTH CAROL! N sew Hoi- who nes. ANS Ci Holiy. a New Jersey Forg- "and Sharpor, in the Toils. York, June 2. Grover C 1 young man vears 01 arf. 1 ce was a plumber by occupation pzh Jersey City, was arraigded in Mce tourt in Jereev Citv th-dftv. cqwp aint ot feheritf M. G.! Grand v. mm brandy accussed Holly of MW and forgery; iu North baro- Uud in other citle. in the South. J-Widthat Holly -swindled pfeople it mm real estate! deal. It " s al- Mthkt he would representlto k par- oticapitalists in a town that hb was N:ld ;a sanitarium (here. He would frio pay for the-Jsite' ' with la Check iTtl Wr a much Iqrcpr Knm thoti tka the property,! receiviog a dif- Sn"cash from the nwnnrc At t.h 'he. checks were afterwards to he worthless.! One particular sthat of a check on. the First Hank, pK Elizabeth Citvl. N, Wn.l. It is also said ithdt he W. a worthless .heck for 8?19. 08 the First --National Barfk. nf T:f.ia. Holly was ariestbd at m in Jersey City to-day. He minded until extraditioti pipers w ici-eivea XOr ni remnvi to Carolina. That the extension of the corporate limits of the city one mile from its present boundary, was contrary to law Changes la the 8outh. Gradually, however, the great natural resources , of the South I know not whence I came ; nave come to be understood by in creasing numbers of people. The mining wealth in the moun tains has led to tho establishment of a great many very profitable en terprises in connection with the metal industries, and the old plan tation life, so dear to many a Southern-bred man and woman, is giving way before the irresistible rece 1 wee' IT Is New Mexico Conspiracy. Hillsbobo, N. M June 4. CaDt. and void, and that the o.tv nf CI raona. Geo. Curry, former sheriff of Lin- boro and the dispensary board have no coin county, has arrived here and jurisdiction over the added territory. discloses - information that had Judgment is demanded that; the Deen neretofore well guarded, con- Jil a ? e la practically advance of another radically dif oerning a conspiracy to commit aHQg in8 s,a V. ais ferent economic ivstem. Hi Tr 1 r ff- tb6 bDg ny:o " A development, only a little later that of Col. Fountain. He doea M v - yiw : u r -.v.,., Mvuwwisp, iu buu 01 saia aispensary, " puiu-ui Lime, ib me uution man- implicate Eee and Gilliland, dc., and in the meantim- for k r. ufaoturino- indnHtrv. whinh i the straining order. The comnlaint now nnminrr imn tho h-irria- ; not who are now for I know not whither I sro : dui tne lacts stand clear that I am here, 1 . ! ! I j In this world of pleasure and And rm of tbe mist and murk 1 Another truth shines plain ; It is in my power 1 each day and hour To ada to its joy or pain. 1 I know that the earth exists ; j It isnone of my business! why. I cannot find out what it inii k., . I would but waste time to trv. My life is a brief, brief thing, ; I am here but a little space ; The trouble, I think, with us all, is tne lack of a high conce t If each man thought he was s nrrn sent to being tried erof Col.Fountainrand his filed by Col. John N. Staples, attorney roes. aoint? forward month hv th.issPot... son, but simply says: "If the court for the plaintiff, Friday at 12 o'clock , m0nth at such a rate as th rhal tr 0 maKe 11 stUI more sweet ; :n V , .. I onA ui 4 tn. tt uiuniu at aucu a rate as 10 cnai-1 ITnur ctnn nnii ji- .u i aence. I can tell mhuu uiuhuu xxis xionor juage utt -i -.AMt.. .,uulu 0fiioucmB wuna. killine and I who Timberle granted tbe restraining ?BSe . f eral attention. Eren How easily right all wrong ; ; i - V, order returnable before Judge Bryan though labor can be found in the If nobody shirked and each one worked w w . . . j - i . f l 1 s 1 -r -. . . Knnth fftr h minaa fnrnaAa onH .' "n ha n k . (. a v vuaui UD13 iu vaTBcuoDOrO JUDO J in I " " w v - - --o i i - - 10 ipiiuh aiuiJK. loyy. tne iorges, mere were ) many who The defendants are to show cause shook their heads with respect to why the injunction should not be con- the textile industry. That took S MAYBRICK'S FREEDOM f &sador Choate's Effi re k ner Behalf I iLrio L HfWiated l'rp-s has madb in r f t in me rpn t. that ic uuu 1 r - mat i.J o 13 nuiC lh t'witf tuai muse wno Ff'wcrkihg in favor' bf Mrs. v.v-.in uui ue s.urpris " "it'a Mates amhflMqfW Tn irik 1 " ,fi k ' ftad two intPrvlnwi nn tjee i- . 1 L l V. 1 - L . . I i m 1 I 'V i IU IMP AI arnn a A CI li . - , ... v , o Vi leans- his. stront rpry-ouHo. ,JC(, U4 itie tuai- ost I promising reeep- emee his arrival in Eng. i 1 l 1 M i 1 1 rn li Ait caP " N'"cuch ieresi d.J-.. " "oaie received the l..::lf In . 7- 1 I ":-iruction$ from Wish . -si t eincr that h' TOQ m C - m T C4tl rpvlsinn of t K :T :iU'rvllKfht considered the ZnX.W an immed ate these in, true wijicd tneyiare -Ir. Choate, who thing thrbugto," landing freedom U..J , " '"-rafale 1 -"eps' M ' v t I - M I.. V.it;,T v-. , U:,MLI; i - '-ere 1 rts will admit my evid who planned the vainly lay in awa tain once before he was killed. "'Slick' Miller, one bf my priso ners, who was pardoned out of the penitentiary by Governor Thorn ton, made a confession to me which den on them. I have kept secret, having no occa sion to divulge it until now. There were three men in the plot and all had been indicted for stealing cat tle, -I had been instrumental in some of the cases, and they agreed to put me' out of the way, too. James E. Cree, of the V. V. Cattle Co to 1 knew, and heM fearinor ha would be murdered, returned to Scotland and is waiting until his affair is settled. W. C. McDonald, of the Canzzo Cattle jCompany, was another one who war to be murdered, and Col. Fountain, who was then attorney for the South eastern New Mexico Cattle Com pany. Miller was convicted of cat tle stealing and the other two con spirators carried out but a part of their agreement." tinued, and of course this puts the bur- more skill, and although everyone, and particularly the protectionists, could understand that it would be better to manufacture the cloth near the cotton held than only to raise the raw staple and ship it abroad in bales to be manufactured in England, or. better even than to ship it to the factories in New England, there was much doubt ex pressed regarding tbe result. Their advice of their well-wishers .the seenes of the wildest excitement: L outnern people have, now -taken, The clamor was plainly directed and lf all men .were selfish and lof by a committee of the League lof cal and mediaeval, which they for Patriots, the youne Rovalists and tlnately are not, there would be the Anti-Semitea hn wAr nniiaLt. gnashing of teeth in some older ed with their sunnortera hnth hm. textile centers ia this country . . . rr u:u . fore and behind the"Preaidntiftl wuxcu are aow eunenng a mue. m view 01 recent developments in the Carolinas and . other Southern states. Outburst Against Loubet lr abis, June 4 President Lou bet went to the Auteuil races this afternoon and was met by a vio lent demonstration, evidently Jor ganized and directed against him. There was a storm of hoots, yells 4 m ..-rt . , a laree Scotish svndicaterwaa "uu. W !: U1. TMna' ' " P be killed. I told him ouietlv ?UDeV , anri -Vive V Armeel" what I knaw nd hi. f.,i- K- u . wuuio race course witnessed Cease wondering why you came Stop looking for faulisand'flawn : Rise up to-day in your pride and say ."I am part of the First Great Cause, nowever lull the world. . j j There is room for an honors man ; It has need of me or I would not be; I am here to strengthen the plan." Ella Wheeler Wilcox.- the novelist, M. Emile Zola, wnose rata became so interwoven with that of Captain Dreyfus, will return irom London to Paris, his exile having been ended. I 1 stand, around which a form id ab affray proceeded, e A Kentucky, Trial. London, Ky., June 5. The Baker murder trial began at Manchester today. Troops sent to guard the court house are camped near the General building, ready for action. Sent- - - . I - .1 -ml men will UC1B ttro 9a guara tne Keep the me cd t et- m- was to vu.uqo-forDewiy. ne ;.a nie fund '1UV. ftnrl i 1 '-'t t" ; f a. t U r J J 3 v--u.- n T i ! a tiW v'i- Tl ur: k tot w.iDar,i. .- n h.;., v ,ni t nas abdut U i I I I I VU1 win sbon kes a total i-4 4r Manifestation the amount eWrer Rohe . i '. committee ce. from a y t Jftt it "l'tois srtd Rosy View Again. Washington, June 3. Otis reports that "24,000 be sufficient for maintaining Amer- Howards, Whites and Bakers but ican authority in the Philippines of town. The Whites and Howards after the insurrection shall have 4li0 Put out guards to pick off the been quelled, This gave much Bakers if they attempt to enter the satisfaction. The administrat inn I town. - M looks for a restoration of normal The Bakers are camped down on conditions' soon after the begin- Bear Creek, 100 strong. There ning of the dry season. Authori- are fully 100 of the Whites and ties in Washington will not be sur- Howards. Colonel Williams has prised if Aguinaldo conclude to only lOO soldiers. All the parties surrender before tbe end ef th are heavily armed. There has hpn Smothered in a Sooty Pipe. Bethlehem, Pa., June 3. For 20 years John Buehler has been em ployed at the dangerous work of chipping off the soot that forms in the gas pipe feeders of the big fur naces at the Bethlehem Steel Works, and today he met his death while following his vocation. He crawled into a pipe to work. Not returning in 15 minutes workmen investigated and . his dead body was dragged out He had been suffocated. . present rainy season. The number of regular troops now in the Phil ippines or under orders to proceed there is 24,000. So ."after -the in surrection is over the government may withdraw 6,000 additional regulars sent to take the place of volunteers with safety. From now no shooting so far. Killed Himself on Hearing of His Wife's Death. j j Mobile, Ala, June 2. John Tice, of Atlanta, visited his sbnl Henry Tice, clerk of the Southern Hotel here, committed suicide witii until the beginning of the dry sea- P0180Z today, on receipt of news of m r 1 - son much active work will be done r -ueaa 01 niB Wlie ln Atlanta of fdnd in is to- New by the navy. A fleet pf light Afie news of his wife's illness draught vessels will be' utilized in feacned him too late to permit of - 't to hPAr tnL. I be of policing the islands to prevent fili- h.U &n8 t0 her bedside and whin Lif- hrflplf uuoicrinK expeaicions irom lanainer i 7 7 . -w 6viitu-uo -uum jm mm- munitions of war. A Woman Crucified. Bcrlington, Vt., June 3. Mrs. C. A. , Barber is an enthusiastic Christian Scientist. Yesterday she found Delia Dutully, her servant; stretched upon the floor, blood spurting from several wounds. She had driven nails through the palm of one hand and through both feet and had made a ghastly wound in her forehead. She appeared sane enough and declared she had been intending for. several days to cru- At Four Score. " m Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health- Mrs. L. A. Lunn, successor to Mrs. C. C. Gorrell, has just received one of the lar gest and most up-to-date , lines of Millinery and No tions ever brought to the city, and can furnish you with the best styles in Bon nets and Hats, Fahseck wear, Belts, Gloves, Corsets, Side Combs, fcc, kc, at the lowest prices. All are cor dially invited to call and be convinced before buying elsewhere. 1 Mrs, L. A. LUNN, 109 WEST MARKET STREET. Mrs. Rosa Hamner-Carter Has one of the nobbiest lines of 1LIRI GOODS Ever brought to Greensboro. Everything new and up-to-date. Made especially for tbe Spring trade. My stock of TSIMMEO AND UNIRIMMED HATS Is unexcelled and you should see them. Trices always right. 107 West Market St. It is said that the President's disinclination to issue a call for volunteers for service in the Phil ippines is due to political 'consid erations. Military experts say that an army of from 40,000 to 50,000 men will be required to sub due the Filipinos. - himself. This he physicians labored him. v did, although hard to save The Superior court of South Carolina, has reversed the decision of the lower eourt in an imDortant Without faith a man can do noth- case affecting the dispensary law. ing. iiut faith can stifle science. Amiel's Journal. Beanthe - i all The Kind Yoa Hats Always Bcagfct The decision gives a citizen the right to drive over into North Car olina, or across the bridge to Au gusta, Ga., or. send his team over with an agent, buy whiskey for his own use and return with it. UNCLE EZEKIEL OBEAE, assessor and tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who ha3 passed the 80th life mile stone, says: MDr. Miles' Restorative Nervine has done a great deal of good. I suffered foryears from sleeplessness and nervous' heart trouble. Would feel weary and used up in tho morn ing, had no ambition and my work seemed a burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, and I purchased a tattle under protest as I had tried so many remedies un successfully, I thought It no use. But It gave me restful sleep, a good appetite and restored me to energetic health, i It ia a grand good medicine, and I will gladly write anyone Inquiring, full particulars of my sat isfactory experience." Dr. Mlles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle "benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address. Go to Boycott's For Seed Corn. HICKORY KING, . HOLT'S STRAWBERRY, ALBEMARLE PROLIFIC, GOLDEN DENT, CAREY'S KLONDYKE, AND PURYEAR CTfRN. 116 WEST MARKET ST. ADULTERATIONS M!tes?':-2 fit .? - I Restores V mm 1,1 HAflltfl DR. MILES MEDICAL CO, Elkhart, Ind. viens LITTLE UVER PILLS KEEP THE FAMILY WELL' NEVER CRlPErVECETABLE. 25 All DRUG STORES,"" Royal Patent Floor. We it on it merit. Try it n'I you will ue no other. ,T. II. HWOHTZEL, 'te-l an'l Hay, 5il SoutU tlm Street. ' Xotice is hereby given that all lawrers, den tiets aol doctor-, and all incorporated com-- Sanies liable to pay a Privilege Ta, are Dott ed to call at the office of J. 11. Gilmer, herin, and obtain eaitl licene. JJerchanU are alo re qneted topay purcha taxes for the la ball of 1. . J. 11. OlLMKlt, Sber-t, --MM-.aB--a-MiB I ' 1

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