,i , i 7 " aaaaaa- - RICHARDSON OFFICE:" KA.TZ BUILDING. -vwajj -tWO IXL1H. A lawn n.rt- H . i.. -,LJ ' - : 1 . . . - : for the benefit of the Gate City Band. -Cow peas at Phoenix's, $1.25 bushel. A large crowd attended and th. Mr. Charlie Murray spent Sunday was a success in every particular, about inllLAIry. . $130 being taken In! li , ; -Mrs. James D.Glenn is visiting in The Southern Express Company's anticip; Martinsville. Va. k office at this place was fcraped in mourn- bratlon On next Tnei.i- ti- ju " 1- -' 1 I rr u U" week six children .r. v v wT r I r- n thtt h-ti-.t..... . . "'uerBOn IDt nrw.n i Phin a oi.k. i;-' -"oi me injunction casa .nfw - " u rom in nrpn.r na Ii: "? "T... "J "aae T" hd ended the matter ,K ' aPPred to be in ... ujuj.uiB occasion is for thenrinf .f t.:.. v. --"-i v-..6.-l uoon8 rollm-, . . . - . I w-,-, ci ii II r rnnift'wiii. I w -,, ine-e is to be no cele- are flhUn- tf .k J"r' T oa jsamarltan act. -ttbe Battle Ground. donbtlei,iifo.i,r 4ta,u,!UW e tbey - - ucsujr, u tn, a vron , It seems thm. t 1 ; federate monume.t, erected by th. Jr. the dl.penrr m.tt.t n0 nd l O. U. A. 11, -111 b, unTelled at: Hl th!. .1 wa.thoo.ht life i fpBBALE, as pHTSICUN ANO SUROEOH. W' Ti.rvrK v4(J4 Asheboro St. r. auntie M r". I ri xurs. unaries JS. Moore has been quite sick for some dayt. t J ProfjJM. H. Holt of Oak Ridee In stitute, waa here Saturday. Old Irish potatoes, for secend crop planting, at Phoenix's, $1.25 bushel. ; .ir -r I did the ...-j - ' - i T -- i kuo v wcrfl iram KmW.-l )-Mr.. Dr. J. E. Wyche .Unreported K 8., In mempr7of ir.B.H.nt, m.py pebpl. will avail themaelre. of nuUaUon vi,01"488" ' tbt th" on ir war to nM ,b:es,cit',; ... ,Wd4,id,;,f '',.n,t oi:f( -j''-'- 'Hy 2 ' - VHP -The central committee for the gala "gers citing them to appear before linll o! thCre In March -The Wakefield Hard ware Company week and firemen's tournament met Jge TImberlake, ttchamberslPridar Lm ! 6 aeot them mon7 with lyertises the Walter A. Wood farm Monday night and made the nnrAnrt. and show cause whr th.- -Jl mch t0 mike the P but a mistak. machinery in this issue. Some testi- ations to the yarious subcommittees, be attached for contempt of court, t-" J 8?e wy. as their tickets monials from well known farmers who The total t amount aDnronHtH w.. The papers were iasnpfl nnnn j ere good only , to this place. Thi haVf U8ed the machinery are presented. $2,850 and it is to be expended on the davlt of E. G. Ne wcomb, a well known office0 in rMt dl8treM and -Mr. J. Sterling t-. ..,1 . -A ladies cayalrv eomnWnV h.. maustriai exhibits, liorse-rac- wweper, who affirms that the i .n. 1..." .I"C"BU lo what wwawwa autf m iu h i v i f - r w w i - - . ---- 1 1 n -mm r n w - a aw . - - ii-u orirnlzeri trt tiatra 1 .. i IDft mosic. printing and adrertl.ln-. agers, In openine the ril.n.n..- -m L. . "-"" wut Vnocott liiciuauv ODriuzs.' v a i '' uaraue i . . - - i . . . - r i the secend dav of th wcov imwn tenniB wnrnament and other at- r101" Judge Bryan's order, and win have COnn tn Allaefn- C-..IU xr . S J AiiilA f ill. JJ. Mrs. J. C. Murchison and children Ired on ilrx- St. T - i I ; Stisey & grissoa'i: Dnig Store. Dr. i. J. BRYAN i !! . 1" .1 ,.Mi nrorcssionai services to iut Dl OIUICI'UIuuivwhvi WM.VJ 713 JNO.'B. FABISS DSW STOSju eensboro, 2f. ,jf 1 .J tla- V thing to his int , OPPOSITE JJBitlwT uyion. ji'jocc: Vo. 3tt Xorth Kim s. ITj. e. vyche, are spending some time at Mt. Vernon Springs. " -Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Walker have returned from a brief sojourn nelly Springs. Prof. P. P. Claxton wAnttn nh.n.i Hill Monday to assist In the wor of the summer school. , ir t C. Miles will Every lady In the county who rides a horse is requested to join the company icjiubuhj, jj. HODD8, OI LrUllIOrd h ava .1 aiift. a. i m r va n , A - r . . ; v ; I a . , . , -.' y court. -Prof. J. A. Gilmer; of Hendewon Som9 thtnk this litigation will a . brother of Sheriff Gilmer, has been 15 ,n Upeensboro being! a 'dry" visiting mends and relatives InTthe "' ru"8 irienas of the dlspen- inemselvcs as being cen- their mothar. roij- www. w iu m rpniw tri him to care fo them until she got here. She arrived Friday, greatly to the joy - vuo cmiaren and the relief of the vuiceri. dence, R. Ito attend a national cod- n. ...n,iiL, v .. .. :'. fldent of an-i '".no. of . Friend. educ.tloD.llo.tlta- nJS'- .Pro,: m.rLL He will be absent a week or ten i write box 711, C, he will learn some- tlons. days. 1 he State Normal and Industrial College advertises In this Issue, No in stitution In " the entire South offers young women better advantages for obtaining a thorough education at! a se ll i:nti8T, s in Sivigs Bank Dulljlingr, ' feuuth Elm sti-eet. Greensboro, N. C. thing to bis interest. Mrs. S. H. Fishblate and two daughter, nf Wllmlnofnn tt.i u , 7, V . small cost. relatives in ine city. t v.n t i-r . . ' "Auere iwency-iour , pairs of i viriH i n El nnoa vnrn w i kii i ox i as; nwu AUU flU B pair, tobe closed out at 98 cents a pair at Thacker fc Bmckmnn'a x roi. ,ee i . isiair. of Mr. some Improvements on his commodious residence at Pomona. While the Hook and Ladder Com. an-eaay yictory In whatever ?aoy WM oufc on Sumniit avenue Fri- Gilmer has iven un tanhin. m may come "P- in the meantlm. Wr. UJ evening, practiclni? ftr tK. - Tf a.a I . , . - r " " f i . - o - - v vi enter the ministry of the Presbyterian muona re going forward for opening ,u tournament, Mr. Clark Porter. cnurcn. He expects to enter Hams- pen.ary Saturday morning. " mBfr OI ine C0B1P07t was uau-oiuaey oemmary at the beginning wao nas been a : ,uju,du in- attempting to m . , i na ip r a r n m m u r 1 sr i in m n r a. tt w . v u o.w. Acuauiey's saloon J rucK to assist In rals- ior several years, will be the - head IO -ar his foot oierlt. I j r mob WIT ind hi MHmU." j one wheel passlnsr over h.th i--. m. -k. -nVll ' - .!. . T" -fcw Ull PhUUU Tf m greauy surprised fflu J- was broken between the ankle erly near his residence on Greene .reei. me next day another of the next term. -Last Thursday Mr. John Weather- T "v"ai wU1 btt the head iaaaM his foot was caught in ly, deputy sheriff, shot and killed a dog which showed symptoms of hydro- a v V rt AIM S ,Ia-. w.. V. m m www - i--u r. uesiD- TesterdiT nhn It ..u.Jtnrl k-.. .-4 vi.i... . : w " .uuwuuiku inai i - "i. i.it ier and one nf . n.aar n4 thiMn v. l . .:. . . - Ilt .uv.uugu.y uu-io-aare hotel wre oadiy bruised. x in 1 a. . . I . - va- w v r v b.h i. ii iih nnonan 1 n ri.AAM.k. . . i raw w m m i . '. posed mad dot? was killed in th 1 J " , r . WBBH8UU w inin L ":o vwnBUl ni8 neme immediate- - -w-wewvwW w-waab i liih vinr Tea r vaai. a e wz 1 1 . .fivrnvis m A ..i Afth.vif. . CCB. ib wu. oe caued " cuigai aia v J -i kw l a laiiT.wia'B w. aw tj a. a t aw la. ww a - . the city wait-those who come first will iret the itho, flfh. 7 1 vy ine wo"1 rmandie and It will occu- I . , T I " i UUI9, summoned. He Is J. H. WHEELER, PEHSTTISO?.. a graaea schools, Is attending the sum- best bargains. v. wwuvui m v uuauri 1 1 1 1 1 . . . ... ac nas oeen decided to change the .While riding his bicycle 'Saturday guage of the Danville & Western Rail- Vs rl A -T-. Ian , M A . at T m w . a a buu ui ir. x. ai. iricicard way, from Danville to Leaksville fell and broke his left arm, Spray, makinc it standard vnv- w a so far as we have OFFICE : Op. Ward's Drug Store. A. 31. SCALES, mey and Counselio GREENSBORO, N. C. pit Law, it-.i& H, adimh. HobektI). Douglas. H i & DOUGLAS. Attorneys - at - Haw, SAVINGS BANC BUILDING;, tj- I- ' . f mm aal If.. T V iiii.auu -rB.uosepa i. ocone re turned today from a visit to Mlsen helmer Springs, Stanly county. J.W.B. Collins, of this city, has I just been granted a patent on a barrel- holder, a recent invention of his. I will pay cash for one hundred bushels of blackberries; HkNRY HUNTKB. Messrs. C. H. Ireland and R. H. Brooks returned Sunday from Atlan- and We road will also be understand that the extended to Madison. Mr. Michael Schenck has resigned V -w tlo City, N. J., and other points of in- variety and very toothsome. Mr. been able to learn. -m r . iaiss nanna Wright died at her now nearing completion, on East Mar home in Friendship township last ket street. The building Is most ad Wednesday and was burled at Hope- mirably adapted to hotel purposes, the well Thursday, Rev. A. G. Kirk man rooms being large and airy and the lo conducting the funeral services. She cation convenient. There are more was seventy-three years old and had than a hundred rooms in the five-story been a consistent member of the Chris- structure and th fir will ha flfrlil t hU nnalHAn tn tk. .m ir H. h..1. .1 af, . . . . . . ' "vU U(l iu Fv...vu ,u tUO uiuuo ui i.a.x,w- ...uwumvu BiucBcnuonooa. She had eiegant style. The building is fitted son, traffic manager of the Atlantic been afflicted for several years and at with all the modern conveniences. such Coast Line, and returned to this city times suffered greatly. as elevators, steam heat bath rooms to take a position with the Cone Ex- -A young white man from Durham, electric lights, etc. A lot on the south .. .uuvu-iuiiwiuu votupany. giviog his name as Williams, stole a 8iae 01 theljpostofflce square has been Mr. John A. Young has the thanks bicTcle from Mr. D. G. Gilmer yester- ledand a dlnnighall and kitchen will of the tditor and his household for a day mopniBg and rode it to Winston, be "cted at once: The Hotel Nor- lot of raspberries. They were of a fine wherht was arrested. He was brought mnd!e will Undoubtedly be one of the . now resting easy, though it will neo . essarily be some time before he win h Ma 4t-, O . -V 1 I Vy mB oeumern i,oan and Trust Com- a"iy be some time before h win k'. 1 a . I i " vuy a large ana elegant new building, Die w getout. He is a popular youne man and his many friends sympathize with him in his misfortune. Bra dshaw & SMD C0UKSELLOS3 AT LAW, ir GRliKSSUORO, Nj in, terest. Will H. Matthews & Co. have a lot of large and elegant thermometers which they are using -for advertising purposes. Mr. T. L. Chisholm, of Ramseur, a member of the firm 0f Rankin' Chis- l oung's berry crop is heavy this year and he has kept the market well sup plied. Mr. S. E. Allen, of Winston, brother of Cant. W. B. Allan, of thl- back last night and placed in jail to await a hearinc? before tha m. - w ar vs HUH ftavfinnn IT. 1 . . . -...v.uwu. i uauB 10 nave oeen a member of the Durham company in the late First North CarolinaVegimeat. At the meeting of the board of al- . 4 nnest and best appointed hotels in the South. It Is thought that it will be open to the public by September 1st. in connection with the Pennsvi. vania Kauway the Norfolk & Western Mrs. Rachel Er win, a well known and highly esteemed lady, died at her nome at Pleasant Garden Fridsy morn ing. She had been in feeble health for some time. She was a devout member of the Methodist church and died in the faith. She was the mother of Mrs. F. E. Ross and Mr. R. A. Erwln,, of this city, and Mr. Frank Erwln, Tof Washington. The bereaved relative. have the sympathy of a large number of friends. The funeral was conducted Saturday afternoon by Rev. J. 'B. Tabor, pastor of the Greensboro cir cuit. Mr. Frank Erwln came down from Washington to attend the f uneraLT Your attention is directed to the advertisement of Whltsett ln.tltnr. w ing. lie was well known In Greens- holm, Stroud & Rees. was here on bul- horo, having lived here a number of c ..-u, vt iuib - D.ti.- .tn it I . luiiuuic. city, died suddenly, last Friday moral de,en Friday night applications for f.?7 . excursion rate tickets an institution of which Guilford county This instate iin Federal Vifjr service.- are de.siredL M-:rt UiHi.ier North Elm etreet.-j m) bynum & Courts wher- Ufflce oppo- z vt TAYLOR. TAYLOR, J 03 e;i tzi CQinsellors at Law. COTJRf SO.tT-iEtEI. fX BEACIIAM, and Builder. P:W0JJ Fehows Building, ' SBORO, !-,,. . N. C. HURRAY BROS., ffiffi ACCIDEHT. i "T fj bulu of Patriot Readers. iTHr.M STREET. ' JTr JOHNSON, T " GREKNSBORO ness last week. The young ladies of JVest Wash ington Street Baptist church will serve refreshments in the new Sunday school room tomorrow night. A friend In Florida has sent Mrs. W. F. Edgerton, of Guilford College. two young alligators. They are' ob jects of much interest. I Mr. Ernest Clapp, deputy clerk oi the Superior court, spent several days last week at bis home near Whlr.ntt recuperating his health. Mr. C. A. Hendrix has purchased from Capt. Fisher the horses and mules that were used to draw the Ronhnw bus and baggage wagon. Prof. W. T. Whltsett was amoni? c ... a w m m a n a . - f i. . r i i a ituousts ku bi i anari werA roaitrAri i w -,w, vaye usv. ucean i nas insc can., fn fool nAni . - - - vw from tne proprietors of five of the bar- J 1 vy, Avaion, Angiesea, school has rapidly Increased in num- I m IT S a . V a a I " S operation in this city. I ana iiony neach, N. J on bers and efficiency durinz the oast f aw unexpected, as the z?lI 8t and 20tn and Aot 3rd and years and new ranks amongthe lead- au. xnesetic-ets win be sold only ing schools of the state and of the for trains Nes. 4 and 23 on dates of ex- South. , Students from all sections havs curslons; good on all regularj trains attended the school and many of them north of Hagerstown, except Pennsyl- are occupying high positions In life vania Limited, and valid to return The catalogue now being sent out is leaving the seashore and Philadelphia one of the most beautiful ever issued within fifteen days, including date of by a Southern school. If you are in- . i . j i v w.vj t a Biu i ai liih m i nwi n rr r a v m . r a m a. m fifth year of her age. Shfhad hn n luT. "T: " r copy. ... . ivtub. iu kuis Biaie We were pleased to receive a call 1Hior me greater part of the time - w I TA1 f Ka tA.f - frkl waV w W w II mrm n w Vaaaw. EP T V I A WaV C V H L. R.IIIa-1 V T l w w k W M W A w k . I . a a - .,UW'Bt, x. luom, oi ( - " ' ""MUIV "" inston-aaiem, $14.15. A stop-over Gulf. He was on his return from P"t 8lx nths she had been helpless, of ten daysIll be allowed at Pfaila Charlotte, where he attended the South- S.he b.ore a11 her afflictions with chris- delphia on the .oirnr trin. if n...-. em Biblical Assembly, and stepped tote mnd died rejoicing in the deposit their tickets with the tiu.t i to irn a-PAw m a i i . i-. i w w w years ago, when he was connected with the North Carolina railroad. A large number of people are sum mering at Guilford College. The rooms In Fojinders Hall are well filled, the guests beingso anxious to avail themselves of the rest and quietude of the place that the management was forced to open earlier than was intend ed. . . . rooms now in This was rather license system Is to be succeeded by the dispensary July 1st. Under the rules of the board action on the ap plications was deferred for two weeks. Miss Sallie Knight died at her home, near Guilford' Collere station. Friday morning in the seventv- last on the N. fc W. : t ' -a. Madlsen, 113.60; Walnut Cove, $13.60; over here a day or two with relatives He has mahy warm friends in this vicinity. '" j Ladles can get the biggest Ind of ne colored Oxford ties at Thacker fc xaun. itev. A. ii. KIrkman rnnHit the funeral services Saturday afternoon. agent at Broad Street station, -Phila delphia, immediately on arrival. 1 in tan, chocoU.n ' Buvbcoa ui iuw receub session lirocKmann's. on account of having Mr. G. S. Brown, of Grand Rapids, bought too many this season they will mnh w. h , T,. viaiyuft uis i sen you nne fa anc vi.7o Uxfords at of the $1.25 a l ' u ... ii i x SOUTII i ELM ST niiiinfiAi, kJVV I A B a. m . tA Va w - HIST, Friae. o?.3P.jm..,op.m? 'arrar'sSon flU S0i iailway brother, -Prof. . T. L, Brown, o . .r - . ouue ormai ana industrial College, over to next season. Mrs. A. S. Cator, who was matron Mr. W. M. Jordan, who has bean at the Ben bow House, Is preparing to connected with the McAdoo House for open a boarding house on the corner of tome time, has taken charge of the South Ashe and West Washlnirtnn Carrollton. a well known hotel nf t?.iJ streetsf eigh.' Mr. Jordan Is a hotellst of loog ' M. G. Newell fc Co. talk to you exPeritnce, and is withal a most clever this week about the .McCormick mow. iTentleman, and we predict for him era and rakes. This firm ha. n. . access in his new field. gratifying trade in this machinery I Since the Benbow House fire this year. w - Messrs. J. T. Matthews and John If -Mr. John J. Phoenix farm, located in one of the Mayor Taylor has faith in the ef- pacv of corporal punishment. Mon- flaw n ff A.nnAn . 11 ' . !-j oa.vuuv a eiuau negro ooy was up before him for some "petty offence, and instead of sending him to the county roads tha Mayor ordered the - C. E. Ridge, a well known . young man of Asheboro, was arrested Monday for forging county orders. In default of bond he was placed in fall to await the next term of Randolph Superior court, which- will convene July 10th. Ridge was formerly employed In the office of the register of deeds of Ran dolph county. The amount of orders forged by him Is unknown, but it Is considerable. He Is a young man of pair, rather than carry them D0jVther to-give him a good thresh-J Rev. J.T. Lyon, deceased. tug wuu a Keen awitco. ment was done nnder the a policeman, and it wan As a mode Rev. G. T. Rowe, who.for the past eighteen months has been pastor of the Proximity Methodist church. hn been assigned by the presiding bishop T-ood fmlly connections and had for of the conference to take charire of th merl7 home a good name. work at Hendersonville ' tn J WWWW Harry Culver, of Lincoln. Neh . He left for i.nuf n.a ki ' -,. ,lw!!!JiL": 7 , , ' " waere ne per- at the McAdoo House. He is riding done right, forms a marriage ceremony 'today. L-...... t.., l . K of punishment, especially During his residence in this citrmfr.- -r.-i- .. m ' . . . . for' Vonthfiirrrimin.i. m.i. ui .1 r, X -yi xr cuy, via Aexas ana riorida. rf -f i uru .o i iMiwB uu m&ue many warm friends beat. i " j l li ,r - . . , : 7 ' passea tnroogh eighteen states and w-?r-"-? .ucceeded admirably at Proximity, traveled more than 4,000 mil... He Westend, has been congratulating him: having been instrumental In the erec has eighteen days in which to reach M. -uvu,, .u.t, wmie various flepre- cuurcn ana ouuaing up his destination, which Is 615 miles from ukuou. nave oeen commuted on the U9 wor. generally, ne is a young property of his neighbors, he has es- minister of exceptionally fine abilities offer, a rood Hamm.r, th. two popular and efficient TPw. , " "W V Z , " fh. clark. at thl. bot.ir.rt d.rotlnr th.?. n," prlw bnt h" b" "8't to be e""tulted upon .ecurinr I ' it ltlL h' rf fl n1)ir .M- . Greensboro. He has averaged nearly 100 miles a day since he has been out. .... entire time and attention to their In surancebusiness. They represent good companies and we are glad to know that they are working up a good business. slrable sections in Guilford county, for salA-on easy terms. See his adver tisement. " -The board of aldermen engaged In a lively contest last Friday nirht over . m cat - the election of a sanitary policeman Mr. George H. Royster, who lost Twenty-three ballots were taken with- heavily In the Benbow House fire, has out result. his goods In the store on the corner of Mr. K. J. Davis yesterday moved Market and South Davie streets, his family from Winston to this place, nnder the Greensboro Telophone Ex Mr. Davis will travel in the interest of change. As soon as his Insurance is i. a. IVi. - -a , -. T " t a. 'j n wiifi i . k I'Ud. ;- Hm always the Southern Stock-Mutual' Insurance Company. , ..' ..";. "': The Greensboro Hardware Com pany advertises the celebrated Osborne mowers and rakes in their advertising space. They Invite you to call and In spect them. " The lawn " party given by " the Southside alwl -m ujuaieu ue wni nave a nre sale" and dispose of the entire stock at low fig ures. "Tl A .. M . , - w. svauQ much needed work under the direction of Superintendent Bandy. Some of the holes on South Elm street have been ; filled and the rough Dlacea at last. Friday nirht seme one ent.p. his services. ed his residence and stele his best pair of pants (a bran new pair) and two pairs of good shoes. The one-sided deal means several ddlars loss to Mr. Taylor. Judge Timberlake will be here to morrow for the purpose of taking up the civil docket in the Superior court if he thinks necessary, but it Is hardly probable that he will hold court just at this time. The member, of tha h held a meeting a few days ago and de cided to ask the Judge to come back on July 10th and resume court, If it Is possible for him to do so. The lawyers made up the calendar and if Judge Timberlake agrees to hold court a special jury will be summoned and the docket cleared. If the county i. to h Dr. W. H. Wakefield, . I Oculist and Aurist, of Charlotte, will be In Greensboro, at tha i.kAeJ. "The Elite.' j Hodia on Ifonrl.-. Jul- 9rA tn th. The improvements at 110 South Elnrl practice of his profession. He limits completed, and It Is nIa workto the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Hose Company last Wed- smoothed over, Arlington street is ale. Umi .u-, 'Z:' T " T nd.y night was most Successful being improved, the :gra 7::L7,::, " u- : 5 mu" 8Crecl8 &eIn- they should be held at this Ing realized. cut down. season of street .have been the handsomest confectionery, restau rant and ice cream parlor in Greens boro, as well as the most popular re sort for ladies, hundreds of whom say It Is the only place here for ladies and children to go to get pure Ice cream, which they furnish to families at $1.60 per gallon, 75 cents per half gallon, 60 cents per quart and 25 cents per pint. They also furnish, only to order, Ice cream made of unskimmed milk at $1 per gallon; and cakes of all kinds, fresh South Carolina steam bread, fan cy goods, fine candles and cigars. Their soda fountain is in successful operation, from which they dispense the latest cold drinks, including ice cream soda and milk shakes at 5 cents For Sale or Exchange. I want to sell my farm of 143 acres. lying within half a mile of Burlington station, or exchange same for city property in Greensboro. The farm is under cultivation and Is A No. 1. For particulars address PxtxbLRat, 25-8t Greensboro, N. C. "Wanted: Purchasers for new or second band Iron safes.vanltdoors.etc We exchange large for small safes, will buy your second band safes for cash. We put on new combination locks and do all kind of expert repair work. Our prices are the lowest. O. B. B-axxs Co Greensboro, N. C. t i I i f i f i .!' t the year. each. Give them a trial.