Greensboro Patriot. ESTABLISHED 1821.. Txro Big Strikes End. Cleveland, Ohio, Juno 25. An agreement between the Consoli dated Street Railway Company and its striking employes was reached at 6 o'clock last erening, and the cars were running as usual today WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23, 1899. on a the lines of the company. - committee of LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. The special strike the city council went to work, and finally the officers of the company and the executive committed of the strikers were brought together. After a long conference - the coun cil committee presented a form of agreement, and both sides signed it. Only, one outbreak of violence attended the resumption of traffic, There was objection in some-parts Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rankin are tIs- itlnein AsbeYllle. Dr. H. P. Bowman, ofQibsonvllie, is spending in the city. A "trusty" convict escaped from the county road force yesterday Mr William Cummlngs, of Mon- m tMa I m i " 1 roeton,"- was one vi uut oi me cuy w mo njwuuuu ui iuo morning. . - non-union men wno were Kep uy ;.. w vt Ttrhrcon and A. the comoanv. A Darty of zo as- jiteBio. " . - ... .. " . . , . . tf...b t Ttiah Point, were In tne I gemmed near a oriace lust souin i. r l iu Lie r i w .w , .if. vpSfpfdav. - of the city, and whenever, a wf ni rerival meeting was came along with a non-union crew conducted at Cherry Street Baptist the passengers were asked to dis conducteo ai v, j embark and wait for a car manned y bv a union crew. In most cases . the passengers did as requested. church last week For Sale. Fine bird puppies. Edwin Curtis Kennel, Gibson ville, N. C. Miss Minnie Briggs left last week for New Boston, Texas, to spend three months with her sister, Mrs. George T. Lemons. 'Finallv a non union conductor undertook to argue with the crowd. HcT1 was promptly struck over the bead with a club, and he and the motorman were driven away. The mob refused to permit the car to Mr. W. II. Ragan, a memtfer of the move until a union crew came along board of county commissioners, Is P- and pushed it to the barns paring to build an elegant residence at Chicago, June 25. The stock- High Point. - yards strike, which at one time The children of the First Presby- threatened to tie up the entire terian church gave a lawn party Friday packing-house district here, has night for the benefit of their mission- been settled by the packers grant ing the increase of 25 cents a day in wages demanded by the strikers HoIIichael-Pesliazo. At Spencer, Va., on June 2 let, at 12.30 d. m. a beautiful home wed- ary society, realizing a neat sum. Mr. Charles W. Gamble, of J. M, Hendrix & Co., has returned fronta visit to his home at Sammerfield, where he went for rest and recuperation. The Siindiiv schools of Hlsrh Point ran a union excursion to Baleigh last ding was solemnized, the contract Itniz oalftieS beini? Mr. J. P. Mc went alone- and thedav was pleasantly MichaeF, OrMadison, and Miss An Dent . Inie Peshazo, daughter of Mr. and -Mr p t. u! returned to her Mr s. Lark in Deshazo, of .Spencer. home in Norfolk, Va., Saturday after spending some time. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Fields, two miles north of the city. " Mr. L. R. Thacker, who has been connected with the baggage depart ment of the Southern Railway at this place for some years, has gone to Ral eigh to accept a similar position. Ths residents of the western part of the city have been . troubled by Mr. C. O. McMicbael, of Madison, brother of the groom, was best man, and Miss ' Mattie Deshazo maid of honor. Th9 attendants were Mr. John Deshazo, of Spencer, with Miss Eva Hiehtower, of Reidsville ; Mr. Dillard, of Spencer, with Miss Jones, of Madison; Mr. Matthews, of Stoneville, with Miss Maggie Price, of Leaksville; Mr. Woodburn, of Wadison, with Miss Annie King, of Stoneville; Mr. chicken thieves for the past few days. Charles Elmore, of Brown's Sum- A few nights ago several places in this mil, with Miss Mattie King, locality were relieved of a number of Spencer; Mr. F. M. Knight, of fine spring chickens. I. : Madh on, with Miss Ada Price, of -Rev. J. M. Hilliard, who has resid- Price's r Mr. PennjOf Spencer, with ed here for about two years, .yesterday Miss Keid Deshazo, of Spencer ; moved his family to High Point, where Mr. Charles Busick, of Madison, they will live in the future. Mr. Hil- with Miss Mary Slaftes,of Spencer; Hard will continue as pastor of Cherry f Mr. Payne, of Madison, with Miss Street Baptist church. - . j Mary Deshazo, of Spencer, and Howard OftrHnor will hnvA unnthAP Mr. Price, of Price's, with Miss free distribution of a standard remedv Sallie Neal, of Madison at his drug store next Saturday. This The ceremony was performed by time it is Johnson's Kidney pills, and a tt0V mr' omitn, oi Martinsville, free box will be given to all adult per sons calling at his store. Dave Gilmer, colored whose gro cery store in Warnersville was recent ly burned, is thinking of going to Cuba to take a place in the postal service. lie has bad experience in the railway mall service and knows something of the business. A lot of men's sample shoes, odd pairs and broken sizes, worth $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, etc., are being closed out for 1.05 a pair at Whacker & Brock mann's. You can find almost any size In this Jot, and all sizes and shapes, both in tan and black. A special train passed (through here Sunday night having on board nearly two hundred sailors, members of the United States navyr' They were from New" York and were going to San Francisco, from which place they will man a yessel on a cruise around the world. Monday the Wakefield Hardware Company delivered to R, T. Scott fc xro., oi Hinsdale, a complete Gelser threshing outfit, this being the second Va., after which the party repaired to the dining room, where a sump tuous dinner was served. From 8 to 12 p. m. a reception was given at the borne of the groom. The bridal presents were numerous and costly. Tragedy Follows Tragedy. Adamston, W. Va., June 26. J. McClung, twelve years old, leered man whom he took to be a tramp on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad near here today, and the man threw a stone, fracturing the boy's skull. : Policeman Waldo chased . the man, nring until be nlunged into Elk Horn creek and tried to swim across. "Vallie" Boughton, a boy driving his cows on the other side, fired at the man and killed him. He proved to be E. A. Youncr, a weak-minded son of a respectable family of Buchanon, W. Va., who was given at times to wander ing about the country. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars ReVsrd for of Catarrb that cannot be cured hr atarrh Cure. . J. CHENEY & CO.. Pm sale made by this firm durlnsr the ores- any case nt toainn Th i. 8 V w-- o - wuer purcuase was JT. J. CHENEY & CO.. Prous .Toledo. O. maae by George T. Compton & Co., of S!?6A."T?J the southeastern part of the county. perfectly honorable in allbuainesa tranaactions. r V, J? Ridge, who was called to J"ade y rm. . 3 the bedside of hi ftk. .f aj Al?.x wholesale Drusrmgts, Toledo, O. lum oeasiae oi nis lather at Science. Waldmjf, Kinnan A Marrin, , Wholesale Drur- Randolph county, some days aeo, re- gtnT.i: . .v urned home yesterday, his father hav- directly upon the blood and mncooa surfaces ui iuvBjBicm. mce c. per bottle, bold br an aranlsta. Testimonials free. Hail's family puis aro the best. , In HiaH Ua. . rtll . . unu umuiuij, luvaeceaseq was one of Randolph's best known citizeas ani leaves many relatives and a large number of friends tojnourn his death. The sermon of Rev. T, H. Pegran at Friendship Methodist church last Sunslay has been spoken of in high terms. The day was set .apart as Children's Day and the sermon was specially adapted to theoceasion. The exercises by the children and yonng people in the afternoon were very cred- ltaoie. Mr. John Jarrell died at his home. Boutu oi uuurora college, last Thurs day and was buried at Muirt Chapel Friday. The funeral was conduct ed: by f Rev. A. G. Kirkman. The deceased was eighty-five years old and leaves a wife and nine chUHfn tt- was . jA 0125,000 cotton iiaill week "organized in Sanf ord.1 1 V?i H. atkinsf andT. Ji CJiisloimf of Bam8earl were elected-' president and secretary and treasurer re spectively. ' L 07HT3 ' ' ! " ' STATE IIOROAL AND IUDDSTRIAL COLLEGE : JT jrf :1 j 0J r 'err OI? NORTH Offers to young women thoronzh literary. classical, scientiac, ana inaastriai eancatlou and special pedagogical training. Annual Ex penses 9u to $1S0; for nonresidents of the State 1150. Faculty ox so members, juore than 400 regular students. Has matriculated about 1,700 studerts, representing every county in the State except one. Practice and Observation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board in dormi tories, i all free- tuition applications should be made before August L ' ; t AJorresponaence invitea from those desiring competent trained teachers. Jt or catalogue ana other information, address ' PSZSIDE1TT UcIVEB, . - .. . - Urkjensboro, S.OJ1 ', Tup ' ". 'BUNS ;'V IT 4 bit. first 28-8t 1( 3! WU1 buy a fine farm located in one of the most desirable neighbor hoods in Guilford county, i j Farm contains 150 acres ; 50 acres in timber; 20 acres in or chard. .Large and well built two story! house oontains 10 rooms. Large stock barn, tobacco .barns, carriage house, and other out buildings. 1 I offer, this farm on the follow, ing liberal terms: . $1,000 Cash, 1 ; 51,000 in I Year, 1 $1,000 in 2 Years, interest on de- With 6 per cent, ferred payments. I put this property on the mar K6i simply oecause i nare no use for it. To anyone wanting a home I do not know of a better oppor tunity. The house alone cost $1,500 when built. Will take pleasure in showing this valuable property to interested parties; but as time is valuable can only negd (is (is (is :(ish. (is (is (is ,(is: (is (is (is (is as (is (is (is (is (is (JiS (is (is (is as (is (is (is (is (is (is (k (is .(V 221 South Elm St., (fe. ! :..-;- A I - m "iB amount or mnnov atysaa county J tot Dry Goods and Shoes reasons, but chieflr bee ... j V M V annually by 'the peopl mat are uns to V' orv. fo j thewere getUng; How often . buy an article bec.e , ,bUllt . : pw,(or.eems to be, low) 'arid.flnd oat f... 6 th P."Mi The lowest price goods are consideration with us. then less than you pay for shoddy goods. too late that cheapest. Qualitv w ui.o hue Drice. T U V4 nouthe we are j the We bid for your trade if vJ"" AT Don't think our EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. when house in Greensboro. prices' are high because we sell the best.' Wft-AfA air.... s i we say we believe vnn on ct i... . l . uur oenef WE BUY FOR CASH AND WE '8R W Can you see any reason why we can't sell chean? 1.- - ASHJ Ve Are the People's Honey-Saving Store. tiate nees. with During the months of June, July and August I shall offer all goods at a GREAT REDUCTION FOR CASH ONLY. I shall have a large selection of Ready Trimmed1 Hats and Bonnets at astonishingly low prices. j I have just received a, larcre lot of buyers who mean busi- White and Colored Sailors, which will risq ne soia at cut rates. i - Call and see for yourself before buy ing eisewnerc. j John J. Phoenix. Oil Ms .... II. C. WEATHERLY, 109 East Market St. Advancing! THE PRICE OF ALL KINDS OF WITH IRON. pjra Guaranteed to Cure or Your Money Back . . . IS STEADILY ADVANCING j ! T O' GREENSBORO, N. C. ! at in i w M VI V! so. W A! ! ! - V! ! W VI VI V! V! ! VI VI ! $ nnnrp LivJ urn Don't be misled bv the idea that h to thirty-three per cent.more for your goods or you are given that much on marked prices that somebodv in avnfr A.,-, vwu t. A.tA must uJaKo twentrfn a fall of ; goodu: air rtmn r .. fvuw v uu a BUttceoI Ul OU8ine99. ; ! WE TREAT ALL ALIKE. Just ask a living.- A COMPARISON of tfur goods and 'price, a.kei will ha o PnVUTVnTVn nnrrT m - 1 ..... ww M ah vyxi.i 3T rnuur oi same. j OTT-R MOTTO: Honest Uaterial, Honest Yorb, Honest Prices.- Price, 50 Cents. But at our store the SAME OLD SYSTEM PREVAILS the best goods for the smallest amount of money. No matter what you may want in the Furniture lino, I am in a position to satisfy that want in a most satisfactory manner. , Call and take a look at my line of Lawn and Porch Settees. Rock- Jfll TO l7c3 W am ers, Chairs, Tables, Etc., Etc. Sold only by G. S. GAULDEN & CO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IJf j AU Grades cf Light and Heavy Harness, Saddles, Collars,. Whips, Eaters', i:. A stitch in time saves nine. - Repairing neatly and promptly done. DRUGGIST, 121 S. Elm St., Greensboro, K. C. W. J. BIDGE, 330 South Elm Street. TjEPOSIT YOUR MONEY Ifl " S; The People's 5 Cents Savings Bank, EatablUhed In 1887. OP GREENSBOEO, N. O, Iay Inlerral on Drpitr. Dos strictly a Savings Bank business. Has been msucceMful owration fur t-n tm sai never lot a dollar. --J. W.soOTT. President. 62-3m J. A. HUIM.IX. Tttxrr. as ts is as fts as ts e ets to to to to to to to to to to to to to IF YOUR si Teeth or Eyes TROUBLE YOU GO TOi DB. GRIFFITH, This has been our Banner DENTIST AND OFTHALHIST. $ ) Year for Farm r.lachinery. 20 years expeVience with the Teeth and 8 years with the Eyes. Glasses furnished. Con sultation FREE. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office in K. of P. Building, South Elm Street. si s i AGENTS WANTED FOB -THE LIFE AND Achievements oi Admiral Dewey," the world's greatest naval hero. Br Marat Halstead, the life-long friend and admirer of the nations idoL Biggest iand best book; over 500 pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations. Only 11.60. Enormous demand. Big commis sions. Outfit free. Chance ot a lifetime. Write quicr. The Dominion Company, Srd Floor Cax ton Bldg Chicago. 2S-16t Kea&ieHmtppedn 20 minutes by Dr. llUes' Pais Pzxx&Ooce cent a dce." v V 1 : j;. !----.-y. : V - , r JOW FOB i ! 1 - j 0 1 IX IF i i OVER! The celebrated McCormick, as usual, iscored a bigvictory. ower w TTh 1 . MP i WMtett I lastitute. t Buy one and you will be happy. It will make yo!i lore your wife and children and neighbor and eyer use your influence for M. G. NEWELL & CO. Solid Cars ! t ' ! - ' t : I CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, i J . Able FaCUltvr 200 Stndenta fmm IK pAnatl.. X..AM... -r M irA uivauum. nnno innini. .iraMm Wminma t. a vt . l lr I .... . . - - ajuv.muu. 'iijLuiir cuuui ecu. otwica had lived in Onilford nnt. .v.... , " 7 V." " " V , t . u u 1 " f"ruiuS nans, ormuonee, Ac. Aumirmq uataioyne free. Addi vutrtjr years, auu uunng tois time Waa t . U A. M - :. i . . . Just received, and must go to make room for two more cars to arrive next month. an j acceptable member of the First Presbyterian church of this city. all on school Iress the President. WHITSETT, Guilford County, N. C. FALL TERM 0PENS.AUGUST 16. 1899. Ne well MGP jpCVra are the only Boggy dealers in the city that buy in large quantities. Qatntlty tnd csh Zet and price. We glye our customers the" freight. Small dealtra can't do it.