i . ir Mataala bat surrendered 1.850 rifles, and the loyalists have criven l(t mtoerci. tr.ve.er. are en- - feMlong Mr; B b eearded up z 00Q. After Jan. 20 a heavy combinations of capital in indue. J t - trlartrusts, jrhlch ..oa& in large de I fU,J-nt Trade Condition gree control the' markets for raw irt iiw Health? andStable? materials -as well as for finished erJ L.i;J nat the trade goods, are chiefly due to the condi ! AaWeCttOih ! ; r I , I i ... .. - . - . fir rhpir reports upon the "one wnicn, tne tariff produces .,:rc jjnv.na have expressed . w ia mere, are '..htwr-'v. L , fUii.i n manr other i hrnt nf inVr.f 'TT.nl'e commodities, which prosperity , oeyond the tariff do tlvLAlhv few fluctua- mail therewould be small reasoi HflJ? nhenomenon, is nat- for congratulation over such proofs a aa r sure index of improving business as are afford ' ' Utfttv:- in ine pop. - vj uvrry. auvoucea in :Fuf V .nrices, with con- P"ces of commodities . controlled vCin production, can UJ trusts. fhiladelpbia Kec- v , " ' i : I nrrl mhen flirannsn I vr v. rrtJwM - active aemana ; rue IP autmai ami Uf trade' Ther u Mot. ai vuuiujiBsiuu ' luuav con 1SO.OOO MEN NEEDED. hi nfed. hrosp i 'Aoinflr ' i ...ra ana j - uauji recenny piajea a smooth trick on some of the con ductors of fthe Southern, railway and Is probably working the same game in other parts of the country. He got possession of a pajx of tel egraph lineman's5 spurs and' a coll of telegraph wire. Thus equipped he boarded the train at Bristol, Tenn., and rode by easy staeea to Captain McQaeaten made a c1oa Chattanooga, the conductors think- study of,iha condition of the Philips log bim an employe of the railroad frine situation.. He Is of the! opinion or of the Western: Uaibn" Telegraph that it will take from ? 100,000 to 150.1 Company 1 Mm-zszh riicQueston Says ? It Wilt i Ro- qulro a Largo Army to Sub duo and H6ld tho t . Phlllpplnos. i : Ban Francisco. June 23. Dr. ChajL A. McQuesten, who was on the staff of General . 8. Otis, and who was health officer at Manila, has returned home. invanaeu by the climate. Hold On! Negro an Incubus. Washikgtok, June 22. The in WO soldiers 4o properly subdue and nold tne islands. ; He also saya that the peace commission was an absolnte failure andbat its work at the start was without effect. He strongly, supports roe military government of the island except that be thinks more men will trm on a recent period k lively d0f manufactured products lrt'::.y;j,a Were has Mr-J plk Brown, president of the muu'n u i j r 'I 1 rVL4.ll m m w ; w -. y I m. m - I IM "WM U AAimUMD. 1 I I 11 im II 1 in I ww w ii Prer::'.K thJrimand a" stead v Argicuitural bociety of Georgia, home in Jnlv ddd nt r,nJ! ?rCf According tb Brad. 8tVed t?at tcondition qf agri- ten.. -Unless troops, thousand? of r Kka thelaveraeeafdvance cuuure in tne boutb was more de M.! -U 1 -:..U u. i,ft ;r. pressed than it had Motlie randBak tinued ita inveatitrAtinn nf tho cultural conditions of the South. nl'.L" ?as be!? mated- xsk. uwuuiwau aVUUWS IQSv IUH CO 03 ia ... v. a iailure. and Is eamlnc I IN ONE but a' mother knows tne ta I Lfci," r fft'c : -4 idur thi in s More people were "Dlowint? hare- footed, and barebacked", than ever before. - J , i' point r trm i r i i v w bf m aw - t a. m. - . -1 a oiira r a a luaa aaa VUW UUUtU TTal UiUrB II H I lUDlU. 21 113 aHUL Lfl inR I1H Of nrtF mAn I ' w - " W WW ever been, there they will.be driven back into Manila in the course of the next few months, during the rainy season. Our men simply cannot stand the climate. He agreed with the late Henry ?"Z.m ""i -?e .In- .u. ...1. ujr me bicitneas ana me lerri- u wu lau was noi wun tory overrun will have to be abandon ee sou or tne climate, nor, as ed. and Manila will h In tt ni ! I . . I TT1 BT1TT n.n Mint A ii I . 1 in lTm'triar nrosDeritv. I Mt" wa,u,oui u"Jiy sjbko again. inv--r- " . l 71 X . I- . I t - m l . i 4. ! ; nm iuo nu, une or tne most "iur omcers I1 itf went iii to operation to the present montn was than 2p per cent. Abe whetlier these! condi- healthy and normal, and red assure indications of LAJVJ bD bliuvu T.WI m - m i - proline causes oi tne trouble was we, preBiucu, ui v"l y1" in the fact that eottnn wm nrH rlvelerB'I League, before m L.u. . !i. . ! .! I !'! ' ndustrial ruommiBHion is oi interest. J3ir. iowe nas ail account 01 tne large num. i . . J i li 9 All f ihlS Uiuk; auu .u...6.k manual lftbo. So far as the colored race was concerned, he said, there was no opening for them in the trades or ana soiaiers nave ac complished wonders and" have proved tnemseivos tbe best soldiers in the world. But nothing decisive has come Of It. became our men were nnt In great enough force." - eQ WHO UaVD UCCUjIUIUITU ifrnduBtrial trusts. Much as cally the only crop. Another cause, he asserted, was that the education was not sufficiently prac tical. It should teach people to do ..... . , AtuviBiuui. uoYsnunens zor oamoai Apia, Samoan IslandsJune 23. pains, anguish and dread that a woman endures before and during 1 f childbirth.? And still nearlv all this atif. t fering b unnecessary. The faithful toe of MOTHER'S FRIEND will in great measure overcome every ; ; distressing symptom, and labor itself will ; I not be a very serious ordeal. Remember I m 4 . i V VTTtTmftA mm m mw. S t max mu i ruued rtuJLnu a an ex- f I ternal liniment that softens and relaxes f the muscles, and is not a dangerous f compound of opiates to swallow. Ask your druggist for it or send price ($1) to TKI eSAOniU) KCGUATGx CO, AtUaU. G. Send for our fr Ulostrmtd book. "Bfor Baby i Born." Tf y tit ii in in i m dd)T.npathy. the great saying thft nrflBAnA nf .h.-. ti,- Penalty will be enforced upon na4 '.i.t diatributiori and saleolcom- ii.i tives found with HMpb in thoirnm 1 i palWould be entirely justifia- v-n ' 1 1 i.r IEQ 0U8IUCHB poiui w. vor .s ihoula be attenaea Dy a re- fjfra ; Ui priceBj 10 cuaNuuiers. jr. pDwe ehows that wnile the i:j have saved touch in ihe sal-' In epite of protectionists riiflnl to the contrary, j this is (oiiect for which the trusts 'are lnstruineni 'it eirj special cause velopment of the South. He re garded him as retarding the indus trial, moral, religious,, social, and argicultural development of the section, and he felt that if the ne groes were absent, a better class of labor would take their place. The more they were paid the less effi cient they were as laborers. Mr. Brown said the race should be separated from the whites and Pursuant to a decree of tbe 8uierior mnrt nf Guilford county, North Carolina, made in the case of John Watts and Eliza Watts. his wife. ana a. w. wans ana xnannie watts, im wire. et al.. ex parte, heira at law of Samuel Watt, da. eeased, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, JULY 3, 189V sell at the court house door, in the citr of Greensboro, N. C' to the last and highest bid- cwootwu. iuoioaia pruLuiaeB 10 turn I anas euuaie in sammerneia tnwnsnip, uuil- Bbn't VICE'S LITTLE LIVER. Pitts to medical .cience. N.t"i eripe?chlld m idnlt VS.U'f ,P'cr,pt,0 k"" gists and merchant , or Mi&Sj Sold by drug. THE L. RIOHABDSON DRUG WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS, : : 1 . I ; -., I--,.-,... , j 2s ii STloon. CeUlaJ also tlxo beat Ixeort rlvoAC . - Press 033.3. T-oailper osid. sawed Plao Slxlsiirlcs. -Sash. Doors and Blinds In stock. Door and Window Frmo irtiAi.'o work and all kinds of house finish made t -order "Inaow "Mantels, Stair If yon are going to build anything irom a ben house to a mansion com m see us. We can fix you up and the price will be riirht. mn"n come to r?WT counl.T will find they can reach our yards from the center of town by crossing fewer railroads than any other. Come to see us. lDcenler of JOHU A. S0Oanrv Secretary aai Treasnrer, Qreeastcro, N .0. im w iii.li w mm of the want of de- tive! found with rifles in their pos in more weapons. xne natives nave returned to their hpmei. Malietoa Tanu was recognized as kjng by the commis' 8ioners of the three powers, and the decision of Chief Justice Cham- ford county, n C, adjoining the lands of B. M. Stafford. J. H. Barker, J. F. Iloskins, Miss A. J. Wilson et al., and bounded as follows, to-wit: .Beginning at a poplar near a sprint;, running west 41 degrees east 74 poles to a ma Die. thence north 75 degrees west 40 poles to a red oak, thence no th 80 de&rrees west IS roles to a black oak, Stafford's corner, thence west S3 poles to a mack oak. thence west 93 pole to a black oak,' Britton'a corner, thence south 120 poles to a h his Of Stl Jftng 0 ;upon ced success. testimony bers in tha mattflr nf -tHa trinrrahin 8fone thence east -22 poles to a stake, thence uers in ine matter or tne KingBbip south 92 poles to a stake at the creek, thence Was proclaimed Valid and binding, eaatlpoletoanake. thence north 6 poles to a -r.. v. wuv u.uuiug, .tate.ihenrfl north 05 HpoTAPftTTABt laitvloatrt Malietoa Tanu then abdicated in fa tmm A- t i . i 1 to a sassairas. tnence north 22 detrreea v&t n kug uuuiiuiBHiouorB, wop poles to a stake, thence south 74.91 po e to a k iouu uo cnnnl7(.A fllthAr in thia nnnntrtrnr PPOiniea a provisional gOVem i wige w we .row gronnas, tnesce norta ,u;Ju Uary coionizea, eiiner in lUlS Country Or rx". . . , ., !, 81 degrees east 12 po'ea to a eweet gum, thence to wnicn elsewhere, in the interest of the ment consisting of the consuls of souths degrees east n poles to a stake, thence 1-1 1 ' ; 1 a I a! : 1 H'lmn iv. apffrMR xeos.r y nnoa tn statu than ma me iuree powers, empowering a east 76"poreVtoastake,Thenc7 majority to act in all cases where rjet bj poles to a dogwood bush, thence weft this witness, weed 50Fper seen Southern states. The negro, ; he said, is non-progressive ana indis- 4tement8 $re quite a8 in- I nnopH tn nHnnt now mnthnrla or. ana important as inoBe or new devices. Ilavemeyer in their bear the operation of the tariff, Stolen for His Wealth. Marge 1st of cqmmodi- Detriot. Mich.. June 20. Mobab hich the prices haVe been Fowler Chase, a vouni? man alleged at rates k-angine from -10 -mAM. n puted to be worth $600,000, was abducted from the Hotel Cadillac PK O I .1 t : f i s . . - , i w.o vico iu pwpiai, vae beginning corner, con- Unanimity 18 not required by the taming 164 acres more or lew. See Book .8, No. vpj 019 vi, ia ine ooce 01 me Xiegisteroi Deeds for Guilford county. terms of Sale Oae-haLf caeh and balance in six months, deferred payment to bear six per con- cent. In- every instance that these articles are Berlin treaty. Chief Justice Chambers tinuerto hold office, and the vari ous municipal officials are confirm ed. Dr. Wilhelm Self has been1 authorized to act as president of tbe municipality of Apia. cent interest from day of sale, and title retained mi purcnaa money is paid. vims dune ist, lovv. - - A. B. KIMBALL, Commissioner. I..-.. J I - - - I ixyospiDie to oe8poil American The rise in prices is t A i a nof nol and uby deTelopment of trade, but iJtifiual manipulation itim-ieu jxiuaupo mtt due. then mortgage Sale. ted in the existing tariff1 by iaat cnnf1ftV nrht a rriA BnUin's $20,000,000 for War. .1 :.i i. L l j . 1 s. . . 1 j I J . - .a u s, WIJUOUl wnicn 11 wouia .wfl lir m v, I T T. 00 mt. tt . a.www uf v uw uvxa muvi juuu u uuu 4 xj . X LI 7 XJLUUOO J L Chase was taken to the Cleveland Commons, sitting as Committe an' boat, which he boarded in the com- the Military Wortcs Loan bill, to-! pany of bis aunt and two unknown day adopted tbe resolution of the men. On reaching Cleveland the war office authorizing the introi Dartv took a train fnr Cincinnati, ductinn nf a hill nrnviriinr fA uJ From there thev went east to Al- loan of $20,000,000. to be etnnn d Ad known bv the name of the west droon rL banv. N. Y.. where the nnvate 'de- on. defense wnrka Wr rA Lhenc 8utAl9 d.eKree?.west H P?'e to Cum- krpSAnr.tia i ' . . ' r . . " " , v0; miDgs coiner sione, men nortn xy, poles to r .T- --.j j lective-inai tne young man s latner nne ranges at borne and abroad. et bv the 1 - "3t!0 North Carolina, Guilford Couktt. By virtue of the powers rested in me by a certain mortgage deed executed on the 2d day of April, 18P6. by Walter Hobbs and wife Laura Hobbs, of Guilford county, state of North Ctro liua, 1 will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in Greensboro, N. d on MONDAY, JULY 10, 1899, at noon, the following- described property: Be ginning at a white oak, Hobba' corner, running a, among others, has i f rward with the . k 1 i r n . ' i -t . ail 1 i:i 74 1 ou psr cent, or tne ar- fflpufactur.et by the QO-called f ,,F uu i" iree list with a merely or are revenue (With regard to the-free 11 phampion pt spoliation is icuously inf x'act. He cannot Nchoolhouse corner, then with schoolhouse line uau ciupiuvcu iw naiuu iuclu lueti iuicuaci iyaviu,insa natlOoailSI, sione, tneu nortn witn some variation 28 poles eight of the party. - : . opposed it, eaying he objected. t4 SXVZSSS&ffiSSiZi Extradition papers were today pecially to the expenditures at made out in anticipation of the Halifax, Bermuda and Jamaica as party's arrest by the New York being altogether unnecessay, "bei authorities. The fortune that the cause, at present, the governments boy posaeeess is revertible to the of Great Britain and the United north 100 poles along the county road, then north 12 degrees west along said road and said line 45 poled to a sycamore tree in public road, then west 2 poles, then noith 9 degrees west 45 poles to center of road, then north 62 Doles to a stone. Fitzmaurice's corner, then with his line west 29 poles to his corner in Dundas line, then north 55 poles to a pot oak, then east 85 poles to nitfch !"')? 8aVth- the father' gu tin? 00,d8V8eho 1 urnl- and that the fat A thermanufac. to Lafayette, In jWprolled.bY! the , trutte.t if hi.:.it'i,.i.. t lr ma.QUfacturefi bthe the supposed abduction; . t tu "G noi Co7"d; y - The father believes that 1J.ie !f ? d0tpat he ject of the alleged abduct0 aunt nnon hin dAnth. whioh it ia RtiitAi nra mrrarraA in J the beginning, containing 110 acres more or lees. ii 7 , . , ' ' ; T . Avuaugiug except 15 acres lying alo allep-ed. furnishes the motive ; f or dinlomatin Inva mAtio ha.a I sold to Ransom Bass, and O ' - . - - - 1 L , V tUVC I .l , ..Ij . .1 ? - - - i i miuiiin csb ivji iiri nhii lii mil ii i ifr I M I v acres lying along the old stage road a acres in extreme dca Ntei 11 "merely revenue tariflT j- take the allege young i man on .woolens, tinblate, r i. h- j I- - i ' .1 i - I wwua j o a tviu vueev uuvuiw. J o a 11 14 1I1CUUIU irnffAfa snH nutU.n I I " . ..... . I . . w r u,A IS r'SWrr Joung kinase attaining bis majority perlldlously and insiheerely in r u ii i i mi i 11 n n n n m . . . . . . .... . . , v proposed guns were pointed at their thtk ' fW A norln. firnti ini-.eina . I ctors is to Mr. Davitt said if the govern- out of tbe ment waa sincere in its nrofessinna that upon ! of love and friendship it was acting : Thia 8th riav of Jnn laoa - f f. W. D. BE ATI Mortgagee. A.M. Scales, Attorney. Il3KUe?d wbQi!?i or enill,'e you" bouse, come to us lor an estimate on Material. We will surprise you on prices. We make a specialty of Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. Our motto : Large sales, small profits. . ! J , I - we can show you the largest stock in the South. Guilford Lumber 'Company, Greensboro, N. C. .. .. l.i ,.1 f t v The Great Anti-Expansion Book - REPUBLIC or EMPIRE? THE PHILIPPINE QUESTION HON. BT WAU J. BRYAN : I . . Cfal v. Pbes. 8aml Oompxbs. Am. federation of Labor. j TOGETHER. WITH i i i . - i fiP" Hon. Andrew Carnegie, Senators Hoar, Veet, Allen, M'hite. Gorman, Baoon, r aiaron. uantei,uiuUon. Batler.McLauiin, , Tillman, Money, Tamer. Taller, Ed-' Wnw Wir T r,ti munda. Clay; Hon. H. O. Johnson, Hon. uflwrewy variisie, e. van Dyke, Hon. Cbaa. FrancU Adama, 1'rof. Darid Starr Jordan. Oen'l W eaw, Hon. Carl Schuri, 8aml Grompers. Preet. Am. Fed. of Labor, and others. the sensation of ' qyxtuhy- IMPERIALISM AND ABSOLUTISM DENOUNCED. The greatest men of to-day give aonnd logical reasons why the Philippines should not be annexed, and to do so would not only be most harm fat to the interests of oar country, bat woald be oppoeed to the Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, and all the most sacred doctrines of oar Republic as handed down to as by oar Fathers. THE GOSPEL OF A HIGHER CIVILIZATION AND BROADER LIBERTY. . v THE ONLY BOOK. OX THE SUBJECT. AGENTS WANTED. It is profusely illustrated, giving beautiful half-tone portraits of Mr. Bryan and the other con. tributors; also scenes of thrilling interest, showing the exact conditions and customs in the Philippines. Nothing like it before attempted in book-publiJhing. A very bonanza for arenu. It cannot be bought at bookstores; it cannot be famished by any other house. We are the role Official Publishers. ';' l The first Edition, 100,000 copies. A large octaro book, beautiful new type. WE PAY FREIGHT: on each order amounting to 60 books at one time, when cash accompanies order. j - . j j. j THE OUTFIT IS FREE. We make no charge for the elegant, complete Prospectus Outfit, with blanks, etc.. bat im each Outfit costs us a lot of .money, in order to protect ourselves against many who woald impose upon as by sending for Outfit with no intention of working, bat merely oat of idle cariosity, we require the applicant, guarantee efed faith on his part, to eond as 25c to cover postage and wrapping, this aotewnt te be refunded te agent npen ear receipt of first order for 10 books. ! i : j Beat Cloth Bindine ... Best Half Russia Binding, with marbled edges Beet Fall Russia Binding, with gold edges...; Write for ear Unparalleled Terms te Areata. Address ai.so . J.V 3.00 THE INDEPENDENCE COMPANY, Publlohoro, FRANKLIN DUILDINC..CHICACO. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caotorla. Hh, tJ.,..rs th. 1Jt7 1 to A Stranger Sneaks $10,000 From a Boston Bank. Boston, June 22. A sneak thief kthelr,. .15 i r enierea vne juoiropoiuan national -hicH I eiP7 Bank-here today andtole $10,000 r wuict is not helped by .mi. . tariir hi i-1 f V- fit; Hi -I ! I , - . e j " : ' ! QUtles hav aH1v f.II rere- & air of tnumoh Mr. preientu the SranrLrrl nil the lllOflt nrlirtiic. .11 j T- v. v w a ui nil ardianship ceased, making these fortifications' on the ther was taking him Atlantic coast. to Lafayette, Ind., lor the purpose Another of himself being -continued at his guardian "by order of tbe Probate court. Great St helped by In this. too. t mere is a pro- a mineral oils which ?3 the dartcrAr ir.,.t-M General Gordon's Home Burned. Atlanta, June 21. The splendid home of General John B. Gordon at Kirkwood, a suburb of Atlanta! was completely destroyed by fire this eyening. Mrs. Gordon, her daughter, Caroline, and Hugh and a rank, the wojBons of the general,1 home when i istriBution , T,gu. anil tho : ki Peea pbt jbdep Uriff ghel. PaI (xemptibn from t.v. . f ,uu i lue oiana- were at Dome wnen the flr wr while the paying teller's attention discovered. With the assistance was drawn away for a i moment, of the family seryanta and naiahi ine man-enterea tne ban at about bors. the aenaralV hooka. nfrtnre1t , .1. , f . ' V X - . li o ciock ana lae director was and war relics were sayed . hnt i . j I - -. - assea some questions aoout Bena-Teyervthinc above the first floor wr- 1 - J - m l , i I " - ing a money oruer. xne teller burned. ' gave the information desired, and The general's residence was a a eF - the stranger stood at the counter typical Southern home of twntir .i- u: r j apparency iuiuS uoicb. oubi rooms. General Gordon is on his Hi i 'a U8t WArri I A' Petihion is in thft -tif. K failroadl rebates. c!tu'. in a diffarent but prote Ji u id OI( te tariff; intent of both are tflle to manufac aniniilnfoi wk. ,v he extended to sir .fu 11,1 I r then tbe teller was called to an other part of the office and the vis itor quickly thrust bis arm through the grating of tha window and took 50 $100 notes and five $1,000 notes. A young lady stenographer in the bank saw the man's action, but he escaped. M He was apparently about twenty-eight years of age and well dressed. plantation, near Reynolds, Ga., and the members of his family are unable to estimate the lose. !. . r raw the 8 18 important ..... A Bryan Joke. . - The Hon. William Jennings Bryan, in a speech delivered at St. Louis, told this : "An actor 'who visited Nebraska recently, upon "oiton, druggist. The Best Bemedy for Flux. 4lIn July of last year I was taken with a severe attack-of flux," says Mr. Joe Baker, of Allentown, Tenn. I procured a small bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and used about half of it and it effected a complete cure. lhi8 is the best remedy for bowel trouble on the market, f!. M-Qlh -:-I,:ujL- 1 s j i j i I . piuuiunprj, coauueace uaa oeen resiorea, re- f 01 these dutiAo' rn that h Wo1 mlt. WaW. . w Learn what found Icon f their troods I fidence defined as 'trusts Then ha Ntifi. ":Tn9nym0us with understood that confidence had . ay mean k 11.. . j Por Over Pifty Years. Mr. TVinslow'a Soothimr firrnn Ituhn nu for orer fifty years by millions of mother for their children while teething, with perfect sac- cess, it soothes tbe child, softens tbemm. ilays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will reliere tha TWYr little sufferer immediately. Sold by Orurrists in erery part of the world. Twenty-are cents a bottle. Be sureand ask for -Un. Wiminw. Soothing Syrnp," and take no other kind. Encouraged by the success of the free distribution of packages of JOHNSON'S DYS PEPSIA CURE and the remarkable sale it has attained in Greensboro since the people were given a chance to test its merits, ; ! r HOWARD GABDNBR, THE DRUGGIST, has made arrangements with the Johnston Laboratories, of Philadelphia, whereby he is enabled to give FREE to every adult who apples at bis store on corner opposite the poitofflco On Saturday, July 1st, 1899, a package of the well-known and justly celebrated oflnsons : it ; . i i i i liicliey 1D ills 5. Nature's own remedy for the cure of Bright's Disease, Congestion of tbe Kidneys, Bladder Trouble, Dropsical Swellings, Gout,Gravl, Jaundice, Diabetes, General Debility,-Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Female Complalntsiand Irregularities and Diseases of the Kidneys, Blood and Urinary Organs. A positive cure for all dis eases and blood impurities which are directly or indirectly caused by detanged actionof the Kidneys. , - Come in and Get a Frco Package of This Remarkable Remedy. You Are Welcome

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