firnrr s t Corner. till mm. a A i .. ( ' . r Ext IXEST GRADES OF i Vanilla, ifct Lemon, . Extraci rin Extract Strawberry, f Fitract Rose. eapplo, ,orida" bpnd Grtte .Pine- i -Gold eai - f - - i - - Lrw8" brand Grate Pine- fp - i' . :! : So ner goods than the above V, J..f in n tin rian. and if tt6a4bt cheap grated Pineapple ;ut if in Water instead of syrup, Innlr alfca wharf , SCOTT i. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. jlattirs of Interest Reported by Our corps of jUorresponaents. Ed ipeni Ret pent Mi ' ram Oak Ridce Items." . 1 i i i . ... - Anderson, of Leakeville, 6 few days here last week. J. V. (Frank, of Winston, Friday hep visiting friends. Lottie Wbitaker returned V edmont Springs last Satur- . IT i I Mr i. L. H. Hambeth, of Hillsdale, isited Mrs. M H, Holt Saturday ind Sunday,1 j j. j ; '! Herman Copper thinks of attend ing a ichool of Psychology in New cglind this ivimmer. i J 1 Wheat harvesting is about' over, , ad the crop isj much better than jt promised to be a monh ago. Chis. Tiee, lEiq., o Winston, - - i - . i r here on business last iweec. ill t place I his sons here in , : : - S A . Benbpw, of Graham, Va., a few days here I last Iweek. fas CQO(M J. ipent bom ittenBing bis father s funeral, rebuilding as J. Benpow. - - ! - wrey & uude are heir mill-dam at the Sanders old mill, -Dear where the old Dillon mill pod more, than a century ago. " Mn. Kate Lambeth will visit her Irothere, James WestbrookJ Esq , hi Ml. Olive8, and Samuel West- poolc, Esql, of Faison, tad, .next. . I The new catalogues of the Insti- JtuteV jar-e just j to hand! They are lued trust this week bid handsomest ever is tiding and D9 t n me state, in D ration. A union revival meet at X)at ng will be September, and M. E ,) Ridce in Ith Methodiita M P -Baptists, Friends and bthers par picipting. Some evangelist will jue inrnea. ' Andrew qyner, Esq., of Win. sj children j paid us a rjiit s recently. He is aide ia one year and sticks to his "lief that this is the finest summer i w iuo iiaie. : - ' - . -1 tonJand h two jd ay g; Mtoniihed The iumper school at Oak Ridge ff,ufut0 ore largely attended iiiajevtr before. A large number jre floing' special work in Latin, themati and English, while ;Jnre at work in the business ce depiitment. j 1 . ",, " tnnMl picnic of our people JWjbe be d at MoreheadV mill f a. (Hamburg,) next Saturday. wig! crod" be on hand with m ihiDgs )o eat. - Friends from ' tiff t S ' nuu mi ! L0'..' ey cordially ; T ' 00 With Uj. Seed For .1 Plan't viv i it Wood's Seeds. Potatoes ng in June or i July. e quantity of late Seed m Were nut Intrt rrU ctnr. ir fason, so as to Keep . TTt for late Pnting in June ;! :Vtacfore the5 principal ob- 4iW-.MD in; procuring sound and 1 fj" :e maturit yj of the crop in n.v season of the fall. We o.ur supply may kh vd bnipment can be made r I vuwmers are reaay to IWHfJIlPtlTe1 Circular. .WSK SiiSTOS!? t'rt Kirnmnnrl vn ... QjjjiftHrrl Oolleso Itsa Much sympathy is felt for ZIr. and Mrs. J.iB? Grlflln on 'account of the . continued and' serious ill ness of their daughter, Miss Janie. Miss Gertrude Mendenhall is spending a part of her summer va cation with her sister, Mrs. Hobbs. She expects soon to go to Lynville, ii j.9 ior a montn. Mrs. Mary Nicholson and . chil dren, and sister, Ills Nicholson, have moved to the community and are now . boarding at the College for a month previous to accupying tne nouse. President Hobbs left on Monday night for Providence, R. I., whither be has gone to read a paper and take part in an educational con ference embracing all the Yearly Meetings In America. . Miss Sallie Knight died at her home, near Guilford College sta tion, on Friday after long ill health. She was about seventy years old and from old families of Guilford county people, her father being Mr. Abel- Knight and her -mother a Starbuck. v We are informed that- every room in Founder's Hall has been engaged for a summer resort, so that the grounds will soon be more like school was " in operation than vacation. State chemist, Professor Blair, has made an' analysis of the water of the College and pro nounced it excellent drinking wa ter. " ' President 1: L. Hobbs recently received information of the "death of his brother, Dr. M. W. Hobbs, of Richmond, Indiana. Dr. Hobbs, about eighteen months ago, made a visit to his friends in his native county. When on the visit his health was giving way, and after returning to Richmond he was un able to engage in business the practice of medicine, especially eye and ear practice, in which special ty he bad become very proficient. He was born in Guilford county, near the Battle Ground, in 1833, and had nearly completed his 66th year. Dr. Hobbs was a son of Lewis and Phebe Cook Hobbs, and was a man of fine ability and great integrity of character, and was greatly beloved as a physician and citizen in i Richmond, Indiana, where he lived many years. He left a wife and one daughter. Centre Items. Mr. A. R. Cranford is very sick with typhoid fever. r Mr." H. C. Gregson is pushing work on his new house. Roddy Fields fc Co. expect to start their thresher July 10th. The-, present , dry spell would make a shower a pleasant caller. Harvest is about over, with the exception of oats. Wheat in this section was light. Uncle Lewis Reynold's force Tie very much missed at Center since his departure for New York. The farmers in this vicinity are very much behind with their corn plowing. Much of it was not plow ed until after harvest.. Mrs. Parintha Maoy, of Indiana, is visiting friends and relatives in this section. She is a sister of Mr. J. A. Leonard, of your city. V The Sunday school at this place is very large. We can only won der where so many little folks come from, but Mrs. Hodgin, the super intendent, can interest them. ; Evangelist T. ." C. Hodgin , has been at Providence with his spirit ual curry comb and many so-called christians and hypocrites have been turned about. He is now talking to the Sumner sinners, and if they can't stand the truth they bad bet ter stay away. ' At our last writing we thought there were only two more matrimo nial cases in" this vicinity, but we were mistaken. The Argus tells us that one of our boys stole away with bis girl while we slumbered and slept and 1 drove - to Asheboro by daybreak, where they were married."- ' : " ' '- - ' ' -Qibsonville Items. Our town, up to this writing, has been very dry. ! We have comparatively ho sick ness In the city at present. Mr. B. Davidson is rapidly get ting his new machinery in place. Miss Nettie Albright, of Gra- dam, visited relatives in our city recently. ' " Rev. Mr. Hocutt, of Graham. preached us a most excellent ser mon at the Baptist church one night last week. Prof. A. M. Garwood has been absent on an extended trip to the eastern part of the state, but is now in town again. N The' pastor, Rev. Mr. Lowder milk, Is now getting up the neces sary funds for remodeling the Methodist church here. Mr. F. ,M. Smith now has his new residence commenced near the depot, and Mr. Ruf us Summers has his large store and residence build ing in course of erection. t Otoliesdaleltczis. r r Mr. Charles Pegram, of Walker town, was here Saturday. . . f. 'Miss Tennie Johnson, of Sum- merfield, is at Dr. Hilton's. Rev. Mr. " Kennett's family are expected home from Mt. Vernon to day. ,VT'- Mrs. J. R. Dwiggins is at home again after a visit of several weeks at.Wadeaboro. A A Mrs.1. A. Robercon and Mrs. rreston, oz iseiews ureec, spent lxrst Friday at Dr. Taylors. Hon. Thomas Settle, of Greens boro, was in town Monday on his return home from Pine Hall. -' Mrs. N. Hv Medearis and daugh ter, Miss Mary, of Winston, were here last week visiting friends. Rev. and Mrs. Parker and little Ruth attended Children's Day at Centre last Saturday. They say the exercises were perfectly grand. There was quite a crowd j here last Saturday attending the trial pf Mr. John D. Meador, of Madison, for maltreatment to a white; ana colored boy, on Saturday June 18th. Lawyer Zeb. V. Taylor, Of Greens boro, represented the state ; and Chas. O. McMichael, of Madison, was the defendent's lawyer. Chas Case, Esq , of Oak Ridge, presided over tne court. Mr. Taylor made quite an eloquent plea for the state, winning the case. Mr. Meador was fined ten dollars and the costs. i Whitsett Items. J Miss Vivian McLean, of Carteret county, is visiting friends here. Mr. B. Clapp has been home recuperating. He is about well. Mr. Earl Harllee, of this place, now has a position in Greensboro as salesman. '"' ;' "; ! i Jf ror. vv. u. iilaffg came over Saturday from Burlington, where be is spending his vacation, j j Messrs. Robinson and Oldham, our enterprising merchants,' are adding daily to their, already large stock. V ' The parties who went. to More- head City last week have all re turned.; All were delighted with the trip. .. The new catalogues of Whitsett Institute are being mailed. They are very beautiful this year, and the demand for them is very heavy. MrS. E. Harllee has just been elected to a very desirable position to teach' in the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution in Raleigh for the coming year. Hinton Items. The farmers have about gotten up tneir wneat. After going j over the corn the next thing will be mowing. 1 . j . L- The congregation was large. there being representatives of all the neighboring churches present. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gilmer, of Greensboro; Mr. Frank Ross, of Pleasant Gar den, and Mr. Logan Hardin, of Tabernacle. It is seldom that we see as many Presbyterian preachers together as were at Alamance church last Sun day: Revs. Lequeux. Thorn,1 Gil mer and Gillespie. Mr. Gillespie filled the plilpit in the morning and afternoon. His subject in the morning was "Home Missions." A collection was taken and the people - responded liberally ; some thing over, fifty dollars was se cured. In the afternoon the text was "I am with you always." The sermon was listened to with much interest. ' - Thorn's UilLItexns. Miss Mattie Foard, who. has been visiting in Virginia, has returned. Miss Lillian Glass paid a visit to relatives in Greensboro last week. Mr. Bid. Tucker and family visit ed at Mr. C. C. Tucker's last Sun day. -. ; : . . Mr. M. E. Peabody, of Geourfa.' visited in this neighborhood re cently.. .''.. i " l : Mr. Claude Hanner and family have moved to -this neighborhood from Greensboro. . J Miss Mamie and Mr. John Mc Knight visited in this , neighbor hood last Sunday. ' .1 Thieves helped themselves to Mrs. Joe Hoffman's young chickens one night last week, carrying nine nice ones away. Liberty Store Items. - Wheat cutting is about over. The yield is only tolerably fair. r J. J. Buiick is supplying the neighborhood with nice cabbage." Mr. Walter M. Brown has re turned home a graduate of Elon College. Mr. Isaac Pritchett recently lost his barn and a lot of feed by fire. He thinks it was set on fire by some one stealing chickens, as he had a good many that roosted un der the barn. He had no insur ance and the loss is heavy. A new cotton factory, with 6,000 spindles and 300 looms will scon be in operation in Rockingham. .osiery, , NOW OPEN AND FOR SALE AT SMPLE BROWN MERCA 1; The goods have been bought in the northern markets and from manufacturers at the very bottom notch for money, and we desire now to turn that back into money at the smallest possible profit Quality and material considered, we do hereby guarantee, over our own signature, to sell vou anything in bur line for esa mnnev than rnn hnv fh m . . i ' aujrmiug in our line from 2lc. Parasols, and a thousand other things. ; aau ON THE SECOND FLOOR w narrir n nmnlato ltJ Jr r? s. . i . . Curtain Curtain .Po..,. Window ShaW 'iSXSC w ' " V4U1Iva' tome to see us and we will prove to you we are wel! prepared' to do all we say. ' v Yours truly, ; o kuwMj iuu uu wnu uuy iud wo Cleoff UCTf). -f M TTJff I'IDCT rrr T r . L I r - - , . . i - , v v v uci j aiu . VyallCO a D (1 L&Wnl nrr Mi : : 234 SOTJTH -BLM STEEET. The deadlock in the Kentucky Democratic state convention was broken last night, when Goebe was nominated for governor on the twenty-sixth ballot. . The eighth annual convention of the Wholesale Grocer's Association will be held in Asheville July '6th. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The. Kind You Hare Always Dought Bears the Signature of THIRD WEEK SALE GOES ON SURPRISINGLY UNABATED. Confidence, untirlne ousb and Der- severance to please oar patrons in dlse has jriven us the proud distinction of favoritism. Notice a Few Specials for This Week. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. All our Fine Percale. Madras and French Ginghams that sold for 89c 98c. and $119 clearance price 59c. aii onr nne irercaie waists tnat sold for59c.,69c.and 79c.,clearance price 39c JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. . Two assorted lots containing Shirt Waist Sets, Shirt waist Pins, Breast Pins, Cuff Buttons, Hat Pins. Lot No. wortn from 15c. to 25c, clearance price 9c. Lot No. 2 worth from 25c to 60c, clearance price for choice 15c RIBBONS. . . Pare Silk Plain Taffeta and llonead Ribbons Zi and 4 inches wide.. worth 25c, clearance price for choice 15c. Ribbons 434 and o Inches wids, worth 25c and 35c, clearance price 19c. i Inch fancy Neck Ribbons, worth from 10c. to 15c yard, clearance price 7c yard. WASH GOODS. Cool, comfortable, breezy plain French Organdie in light blue, pink, red, lavendar, navy, black, never sold less than 25c, now 16c yard. 25c pore white heavy Linen Duck 12Mc 15csolid colored Docks, .also white, at 8C - . 15c Lace Grenadines in solid colors, also printed floral designs, 8c. ' 18c fine white Dimity, Stripes aod Mull Plaids, clearance price 7c. 18c 40-inch India Linen at ll)c j PARASOLS. . Every fancy Parasol in the house reduced for quick selling. No two alike. Be quick and get a bargain. ' CORSETS. For this week only Summer Corsets of good netting, double girdle at waist, at 25c. pair. ; DADIES' RIBBED VESTS. Some full bleached, some cream color, ribboned neck and. arm holes, worth 10c, this sale at 4c Great Silk bargains. Black Habutai, pure white washable Silks and fancy Silks at a big reduction. 19c. Fancy Colored P K?s to close, 10c. Good Table Oil Cloth at 9c yard. Fall Bleach Table Damask, extra wide, worth 39c, at 29c : l2Kc White PR's -at 4Kc All oar fine Cambric, Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries, worth up to 25c yard, now 12c Valencenes Laces in great variety, from lc. up to 25c. per yard. Every piece a bargain. And hundred of other bargains space will not permit of enumeration. Be with as early. - TTe are sole agents for the celebrated American Lady Corsets. Complete stock always on hand. , I Tonic owen.! ZA5 Pepsin U II la Testetesa end Qusrnntaod to Curo, Chills and j Fovor and all Dalarial Troubles. Does Not Coataia Qaiaiae Nor Other Poison. I Does Not lAjoro the Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing. "W. A. UcLarty A Son, Dime Box, Tex., wy: "Ramon Pepsin Chill Tonic i the best, we hye erer handled. Mt son prescribes it in his DdM.ndiiTi it u the only OiiUTonio whic Frioe 50c BROWN UPQ. CO Prop'rs, QreeneriUe. Teen. . . J " j - . ' 3 if " ' . SEE TTi, hYMl -A-TOD B2 COITVIITCBD Tho OSBORNE GOODS arc the ACME OF PERFECTION. AUkinds of Hardware at lowest prices. THE GBEEITSBOILO HARDWARE CQLIPAflY. Children Cryfor Pitchcr'o Caotorla. ' , i 1 j. . i j ! ' -''7 ; . - ' I 'i . i I ' - ' --'I :. ! 1 . Was there ever a time when so little time was equal to so much money to the farmer as it is at this present time To make the most of this valuable time, you need to take advantage of all the time saving machinery which this progressive age offers. To be specific POM AS1D 0TTfli PLANTERS, ECIf you want to learn all about CORN PLANTERS COTTON PLANTERS write to and 230 SOUTH ELU ST. OdellH ardware Company, t PATRIOT Children Cryfor Pitchor'o Caotorla v r ';;

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