UN 1-1 I; t r 1 .U.I..- I ft LANT LIFE, to be yig. orous and have healthy, must Potest Fhosphoric Acid and Nitrogen These ess elements are topi lantswhatj bread, meat and ;faterarejtcrman. i Trhos flourish supplied fith Potash. 8 on soils well . . . . . I 1 omraoh ets tell now w DHy ana appij y4u r-.- J I ' .it 'jliljxers, ana arc CERrMN KALI WORKS 93 Nassau St.. New York. are subject to- peculiar 111. The T-icrfit ramedr for babies' Ills especially worm i and stomach disorders is Freyfs Vermifuge 'Was raredchlldren for 60 years. 8end fi,'r 1)105.1) aDOUl-.ue 111 "HAGTEE OF ALL GOOD T70HH- m err. A Ti'cas., J, s... DAVID WHITE. , 1 lj ' " Vice President, A. W. HeALISTEB. ibfsha asi pt Cop;. Capital $251000, paid up. Surplus $24,539.65. ' XEGOTIAfK LOANS. ACTS AS EX kc.Lff OjR OF ESTATES liKAL pS'jIWTE AND COI.LKQTIXG AGENCY. f I . i n 1 1 Trust Business. Applications forj l0ati9 are desired Jin y amounts ranging from $10(Ho . initio We have money listed which ties are anxious to have Diaced at part once.. Ample uinetl security Is always re- ehave ''tof rent breo dwellings, on c'hur.ch street, one oo Spring another oh West Lee,, near Nor t'olleire. lent dwellings on Sum Une and ma I DHt jrofed property, both in city and conntrv Hud listed fonsale. nse exce A venue and improved and uniuv (.'ill on or a Idress us for particulars. eve ILL READY day w promise your washing, rT Hrt i ile in th nanbavo anrl tat - f- ptvnUi vi uva jww- li cleanest, whitest, most uRtUfarrnrv 9fk you ever had doije. That is what iue water hoilihg and the irons Sftn5 at ourplace. Give us a call or tello 'over the wire. ' ' GREENSBORO STEAM LAUNDRY. Dick, proprietor. - Jon V l T" Take an In Interest Fruit Growin or AND GIVE VARIETY 10 LIFE AND LABOR. fnone lU nil. t is hbwn down. tv1 r Ttt been! hewn down.'b y.:,,f!trar more 4f our tree; :;ruK Kood-frdlt,t ii:-.-, there are all en a tree does not bear good fruit We but to rees are ban ever, u.uou annually. It's a Hre all sorts of everv- r" ruit trees ours bear il-tttl fruit . . . . J t, , :'rovP yeirs is a positive t r r,,lts f'r all section. Five ,A,t ''aPlMi riilps, ripening in X fur 1'Hrlv tiwo months with- : twelve vat r U Vvl suifssiorj from June til. ,, J;!l""v break; and so of Ap- M.'rVui o Pla iVe fd Winona Hill Nurseries, ietiesof Peaches, Pamphlet of 40 nt and Cultivate ll particular j. I1ERY When Earth's last picture is painted, and the tubes are twisted and dried, When the oldest colors have faded, and the youngest critic has died, We shall rest, and, faith, we shall need it lie down for an aeon or two, Till the Master of all Good Workmen shall set us to work anew! And those that were good shall be hap py; they shall lit In a golden chair; They shall splash at a ten league can ass with brushes cf comtt's hair; They shall find real saints to draw from -rHagdalene, Peter and Paul ; They, shall work for an age at a sitting, f and nsver get tired at all I - And only the Master shall praise us, and only the Master shall blame: And no one shall work for money, and 1 no one shall work for fame : But each for the ioy of the woraing, and each In his separata star, i Shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They Are! t -Rudyard Kipling. , , Degrees of Honesty. Purieti lometimet declare that there are no degrees of honesty or dishonesty; that there ie a sharp line of demarcation, and that an act must be either honest or dis honest without any qualification. This may be true as a matter of theory, but in practice the world finds it necessary to recognize de grees of honesty or dishonesty. In the interest of morality it would perhape be best to recognize only degrees of dishonesty. But the man of affairs recognizes degrees of honesty. He .knows men who are honest only because they be lieve it is the best policy ; he knows' others who are honest because they have never known temptation to be otherwise, and he knows oth ers the select few who are hon est by instinct and who could not be tempted to deal unfairly. If we chose to de so, we can cass .the latter as the only honest folk and treat all the others as dishonest in varying degrees, but it is just as logical to recognize degrees of hon esty. The man who is honest as a mere matter of policy ie, of course, not to be trusted, for he is liable at any time to think that his interest requires him to be dishonest, and then there is nothing to hold him to the truth. "The man whois hon est because he has not been tempt ed sufficienttly is also in the doubt ful list,- for at any moment the tempter may arrive with enough to overcome his scruples. Strictly speaking, therefore, the only hon est man, notwithstanding this rec ognition of degrees, is the man who is honest by instinct and can not be otherwise except by a sur render of his own self-respect. That is the kind of honesty to be inculcated and cultivated. It is an easy matter to persuade people not to commit highway robbery or bur glary. The fear of punishment; is sufficient to deter them. They can be pursuaded not to indulge in swindling operations by showing them that swindling does not pay in the long run, good reputation being necessary to success in busi ness dealings. But their honesty ought to result from some higher sentiment than a desire for their own welfare. It is never surely grounded unless they are honest because it is right to deal fairly and because they cannot be con tented in mind knowing that tbey have done wrong to any man. It is honesty of this kind that is marked of clearly from the ob scurest forms of. dishonesty, and there may be in it no degrees, but in the practical affairs of the world the degrees are recognized, and one man Is marked AI and another B2 as surely as in the reference books of commercial agencies. The aim of the young man should be to get an Al reference from every person with whom he has any dealings, and this he can do only by setting for himself a high Ideal to, which he shall be true irrespective of any temptations that may beset him or any apparent advantage to be de rived from an opposite course. Hs own conscience must be his chief guide. That being satisfied, he can defy the world. Tosuch a man there will, in truth, be no de; grees of honesty. Every act will be either right or wrong, and the test will be his own sense of equity and justice. But the world will,' nevertheless, recognize that there are degrees of honesty and of "dis honesty; that some men can be trusted: not to pick, one's pocket; that others will deal fairly in busi nees transactions, and that still others can be relied upon to dis charge a trust with perfect fidelity. The degees will always exist, al though there should be only one ideal set before the young, that of absolute honesty. Baltimore Sun. Cenatoi Ct3T7&rt'o Only G&nbl Sexiator, ,you rere one ; of the Argonauts, and must hare - teen tome great gambling out on the Coast when they were getting to much of the yellow metal but of the California sands," remarked a friend of Senator Stewart, of Ne vada, who sat in a group at Cham berlin't. -' . i V' i :. .: Yes, there wat tome high-rolling among the cportt in those days. I looked on, but did not participate. My first and only experience was in San Francisco in the spring of 1850. I was a youngster, and had wandered into a, retort called tbb El Dorado, at Which all sorts of garnet were in progress, and on he tables'were piled up huge stacks of gold and silver coin. I looked on, at a green youth would, and was attracted to a roulette wheel. A miner was betting $100 at every turn, and luck teemed to come hit way. I didn't have much inoney, but concluded I'd take a chance, and ttarted in with a tilver quarter, following every bet of the miner. I ran this 25-cent piece up to $25, and thbugb elated with my fortune, obeyed the prompting of prudence and quit. - j : L. "At I went out of the place . I heard an old gambler say the tucker will be back inside of an hour and lose it all.' That remark, for all I knew, had a great influence on my after career, for I not only resolved not to go back, but never to fight any game of chance in the future. So-I quit gambling then and there and kept my resolution. In my time I have known many of the biggest gamblers of the West. Some of them I would trust in any sort of way that men can be trust ed, but very .few have 1 known who ever saved anything out of the bus iness.' v-. - j. "The last time I was in Virginia City one of the most honorable members of the fraternity I ever knew, a man who had been! worth $500,000 at one time, toldlme he was hungry and hadn't a cent to buy bread. For the sake of old acquaintance I relieved his neces sities, but I thought of the time when he cared no more for dollars than if they were pennies." -Wash ington Post. A Mother Tells How She Saved Her Little Daughter's Life j j j i I am the mother of eight chil dren and have had a great deal of experience with medicines! Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. We thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. I saw by an advertisement ;in our paper that Chamblerlain's! Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. Improved tovbe one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. In saved my little daughter's life. I am an xious for every mother to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of axiety and my little daughter much suffering. Your truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Burdick. Liberty, R. I. For sale by C. E.Holton, Druggist. Richmond, Va June 10,1S9S. GOOSK GREASK LlXIMZXT COGKKKSSBOROf.C, Diar Sir Some lime ro you sent meone dozen bottle of Gooee Grease Liniment to be used in our stable amongst onr horses, and we beg to state thst we have used this exelusiTely since receiving it, and would state frankly that we hare never had anything that gave us as good satisfsctien. We hSTe used it on Cuts, Bruises, Sore Necks, Scratches and nearly every disease a horse can have and it has worked charms. We need more at once. , Please let me know if you hare it put up in any larger bottles or any larger packages than the ones sent us and also prices. . 1 ours truly, 8TJLXDAJU OIL COMPAXT. Jiy I.C. West. ; Federation Now Assured. New South Wales having voted for federation, the success of the movement for the. union of the various colonies of Australasia is now assured. All the colonies 'will now, in accordance with their ar rangement, unite to form ''the United States of Australasia," with one or two exceptions. New Zeal and, will hold off for the present and I also, perhaps, Western Aus tralia, but ultimately all, it is believed,- will join the union, in the desire to obtain the advantages of a more powerful government. The constitution agreed upon for the federation is modeled chiefly upon that of the United Statea of North America. Ramon Beats Them AIL r Henry BisselL Hatton. Arkansas, says: I cannot find words to explain the worth of Ramon's Liver Pills: and Ramon's Relief also. I suffered with bilious colic for years, and the doctors failed to do me any good. I j cured it with Ramon's Relief and Ramon's Liv er Pills. I have sold drugs and medi cines for 27 years, and have! handled all kiDds of patent medicines, j Ramon's beats them all I have sold and used Ramon's for ten years with always the greatest satisfaction. Hundreds of customers will testify that ! Ramon's Liver Pills are the best family medi cine they ever .nsed. . I wish every fam ily had atrial dose in their house to day. For sale by Howard Gardner. Twelve years ago a marble works company contracted- with: W. G. Cram, of Kentucky, then in poor health, to erect a $1,500 monument to him on his private lot, to be paid for at once, and the company to pay him ten per cent.! per an num interest on hit $1,500 at long as he should live. Hit dividends aggregate thus far $1,800; f the monument hat been breken off in a gale, and the company .must re pair it. - I ' JL Will convince the practical, up-to-date buyer that we make no extravagant claims for the Walter A. Wood Machinery when we insist that it ttandt without an equal on tbit market For our 'Rol ler Bearing" Mower we claim the LIGHTEST in weight, the LIGHTEST in draft, the most SAT- ISFACTORY to use. , Cotta lest to keep in re pair heeds lest' repairing. Will1 work where othen will not and costs no more than an in ferior make. Wakefield Hard ware Co; OrVtiVb X "c.7 1 Dear Sirs Yon said yeu wanted a testimonial. Iam not good at writing a testimonial. I can .ay the mows? does all you claim it to do, and if I bad to bay a m.wer again I would hoy the Wood. I can say It rnniU light Js j, . u", uu siica mowing. Yen i ; "- Yours, D. I. SiiorrxKR. Oar Hand and Self-Damp Rakes Are easily managed, simple in construction , and are made to last. They do the work intended for them in the most satisfactory manner. j If you want the BEST (and we are confi. dent that you do) come to see us. Yourt Wakefield Hardware Col Omn S v n VJ Dear Sirs Your letter of the 27th Inst, to hand, maklnr eaqniry as to the Walter A. Wood Mowing Machine I bought of you last summer. This was a Roller-Bearing Mo wsr. and has given entire satisfaction: has fuiiv mot .a tattoos. Yonra verv trnlr. n. n wk..... (Mr. Wheeler is ex-sheriff of our county.) Bxif a j a, Rockingham county, N. C. Pnhrnapv i 1 COO I got one of your nay Rakes and am well pleased with aw uu mm wen ana as nice woric as any rake I ever taw It. or had. i r i It Is the best rake that I have ever seen. C.W.Maxwell. for business, (DdDo The attempt to prove by insinua tion that Admiral Schley was guilty of cowardice at the battle of Santi ago and tried to get out of the way of the Spanish ships is best met by what may be called dumb evidence. His vessel, the Brooklyn, was bit oftener by Spanish shot than were all the other war ships of the Amer ican fleet combined ; and the Span-, ish vessels were'bit oftener by the Brooklyn than by any other of our, ships engaged. The Brooklyn was in the fight from the beginning to the finish. Her honorable scars are Admiral Schley's vindication. Philadelphia Record. j i t WI!! WI!!! We are etill AGENTS for the "It is a Sanford man," says the Kennebec Journal, "who has this statement sewn to his undershirt: 'My appendix has been , cut out,' and he explains himself in this way: 'You see these are plain knifing days of the surgeon. If a I man falls in a fit, faints, or hap pens to lose consciousness for any reason, tbey cart him off to the hospital and operate for appendi citis without waiting for him to come to and say what ails him. I've been sliced open once and I don't hanker for encores." f La Grippe, Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by OR. MILE8' HEART CURE. Leaksville LEAKSVILLE, N. C -:t Bring your) Wool to us and we will forward same to the Mills for i 1 r you without 'extra charge. They work Wool on Shares or for Caeb, into a variety of products. Write them for new 4 Catalogue, furnished free on application. 1 J. III. Apt, GREENSBORO, N. O, SPECIAL PRICES ON.... R.O.C SHTJLTS, of Wintexset, Iowa, Ttm IV ll Inventor and manufacturer of AT. ShulU' Safety Whiffletree Coupling, writes of Dr. lilies Heart Cure, "Two years ago an attack of LaOrlppe left xne with a weak heart. I had run down In flesh to mere akin and bone, 1 could not sleep lying down for smothering spells; frequent sharp darting pains and palpitation caused a con stant fear of sudden death, nothing could Induce me to remain away from home OTer night. My local physician prescribed Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and in a few days I was able to sleep well and the pains gradually lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced the the doses, haying gained fifteen pounds, and am now feeling better In every way than I have for years." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of. the heart and nerves free. Address, 3-f--rt Citt - cstcrct: TXNeslthV DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind Desirable Farm for Sale. 175 acres of highly im proved land well adapt ed to the growth of Wheat. Oats, Corn. Tobacco, and especially Clover and Grasses 30 to 40 acres now in Clover and Grass. The farm is weU wa tered by springs and small streams rnnning through it. . Good well of water, t-room dwellr ing, large grain and feed barn, and aU necessary out buildings. Fine early Peach Orchard; alao an Apple Orchard of selected variety of apples: Pears, Plums, also fine selection of Grapes, all just coming into bearing. The farm ie located conveniently to Schools Churches. Mill. Mar kets and Railroad, and in one of the healthiest localities in the state, a family of 11 baring re sided on the farm ten years and not having re quired the service of physician during thelisse. An adjoining tO-acre tract can be obtained. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at Patxiot ace - . x i vsi V us CHOOSE 100R DRUGGIST CAREFULLY. A dnigsrist can cio more hsrm rr rofi than most people Rive him crclit for. There are dif ferent qualitiea in drutrs jut a there are in dry goods, and to he outsider all qualities go bv Uie same name The difference Itefween pure.'hish grade drugs and c help, inferior druc of the fame name, means the difference let ween. keep ing sick anl getting well. When a dor tor writes a jrecriptim, he meang lt quality. Vhen tome drusgists till a prescription, they think onlv about big protlu. ! Choose your druggist cat efu'.iy. W-. ' WAEB. Witunumvvcoiciii ..... V mm IMryJ Schedule in Effect Jane 11, 1S99. WXNSTON'SALSM DIVISIOX. CXPT SU.NDAX. DAILY EX- I QUI ' ( M As usual we have a full line of School Books and School Supples. Wild 11 TP BII OS; Booksellers A Stationers NEXT DOOR TO BANK OP GT7ILFORD. ' i " . I I t ' ' LOOK FOR THE BIO FOUNTAIN PEN. DAQTTTH)! Secured. May deposit rUOlllUIlO monev for tuition in bank tillposition is secured, or will accept notes. Cheap board. Car faro paid. No va cation Enter any time Open for both sexes, uaiaiogue irec. . PRAUGHON'S PRAOTICAL BUSINESS ' NassiTille, Teaa. SaTanmah, Ga. . Indorsed by merchants and bankers. By far best patronized business colleges in South. Three months' bookkeeping with us equals six by the old plan. All commercial branches taught. For circu lars explaining Horae Stody Course' address Department A," ( For colleee catalogue, address Jepartment A 4. OalTstoa, Tex. Texarkaaa. Tea P.Mr A.M. . . ' I'M. A.M. 5 00 8 20 Lv. Winston Ar.9 35 9 00 5 33 9 02 Lv. Walnut Cove A r. 8 55 8 20 6 03 9 35 Lv. Madison Ar. 8 18 7 45 G 11. 9 39 Lv. Mayodan Ar. 8 li 7 42 7 10 10 41 Lv. Martinsville Ar. 7 10 6 40 1 10 . . . . Ar. Roanoke Lv. 4 35 .... WESTBOUND. LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. 4.45 a. m. (Vestlbuled Limited) for Bristol and Intermediate points, and Knoxville and Chattanooga, all points South and West. Pull man Sleepers to Memphis and( New Orleans. 4.23 p. :m. for B!uefleld, Pocahontas, Kenov, Columbus and Chicago and all points west. Pullman j Sleepers from Roanoke to Col umbus. also for Radford, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga and in termediate ; points. Pullman j Sleeper Roanoke to Knoxville. NORTH AND EAST BOUND LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. - 1,40 p. m. for Petersburg, Richmond and Norfolk. I. 45 p. m. for Washington, Haters- town, Philadelphia and. New York. - . II. 55 p. m. for Richmond and Norfolk, Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Norfolk and Lynchburg to Rich mond. . . . 11.55 p. si. (Vestlbuled Limited) for Washington and New York. Pullman Sleepers to Washing ton, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg. DURHAM DIVISION Leave Lynch- . . . a. t S M burg aaiiy; except nunosy, w p.m. (union station) for Durham and all Intermediate points. Leave Durham daily except Sunday, at 7.00 a, mi for Lynchburg-and intermediate points. For all additional information apply at ticket oillce, or to M. F. BRAGG, W. B. BEVILL, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pass. AzU Roanoke, Va. A T -.T arVm ftbtiine i and aU PaX- - " Kixincond acted let, MOOCRATC FKCS. OUR OmCC IS OrrOSlTC U, S. PATtHTOfflCt !&d iScaaseVure patent in id time tia remote xroin r.ak. . . - , Send model, drawing or nnof. With crrip- tkm. e acvie, u w charre. Our fee not Cue ti Ptt B ".. TVIitwiLrr How to Obtain 1'atenf," with coit ct wun io ti U. b. and foreign com ent free. Address, C.A.SWOW&CO. Of. PATXWT Office. WASHIMttTOW,. O. To prevent La Grippe take a dose or twe of Dr. Miles Restoralire Nervine daily. if V .-

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