t- ' .: ' ,'-.-'.'.,.-w-a-" .-.. ,-- . ; lm il il ' iiij .. A l-,1 - - Greensboro Patriot. ESTABLISHED 1831. WEDNESDAY. JULY 26, 1899. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. -Mr. Frank A. Pierce has returned from a visit to Masaachusetta. -Judge Spencer B. Adams spent yesterday in Raleigh on business. Miss Irma Hunt, of Chatlotte, is Tisiting her uncle, Mr. W. B. Hunt, on Walker Avenue. ' Items from Center and Sommer field were received too late for publi cation this week. Miss EflBe Tate is now with J. M. Hendnx fc Cbn where : she ill be pleased to see her friends. Mr. C. T. Bailey, postmaster of Raleigh, was here Monday on his way to Washington on official business. Just Received-A fresh lot T. W. Wood & Sons new crop turnip seed. 23-2t Hi att & Lamb. Mr. William Parrish and Miss Mamie Thomas, of SlcLeansville, were married on the 17th inst., Esquire J. W. Forbis ptrforming the ceremony. The annual picnic was held at the Friends orphanage, near Archdale.last Saturday. A large crowd was present and the occasion was a most enjoyable ' one. . ; - . Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, July 23rd, Hiss Martha Haithcock and. Mr. James W. Myers, Rev. J. B. Tabor performing the cere mong. , A bold robbery was committed at Thomasville last Thursday night,when thieves entered the store of Morris Brothers aiid took something over $800 in cash. The safe which contained the money was blown open. " ' Wanted, at once, fifteen srood spinners and five good speeder tenders. Can use a fe"w good hands in other' de partments. Apply In person or by letter to Columbia Mfg. Co., 4t. Ramseur, N. C. The secretary has kindly furnished us with the nrnriefidinca of the Boone .. - i r - - Station Sunday School Convention, which was held at Sharon Lutheran - church last week We regret that a rush of matter compels us to defer Its publication untilliext week. Wanted: Purchasers'for new or second hand iron safes.vault doors, etc. We exchange large for small safes, will buy your second hand safes for cash. We put on new combination 1 1 j it l s i m . iovko biiu uo au kiuu ot experb repair work. Our prices are the lowest. . O. B. B abnes & Con Greensboro, N. C. ' The summer school for teachers at the colored Agricultural and Mechan ical College has been In session since last Wednesday." The attendance is good and the work being accomplished is very satisfactory. President Dudley and his faculty are assisted by "Presi dent Mclver and Professors sJoyner and Claxton, of the State Normal and Industrial College; Prof. W. T. Whlt sett, Superintendent Grlmsley, Prof. A. Graham, of Charlotte, and other well known educators. The stockholders of the Greens boro Loan and Trust Company, which was chartered by th last legislature, met last Wednesday afternoon and effected an organization. A large ma jority of the shares was represented In person and by proxy. The charter was accepted by a unanimous vote, as was the report of the committee on by laws. Fourteen directors were elected as follows : J. A. Odell. R. M. Rees, G. S. Sergeant, R. R. King, John- Gill (Baltimore), W. F. Williams (Red Springs), W. D. McAdoo, B. Frank Mebane, Rev. W. L. Grlssom, R. Percy Gray, J. W. Fry, J. S. Cox, W. H. Wat kins (Ramseur), and O. R. Cox, of Cedar Falls. After the meeting of the stockholders the directors met and elected the following officers: J. W. Fry, president ; J. S. Cox, vice-president, and W. E. Allen, secretary, treas urer and cashier. The directors will hold another meeting in a few days and decide upon a location for the new enterprise. It Is expected that the concern will be open for business at an early date. In addition to doing a general loan and trust business, a reg ular banking business will be trans acted. The capital stock Is $100,000, which will make It at once a strong financial institution. The directors and other officers are all good business men and will make a success of the enterprise. H. Mitteldorfer & Son, of Rich mond, Va., are in the city decorating business houses and other buildings for the gala week. C. M. Vanstory & CoHed the "procession with elaborate decorations. Messrs. Howard Gard ner and John B. Fariss followed as close seconds, while a number of other firms have made arrangements to have their buildings tastily decorated. The Banner Warehouse and the court house shotv the effect of the artistic touch of the decorators. Messrs. Mitteldorfer and son are experts In their line and are giving our people the prettiest dec-, orations ever seen in Greensboro. The directors of the dispensary, Mr. B. B. Bouldin, the manager, Mr. John McCauley, the clerk, and Wash. Donnell, the colored, porter, were be fore Esquire Eckel last Friday, charged with selling whiskey to a minor. It was alleged in the complaint that a young man from the country by the name of Stack, who Is under age, pur chased whiskey from the dispensary on Ji'y 4th and that he became In toxicated. Col. John N. Staples rep resented the prosecution and Mr. John N. Wilson appeared for the defend- anfa Thp liiQO-lafrof-a Kiin1 u j t "- - vi vvumu lUOUIICC tors and Mr. Bouldin, the manager, over to the August term of Superior court, when the case will be heard. Under the dispensary law the penalty for selling whiskey to a minor Is a fine of $100 or Imprisonment not less than ninety days, or both. Deafness Cannot be Cured i i i - -. " . . vif ipucauons at tney cannot reach the diseased jioction et the ear.- There is ji1t one yray to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies.. Deatneas is caused by an in. flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Wnen the tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless ths mflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing wilt be destroyed foreTer: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh! 7Vl .-til,IwSlbut an lnCied condition of the mucous surfaces. We wiugive une Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot V cured by Uair Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars; free Sold by DruggS8t. 75c Hall's Family I'llla are the beat. ETdw's Tdhlf Time fo lay in Summer, Fall and Win ter Gooda. . The Goods of CLARY fe STACK are going to be Bold re gardlesf of cost to wind up the business in the next few days. A full line of Shoes of all kinds. A large line of odd Pants to go at half price. Full line of Shirts, Boys' Clothing, Dry Goods, Pant Goods, Notions, Glass Ware, Tin Ware, Crockery. Nice line Toilet Sets. A full line of Hats. A good assortment of Trunks. The cost will not be considered in this sale. They, must be sold, and will be sold, and you can't afford to miss these bargains.; - Sale now going on at 110 West Market street, next door to John Barker's. Come and see for your self. Receiver of Clary & Stack. 1890. 1899. ELOf! COLLEGE. (CO-EDUCATIONAL.) ELON COLLEGE, ALAMANCE COUNTY, N. C located in Central North Carolina, 63 miles west of Baleigh. 17 miles east of Greensboro, on the Southern Railway. Noted for healthful nesa. Remote from demoralizing influences. I hree f ul!, thorough courses. Departments of Art, Elocution and Physical Culture. For the cost, best Business Course in the State One of the best Musical -Directors. Unrivaled for cheapness by institutions of like advantages. Tuition per term 15 CO to I25.C0; board 5 to $10. Opens September 7, 1 899. TESTIMONIALS: President University of Texas and ex-President University of North Carolina: Elob Col lege has, sprung up as bymagic, with lame equipment, faithful and zealous teachers, ex tensive patronage, wise and active manage ment, a practical and blessed institution of cul ture and refinement. President State University: Tour students show thorough, sholaily training, imbued with spirit of schola' ship and correct method Of work. Untversityof Virginia: -Your men work well. Deportment excellent. Harvard University : Work of an unusually high order. - Db W. W. ST A.LEY, President. Address I. U. Newman, Chairman. Executor's Sale. - ' '.: ' - -;v: .. i -it " PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of Guilford county in the case of T. E. Balsley, executor of J B. Balsley, deceased, vs. cnas. G. nalsley, Wm. G. Balsley. Jacob A. Balsley, et al, the undersigned as executor, will on J..:,,,, ' Monday, August 28th, 1899, . sell on the premises to the last and highest bidder, by public auction; th following de scribed lot in the city of Greensboro, N. C in Morehead township, to-wit: Bounded on the east by Ashe street, on the north by Walker Avenue, on the south by the North Carolina Railroad, and on the wet by the lot of D. W. C. Benbow, containing about seven acres. Situated convenient to the railroad, with advantage of side-track, this property offers excellent sites for the location of manufactur ing plants of all kinds - There Is also on the property two very good dwellings, out buildings and garden. TEilHri OF SALE One-fourth cash, one fourth In six. and balance in 18 months, with Interest on deferred payments. Title retained till purchase money Is fully paid T. E. BaLSuEY, Executor, J. B. Balsley, deceased. .For further Information appiv to T. E. Bals ley, Keidsville N. C, or W. G. Balsley, Greensboro, N. C. 66 mm i w wr1 i T 1 NO. SOO ! For your LUNCHES, and as fine ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS Fine Confection?, Fruits, Cold Drinks Fine Clears and Fancv Goods. Deliv ered from 6 a. m. to 10 p, mn on short notice. Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor ODen until 11 55 d. m. i Uunday HoursBreakfast, 7.30 to 9.30; Dinner, 1 to 3; supper, 6 to 8. TII"E STATE HORLIAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE ! OF NORTH CAROLINA. j j Offers to young women thorough literary, classical, gcicnuuc, ana industrial education and special pedagogical training. Annual Ex penses $93 to $130; for noST-residents of the State $150. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular students. lias matriculated about 1,700 students, repreeeiitingevery countv in the State except one. Practice and Observation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board in dormi tories, an free tuition applications should be made before August 1. i Correspondence invited froai those desiring competent trained teachers, i For catalogue and other information, address PEESIDENT McIVEB, ;28-8t Greensboro, .h.C. Will buy a fine farm located in one '!-'.. " . ........ pijj tne most desirable neighbor hoods in Guilford county. Farm contains 150 acres; 50 acres in timber; 20 acres in or chard, .barge and well built two story house contains 10 rooms. Large stock barn, tobacco barns, carriage house, and other out buildings. X offer this farm on the follow ing liberal terms : $1,000 Cash, $1,000 in I Year, $1,000 in 2 Years, With 6 per cent, interest on de ferred payments. I put this property on the mar ket simply because I have no use for; it. To anyone wanting a home I do not know of a better oppor tunity. The house alone cost $1,500 when built. Will take pleasure in showing this valuable property to interested parties; but as: time is valuable can only nego tiate with buyers who mean busi ness. John J. Phoenix. Gala WeelL j (AUGUST' 1, 2, 3 and 4.) I i ":','. I We want everybody to come to town Gala Week and get vsome-. of. the things we will give away at our Booth in the Banner Ware house. Gome. We will - be glad to see you. i -Yours respectfully, - nmn cabdnb: DHUG GIHT, ! CORNER OPPOSITE POSTOFFCE. fcr few " , CCTLook for Howard Gardner's name when, you gel to the Ware house. i IF YOUR i Teeth or Eyes i as tis as (is (is (is (is (A (is (SS (is (is (is (is (is as (is (is (is (is (is (is (is (is as (is (is (is (is I u in SETT TUP RUNS IT ths i amount of money expended annually by the people 0f r county for Dry Goods" and Shoes that are unsatisfactory f ' " H reasons, but chiefly because "tbe quality is not hatltheTh"" they Were getting. How often we, buy an article becauee th . low (or seems to be low) and find out after it is too late tijat'" ' bit.' The lowest price goods are not( the cheapest. Quality 'T " first consideration with us, then we make the price, and oft ' less than you pay for shoddy goods'. Te bid for your trade if r " AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. our be Don't think our jpricps are high because we sell the best. We are pine in when we say we believe you can get more real value for your money in our etortPth linlinn Sr. ..V i TIT T1TTV T7rT ' a r TT a nvv . . ' uuuoo m uiwuBuuiu. ! uji uux ruii xAoa aj u vj tjliLLi bXKICTLY FOR fA van you see any reason wny we can't 6ell cneapr ief an anr I! We Are the People's Honey-Saving Store. 22 1 South Elm St., si r lr ira ' .0 .sfl i ' '! GREENSBORO, U. C. 5f V & 5 to ft to to to to to to to to to to to to to: to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to " G8MT MRG1IIS During "Gala Week.'! I shall have the bi ggest bargains ever ofFered in MILLINERY, dl yoii intend buying a Hat this season do not miss this opportunity. ! . I will take eight or ten cords of good seasoned wood in exchange for goods, uau and see me. ? J Nannie G. Weatlierlyw 109 East Market Btreet. ( Mvancing THE PRICE OF ALL KINDS OF 7 i FURWITUR IS STEADILY ADVANCING ! In I But at our store the SAME OLD SYSTEM PREVAILS the Ibest goods for the smallest amount of money. No matter what you may want in the Furniture line, I am in a position to satisfy that want in a most satisfactory manner. Call and take a look- at my; line of Lawn and Porch Settees, Rock ers, Chairs, Tables, Etc., Etc. ! i W. J. RIDGE, 330 South Elm Street. Whilst in the city during GALA WEEK we ask you to call arid ex amine our stock, ask questions, and compare ourgbods and prices with anybody's We are maker and dealers ijrc all grades of tight and Heavy Harness. Hand work is our specialty. Carry a nice line of Saddles and Saddle Blankets! Collars in all grades: and kinds. Whipst all prices. Bridles of all kinds Lap Dusters, Fly Nets, Curry Combs, Brushes, Sweat Pads, Etc., anything in an up-to-date shop. Twenty years' ex perience convinces us we can please you. Yours to serve, . G. S. GAULDEN & CO., 217 S. Elm Street. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. J i f j T)EPCSIT YOUR . MOHEY Ifi , . p The People's 5 Cents Savings Bank, OP GEEE2SrSBORO, XT. O, I Established In 1887. lnf Intrrr.l ttpi til Docs strictly a Savings Bank business. Has been in successful oicration, J'r ten Jw never iot a dollar. ... ' J. W.nuOTT. President. 62-Sm J. A. IUiD0lN.T' ,Jtf- i . : ! . . . I to (IS to TROUBLE YOU GO TO IDE. GRIFFITH, 1 iDENTIST ANP 0FTHAL1IIST. t as w as i 20 years experience with tbe- 2 Teeth and 8 years with the Jjj as Eyes. Glasses furnished. Con- w as sultatlon FREE. Satisfaction W 2 guaranteed. Office in K. of P. Building, South Elm Street. w m f- r'; . -r Wfiitaett Able Faculty; 200 Students from 35 i Counties. Expenses $75 to $150 for ten months. 25 Scholarships. Literary, Business, Teachers', Normal, Music, &c. 17th Year. Beautiful and Healthful Location. Highly endorsed. Scores of successful graduates. Boarding Halls, Dormitories, &cM all on school grounds. Illustrated Catalogue free. Address the President, "W. T- ,W,idLXafcUJJLBi,.'S5aa-;.D-, WHITSE1T, GuiUord County, X. C. FALL TERM OPENS A UGUST 16, 1899. WW- This has been our banneryear for Farm Machinery. The cele brated Mcf CORMICK, as usual, won a big victory over all competitors. Harvest is over now for a McCormick lower m nw 1 -LI LLU i Buy a Mc- sCORMICf and you II be happy-. It will maks you love ,. your faniii and neigh bor and us. K CI ' II JF Co. S03LIID CAES' ! -Li OF- - . ' CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, AND ANCHOR AND : HAMILTON BUGGIES. ! - . ' a Just received, and! they must go to make room for two mu to arrive next month. Myron G. Me well & Go- JC7"We are the only Buggy dealers id the city that buy in large quantities. Quantity and as and price, We give our customers the freight. Small dealers can't do It. ' '4 i