Board of Public Charities. f The biennial report of the Board haBIIONIOUS AT CHICAGO, the Attorney-General and can, if ilP . h ...I . I he desires, secure an Attorney- tlnfteDemocratitional General who will enforce the anti- Gf Public Charities of tfortb Ckr& ?&trfe Committee T7eU trust laws. - lina was issued Saturday, lit is a i 1 . Attenoea, ,1 AitorneyHieneral. fine report and showa i that - the Irioo,! Mr 20.-Np friction few recommend sufficient laws, if gtate has made great improTemenU at the meeting or t&e iMumowni. in the method and manner of car- iqe Attorney-iienerai ing for the unfortunates. The re- an amendment to nnrt sv tht w thon ..nn w w ww w ww wwawaaw IIVHt " 1 ' W rfW l n h W W , , r1 aeTTi J A .tionar committee to- fourth, De??.L U- whn nWde kueh oan recommend rlike 'Kent! insertions lfst night the Constitution if ther present years ago the- aTerage number of l Ti to maW them good today. Constitution makes it Impossible the insane provided for in North note llwas I " e"-guiHa me .rusts. i. Ui I "Fifth. thA RAnnKIUan n-rtv l powerless to extinguish the , trusts patients. Now the three admirable accono ,Uld tO and bo defiances were ut- Ifl.a:i V.. J, . 1 v. j - N either pv ;tne men.wuo ue- r iv:uuSuuu -uo un patients, now tne tnree r.v.tlifiltb 1 shall be the! ral- 80 long as trusts furnish the money hosnitals for the insam . n i ii .a i 1 . . - ... 1 fuVarf in "the next campaign, or jo continue tne KepuDllcan party date 1,537 patients, and the whole 'Jri.rnbnDOse its adoption. n power. - W! 10 " JivL inokint? toward reo- "In tbe Phillippine question cer . or V UIV'C CD : : I. . - - J! v-at thW silver men bv the tai fundamental principles are in- 1 -kTAittft wftH durlncr thaivo.vea. 1 I'liuiuii w ; - when the number under treatment the past jear exceeds this by seyeral hun dred. It may be fairly estimated that nearly or not quite two thdus- (I IcX il- . ' - - V i ' ' : Ik We have selected from our stpclc about 1Q) To) 0 ml 200 e ur - : !.' . ! ; ! Only one and two of ai kind, that we will sell at just HALF PRICE' m ".'mm. T Sir Jttllis Iague wftS adm(itted r government, force and consent, of the latest modern treatment! of i L ICD iuuui, u-iw4 vauivi e "wv -w- luiauikj 1U IUD GUiaiUK jCBr lu OUT For a Big AWrMssment tbe cocm ft ' -A5 . r i 1 - nhin ioii.TT I .Thirst, xnere are not twn unnmmm 1 .tit t v. ' wuvr v u.w w I , - auu LVVUO Iflll IDQOITO IUD UII1EUL lani.Y in me cncaincr vAa.r in nnr . . i 1 . , ;L. w, L-iw, force, rennhli. nnnn nnn..i- I w.. tl. l' I OlZeS 04- IO All IMGW UOOflR inrl ornnH c4-f1Ao ' .. read the resolutions "Second. The Declaration of In- qlina is treating eight times l as committee! at their dependence asserts that all gov many of the insane for about three 11 Wl 11 Py yOU IO See thlS lot- It Will in tne aay at tneiw"u0". Jr jub powers times tne cost or the original num. , These .reBoIutionel trom -be consent of the governed, ber. Next note the still more rapid these DargfainS. . i.i l !' 4 w w mm al- T i r . - . planks oe inserted X U11U " e jeciarauon 01 increase lor the education, of the cost nothing to look through Your own judgment will convince you that they are br the meeting earlj p.Wr House. i, the IlCJl iJemocraiic pmuurm i -r o--r iw vuuuk ucai anu auDD anu tne Dlina. I vci jr viit?Cwj. ivi kj O l 1 VINOH 13 L -J;.,.; J nnnnaititr ! ItnnAri. J riffbtfullv aCQUlre title tO the Phil-I mort-orl c If V iki 1 i i I lint 1 L .11 B I W W V -l swwF- w ? I -UWt MVVS MB A, If At3 L A LU W -3 A & 1 1 W L1IB I i ! j -JIL.iirv tn tha ail vor vo.llDDine Isla&dS bv CnnntlRRt Of )lT I arlif inn nf .AlJ IcnQrlol nnilf -fUinrYC lim UntfA -4 -l w,. J T,l"J. ? :'-'iAUri r nrl nlAnff th A-A I purchase from an alien monarch, inca tn thn Nnrth r!.ii-, .nwAAi kv! f 1 J ... c.;j I to WhnflA rAhAllinrfa anM-tta a j j ' j' ..-.r l I linpi we . ou-er jpu um, am, i oaiu 1 - 7., ouujv"u '"viiui iud ucai auu uumo at iaorsan Tarviip : "i nere was a ueuant vu"""Be muuou j. l ton, ana to Dotn white. and colored the I word 'tfapee,' that -rounu. xi iae rinipmos are departments (practically separate mplr that the support and of right ought to be free, they institutions as they, are) of ihe to make room for a lot of strictly a Bargain Sale. Mr accent on ifflC(i to .Urhi. Jetaliete could oe secured should be immediately assured of blind and the colored deaf Wnrl I ODe I "V ( um3. iiuno j vubii ; ipuupo ; . " o w-wu - IvaiOIKU. Uf ID IUD RU ..vri mit. but. of this 4the loom- J independence as soon as a stable vance has been within fi -aU jB-i-Hv. r- . - , l . t. . . 1 ii l 5 I 7 J ! jsiitee took no notice. The bi- goTernment can be established. past. Siiperintent Ray points put Va is tn usee,' and aguej iras courteously "Fifth. The Fillipinos haying that in enrolling 316 for the pres. Every Suit marked in plain figures and sold for CASH. ?:'',-r,J Respectfully, etalic le inked for its proffer aesurred that of assis. f allen Int0 handr by accident ent session (not three months old ) it would 01 war snpuid be dealt with ac- lit is 13 more than for the whole! nf be palled upon at such times as the cording to American principles, last year, and 3 more than for the aitiohal committee felt in need of and not only be given indepen- whole biennial term two years ago. its assistartce. '.' i U0Ul'0' uuv ou-mue xet we nave now to add the entire That was the beginning and end- 'nienerence wnne tney wont out enrollment under Superintendent i-z of ithe eilter episode. The ineir own aesuny." ' Goodwin at Morganton of 200. fzht against P. J. Devlinj editor of Congressman Leatz, of Ohio, When his new building is coW r u. i. k.i sain in nartr I j v tnj preee oumau ui tuo unnuuni r . i un cu auuumoaaie ouu. ana BTOR1T& CO Tho Lov Prlco Clothiorc, Hatters and. Furnishers, 236-238 South Elm Street, GREENSBORO, N. C. An Ugly Tale Would you believe that the nun- (fAi:..1 w. il . I ... . . . . ' Il m m 1 -111 . J . MTnmittee. as Drouedt to a flnlsli. n year ago i at Kalelffb. with certain chanfea o oi American ciuz,ena meu or the Harrison' facitien of Illinois se-i the party in power refused to go to for which a limited sum is asked, wounded ecriug nis deposition ior ine part uuaUB nuu no can do cared lor maaing a tin by hiin as1 an officer of the being murdered, starved and out- total of 800 afflicted blind an ddeaf sitUnal committee in the last ragedr refused to perform the ser- and dumb which their mother state ffiroraltr Selection in Chicacro. yioes of an ordinary humane so- can take into skillful and InvfW f .. . i J i- I tn il I l 1. 1 I . : Beyond making several cnanges in -jrt uourwiig 4i,bci- wun a oan- arms and render them capable tbe rules governing the ! eommittee ner uPon which it lifted aloft the self-support, and then restore sothing else was done during the IaI8e pretense el ;peace at any that measure of self-respect essen di. i j prico, wuue iouay mis. same pany tial to happiness. GREAT MA88 -MEETING. seems to be in favor of war at any imctio, $July 20.-Tke Jnuch- !!C?1!" Ulked of Auditorium mass-meeting X4 f""8 W4 ofiyemocra$.todight waf a! great '1 mess in P6int of numbers noise u i j vJ uPa wlenthusiLm. When Hon! W. J. labo"" oUhe land, collected from BwiAtrodtiofidbvhhiirrnan everything they eat, drink and ,:owhe was giren a notable wel- on American railroads in the twelvemonth which ended June 30, last year, was far in excess of the , number of American soldiers killed ' or wounded in-last yearV war with Spain and this year's t0 campaign in Luzon, put together? That is the story told by the Inter state Commerce Commission's fig of "in iDeaKincr in unicaffo l am w, - w w . - j w w n m W w W W idvocatei of ; the Chicago platform are jdiyided into two camps.! It is lotjmj busirjess to establish secret rVice in oriler to ascertain ' what L'eaocrais are most devoted to tne The third sublect ef concfratuia! ures. Here theV are in all their tlon is the improvement in the Ox- grimness: Killed on the railroads, ford Orphan Asylum. This refers 6,859 wounded on the railroads, not so much to increased numbers, 40,882; total of railrdad casual- as to the addition of the four brick ties, in one year, 47,741. cottages, with two stories and a Only 221 of the killed were pas. basement each, for irirls. onnosite iengers. The risk of sudden death wear, all the while carefully pro- those in the northern arc recenilvM accePled b7 the individual Ameri- tecting the millionaires-, the syndi- completed for boys, and besides cates and the trusts from an in- many minor improvements is the come tax. can citizen who buys a railroad ticket and takes his seat in the car thorough reoriranization and econi " very slight, though quite appre nmin nr? voAmnrin a.NMm.n oiablv greater in this country than ww& . m v ah a& I w mm mm w v w w WWW u MV4V & UUK V a-i OUI I fV ..www.w .uwu. now introduced. The hospital is in Europe, xne numoer oi rau- New York. Julv 21. f!n1nnl SDoken of as amodel of neatness, roademployes killed in the year in Robert G. Ineersoll died at his The superintendent regards the question was 1,958. This leaves I - w t M f r .f . a - J M mm (ION i I i la TcSwSlss9 cd PkJH Tnhln Pepsin Ulllll. I UllJb Qssrcntcdd to Cure ChHia end Fover ond all CalarisI Trotsblsa. Does Kot CoBtata Qslatae Ker Othwr PoUoa. I k 1 a Mot t Stomach Nor Effect the Hearlaf. JS- t-AI 58 T' ?ep-in .CM11 Tonic U the 'onWCWU Tonic rcTchiTi teuUnjurV 'Sih! " U Prleo 6&. . BROWN UTG. CO Yes. we are on the market with the largest stofck of VEHICLES. home,. Walston-on-Hudsbn, near cottage system as offering the best b8 victims to be accountea ior. .i . ' T .. : - i".? 1 t-v.uw tt tt j j . i I w..-. .j.Li A Rnnatrliirfth a nArnentAffA nr them Dine n Aimni fnrth in thAlaaf nartx, -?crrv, lu-uay. X1I8 aeain owunuu u u.uv tww uuMiww r- " . r creed.) All Chicago plat ocritg look alike to me, a of trying to drive any in that platform! pirty my aim is to so impress upon 3 Democrats trie importance of 5l trluniDli of Democratic nrinoi- P that all local! differences-will form Dem- nd instead professed out of the were tramps -lazy or footsore fel lows who stole transportation once too of ten. The deadly grade-cross ing and the track-walking habit account for most of the rest. We come to the wounded. Of these, in that one year, 2,945 were 31.761 were railroad questions was sudden and unexpected, and in asylum life. j! resulted from the heart disease A subject of special attention from which he suffered since 1896. should be the organization, as soon In that year, during the Republi- as practicable, of an institution for can national convention, he was the feeble-minded. This unhappy taken ill, and had to return home, class increases in our county He never fully recovered from the homes, where it is a disturbing el- attack of heart difiease. and wad ement to the Deace of the ased and passengers, U tost light of in1 the determina- under the caro ot physicians con- infirm, and often, if allowed to go employes, and 6,176 were "otners." ti toieetore the" government to "tantly. ' at large, they become law-breakers It would be interesting to know wSe'foiiftdtiA'uii w-i.Vw For the last three days Mr, In- under guidance of the evil die- just how muchin money the la tne hrief time I shall snpak eB"Ui' UBU aoi oeeo. ieeiing wen. iui iuibhim -uoj aro Tioieni r-"""- w y - Condense What I Last night he was in better health, and dangerous under slight provo: C0Bl ranroaa companiea ana and spent a portion of the evening cation; almost always they are a ia acc.ueu- lasuraoco ou-upuioB. playing billiards. He seemed to public Jturden for life, and entail We fancy the total would be some be in better health and spirits by their unfortunate offspring j a thing impressive. The commis when he retired than he had been tax for the succeeding generation "ion's information is that 6,988 of m -I-dssire tOvCondense ttvi ta lav unon thrflA anhlflffs in. few brief propositions. irit, freeident McKinlev. bv m jnttrnational bimetallism, tcafe"t5l tLeold standard to be .tiilactor. 1 J : f -' . cecon,, the failure of the com- for several days. needing generation. The colored orphan asylum is no the casualties are to be credited to This morning he rose at the exception to the ceneral rule of th Particula rly dangerous part of usual hour, and joined lhafamilv imnroved faeilitiftfl A t,nrinJ ra"road worsr, the coupling and Second thkfii.,.J X-1 I at breakfast. -He then said he had tndntft hn,iaA ua nnu ri uncoupling of cars. Ui the rail- - T 1 . ,UW IHltUlD UI LUB V . - I . va-wwww uwk wwm Ww.vmU m 1 . Hion to U,r- ipenta bad nieht, but felt better, the eehool room raA tn mHJ roftd employes f ail amas; on auty t.lliiihi nrUaUo, vliii He had been suffering from ab- enmndat snn nhiirAn Th .ViJ that year, one in 447 was killed, . . r-r f Miuiovouioui , , . I WT aommai pains and tigntness about rollment December 1, 1898, was the chest. He did not think his 134 ; at corresponding date of 1897 condition at all dangerous, it was 108. The farm of 168 acres Robert G. Ingersoll, lawyer, in cultivation has had the debt up author, lecturer, religious free- on it reduoed to $469.20 and inter thinker and eon of a Contrreffa- eat ' The central AT-nAnsAa ins. tional minister, was born inDres- nrnvftmenta amniiTifH n noo aU the commission figures are Vifong den, Yates county, N. Y., August the year, leaving a small indebted-! The story they tell is anythingbut 11, 1833, and was baptited at three nessofS143. pleasant or creditable. Hartford veara of aire: ventWNt at twAlvA Th finMior.' ?Am la k- mki ' !I lOurant. De reitorWri indent artlnn f T r ' - riCn nannl 2 1 . . -ttew.-Kneliih financiers, hv "wqllilfc the1 .iioISaI Kl.rf ut inrniirrh Ka m and one in twenty-eignt was wounded. Of the trainmen on duty that year, one in 150 was killed, and one in eleven was wounded. We would be glad to learn that t? Annhlinn ti ffiJWneUj po icf of the I Caiid States. L .fourth Action. , rr- -,c lacreasea tne volume v,w-v"fcv wunu uaa kiiuk moro or ibib anaer aeot ior mn i - 11 T 1 1 A innraaaaH ms I vuvvi IU C X DUUDBBGD I LI II IS UI LIIH H La LH II1HLILII LinnH w niln I A I 1 a L. 1 III - TI - I v' luviwaivu t I j . - , i ....,. special to lue i.iau vino xjau iu wUp ix10nuiae - o - - 7 ,f , v J u-0 .uo0u uu u- neP 8ayg tnat Governor isradiey, 01 Portatiori of UAm frnm law In ohawneetown, 111., in 1854 : ditional means, and has been atm! i... -i.a a m. I lCUkUUAT UBS wli-Utl UIKUC up u.a J ; DU - V Proived timei , it is utulM'0 wr 8 J. A0DU De 8ome years Pa"' wun a 8ma" the legislat , ioi more money makes oaxuo coiunoi oi iuo jieventn 1111- number on the rolls rer last yeari ciav count v K t ap times could be uu" a,QltJ BUUJou " war in oeing y, taere was actually- a lar Bon ne 'r'r mhrni oi,n, , 100. w-s Aiwrnev vrenerai oi icrr mrnffA RttAndnnM whiPh wai l 1 I IIUUU wWVU kri made permanent bv the AmuoiB in AOOO rexusea tne 70. The sad announcement iVuon of bimetallism, which P8t 01 Minister to Germany in made that more than 50 were de- I. .T c- Mlvfir II Den 1 1 no rrt I w,uv . . I C11DCU IOr Wan. OI TOOm. A tlftTI- I! k L 1 . ' -W wkVtU 1 . - . I I mWmm, He was the author of 4 The (inda I to noiio .u. wit-i " -WWW.W i ivu . a w o lvwo. r wwv IV wllD I dirHenlt tn and Other : Lectures," Ghosts," water suddIv. involvinir from its coafsx rity between gold &ome Mistaaes oi nioses," "wnat total inadequacy, the danger of de he upplyof silver ShallI Do to Be Saved?" "Inter- struction by fire, and the ineffeo- g it must now be TiewB on aimage ana me xrresoy- tive sanitation from want of proper 1866, call a special session of ure to deal with the feuds. The only rea- heaitates is from fear that mav be turned into is ' - ..II SR7 l. I. i mv P 1 i V B r am Ttonll a a rr I rf I wt:. Jor comaee. ! huff' K was more1 pai L L i . h. ry oaiits n,. terian C'Rtftrhiflm." 'A vision nf Mp-in-n. .. -;uw "lannl " v u o iariiy ; Ninco I - . u m avwv.ov rr j i cold i ir,,, I war. "Modern xninaers. "ine joiirjGcru'o gqld is inereasintr. War," "Modern Thinkers," t'The The letters of inquiry, in addition ifrVut question 1 suirtrest Braln and the Uible," and many to actual filed applicatioas, indi- iri.. 6 H'poeuions for vour puuutauuui. n icaie mai iuiiy iou uoniederate ("-tlfin . I I j J 9.-AA Hw- ...klU l.n... - t I I C I W V.WWVI. SMb V IVU denying the existence of a God and tion of the Home. New dorm atoV- eruicising the Bible and the Chris-1 ies are urgently needed, tian religion. J E. S. Holmes, a government ex Si IX 101 trust is! a Ciw'e of menace to ilia L.J I a .1 the few in lH nn:r.TnP 5 almost: un- A: high official of the government pert, who has been investieatinir IWfS !N C thP ?iveB and says the Alaska boundary dispute the extent of damages in Texas LnScidiiiiS; A Sdmttflc UstmlSs? and! Pmc-taiai Ci edy for Dytpepsia, InCtgc-ttea cad all Stcrwli leasant and easj to take rcitci djt euDUBf uneduite xfUc r tlfn5umerp jemployes will be settled by an amicable caused by the recent floods, reports j nture to uraiMtrnuiuaexa touui fH th, Watte"l gfeement between the United that the total damage to cotton la lOwtSwaMCS. fC3 (IU Ef ) 4 - 10 per cent. Howard Gardner, Cor. Opp. PostofSee THE n3T O X X-wi H-LwISirD The Feints STiY 8IIARP until worn eat. ' The Superior Wheat Drills, Which are all that the name! implies. Fully guaranteed to do the work per fectly or money refunded. If yon fall to exas-lne these Drills before buying you will regret it. ' I ' Wo bare some SPECIAL BARGAINS In Burgles and Harneii, and while they last you roan save money. Prices are toeing ad , yanced by the factories, but we havs CUT our prices. - Yours for business,! ... -' ' '"; ".nn .-' .1 , 1 I f- tip iz r ? t iji i ' : -ill "' ' I CJT-TU rrrH t-T - A rm TIT! eQ3srv Usl Uj-X) tiii ; s Tho OSBORNE GOODS, aro tho ACME OF PERFECT10IJ All klndi of Hardware at lowest prieef. Tl IE 6BEEIISB0RO HAED WARE CODPAIIY. HOW'S THIS FOB A CLUB BATE: THE PATRIOT AIID THE WASHIUGTOn POST ! O-aJLy $1.40. Children 5ryfor Pltchco Coctorlo.