LIoLeansville Items." Oak Hideo Items. WW j ' - - Mrs Lizzie Grady came - down Prof. J. A Holt it buildings an Sunday and is visiting her parents, addition to bis house. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. Mrs. Thos. Donnell had quite a severe attack of hemorrhage last week, but is some better now. Mr. William Scroggins was taken ! . t 1,1 i ..II violently ill last week, but with the frienaSj Will timely aid 0f Dr. Charles G'ilmer he is considerably better. Our postoffice business is im proving, one assistant, being added to the mail deDartment. and it is a rfhere next week to the sights, and are ajl invited to male. Look out for a squall now. Qak Hidge Greensboro game .Prospects for next year's session are unusually bright. J The summer school has been more largely attended than usual. Large numbers of our people ex pect to be in Greensboro next week. The healtbfulness of our com munity continues well nigh perfect. There is no sickness. 1 Why did not the Greensboro papers publish the score of the of 3DQT iT .jjSS' 77"OZ5TZS I i ... qU -r There will be communion ser vices at Bethel church the second Sunday in August. Services, will be protracted during the week. Dry Goods, Notions,! Hosiery, Furniture Carpets, NOW OPEN AND FOR SALE AT arters. WATpRj r our mtniuo P lb ntV Of We wil cordially welcome all. riistomers. ,nd see us. Gome in (zKHOOD news. Mr. Sam. W. Davis came down R E E I Sunday and took dinner with his orotoer ana iatner ana reiurneu nfi same day. We think there is some current of magnetism near the railroad. - The wheat cropr in this section is about an average. It is very good considering so much late sowing. One of our energetic far- Yours, ball? G. A. Walker and Herman Cooper have been sojourning for some days among the mountains about Ashe villeV; . -y. A large number of summer boarders and visitors have been en joying the shade of our oaks this summer.. The ' local base ball team won another vintnrv Satnrdav last from Stokeadale. Thev have not lost a guousaave oeen Dougat in me nonnern marKets ana Irom manufacturers at . the verr Vinttnm game this summer. j notch for money, and we desire now to turn that back into money at the smallest possible profit; Quality Messrs. Victor Bear of Wil and materiaI considered, we do hereby guarantee, over our; own signature, to sell you anything in our line j -r Ti. 1 e -b ior ieea money man von can duv tne same eisewnere. mingion, anu ju. v . ruip, oi ror- "... . I . t I . t - .l u i. 1 u j- AXkoj. i iivutt no wnj uicib KuuuB, num ivc. 10 id.uu Der vara : i.miiro and t nn ... - t 1 1 kvlii. arn amiinv liih iulbrl nri ivuib 1 . - . . - - - . 1 - w ' - mere on iMortn jjunaio nae nau . . . i. , irom 2c. up (jorsets, bnirt waists, Keadv Made Dress. Silks. rfanev and blacks 1. fir tn !rin n.r aw iuc euuiuici ouuuir. I ol I t r 4 at r I t r 4 . icj. 01 i n . . - ' - . . ' ' threshed 317 bushels of wheat, which is the largest crop made in this section. ; , Mrs. Betsy Ann Hutson, who was reported Jn last issue as se- it ,VPr? of Interest Reported, by Our riously ill, died at the home of her i r-nrTva of Correspondents. 1 husband. Mr. Calvin Hutson. last , uua t - . i w i -- i j st. Towels, Gloves, Umbrellas 'and Sheeinsrs. 4 4. 54. 8 4. 9.4. 10 4: Readv Made Sheetar. 4Rr tn Ifa oh Mrs. Kate Lambeth has just; re- parasole, and a thousand other things. ! ! s turned from a few weeks visit to ON THE SECOND FLOOR we carrv a comrjleto line nf Fiirnitnr r.m.f. t?,t. m7mL.'t. er brothers A. Westbrook, of Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Crockery, Lamps, Clocks, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Silver Ware, Mt. Qlive, an J. b. Westbrook, or st0ves, &c. On third floor we carry our duplicate stock. Come to see us and we will nrove to von we arA wen preparea to ao an we say. lours truly, Fa i son. Among the visitors of the last Whitsett ItemsJ'n Sinitn ana Be visiting friends here, hfi" Mrnie Dick has fiqm a recent visit loiueuace. 'tftie farmers iij the sujrrounding contVy are busyi threshihgrwheat. 'Mr, A. T. wnr-sett ana iamuj Saturday Jand Sunday nere. Friday and was buried at Mount few days have been Misses Rights, iuv . -J t Miss M. M. Foust, ,who .n for some davsi is no Mr. Charles Rpberison western 'Guilford "the fi Veek. .-:!: ! Mr Levi Mav. a f6rme our yotng ladies 1 . . .. . L4Lvt 1 . rtf th-fl Bctiooi. waB marricu loot Sunday. t A number of Have been visiting in Burlington Je'pently. ' " : ';. 4 " 4 J -" Large crowds will go from here Fleasant church, of which she was daughter a consistent : member, bhe naa been a great sulferer ior some time. .-. i 1 3 i returned ane wa8 Iar aavancea in yearo. We deeply sympatnize bereaved family. The festival and entertainment given by the colored people of this place was quite a success, the amount realized being twenty-five The purpose intended of Salem; Sellars, of Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Fulton, of Winston ; Mr. and Mrs. Laney, of Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, of Raids- ith th Vllle. ( Samp "D) 1Q) roe TylFcaetile (Co 3 234 SOUTH ELM STREET. 4 Lego Items. We had a fine rain Sunday.: Corn in this section is looking well. : Mr. J. R. White and Miss! Iola The University Vino VlAOVl I . dollars. better. a8 to a88iBt in building a 'graded Sharp went to Greensboro Satur visited in school in order to further advance day. . m . 1 1. . . . m i.l m i ret oi me i the interest of education, inerei cAVA,.i Af nnF nAnninttAndad n lias been several donations, headed nrotraeted meetincr at ColfaxllSun- I I : t. l r student Dy nev. iaiawin, wno puaiur ui ujay. to- ( the gala Greensboro. week! exercises in the church near by. Good order prevailed and the smell of whiskey was not known. This is a credit to the colored people of this community.- -. ; ' Germanton Items. ; Dr. L. H. Hill is having an ele gant eight-room dwelling erected OF NORTH CAROLINA. Widest patronage and fullest equipment in its history. Faculty, 88 ; tudents, 495 ; 3 Academic Courses; 3 Elective Courses; 3 Professional Schools, in Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. New Buildings, water works, spienaia lauraries, Mr. J. B. York, who has been at SaiesEte. ft Airv nvrBAintr on the new Advanced Classes open to women. - Tuition, Mt. Airy overseeing on in new $6o a year; Board, $8 Z month. Ample oppor- railroad. returned home last Week, tunity for self help. Scholarships and Loans . . , f ' , for the needy. Free tuition for teachers. Sum Mr. James C. Copper bad the merSchool for teachers, 24 Instructors, 147 stu- m dents. Total enrollment 644. For - catalogue, miiiuriuoo, iow uvo av, vu wso address, PaESIDEnTALDBUiaAii, five two-horse loads of clover hay by fire. Mesdames J. A. Burney, and M. G. Cbapel Uill, S. C. I ! Several young people have been near the site of his former home, Creasey, A. H. York, Amos Knott bete the past week arranging to destroyed by hre last .Decern Der. inter school this iall.. j We learn that a woman died a j A number of pur. rjeopleattended few days since at Moore's Springs, the Sunday school) convention at this county, from genuine hydro Glbsonville lastjSunday. I phobia. Could not learn the par- Mr. G. C. Clapp is back from the ticulars. he was We are sorrv to report the poor- Mt. Airy Normal, swhefe u 1 i ; Li i awaraea a Bpeciai cor Tocal music. i Ramseur, Items. V Is . f i A crowu oi our peopie wm v Qf a crop. r , i j : i 1 -. ureensuoro uuriug gaia The Dlatform of the and Miss Julia Guyer are all on the sick list. Mrs. D. M. White and Miss Dovie White are visiting grand parents and other relatives in the Colfax neighborhood this week. We now have a telephone, line Bmsteii Mi Mm, GREENSBORO, XT. 0. ificate on est showing for. a good tobacco from Guilford College tol High crop in this section for years past, Point, with offices at legp and though corn is looking well. The Jamestown. The line is very con- wheat did not turn out over a third venient. Fall Term Begins September 6, 1899- week. clepot In a recent storm near here Mr. at I Reuben Eeast had eight tobacco his dwell- this place has been rnucn improved, barns unroofed part of Mrs. Clarence Watkins and little ing, and twelve stacks of wheat Cutlar, of New-Berne, are! visiting scattered to the four winds, be ilr. Watkins. j " sides a large part of his tobacco 'Mr. ami Mr. J J B. Melton, of being cut to pieces by hail. The Macon, Ga., are visiting relatives wheat was gathered up and we un- in town. ' derstand ne cui on me looacco stalks that it mignt start a new growth. The surviving heirs- of the late William A. Chaffln have had an and friends of Bladen week with ii S. Tate, eueat of Mrs. Dr. Tate .air. iv. i . (.amnne . j ni8 daughter, Mrs Dr. f rcn'....l I ;irrJ 3 J "sumeu uuiue xuesuvv I ia rri. 1 j lT?:il-.t ,1 I jjirssrs. i nomas, tVjiiieiia auu Thouiiisi, of Chatliam county, men over. three score years, spent a few days with relatives here! last week. The musical concer I'rof. K. C. Hamilton, u r( aturaay n znt in ' Liberty Store Items. Wheat threshing is about over in this neighborhood. The recent showers have im proved the crops considerably. Mr. Thomas Rich has been quite sick of fever for a week or two. Children's Day exercises were held at Apple's Chapel Sunday. Miss Ora Busick has been sick for a few days, but is now improv ing.;:. - : ; Mr. J. B. Watlington made a fine wheat yield, making about ten bushels to one bushel sowed. J. J. Busick carried a load, of wreck on the C. F. fc Y. V. near cabbage to Greensboro Abursday. Pilot Mountain in 1897. The work The people claimed them to be the was done by the Mt. Airy Marble finest of the season. I Works Co. and is a credit to their Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Zimmerman skill and workmanship. ... - were greatly shocked and saddened Th Kmithfim Rftilwav has nut a few mornines aeo to find their Write for Catalogue. DRED PEICOCK, President. The largest and best equipped Fitting School in the South. Clinical, Scientific, Commercial. 275 Students last year. Northwestof Greensboro, Pied mont region, 1013 feet above the sea level. State championship in Football, for many years among preparatory schools, advantages and facilities. 95th session opens ogue address, Baseball, and Track Athletics Term reasonable, considering' August 22d. For beautiful cata J. A. & M. ii. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C. Handles the best. Mr. Gaston I Pa-ks, One of our fet farmers, was the fir!sttp bring a'loatl of melons to the market. ! Miss Sallie Kollr. onei of Clark- tnp fairest young ladies, is the eieganc monument anu graaiie this week, curoing ereciea 10 me memory ui their father and mother, and the lamented Walter, killed in the eed.. 116 WEST MARKET ST. Founders' Hall i - SUMMER RESORT, Guilford . College, N. C. r .. given by of Greens- Open from July 1st to Sept 1st. A up a second wire on their route to live or six-montns-oia .Daoy aeau j ar, addre83 qeo. W. WHITE, Mt. Airy to accomodate increased when they awoke. They have the ax p. u,icinicfa anri wa aa trtfri that traf. svmnathv of the community in LUU . -MS 1 UUOilltOO iiwm.v vw.s w w I J g. J V charch was a very enjoyable affair, fic on this line is largely on the in Mr. A. M. Staley, of IStaley, one creaseespecially the passenger of the- most hr.nored embloves of Hat. desDite ; the Winston papers Manufacturing Co., would have-all the passenger trains 8qminerl months at via Winston. We Germantonites congratulate ourselves however. 23-2 m College Treasurer. "the Columbia spend the- their sore bereavement. Gibsonville Items. Mr. Andrew Summers', of Dur- The Right Sort. ' They have been in business to please their patrons ; they know now to do it ; they will please yon every time and TURNI P SEEDS .'.! I . i -r- that we still have a first class mail cur "r"' Mr. Marion Smith's fine new U V - f m w V m v m-- w m ham, new store building is about prices the lowest, at The Tom Rice Jewelry Co. DAVIDSON 00LLI& - . i -I VJJJ0OJJ, 3J- O. Sixty-Third Tear Begins Sept. 7th, 1899. TEN PliOFUSSOJiS AND INSTRUCTORS. 1 COURSES FROM A. R. Ji. S. AND A. LABORATORIES WELL EQUIPPED. GYMNASIUM COMPLETE. WATER-WORKS AND BATHS. CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, SCIENTIFIC. LITERARY, BIBLICAL, AND MEDICAL. SIETID FOB -A. C-T-XjOG-TTE. J. B. SHEATtER, Presidont. GUILFORD COLLEGE Total Escpesajaes for "ITear $133. i Can 1p SasllT- Xiod.-a.ccca. to $90. ! Xj J Xi- HOBBS, FxecLexLl3. C7"For Catalogue address Ge. W. White, Treas., Guilford College, X. C. Alamance Items. mansion is in course of erection, and when completed will be one of Th on th '.' l-Ot nriMn Iuf Utivnln -j t.ieyrTkealarce yield uubntit but arg yield wnkntity and tcj. - CSwt aim it r !rrnw artrl . . - , .j .... f1 y eeils tha are adapted in kind, $'.xfSw'y and growth to khe soil and e of the South, an& that wc are js evidenced I by' the large i spienjd id reputation which a occu enjoy. ( j t your merchant does not sell food's Seed. SPT1 ,1 for :. Farms ior Sale. .:. ; Situated ten miles eoutheast of Greensboro in good neighborhocKl. Contains 1224 acres more or less. Good two-story house in beautiful grove. Good out buildings and tobacco barns. Well watered. Good orchard, meadows and .... hMriiv tim)xrni Known as the home place oi Stewart. essays, adaresses ana an tne exer- tne Iat'e J w. Stewart, deceased We are sorry to -note that Mrs. cises were very interesting and en- fjjmkw. rb0S Elizabeth Scott, who has been in joy able. The secretary of the con- ore or i wen GoodfiSS5 on application.. Address or c 11 on vv M. f!- STEWART. AGT- 223 South Elm St., Greensboro, Ji. C e singing school opened here the finest residences in Gibsonyillo. e morning of the 25th, . 4 Boon Station township Sunday Miss Florence Stewart, of Guil-T school convention met in Sharon fnrri nnlleae. is visitini? Miss Marv E. L. church last Sunday. The O ' O J I r J ced ilMce-Ust. j Small pack- f can le sent by mail, I and larce j -aacapiy and quicluy by lrei2ht. J T. W. Wood k (Sons, a ".3ihcii, tvivii iiiuhu, t a. 1 about ver. inter 1 heatf-UrattM nHClAr&.Tur. . nlP and Vegetable Seeds, Hya cinth and other P I o w erlnz Kulbsd Catalogue mailed "ee rrite for it, and prices any eed required, t All correspondence cheerful- ly aaswered, , . A 11 , .Ml. . . f J ij fa LL t ATA LOGUE tells al A lor fa:i plaftiina : Crimson Clc t ..-,ry oi-sandvetclf. Rape, w 9 .'"'l Or (IntUi Hafi hMt 4 Koolfh rfnpa nrr irnnrAro VentlOn Will IUmiBO me JTATBIOT Mr. Alley Allred and iamily, ac with a rerrt of the roceedings. companied by Miss Joanna Har. Mr. L. D. Majr and Miss Mary din. visited relatives at Guilford Ferguson, of Gibsonville, were rllA rAflntlv. - united in marriage in the Metho- r'u iL diet church at this place on last Mrs. -" ".X Sunday, the 23rd. The 'ceremony College, isspending parr of the W9aJr'. m mA hv Rev R p Pa. summer with her parents, air. and K r " ? r - " Vl .inu:.. . ker in the presence of a large aud- Mr. Lequeux is going to take a Ufr'a nf'm.nv ftrimfrihrr fFiAila. vacation, therefore there will not peace and pro8perity attend the oe any more preacmng u o happy couple. OB OalUrUBy UOlUiD fclio tuuu day in August, when our protract ed meeting will begin. Mr. iJraa- Brtt!i y? wad Yea Haw Atajs Bcct shaw will assist Mr. Lequeux dur- Etoo ing the meeting. f - 1 cf III is IB i i I I Was there ever a time when so little time was equal to so muchjmoney tojthe farmer as it is at this present time? To make the most of this valuable time, you need to take advantage hi I all the time saving machinery which this progressive age offers. To be specific so-tf Executor's Notice. Having been appointed execntor of the last will and testament of Mr. Charlotte Gardner, deceased. 1 hereby notify all persona having claims against said deceased to present them to me within the time prescribed by law, or thi notice will bar their recovery. All persons in debted to the deceased mast make immediate payment. O. WILL. AJOIKIELD, J5-6w Executor. AGENTS WASTED FOR "THE LIFE AND Achievement cf Admiral Dewey," the world's greatest naval hero, iij Murat uameaa, iuc Fif.innr friond and admirer of the nation's idol. Ttico-t &nd beat book, over SCO pares. 6x1ft inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations. Only 11-20. Enormous aemana. bib cummn ions. Outfit free. Chanc of a lifetime. Wnta quick. The Dominion Company, 5rd Floor C ax - ton liag v-nicagu. -v. . COTTON PIMTEIIS. ffCTIf you want to learn all about tUK-ri-AxJio COTTON PLANTERS write to Odell Hardware Company, A