IMattiitude-of FostoffLce Business. Tlio Quuty Oonsolcaoe. Histpry Eepcating Itael I Some idea of the- magnitude of - Common sayings, and what ire i According to the Manila corres fthe poatofflceJbusiness is furnished are pleased to call superstitions, pendent of Leslie's Weekly the by the division of postofflce sup are very often based upon accurate American soldier does not find the !plis in this city. More than thirty observations by people who had not work of benevolent assimilation in Should ITot Bo So. ! l! A dispatch from Sumter, S. C, says "there is no meal or meat in the city." It is further stated that "("!riAr?patrn e. i l i - different forms of printed letters the knowledge required to give the Philippines altogether without nt ..i " . "l! l?7 10 are in use for answering suchijues- them a scientific basir or explana- profit. The ilipinos have had a searched with a drair net" wmi! tions and making such requests as tion. For ages the belief has pre- custom of burying their money in there may be some AZvver! In must be dealt with by the hundred, vailed that a guilty conscience un. strong metallic boxes, deeming it this dispatch hr fo uH r or example, a rcucunjr pumsu uw.v. w r.-v- huuj me opaniara8 Kept iniS I enough of truth in' it 1 a f ;n(.k form, sent out to all postmasters idea . was at least a part of the way than if deposited in hunt Lnnt ..ur " !? iulni8n B another trilrin lt..A.i. m t "wnen our soldierv ment nr fn n' , . t.i" ' i IVJS MU?"-ng 07"ng to the who receive rubber bands, cautions theory under which the wager of thAm tn exercise the strictest econ- battle omy in their use. It is said at the many supply oince tnat ruooer Danas are mjmng uispuiw. ay Home ji was aenr, "nunareds of these strong bread. Commenting th n now noinrr thA r)pnnrtment 47. ner suDnosed that there would b ru. I hnrpo t m uimenung. we l?reen- " s- r - i . - , I i" ucu. iU LUUtJli I TlllO JNfiWR Avo 4tT-. l-. . I J " ! uuu If ftUU was established, as well as the country and villages around DroduVtlon Xf'JJ! J aZa ' other crdde device, for deter- Manila- says Leslie fng on ?he We "for'fla11 g disputes. By" some it was dentr "hundreds of these etJU brfaoV L?' d nt. more than they cost a year pernatural Interposition In favor of cases the natives had anticipated anything fthn,,t kI " Ji o. and hence the need of caution the right, but even such interfer- the soldier and fled with his earn- "JdltIoln?-Vnm? agricultural keep within the appropriations, ence was assumed to take place by liigsi but it was often the case that will venture th ler 30"DlJr ut lotber printed blank enjoins the unnerving of the guilty man. timepwas too short, under our rapid every field within vi )nomy in use of twine, calling at- It is not improbable that when this advance, to unearth and unlock the that town T. i 1 ? 8 r,d.e ,f n lo the fact that the new twine belief prevailed the effect itself was strong boxes, so that when our How much hit? t ? cotton' s greater tensile strength than actually produced. The guilty men ihad driven out the insurgents these Smith !Jn J " tr formerly furnished, and .so man, believing that the result of many of the ho Irl 1 ' ern P eters to raise i . . . " ww iuuuu. kuoii uwn "nnor urtn Hrminn Consumers should bewa f ' inferior washing powders said to be just as good as 4 jaw uasliing Potvdor ney are not-there is nothing Rood s. COIO DUST form 5," bont the house. Ask , for COLD OUST and mast on getting it. jlladeonlyby THE N. t FAKBANK C02IPANY, CUc.10 StLool. NtwYork UUUttj ckages as heretofore. Postmas- by a mysterious force in favor of above the ground, but on account money croo Th ra are instructed to return when I the innocent, would be terror- Inf th'a intrinat. . i . , r . .f A" V , j i j . 7. . l , DjrBbciu oi iockb aaopted thU svste intv All hiirlans sent out with stricken and rendered innnnAh a nf Mma! do nn r i ... . r . . Jolc :r . r- v 7 7 - " uv.umcjoin ior me nil- strated us wisdom is twine, and a sharp watch is such resistance as he might have pinos to withdaw the money. Sums 1 thus their have m have demon- to see that thi9 direction is I ottered if nis conscience had been rancinff from Sinn tn t9 Kfn j o H"ivw ncio found. I Coffee for Inebriates. mei a SOldier one dnv A traveler hna moa i 1 urrying to tue rear after we had vation that coffee drinking people taken a village north ot Manila. are very seldom given to drunken- " What is your rush?' I asked. ness. In Brazil, fori Bnmn I ittTmi... .... . ..n , . . i . ' ! ---v, T K i uwo JfUU rusn on,' ne wuere conee is grown extensively there saidj 'if you found four hundred and all the inhabitants drink it in it. dollars in Spanish gold.' many times a day intoicfttnn i. mm in u. dollars in Spanish gold.' many times a day intoxication is eefronxsu- J 'What are you going to do with rarely seen. The effect is not only thought of it?' I said. noticeable among the natives but lehasnever j "-Well, I'm going to buy a draft the foreigner who settles tnere 'complied with. A card enjoins clear. The idea, has been carried patience in 'waiting for supplies down to later ages. "Conscience whfch have been ordered. doth make cowards of us all" and The saving in typewriter opera- "Thrice is he armed who hath his tives by the use of these printed quarrel just," express 'the same , forms is enormous, and they are idea in different forms, and printed so as to resemble the work is at least a germ of truth of the typewriter used upon them Men who are entirely free from su to fill in the names and addresses, perstition, to whom the In this way the letters are probably 1 supernatural interference n . : m ..ll l i . l l l - o ml uun. B cucuwvo a Bpecmujr uccurreu, are QevenoeieiB under on New York and -end it to I thnntrh no..floo , - C" written for each occasion. The the influence of conscience. If motlier and I anT aW Vn 7 iV .inr r fnf -7 i u BUC" Pa? upp.y divi,ion .uppHe8 third and the are in the right or think they trj CC'S fourth-class postmasters with are in the right, which amounts to me. Good-br. ' 8 J aeonire. thi j i V u. blanks, scale, up to four pounds, the , tb.nK .o far a. thev are I.TSpt. ... r q..".e.,cffea h-bh rua',Ftup oulu uu puoiiuar.- uuutofuou, tuey ugni oraveiy to tne question the propriety of the act ing and cancelling apparatus, and death ; if they are in the wrong For he was one of many I had first and second-class postofflces it and know it, there is more or less heard of, and I deubt if all th r-a-.oMo tuo Bwuuucrjr, ucBii,iuojr . in meir aouons unless, Mfinds' served such a cood numose .twine, printing and binding, blank- indeed,' they have stifled conscience j This is one wav tc u"' caief ail Kinos, and and are nardened In crime. The white man's burden Mh ,i.uiJ ovin? souls together-the wnatsoever else In the way of sup- man who is doing wrong, and whose recalls the methnd f rYau a7 olds f111 toether- Splies may be necessary The di- conscience upbraids him. is ner- S , . - - ... ' i a wuuub iu uourifia ana oneri-1 J ' . c: 0 WWtVTV vv, D for Infants and Chllrir0.T7 T?.??l?0tt ??ve Always Bouiht l,aS borne , cJ. x vnas. u. jj ictcUer, and lias been made m i,W T personal supervision for over 30 years. A ,'v . to deceive yoa In Oils. Counterfeits. Tmu" L "?? uealtb of ChUdrcn Exoerlenir, i- ine Jimcl You Have Always xjears tno Signature of Cupid's work is done when the baby -uiuc, clinging, neipiess mc crown oi love. lOOd purpose." 5krthT 'completion ofVcupid to lighten the ?bjt Cupid brings two Its coming- vision, therefore,deals directly with vous and ill at ease; he is suspi- dan's1 and Blenker'i in VirtiniT I about 74,000 postofflces, besides cious of others and his imagination when1 saying the Union a th rd of J the railway mall service and the makes him extremely sensitive t 3 bird fa - PofitnfllnA TlAn.Prmont Wanir I tt. Js '.i . I A fiuoa in common vat kovii. luo iiniviiuii no uiBLuria innocenc re- mall matter happy as when she is a mother. Yet motherhood is denied to some women j r" mu icaicu oy oiners. j i ne tear of motherhood is rapidly passinr Bought In Use For. Over 30 Years. TW CtWTtua COM .n. WT., bohwwt, TT Mmtf T(IT, WrwWMetTT. ' from the er Z37 m "I Hi.n,. ne distorts innocent re- use in the army in those days were w ud lIL?:CA1Vld 8h,pped ?.ke: into accusations, pictures in pbylded with steel ramrods and iZScordP U1,,81UU vry.uay ayer- n own mina evils that do not these servad nafi :.. . U n -vl r","iu;fc.L.-JLI, , i w,. f u i puog I uao ucm tuai uduci alia paiu onrQQ fi-. j -i r I , . - . . i kUUOB vcu o uoeiui Dumose in nnn ia " T Ul 0UUr ". ana is rendered so nervous probing the yards and hardens of at th time of parturition we?e reaiTyun- P00 18 expended on It per annum, that he is Unfitted to defend him- Southern homii L hn-ffi ll necessary and unnatural Land that if Jvery Wo the credit of this brannh nf t.h Alf in.t "l nriiomes for buried Silver- woman were hea thy and strong as Nature .. . . : . i -vvv. auo luuuwm ware. Manvuhflnnv hnmA i'n i,. eer W9FA ! TV To ri r n V..M L i . I I meant hertn W tru'c fnnMinn nrn.M V. ice it may be said that while man, with a clear coneoience. pre- Nortn W rendered n -f "Ja.T" increasft within thA-l.. - T h"010 ft8 "ndered more comfort- of centuries of corsets of health rfMtrrt. "old On! Despair! the increase within the last two sent, an opposite charac ter. ' H.fa itte'w ft vears in the n nf .nii.. .... .We iby lurniture and other loot has, been about 33 per oent..ahd an accusation may pasa by hinT un- ThesVrebo?t. fSmth.Ph 1i there ha. beenTjeeides some rise in observed; he is imperyious to hints LZlhl, . ubl,p-P.lU? t,be KP"Ce i 8.uPPe". " crease and if assailed i ready to defend Swffittffi ? has been made in the appropriation, himself with all hi. faculties. The has not lbrtlun Within the last two vears creat re- sunemtitinn nf .h- ..i, nils not l0,t " cunning. Tears ereat re- sunerstitinn nf ih ..b o ... L forms have been made in Us work, foSnded upon a igiS truth, T T and these have offset the expand, but no doubt derived additional The -Asheville Citizen thinks ing needs of the service. - force from the mystery with which that jJudge Simonton's decision j A lew years ago complaints were it was surrounded. Increase of granting the Southern, Seaboard Fire as to the imperfect postmark- knowledge does not lessen the force and Atlantic Coast Line railroads iT ii lc"cr8- n8 evn ad Deen or conscience, but makes those who a temporary restraining order, ex so allowed to grow by ne thai are disposed to deal justly with empting them from the corporation ILrn UP? ,?1veigtlon their fellows more responsive to its commission's tax assessment, until L7biPer ?n : all.tne P8t' action. Conncience may be stifled the commission can show cause S"-klnKa ingWe. -LAninquIrj or hardened, but only by the de- why the assessment is not exces K ,made,Ja8 to the kinds of ink struction of moral character. One eive, is a nullification of the Craiir oatm.,k .V7 I J::,"" .ue8,re.8 w.MwP"'y ,8W-. " way. These . . niuii was aim io maintain its influence, and roaas organized for dealing with the this he can do onlr bv resnectin "dom, V . lujpresBion 01 more sun. ineir postmarking stamp, and the department then began to supply the offices with inka anr? trna t r bwvwwji a adapted to postmarking, so that all . nian wno was sure to die a " - : 1 complaints have now practically Py. " UA ten years would "" I think m nra -f ti. VICE'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Qingr inactivity-of de- l" meaicai science. A ever gr pes child or adu t Trial vini )n a bilitatingartfficiallife gists and merchants, or sent on receipt of orice . .ld bj Urcj. have made it impos- i , THE L. BICHARDSON DRUG CO. : ! WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING bnUGGi.ST.s, siDie tor some women to fully return to the perfect healthfulness of a natural state but every woman may be helped to a large de gree. The organs di rectly involved may be strengthened, i pu rified, invigorated for the time of trial; and for this purpose' Dr. tierce's Favorite Pre scription has been used with success by hundreds of thou sands of women, i i It is the product of the skill and experience of a regularly gradu ated physician a skilled snecialist vhA for over thirty years has successfully treated the diseases of women. ! Unlike many modern medicines ! Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription contains no- wnisky, alcohol, sugar, syrup, opium or narcouc 01 any jtina ana its use does not Sydney Smith's Wisdom. therefore, create a craving for stimulants. , of 629 Catherine St., Srra Your medicines have done ceased. mints more 01 the most- tfiiin www VAlUlUg gratification or calamity of the day man 01 nis torn nesa and twisted The Warehouse Trust. 1 m m J I tie agents of the Danville to- nerves years hence. , uaj0 trytng 10 cause ne is 11U W n M M k 1 VUV-ldTTT A .- Maa. & Z a . warehouses of Wilann moU ' " Tr"-r im- ... '.l v uuluu utienie. we are aaiumenea tnat he shnnlri hv A nnAi iPamiW m.u. .1 . . have under this new law. domesticated" themselves, that is. have consented to , become state corporations, and thereby be enti tled to seek redress for grievances s.n. y., writes J.i.-Li 0 I wonders for me. only inrOUgn tne State COUrtS. poor; I had four miscarriage, but sint tfc.n Now, in spite of their "domestica. SSJAKt' , - 1 vow.Hwvu 1 nave mnui utriicr UCB.IU1, these three leading railroads nd 1 now have a fine heaithy baby." - state apply to a Federal f7 . f T , l for relief from a taxation" 11101103068 S Land SSIR . I . I S M - iner aeem excessive. The Y r . ? - v., . . mia. auare DiacKcr, oi 029 wainerine St., srra use, N. Y.. writes: " Your medicine nave (inn wonders for me. For years mv health tion," of the court which Insure your property aeainst fire and see n hfnrA n!i.inr! it get OUR RATES. We have strong companies, and all business cs trusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. i BOYD & GLENN, - ' "v V j ' Room No. G KatzUi iimso. OPPOSITE BEN0"W-H0TJ8E. ' ! Citizen pertinently a8k8: "What is By virtue of powers of sale contained in I two J u j 1- . . certain deeds of mortgage executed by A. uuuo nuuuii jir very in- -""po uu wne, q. uu3, to v.j.staey terpfitino- And K-r. KhAm.h f J?n"aiT. 11? and on the 15th ""i . TIP . vuopvca uay oi Jiarcn, ieiectively. registered in k-mn.mH. - 1 " A f - w w w a w m n w as a m a . - i ... - 1 secure ODtions nr. TTinpt ,r. u.. & 4M. Yvu"g hwortn uaroiina history is in nro. t?5"Klat:re. . . T " -am- iuuu,oui we are amazed with tHa iii i'"P:a'l o 98 pages . - T I T w WW A ll 11 I 1 M mtt 1 . TT1 U LT V fT ' W M I A A V I VKIKK.aC7 lf W M all . . a - v uiaaiUKi'UUauuuO VJ 1001- -wocw, t win uuer unit MJU oy pUOllC sue 11 II Oil ; . - - : I I houees. They claim cured the Rocky Mount and Greenville. Ter. tion for cash at the dwelling house on the mom. ises hereinafter described, on , I i 1 They propose to have only four f the . as Tnl markets in eastern Ckrolina and to numbered thestars' and called Iv Work schemes that will oracticallv it. , .1 ll'-Tu SA11 h? W. Lee Wllmoth, Top of Alleghany, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, U99, IS o'olock M . the following A tract of land described in said mortgages; to wit: Being in Greene townihip, GuiHoid conn- at se all markets. . - . j i---.v.jw oav cai lii. Hnn BrAHa fh, ,8ma."" and P,ant Bd creeping reptile fhey present plausible that th. Alm-.hf. pw! i u Cat o iu aim. w m vsc va, writes: "1 nave used Ra- y V''UJniDV?e.iaD.a3 -smith, s. for the past five years in my family. I thence west 176 poles to a etake near Smith- Ifjyou intend to build or enlarge your liouse, come to us' lor an climate;', on Material. We will surprise you on prices. We make a specialty of i i . SOOHS a&TaQ BIjINDS. Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. Our motto : Large sales, small profits. do, not hesitate to say that they are the wood Academy, thence west is - 6tcat um ,n euecr, Desiaes Deing pleasant to ea 22 poles to astone-the the warehousemen who go nto it in ? T 7 . dl8c,PllnecI and requiring one only at a dose. But we believ thl -if ' hy instructions, softened by fine To air who are unable to pay large bl'ehave irot arts, and sanctioned by solemn dor's bi8 1 would say, always kee'p pie nave gotten themselves into a worshin W .nri u a box of Ramon's Liver Pills in the hole and are trying to get out over 1?. V th m I" lh pl.U8 D0U8e tPU8e ,n ca8e of necessity. For the shoulders of the otheVmarfcJt. P " J16 WOrId the hetul sale by Howard Gardner. tji Vne orner markets. writers, the irreat attoa n - :et8. loot to estahliah big leaf tobacco mark wrlu u J. inveniea subtlety, who He people n nnaninn tk.i j .. for the RichrnnnH "e ?nnea . lor a second ex- -.A j ...v- uao UJOUKQI QeeD V. Whn hava Richmond neonl wkitk ..-!. V T. wx ,wu1 taken advaita n :::: III i.!?a." " not ?883We to be -o- wj ucvo iaai mis redundant I u:. 1 j -1 - - It in fi, ..u.L. . lU18 avisn ana excessive will be 1 promptly. t tull luo xarmer was eive ,0 grows the weed and to throw of meat ?h:ftr .Ployment. object i. gor, power, who '1 a 1 i m 1 . I me scneme is Fum 01 vjew, and we be lleve thr if- ia o UaA .u: . - . aK, u uau buing 10 Hin was given for the mere gathering and drink. If the only is nresent Ax-iafAnfA o,-,u Wronc frnm- . .:..!..- A. '. "" I - ,JV UIIBiaCQU, are useless. They all show us that .ton warehousemen from". poT cv Z ihlt e, awaitiD8 Mint ofvi.w.-KinetonFrlp.'? -fT,?1 .l,be sou " now Sg - 1 auu laianiine, springi Why He Came Back. "Look here! Are you the man ki t 6quare meaI- 000 cold, bleak February morning?" , s "I,n the man, mum." i "Well, do you 'remAmT promised to shovel ail the snow out of my back yard and then sneaked off without doing it?r " aKoa , u u springing up into a more perfect life when the bodv fall. I - J . UU81. ' When you meet with neglect, let it rouse jrou to exertion, instead of mortifying your pride. Get about lessening those defects which ex pose you to neglect, and improve those excellences which command attention and respect. Ueatb. must he diatino-niali. The Brains of the Family. Professor Axenfeit, of Perugia, has discovered that three-fifths of all men of distinction are first-born children; the other two-fifths are either second or third children, or else tte youngest of very large families. Among the first he point8out Luther, Dante, Raphael, JLeonardo da east 52 p .leu to a stone, thence thence north 17 new division cor- r. mence bod lii mu izii nn in a . P. U. Smith's line, thence south 11 west 6 poles to a black oak, thence Fonth 15 west 60 uoles to tuc mo otauuu, wnmiuinn i.zz acres Lpore or jew ana remg on ine waters 01 Stinking Quar ters creek. , 1 This 21st day of July, 1899. ! W.J.bTALEY, Mortgagee. Notice by Publication. j we can show you the largest stock in the South, j ; Guilford Lumber Company, 'Greensboro, X. UIROLIXA, i . t. c' UUlLFOKn COO'TV. ) uut' tuuri. Action Concerning Real Estate, j Domenica T.uchi, Thomas Luchi, Bafaella Ea vina and Bettini Francesco, , l ' VS. - 1 ! Giovanni Rossi, G. Emsle'y Donnell, Tt D. Pat terson and wife Annie fatterson, W. H, Lan gon, J. r. Jordan and wife, Mary W. Jordan. In this action it appearing to the satisfaction nf tho pnnrr . i. i w Vinci, Confucius, one of the defendants, cannot after due lili- jjciicc w iuunu in ine state, but is a resident of me state 01 Pennsylvania; that sid W. i-H. Want? Heine, istoto, Schopenhauer, Goethe, Ar- Mahomet, Shelley, Erasmus. Ln,ron i9 5 Pr1er and necessary party to said mote me. Dafe de rea.0n 9? "? 7 ing' wIth which U oftn L -i - reason 1 ednfmiTiHari ;I Ti''u Qe way nere througl the blazing sun to do de job." SUBSCRIBE TO THE PATRIOT. MMtsxJ r.m -.ri. " . . ' aciiuu, di mat me nature or tne action is real iUlUOn, Uyron, MOilere. Carlvle. property, the purpo of the action beinr to d. ROSSini. Tallevrand and "RufFon !?e,Jh Jf"?? interests of tne parties , ' . ----f .w , iucichj iu u eeriain tracts oi iana situatci in II mo no thA Inat. T.nunl a anrl T?w n t- Guilford countr. North Carolina. a1ioininr th Un Y.U . ' ' u .u.Mrrr: a, John Barker and oE vuii locum uunurBUii""""""" pan oi tne uonneii tract, con - Schubert a fAnrtPnth rhiM and P?1111? 9 cr8 more or less; and to require ocuuueri, a lourteenin cnild, ana the defendants to make and deliver to the a seventn cnild. The Fro- 5ia"UD k00 8umcient uties to two hon- .... . . . . dred and twenty acres of said tra-ts. in am-H. tnink8 tniS arises from ance with written azreemenu betwwn th. Volta, fessor physiological reasons and a law of JFM nature. For Over Fifty Years. 8yrnp has been used . ... iusiow'8 sootning ior over nity years by millions of mothers for their children while cff f1. oothea the child, softens the gnm, allaya all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It wiU relieve the poor litue sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the xrariA Tvn ir. nu a bottle. I Be sureanri alr tn u WmiWi Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. It is ordered bv the court that ntihiiiinn made once a week for sir weeks in the (larwa. bobo Patxiot, a newspaper published in Guil ford county, N. requiring the said W. II. Langon to be and apiear at the next term of the Superior court f Guilford . county, to be held in the court house in Greensboro, on the list, day of Acgust. Is99 and then and there answer or demur to the complaint herein to be filed, or the case will le proceeded with as if personal service of summons had been made upon the said W. If . Langon. 7 Given tinder my hand at office at Greensboro in said county this 27th day of June, 180U. i n- ISO. J. KELSON, C. S. C. i j fSTe Ixar It all Isiricis Xra.rrxlrr,T7ccLt2r-cr ccrjrdi J T?TI am v4 . M 1 M 'm . . ! J -.wwij-w, weiuag-, O.XS3 ZXLO 1GCSZ JloaiTiIlvc- v press aaici TxaaJ.per and. sawed ino BL'Z- v Sash, Doors and Blinds in stock. Door and Window Frames Ma' tev"::f work and all kinds of house finish made to order. I . r If oa are going to build anything Irom a hen house to a man-i'-u '- k seeus.j We can fix you up and the price will be right. . ! ,ctoi I Cur country friends will find they can reach our yard fr.m tht : , town by crossing fewer railroads than any other. Come to ke A Cape DEeao: 3aon.-a,ctririg- JOHN A. EODOIN, Secretary and Treasurer Creer:i:::, i THE GUILFORD ROLLER M baled. We solicit the trade of this section and guarantee iatn cuHiom wor&. e mage a sneclaltv of 'Our raieo-- Ground" Flours, Meal, fcc, which for the money cannot be e j Bemember the place, "The Mill at the Depot." GUILFORD ROLLER MILLS CO-