. ' : " . 1 r-v : v- s: . ' - -.: - ... . ' - ; . ... - , . j ; ' . . - ' ; . ' . . . -,. : .- . . , ; . ; '. ' - - : . ' ' ' ' . ! . . ; - ; . . - j . , ... v V ,pv J . . vjjoduhu, j. u., vv JiiiiJiJiiSjjAI, AUtrUST 2. 189f) - ! i t . i OFESSIONAI. OARI)3.- .w. 0? LOCAL NEWS Ue: K AT2 BUILDING. N CE: 615 W. GASTON ST. 4- TICK: 3: ..irr mnoniT 1 -aAI Auumas t ooarone is oereirom J. BICHARDSOW. Mt. Airy. irr. v. c. McAdoo Is here for a few days,- . 4 ' Mrs. W. B. East has been quite ill for several days. Miss Jennie Gilmer is risking friends ia East Tennessee. Miss Leanna Curtis, of Madison, is Yisitlng friends in thecity. : Mr. H. L. Hopkins, of ReidsTille, is among the gala week visitors. United States Senator McLaurin, of South Carolina, was here Sunday. Feed Meal. 100 pounds of No. 1 feed meal for $1.10. Hiatt & Lamb. JJiriAN AND SURGEON nrrnurt Sou are. l. IDKXCE 404 Asheboro St. 11:30 to 1: 3 to 4 30 KPiP PHONE NO. 17 Store. !r. imTT "IT TV I STAJlHiX, iU. if. '- '"'I l! : ..' OFFIC33 J. J. BRYAN : uroferisional services to the . . ,!ir:rPpnboroand vicinity: I v. v- . - . ,- . - -? OT HTO. S. FABISS' DSI70 StOBL .f (ifilTE BEXBOW HOUSE. Lost A black setter dog, eighteen months old, with a white spot in breast. Was last seen near McLeansville. Suitable reward If returned to Ernest Clapp, at Superior court clerk's office, Greensboro. The contract has been awarded for remodeling the old Catholic church building, which will be used as one of the public school buildings of the city. The high School will be conducted In this building. - j Mr. T. J. McAdoo, proprietor of the telephone exchange, Is improving his system by putting in cables along North Elm and West Market streets. An additional cable Is also being put up along South Elm. Rev. John E. White, of Raleiffh. in.. T f ir 4 . - . . ... I - . - .miss iousie anKin, or Keiasvuie, secretary of the board of missions of Is visiting her uncle, Mr, Will R. Ran- the Baptist church In this state, occu- k,D ; Pled the pulpit of West Washington Mrs. Oscar Teague, of Waldo, Fla- Street Baptist church Sunday, preach- is visiting relatives and friends in the MDS two able sermons. Dr. j.E. mm, jy BNTI8T, Y'ti-t i b Savings Uank Building, duth- Elm street, Greensboro, N. 0. J. H. WHEELER, :nCE Op. Ward's Drug Store. A. 31. SCALES, ind fniincp nr at CI UllU UUUIIUUIIUI , Ul GREENSBORO, N.C. hi K. Juums. Robert D. Douglas. DAMS r..Ju & DOUGLAS, Attorneys - at f Law; 9-kX SOS BANK BriLOfKO, law & New in, p?SiOT) COUNSELLOSS AT!LAW GCEESSUORO, C. , Km. Ft city, i Rev. E. C. Glenn, of Raleigh, is visiting the family of Mr. John K. Wheeler. J: :- Miss Anna Mlchaux has gone to Liberty on a visit to her father, Rev. R.D.MIehauz. , ,T Prof, JY. Joyner is holding a teachers institute this week at Web ster, Jackson county. Mfs. R. M. Roseboro, of Hickory, is in the city on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Weatherly. I - Mrs, J. E.Stewart and baby, of Charlotte, came up Saturday on a visit to relatives In this vicinity. " Mr. M. Thomas Edgerton has been indisposed for several days, but he is now at his place of business." . Visitors are streaming In by the thousands and the streets are thronged with happy pleasure-seekers. v Mr. Scott Brown,, a well known hotelist, is now with the McAdoo House in the capacity of clerk. , Mr. J. Van Lindley went to Ral eigh Monday to attend a meeting of the State Insect Pest Commission, ' Mrs. W. G, Crutchfield, of Salis bury, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Dodson, on East Market street. ' ' ': President J. M. Walker, of the City N ational Bank, has returned from Miss Margarette KIrkpatrick has entered the training school at the State Hospital, Morganton, and will fit herself for the work of a trained nurse. She will go to the Church Home, in Baltimore, later on to finish her course. Mr. Charles B. Kendall, editor of The Clay County Times, of Green Cove Springs, Fla.t arrived In the city Sat urday night on a visit. He will return tonight, accompanied by his wife, who has been spending some time herewith her parents. Mr. Addison T. Smith, of Wash ington, D. C, spent a portion of last week with Mr. J. B. Taylor's family at Guilford College. Mr. Smith is clerk to the Senate committee on Territor ies, and is an exceptionally clever and intelligent gentleman. Mr. J. Van Lindley, who knows how to farm as well a run a nurerv. threshed bis crop of oats last week, reaping 1,064 bushels from sixty acres. Fourteen horses had been fed from this field for a month prior to thresh ing, or the yield would have been greater. ' . There are in this city two firms with suggestive names occupying ad joining stores. The name of one is Silver, while the other's sign bears the name of Golden, We are not informed that any parity is maintained between THE WE CELEBRATE. Good Hoftd8 Ueetlng. While It is to be rerretted that the attendance upon the good roads meet- Immensrrowda ancL Ererything i.uj mkiuuuuwu not greai massing Ja SQOOthiy - er, it a gratifying fact that the and- Greensboro'. ga!a week is hU nA lence was composea or many of the it hae not come npon us unawares, for Th. I n attad, most intell Is-ent nennlo in thAnnfv Ln.t r ' unawares, for The attendance throng AwvwacsuwD ui iJcr in muhul ironn i I n a . . i j i , r uu urniirin n Greenaboro Distnct Confereneo. , The Greensboro District Conference, which convened atHok'.nh.n.i ir-fK odlst church last Wednesday morning, ended its labors s.nni.. . "5" J . w U W4 out the con- preparation were The yu., .u w wuimg io pay the arduous, but? It was nerfnr. ii, . . ? . "UUB nPl enter- . increaseaiax necessary to secure them, that cheerfulness that seeks the bleas- , r r. wuu: ur 01 .cneri- Tna first vwtors that xf ; 1 v T i ji wiaingr -ana came In several dayt . ago . found Mr. J. Van Lindlay called the assem- the city nuttinr nn mim!. ...r. Si , mvSBMW BLLI I B- tained the delegates and preachers la a royal manner, and we dr.v k.- will hall with delight an opportunity to again visit this hospitable people. rBKu. WOOd. tha hft- r:-fcw.WfcBfcM ner o ciock, ana when the last contingent of the wmiuk a ouuiii uui, DrzLCLica.1 inn. nroman t j j i ii .i7 - t,... ------1 rSAV-cu jc.ray evening nreiid.d ... r, - " . " xiuicaisoBi, 01 JviecK- tney found the streets, hmin... : r " -wunce wun ease . I . - "WMOWO loved presiding efder of the district lenburg county, who responded with a short impromptu speech, explaining the system of road-building in his county and telling of the many disad vantages under which they were com pelled to labor at the outset before and miDmrin.triAffA.. ..u. u. otaples and . . . -V .v.., uc- w. h. Hi ll T?f.-in. . . . . " were me breathed the of hospitality and everybody spoke the wora or welcomes The North Carolfca State Firemen's dlelight. decked With bnntinir fl.. I . . etc. Evervthln. t7JZ cwttritt. Two business S w w w- WM eUlllb llll Afll toABA k.M -l . t - I wwWHBB WW B9 11PII1 W I I WV AW VI aT.1 m. and 2 p. m. There was Dreaehln- each day at 11 a. m. and at early can- the DeoDle realized tha worth f Ui.AAt.fu. ... j i . roads. He imoressed th n..uv f I i . . 1 iAne reports of the various char-. p.p.,ly locate tt. road, and 'd tTS" ?Wfd the In ood coBdU inr the work in the mot nnmi,..! L... ,n OK "PD D0lQ Plritually and financially manner. - Ti I k committee consisting of Rev. Dr. Prof.J. M: Bandy, Greensboro's cltv di-r-hn iI: 1 iiood, Rev. Dr. J, C. Rowe and engineer, was the'next speaker, and he inr nnn th .....ki.. " J Jl i rTT' and Me""- C. H. startedoutby paying thatitis unnec.s- .rrrri"! - ?radshaw, William sary at this advanced stabf our In- ' -uBUMndsay and L. W. Crawford, Jrn was dustrial activity to speak of the neces- President MeNelll hte aul Federal Courts hvher i(TH .aie ueircu. Oiilce e, North Elm etreet. 1; '.:t Hu- "m. t.P HWnM.JB . 1 t BYNUM & Ol)l0- 22-6t Bedford Springs, Va., much Improved the two fl.rm8 or that the vexed by In health iae question or rauo. A chapter of orphans from the Ox- Mrs. Bettie Stewart returned Sat ford Orphan Asylum will give a con- orday from an extended visit to her cert in the court house on Tuesday on ana other relatives at Cades, Tenn. night, the loth inst. V Z.V.TAYLORJ John B. Farlss advertises Bed ford's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is sold at fifty cents and is guaranteed to cure TAYLOR, or your money will be refunded. &d CouEellcrs at taw. ff,B BEACHAML ' -i - . v r Wect and Bnilder his advertl8ing space 11 I i x 411114 r r1? 1101 of Pennsylvania Lown -win Odd Fellows Buildln lUHAY BROS. ! P?C4L 'A-'ENTS FOB THE Mr. J. L. Fonda, of this city, who has been in New York on business some dajs, sailed last week for Scot land, where he will spend three or four weeks. " . . . Mr. W. O. Stratford announces in that his car load ylvania Lown Down drill's has arrived. You are; requested to call and examine them. un Her return she spent some time with her son in Charlotte, Mr. J, E. Stewart She will reside in the future wun ner youngest son, Mr. Marshall C. Stewart, of this city. Mr. G. C. Smith left Monday for T?l th mnn1 V k a 1 t . - for a-, nuere uo u&B acceptea a position as train dispatcher for the Atlantic coast Line railroad. Fori several years he was one of the dls- question is, wny have we not good roads?" Prof. Bandy has spent much time In studying the road ques tion and is therefore qualified to speak with authority He claims that in a community of poor roads it costs a armer 25 cents per ton, for each mile traveled, to market his produce over what it costs in a community of good roads, and his calculation is doubtless correct. He realizes the fact that the money Guilford county is now spend ing on the roads (about $8,009 a year) isj accomplishing but little good; In fact if the grading and other work now being done is not followed by appointed to look after the district as- and foreign mis- paid in full. ft. V. 9 A. ' 1 nan 1 n r it m a b i ; . m .Ity and ioportanc, of goodroad.: the M. T.... i ,72". TVT" 'or nom. m.ln .i..H.. 1. m. v . " : ' ..f.. u. ui HOC. b.D.d that fh. wcatjB,uu as. w n v iihyh w b nnr i w a M s m i t ' w Mw in oeauiuui words he bade the fire laddies welcome to the Gate City, and at the conclusion of his speech he was greetea with a storm of applause that showed the appreciation f the visltorsl The address was responded to by TheE Dworth Tp (711 an A im tipnalWerests also received the at tention' of the conference. Th Pn. worth Leagues of the Greensboro dis trict are In gcod condition and muoh y "".u6 ureuv- gooa work is being done. Mr L W partments: Newbern,Mr.S.M.Brinson Crawford. Jr . ith. ,7' ; Raleigh, Mr. Walter W. Parrish Wil- superintendent. K DrT:0lin L-Hare? Wilmington, President Peacock, of GreensWo Chief C. H. Schnibben; Charlotte, Mr.. Female College; Re vJ E. Bai o? B. Jv Swin8on: Henderson. Canf- W- a .,-m . ! Vhitten: Durham. Cftnt. T. t ., r. Iit.i-. . . f . uvuuisu, 01 Arinuy uign school. T. Whitten; Durham, Capt. ChamJerlain; Salem, Chjef Melnung; Salisbury, L. L. F. C. prcacub tuu aaaressea me con- rerence In behalf of their Institutions. The report of the committee on educa tion recommended Trlnttv nstii. After these exnrA1nna nf ma) J I m th . . . of Rowan, both of whlrh mm.. . lT , r"7 mgo ocuooi, uren.boro Fe- b.comlnelntert.1,i; USe" IIn?1?ocl1 ColI.K., A.h.titl. F.m.l. Col- -.r.T..61uto uUilvJ PcucwN uapps; Winston, Capt. A. J. Gales; r Vri J' Goldsboro, Capt. L. Weil. iur. xxing, 01 orsytn, and Mr. Rice, tion was p-nn1nrn tho flr.f thln I.J i j followed Prof. Bandr with f-w h.i;f ..-u. ""t "Z::: " ::v r-j " davenport college, Weaverville rf . w w. iUg LUB uuuuiULniHnL rne w sr wmw patchers for the C. F. & Y. V. at tbis KL- Ti remarks. Prof. J. A. Holmes, of Chapel Hill, state geologist, was present and deliv ered a ! most practical address. His speech was filled with good advice and sound logic and was listened to with the closest attention throughout. He started put by saying that it Is a cus tom with us to do things as easily as possible, without any reference to per manency, and that we deal with our public roads in this manner. He esti mated that this is costing Gull ford county $100,000 each year, though our people do not realize the; great loss they sustain through bad roads for the simple reason that they have not learned to value time. The macadam road, he said, is the road for the poor man. It is costly to build, but cheap to uie, and in this lies its He ex- m Mutual Life prance Company! J.T. Pur plant. j. e can Interest you. yoaDga.n. His -family will remain curing money forroadpurpoes: Flr.t, m , fcMW v. , . by private subscription; secondly a iror. W. T. Whitsett has accepted direct tax, and third, by issuing bonds Mr. and Mrs. Jame W. Albrisrht an invilatidn om the Bethel Presby- At the conclusion of Prof. Holmes' In JOHNSON, K GREENSBORO A LI ST I r -j; r 0UT1I ELM ST; oPEG nation Free. sT- m. toipo p. m.,2tos).m. tTllSHED 30 YEARS. '.Farrar's Son O: liL aqikt roa s SrtiJ SI22' W06D toti and their little grandson, of Asheville, arrived in the city Monday to spend the week. They are stODDinr at Mr. Percy Albright's. Mr. Frank P. Morton, formerly of the Benbow House, Is conducting a restaurant in the room formerly occu pied by King & Oakley's barnext doer Uo the dispensary. y Rev. Dr. L. W. Crawford occupied the pulpit of the Reidsville Methodist church Sunday. He was formerly pas tor of this church and the people are greatly attached to him. terian, Sunday school, near McLeans- address theGuilfordCounty Good Roads ville, to deliver his excellent address Club was formed, quite a number be- "How We Got Our Bible," at that coming members of the organization, church on next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. Mr.-J. Van Lindley was elected presi m. Prof. Whitsett is a fine speaker, dent Mr. John L. King secretary, and a treat is in store for I The folio win ir rentl (mm wiro r president of a committee on credenttaln. ! ThU committee made its report at the after noon session, at which time It was as certained that there were, about one hundred delegates in attendance. In addition to the delegates there are several hundred visiting firemen in the city.; - ; . . At last night's session, after the mis cellaneous business had been trans acted, the election of officers was gone into with the following result : j President Capt. J. D. McNeill Fay etteville. j First Vice-President H. L.RIggins, Winston. f i Second Vice-President-R. D. Doug las, Greensboro. i Secretary Dr. J. W. Griffith, Greens boro. - ! Treasurer T. A. Greene, Xewberne. Statistician W. P. Monroe. Wil mington. Wilmington and Charlotte were each placed In nomination for the next meeting place of the convention, Wil mington being selected on the first ballot. I , r j (We go to press too early to give the result of any of today's races and eon- tests. v. -mm . m. wno nears mm on this occasion. All are cordially invited. in speaking or our recent bond election, carried by a practically unan imous vote, an Indiana paper, says Greensboro goes on record as the most advanced town in America in the mat ter of municipal ownership. The sim ple fact that Greensboro has decided to Issue bonds to the amount of $3G0,- 0u0i Is the birsrest advertisement onr A civil service examination for the pointed to name a committee from each positions of clerk and carrier will be township to be-known as the township beld at the pestofflce in this c'.ty on executive committee : J. Van Lindley, September 2nd, commencing at 9 John L. King, S. W. H. Smith, J. L. o'clock In the morning. The examina Your attention la incited to the new advertisement of Harry-Belk Bros. Co. They tell you of some of the many city has ever received. harvtln wnn n ttnA if tti.l. I "rich goods at poor prices' :. "Z?;? lu i I uuamcBi ui mo xylite vouicciionery It is reported that Messrs. Moses Company, Their place has taken and Ceasar Cone are Interested In a firm hold upon the better class of Deo- projectea cotton mm on the Dan river, pie, as it Is a restaurant, ice cream par In Stokes county. The proposed mill lor and soda fountain combined where is to be a mammoth concern. The First Regiment Band, which is adding to the delights of gala week by its superior music, will go to Hllls boro Saturday to furnish the mnsic for a Masonic picnic at Occoneechee Farm. Mr. W. J. Blackburn is here from Fayettevllle to enjoy the festivities of the week. market Mr. Blackburn Is jubilant over the out look. Capt. E. L. Gilmer, whose appoint ment to a captaincy In the army we noted last week, left last Thursday night for Fort Thomas. Ky., from which place he will go to the Philip ladies aiu children may come without any fear ol coming in contact with a rabole. They receive five hnnrireri loaves of Brede bread daily to meet the demand for rala week. Go enH ma what they have. State or Ohio, Cut or Toledo, UOCICTT, f raw J.CQener make rvmth that be is the Groome, J. A, Rankin, Walter Lind say and John W. Wharton. Upon adjournment the above-named committee met and selected as a county executive committee the following: Washington Chas. L. Sockwell. Sumner J. A. Groome. Fentress W. C. Rankin. Clay D. H. Coble. Greene Lewis Holt. Reck Creek R. C. Dick. Madison J. R. Moore. Friendship J. D. Hunt. Monroe J. W. M. Cardeza. Jefferson W. L. Lindsay. Gilmer E. P. Wharton. - i Murshead- G. Will Armfield. Center Grove L. A, Walker. Summerfleld J. L. Ogburn. Oak Ridge W. E. Benbow. Deep River J. A. Davis. Jamestown J. S. Ragsdale. High Point J. Elwood Cox. " ik. The Fayettevllle tobacco "ior partner ot the ana of r. j. Cheney it Co . i A meeting to complete the organlza will onen on the 10th inst- end Iftd ZSZZZiJ ?ZJr n will be held in the court house at I s, - m T uruA waia pay 1 A. .UUi vi vr.c Jtu.juti 1HLLSS for! erred by ihe ce of Ha" Catarrh Care. aw ' . , FRANK J. CUESET. presence, tn ;h dty of December, A. D. 16. SEAL. - a. W. OLEASQN. H.Tb Catarrh Care U UkenSffeTn?? aid act directly on the b'ood mri mnMn -tM. f the yitem. Send for ttimonial free. , w r J- CUEXET & CO- TolBdo. O Sold by drncgUu. 75c u. llaU'a Famtly I ib are the bet. noon on the first day of the August term of court, and erarr mimhir nf the executive committee Is urged to be present. ' It is hoped that this organization will be instrumental in arousing such a sen timent in favor of permanent road im provement that this coveted goal in Guilford's industrial develooment bit soon; be reached. . tion will consist of spelling, arithme tic, letter-writing, penmansnip, copy ing from plain copy, geography of the United States, and reading addresses. The arithmetic will consist of tests in the fundamental principles, extending as far as common and decimal frac tions and embracing problems. ; The age limitations .for this examination are as follows : Clerk, not less than IS years; carrier, between 21and40years. Applicants for carrier must weigh at least 125 pounds, must be not less than 5 feet, 4 inches in height, and must file with their applications a medical! cer tificate. For application blanks,1 full instructions, specimen examination questions, and information relative to the duties and salaries of the different positions, apply to the secretary of the board of examiners at the postoffice. TestimomaL Pleasant Garden, K. C, July 4, 1S90. ; C.C. Towxsxnd, Geeensboro. i Dear Sib : We have tried the Cbam- pion Thresher bought of you this ! sea son and it does as nice work as any maehine we have ever seen nted. It saves the grain perfectly, wasting al most none. We are now ready to thresh for the public and will. guaran tee perfect satisfaction. i (Signet) -F. M. Watsox Co. College, and Brevard Epworth School. It will be seen from this list that the Western North Carolina Conference Is well supplied with educational institu tions of a high order. The following local preachers' license were renewed: West Market Street, E. L. Sides; Centenary, E. L. Stack; Reidsville, John Q, Staples; WenU worth circuit, J. T. Strater and S. P. Thomas; Pleasant Garden circuit, R. M.l Gretter; Ramseur circuit, JC. H. Caviness and J. W. Williams; Jackson Hill circuit, J. F. Lyndon; Randolph circuit, J. B. Craven. Before adjourning Saturday the fol lowing delegates to the Annual Con ference, which meets in Concord lo November, were elected: John A. Young. J. A. Odell, Joseph Parkins ani Dr. W. G. Bradshaw. Alternates: Prof. P. P. Claxton, John R. Webster and C. E. Landretb. . - It was decided to hold the next Dis trict Conference at Pleasant HIU church, in Rando ph county. Several of the ministers and dele gates remained over Sunday, the fol lowing appointments being filled by members of the conference: West Market Street 11 a. mn Rev. J. J.-Renn, of Reidsville; 30 p. m. Rev. J. R. Scroggs, of Hlgb Point. Centenary 11 a. m, Rev. Dr. W. H. Ltitb, of Randleman; 80 p. m Rev. A. W. Piyler, of Asheboro. Holt's Chapel 11 a. mRev. Dr.J. C. Rowe, of .this city ; 2 p. Rev. A. W. Piyler, of Asheboro. , . Three negro-boys Ruf us Austin, Robert Rankin and John Clapp were before J ustlce Pritchett Saturday after noon charged with criminally assault ing Roberta McMqrray, the ten-year-old daughter of Lee McMurray, colored, who lives a few miles south of the city. Adams and Douglas ap peared for the prosecution and Col. John A. Barrlnger represented the de fendants. The prosecution put four witnesses on the stand, and from the evidence it was learned that the crime was committed on Tuesday afternoou, July 23th, during the absence of the parents of the little girl. The father was at work at the steel and iron fur nace and the mother was attending the summer school at the colored Ag ricultural and Mechanical College, From the testimony it seemed that there was a conspiracy on the part of the three boys, as Rankin and Clapp watched the house while Austin com- mlted the ci!me. The defense put no witnesses on the stand, and after the hearing, which consumed about one m hour, Esquire Pritchett committed the , defendants to jail to await the action of the grand jury at the August term of court. r' ! 4 1 1 V;

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