1 -m .m. m. mmm m. mmmm w mm. l Kr ... . m m m mm- mm mm mm m -mw m rvi ' m mm rl I m. a a '. -w a "m. ""W aBW aa .a. .a. a.m. av aw aw . U Iftl iyj lyj Greensboro. Patriot. ESTABLISHED 1821. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 9,1899. LOCAL NETS ITEMS. G. W. Denny advertises greenjof fee at 10 cents per pound. Miss Myrtle Holt, of Oak Ridge visited in the city last week. Mr. Frank A. Brooks, of Putnam, spent several days here last week. Mr. Zeb.Crutchfleld has gone to Cary, where he will attend school. - The blisses Willson,-of Summer flfild, visited friends in the city last week. .- " j Miss Lula Warren, of Pitt county, is visiting at Mr. J. F. Taylor's, in the West End. Rev. 'J. F. McCulloch occupied the pulpit of the High Point M. P, church last Sunday. " Rev. T. II. Pegram is conducting a revival meeting at the Jamestown Methodist church this week. --Howar.d Gardner advertises Kodal Dyspepsia Cure free,: Call atliis store and get a sample. He also has fresh turnip seed. Mr. Charles RrPreddy,of Sanford, a son of Mr. G. M. Preddy, f Stokes dale, is to be. married on fhe 30th inst. to Miss Alice Makepeace, a charming young lady of Sanford. Last week's issue of the Patron and Gleaner, Rich Square, says: "Mr. W. J. Vann left Monday for Greensboro to visit his mother, Mrs. H. E. Peele and sister, Mrs. J. H. Spivey." Mrs. Walter H. Rankin Is visiting relatives in Madison. From there she will go to TimmonsvUle, S. C, to join her husband, who has a position en the tobacco market at that place. Walter . Johnson and Mrs. Fran cis Thomas, of Winston, came down to attend the gala week exercises and took advantage of the occasion to get married. Rev. Dr. F. II. Wood per formed the ceremony that made the twain one. Housekeepers can Arid a very com plete line of table linen, napkins, cur tains, counterpanes, lace and portier ; curtains, window shades, rugs, ready made sheets and pillow cases and all surts of housekeeping goods at Thacker & Brockmann'8. ' A protracted meeting will begin at Springwood church next Sunday, the 13th Inst. The pastor, Rev. H. D. Lequeux, will be assisted in the ser vices by Rev. J'. A. Paisley, of Mt. Airy. There will let wo sermons dally, one at 11 a. m., and one at 2 p. m. Mr. M. S Ozment, of Mooresvflle, same over last week to attend the gala week exercises and to visit his grand father, Mr. C. C. Huffman, of Center township, who fa sick. Mr. Ozment is a former resident of this county, but is now a successf ul young business man of the growing town of Mooresyille. "Wanted: Purchasers for new or second hand iron safes. vault doors, etc. We exchange large for small safes, will buy your second hand safes for cash. We put on new combination locks and do all kind of expert repair work. Our prices are the lowest. - O. B. Bar sesj& Co., Greensboro, N. C. Mm. Graham Pickard. of Florida, died of consumption in this city last Wednesday. She was a niece of Mrs. B, X. Smith and came here sever al weeks ago in the hope that the change would be beneficial to her fast failing health. -The remains were carried to Chatham county, the old home of the deceased, for interment. The summer school at the colored Agricultural and Mechanical College closed last night with a literary and musical entertainment. During the session lectures and-addresses have been delivered by a number of well known educators, and much good work has been done by the large number of colored teachers -who have availed themselves of this opportunity to bet ter their condition. The summer school has been a blgsuccess. RevD. T. Deans, a former well known minister of this county, died at his home at Kbnda, Wilkes county, last Wednesday afternoon. He had been in declining health for about two years, suffering from heart trouble. He was a minister of the Christian church and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. The deceased was sixty-nine years old. A wife and an adopted son are left to mourn his departure. The funeral was held at Macedonia Baptist church, three miles north of Ronda, Friday morning, Rev. A. G. Kirkman conducting the services. The Inter ment was. made with Masonic honors. State or Ohio, Citt of Toledo, f . Lcca8 County, M es. - rank J.Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner orthe firm of F. J. Cheney & Co axid Mate aforesaid.and that said flrnT will joaV lht'V ONE HUNDRED DOlSaESPXw ach and every case of catarrh that cannot b cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curt Rwra FRANK J. CHK VET. V?1,.b5ff?r? me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. isse 8EAL. t A. W. G LEA SON. Hall's Catarrh Cure is UkenNinern?T t th system.- Tud for twimoaiaU free. sow by tri&iFhZ , co- T0l- UaU't FaiaUj Villa are the best. The Mexicans Determined not to Leave Enough of tho In dians to Make Future Upris ings Possible. Both Sides are Determined - j j St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 7 A special to the Republic from Austin, Texas, says : Information received here to-day by private advices Is to the effect that the Mexican army will open up active and continued warfare on the Yaqui Indians to-day.' For a week the Mexi lean soldiers, already in the Yaqui ter ritory, have been engaging the Indians until thfrmain body of troops coiild be mobilized. Ic doing this, they have lost quite a number of their sol diers, while the Indians lost compara; tively few warriors. It was stated yes; terday, however, that the Mexican sol diers were about mobolized at least; there are about 2,000 men in the field and that is considered to be of suffi cient force to justify the troops being moved into the mountains, with In structions to push' through and it pos; sible exterminate the Indians. The situation is worse even than it was during the 10 yesrs war. The Indians are determined that tbey will fight until they regain every foot of the er; itory taken from them by the treaty three years ago, and the Mexican Gov ernment is determined to effectually exterminate the Indians, so as to secure all the land from them' and prevent any further outbreaks. 1 ! The Indians have already waded rather deep in blood, according to offi cial advices, having killed something like one hundred miners and as many soldiers. With both sides thoroughly aroused, the war, which "will open in earnest to-day, promises to be pro longed, v ! It is given out that, taking up the line of march to-day, the Mexican troops will , advance directly to ibe mountains and try to reach the fast nesses of the Indians, giving them no time to rest from one attack to another, in the hope that by this procedure, they will be worn out in short order and either surrender or all be killed. WAS IT MURDER OR DENT? ACCI- A Brother of the Late Governor Ellebre Ground to Pieces By a Train. Charleston, S. C, August 5. Her bert S. Ellerbe, 30 years old, and youngest brother of the late Governor Ellerbe, was either killed and his body put on the railroad track or killed ac cidentally by the southbound -vestibule train in Marion county, this State, last Thursday night. The body was torn all to ' pieces and bones and pieces of flesh were found along the track for many miles None of the clothing was found except the coat, which contained a five dollar bill, and the trousers which were found on the engine when the train reached Charles ton.' In support of the theory that there was foul play no sign of blood in any quantity has been found along the railroad track, and it is claimed that if the body had been alive at the time it was struck by the train there must have been a great infusion; of blood. The young man stood high; in Marion county, and there are many who believe that his death was not ac- cidental. - Testimonial. Pleasant Garden, N. C, July 4, 1899. C. C. Town send, Greensboro. Dear Sir :-We have tried the Cham pion Thresher bought of you this sea son and it-does as nice work as any machine we have ever seen used, j It saves the grain perfectly, wasting al most none. We are . new ready ! to thresh for the public and will guaran tee perfect satisfaction. - (Signed) . F. 11. Watson & C0J 8aw Mill for Sale. I have a 25 horse power Skinner en gine and boiler and a gosd heavy saw mill with inserted tooth saw, with all mill fixtures, which I will sell very cheap. It must be sold in the next! 60 dafs. If you want a bargain apply to J. H. or G. L. Sdgerton, j j SI -4. Guilford College. X. C. For Sale or Exchange. I want to sell my farm of 143 acres, lying within half a mile of Burlington station, or 'exchange same for city property in Greensboro. The farm is under cultivation and is A No. 1. For particulars address Peter L.Ray, j 25-8t Greensboro, N. C. 3VO CURE-NO rA.Y. I That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TOXIC for Chills, fever ana Aiaiana. it is simply iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children Iota it. Adults nrpf Pi- it to bitter nauseating tonics. Price,' 50c. 7 I Tho Admiral, Then a Com mander, Wished to Attack Manila in 1873. Washington, August 7 Chairman Moses, of the committee of ; one hun dred having in charge the reception of Admiral Dewey on his arrival in Wash ington : and the presentation of the sword voted him by congress, has re ceived from the admiral a letter ap proving the plans under consideration for the affair, and accepting the invi tation for a date that will be hereafter named. t - An interesting historical fact, that dating back to 1873, has come to light in which Admiral Dewey, was the cen tral figure. Dewey, then a commander, was in command of the United States steamer Naragansett on the Asiatic station, . having taken charge of the vessel on May 1st, 1873. The vessel wascn surveying duty' when the Vir ginius trouble was precipitated and a war with Spain seemed imminent. Commander Dewey wrote to the navy department 'requesting that in; case war was declared he would be assigned to the duty of capturing Manila. The peaceful settlement of the controversy with Spain avoided a necessity for a hostile demonstration, but .the inter esting fact is that the doughty officer had his eye on Manila over a quarter of a century ago. A search will be made for a letter in the files of the navy department and if found it is ex pected an effort will be made by the citizens' committee to Tiave it repro duced as souvenir of the reception. They Are Here. Two more cars of Anchor and Ad vance buggies unloaded Monday. All A grade wheels, side springs', end springs and side bar. At old prices, saving you the freight. ' M. O. Kkwell & Co. x 66 TEE EPHONE Th, mm 9f rvor. aoo, . ; For font LUNCHES, and as fine ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS As can be made. Fine Confections, Fruits, Cold Drinks, Fine Cigars and Fancy Goods. Deliv ered from 6 a. m. to 10 p, m., on short notice. Restaurant and Ice Cream .ranor open unui 11.00 p. m. - Sunday Hours Breakfast, 7.30 to 9.30; Dinner, 1 to 3; Supper, 6 to 8. ti IV VIV ft v 'OS ft ft ft ft yft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft is ft ft ft ft ft ft AS MTO trip BUNS IT : Good, V ' ! t- " " --the amount of county lor Dry1 Good, and Shoes that are un8ati6 2 , i ft reasons, but chiefly because they were getting. How often we buy an articl hn tde quality i, not whati Th " i ""'1 j .mo: aueethe 8tt 1, , - vvc Off i or RPAma tn Ha ai a A fl a . -. w .i . u UUU UUL Hirpr t l a I ' - ' bit. The lowest price goods are not the cheapest 0u ' are first consideration with us. then wa mak ml 18 ttt. tt less than you pay for shoddy goods. We bid for your trJlCa x Don't think our prices are high because we sell the best. We are sin?- J i, ' 'i, believe you can get more real value for your money in our - stor Ji, . V WU, UU1 UK UASH AND WE SELL ST1?TPTT v tvL. ." 1 1 AT EXTREMELY. LOW PIUCES rwhen we say we house in Greensboro. Can you see any reason why we can't sell cheap? We Are the People's Money-Saving Store. J0 M: smss do., 221 South Elm Sti, cash; . i. - s GREENSBORO, N,C. Handles the best Mil Wl - yyipepsia Ouse FBEE 1 FREE! 1 .AT GARDNER'S, CORNER OPPOSITE POSTOFFCE. jO"Fresh Turnip Seed. to IF YOUR W to W to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Teeth or Eyes TROUBLE YOU GO TO DR. GRIFFITH, ;DE1TTIST AND 0PTEAL1IIST. 20 years experience with the Teeth and 8 8 years with the Eyes. Glasses furnished. Con sultation FREE. Satisfaction uaranteed. Office in K. of P. uilding, South Elm Street. AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE LIFE AND Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world's f greatest naval hero. By Murat Halstead, the lfe-long friend and admirer of tbe nation's idol. Biggest and best book, over COO pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations. Only 1.50. Enormous demand. Big commis sions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion CompanySrd Floor Cax ton Bldg Chicago. 2-16t. WMtsett lastitute. ... V "II : Cr.A. :. ;-" ten Bnnfhr 95 Srha1avTfi Ttfat Dnalnii.. T..ifi.M7Aniil Ifnain. e. 17th Year. Beautiful and Healthful Loeatlen. Highly endorsed. Scores vi saccessiui graaaaies. uoarcungi iians, uoriaitoiles, &c, an on scnooi Croands. Illustrated Catalogae free. Addren the President, ! j WHITflETT, Gilf ord County, K. C. FALL1TERU OPENS AUGUST 16, 1899. Seed 116 WEST MARKET ST. Advancing! THE PRICE OF ALL KINDS OF U ' IS STEADILY ADVANCING I ' . . ' ! I But at our etore the SAME OLD SYSTEM PREVAILS-f the j best goods for the smallest amount of money. No matter what you may want in the Furniture Hne,I am in a position to satisfy that want in a most satisfactory manner. Call and take a look at my line of Lawn and Porch Settees, Rock ers, (Jbair8, Tables, itc, Jtc. W. J. EIDGB, 330 South Elm Stree Big Watermelon -Good Saddle. The Saddle is novr on exhibition, in our show window, which goes for the LARGES i MELON raised in Guilford County this season1. Have a few Summer Lap Dus- ters and Fly Nets that we will sell for actual cost. G S. GADLUEN A" CO, - . i 217 SOUTH ELM STREET. i ! -pEPQSIT YOUR MONEY IN The People's 5 Cents j Savings Bank, OF G-REffiUSTSBOrt Established In 1887. Does etrictly a Savings Bank business. Has never . J. W. soOTT. President. fi2-3m O, 1ST. C, .s leen in Mtccessfuj ojL'iat:'n jf'r m Ut a dollar. - I T . This has ' been our banrieryear for Farm Machinery. The cele brated Mc cormick, as usual, won a big victory over all competi tors. ii-. tfn Harvest is overnow for a A . .nil f ano be happ): It will yH "fir your Wi anrrneiF borjnd, vodr in.'-J o.nde for,- Co. CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, AND III ! ANCHOR AND HAMILTON BUGGIES. Just received, and they must go to make room for two to arrive next month. more Mvro: tht only Buggy detltrt In the city that bay in large qnantltles. QttliltX n.d c" t oar caitontn the freight. Small dealer can't do It. rrWe are and price. IVe girt ' r - ' ,'...'.