t V A,e MAN 1H mii WOULD. pAf1,W VP ! " 1 - The Flld Eitnar.n jw-o4-y 1 as minor because it i. .. "-uTur u" oe lonowing at I .. - ma aa a a a a at mm m aa maa ft aai ww v a - wr mm a a r w w - . -------- - an a iiiH n n n a m . .. .u.WUUv fcu quen jhe feuds ln.CIay county : "Birch Stories, Willia Men arm them.!., . IV "" wnite, John danaiirnnrrrl.." "!?-! "a"r Thomas Buffer MfrZT De,piei aKer nave been kilIed in lets than S.Vh,J?.ef,A a-nd ,m0iU J" The slayers of all these fftrtitnrrt- receivo JfUI men except those of John Baker fortitude the assaults of bad teml Frank rir nrt Si! J. A r ,GS a dead and barren ball of r j!(TUair less, (waterless, lifeless. long, longbefore? thatj time f j. jjj be extinct, will -have die-f-Lired-'so utterly that not so (LID SILWiMI,,WUi!' bUt ,hey H hTe en indicted and I toogTO almost heiniAaa tvhn aa.n.4 t .- . ,."4WM5U u' !f -li vainer will be visible on all tlmn.f iTaii t.' " r w V" auiufr 7 . j 5,, , . "sf,cdb wubu assauea or lore the courts i temp1"" . . i - i F'"nce. m neaitn is no doubt Rvrir rn h.. u Lt L D irfae of this planet. VolUe by some huge and til -cataclysm ine wnoie race f-epHat.aonce inio eiernity it is to utter selfishness and to too much bj,t ffkgonaoie lO BuppuBo maiman, indulgence. i.Wsiv other race pi animals, will with an idea Ivth esiring to close out my business laoie 10 Huppoee inat man, ther race of animals, will pr elowlv, and that eventu-1 fny tre will be ljut a single hiiman and indulged aV.,biir 3er alone in Ar id ifca2ine(i r.w'. w i i 1 he "1 eeming m ' ! nsMrmedtne tifefl bV :Sect8 at - T . TIRE Srrnrv fv; dl once A oer my EN- 1- an.wer.ble for a gre.t deal of pet- can be had by Taw I know n'ntS 1" r f'itCS mat Willi aStOUnd VOU T Haw' a uaiver- ul.nce-iw Tictim. are excu.edn i.. of the YilC J S3l lme, ofDrV Goods TWce r!J. L y"l ' 4 ,ftaVe blS mat account but some of it U due men except Thomae Bakw -ThTAx? ' L' -r- uuuuai OHOeS, JlatS, (Jloth tTt it ia to utter nlflihrn... "u !-. "?: inom.a r. That H umishino-c T7 U4. I .1 , "1 WUlnl V-K . ak. a . I I I -m a a. i cmovea irom the .HmKa,,. T-I aaF M.aa.aTfiaTW W two left eome ed and Furnishings, Etc., that ing: 'Gents' old, old Dearaea, ana leit selfish and feel jman, relatives until thev b fiflnmfl tif fori ir I nndaii J m Vi personally ag. were ordered to take the close them out within the-next I . i a nave marked the fronrk rlm,r other solitude that hrHv if it a,u.,t v;::. . 10 lo r,nf ,rBJ I ?" , ' uaPea rain 1 prisoners to Barboursvi le u.Utf uu1Wu. oo a aay tney Had aDDointed for a . RefrHn t u, LJ die, thii last relic Picnic or if any other anita natural bi nH . lllionalthat ionce impediment should ariiA tn int.r. I tT " j . si I u , , u , uijSui scnu. Boiaiers today to face of the globe rupt their enjoyments of life, preserve the neace. hnt winJ.S . . O T 3(l Vr ,TIa: al: : h jr aic UA course, peiu- ine .cnaracter of warfare there ini T . " "4" r-"; ""e cr088ea. ,n ny duiged in it would be next to ire ma i ttlco "juoiaiyjim. " j, vuuugu mey may De very j possible. There Hi oar go mau ;wim sue norror 01 greeDie as lone as they can have icselinfss and himself ed his own their desires gratified. Their agree- trol court is not in iimf are not enough members, of he state guard to I pat trnl thtk AAimtw T -- it. cierav.o ioi. xuay uc earn ior tnem tne in- while the circuit the vast It is saving to reptiles or giant dulgence which helos to make them lfi.inn fU ti 1.1 f - Uv.ui7 1 r.i.u j i 1 . . : I : r -wPo umu not oe isiects lUa nyV..uCu piuuauijT in. --ou uu mereiore petulant, j II placed under the control of anv .Mhf solitudes.! . the dav ia Tc8iiira1tr L. !:.: vwunui uj. any if--- -i i 1 . v w naiui kucr 1 civil auinnrur rtwi n v r h aw. I JUL UiC - A v v ind mfire drea tefm far wider do nor atorS to con.id'.r that it i. ing conoid., d'pt. dful. Scientistk sav warm for other neon a aa wll o- .u. uL J4 , .ci h.t afi WA 1 1 II r rl T. rl A PAfll flTirf tlmriav I Tfir iriAfniAiVAa 1 . 1. . c T rTr r"- I -.wo, uub uuiUUiaiU BUOUl I CUlt nniirt. t n A trntna a great saenhee on my part, my customers. Don't let -this opportunity to reap wne price to everybody. Goods marked but it Cost. e an immune? ' A v A. A a. a a a. a a .-m a J Kt- .i . . ii , wui w iuo iruuDB were nowar- tarVun B. "f? Ped jwith jne weatnergrowIng exacting, and, less to save Baker's life and werJ lelet loose into the atmosphere an if at all encouraged, inconvenience not naerl tn tA mA ...JiLj 1 nv ; rrv: rr: wT:;v: re8 inai ra?a JurJ the investigation. r comm.?nln- my wellbe doubted whether cp u. 11,a"lo .11 1 uiUBt I "ou xuey Deoome a rich harvest escape you. m plain figures. Kcre. uu.,fcuiijr puioun me ao aii oeopie arrincnned to indictment if impanelled. The UiCftluT ff"."& -f voiicjrH cuuurBu uncomioTtaoie iiovernor cannot inspire the irrand topi, 'where the la -"'"i ok.M"5 iu cAiBipucB. auiuh, tuoir petulance and nor petit Inries with the iijq lasi. wu tiimu uiguer ana vuujpci muse aooui tnem to-wait to convict. The ur . .ut eventuauy . sunpeat- upon ana inaulge them; if a quar- soldiers might prevent pitched bat- orado led with ?23,195,300 Califor- 127 invisible flood Will reach anrl rel IS to he avnirlArl pAtnl- Ui- u.,4. u . m vi7u,pwwf vauior- . . . j i - 1 L-u u u wkUi.uwD uob, um bucu connici8 are not com- drornl im. , 1 which has any-other origin thn . Agaipt is said that ;the earth dieee ehould-Jiot l)e allowed to Governor Bradley savs it is uL b u rri a a mar i a nro nb-iHrv liir w i hava mn infA a iMk;& T f i A i i . . Ik v t v v a io Vi dVAIiilC AliVD Ul V I va L juvu a iJaillL. iw.- i sr i i - - ill-tern, a grand jury could have found j an1 McADOO BUILDING. COBNFR part utat ' ined to indictment if impanelled. Tha 7 E AST MARKET AND DAVIE successive' eeesioni the i rt . h ... a. i l f !ii i . ii 1 . ji . i ' . I cam ai uasi tuey win let tne waters uisagreeaDie tne task mav he. than at. aAVAi.i of lie ocean and Rivera sinlinto to encourage its growth by indul- general ' assembly rejected or lie tteSrjn centre of the elobe. Then eence. This ia onlv annt.hr tta fK - i w - w - w ii iab w i Aaua Gta a.ain avtivHrnanv'BW a Aaam L l . ' ,,i I . I . 1 " I " .w. o UICBBBKCI STS., OPPOSITE W. S. MOORE. Last year's production of cold in o united states amounted to ..iJi II 9iA AflQfff . cuuiajje: viu,uwv, au mcre&ge oi lz per presence or tne ceni. over tne previous year. Col- THE WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR nia standing second, with S15.637.. AAA ' ' ' It is best to lees to call an extra session of the A Wrong Motion! In Company D of the Twentieth . . ri. !. . . : - i i' . . . i Mu Aa m otoaiuu ill lmh i - -w. 23d. nese cracks wil increase resist it in the beginning, however legislature; aivina M- roo. ti Kansas, enlisted at Girard and rnf nt Dur thav 1 at lkA L I HloomaA.UI. 1 . O"- o: av'" I U , .. vuDn.auuuiB, tuere are no less tnan eight young men who have lost one f6 I Of both DiirAnta hv ?oath aiA ltn t & 3 ' " r I aw W A WW i. W I ... K . a . a. I I n . . V MM W n a V .H . a. M m a Ma Aa aa. W a av aa aa bj. u B a. a. . a. aa a a a - a . a-a a. I I mm u ii , f i . I ... I a . . . - - w vuiviuui O UlODBHlfCH I - " -J " :rv . v," e duuuiu uui a- caumg attention to the mnh nnirit "tJf is may startle the inhabitants of courage the development of a self- abroad in the state and asking for - 3 r "pj , . --.mv iaBtu.au i k"v kuuog nuuui UuO lUYCB. uthitj daee will probablvS be borne Keeping in mind the evila nf a .Alf. Arctic explorer! or Eskitoo, whom ish disposition, of which petulance Natlonal Self-Confldence strangled. amet plains of ( ice ; arbund will is a manifestation, and that self- The Nebraska and other regi- ave fro n instant; death and Jeave iehness grows by indulgence, one ments returning from the Philip, b' grill s a few momentsj until the who is associated with a person at pinces came back with thinned ice cont nents are swallowed bV red all inclined to consider his own ranks. Thev report that it will tJtgaeee and steam. I pleasure beyond that of all other take ample force and hard fiirhtfi SunMraOA V m. 1 ! '-' "I I 1 - I U-TL. ' . . . a AA. I1 .t P , O cuoo lucBo vHim ncracKs oe- j buuuiu do resisted wnen he l nmsn me conquest of the isl- le'.op more slowly, they may fsuck makes any encroachment upon the ands. The truth is that the Fill- iwiy ine water without devastating rights of others. His petulance P"8 are good fighters to start with explosions. Then the last man's should be firmly rebuked instead of and their capacity to learn the mil fte will be the worst describable. being encouraged .by indulgence itary rfrt is remarkable. Thev v T T ,,"1tu" monceneoi -v uy ouuum ue maae to ieei that quicaiy learned the use and m death will probable be the great he is But one of , -a community en- effectiveness of heavy artillery T'Ier in the ; bed of the Atlantic titled to nothing more (nor less) since the war began. Authorities wean off the Brazilian coast.lhalf than all the other members. His on the Philippines, like Mr. Oaden J between Rio; Janeiro and the petulance should be resisted not by E- Edwards and others who have fine hQa : nJ 1 l. a.. a. i n . . J 1 1. s a.i .. . . . r r ulJ :oii xuiica oi fter he between green a counter exhibition ortemper.but lived there, say that the Filipino is It is a mistake to suppose that baby must eome with great pain and Buffering. An expectant mother need only use the wonderful lini ment called UOTIIEIVS Fniitio to escape the dread, danger, pain, distress and Ttati-wnn.nas Tftirarlct thu. llnfmfnt tn- t KmVT t. -ST rv . WIU" wires are in- VI tea to Send for our fra .llnctratAV. hwvlr It will tell them things they ought to know. TU B&AJDFZZLD RIQULXTOa CO, AtUxtai, ibouth P . ,, . " ! t . J v,""""u- nucYH-iamng cure ior nies The we should be equally on our guardJ penned up and hemmed in the citv iof.Sy?!7 "at"re decree, it makes an operation . napinot ol. f. L oMha. .JTi. " . . with the knife, which is painful, and often results .... i -,v ;- i9 than tp-ice as .Uw'is.fiih. i others by nature - The ai ine time it surrendered tn th American arms. . a a. disease 7 $1 Box. unnecessary. Why endure this terrible We DtCk a Written Guarantee la i-h No Cure, No Pay. , 50c. and ti a box, 6 for t free ice cap 19 it 100 miles. 1 1'PM S Pari 1 1 17' frnm U L A I nrrainof -r-lAi, it. Z Utre. A T that a J L-a- an A-c-naaa 1 , - 'a' A W A aw A M " a WaV S. W V s in thick- petulant man or woman should not The conviction is growing uoon IJ5 Sntbymail- Sampiesfre khink: n!o Mnnt be indnlaftd in hia ha ,.;, The OhfinrvAr that it t?:n-iiL- OIWTZIENT, 25c and 50c. s - w ma vveuiti - v m m aw u a i a s jl wv iiiiiin i -w w w & a aa um a.a Liin iiiviiriri i a Suppose it stints, but be made te feel thV nhiUnA1. had been left tn himcolf k tuNSTIrATION ,? IJIK- .1. - 3 a I- l I a ... ,- I a .1 " V I.UUm M A T T-- . Z T "V'J"." JT" lt'C IMP uj ice" that . i T , : w luc queans and conti- oun. i,s -WW Mwawa uwu t t a aww m u w ni 11 iiihii i. saniii - - - - " I aOII(.K IHE GENUINE FRESH JAPANESE PlLK k . . I " tue ast mo, i Ua. . vs a ua Liin i iUn LiL. i u wn s w k. i T " M f-i lie tL ioria. a i I felt! aierless planet. -uiarcuct polar ice jn growing thicker and - uncounted ags. The distance cap heavier norr nr en v . ..... l - l l l van Ati 9 a . a. & -r. i"1" v. oumy jutiuiaio wuo weaaiv xcucufc years, it is nn. has yields to exhibitions of temper and toriously true that he was proving tnus encouraizea of a bad habit. the development While avoiding le to the edge of petulance in ."ourselves, therefore, a match for the decadent Spaniard at the time Dewey sailed into Ma nila harbor. He had virtual W JAPANESE (ETURE Can be seen at our store f ! I . And these B Call and see them and get prices. Mo (So McBW(BDn.& (DdD The Great Anti-Expansion Book 1-A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two ooxes oi uMnimem. a never-failinir cure for PiW lpin netulant-P naa oeen left to himself h wnnM gigantic masb of Water i self-irritating and gans neither h7'e worked out his own national FiS'o "uijcume sweeping up I ypainy nor renei. lialtimore "BIVBlloI1 ne could prevail at a puy aaapiea ior cnuaren's use. A B tm - O I -i . Ai li " aiAiio agaiusi opam, Wny COUld he I FREE.-Av!al of these famous little Pellets will not Bet up a tree government am. r. wlLn J1 w or or of pne cure. maintain It? Why could he not Curb for sale only by do aa much for the Philippine Isl- Howard Gardner, Cor. Opp. Postofflce anos as tne Jananesa hnva A3 A ' . REPUBLIC HON EMPIRE? THE PHILIPPINE QUESTION BT i. j. Hoi. Wn. J. Bbtak. r Pbcii. 8avl Covpha Am. rdrtion of Labor. I whqs whb in tjie he w and 8 a huge ere, then his final snows of 11 perish arvation, shallow Married Six Women for Money. Chicago, Aug. 5. -Martin Dotz ooiu iu uavo marrieu bix all but two of whom now done for their nation? Only the con e t and the Pther women, nrA aid t. Vta r living, waa rr0f tingency of interference bv a irreat hrfcnTTvr e toesihg wafer, day. Tl,e police allege that Dotz. ""L? Power f. th8. "orld could fBSS?"'J?' mm v n n a a--. i m w w m mm i h ri m n wi w a m m i vuo latca uiiin wneeiincr. v Vo i,--.... vuvva m urn narmenen D, .... uuuci luo i j a. . - rr name of Henrv Doesimr marriAi ana lDe mterlerence , has come -3 I a. I a - ureariest woman who later died under bus jaue may picious circumstances. His watch were found on the efhap8 uman A. A ! - 1 .-1 .A animaie and last nnri nithin 8un .fiort i rr buu iiuvuiug -ere iouna on the PuUter181' banks of the Ohio River, but the ? wom the MVii ,V V"1""11 impression of suicide thus given bfrih! The was dispelled by Ms arrest here a not from arbitrary, land-grabbing xv u obi a or urermany or shekel. seeding Britain, but from : the freest nation of all , the free the United States of America. Hence I - . Aa I wnen we ooaBt or our benevnlant Bxecutor's Sale. S decrflS Of thm RnnArlnr UullfQixl county ia the cue of T. sxecuior oi j. k. uaIbIat. ri-Murf s. caat. q. .tfalsley. Wn. G. Balsley. Jacob A. Tn 7 ' onasnignea as executor, Tf Hit vu Monday, August 28th, 1899, . jell on the premises to the last and hlchest S afk m. K a. 1 J a. at a a-. m a. wuu, puuiiu- suciion, ins xoiioirinr de- ln tne CUT of Greemboro. N. C . in scribed lot In the city of Greensboro. N Moreheadtown8hln.to.wit i Bounded on the east by Ashe street, on the ninr Arenue, on ttx south toy the North Carolina Eailroad. and on the we.t by t:w;iarC4unaP of earth's neonle 1 At aa. desire to help the Filininn aiot of D. w. C Benbow. containlmr about rv r n . i i v w l. a m am a m a a hmiiiami ri w v a - mat v i a. MAaj aa i a A-vAm-a a a b a. Mal!r- W1T dle OUt after at?e8 ho-atyed o-ond. ' Poor thing, he doesn't know what I Situated conTenIent to the railroad, with W;tV?e 14 which that of the " LM md'r. laV aA l." . ' i r- m uuiauinn. L J Horsebkbk at 77YearJ m l Mvn Wier, la. TV . . a uau r r J . AJ I 1 r f- "er t Sal is oest ior Himself who know tnat we are not doinir th aa t f V A vs.nliltii PdlA.A.A TT . "vmuK uuiUBK"i -UOIZ f k.t j.: . t ! ini-rlint.nl .1! married in Milwaukee. Wil.. M.i. 1 . 7.". "u.V.uoinK ne very f here i. iTworme i Lilian. Qril o nKi;. ' WOr" lDIBeT possible for him, Dre- .buUdings.and garden. a . a a m am a Bata m mi m a aa m m a a a a . m m a a .ami a a w m u w - aa w tm. am a h bb a 4! miliana Sherl. a fShinAtrr, wr- rBiUW iur 1 ftnn Rif.ah-.th hmMtno::MVB."nKnimiromtneiree play of ier. MlsslsslbpL Hna Schneider, both of MilwaukeeJ 2Ce.L!lI,d "If-help? tiken W Upon obtaining their money, the alJ checked the .rrnwrh nf l n7 1101 h0o, y w iscailed'nin legatioh runs, he left them. Ia th. ShOT ,0.tcutiava f,ii.,- 3tr.A w. . u io tne sooth . or the old Janan?-i bad -ffiliirt ilrr "1U uo fcuua' 00 wuman Charlotte Ohaerver mt j7 V C I woriu flii,uuu. poe uieu auaaeniy, --- laiiii i v n nil i .... - w i a a T J V A I . 2 11. W jl. M a I Vk 0m m mm am. Kaa. I a one. So it 6 Wlllins a er property 10 aoiz, men "-iAug iuo uocai year ending i as red uon. ms next wire ouiu, ioy, cnere were 675 South Side womanpossessed Perons arrested in the United adrantaxe of sidetrack, this nrflnm excellent sites for the location of manuf actur- oi wu. ainas also on the property two very good WAU J. BRYAN TOGETHER WITH lion. Andrew CjimnAtt Hn arni-a fTn.r y6". I Allen, White, Gorman. Bacon! Maeon, Daniel.Chilton, Batler.McLaarin. i Tillman, Money,' i Tatner. Teller, Ed-1 manaa. Clay; iion. 11. U. Johnson. Bon. . A A Ta. a. II. A Jl.l TC a ' . WefETHol o ffihS?' ?.1inMIXk FneU. Adm. - Starr Jordan. Ge.'l earer, uon. carl Scbnn, 8am'l Gompera, Prest. Am. Fed. of Labor, and others. the sensation jjf IMPERIALISM AND ABSOLUTISM DENOUNCED. a5if!imeJ-f f KiTe aonnd logical reaaona why the Philippine, should not be annesed. d.rf W.OU,1 nln,,7 JS hrlnfnl interests of oar eoantry. bat woal i be opposed ta THE COSPEL OF A HIGHER CIVILIZATION AMD BROADER LIBERTY. THE ONLV BOOK OX THE SUBJECT. ! AGENTS 'WANTED. -ik . Prof!ael7 lllastrated. g1riii beautiful half-tone portraits of Mr. Bryan and the other con. wi?!?? 1?i0Sitf .i1101 lnt .bowing the exact conditions and U U Philippines, Nothing- like it before attempted in book.pablishin. A ery bonanza for airente. OflcValblisheS. ? booktormi it cannot be fnrntahed by any other Loose. We are the sole The first Edition, 100,000 copies. A large octaro book, beaatiful new type. WE PAY FREIGHT on! each order amounting to 60 book at oae time, when eask accompanies oraer. TUfi.it?J',r FnEL W make no chartre for the elegant. eompleU Prosper.. Outfit, with blanks, etc, but aa each On tilt costs as a lot of money, in order to protect oarseisee gainst many who wonld impose apon us by sending for Outfit with no intention of work in, bet merely ont of idle curiosity, we require the applicant, ne m rearaatee of reed ralth on his oart. to send as 23e to cow postage and wrapping, this aamemat to be reran 4 d to nrent mpmrnmi -reeelpt er Srst order far 1 eeeka. i Best Cloth Binding .J ... L..iM ..J ,. S1.50 Best Full Russia Binding, with gold edes : . 3.00 Writ Tor nr Unpamlleled Teraas te ArcnU. Address THE INDEPENDENCE COMPANY, Publishers, - FRANKLIN BUILDING, CHICAGO.' L --I - -1 1 1 . -6! 6t If and cat. rlrfp drjnr;twaere-Hsomethine been in the Bridewell the Dolice Thertnth a r! Z r iv. . v. 1 1 r 1 a ha 1 a a . j v i w w a aa a sj v n. 1111 iirm 1 11 ir ha a. ' 1 va XmiZVJY cm- bave been eatherinir evidence Urtio t nZuZTl 7 n ri ft. ' 1 1 v I ii i .r. r a . i -w a t a a. a liiiniiiiii'ri.in . AitMk i...m i e. - v -"-" aiaicuieui. i a. i i . . w vuuvu i iA.'F boYfi. n t--,I-.. aRoiDBl uim.. J Rem Pf.r- if- a.a. Just f itiisi.,. r vf "ouvu i " iJicaoauw taaie and r.n 4-, - " v1 OUJ - at neU Tk'0ne of I the r?nt kDOwn a j to tail am- 8hecalled for was a Sou 2?teUC?h"Pie.d. qf $1,000. wUtwt -vao well IT W, I w :: " fc "caiin ever since. VPsW 'en old His arrest at this point ?lates fT counterfeiting and kin- cut short his matrimonial exper- j urea crimes and only about 24 per a - - -a - . . -. I dim a ej e -r. m m iences. u urinir the vear he has -cuu u oese were acquitted. TZtUld OF 8 ALE Ono.fnnrth -.... fourth In six. and balance in 18 month, with Interest pn deferred payments. Title retained uu parcaue money is luiljjtald- T. E, BALSiXY. Executor, . . ' J. B.Balsley. deceased. ! ror iurtner information apply to T. K. Bals ley, .MiasTiue . u., or W. G. BaUley. SW-U1WAV( a,. Desirable Farm for Sale. 175 acres of hirhlr imnfrovtd Innd w.ll ed to the growth of" Wheat, Oats, Corn. Tobacco. SMil AtrvAA alia. 1 a-a a. aa . ' auu C5(jcyi.jr viu r anu urse so to acres now in wiover ana ornss. i ne iirm fa wn tered by spring and small streams running through it. Good well of water, 7-room dwell- ,iar?e grain ana ieea Darn, and all necessary buildincs. Fine earl r Peach Orrhtnf aiJ Apple Orchard of selected variety of apples: ADULTERATIONS Royal Patent Floor. We Bell it on its merits. 3 Try it and you will use no other. , ; J. II. 8WORTZEL, Feed and Hay, 531 Sooth Kim Street. or l7 io one or any pale by Howard Gard- inms, aio nne selection of Grnn. nil com in z into beans?. The fai-m &a Cw.t -ani.nt. tn iYinfl ( n .aV. a. a.n. . prompt ana permanent Cures, hovs ts and Railroad, and in one of the healthiest made it a OTa.tf.-.u. , " localities in the state, s family of 11 baring re- ZUaue IS A ffreatiaVOrite With th, I sidl on the farm fen r-ir. -a. K. Ji il Take Laxatire Bromo Oumme Tnbieta. All nennls tvsrvwli..- -c , I Quired theserriceaof Dhrsicinnrinrinr rh.rir.. Druggists l-efund money if it fails to Cure. 25o tts. iv xur HaB Dy 1. j An adjoining SO-aere tract can be obtained. TO CUBE A COLD IX OHE DAT THP PatdtAti druggists muna money if it fails to Cure. 25o b TTn t T Al PATRIOT. J Ths genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Holton, Druggist. a. Terms to suit turchaser. offlce Applj at Patbiot tt AGENTS WANTED FO R"TH E TaTFE AVn AchieTements of Admiral Dewey," the world's greatest naval hero. Br Mcrat Halstead, the life-long friend and admirer of the nations idol. Biggest and beet book: OTer 5D0 dum. Sxio inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illnstrations. Only fl-SO. Enormous demand. Big com mis- sions. Outfit free. Chance ot a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Cax- inn IliJ! M&l) il Em I have the finest herd of REGISTERED H06S! In the South. Pigs for sale at reasonable prices. c3omi As Youngs Br.Mlles' Jsra Pilla are ru ran teed to.sf 9 Headache In 3U minutes. "One cent a aose--