' 1 For EVERY DOLLAR you spend with us YOU GET VALUE RECEIVED. We have reduced the price on our Negligee Shirts fro to 75 cents, our Clothing m Ql r, These Shirts at the price are exceptional values. We have your size now; we may not have it next week. "The nattirnJ are aesiraoie ana tne prices that we make will please you. LFBXCOS CASH OLdoriEailBies, - - 304 So-ULtli. ElrcL St., O-xeerLsTooro .".nsrJc. SALESMEN: WiU H. Matthews, Chas. Lindsay, Ohas: E, Brower, Harry Sergeant : " : : " ' TT" " : : . i : .- 1 . i . t: WASHINGTON LETTER. 8pr)il Correspondence. Washington, Aug. 7, 1899 There is to be more whipping of the devil around the stump. That is the sum and substance of the semi-official leaking as to the -intention of the administration in the Philippines. Gen. Otis is not to be either recalled or humiliated. Oh no ! not for worlds I the admin istration has such absolute confi dence in him that it intends to let him set In his office at Manila and worry oyer the ten-cent details of the government of such portions of the Philippines as recognize our authority. But another man is to be put in command of the army which is to do the fighting. That would be so thoroughly character istic of the McKinlev administra tion that it is generally accepted to be true of present intentions. Of course those intentions, like many others have been,- may "be cnangea beiore being- carried out. statements differ as to the man who is to command the fighting orancn oi tne nillppine army, some saying that it will be Lawton and others that it will be Miles. Gen. Miles has indicated to Secre tary Root his willingness to take command of the Philippine cam paign, outtnere are several reasons why he is not likely to go. The first and most important of which is the evident intention of the ad ministration to leave the supreme command nominally in the hands of Gen. Otis. Gen. Miles could not serve under a subordinate offi ; cer. The new secretary of war has been asked to pass upon a question of law, but he has not said that he will do so, notwithstanding all the talk about that being what he was taken into the cabinet to do. The question involved is whether the secretary of war has a right to au thorize ofl3cer8 who are his favor ites to draw specified sums in addi tion to their salary and regular al lowances, to be used to maintain the dignity of their positions. During Alger's recent visit to Cuba he authorized Gen. Brooke to draw $7,500 a year in addition to his pay as major general ; Gen. Ludlow, who made a break last week by Vi P688ing "a Cuban newspaper, $5,000 a year, in addition to his pay as, a brigadier general; Col. Bliss, collector at Havana, $3,000 in addition to his salary as colonel, and Maj. Davis, sanitary officer at Havana, $2,500, in addition to his salary as major.. Alger directed! that these allowances be made from the Cuban revenues. Only favor ites of Alcrer were authnrixA tn draw this extra money, no such au thority beincr eiven to Gen. Fitz Lee, Gen. Leonard Wood, and other officers who would seem to have quite as much dignity to maintain as the officers on dutv at Havana. It has been pointed out to Secre tary Boot that Section 1269 of the Revised Statutes, which fixes the pay ox army officers, contains this positive language : "No allowances shall be made to offl nam in nrlriitirm to their pay except as hereinafter proviaea." The provisions refer red to are for the care of ofi3cers horses, the payment for quarters, ana ior travel pay, but there is no where a word about anv allowance to maintain dignity. It is very ciear mat Alger exceeded his legal authority in makincr these allow ances, but whether Secretary Root sit .. . . r i win say so is a horse of quite an other color. 1 Against the advice of exnertn. Secretary Alger gave a contract last year for twenty-five Brown segmental wire wound guns. They are now ready for delivery, but will not be accepted, because when test ed, one of them blew out the breech and fractured its jacket, under less than the- required pressure. If they had been readv for delivArv before August went out, they would nave probably been accepted and paiu ior. A Sad Case of Drowning. Thursday afternoon about three o'clock a peculiarly sad drowning occurrea in Bogue Sound, near Cedar Points resulting in the loss of the life of Miss Katie Jones, a girl fifteen years of age, who lived witk her mother, Mrs. K. N. Bell, at Uedar Point. That afternoon Johnnie .Inn pa brother of Katie, and Miss Mamie weeks took a boat and went to. the sound, intending to go in bathing. The . boat was run up on a shoal and while they were in the water the boat went adrift. Johnnie went after it, telline the cirla to stand still in the shoal. He gained tne boat and looking back saw that the girls had moved and were un to their necks in water. In his haste to reach them he broke an oar and makincr the best sneed nasi sible, he reached the spot ' in time to grasp Mamie, but his sister Katie had disappeared, and nothj tog more was seen or her. The place Was drstrffftii. hut tin to troai terday morning the body had not been'recovered.r-Newbern Journal i Easy Justice This. Havana, August 8. As the re sult of a recent altercation between an American and a Cuban, in which the former was obliged to draw his revolver , in self-defense. the American caused his assailant to be summoned before a local magistrate. The evidence brought out showed. that the Cuban had struck the American in the face with a olub before the latter drew his revolver. but the judge decided that 1 the American must pay a fine of $20 for drawing his revolver. The American, however, was al lowed to leave the court room, and after a few day s. called to see the judge, who told him that he could, if he preferred, serve a term of im prisonment instead ef paying the one, each day's confinement count- ed as equal to 33. The American said hii business would not permit of this arrange ment, whereupon the judge said he could let the prisoner serve the time in his own house, giving him leave to go when and where he pleased. This arrangement, was accordingly made. Says We Want the Earth. New York, August 4. If the opinion oi Lr. xaurone vmanova, ex-president of Venezuela, who is at present in this city, is of any value, the boutb American repub lics have no love for the United States. When asked through an interpreter whether it was true that the bouth American countries were about to form an offensive and defensive alliance against the United otates on account of the imperial policy," replied that he had not heard of it, but thought that such an alliance ought to be made. . I The ex-President said that he thought that the United States wanted to take "all, all," meaning the whole world. When it was suggested to him that this country would be satisfied with the Phillip- pines, he replied: "Ob. no: the United States wants Europe and the Indies, at least." - "Do all the South American Re publics think as you do about the United States?" "Why, of coursa. It is a well- known fact. Who can doubt it. Do you deny it?" Gov. Candler in Command. ! Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 5. It became known today that Governor Cand ler, of this state, made a personal trip to Newman, a town 60 miles south of this city, yesterday raorn- innr tn oav tfiA 1 i fa gt o n nrrm John Mullens, charged with an, as tault upon Mrs. Cook, near Senoia, Ga., Wednesday. , - j Governor Candler left the execu tive mansion at 4 o'clock yesterday morning, boarded the first (train and arrived at the public jail of Coweta county an hour after day break. He took command of the Newman Guards, a company of the state militia, which had been guard ing the jail during the night from a mob. and directed Sheriff Brown to take his prisoner at once to At lanta for safe keeping. The greatest excitement prevail ed in the town during the night,1 and Sheriff Brown, fearing an at tack from the mob, telephoned Governor Candler several times for instructions. r The mob was successfully avoid ed and the prisoner lodged in Suicide in Wilkes A Family of Self-Murderers - Last Thursday, just across the line from Alexander, In Wilkes county, near Kilby 's gap, Troy Laws' wife com mitted suicide by hanging herself to a joist with her apron. It was the sec ond attempt, as she had tried to hang herself once before. The cause for the act is said to be insanity. There also seems to be a propensity in the. family for commit ting suicide, as Mrs. Laws' great grand mother hung herself not far from the same place. Her grandfather had the day set to kill himself but was stricken with paralysis on that day and never recovered. The father of Mrs. Laws, Haines Kilby, shot himself some years ago. Correspondence of the States ville Landmark. ton county jail at Atlanta before, noon. Within the next few days there will be cast in Newark a bronze statue of Admiral Raphael Semmes, of the Confederate Navy. The statue, which will be of herotc size, is to be erected in Mobile, Ala., where the famous commander of the Confederate man-of war Ala bama lired and died. lOl Yoars Old and Was Fr North Carolina. Brooklyn, Ind., Aug. 5-Mrj. h Medaris, one hundred acd ociji old, is dead at the home of her p daughter, Mrs. L. T. 'Apple, of u place. S&he was born in Nerih Cc Una Jurfe 2ltb.'17!tt. She itvttz hundred and thirtv livintr de:di: two sons. 30 grand childreiji, p grand children, "fifteen, great p grand childreu and onq greit p grand son, who whs born 'to 'Mr Mrs. Orval Beler March 10, 1890. at! Friends c Rev. Dr. W II. Milburn.tbe erable blind chaplain .oi pti;-'j Statet "senate, was ljrpfriteJj sunstroke in "Lincoln, week. He has been lefcturi:- the West. I Ful- 9hr ,y CASTOR I A A Unique Suicide. St. Paul, Minn., Aucr. 7. A special to the Pioneer Press from Cumberland, Wis., says : JChris Wold, a farmer near Pos- kin Lake, this county, committed suicide today by blowing off his head with dynamite." f "He placed a quantity of dyna mite in a hole in the ground,; laid his head over it and touched off the fuse. Nearby was found a scrap of paper on which was writ ten: . : . wii For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of tsSthia fiiMABTiuS.- Plfck, THEY CURt! NOT SIIV1PLY.REUEVE Oh. frhat b!7lrr Pills have btn to me.-I cwua n v for ycr,nd walkint: nrarly lu c i f f could run a foot-rcr, m l hra.vJ , tf j ; humplntf alone. I IcU him r ?rt a on's Kidney -rills nd get vc. 25 PILLS 10 CENTS. Snpcrior to ny hW-vrir tevie'7 on receiDt of five a-ccut tlauij - ! f g Howard Gardner, Cor.lV;1 9 J I, THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE me. "Here I go, and the Lord go m it i rith His head and one arm were com pletely torn away. Wold! was 30 yean old, and leaves a wife and family who are unable to assign causa for the deed. I Agriculture and Mechanic Arts "' . : ' .,-iV Term Begins Wednesday, September. Tom and Jim Baker Prove an AlibL A most disastrous cyclone passed over a section of Florida last week. A large number of families were rendered homeless and many are completely destitute. ; , Barbodr8villk. Kv., Aucr. 7. The testimony has closed id the case acrainst Jim Barker for killing Wilson, Howard. The witnesses for the defense testified that Tom and Jim Barker were at home when the killing occurred. J The case will be civen to the jury tomorrow, and the case against wiiey HaJfcer win men be; called. Although many feudists are here, mere nas oeen no aisturoacne. I ; i ( The new trial of CaDtain Drey. fus was begun at Bennes Monday. Gires an extraordinary course of instruction at arre . , low cost to the student. . - i,.f0rie ic! ' It not only edacates! but prepares Its studentMa ir j , gent directors of agricultaral and mechanical enterprr ' ru .Uf i There are complete special and short course ltLY,e yi , i cultural, Industrial, Mechanical, Textile and Civic ' iu6 SJ V One hundred and twenty scholarships carri ,v j1 lodging are open to needy boys. xAmiotl'A Students will be allowed to stand the entrance exam ,t,n i, OAMnfv.BO.fi rf f Via rnnnflo. In hln thav TPHlile. tH1' .. fl pense or a trip te Raleigh. Entrance examinations will be ronrt hnuRp. under the mhopvltlnn a: For further information, catalogue, etc.; apply 10 rnbblUhil I Utu. i. - ' c. t i'6f County f?uperlntenu j nrn PtC ' apply 10 ! -1 I: iwiNSTON V33fet'