dene of thif.vwhen Dreyfus, In TAKE A CENSUS OF CUBA. Had Cotter Otay Away. r Greensboro Patriot. open court, called General Mereler w-,nrtrt--.. .Columbia. 8. C, Aug. 14.-The '711 ESTABLISHED 1831, a liar it provoked a wild cheer tho work. A Declaration eC u . Greenwood Index, .uJ.a .n..tnr.. Pi0 ySJz.7?U?Xl throuh whose offices as mediator U&U a lots PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. 110111 VlaO Vwn - w. ----- i avi -Jllljr. IK. T? TV1 Vn- w L J Mercier if the bitter personal en- Washington, Aug. 11 The secretary turn to his home at Phoenix six emy of Dreyfus, and his testimony, of war has directed that the census of WCeks ago after his, banishment W. M. BARBER fe CO. which was heard Saturday, showed r,:wrnrn7r;T b"""' n?e last November, writes an edi. k - - - ' a w-i m. m mm I a a ma mr I I a rm. m s w i I w 11 wlw mm w- & u .uiiisiiW'i - w - w asuiuvvuiif : uub t(j re- ; .... - Catered at the P. O. in Greensboro, N second-class mail matter. - I f i i f . .. . v . .1a- ua toff Tia Annrt rnrm ma. i win do assienea to ueb eenerai r.nnnrA . Inf tha anrlr nlth hannAM fx. I tUTIl tO thftt Bflfttlnrt nn credited, with the hisses and rlt rr?lT" ""Lti ul 'Zr 1,, trusts throughout the ....... . 1 o i ; j Trt Ar V. sit . . aua, uDuow Duugw wasiacommana w v v, uo bovb, win oe "not I Annht Kit t . curses ox. mo Bpcutai-wio oi qneoi me military aepartments on uravery, qui me recklessness of a - . -0--..iBuW .ma Kissing Dug trust. nt Communications, nniesa mer wm.ui him. Tne trial a88Umea a tragical vuua iu bokwju uiuuius auer. wjb uoui.: , l Dng lae DOCketbOOka of th t . ' T t.rr.ii- Spani8h evacuation and has been re- It is underntnori tht it TninL . . . . P. dui going rarther, cuoiie&i iuKtcehiuv . T... . nHiiirH ninnusv nuou uauutM i l a t t i . I - . a v is his Deril. control the price of all nr , . ... u iaB Iarmer has tant jects trying foiled StS . r . - . r i w uuuciBLUuu liikc ir ninnri ...... ' i -- 211 i . UB1UID UiUUUBT VW MWU - , Z I 1 I I I - - w , n UWI At Ih. laJIIJ.I tni .... . . i. w. w rnov vi 11 I n &. i . I .tm ri i. v h n trt vht r l mrtmaw tm m itii r it w km mi . . . . wwa ... k. i ri iiiinuiiiii.i uy m .... OT5 sel for Deyfus, was shot from am- c-onn&SoVwhi 7i& of ThTewf ?.enil' 5elI,be . , 7 te"lD- For DW.i iawiinheid. tm . f Lir.-. i -t mu- Ane ciiange is caused bv his state- UP kinds of varmints in th Phiiini... ... i AdTertisemenu on wwc" wTn I DU8D. Delnt? SeriOUBlY wounueu. iiuMOMiuus. iud m-n i,, w.-uIk,...- II... lJI i. -iy.ucs wiia uatll been l. T tin,. fiithU 10 ke th. , s,,Ia Is itu... nrmked wm teWtiBoed niu -. . ,W..".TTin II ments in Waehineton. where hei is ...... . . . - " """u fiW!SSS2r In TieW th6 ftt0t tbBt v v u5eCuban InlaA dtortoT P-K case against r,atim'er. "8" ye- Now, while it eeem, altncat Im bI, tn "'' AdTertisemenU discontinued before ithe time enuptB Df 1D8tice are a farce, it i8 The rlnal tahnlation of thn mnntc will that he made HO Bromine nf arinrl I formation of trncta in fMo . - - lcttCktVa fn. hu tnimi casrzea auueB. - i , - ... . r Br vuuuui, vub inRrn id t . i - SiSfoi the time actuaUy published. -. Drobable that the brave Alsatian be made at the census office in Wash- Denavior to the Greenwood people jn tntt , ; ' - i escape for the . BcDittanea mw w w .w'i . . . . , lntrtori. Thli aftemnnn RAnrtrv nf and thitt. Ha t,- u . ; w tuo iiiunu Vine vara. Stnd1nr llu I O J w. I - - " w UUCAIU( HI Xi II V t3 I'M . ..11 I ttt t . . a. a i . a. a. fn . ! I . , I " . . . . nrd.eessorinre n hnnnrahW sA; A4Jia oecreiary 01 1: onifsuch remittance, will beat ihe ruk .... ww-w-w.-. War, itoot, Assistant Secretary Meikle- congressional inauirv made In ele. mit of some mountain i. ' nf thA rtnblishers. .Aaaress iui ieen a mighty peak : nrFTTTi patriot, Greensboro. N. C. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16, 1899. quitted, but that will make him no john,! Acting Director, Wines, and tion methods here. leas a hero. uniei nun., 01 me population section ot tne. census, were in conference, pre- The political situation in Ken- paratory to a conference Secretary ttt . . .. . i . i i-rrioi; win ntivn witn trio i ; n r o n nnm. i tucKy is attracting wiaespreaa at- 55 " w It leaned this wo iuou igr uus. I XT yt roTON, Aug. 12. It was U TniTTrT lis afternoon that Secre- C (f rHvf- contemplates increasing i-lXIVWA IX J s in the Philippines be- V Belk 1 0!? isa. tention throughout the entire coun- thig meeting Ii was officially stated tary Boot try on account of tne bitter iac- that tne policy and purpose of the the- force THE PARTING OP THE WAYS, tional fight in the Democratic ranks. United Sta are to make the Cubans yond the 50,000 already provided. AMheeeting of. the Georgia Gebel, who was nominated for Jfotwldhl. SSiSffi ' vamilan TamA. I ammont'ii n n Inir nna nnna.m am 1 I , l w UUcSllOn 0. UVBtO AgiiuuituiH w w -j gulSiUUi tJJ tUO ICUtni wu j i w uuauu a vwftw.u UIBI i finllStiniT TTlfifA wnl i-i f e orom- AtiA ef.A Aftn.Antnn hn th control 01 every nature to the Cubans. ... ' - fftn?. , . , . . Everything will be subordinated to topic 01 party machinery back of him and Ma nA 8aid todav that at nrpoAnt tha Aa- 1 i-L. t.. ... r,Q. "1 "" t rw ame rwara witn an unlimited amount of cash and U "vim ij question 'of fPDtI? establishment, acting as a safeguard to protect the ouiiBbiui' 111 urn Tn iinrnnra ia ssvi i . ... week the race problem came prom- cr8tia gtate convention, has the considered. GeTerll Aft r 868 n,gn prlces ana bl ProfiJs- Th" another elsmei inantltr tr tiiA frntlt &B B tODlC Of I narfv mftnUnarv fot nf riim nrHi LLii .ij I f AVnra thfa otan Ca... T-. I CQUal In nOWflr tn the Knt lA.tH..i.i " . i' oiaj .1 a . . i i - - i r 'wis iprr . this end. uiouiiBBiuut 00ofaBFvr ia iu receive me Huppurb ui tuo Q0mez Has Faith in America. made and some i strong language national Democratic committee. massee againt the Qtjof denracti-j partment was nrenarino- tn rrivo U AVaitfA A llr 1A T I "V . J I n nnn .,-. at. X . I 3 i . . was inamgeam. -in. pre v Bryan, ex-Governor Stone, of Mis- let er published today by LaLucha the middle of NovembeVand 7Z cu. - ' V . " V . AwvkWA, jjuunguyu uuar M uauuuuB me IUIUU16 01 iN 0V6I11 Der and anripn j D. , . i -p " the society,Hon. Pope Brown, who souri, and Senator John W. Daniel, General Maximo Gomez says he that more would be lenUf Seedid; ' Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, Notions. . Etc., 'cheaper jhii is an extensive and prosperous of Virginia, will i?o to Kentuckv and has remained in Cuba to fulfill a Indica fcionR now nr a trior C fl. I before. The DBOP we have is an extensive and prosperous f Virginia, will iro to Kentuckv and has remained in Cuba to fulfill a Indication- nn '!, r.ri- before. . ' , I - I ' . . " . . .1 ... " vms planter of the state, made the as- take -the stump for him. This g, , ' otnat exaggerated will be retained in command. sertion that the white man and the action is resented by the bolters, J negro are at the parting of the who claim that Bryan and the na- 8ires to exDlain the true situation Beantlu S Tha m Yoa Haw Botjgtf ways, and said the former should tional committee have no right to assist the latter in his efforts to interfere in local politics. Hon. It "that is absolutely false,", he says, great differences exist be- The DBOP we have 1 WJ( ainaj3 seeping rour loaded to the breach with the right klndf of ammunition is a'pennasiTeirp. ment to buy goods cheap. It is Important therefore, to get the DROP. 1 T yoa are In a position to make satisfactory terms: Try It. DRPln on q, examine. Ladies' SliDnera. Oxford nri Rr..i. 1.1 I . I ' wuuB4a uu uut joo counter, and 6hai room for Fall Goods. . . w-r j 3.1 1 I . . I tvaan Via PnViana a4 Cn.m..1ii leave wis country, ae oeciareo jobn Xoung Brown, one of the 1"" r"I:"" "ruf WTOwawnT. from 60s no. worth SI. ndM.BO. T,t i a. ... L . that tha-S6nth.bUn of tbe North .tnDM.k'm.n in th ..4 h w Ww V?"" " xroxti. , " iwoo., to em I o ... ...... AftTifl ftf itmnnff tha I nhnna rhAm. I " ancfthe small politicians are at the has always been noted for party telves. ' CJnnK"Y BT lM4iA m a.? m 1 1 1. . am.Vk1 a Tha I 1 1a I a 1 1 3 . t . I ' 9 . . m . I .1 uuuuiu ui at mo wuuu.o. ioyany, is me leader 01 me mae- li-ue intervening power will fui- Wholesale , Receivers and Shippersbf peaker added: pendent forces. In all nrobabflitv the obligations it has incurred, country Produce. "The leaders of the negro race he will be the independent candi- an e Cun People, heroic and are whether Raa "w .a, fcWu0 uu it. wurm izj and loc. Jn received 100 dozen Ladies' Handkerchiefs, your choice 5c. , Alao another lot tf Bibbons at prices that will astonish you. -If you have not been down tb ia this the biggest bargains ever offered On the ftVtnrA orw4a mk . . preaching discontent, and date for governor, but his election Tit' ' .. wtuauon Beeswax..... 2K ' . , . t "' ""f "iM r the scheme of colonization wllr hB lita V S""!5 i.'"? "W!"'0' 58lfb-.-? ffer'DB ,r0m 80me of ,he effectst" st.Y0nr neighbor ha, W Why not you? , r BUYING PRICES. win oe quite a . ' . ' . . .. : Wfth thrAA flATrAf. in tfiA flul r 1.1 t.hA! fiifttlPA will on1n V.,r,r pared to say, but I do believe that - - "W4V " ? V " V J ,MW"6; . Eggs ....... . r' - . . I ... a.. ai i I ( Ao fn fha anMii An th. (k -OP. it is to the interest of the people of cy iu loreaee mo iriumpn or ine . sr v Bu66Mnuu -uo Feathers .... the South to aid and abet the ne- Republican forces. This is the ":r.TouB puwer coniempiaies niaes dry.. riltfAPArif. thinrr iUa j in 1 i I T .n .ma ..tA. i-1 i n. ianraatiral np nnt T nm tint nrn I iuo luuepeuueaco anu lioeny WHICH uwko opnug ouicacus ID... is practical or not, 1 m not pre- . . . , . . . . , , , , , . J small sririnir uhickAna lh r rt l-l-i . I rfi Al r-- i a . , - .. . . roooine me uuDans 01 tneir own. 1 ween. B4U4uux0, gicai result oi a split in the Dem- I An tint: IiaHava it RmaK o Oats... taw n axra o rrr to n on narro i n nrnnii. i . . i r- 03, ; I ! 12 few days agb when certain promi- ocratic ir-kB; neni citizens were caiiea on oy tne LM M. K-fl au A. M n I . ..... I WWaa a callimnv ntrftlfifit. nn hnnrnhlo I m Tx T .i r" , . "VMW"'WV lauow..... 3 peopie. xne vuoan, leit poor oy Wheat a . t i rj a I : nrRMN lii nhv iinw wh n ii ii ii 1 1 1 nriiLrnr. i - 'Pm. i . i Jur families against cer Ufa rime U"81"011 "! war, should dream only of work. Wool-washed there was a response that seemed ""p.piBe:- a Penai co"y will Let us allow bygones to be by to meet the approval of the press, doubtless meet, with-the. approval gones. Let us see a brother in Jt was this: Make a miniature ar- o Gen. Otis, as it will place at his every; man in Cuba." 8enal of every country home.' I disposal a select class of house- The Pension Boll Decreasing. say lWt has icome to that, it is time breakers, safe blowers, etc., to as- Washington, Aug. 10. The Unwashed Dried Fruits Apples lb............... Berries lb... reaches, pared, lb...... Corn, new. Flaxseed' . for the parting of the ways. Shall Llof u-u u.. ,- Lnrt n.mmjlo?;'. vAM.iMW. Onions .. . r -r 0 Uioa&lUK X11B Way ID. Fwl" v wujaaa.o.auuw v a uuoiwiio I Ta.a. vi-. ueace or simor xi ... , . w " fr. ifiou, new would sav peace, and let us stand mcn present he seems unable T'lT i J . ;u"ou Sweet.....' . - .. a4 . ouue ou iBi, snows a total ais- re- Rags Cotton... bur8ement of $138,253,923, lea vine Bones lb a balanoe of $1,857,188 in tbe HARRY-BELE BROS. CO CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH, 7 225 SaUTH ELM ST., K. of P. BUILDING. . M.. 'J.r.JOBDaT, D. J. SINCLAQ. . " JORDAN, SINCLAIR & LIACDONALD. WfW.i These words portray a sad co.n- In the Revolutionary war. and a dition.of affairs, to say the least few times since, the United States Treasury, out of the $140,000,000 o rifi A h!kIkaM a a t appropnaiea. xne total numoer -WW.. H.WM WUW W.MW.VU V. M UiW -I l VS glfQ JlitlglAUU 1116 XOST is vexing tho strongest and best worst end of a bargain, and the men of our country.- No subject shifting of the William Waldorf confronting us has received the! Astor citizenship to the mother serious consideration that has been country emphasizes a continuance bestowed upon the race problem, of the practice. and happy are the people who are T 7777 7-777 , able to settle it in a .satisfactory i,-an . .,, manner and to the best interests of God and w, MoK:inl!v ' j . all concerned. We do not believe that the colonization scheme many administration partisans. 18 savs the St. Tmiia PAmirtlin ni . . w Avuv.wav, wail practicable, nor do we agreewith doubtle88 contend that the Presi Mr. Brown that "it is to the inter, dent 8hou,d a. . t , est or the people of the J South to on the tIfilrft, aid and abet the negro in his efforts ' to leave us." If the negroes leave 9ME 0NE nas said the popularity others must necessarily come in Pf Marfe Twain in England and the and take their places, and what as- lac 01 a"ention shown the other urance have we that the situation Mmrk (Hanna) in his recent visit would be improved by the change? abroad is anther proof of the su- As we see it, the only real relief Perioriiy 01 mind over matter. must come, through the qualified . The Danville Sensation, suffrage. Let the ballot be taken Danville, Va., Aug. 13. There from the ignorant and vicious ele. nas een nothing to occur in Dan- I ment of she negro race in the South. TUt in late years to cause so much This will remove the negro from Z 33, M 7 1 " a. a m . . 6 port made last Wednesday night to the influence of designing politi- thft rinr nntir.oii v.- n d -d cians, and leave him free to follow industrial pursuits and improve his mental and moral condition. Then by submitting every question county, , municipal and state to the white primary-better govern ment would beecured in all cases and to all classes. The eyes of the civilized world are now turned on Rennes, the lit- j tie French town where the second trial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus is being held. The trial has been n progresr for more than a week and some of the developments have been sensational The Judges com posing the court-martial are not friendly to the accused, but it is not believed the testimony will ba sufficient to- allow them to convict him? On the other hand, the tes timony establishing Dreyfus' inno cence grows stronger each day, and it is certain that public sentiment in France is changing. As an evi- the expert accountant, on the con dition of affairs in sundry city of ficials' offices. City Collector Ayres, who was reported several thousand dollars short, has already published a card declaring the ex pert's figures to be inaccurate and very unjust. This morning P. H. Bolsseau, city surgeant, whose ac counts and methods of doing busi ness were severely criticised in the report, published an open letter ad dressed to the president and mem bers of the City Council, in which he handled Mr. Boudar somewhat roughly. He takes up exhibit "O," which is the part of the report that refers to his office, and answers it, in many instances denouncing Boudar as a malicious and unscrupulous falsifier. Mayor Harry Wooding and Green Williams, chief of police, the other officers who were criticised in the expert's report,have also announced that at the next meeting of the City Council they! will demand to be heard and will submit reports in -which they will denounce Mr. Boudar. of pensioners on the roll June 30th was 991,519, a decrease of 2,195. There were 40.991 names added to the roll and 43,186 dropped. The report shows the pension roll is decreasing. Of those drop ped 34,345 were because of death, and 8,841 because of re-marriage. minors attaining their majority, mone7 failure to claim pension and other causes. The war with Spain brought a total of 16,986 claims, of which number but 295 have been allowed. The members of the Grand Ar my! of the Republic are greatly ex ercised over this decrease in the number of pensions, and when the organization meets in Philadelpia shortly President MoKinley will be asked to remove Commissioner of Pensions Evans. He has been too conscientious in tho discharge of hie duties to suit the G. A. R. Patriot. j Rumor About Reed. . Washington, Aug. 14. The re turn of Speaker Heed from Europe has started a fresh rumor that he will not retire from public life at present, but will remain in Con gress and head the anti-expansion ist movement. This course is to be taken, it is argued, for the pur pose of securing the presidential nomination in 1900 against Mc- Kihley, Reed evidently believing that there is a stronglatent senti ment against imperialism among Republicans. The same rumor has it that Heed does not wish to be speaker and will not aggressive ly lead tbe opposition in the House during the next session. mm my 10-cent ; Greensboro City and Suburban Properly; , Have rou ever tried GREEN COFFEE? It is the best in town for the Manufacturing sites. Acreage adjoining the city in imlj tfacts to suit purchasers. Farms and farmiLtf-lahilK -timber lands, and tracts adapted to colonization purposes in Guilford county. Special attention given to locating people (rem tie JNorthern btates. 15est-ot connections North audj?outhi Cor- responaence wun nome-seeKer3 soncirea. j G. W. DBNNT. Ill East Market Street. Jordan, Sinclair & Macdonald, 106 SOUTH ELM STREET. GREENSBORO, X. C. - LL. h :f; :r (1 W ' : I L conao-fn-ca. " -yuijr-. rr I . , 1 ' I. i When a careful I man goes to buy a Grain Drill he looks ca at it from the ground wheels up to the feeds. He wants simpij : He wants strength. He wants a force feed both for his gram anaje refully1- piicity.. cert in a men nor. The effort of Richmond Pearson sionai district, to unseat w. t. xiuzer. me wanxs accuracy, ne wants ngnx aratx ana hki h urawioro, democrat, wnonomstne me wanxs a arm ne can cnange tne quanxity oy levers. ucate 01 election, nas resuitea 1 r j a viguruuB eicuango oi compn- ntJ UUKb I1UL Weill L UUIT1D Cai OH. WeaKneSS anU d uuwi . iinCa Ib by these two gentlemen. Mr. hotchi no in his rronJ nnrla twn-hnr5P lninH nf Aicr M and one v . &SL h team nor one which changes frWVcoi idation. violence, bloodshed, . de- grain Qr fertilizer byj cumbersome speed devices or ? ol uDown bauchery. corruption ot Toters, wneeis. Me can una an tnat ne neeas in tne Pennsylvania t-v rerf1is stuffing ballot boxes," and all kinds and can have his choice, either spring Hoe or Disc, and on easy or roooery. iur. urawiora retorts and Doth fully guaranteed. sua Aua. jl BHiouu o ivjii biVai suiuei- 8aults have never inspired the peo ple of the district with confidence in his political integrity. Much more word-slinging is indulged in. W! O. STRATFORD

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