TO TOWNSHIP'. TRUSTEES. J: ihould receive $9tf for their an- UALIOIOJJQ-m to earn Weir bread nual apportionment, and the ad- .4.M.n r.-r-nlama I vanced school should select a North, not even in Boston: r no. teacher suitable to the require The Washington Post Ably Defends groes afforded such opportunities the Principal .Points 01 ne ruo lio School Law. ments of their school at a salary of say $30 per month, then they would have a three months' school. The i' - ... . AU0 Douxn. v 10 get iomard in the world as they To the Township Trustees: For your guidance and direction i ne uoston Advertiser of the 1st uaTO m-tne, southern states. In inst. perpetrates an editorial on asserting that the Southern people other school may require only la in performing the duties or tne 01- xne JNortn and. the South," in re- "ure, malm, burn and lynch X X X 1 ' Mm hnth ahnnlfl hnri: thA BATTIA I iui.f i s. - P I - tt duties. . m 7TrT TZ. -; ?",ecuaraci"18UC8 or are --"uy.- very ier sucniiynchlnga We now have three sts of public nuuiuw fwuiiuu i ..wv, ine aosence of truth and the pres- Davo occurred, and those were un school officers, towit: The county and Twelve the same apportion- ence of misrepresentation. Inex- der circumstances calculated to ex board of directors, the township ment, but one had a three months cusable ignorence, or implacable cite the wildest passions in the liafrit onmmit. school and the other a six months malice, or a combini? f th.A human heart. Ani) it. wt.Afh. tees (committee of three for-each ehooL The new law disregards elements must be held responsible Southern people or any class . -v. . . " . i th number of children in the difi I . , . f 0-!in m..u-J school house), out wisn to impress ; . , . - r ucuverance iobi would naye ?"v epreaeniauve oi "tne ftoutn- i i r n tvi o tinT rna annnFTinn m on r i . i ... it upon you that the success or failure s Deen impossiDie for The Advertiser Bra people" wno did the torturinz. of our public schools for the next to a school, and considers only the before its brain was "rattled" by Not "the South's svstem ; but two years will depend very largely average attendance, the grade Of alarming incidents of the war of avery, enfranchisement ! and re- upon you and your efforts. See section 24 ofthe school as -tb' your dutyon this point. I wish to impress upon your mind that this is the one thing which has caused more injury to the pub lic schools than any other coming under my observation. Our school fund has increased severa thousand dollars wi ten years, and yet school terms remains - m m -11 r W V - nwift 4"?i uwuwuiBm, "M isys, includincn imaffinarv broad- construction, for the first of whieh tho nn ni a otn a n ri iriva a 1 1 t h A i i 3 m . . I U i law r 1 l. ' 7 f ir 8iaes "om non-existent fleets. "".won was as much responsible BcnooiB sue Bume lengiu o Charity compels us to give due a8 the South, and for the other two I call upon you and all others w eight t0 the paralyzing events of more responsible, have crikted the .c iu.u 4u pMuiiuuu.- nat dreadful summer in Bpston, "ornoie conditions which all good tion, which means every true Ijorth and also to remember that The Ad- citizens of all sections kind both uarpuaian, w urge your peppie jo vertiser was very old ; had borne races deplore, but which cannot be arkr ri thai, nhl H.nn BnknAl W ' ' .. I m ' i , oouu kucu viuuujcu i,u ouuuw, x uui tha ornrma u nrl an..An,n I luinrnvAn trr olMmnin.. f IT sj uuv DU11UIVO U4 UU lra I X w vniuuiuiuuB rnrf ann tinf Ha anlo tr ran H I i. . ... . . l 1 I -. w uw mv.w wv wfc. WT-uri Ira Trior n r I-r f 1 tne same, ana wnv, oecause wei, 4. rvay iMUDuuiaBliua ioi- .hAao , A. m. .t..- , jum:.,.,- uu wnie, ii mey are eent to mese lowed close nnnn f h hoa)a t "o uuo ui me mosi trouDle- and vin- r- Wash- ? well as have kent dividin? up the territorv. . I A. mM I M V I M K I I a Instead of havins one. good school r V. . i I r,me 9r horror. And it of five or six months in some olacesl "vrw ww . .w- j -v- tnat a sKiued alienist, called to u-Z" - i nnarorinn in rnia rv a f i i - uri:niiiH n n rn n 1 n n rrr ,r u T u I 5 " i aiagn8e our venerable contempo- Qf ni , Would that I had.the power to rflrv- mflWhnir, .00. i!. 8ti11 suffer from make we find we have three two-months' schools. These things ought not to be. . '' some diseases thn armrr hA may oe tend with Tn ro e chronic and the old soldiers it.Mr. David or, of Wind Rldyft i P,M.n, r- . w , : kiaXVvvvvxv -vw.v.a.T, WU ! 1 vVsXXVvxx Tor inianis and Children. Castorla is a harmless substitute for Cisu? c x naa me power to rary's melancholv case, would "find you realize how great it is that ita-tr... k cu Aa a c.u.i t thWn6Mn ana how awful tne responsibilities neoole was a mrtlv .tn,.i couniy, ra., is one of these, He : " J::ul iJVer of those who dare to trifle with the noMnf.M.u rrr.r e Chamberlain's Colic! Cholera i: u u J 1 . , ui ipuuoo nuu uaio i the trunees of the' adjacent town- umjK U by' !" Pnio of 1898, and its .ad se- ehi-De. eubieet to the annroT.l of 8 .r1' t ,U Let me beg you to quel, the awful Atkinioniz.tion-of ?fneJ" fou?d 7t.hlDth" would the county board of school direc- T :lne' win, let nothing 1899. . rjulT.'n, W,,?J- Ic tore. Thi trustees of the, territory P"" or narrow, or eelflsh enter Having done our best to excuse r ,1 y C- Holtoii, Drgggtit. interested must decide how much " tne nnrortunate Boston paper, we According to the Treasury Bu Wi" ' P?ors Bncouraee the school commi -''mt reu f .Statistics, South lAnferica Bupport oi buch bcuooi, i . . i ' .f ;4 troTernor oners a nne market for American Strive to r n, U S t0'"1 " tne. b0UtD and Paraguay come from JSurobi if iiAa tj ticsirojs worms ana alias inVTrouSirs aud" Co 'stV.?' t "w. W. HtomacU and Bowels, civlnir hcnltliv n,..i if lbs The Children's PanaicTho , Itoti ?r?-"'ij 'iral The Eind You Have Always Bought and also the number of children ' w'th. 1 P hT Pnd, "ying. in .ubstance, products. Most of the i, very best teachers that can be se- tht fha .i; h.. i. i -...t-' . ua 11 ' m. V - B " w -V w W W U A 111 E . u ls i "iv uooi icttuucrB iuat cau uo se that fKa i i t n . . z ."?"!," ,- cured for their resoective schools 1 irrwl. " . ?! 'Sr8e'y w, 5f"u 'gentlna, Uruguay and The committee for a school of StrWe to make public sentiment for he seems disposed to place most of this Wation mv oi,i puoiic education. In order to the hnrHti f r0.nftno;v,ii; 77u:w:." make others believe in vour worki uir?: u?u PREMATURELY OLD you must first believe it vourself. L .: . 45 . Amaflot not to old, pr to old uo.iug luicicofc, uuu aiiuwiflg wieseic i- , . : v, r; yvwunou auuut ,uiriy years ago, in Jnui weu P towards the nineties, but - i r- l m h isT m urn rri in muon'v an a " -r i n if the r5. 'i.. u , "dA Fne aay wnen reconstruction was a In i Use For Over 30 Years. i, TT MuMfta mrmrrr .. two to select a third man now-a-cUys you don't see manv snrTi n Instead, you hear people no older than 40 ". . - . . . ... I Season for nil mm annnla if Mio L-u.i. i . ruBiees can noc agree on tne third I h(ia'"a Jn , , V 7 k ; 1 Z I Pouucai issue, ana the carpet-bag- or 45 who begin to complain of tired backs man. . rt J""' k""""ip ger was a political force in the In the transfers of children to not r8Pect your public schools, South." The Advertiser further meet conditions of this kind, the omething li wrong ; see to it that ites Governor Candler to the effect ... n,uuK uiu nguu ie i that the carpet-bagger taught the these people to join in with us ; to neo-roaa not nni. tht tKcL u .! come go with us in the work and White men were their worst ene we will do them good and their iiies, but that freedom meant idle- K:l.M"S.7r.V eir ne" ness, that liberty meant licen wwo vuuuiCU KUUU UV lURK.lIlir I nnH A ! fold On ! Don't ise. township (which in many so,) and the average is less than sixty-five pupils to the school: then it will be their duty (not only not to create as section 24 reads, but I construe this to mean those already created as to sixty-five children) to decrease the number until the schools will average sixty-five chii- citizenship re- Southern VICE'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS pro rata share of the school money of the township from which they are transferred should be trans ferred to the school where the children attend. - If the trustAAa finrl thot thaiiA na two manv school houses in th them intelligent citizens, instead meant nrotetion ..-nof ho - - I - M X . m . I X MaMSMOW uuw places is 01 onm ana oiten worthless suits of crime; also that Soutl ThTat t V - I negroes have been encouraged by of In" UJ ay ? T a8,Dg mUC the North t0 re8i8t the whites, evei of you, and especially so' since you with force, and that this line of IreuCee .Vh -C0mPe.n8a,ti0n- IhiB iB Plicy has called into existence the true; but, my friends, much, very very conditions and outrages that much must be done, even at a sac- the people of the North now criti nfice, in order to give the-great cise. army of children in our state the I Tt nnM ,fl .x.- J - w I , . . . I - - Wfcv WO JIUUUDB1U1D LU UIIUIIIHI aren 01 scnooi age, or if the aver- - fu8f" successfully a single allegation i nffn ia (rraBni k.h ...... education, in order to make intern- u ai . .L. . should not hesitate to discontinue ge?1 clt,zs of these children. nor's remarks. Indeed, The Adver any scnooi wnerever it can be done, . 0 oppor and therehv make ironri lunJ ior an our c schools instead of poor, ineflicient th!,n let Us have equa! On68. uu equal respo . - TT. .'I . . ... i COnOltlon IS when he is compelled tO go back craving: for stimulants. In serious cw of brought about WO must labor and thirtv vears to in at if x, th Sl? PT' R- Y- Pierce, Buffalo! N. Y., make fiftcrififie. years to Justify the policy will gtve free advice and counsel to thos Yours in the work, ft?io ?a8n"fed hers ad Wl11 cure you of ConBtlpatL and ir, S iftHiT?,18 Pim 18 a Y.eRelable Tonic Laxative, the pure9tf preTri gists and merchants, or sent on receipt of price. - w,u.0? THE L. RICHARDSON DRUG CO in and brains, of stomachs giving: out, of shattered nerves, of lost energy, . of aversion) to work. These men have thougrht more of dollars than of health. They forget that money is almost worthless without health to enjoy it. If men and women will take Dri Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, they needn't worry much about old agre. The years will grp by, but they won't show it. This medi cine makes digestion perfect, and Ichanges a disordered stomach into a healthy one that works as Nature intended. It regulates nc iiver, enncnes me blood and tones the WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING DKl'dJ !ST, mm DDI MIM1 01 Ul8er does not flttemnt that. imnAo nerves, it prevents consumption bycurimr hildren, and 8ibie task, but neati; HnM h im, wrSM W1?? u - "fr?! ve nave "rong opportunitv Uh oaH. .tflrj" 10 us wl" Pmpt and 1 ,It-.wilI not be necessary for each house to, have sixty-five children, no more and no less, for on account of geographical reasons in certain localities, impassable steams and creeks and sparsely -settled com munities, it may not be practicable to have sixty-five, but we may have otberechooUin the township where there are ninety or one hundred children. Remember, that the greater the average, the fewer the 8chool-,&nd consequently the longer the school term. ' The township trustees must de termine the dividing lines between and equal responsibllitv for all our Lii. . i-.. Y power it gives is the power of Nature rcfeeo. tt ':i .... - ,T 0 Utt "IUBt maeea D6 poor genuine and lasting It does not creat-i Insure your property against fire and see us bef companies, and all careful attention. ore pUcicjr h u buiineii r. BOYD & GLENN, C. H. Mebane, Supt. Public Instruction. Raleigh, N. C. delayed writing was because I bbuoo as iuvy sxiBl. v Just what The Advertiser means by "the policy that the South'pur- sues today" we shall not try to , I. . . . lit demimondaine of her day, is dying SIm flone"W-wiu; in Philadelphia. She is dyini geDl ClJZea f any 8tate could find alnwW Hncrirri miMfiMi ground f or a reasonable doubt that that the South pursues today. He who write him. ia alrillf tillTr - "The reason I J wug piece "i wanted to wait yr after Ihad Ukra the 8pecial pleading, but he ignores the J11011 before giving my statements and now Z:L". V"1' crgcani, oi nam city Madison OPPOSITE BKNBO"W-HOTTSi:. Room No. C Katz r Ik'iLD:s Josie Mansfield Dying. Josie Mansfield, the most famous Durinsr the summt-r nnH rati r ac I becamr nil nm.Hnwn - jZ were out of order. I wrote to Dr. Pierce for ad vice. He said I had general debility, and advised Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and I used six bottles. Since I stopped taking it about one year ago, I have not taken any medicine of any kind, and have been able to work every day. My appetite is food, I can eat three square meals a day, and I do not feel that miserable burnimr in the stomach after eating." ; i llTfBl takii nn nntA cui y"ciueut auu in me nours oi re knows D;Tutur;: " tooSS -"''Ion were planted the eeede . . . i - i . l , . " , i ja tue crime wnicn irovernnr i An. l,ue various SCUOOIS in their tnwn. 010 iwvb who me past. A. . Jt . 7 . 7 Bv virtue ofnoweraof salemtainlriin! .hip, .0 to deeignate the 8chool , Somet.mes 8be croon. . Pari.iari JT" Zl S' TSWlh air. sometimes She lauehs at the " Z 7, ZZ. . " . the 29th day of January. 1S91. and onTthilmh Hr1 or ft-fri, iJ1 wr7 "wPD' A "6 Warping and day of March, 1895, respectively, registered in uoau ur lurKOUBQ WlL I i . . . I the recrister'a oWce of (inilfnrrl children-walk two miles to a Most of the time she signs because !:""".uA!grilcqracier au"nS i -k i pwwr ii-.vr w, : louonmrucuon naye not oeen rT rL' ""J ypuoucauc- .vUvvt uuou iu uovo a poor school If you intend to build or enlarge your nouse, come to u tor. an etim' on Material. We will turpriae you on prices. We make a inecliltj o. Uortgagee's Land Sale. OOHS ASR9' B&IXTS0 "ft v uwaiuaiD mo scnooi for the children in each locatity to air attend. Better have the 8allv f Now don't think for a minute we are selling below toita can do bualness on that basis. Our motto : Large sales small bo ret .roiJi for them near their doors. t-irkvi Trr rich o t Ka 1 1 M . She is not an old woman. She is lu vt . fc L uw.uwp W4UW;nucu'on i The apportionment mad hv fV. only just past fifty. But ehe is " "T11 Ana' iukuay, AUGUST 26, 1 99, J-.- 1 1 - 1 . I mu, 4k uuijr iwea.iwo years t ia o'olock the foUowing described described in said mortiraires, to rn (Inuina ' :li j L Hnuiuij, UUIIIUIU LOUD the lands of P. C. Smith, 8. : j uireoiors to the C ZZ'x i . . , since the general government with- tract of land desenbei town8hipi8 To her Philadelphia neighbors 5. A i,? goyernment wun- wit. Bei in Greene f fA- !8C?.00! .h. i.t i.r r.t: i drew its soldiers from the South, ty, n. c, adjoining th uiaviuu, uui BecuonzarBnhnn ouw a"u ob iura. nooerc IjIV .l . , . ' Johnson. Frederick Reitzffl And nh law you will see reads thus- "It ingBton Reade. To the New YorkJ ; Drains, cnarac as follow.: t ginning at VsjoneTi running hu k ik. AV7 A. . DUB- At A . fcuo ow Jr ter, property and social influence JSJSV1 176 P,e8 to 8take near smith- snail be the duty of the townshio ers of a generation ago she will be n X nr otkLt uuuw wood Academy, thence west is east ss; poie to School trustees tn ' timtiUl remembered as "thft Wntifl T-,i f that action to assume their a stone, thence north 1 poles to a stone, thence tuuoi irusiees to distribute and "UIBHlDerfia me OeaUtUUl JOSiO Hahtfnl nln Tint .a l,DTra rt. north W east SI poles to a stone, thence north 17 apportion the school monev of thV Mansfie d." She built her house 8nttul Plae- Bu we have not east a poles tTastone-the new division ior- tnlM . " vmioLinoney 01 their . ouo uUm uw uoub? yet Sampled the most Untruthful iler thence sontaai east 170 poles to a stone in township so ar to give each school uPon the 8and8- "And the rains tA "... J? p. c. smith's line, thence south 11 west mi poles mm uiauwiuuB uai b ui ma auvoi I uic uai, tneuce pouin id west 00 poles to uin Diauua coniainiDj: lzi acres : more or wsa? is cEss to aiiia-sa we can show you the largest stock in the Jpouth. Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, it Esumb? ITou Want' in "The trouble is that the South refuses to allow colored children to be educated in a decent and re spectable fashion, and also denies less and being on the waters of Stinking Qaar- This 2lst day of July, 1899. II I W. J. STALE Y, Mortgagee. Executor's SaleJr to the Colored man SUCh fair wages "PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior town bv crossing fewer railroad than nnv other. Come to 'ie u?. - A-J. . , I Court of Guilford RoutitT iu th f T I -' uu ueceui ireaimeni as mausiry E.Baisiev. execute ot J. s hlTtim ' and energy will find anvwhere in 7,C?-Q x,.11y. m.G. iaisiej. Jacob a. xr-u 5 Balsley, et al, the undersigned as executor, the JSortb. A race treated so un- wiiiou in Monday, August 28th, 1899, justly must develop some ignorant and reckless members. Yet the o .i r . . . poumern people torture, maim, fhlr trnrrK! I I H Pulton a A on1 V a A J - J f mnuomu, inr Bafn ran a, -vwauvu, nuu mo UUUUl CBme .2 l -r-r , thA i..k ' . .. : I anA ui a.. Mtisers arwcie. Here it -is: - cugm ua Bcuooi term as MW no men, auu ucai upon nearlv as may be each year," etc tnat nou8; and it fell." t ' One of the most talked of pic- You will have regard to the grade tures of tDe Jear in London, ia the of work to be done at each school work entitled "The Spider," by and the qualification the teacher sPidon. It ir a picture of a "required at each school. Two beautiful woman with long hair schools may have the same number and bare shoulders. She is in the of children in each district, but in cenler cf a spider's web, and a flyj one pf these the enrollment may -Scrawling along her arm. On her T)e twice as large as the other, the face 8miling cruelty and power of average attendmA m qtt u fascination are dpnirtrl I i . wo ivYiCB , : i u u , . wwea lot in tne city oi un as Jarge in oneas the other th She is a type of the destrover of Purn ana lynch colored men who Morehead township. to-wit: pupils may be much more advanced men and would serve well as an il- ?re onIJ what the South's system ASiZS m one than the other, and conse- lustration of the early career of ? lDem' quentlv a hihpr u Johie RrsnQfisM. whn Wo, u I The charge as quired -" ' c- of thelanVius quai i TWhichEd: direct conflict with the known facts Jtll.J It is not right to dump out the ward s- Stokes shot and killed ColJ f the 8""ation. The white tax- ot uiaClux. same amount of money at each Jim Fisk,- the "Erie Railroad ; P6 of tho South have excited xuere is also on tne property two very good Bnhnn hA.. . " I k in l xt T-!. ir . , ine WODflftr nf hnnpot nritina hv ""5." "I1 UU11U.,U81UU. 8waea. -w-ww. .Tamuuw tegara 10 tnesecon- . ow uosie iuansneia lies . . " . t V r balk t unions aDove mentioned. sick unto death poor, faded and . I use the game illnat.u. forgotten. -Ths TnriAnAniAnt two vears aan. Snnnn . ! iI lDff to wages and treatment is -n" pyuso eiicn nr a . u i ... . ;i 7 t w - . - 3ET.oorl2ior,, also tlio test lieart r.vcw press ciad. T-osaiper od. ca-red. X'lric . - . 1 ... .1 .- Saab, Doors and Bllnda In stock. Door and Window I raoie. H fc work and all kinds of house finish made to order. t !ni c-i If von are coinc to build anvfhlncr tmm a hen house to a;njn.0B See US. We can fix von tin and tha nrlra will ho nVht. ' . i ...- ti -vu wuutii iiicuus win uuu iuc van rcstu - . Cap Peax Iivd:ar5.-u.fact-a.ri2ig JOHH A. E9E3CT, SewetMy sd- 7rea::er, 3:es: i t- rell on the premises to the last and! highest bidder, by nubile auction, tha following scribed lot in the city of Greeasboro, H.'C In Ashe street' on the on tha smith hrtK. North LaroUna Railroad, and on the wet by THE GUILFORD - " " J;Tf r 0 ROLLER j;flifw GEEENSBOEO JT.C We solicit the trade of this section and guararu , , their sacrifices in the work of ne. fonrthinsiZadbriancV TinTs nonthtwith n a v ;? , Z "rPlrru ..nnot ffro ednratinn tL h.a hii" en pyn?nts. Title reTaiued Ground" Flours, Meal, fcc, which for the moner caonoi graeaucation. The Charge relat- tiU purchase money is fully paid. hi. t?,u h n.nnf " the two schools referred tn wIL -tJSriW will make man' grown;; one-fourth cash, one- custom work. We make a snecialtv of "Our Remember the place, "The Mill at theDepot i For farther Information apply to T. K. Bali- be e T. . BALSuKY. EzeentAr. j. j. xmsiey, deceased. CO- c4Hj uuuue. it was ia a ixuiiu- ern state that negroes were mur- - wwwi a evuiaiag wile Will make a man groan. f