i i Patriot Greensboro - ESTABI-ISIIED-1821. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23, 1899. LOOAL NEWS ITEM. The city graded schools will open Friday, September 1st. Mrs.G. W. Pritchett and children are visiting in Ramseur. Dr.-John H. Wheeler has returned from a visit to Morehead City. Attorney J. T. Brittaln, of Ashe- boro, was in the city Saturday. Try our 10 cent green coffee. It is good. ' Hiatt & Lamb. Gardner's Chill Pills are advertised in this issue. They are put up and sold by Howard Gardner witjj a guarantee.- Logan Porter, Charlie Vanstory, Edney Ridge and Harper Lindsay went to Oak Ridge Monday to enter school. The excursion from Asheboro to Wilmington last Friday was well pat ronized. A number of people went from Greensboro, ' Prof. L. M. H. Reynolds of Arch dale, a brother of Mr. C. A. Reynolds of this city, has accepted a position J at the Peoples Sayings Bank.. Mr. IV. B. Lynch, of Fayetteville, and Miss Mattie Buchanan, ot this city, were married Monday night, the cere mony beiog performed by Rey? L. Johnson. Mr. Leroy MBell and Mrs. Leola Huffman,; of eastern Guilford, were married by C. M. Pritchett, Esq. on the 17th inst., the ceremony being per formed at the home of the officiating magistrate. Tan shoes-for men, $1.50, $200, $2.50 and $3.00 at Thacker & Brock mann's. No matter what size or style of shoe you want, Thacker and Brock man n can sell you a pair at the lowest possible prices. The annual Sunday school picnic of Buffalo Presbyterian church will be held on the church grounds tomorrow. A pleasant occasion is anticipated and all friends of the'congregation are cor dially invited to attend. 7 YVantea:! urcnasers for new on second hand iron safes.vault doors, etc. We exchange large for small safes, will buy your second hand safes for cash. We put on new combination locks and do all kind of expert repair work. Our prices are the lowest. ' O. B. Barnes & Co.,- Greensboro, N..C. Wesley; Thompson, colored, who was-con viewed of larceny and sentenced to the county roads about three years ago, was pardoned by Governor Rus sell Friday, It having developed that he was innocent. He was convicted upon the evidence of one James Mur phy, who now makes affidavit that he perjured himself- in implicating Thompson. There is a probability that Greens boro will, before a great while has elapsed, be reached by another rail road." For some time it has been known T that, tho officials of the Seaboard Air Line were considering the advisability of extending their line from Pittsboro, Chatham county, to this place, and it is now stared Jhat civil engineers have begun surveying the proposed road. It is proposed to run the line up Haw river from Pittsboro to Haw River sta tion, in Alamance county, then by Graham, Burlington and Gibsonville to Greensboro.. The new road will be between sixty and seventy-five miles in length and will touch most of the cottou mills ou Haw river. , It will traverse a good section of country and would give Greensboro another splen did outlet treffic. a great nTBTmraon. for freight and passenger G. H.'Priddy, one of United States Marshal MilHken'g deputies, was at tempting to arrest a man at Madison one day last week when he thought it necessary to use his revblvetto prevent the escape of the fleeing blockader. One or two shots fired Into the air had the desired effect and the offender promptly surrendered, but the deputy's troubles had just begun. He had hardly taken possession of his prisoner wnen ne was arrested and tried before the mayor of Madison for firing at the man. He was adjudged guilty by the mayor, who bound him over to court, while the other man went free. It is a question whether any one has the right to interfere with one of Uncle Sam's officials and the matter will be tested at court. Judge S.B. Adams has been retained to defend the deputy, and an eff jrt will be made to have the case removed from the Superior to the Federal court. The Opinion of a Well KnoTm Gen tleman in Regard to the Good - Work of Keeley Institute. Editor Greensboro Patriot: ' Since many people throughout the country labor under false and Injuri ous impressions in regard to the Keeley Treatment, I wish to give you as plain ly, succinctly and truthfully, as I can, my opinions, after having lived for the eight years just passed within a few hundred yards of a Keeley Institute. I live to-day and for some time past have lived upon an adjoining lot. Thia institution began its work here under unfavorable auspices. Interest ed or, at least, unjustly prejudiced parties created in the minds of the publio very unfavorable impressions as to the motive of its managers and as to the effectiveness of its work accom plished. Independently of these I myself regarded It as a shrewd and un principled yankee scheme of extorting, for nothing, money from the sorrows and misfortunes and ignorance of the people. I gave it absolutely no at tention, until its successful and most benignant results forced it upon my notice. A friend, acquaintance of miDe, who for twenty years had been an acceptable and efficient employe began with increased frequency to change his place of business and em ployment. Soon quiet drinking at night gave him the delirium tremens to the astonishment of ail. certainly to my astonishment. Seven years and seven months ago he took the Keeley treatment ; has steadily and accepta bly held one position ever since, and says that during this time he has not taken, nor had the appetite or craving I to take any form of stimulant what ever. ." Another acquaintance, unfortunate ly for his fame, proclaimed abroad his periodical and occasional drunks with lamentable publicity Seven years and four months ago he also took the treatment, and says that be has since neither taken nor desired to take a drop of any stimulant. His statement his conduct coroborates to the , entire satisfaction of this community, who would otherwise have frequently wit nessed his dldos. ' t' " j I have never been an inmate of any; Keeley or kindred institution, but cases c like the above ! coming within my personal observation, and many more coming to my knowledge through information from entirely truth wort by sources, have caused me for some years past frequently to have stood within its walls an interested and sympa thetic looker-on. . , In my opinion the Keeley is an en terprise humane and beneficent in its scope and purposes, and very largely; effective in its work. The Greensboro, North; Carolina, Keeley, owned' and run by Col. W. H. Osborn and other North Carolinians to the manor born is, to my knowledge, a noble institu tion, admirably appointed and con ducted. It restores freedom to such' slaves of liquor and drugs as desire free dom and are worthy of it.. It. restores to health the distressingly emotional and nervously prostrated. It does this in a short and fixed time and at a fixed and reasonable charge. . y A first-class and skilled matron to supervise the kitchen and dining room, and first-class white men, of feeling, sense and character, as nurses and at tendants, are absolutely necessary in this business such are employed and paid here. Of course an excellent physician, especially trained, too, at Dwight for this i especial service gives his individual attention to the in mates, and, if necessary, the best medi cal skill that Dr. Keeley's intelligence, enterprise ana money can secure, are here consulted free of cost to the patient. . . - f It costs money to run this estab lishment indomitable labor, patience. and a world of the milk of human kindness and sympathy. If the pur pose were solely to make money, and if Col. Osborn would run up his charges from $132 to $500 his receipts would in a short time be the same as now : he vould lop-off two-thirds of his labor and expense, and he would get' rid of that class of patients, who, by their falls, advertise the treatment unjustly and injuriously beyond any and all other agencies combined. I hone. however, this will never be done. Give them all a chance, for sensible men know and will remember, that one drunken man can and often does ad vertise his fall more idely in one hour, than 100 cured, men, quietly at work, advertise their cures in ten yean. ..(! Drunkenness is not only a fearful evil, but is also, as all know, a fearful ly deep-seated evil. If the Keeley can not relieve, so far as I know and be lieve, the victim's chance is a bad one. Now, Messrs. editors, I write this without the solicitation, or even the knowledge of anybody. I am wholly without interest in this matter, ex cept as any humane man, possessed of the facts, ought to be and doubtless if or would be. I write it to induce the friends cf those in need' of the treat ment to give J hem this chance, and also to buoy and aid Col. Osborn financially and otherwise in his benefi cent and herculean labors. ... ' I am, yours very truly, " Joseph M. Morehead. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, j LfCAS County, . tiauko.tiiency mates oatn that Ke is the senior partner ot the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co . doing business In the City of Toledo, County and Mate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay iucbuiu vi V7.r, iiLAUHEl) DOLL.A.KS for cu auu cry case oi catarrh that cannot be vuxcu uj me use oi nan tiatarrn Cure. , ' , . FRANK J. CHENEY. owurn 10 oeiore me and subscribed in rav presence, tins 6th day of December, A. D. lSatf. SEAL. W. GJUEASON, - r . . Notary Public. jiaii d vaiarru uure is takpn iniirniw ri act directly on the blood and mucous surfaces n iuw Bjaiem. neaa ior testimonials free. c , F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo O. Sold by druejcists, 75c -Hall's Family FilU are the best." i- To Goal TTfirshlpi at Cesu next month Naval Constructor Bowles, of the Brooklyn Nayy Yard, will give, trial to an apparatus for coaling Vessels ".at sea, which it Is asserted overcomes all previous obstacles in this direction. For this purpose the, collier Marcellus will be sent to the navy yard from Norfolk; The owners of the new device will equip the Marcellus with it at their own expense. " At present, except in very calm weather, it is necessary to take warships to some port to supply ply them with fuel. The new ap paratus is to be used in the open sea. The ship to- be coaled and the collier with the fuel will not approach each other closer than about 600 feet. The two vessels are to be connected' by means of steel cables, on which run the coal transmitting buckets. The slack of the cables occasioned by the movement of the vessels in a sea way is provided for by 'engines which constitute part of j the new coaling apparatus. j H. M. Kellam. Mr. H. M. Kellam, who went from this place to Nebraska something over a year ago, died there on June 24th, aged twenty-three years, five months and twenty-five days. From letters received from parties who were with him at his death it was learned that he was conscious to j the last and was willing to die. From which these lines are com posed: I'm dying far away from home, Out in the rugged West, j But I have made my peace with God, ; And soon will be at rest. ; No mother's fond caress I feel, No father's voice I hear, . But Christ the sympathizing friend Dispels each gloomy fear. Farewell to all I leave at home v . We'll meet to part no more, For Death's pale horse will never reach That bright celestial shore. Let none who love me shed one tear; Though far from home I die, I only leave a world of care I To dwell with Christ on high; inton, N. C. ....... r TET, EPHOTVE NO. 3QO, ' For your LUNCHES, and as fine ICE CREAH AND SHERBETS .As can be made. Fine Confections, "Fruits, Cold Drinks, Fine Cigars and Fancy Goods. Deliv ered from 6 a. m. to 10 p, m., on short notice. Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor open until 11:55 p. m. Sunday Hours Breakfast, 7.30 to 9.30; Dinner, 1 to 3; Supper, 6 to 8. Notice of Sale OF THE PeiwMi8arMaire .j , - r - -; i ' j - i I will offer for sale at the Court Bouse door in Greensboro, X C, on j ' TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1899, i For cash to the last and highest bidder, Vol taire, a Perchemn Stallion, the horse kept by G, V. Lamb for several years and known as the Van Lamb horse. Said horse has a complete pedigree, which will be shown on application. This is a good, opportunity toi purchase a horse of this character.' Any information will be given by the undersigned. 1 Sale will be at 12 o'clock M. . CL. A BORNE GUAT, Pleasant Garden, N. C. Gardner's... Testimonial. Pleasant Garden, K.'Cn July 4, 1S99. C. C. Towxsend, Greensboro. Dear Sir :-We have tried the Cham pion Thresher bought of you this sea son and it does as nice work as any machine we have ever seen used. It saves the grain perfectly, wasting al most none. We are now ready to thresh for the public and will guaran tee perfect satisfaction. (Signed) F." M. TVatson & Co HILL pILLS III. d GOe. per Guaranteed to Cure Chills, lis. IIOWAED HARDIES, DRUGGIST, CORNER OPPOSITE POSTOFFCE IF YOUR Beeth or Eyes TROUBLE YOU GO TO g $ DENTIST AMD OPTEAimST. . w - 20 years experience with the g Teeth and 8 years with the JK n Eyes. Glasses furnished. Con- o O- saltation FREE. -Satisfaction 2 . guaranteed. Office in K. of P. g A BoildlDg, Sooth Elm Street. u tis (is tis (is (is (is (is (is (is (is (is (is (is (is (is (is as (Us (is (is (is (is (is As (is as (is (is (is (is (is LtJ o iyj i U . r ' UP RUNS IT Good, A r n n frO pthe amount of money expended annually by the peonU jMv . wwuo ouu ouoes mat are unsatisfa ub. men we m jess, than you pay for shoddy goods. We bid for your trade if 0 i I r reasons, but chiefly because the quality is not what thV u1 V they were getting. How often we buy an article because th ght low (or seems to be low) and find out after it is too late th PnC U hit. The lowest price goods are not the cheanest ' nuV m $ first consideration with us. then we mak tK r,; . , 7 18 tke Vji nun nl.. - . .. i: & 5 4! when we say we believe you can get more real value for your money in our etore ih. -v house in Greensboro. WR "RTTV FOT? Pififf Avn wp 'cptt iaa any Uf t 1 . ww- ua.or, oiiuoiLl FOR f'Aii, vl A A A. AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Don't think our prices are high because we sell the best. We are sincere ij ((Ur Can you see any; 22 1 South Elm St., reason why we can't sell cheap? We Are the People's Money-Saving Store. GREENSBORO, N. C. .B(Q)C(Q)i I' Bia: Watermelon I r3 b Handles the best 116 WEST MARKET ST. Advancing ! THE PRICE OF ALL KINDS OF IFURMITUR IS STEADILY ADVANCING ! " ' ' - I . ' i ' " But at our store the SAME OLD SYSTEM PREVAILS the, best goods for the smallest amount of money. No matter what you may want in the Furniture line, I am in a position to satisfy that want in a most satisfactory manner, j Call and take a look at my line of Lawn and Porch Setteesi Rock ers, Chairs, Tables, Etc., Etc. W. J. RIDGE, 330 South Elm Street. -Good Saddle. The Saddle is now on exhibition in our show window, which goes for the LARGEST MELON raised in Guilford County this season. Have a few Summer Lap Dus ters and Fly Nets that we w'iI sell for actual cost. G. S. GA.ULDEN & 217 SOUTH ELM STREET. co; T)EP0SIT YOUR MOHEY IH r The People's 5 Cents Savings Bank, OF GBBENSBOEO, 3StJ C Pr-Itttrrr.oDf-l Established In J8HT. Does strictly a Savings Bank business. Has been in successful oimi: . W.ooOTT, President. 62-3m , J. ati'.o f"i tea ft B kVllolMilV.T-f-- Harvest is over noxyaor a This has been our ' banneryear for Farm Machinery. The cele brated Mc cormick, as usual, won a big victory over all competitors. P1 ' McCormick lower a: II nv i1 ;i"i" n M 1 If 1 2 1 2 1 i 7 7l R Mkm M Ml I x tfif ii ir i i. i wi i i i i i I i iiwii i i i W 11 I II II I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 r WWW T-WO- SOLI3D CAES : fej OF . i.Xl J.'V D CORMICK and you U. be happ)'; . It will you love your fani nu ne e' , bor and u-: nT u- for I CrNewe Co. your inm A ore o CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, AND ' ANCHOR AND HALIILTON BUGGIES, -r- 6 m j ! jto arrive next month. Myrbn Q. NeweU '& 4' BZrVTe are the only Bbeey dealers In the city that hoy In larze Quantities. Quantiiy y r ana price. t give onr castomers the freight. Small dealers can't do It.