One f 'efional iniithe sense that its tr T , ota for the most Dart V'1- i nr..An man -Knnth. ?rr nn ,ihnbt. Contributed to -CrilD Policy of Oral). nf the most striking fea- of the present expansionist r-3 figment' favoring war with tte r, rplARA of Cuba, and lor r T Ii ! . , . I ' I 1 : inrrninmmi7 in numbers. -icir. jiufc uuj But they were not ppwrtunity to distinguish i i .;' wrp! finnn muster- is!' Tpri but- The important omces, Hlltl ., ... - cl'jsiveiy witn poi if? iGeheral ebene of action till Lee was Aguinaldo. An autonom ernment was tried in hut ne'is frnin the A "V : . var was upi ."" uuouio iu icBioi, iud ofu" I ouu uiono it jiving, xneainerence cnuria, sne will try to encroach '.s-. vriinuiM i m i a n I vn u rm w u . u rri a n w r a rv A w. ra a A m v i u r vkv- a a w w m a m. - i mm - a a - K,bUuuHuuf. r.miU iu iuvu. yjt, u4o uic oku.b ocu i. wo i. ecu uu w auu iubo is mas mere Krauuany on some or ail nf th ana sol ve .b ve .ill tit Ht! ttl 86 ex frf.ui ttiej North. eler. .it is truer as at Santia- feeling these supposed allies of ing Socialists after the coup Was men out there feel that to the Filipino lbe news from the Islands of The letters written bv Bairehot Raw Frako rsnrt Attn- Ol T Negros and Cebu, in the Philippine from Paris in 1852 in referenea I to Jaeoh a fiAhnVmin ' . A Ut 1-. " I.. .. . - . L I . .l.'T.'..""'""""",,l-' 1WUBU Ul Aruiiipciago, uoii reaBsunnflr. tne conditions tnat preceded the the Philinnin- r.mni..tM - Adrices from, those islands are to coup d'etat of Louis Napoleon1 de- asked today for his views reeardine the effect that the insurgents are scribes a situation that closely re- the Philippine and th wt f rapiuiy gaming strengtn, ana out-isempies the present situation in the commission. He said h rnnld breaks are feared, since many lead- France. There was the same mul- not say anvthinir hnnt thA i.uni. 1 -- 1 t j llltl i KB U U O ,u "4C" p guao over io iae pop. iipucuy or parties in tne French before maklnz his renort tn Vrpi. uioir muYcujcui. mis is aisap. irarnament, tne same disposition dent McKinley. pomnDg, oecause ixegros ana jeou or every memDer to have a program - "As I said, however to one of received rroressor bchurman, or of his own, the same audacity of tlie great statesmen of Japan," he the Advisory Commission, during the Socialists, the same fear among continued, "after 1 had seen some his tour, with cordiality, and their property holders and business men thins of the OH loyalty was counted upon. Should that Socialist theories were going that the great question there is not the Supreme court justices ap- to be carried into effect, the same Formosa, nor the Philippines, but pointed from the natives of those prostration of business land ithe Ghina." ' tical fa- islands be unsuccessful in stem- same nervous state of the public L Schurman's eyes lighted up wucioi ujiuk luc uunou. ui ouu'Auicui;au ujiuu. iuc UKiiiMiimpni nr r n a iAnn. at in r. Hnn ha nrant nr. G'i.nn.i. . - o KNOWN AND POPULAR hold exception that ours will be added to the party of well received by the people, who China intact is the thing of over- iomist gov- wanted, above all things, quiet and shadowing importance: It is fear Negros, Jjut a chance to go about their business ed that as Russia bias taken Man- mm m n mm Can be seen at our store by Aguinaldo from Luzon. Insur- is no Louis Napoleon, or any like other 18 provinces. of China 'nrt not fhr6ughout been gent bands, like those applauded in man with a name or a reputation, when she gets them as she iportuniiy to acquire Cuba, are destroying plantation to put himself at the head of a! re- has done hitherto put a duty on : i . .. U . l : l !.l 'i. . : - i t . . - . J ui . tu ouun prupcri-jr, uihiuib ior wnica are pu- ncnoaary movement, uerouledo an ioreign coods. rg 01 I lie liavai tije Atlanltic." Ihere however, ; a fiuthern Koillcers i an opp they joeess the thrv exhibited e Davy they bad r 'chance ana jimprpvea it. x and Hobso-n won the chief AlilL STYLES, martial qual- , in 1861-G5, as officers, a .1 improved it. lnrr nn nf Amafinon Vioorlmio rtavo 1 nfForo tr laml IT. tJ- I iiit.l.'.U ' if . A 1L ' Y ' 'i' I "& "i.uuu uuuuunvioivio fcVy ho uruuUBCB. UOW- iiUKHBllUJCU HDU iJBDaDefifl fee Ml U THRSP Kllfrnfmo -r f t in Manila. ever, not to ffo back to conafirvatiU that America shonMhnlH with hflMr ... & aic dlliung I fit btbT. I - o: " " '-ww 1 wuva . V u tuvui I mm ts . in bulu, also, our sovereignty is methods, but to plunge deeper into in preventing the dismemberment oppdseoVby the Sultan and people, the radical mire. He aims to I be- of China. It is felt out there that Call and see them and get prices. operations in . - . hob Bujjpuscu iubi iuo ouiiBu uuuio uiutaior, wnicn wouia oe well almost anytning is liable to happen r p Jys -. ' ' j ightbesquared" with an annual enough from the point of view bt in the Orient in the next half dozen K Yi T Yn TTTTTT-TTrK 1111 TN ' yment, as was done under the business men if his program were years. Englishmen feel that their jLV-LLo vJlTO JJlSJ GAA lR AXj ( I fTT anish regime, and would yield known to be a safe one, but he is a own government is not quite as VLyJaU. OvJ VL VLU r claim to predominance, if al- poet, and some say a madman. I 1 strong at the present time as it ' ' ' " ' ' ii )- : ha8a hot been disposition at . J L . -3 - jlljlrn auu. pisowucro 10 ue- tne men o meir wen- lowea to ao as ne pieasea in his wagehot's explanation of tha in. should be. nor as it iiad tn fc . f ! ' . 1 - " I . W C f-i 7 idicble. Til cEri ed distinction by perversion own limits. But the situation has ability of the French to work par- There is undoubtedly a fear of (f i.idieputttbl.e facts or j envious been changed, the Sultan" thinks, liamentary institutions in that they Russia.' by the expulsion of the Spanish, are wanting in stupidity. They "I met Marquis Ito, the greatest ere has been ho complaint oh If the other islands have gained are too quick, bright, wittv. loffical man in the Orient, and Count Obn. iccoUt of this unequal treatment, their independence, or are likely to and fond of novelty to be consist- ma, formerly Prime Minister of tboufeti it is out iairjinatitne ais- gain it, the &uiu islands ought, the ent in their politics. They see too Japan. I also met Viscount Aoki, THIS UUKTH CAROLINA COLLEGE tribution of the ' benefits give with d of the natives think, to share in their many sides of a Question in a short who is the Japanese Minister nf t . - 1 I - I . I . " W " nmem snouia De coextensive success. There is xo reason why time. No steady line of political Foreign Affairs now. Then, too T the imposition of taxes. Em- the Sultan of Sulu should submit conduct can be manned out and was with Admiral Count Rah. rioyient and salaries might well and put himself at a disadvantage followed when every member of the ma, the Dewey of the Chinese-Jan- vvcu giveu io ouuiuera men iwiore Luzon is BUDduea. ae I legislative ooay Has ideas of his anese war, who was afterward the larger way i4 order that wishes, accordingly, to temporize. I own that are better than anvhndv Governor of Formosa, and who ia h and culture so far as these If we will let him alone he will let else's and chancea thAm AVAr now in the nhint from government 'employ- us alone. But we must pot expect or two. The English are stunid in "Everywhere and at all timft ceatje may bless pveiiy "section of to be given a foothold in the Sulu comparison with the French, with these statesmen it was recog- and alike. In lewj of the country until we have established Their ideas come slowly at long in- nized that the future of China was poly of commissions, pommis- our authority in the other rjarts of tervals, and meanwhile thev stick the one overshadowing nueation. rghipsand omces of all sorts the Philippine Archipelago Our to the set of ideas they started with. China, it was agreed, should main by Northerh and Western failure after a year's operations to As for consistency and loaie. thev tain her independent position, hnt li nil or t ft A nmAnt ailmintBl.ii I .ff... J l 1.1 i I... Jl . t .'II i t . u.v .uuuujiuioua- cucui ttujriuiug iu mo one lBiana ro uispensea witn so, long as the Der uoors snouia oe Kept open, it is no wonder that the af- of Luzon impresses unfavorably government gets on pretty comfort- This means much to England and they 'have in charge tend to the inhabitants of the thousand ably without them. Wit i nnt Japan, and not less to AmflrW ecoine,to the Southefh people far- other islands. ' " their forte. The mainrit nf Wow. There is a hon in th Orinf -mrt , T m n n 1 . V. 1 o U I T f 1 ...... II . " 11,1. -mm . O iwi.iu ifuiu.uijrKB no , m Luzon our iorces noia little liament are slow, heavy plodders.Moaaing men that China herself uteres t. It may be that alKerjub- more of tht ronntrv than thnxr hA1H who Hnn'f nam o fin A. .i..t.iiJmir hAnmA u u . , , , ".I- U J " J J 1 1U1 BUBttttQl Mwwvrw a UUOU BU tUttti BUO administration considers the in May. 1898. Our control ex- principles and theori Vmm tht. mar hold h er dnmnin infant Tint Democratic South rightly excluded tends only so far as our military easy jgoing stupidity it results that 8De is not yet sufficiently awakened, from particiDation in Federal en- I nnnta That, ia tn anv ota VirM U. I tfiAu maintain . J4i Thof ia aA Mt.. t. clamorous country immediately around Ma J tutions with success, divide nn int'n "The Chinese are a natient in. seekers from Ohio hold this nila bay, reaching south of the two parties and stick tn th niri dustrious neonle. Thv nan hv i ?mionf - But it is U narrow view, capital some 15 miles, north some rules of the game of politics. Tb!e aIy climate, away in the Arctic or abeboming in the occupant of the 30 miles along the railroad and Americans resembl th v FfA far south in the trnninn Rnnh wi e House, who should try to be east some 10 miles. Within this somewhat in mobility, but share race, it is felt, ought to arouse it; Resident of the whole Union. It area we have built up no party the British' stupidity, as Bagehot self in this dilemma. But we shall Ui leen suggestedi in some quar- among the natives. Theyrare our calls it, sufficiently to keep the par- see. Nobody can tell what will IDl at Mil an n o rlA Hiirnw'. II nA I U. J I l j . t L.J.. mi .1 J " . I 7 v x a w a a &a -tm 1 11 kub m. a a asi aa a-j a a a . r m i 1 a m i a a a an bm w mm m mm w a aa war aAam ma m k - - , - , . r j I o kUUO, Ik CCUiB. ; in tave 13 teal result COCO r.oae held ten lire Agriculture Term Begins and Mechanic Arts. Wednesday, September 6th. tfpriieee. low ?oa?hInt? ! 7 C0UMd f ,n8truct,n t extraordinarily -A.A-,Sinot. nly edu,ctIe8 but Prepares its students to become intelli gent directors of agricultural and mechanical enterprises. There are complete special and short . courses in the various Agri cultural, Industrial; Mechanical, Textile and Civic Arts. One hundred and twenty scholarships carrying free tuition and lodging are needy boys. v Students will be allowed to stand the entrance examination at the county-seats of the counties in which they reside, thus saving the ex pense of a trip to Raleighl . s Entrance examinations will be held on the 19th of August,, in the court house, under the supervision of County Superintendent. For further information, catalogue, etc., apply to ' PRES!DENT:GE0. T. WINSTON, WEST RA1KIG1I,T, O. J Southern Eailroads. :Moat,the South lie to be consid- their hrothers in arms. Offl Lu. L. I : .. . - . . . wvwv uiaivBiB, BUU u mjb ursi oi tne! lingo acouisi- th6 irunboat Wheelinir. whinh haa la thinir no nninrr t ri Tt ooAri n a.. i- - I O O' w I o w "fe DUim b. Vj- I - o tufcvu tu AUk UBltt. V7B.. tin tt ivut this can hardly be just returned from a cruise along derly government calls not an mnWn r last week that th AtlanHn rrrt- ?n vl,ew Jhe unwavering the northern coast of Luzon, report for brilliancy as steady, plodding, Liae had secured a half interest in y or the Southern States since that, the insurgent forces occupy common sense. Baltimore Sun. I i the lease of the Georgia Railm.ri Patriotic Miss Wanamaker. I h Lthe. I-oui.ville and Nash- Afioo t fiifa. tit . i. n ivmo. xue ooutnern Jtanway and Miss Lillian Wanamaker is the AtUnti rmm Tin. i Jt youngest child of the ex-Postmas- norl ZnthZll ?ur"?! Jh? Wa?ker, df could reah Atianu easr he uoni J. i (1 rnlthaVAiilk... Dt.ii I I . t . 1 - L.R "" wwuiucfu oiniea since i mat, ine insurgent iorces occup qJUthem PoHticiahS tn enter The AnatArn nnd PAtitham nooto - -4 eral service. are similarlv oeeunied hr Aonin-l. ; . . . '. .. y o ie a-curious circumstance do7s armed followers. The priso- t ii in Massachusetts and the ner8 taken on the east coast some Tbe Great Anti-Expansion Book REPUBLIC or EMPIRE ? THE PHILIPPINE QUESTION r Pmcs. SaiTl Oowrzmt. Aa. Fdratioaof lAbor. aftwa..!; . I 1.1 Wn manifests itself sporadi- son at Baler are still held by the fi?j elsewhere also, but it has its enemy. There is every indication KrDgho!d, it appears in these that the Filipino organization rfb separated areas. doposi- throughout Luzon still holds firmlv to expansion appears in va- together. Indiscreet acts of some universities-of the West and of our officers intens t, but in these places it-is mosity with which we are "Bth that the anathv i r.r tr. months aco on the occasion nf th Philadelphia, whose large 8boD8mnri. . -..'..u-, fiahcinn ia J . i: .j, o . j are iamous. and who ia nnta a I . . i ..'.. . J f-.-r-.vu4a uiuh iiDarjiea. bon- buuc a ounuiBu Karri. , , .. . ' WWM'U y ae mere is a constitutional nrn. WanZt i o r T , i 88 vion in the way of . the Southern Wanamaker is a beautiful society U.wi Ka az ?!1ie,"tte?d,n?LbalU "?d dinneF. Jeotlon which does not hold in the ll. .Zr.T " u ?owy- caw of the AtUntio Coast Line. She spends her time both in this th l.ttr ..11 v.i. .' ify, tbe ani- ?n&tilm?Xn h tere.t in it from ?he present lessee; ir rfiaftrriAfi her orother, Kodman Wanamaker. tho T.nnima va.knni - -ir rwT , , , 7- . : in Tri- f. ,uu xounuc, uu BI1 nroiesflor nhn Dnosbs iae Domoarument. ior eTitmn a .of - iuo year. mr. nndopafanH i u ga9 being bellicose, or will- fPaote, on the east side of the La- ?odmtarn. amaker married a reached between the Southern and guna de Bay, by the Napidan; un- 17B"wluti acu g". ana has Louisville and Nashville. der the Impression that the place o auroaa tnat ne is al- A meeting of the stockholders naa oeen reoccupiea Dy the insur- - r " uxihs n ana- Gf the Raleigh and Gaston Rail wr crontfi hiifl rrPfttpH orAnt inriiina. maKer came into prominence 1 a lrnmn., uu' . tt i D & " 1 - r I vvuiouy inui uo uciu at xwaieign. a. - z a l 1.1 9 m m - i v m r nr r virri n rrr v n ma aB- l.. ' tion in tne iase region, rnis reel-"m "w r" iui"uj5u "er ac- 0n .September 6 to consider intr ia nrf loaoanor) Ktt CjUalntanCe With the hrother nftho ! j - .... & vo0c "D oluv huj,vi? 1 V Zl ; "T vuo voruiB ana conditions upon mat aner tue oomoarameni tne . iUOUBnio1' which that property mav conaoli- .( " 1 l .. L..suf tw. I All. In A PnnAa mh . .. . r - policy are UC81' uunuings oi an unonenamg . " : y, u - Bins, mate witn the Seaboard and Pon Honored. Elsewhere towh were looted by the office J the fj led by jingo politicians who , c axes to ffrinrl hnln ; ivr- Vjeetts and the South does cOn- ma- em eeem to c-intrrtl th'a nr t ho"...iJ! ti .i I ! rj T-u upas are taken ser ITJ hers and t Heir ee re- meri- io u sly. 3 ideas are deemed obsolete pinciai." Mru McKinley Pv policy, before which the 4 Qoetin 1 t : r..,. " .. luU8t KIVP waya ill if 7 g Pcy,whibh is sum ;Pjn that homely Aldinglo .ord grab,, -The uUra pro J..;4;a;itke formation of pro- " r .V.?.",-16"01:' .seated oke, the Raleigh and Augusta Air " Mi: " aC!! Line, the Carolina Central, the .fuming io u. (jeorilt. Carolina and Northern s ory, ana proposed, for her hand. , be Durham and Northern, the - I T? no rlro on1 T. T : J 1 and crew of the Kapidan. Mean u:i. i ... wuue arias ana ammunition are being smuggled into the country for the next camnaW : TrudA wanamaker has always de with the 1,200 islands cannot be glared that she would marry none Louisburg. The consolidation of fnllv wnfrhpH tha fa. .....1. hut an American, and arm mfna.ii i j s i. . j Wj uu i vBociB I n . ... ' . 7 --bvv. lucoo ruaua is preliminary to the wa anr fnr tr.Bf -.- j the Prince, like a natriotirt irl JL i . " ' -t'-- Ocijto, ouu . . - r - iorma. consolidation oi the bea- JT-uats f U s the mation oi-pro wr of "humani J nin .i . n ' i . i X r- the revenue from the large, illicit Tne dependent... trade goes into Agumaldo's treas ury, It is thus that the military equipment of the natives is being Faith Healer Fined. board Railway Company, which will include the Seaboard Air Line - n, of the Philippine? and constantly enlarged and improved, r&dation of the civil! ser- making their final , subjugation tave this one idea and ob- seem remote. :(roffimgr4b.-Baltihi ' ! a -e-arkable Difbrce1 Suit ml - iere made blow was faith healers. Mr 8. Henrikka Blatsch tt f oiirwL Some 20,000 troops, it is statedjof Alexander Dowi. thA .iiJ.i will be prepared to leave England healer," was charged with violating in a week for South-Africa and the Illinois medical practice act by steamers are carry them, administering to Mrs. Ar.aiV At various pointspther bodies of Flanders, who died under th tuitu s troops are held in readiness to join treatment of Dowi'a hn iBm ii ge Lee Monroe in the Boer camnaipn. as at fiihrnl. nnooo . i i.- - i . o uuvoo vuo uunci ui ucaiing tne John W. Wil- tar. in Earnt. at Tfanritina ano in oi.t- K w . ,s T . j j ' oj t--i i uj iuo i ay iu uu ui nanus andihe asked India. India alone, it is said, will Mrs. Rlatach wb :tii he Wife With J Send 10.000 minr that rnnntrr UnH o f? inn j S 1 .ii . .. . ' :: ; u4 auu costs was foxty-aeven having a direct interest in the Out. imnosArl i ' T S Vngotapatibility of lander issue bv reason of the ex- .TiiRticA i?.VA.Af ,r u I. . I n Uldrr-n ,Ple. , ave lfiv,e ?fPU.onal bad treatment of the the law the followers of the faith , ja , i ii ittriMMM a m . a m i i. r m aai V.m. it. af 9 A t V Chicago, Aug. 19. By a decision Yi r-worgia anLa i?0.6 ' u t..... J "ccl81?n Railway Company, the Florida as dlalt to Z?" Centraf and Peninsular Railway as dealt to the methods of rmnan iTOiV. WW. J. BRYAN TOGETOEU WITH t "!r Hon. Andrew Caraegi. Senators Hoar, l -S Vait 1 II!.. tVhlr. D y Mmoo, Danial.Cbilton.Batlar.MeLaaria.i TiUman, Money. Tamer. Teller. Ed- Hm.W-f.J.BTAK. aVkAi KxecreUrj Oarliele. Hot. Dr. Van Dyke, Hon, Cha. FrancU Adams Prof. Dartd 8tarr Jordan. Oen'l Weaver, Hon. Carl Schnrs, 8am'l Oompers, Prtst. Am. Fed. of Labor, and others. the sec sation or IMPERIALISM AMD ABSOLUTISM DENOUNCED. The greatest men of to-day give sound logical reasons why the Philippines should not be annexed. . and to do so would not only be most harmful to the interests of our country, but would be opposed to i the Constitution of the United State, the Declaration of Independence, and all the most sacred j doctrines of our Republic as handed down to ue by our Fathers. THE GOSPEL OF A HIGHER CIVILIZATION AIID BROADER LIBERTY. THE OXLY BOOK ON THE SUBJECT. 1 AGENTS WANTED. It fs profusely illustrated, girl n? beautiful half-tone portraits of air. Bryan and the other con tributors; also scenes of thrilling; interest, showing the exact conditions and euatoms in the Philippines. Nothing like it before attempted in book-publishing. A very bonanza for ag-eats. It cannot be bought at bookstores; it cannot be furnished by any other house. We are the sole Official Publishers. i r I The first Edition, 100,000 copies. A large octavo book, beautiful new type. WE PAY FREIGHT on each order amounting to SO books at one time, when cash accompanies order. , - 1 THE OUTFIT 18 FREE. I We make no charge for the elegant, complete Prospectne Outfit, with blanks, etc.. but as each Outfit costs ns a lot of money, in order to protect ouraelvee against many who would impose upon as by sending for Outfit with no intention of working, but merely out of idle cariosity, we require the applicant, as m gaaraatee r r4 faith ea his part, to send as 2Se to cover postage and wrapping, ihle aaseaat te be refaaded te agent ape ear receipt er firat order fer 10 beeke. i Beet Cloth Binding ......... i.i. . .. ... S1.30 Best Half Russia Binding, with marbled edges .25 Best Full Russia Binding, with gold edges S.OO Write for sir Unparalleled Terms te Agents. Address THE INDEPENDENCE COMPANY, Publishers. FRANKLIN BUILDING, CHICAGO. nlgs mi Pigs Is tk .pisintiff ,, aa .uvea tf, ,u SrtVt-rari(Jchildren, Malays .;t,8 ;;.uel farmers all the ruyer m5.LT"xt-e to in the Transvaal. The healer must resort only to 'spiritual of the Straite Settlement, and mental means of trpatin ul mers all tne Australians and Pur, ad inns TsiVlr. Wr.r 11 o at1 . - - . ' - . "vU tuaictiai xucaus are t th-rUf u 7 . , " iJACODCU tt practical men tne Mate law governing reith ?tt! ftUt merest in jhe expected war. Alto- the practice of medicine has ben vo i vnc. vo- inciucr some nrtv or Blrtv thnnsnnri I vinlnf Prf Th f.t.t. i i . i Se amount of prop, troops will be arraying against after must cure onlv bv sniritn auiB ioiujcib u war oegias. iHou mental power. A tobacconist that has lately traveled a good deal through the state save that the'tobacco crop in central and Piedmont North Caro lina is the finest since 1890. The prospects in these sections, from all that we can learn, never were better. The seasons have, been all that could be desired, and it sounds almost ungrateful to express ' a doubt that they may not continue so and that before housing time arrives serious hurt may not come in one shape or another. The soothing and healing prop erties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures, have made it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale by C. . Holton, Druggist. a. J have the finest herd of REGISTERED HOGS ! In tbe South. Pigs for sale at reasonable! prices. 'I ' : 1 - - I M " Johii A. If una:. from ui THE A"- HINDIPO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well of Me. Man MtaO FREN'CH REMEDY produces the abovt result in 30 days. Cures lerwHs DtbUity, jmpotency. Varicocele, Failmg Mempry. Sto all jdrains and losses caused try errors of vouth. It ard$ off In sanity and Consumption. Young: Men regain Man hood and Old Men recover Youthful j Vigor. It gives vigor and sue to shrunken organs, and fits a man for business or marriage. Easily! carried in the vest pocket. Price Cf PTQ 6 Boxes Ja.50 by mail, in plain pack-gU j Q f .i with written guarantee. OR. JEAN 0'HARRA, Paris Howard Gardner, Cor. Opp. Poatoffice SAILEM Academy and. College, for Girl and Vounr Women. Best 'home care, together with full College instruction. Socialists in Music. Art, elocution. Languages. Commercial and ludus trial Studies. Institution founded in 102. The Register shows 'iti lat rear. New term begins Wednesday. ept. . iv.9 send for Catalogue to ItEV. J. W. CLEWELU Principal. Sl-7t Jsalerr, North Carolina. Kellsble persons of a mechsntcal or torentlre mind desiring a trip to the Paris Kxposltlon, sntbgood saisrr and eipns paid, shoa 14 write The FATluNT lUXOlUJ, llaJtlmore, Hd. Desirable Farm ior Sale. 175 acres of hi ghlr improved land wet! adapt ed to the growth of" Wheat. Oats. Corn. Tobacco, and especially Clover aud lira- 30 to 40 acres now in Clover and Grass. The f srm is well wa tered by spring and tmall stream running; through it. Gond well of water, "-room dwell ing, large gram and fee i barn, and all necessary out buildings. Fine earlr Peach Orchard; a No pples: , all an Apple Orchard of elected variety of apples: Pears. Plums, alfo-nne seltion or oraies. au Just coming into bearing. The farm in located ronvenientlv to School Chnrche. lltlU. Mar Lets and Ba'ilroad, an3 in one of the healtbiiAt localities in the tate, a family of 11 having re sided on the farai ten years and not hating re quired theervice of pbvsician during the time. An adjoining iO-acre tract can be obtained. Terms to tuit purchaser. ollce Apply, at Patriot AGENTS WANTED FO R MTII E LIFE ANI Achievements of Admiral Iewey" the world's f reateet naval hero. Uv Murat llalatead. the ife-Joug fnend and admirer of the nations idol. IIigget and best book; over 500 pages. 810 -incbes: nearlv 100 pages halftone illustrations. Only 1.50. Enormous demand. Big commis sions. Ontfltfree. Chance ota lifetime. ,nte quick. The Dominion Cotapany.Srd Floor Cax. ton Bldg., Chicago. -

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