TbB 0oly hope for man j weakly Sradfield' Ulafor tt is the. A r Lr Menstruation, -j ailing 01 mo 04b Leucorrbaea, Headache o aAchc and Nervousness. It is a i cct ren.edy for the distinct ail- f are the diseases for which it Y7a k,. taken. (! t i dm afore. I. r-r-i irno A .i t-rt aU a source of comforts They ;kc ' a source jof care, also, ff yru care for your jchild's hrHh. scud; for illustrated k on tuc disorders to wnica aS curcu jui ")U ytai3 . tn. uti: ty ni&ii tor u eebu. fc:S. PREY, lialtimore, Slw. When God shall crown at last the Vic- The Picayune thig morning pirintB "i.yr Vi.T 'l- .-. iromjis siait correspondent. ininstrelTy f ' V g ana JUf" "Wove, at Boston, on the How were thine' utmost hope accem- va8t wealth of Massachusetts plisbed. created by manufactures, and hi vn, warrior, mat has wrought so showing is enormously instructive No moreC th. ,J t0 P6?! to ee sword, 00 ana tne Intelligence to understand. I fight no more the battles of the Lord ; Tne great wealth of -Massacnu-I ask alone, setts is 20 times greater than that v,, "k saiut ui jLiuuisiana, ana is an due to manufacturing. liouisiana is eiirht When God shall brim the vessel that times as big as Massachusetts and AnHnu Si - , t has only one-half the population. And in hi. likeness wake the. satis- The same may be said of the relal What anchorage of rapture unalloyed ve populations of Massachusetts Wilt thou desire, oh, woman, hungry- and Mississippi, j L Tht.??K.K. Massacfiusett. ha8, by the last vuo guiucu I cen8U8. Over 30 citie rkno nr ooh iu , pupuiauon irom I0.UUU to 500r 000. Louisiana has one single city with a population of 15,000 and overwhile Mississippi has not one In Louisiana. 10 oer cent, of th WhenGod replenishes the empty heart, people are engaged in manufacture Ing soul K we-ioY- and 50 per cent, in agriculture. In What wilt thou ask, World-weary that Massachusetts, 10 per cent, of the thou art, people are employed in agriculture What part wilt choose, who mayst and 50 per cent, in manufacturine. A twllightpaadlse' a field of rest, '?. BeasonablgGoodR I i Slept on mine arm and In my" bosom lay The cllngine touch 4 That was so tiny and that meant n much." - i yj-jr. . jj. i I "f,uvyaiauiac, a ueiu 01 rest, u i children re ! subject, and I Green grass, green leaves. flowers lron timber, cotton, raw hides nor; -t is ,1 " :? II; a J UJLDBR MILLS. hU tb ke of Cider Dill faction. Eaay runBinK, eT.nlv hal.n,. rge grinding capacity. Will pay forJOTl ' wwwm. . OANB MILLS. This is the best mill made with no exception. jUJ1M 1 la TtTntHW -rU. tT ituLLiSK Mill, making it t tptiti7t BUNKING, and STBONGEK th?n i fwl, 5. Gives thej Cane TWO Pressures. uenirig all of the Juice. . 1 Vif President, A. W. HcALISTEB. against face and breast: And in mine ear. Her voice, who passed so Jong before me here. - t Pall Mall Gazette. The Essence of Things. - wool or is own production. It buys tnese articles from other states,! manufactures them and sells them! back to the producer at a big profit.! A pound of raw cotton is worth five cents; when made into fabrics,! if rAVID 7THITE. SfilciB aid Trusl Compasy. Capital $25,Q00, paid up Surplus $24,539 KEAL ESTATE AND COLLECTING AGENCY. 65 The mental attitudes of men that pound is worth from 25 cents vay greatly according to their dis- to a dollar. Massachusetts . has position and training. Some are 8,000,000 spindles and spins one gadgrinds and want nothing, but millions and a quarter bales of facts which, taken by themselves, Southern cotton to sell back to the may be misleading. Others seek South. The South hews the wood essential truths and care little and draws the water; it does the about the facts which together drud&erv of Droducincr raw materi. build up the truth. Some lack &1 for the North to manufacture imagination and insist upon literal and get rich upon. It is this exactness; others use their fancy which keeps the South poor, and in making or explaining allegories, always will, until the Southern A recent writer has pointed out the people shall manufacture their own difference between facts and truth products. New Orleans Picayune. in connection witn tne stories of Christ. and His work to be found The four Gospels We keep the VCOOKS" PAN, also the Patent Bottom Pan. The .Pat.ni nt is made on the reversible plan. It is SElF SKIM Wg Thi 1niL ? V section to another below, the bottom of the pan - i Juice pa88e8 from one - juu u..u ny onae aoove or anything in tbe Hardware line call on . .dl connc. you that our good, are.f ,h. b.st and our pVa '.ft08 fmmm- il tug MB lUi VKlulUe UCB. ' Wakefield Hardware lire ( - I : .-It - sum . '. -Wkfr.I it &y n w. tnpany. 1 He Took Kaila. The owner of a general store in Mew's !TDme Time I in the Gospels i i, 1 i I rl t tL.l. .J R. VV aotam vlllarra nnt ma.alaH Tm uu uub ai CO iu b LICIT BLalcLuent Oil " jv" iu facts, but thev are not therebv dis. this little town it ia the custom for credited. Thev are merely renorta the happy bridegroom to set np ro; . si ears ior an tne concrratniHt. i .r: z o 1 f To lay in Summer, Fall and Win ter Goods. The Goods of CLARY ng to be sold re- Transacts a General Trust Business. ! . -i s ications for loans are desice'd nf th Bnm a tMnra k iflPMi the cicrars for all the conorratuliit- 06 ftva' re SQI people having different point, of "g who drop in to wUh him g"?'"' fthcB0",t f:in.2 th4e view.. If they agreed exactly J7- So tbe bridegroom in thi. in- V",!" f cL ''n JT" f there would be evidence of coll u- "tance had a box on the counter, u" 1 ?' nVTp V . eion. That thev di..eB in Hat.ii and mo.t of his patron, were re- P hn,e of dd. P.ants ? JP at i i uan Drice. iuii una nr Khirta e BQ I u i" . l t i I rro 1 arl im fcrsnt amounts ranging from $100 to ruvV "ro '.""inyiiy. as 10 I rTl fcV . " ' - ' , . Bovs' Clothing Drv Good. Pant we have money listed which essentials, is evidence of their '"V r . geniie-1 rj- vntft; nL. w The writer referred to naed man lounged in. xne storekeeper. I ' X' .V isce. Ample .security is a wavs re- hi. who felt friAndlv- t.n l tri. ftrM " xmce line louei a.r d.f I . j 1 I fkni . int thn. niiflhd thA w bet8' A-iuII line of Hats. A nMiye-ror rent three dwellings. uiuojouuo ui vpiuivu :tm Church street! one on 1 Sorine respecting the details of the Bible it! C'dUege. T- i: 1 Tfjose 'excellent-dwellings" lit Avenue and improved ah jrovjeui property, both in xcatryand listed for sale. . . r 1 - 1 . "i 131 pn or Address lus for -particulars. weflini. withstanding difference of opinion MU8t then, pushed the box toward J" "nA r ?ali'n,u e'I,D,e8 -- .ltu Jtlie nw.nmr . j good assortment of Trunks. Th ear Kdr- storv. the essence of religion re. "Have a cigar, Uncle Jim he rr,V "4," "Ufc uo r1".1" U.tn-H -,kw .1.1. smilinlv said . S iney must De sold, and will miss these bargains. bale now going on at 110 West ?nA?- and hone. The argument . W Uncle Jim looked at tbe box and V,d ad can't afford to ju uiuui-i ' .0 11 - 1 i miBs inese Darirains. city and applied wltn equal force to matters Btureaeeper. j of less importance arising in everv- "What's this for?? he ai sked. 1 ' : ALL Been gettin' married." Who? You?" ) Yep. Me." "An you're standin' treat, eh ?" "Yep," said the storekeeper. The old man picked up a cigar. "How much did these seegars READY we promise your washing, importance arising day life. - It is the essence of things we should look for, not the confus ing mass of detail.' It is true that the completed whole is made up of innumerable parts, but we can see the effect without studying the de tail. Impressionist painters have been moved, bv this idea and have had a wholesale influence unon art. C08t ye, Ab?" he inquired. though many of that school have "Oh," replied the storekeeper, brought ridicule upon it by missing "they cost me 'bout four cent's.! both the essence and the details of They're nickel cigars." f! the scenes they have undertaken to The old man dropped the cigar represent. The rational . impres sionist, however, seeks to reproduce the essential effects of light and shade and avoids distracting de tails. He is as matter of fact as his pre-Raphaelite brother, but he studies the broad general effects, not the minute items of form and The storekeeper slightly blushed. Market street, next door to John II!! W We are still AGENTS well-known- for the Barker's. Come and see for your self. Receiver of Clary & Stack. Leaks ville - j uu vuuuiv iN&lUUU CHOOSE YOUR DRUGGIST CAREFULLY. A druggist can do more harm or good than yaost people give hira credit for. There are dif ferent qualities in dnir Jnst aa there are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by the same name The difference between purehigh grade drugs and cheap, inferior drug of the same name, means the difference between keep, ing sick and getting well. When a dortor iite LEAKSVILLE, N. 1890. 1899. back into the box. Then his gaze wandered around the store. 'Well, Ab," he slowly drawled, ef it's all the same to you, I'll take a pound o' nails." i And he got them. j ; ELOf COLLEGE. (CO-BDUCATIONAL.) ELON COLLEGE, ALAMANCE COUNTY, N. C. Located in Central North Carolina. 65 miles west 01 xtaieign, 17 miles east or ureensboro, on the Southern Railway. Noted for healthful- ness. Remote from demoralizing influences. Three full, thorough courses. Departments of Art. ciocuiion ana rnysieai uniture. jror the cost, best Business Course in the State One of the best Musical Directors. Unrivaled for uuug juur uooi 10 us fand we will forward same to the Mills for you without extra charge. They work Wool on Shares or for Cash, into a variety of products. m prescription, tie means best quality. When nlr about oig cnoose your druggist carefully. euine ururirisis nil a nrur minn t (..w-.i w onlr about big profits. , 7 c. Gr. We WARBe .mm schedule in tfTect 1 June 25, 1899. " WINSTON-8ALKM DIVISION. DAILY KX- CPT SUNDAY. P.M. A.M. ( P.M. A.M. 5 00 8 20 Lv. Winston Ar. 9 35 9 00 Writ thm J.i-. Vv. vainutuoveAr.8B5 8 20 - voioiujjuc, 60S 9 35 Lv. Madison i hi S SS,!. ?oIor . lp to build them up. irF FN lever hiifirlino T,in. In much th water boiling our place. G aouo uu w oua Qayeu aer cuenpess uy lnsiuuiions ox uae advantages. jLuivion per term 913.00 to 925.00; board 5 to $10. furnished free on 'application. Jo Jo PSQEiilKi GEEENSBOBO, N. Agents o. Ar. 8 18- 7 45 6 11 9 39 Lv. Mayodan Ar. 8 12 7 42 7, 10 10 41 Lv. Martinsville Ar. 7 10 6 40 . . . . 1 10 Ar. Roanoke Lv. 4 35 . . WESTBOUND. 4.55 LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. ie same way one man Little Daughter's Life. I am the mother of eight chil. and niv hL . k. . !...... ii . vu I AxneriflnnA wftri morllnlnAa T I President University of Texas and ex-Preu. -r v y. lowbuso ui n uuoa, lurjjBiwaj tuo r . r "."V- .", dent University of N6rth Carolina :-Elon Co - the irons may gather theressence of a sermon, dren and have had a great deal of Opens September 7, 1899. TESTIMONIALS: WftSBORO STEAM LAUNDRY. JjM. Dick, Proprietor. hUTlTTllflliAQfl , In lYuirWiii bfE GIVE VARIETY wwfiANDjLABOR. will remember all ommer.my little daughter had the ie haa sprung up as by. magic, and illustrative dysentery in its worst form. We ar? i? 3,8 with larice teachers, ex. active manage- '?.VrSe ?oes otbear feoodfru '4nt nevn down. t, We details; another : vuo -luciucuHi auu iiiutJtratlve j J "'J i? c i tensive patronage, wise and active manage stories, but miss the noint and our- thought she would die. I tried yL5?d b3CMe1 inatin of cui pose Of the discourse. It needs no everytnD 1 COUld think of, but .President State University: Tour student argument to show that the truth is nothing seemed to do her any good. s&TtofHte more to be valued than the facts I saw by an advertisement in our DUpSS?n7eceile!a:Y which help to make up truth : that Paper that Chamberlain's Colic, 'Harvard UniyersityWwork of an unusually it is more desirable to possess one's noleraand Diarrhoea Remedy was B ' dr. w. w. staley, President. self of thn AaBAnn nf thlntra tri.n highly recommended and sent anrl Address J. U. Newman, Chairman. ; to gather only the dry husks of de- Sot a bottle at once. It proved to j the tails. The philosophy of the im- De one 01 tne very best medicines " I : i j -i - 1 - . t rontr ubwu aown, our, io pressionisis wno pamc pictures is iuouuubo, Atsavea Heg S frnff '0UUtreei;n a trU6 philosophy, though often my little daughter's life. I am v :3stlfvtolbisuaUv It misapplied, and should be extended anxious for every mother to know ihM'eareaii ports) of' every- to literature, to industrial activities what an excellent medicine it is. .fruli tfeesours bear and to social functions. Our ca- Had I" known it at first it would .JJlt'.!rue 'to riame. Oiir nacitv is limited : dAtaila ip have saved me a ereat deal of an. vf vi 111 (IF I I J H STATE NORMAL AND I II 1 I d V.b .-111 . : i n-t an sections. INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE O NOliTII CAROLINA a positive i.j: . lla Dn1 mv Htfl I .wen w young women thorough literary. n a w vvv-iaiuB n rw n m v a a w a w a a ma w a m a. a. a 11 a a am a a a mm m rii 11 wm r . ; ; t . . uina i o ww mb.uk , - nuai! no i . o mw ciawii-u, bcicuuuc, ana industrial education : I ! J A B O O ! K S "f . T I ! l i On u r "u Pamphlet of -io fit and Cultivate 1 particulars. ito J ? n.eaHy months with- a view of thines intheir Droner Burdick, Liberty, R. I. For . Faculty of so members. More than 4x .tl'MVT I.'LIV'10 "lationB, not such a di.tortion of y C. E. Holton, Druggi.t. a. S.S?JS?S'SSVgg T 'Without n June tilt facts ai we are lure tn-trnt whAn a - . " I except one. Practice and Observation School 'ic.Ut la breali; and so of Ap- Cl? J ' 8et w,hen w A dispatch in vesterdav morri. fPnP"t. Toaecnreboara in dorn,tT oiuuy kueui iu uciaii one DV One. " . " Wl ,ctv " m tuition appuca.iona snouia oe w.knM fk.A.. i. n8 8 paper from Victoria to the made before august i. We Should, therefore, aim to CUltl- Chiraon THhnno rW l Correspondence invited from those desiring vit o KaKif est mtn1 .in UDlCagO IrlDune, ran in part as competent trained teachers. K . ah cu! follows: "Commander St. John For catalogue and other information, address aoie us 10 see tnrougn a mass of uA Trif?a, t7 T ' det.il the e.sentUlg.ubef.c. to f! ftSTffit get at the essence of things, which Trmr,.O0. OM 1, 'j e ia the truth-Baltimore . gfS5fi O'Zt Lost Time. rant of tbe necessities or resnonsi. Station "iunn Kill XT.. L- ursenes, ?iVVl m I .-A, K. C. farm! sjor Sale. ias-t of Gi-eensboro in ma iz2$ acres more uouse in beautiful and tobacco barns. prd, meadows and me home place bf kased . ! i . jbis place, about two w ' . r i'jiii rv i t .. . A R TtO fJ BROL Sooksellers Ss Stationers wn ?7- a. m. (Vestibuled Limited, for Bristol and intermediate points, and Knoxville and Chattanooga, all points South and West. Pull man Sleepers to Mempbls-and New Orleans. 4.23 p. m. for B.uefleld, Pocahontas, KeoovColumbus and Chicago and all. points west. Pullman Sleepers from Roanoke to Col umbus, also for Radford, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga and In termediate points. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Knoxville. If ORTH AND ZA8T BOUND LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. 1,40 p. m. for Petersburg, Richmond and Norfolk. 1.45 p. m. for Washington, Haters town, Philadelphia and New York. 12.35 a. m. for Richmond and Norfolk, j Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to j Norfolk and Lynchburg to Rich mond. 12.35 a. m. (Vestibuled Limited) for : Washington and New ork. 1 Pullman Sleepers to Washing ton, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg. DURHAM DIVISION-Leave Lynch burg daily except Sunday. 4 GO. p.m. (union station) for Durham and all Intermediate points. Leave Durham. daily except Sunday, at 7.00 a. m. for Lynchburg and intermediate poiuts. For all additional Information apply at ticket office, or to M.F. BRAGG, W. B. BEVILL. Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pass. Agt., Roanoke, Va. 28-St F&ESXDENT HcIYIS, - I Kl IM I II I II X oivwuJfcJVLP. I UUAAAU11U INDIGESTION Corad by Johtuon's DyspeptU Car Algy. What did you do when ?)ilitlel8r of a campaign in the tropL old Bootstraps caught you kissine 1C8, H ba8 5'000 dead to h ac hia dnnfrhtAi.9 count, the British officer declrp0 Ferdy.Why, first I started to IZ L hesitation has already tM; aigue then I started to explain, 8tuat?on tm Xn ho? then I started to aooloeize. and rMP.on. situation. This. is ypptoms of indigestion or Dyspepau, white then I started tn ,n k u-u t exacuy tne American view. It in "'T k10"" pound in weight within a , Siartea tO run, but, bah JOVe, fhp. j,. . j , , f , 15 18 "Ple of month. Im taking .pleasnre in re- it was too late; I should hare done T, A "nisiration to that in thA fif recall General Otis and to nn; - mw utnvDi I . , rw,w m t " - waiu mcer in cnarge of the "rDaE wDymlornT "I suffered over two years with Indigestion and ncrroiM Asyspcpna, unable to eat or aleet. X count, the British offlr . ' Sftv'SPK!" l?? - MvwiaiCB, I iuw ui7 uapcu me ior a anorx tune. A Mar denosit money lor tuition in bank. till position is secured. or will accept notes. Cheap board. Car faro paid. Nova- cation Enter any time. Open! lor both sexes, catalogue iree. write to-day. PRAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS- -- - - "wwt iu cnarge OI tne IW,B,W xHornTxait8taopa commercial orani The greatessqueeze of all has come American forces in thePhilinninp. WsTtiB Johnson laboratories, lac lars explaining -a corset trust has been organized. Charlotte Observer P i . 1 r0?"1! I 'Departi NashTlHe. Teaa. rr Oalrastoa. Tex. Saraamah. Oa. Texarkaaa. Tex. Indorsed by merchants and bankers. By far best patronized business colleges in South. Three months bookkeenin? with us equals six by the old plan. All commercial branches taught, i For circu- nome tudy Course," Careata. and Trade-Marks obtained and aU Pat1 k -w m . m feot business eoaaocteaior Moocmatc rcr. iOvn Ornce i Ooafrc U, s. PATcwrornet ; and we can secure patent la lca Use taaa Umac! Iwmfita from Washington. t i-- . . . - i Send mocei, orawing or pnoto w.ia oesenp-j tinn. vve aunse. u paieniaua or noc ire ci: charge. Oar fee not one tul patent is secured. . i mf MMirr. How to Obtain PateotV witn cost of saoe in tbe U. S. and foreign coofiXnesj sent tree. Address, :c.A.suow&co. Or. PATtwT Omci, WASMIHOTON. D. C Department A." For college Howard Gardner, Cor. Opp. Postofflce 1 catalogue, address ''Department A V To d remit La GrioDe take a dose or two of Dr. Miles' Rcstoralrrc Ncrrinc diil. j

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