, - Seasonable Goods. . II - rr i t iESEGRETS- oe easy j ana ai xdot painless childbirth are all i old in a binasomely il lustrated book entitled) Be fore i Baby -.is Born," I a copy of which will be sent free on re quest to every expectant mo therJ The book also tells: about t' lv great liniment; known s as MOTHER'S FRIES1D f3-t . K3fiPrind of brcfrnancv and 4HL -r,i iecovefv.:-! I . : J ! 1 ' rtTBKAW-T.' -i l -7 Sir - r ' i t E . i ft -T t SSfJ jTTi iubjerct to I I A'' if rleht rendedy ifor I ! I a I Irbabies' ills y worms 2nd1 I J !-(lisordersUu s . j tr-ey's Verrrifugo 'ri. :L Urtdren for CO years, pend it a .-j.' IF--" 1? peclally stomach f: l iLi till- nnt KA . I , i.fj- H.t)flUL IU 1119 .M , i;.t. .-. i i ... 4k JAk,u',t roHe4 f15enU. l h. it S-lfiSEf, lialtlinore; MdU Capital Surpl ic kKCiOTIATES jLOAN. ks EX .ECUTOR OF ESTATES HEAL ESTATE XI) COmlECTINQ AGEN1 Ml tasacts'a mm we have fed t'AvJ proved A Vije President, W. -HcALISTEB. !i25,000, paid up. us$24,539.65. General tros CY. Ap icatiohg for loans i amotinrs ranging Ve iiave money 1 Are inxious to have placed at Ample security is always re- for rent three nq oh Chu anbther 6u West Lee, Uejie. f ujjtrk atld en ue and improved land unim- pronerty, both in .city and Ciill on or address usjfor particulars. Ens ness. are desired rod $100 to stea waicQ rch street, one on always dwellings. Spring near Nor- Those excellent dwellings on Sum isted for sale.) j f ' " ' I, i mi iL READY fi: rrr. Wirfole in the package, and just !te f oesti hvhitest, niost satisfactory WTOu'e.veV had done. That is what thewatfer boiline abd thQ Irons h ;!f at otir place. Giv6 us a call or ' . . cr ie w,e. i HSBIJRO STEAM LAUNDRY. jjOnx M1. Dick, Proprietor "HI? TREES That Grow 'and Bear Good Fyuitl i IK i . p'nte for oijr Cd page Ulus-'e-j i ata).jr anl 40 page MiM'iri, -now io t'laoi ana Uvuiv an OrchariL' Gives i jtltat inforniation you b&ve 1 1 1 k -.wanit; tell you an " 1 1 ; those ig jred - apples, ul t'acles. land Janan f t'-; with i their oriental ftiu-ss, a off which! tou t often seen and as often w hex e the t trees 'ii' from that nr.H Eyarything Good in Fruits. tine sfivlJ if f ;wn IM.K. VOlinrr. h -ift trnoa ; - . -T" ....... . "t'tJi and ftranjht. tl.o tin.f iji e ami ji-uu- off well no f-jrviuMi tries. This is the ' ,r;'pi't gr inaplf and ! ''itite itiokft Uautiful shade i for prices; and give list i ' -; i- Van Lindley Nursery Co., , EalVI II aS) i V- 'tt 1C iL, tl 'htion ?tive Age f ' I b r Tell me not io mournful numbers "Life istat an empty dream," For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they eeem. Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal. "Dust thou art, to dust returnest," Was not spoken of the soul. Not enjoyment anchnot sorrow -Is our destined end or way, But to act that each tomorrow FJnds us farther than today. Art i long, and time Is fleeting, And our hearts, though stout and brave, . Still, like muffled drums, are beating Funeral marches to the grave. In the world's broad field of battle, In the bivouac f life, Be not like dumb, driven cattle;". Be a hero in the strife! Trust no future, however pleasant! Let the dead past bury its dead! Act act in the living present ! . Heart within and God o'erread ! Lives of great men all remind us ' We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the 6ands of time Footprints that perhaps another, Sailing o'er life's solemn main A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again. . Let us, then, be up and doing. With a heart for any fate. Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. "The Confederate Wagon." A friend in Rockingham county sends us the following lines with the request that we publish them for the benefit of the rising gener ation. This is one of the songs that inspired the boys of ?61 when they were preparing to march against their friends the enemy : Come all ye sons of freedom and join our Southern band, We are going to fight the Yankees and drive them from our land; Justice is our motto and providence our guide, . So jump into the wagon and we'll all take a ride. ; chorus: - Wait for the wagon, the dissolution wagon; i The South is the wagon, and we'll all take a ride. , - . Secession is our watchword, our rights we all demand; To defend our homes and firesides we pledge our hearts and hands; Jeff Davis is our president, with ..Stephens by his side, GreatJBeauregard our general and he'll join us in the ride. The invading tribe called Yankee?, with Lincoln for their guide, Tried to keep Kentucky from joining in the ride, But she heeded not their entreaties, she has come into the ring, She wouldn't fight for a government where cotton wasn't king. Old Lincoln and his congressmen, with Seward by bis side, Put old Scott in the wagon just for to take a ride; McDowell was the driver; to cross Bull Run he tried, But there be left the wagon for Beaure gard to ride. Manassas was the battle ground, the field was fair and wide; The Yankees thought they'd whip us out and on to Richmond ride, But when they met our Dixie boys their danger they espied; " They wheeled about for Washington, and didn't want to ride. Brave Beauregard, God bless him, safd legions in his stead, -While Johnson seized the colors and waved them o'er his head. To rising generations with pleasure we will tell, How bravely our Fisher and gallant Johnson fell. A Rural Court Scene. - A couple applied to a rural Jus tice of the Peace for total divorce. The Justice called the baliff aside and asked in a whisper: "What's the law on that p'int?" "You can't do it," replied the baliff, "it don't come under yer jur isdiction." "We're willin'- to pay cash fer it," replied the husband, not un derstanding the nature of the con sultation. "I've got the money in this here 8tockinVr The Justice looked grave. Then, adjusting his spectacles and ad dressing the man, said i "You knowed 'fore you come here that 'twarn't fer me ter sepa rate husband an wife, an yet, you not only take up the time o' this here valuable court with yer talk- in', but ackchullyperpose ter bribe me with money! Now, how much has you got in that stockln'r" "'Boutsix dollars an' a half, yer honor." "All right then. I fine you $5 for bribery an? a dollar an' a half fer takin' up my time with a caee what my jurisdiction is out of, an' may theXord have mercy on yer soul!" . - ' : Queer Legal Proceeding. A legal proceeding lately occur red in Vance township that de serves to go down in the books, and we hereby fork it over to pos terity as a valuable precedent. A man moved out of a neighborhood, leaving his dog in the possession of a neighbor. The canine made it a business to disturb, the peace of the community, whereupon some one indicted the neighbor for keep ing a nuisance. In the trial be fore the magistrate, it appearing that the dog did not actually be long to the man who was keeping it, the court discharged the man and issued a warrant against the dog, setting a day for trial and no tifying the owner to be present and defend bis dog. The day set for trial came around all right, and all the parties to the case were on hand. The court, as prosecutor, told of the bad things thedogi was charged with doing, and in his de fense, his owner stated that while the dog would bite, he always staicl at home and attended to his own business and only bit when he was to bothered. the court DESIGNS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ffi) Li IV t ftf ricu '; an patent U secured. "Many years ago," says the Can ton Times, "we saw it stated that gardener's around Paris paid 5 apiece for toads. The amount of insects a toad will consume is in credible. It is estimated that one toad will destroy of cutworms alone an amount capable of doing $19.88 worth- of damage in a truck gar den. Put toads in your garden. The wlee man who boasts of his wis dom Is a fool. . This not appearing m m mm- i a sumcient aeiense tne following judgment was entered : "That the prisoner at the bar, the dog, be required to give a bond in the sum of $250, to keep the peace and that the owner of the said prisoner be required to furnish the said bond for the said prisoner, failing in which the said owner shall be sent to jail." The owner, in behalf of the prisoner and him self asked for suspension of judg ment until .counsel could be ob tained, and now says he will pay no more attention to the court.- Monroe Journal. Sunset at the Equator. The days and nights are of equal length. The Bun knocks off prompt ly at six o'clock in the evening and gets up at six in the morning with equal regularity the whole year around. There is no twilight, no gloaming, no interval whatever be tween daylight and dark only a brilliant illumination, the sudden disappearance of a red ball into a blue ocean, a spread of flame color over all the western sky for a few minutes and a purple haze in the east. Mm Then the surface of the ocean, like the heavens, is lighted with millions of strange and shifting stars, for the water is so impreg nated with phosphorus that each tiny wave is tipped with light,1 and the foam that follows in the wake of the vessel is often like a stream of fire. Sometimes vou cam see porpoises swimming along the bow of the vessel livid with phosphor escent light and followed by a streak of sparks like a comet's tail. The southern cross, with the right arm tipped out at proper an gle, lies straight ahead, in the midst of myriads of unknown worlds that look strange to those accustomed to the northern con stellations. Under the left arm is a large black spot in the heavens, brightened by only a single modest star, which the sailors call "the the early devil's dinner bag." Over stern of the vessel ,in the evening you can plainly distin guish the familiar constellation of the "great bear," but it goes to bed with the children. j j j A Mother Tells How She Sayed Her Little Daughter's Life. I am the mother of eight chil dren and have had a great-deal of experience with medicines. Last Summer my little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. We thought she would die. I ' tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. I saw by an advertisement in bur paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent l and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter's life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anx iety and my little daughter much suffering. lours -truly, Mrs. F. Burdick, Liberty, R. I. sale by C. . Holton, Druggist Geo, For a; " Ominous. When Julia, Mrs. Blank's maid of all work, came to her mistress and "gave notice" because she was going to be married, Mrs. Blank said : . : "You know, Julia, that marriage is a pretty serious thing." "Yes'm," replied Julia, "but not gittin' married is a more seriouscr thing sometimes, don't you think? Anyhow, it'll be as serious for him as it is for me if we don't git along all right. But then, as you say, gittin married is about the Beri ousest piece of biznesa a body ingage in, an' mebbe I am a an mebbe he's a bigger There's no tellin'. It's a turrible solemn thing, as I reckon you've found out bv this time. Like can fool one. CIDER uLS. TmB t- vL. - - ..... w H " 1,440 ""fc owe or uiaer Mill made and one that is sure to give satis faction. Easy running, evenly balanced. juarge grinning capacity. Will pay for itself in one season. Ij,r, MILLS. This is thn hfat mill m.A .Ik MM lf. . ' is a THUFtt THTTfl? uriii .ut l4 t: RUNNING Wnd STRONGER than a two roll: Gives the Cane TWO Pressures, Getting ALL of r the Juice. . . . . . We keep the "COOKS" PAN, also the Patent Bottom Pan. The Patent Bottom is made on the reversible plan. It is SElF SKIMMING. ! The juice parses from one Section to another below the bottom of the pan. ! - If you need any of the above or anything injthe Hardware line, call n us. We will Rnnvinnn trn ti thnt. nnr crrrr a aro f tiA. .Lj J.. . 1 1 - - j - - v. ocoi ,ouu yur unceu lue lowest. Us- ma ub ior catalogues. enough I'll sip sorrow, but so he, that's one comfort." will Wakefield Hardware Gompa ny. ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' . "i ! i i i '' ' ' ... "31- '.'"J - a i . i ... ...in ,i ,i ,1. . . y I t ' . - i I .. . "2"Dmip Time To lay in Summer, Fall and Win ter Goods. The Goods of CLARY & STACK are going to be sold re gardless of cost to wind up the business in the next few days. A full line of Shoes of all kinds. A large line of odd Pants to go at half price. Full line of Shirts, Boys' Clothing, Dry Goods, Pant Goods, Notions, Glass Ware, Tin Ware, Crockery. Nice line Toilet Sets. A full line of Hats. A good assortment of Trunks. The cost will not be considered in this sale. They must be sold, and will be sold, and you can't afford to miss these bargains. Sale now going on at 110 West Market street, next door to John Barker's. Come and see for yourself. Receiver of Clary & Stack. W in mm We are still AGENTS for the well-known LeaksviUe 1890. 1899. EL0I1 COLLEGE. (CO-EDUCATIONAL.) ELON COLLEGE, ALAMANCE COUNTY. N. C. . Located in Central North Carolina, 65 miles west of Raleigh, 17 miles east of Greensboro, on the Southern Railway. Noted for healthful ness. Remote from demoralizing influences. Three full, thorough courses. Departments of Art, Elocution and Physical Culture. For the cost, best Business Course in the State One of the best Musical Directors. Unrivaled for cheapness by institutions of like advantages. Tuition per term 115.00 to $25.00; board $5 to $10. Opens September 7, 1 899. TESTIMONIALS: President University of Texas and ex-President University of North Carolina: Elon Col lege has sprung np as by magic, with large equipment, faithful and zealous teachers, ex tensive patronage, wise and active manage ment, a practical and blessed institution of cul ture and refinement. President State University: Your students show thorough, schol aily training, imbued with spirit of scholarship and correct method of work. University of Virginia: - Your men work ell Deportment excellent. Harvard University : Work of an unusually high order. Dr. W. W. ST A LEY, President. Address J. U. Newman, Chairman. THE STATE NORMAL -A2I INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE OFNOUTII CAHOLINAl . - . i . Offers to young womeu thorough literary, classical, scicntJti ano industrial education and special pd.' goical training. Annual Ex penses $) to f i:; for non-icsidents of the tate $150. Faculty of :;o memlrs. More than 4(rd regular student-. I la uiairiculated altout 1.700 students, repre'Tit:ng every county in the State except one. Practice and Observatun School of about 250 pupt Is To secure board an dormi tories, all free t-.ition applications sfiooM be made before . ngu-t 1. . . Corresponden e inviteil fro"n thoe iletiiing competent trained teachers'. ! For catalogue and thr information, address -PSESID2OT l!cIVE2, 23-St ' GKKJCNSBOKO, .C. PUTS FLESInl "THira PEOPLE JOHnSOrl'S DYSPEPSIA CURE A fclwtifle. fifaUiag tad Nnaastat Irastfyfar DnitBtla, Iitflttttisa tad a8 Stsaaci ata Ism Trasblts. . Jas. Starln. of St. Paul. Minn., says : I had always been thin and emaciated : appetite good, but food did not seem to nourish-me and had never found anything to do me any good until I commenced to take Johnson's Dyspepsia Cure. Have now been taking: it two months, have rained fifteen aoends and am still increasing. It U a wonderful medicine for weak; and run down people." Large Boxet. 10c. 22c and 60c FOB SALE BY Howard Gardner, Cor. Opp. Foatoffice LEAKSVILLE, N. C. Bring your Wool to us and we will forward same to the Mills for you without extra jcharge. They work Wool on Shares or for Cash. . i ' into a variety of products. Write them for new Catalogue, furnished free on application. J. J. PHI, GREENSBORO, N. O, I J B O O ! 1 K ; v S j j Stationery. WHARTOI BIOS.. Uooltsollors & Stationers. POSITIONS monev for tuition in bank till position is secured.or will accept notes. Cheftn hoard. Car fare raid. Nova- Upen i or do in Write to-day. cation Enter .any time. sexes. Catalogue free. DRAUGHON'S PRAOTICAL BUSINESS Nashville Tenn. Savannah, us. SOalrMton, Tex. Texarkana. Tex. Indorsed by mercnants ana DanKer. By far best patronized business colleges in South. Three months' bookkeeping withusequals six by the old plan. All commercial branches taught. For circu lar rniflimrjtr Home Study Course." I address 'Department A,' For college I catalogue, address 'partment A 4? CHOOSE. YODR DRUGGIST CAREFULLY. A druggist can o more harm cr good than most people give hira credit for. There are dif ferent qualities in drugs just as there are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by the same name The difference between pure, high grade drugs and cheap, inferior drugs of the Bame name, means the difference between keep ing sick and getting weU. When a doctor writes a prescription, he means best quality. When some druggists fill a prescription; they think onlr about big profits. - ' . - Choose your druggist carefully. &. W. WA5SB. Schedule in Effect jTune 25, 1S99. WINSTON'S ALXM DIVISION. CIPT8UNDAV. DAILY EX- P.M. 5 00 5 38 60S 6 11 A.M. 8 20 9 02 9 35 9 39 71010 41 .... 1 10 Lv. Winston Ar. 9 Lv. Walnut Core A r. 8 Lv. Madison Ar. 8 Lv. Mayodan Ar. 8 Lv. Martinsville Ar. 7 Ar. Roanoke Lv. 4 M. 35 55 18 12 10 35 A.M. 900 8 20 7 45 7 42 6 40 WESTBOUND. LEAVE ROANOKE. DAILY. 4.55 a. m. (Vestlbuled Limited) for Bristol and intermediate points, and Knoxville and Chattanooga, all points South and West. Pull man Sleepers to Memphis and New Orleans. 4.23 p. m. for Bluefleld, Pocahontas, Kener, Columbus abd Chicago r and all points west. Pullman Sleepers from Boanoke to Col umbus, also for Radford, Briitol, Knoxville, Chattanooga and In termediate points. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Knoxville. NORTH AND EAST BOUifU LJti V DAILY. , ; 1,40 p. m. for Petersburg, Richmond and Norfolk. .. 1.45 p. m. for Washington, Hagers town, Philadelphia and New York. 12.35 a. m. for Richmond and Norfolk, Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Norfolk and Lynchburg to Rich mond. 12.35 a. ni. (Vestlbuled Limited) for Washington and New York. ton, Pbiladelpiiia and New York via Lynchburg. DURHAM DIVISION Leave Lynch- burg daily except Sunday, 4 00 p.m. (union station) for Durham and all intermediate points. Leave Durham daily except Sunday, at 7.00 a. m. for Lynchburg and Intermediate points. Forall additional Information apply at ticket office, or to M. F. BRAGG, Gen. Pass. Age, Roanoke, Va. in a TMrA.T.rV nhtoinedand aH Pat- iavnj mjma ' .V ent business conauciea tor moderate rin. ?V-VnL-riire c:entia ids tae ttua tlwc remote irom nnw". 19 C.A.SWOW&CO.: Orr. FATtuT Orncc. WAHtworow. p. To prevent La Grippe take a dose or two of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine daily. J

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