ON THE FIRST BALLOT. IRON ORE INDUSTRY. 'e MM o) ir JL lUS That Will Visit GREENSBORO This Year. aw ah old Things Are Best' The Old Reliable Which you have known, respected and eojoyed through three generations, will visit you on. Wednesday, September 13 t 4 t w m m m - w i - - THAT WILL BE A GALA DAY ! Rinciner Denunciation of Im- berlalism ana Trusts For i Bryan and Sllyer. Zanesvllle, O., August 31 John B. McLean was nominated for Governor bv the Democratic State Convention on the first ballot. Following is an abstract of the dem ccratic platform : We heartily reaffirm the entire Chi cago platform of loyo; and no espe cially emphasize the financial plank therein, and we continue to demand the free and unlimited coinage ot sil ver and gold as equal in primary mon ey at the rate of 16 to 1, independent of all other nations in the world. The Hon. W. J. Bryan still retains our entire confidence and we demand his re-nomination in 1900. We recognize the solemn fact that our vcovernment cannot do Doin oublican and Imperial. We stand in line with Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant and all other American patriots, living and dead, in desiring the perpetuity of our Republic. We ( are radically and unalterably opposed to imperialism in the United States of America.. When we nave solved some of the race problems that confront us at home, then by example. we can proclaim the blessings that flow from free institutions and thus procure "benevolent assimilation with out criminal aggression. We are opposed to entangling alli ances with foreign kingdoms and em pires We commend the action of Congress in declaring that our war with Spain was for humanity and not for con quest We proudly reco&nize the valor ana glorious achievements of our .gallant soldiers and sailors from Bunker Hill to this very-hour, as being among the most thrilling and glorious in the his tory of the world, but we profoundly regret that American soldiers are being t..:..-.u-. - t . i k-i. Knrth Hamlin, unlawfully used in thaname of liberty ' j .u - o.k m Tftwv Rnmwflnv jinnw thnir favor, to crush and destroy dawning republl- n.u ..h OMmnthAM w smmd u nmipfis. and mjinv canlsm In the Orient, and we denounce lc a vsui k icuuia vue.o uu. &&iau.Mwia.w " - - tr m I .. i j .111.... tfi cmwn im-.nn. nnfl n.nahtPra nf fnmd North Carolina, earlv learned to B BeciBI auu VIUUJ V WMW &... w. ' I Am.. nvlonH U 4.U A Af M kn QAMnonn tk (no r hth nt inH fltflf R tlftfl hlM ""WW uctnoou uuKiauu liop wo uauio ui uiu uuuu """ ww, .. . . . 7 PonnKKn A rfmlnl.tr.fi nn whhv proved, like true North Carolinians, their loyalty to the show pi tneir you n - ZZX:VL u nil tiii til. iimt m in iivhiiihii l i ii vmi i .h l ii in nwni W 1 in n w ni u a 11CIU -I VUKJ UAU4W " I v Now York Parties with Millions to Invest Write to Gover- j nor Russell ! Gjvernor Bussell received a letter yesterday from Albert L. Rice, 45 Broadway, New York city, who repre sents capitalists desiring to mate pur chases of large tracts ol -iron ore or manganese ore in this State. Mr. Bice says that he can poesibly direct mil lions of dollars to the State. 1 The following is the letter from Mr. Bice: . "45 Broadway, Boom 88. "New York City. N. Y., "August 25th, 1899J "Governor Daniel L. Biissel), Ral eigh, N. C. : ! "Dear Sir I have parties who; are worth many millions of dollars who wish to buy pig iron furnaces. They also wish to buy large tracts of iron ore lands to supply the furnaces with ore. ; i "1 have other copitalists, who wish o buy manganese ore lands. .M "II you will give this letter public ty no doubt the result would be that the hearts of the whole Deople like the old reliable JOHN ROBINSON SHOW and now. after aiong absence, during which time it has assumed ten times the proportions in merit, size and magnificence, it comes to - John Robinson s Ten War with foreign nations. We demand that the Cubans and Philippines not! only be permitted, but encouraged to ( establish independent n. i tv" -'t tit J J a x V ioa republics, deriving all ot tneir govern UreeUSUOrO, WUC Vd. VV eUlieSU-dY, OeUieiilUtjr XOUJ. mental powers from the consent of the governed. We denounce the Republican party for its thirty-eight years of abject sub servience to the shipping ; interest of Great Britain, and we denounce the Hanna-Payne shipping bill, which en acted into law would further shackle our interests. We are in favor of maintaining our In connection with the Grand Biblical Spectacle, Solomon, his Temple ana gnlendld and efficient navy. the Queen of Sheba. Without a paralel, acknowledged by a universal public a large standing army in our Re- the one distinctly GREAT SHOW, the peerless exhibition of America. Three public is a menace to liberty. Big Circuses, four big rings, three big menageries, one prodigious Aquarium, We favor the initiative and referen one complete Aviary, one grand Biblical Spectacle, ten truly great shows, one I dum. the Dassaee of the eight hour la gigantic museum. For 75 yean, through three generations, this mighty and I bor law, the more rigid: inspection of powenui amusement nas eznibited in every state in our vast union, ana tne mines and workshops, the prohibition name oi .ionn i&ODinson is atone a guarantee tnat tne performance under tne vast canvacses by far excel all otners in Merit, Originality, Magnificence, Vari ety and Quality. of sweat shops, and the abolition of the abolition of the contract system of prison labor. We declare that all unlawful combi nations of capital are the legitimate fruits of a gold standard and other corrupt Republican legislation on questions of the tariff and we demand surpasses in Magmture and completeness and largest known Zoo- that all articles the prices of which logical collection in the world. One of the snecial features of the bier are controlled by the trusts be placed tripple menagerie is the LARGEST SNAKE ALIVE 25 feet long. - n e st. we denounce me appointed from the State of New Jer- Two Great Special and Exclusive Features Secured at An sey, the hot-bed of trusts, for his refu sal to emorce ine siaiuies oi me um ted States against them and commend the Attorney General, of Ohio for his earnest efforts to enforce the statutes of Ohio against such illegal combina tions. and pledge the nominee of this convention for Attorney General to the enforcement of the statutes of the State against them. - Political bosses are to be detested and are inimical to cur form of gov ernment. Bosses represent simply a concentration of political power, or ring. They live aud exisLthrough jobs and schemes loaded upon the tax-pay ers.1 They substitute their rule in the party for the rule of its voters. They select the nominees, who, it elected, remain their tools and administer their official Dowers in the interest of their bosses and not for the people. The Republican party in Ohio now is in such control. We recommend a constitutional amendment providing for the election of President, Vice-President and Uni ted States Senators by a direct vote of the neople. We favor such appropriations by the Legislature as may be necessary to in sure the success of the Centennial to be held at Toledo. A a - - . . A scnool of &ea L.ions, the only ones on exhibition in America. Also a Herd of Philippine Water Buffaloes, direct from Luzon Island, Manila THE CIRCUS FEATURES This season, obtained from Europe and America, will amaze and startle the world. Nothing like them ever before presented in this country. The most novel bareback riding acts ever witnessed. From nihe to twelve of the World's Greatest Champion Lady and Gentlemen Equestrians riding in four rings at one time. This feature is new and original with this show. , j Old John Lowlow, the Clown, will appear at each Performance ; - . - : - ' l MORE FOR THE MONEY Than any other three circuses furnish their patrons. Larger, cost lier and more distinctly original. Tableaux cages and dens than owned by any big show in the world. Most costly costumes, more scenery used in the oho great ieature of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba than in the cuiub comumea ieatures oi any otner exhibited in the country. Over $iuu,uutt expended on this production alone. 100 of the most beautiful dancing girls in America, j CTThe Grand Street Parade and Robinsons Horse Fair. Ah innovation in itself. A truly magnificent pageant. A feature of the free street parade is the grand spectacle of forty of the smallest ponieB ever harnessed and driven at one time. Don't fail to see them. Two performances daily. An Excuse for Lynching. II any town in tne country can be said to have a valid excuse for engaging in a lynching, that town is Durham. Although we have had a dozen murders in as many years there has never been a hanging in the county and very few of these murderers have ever been sent to the penitentiary, the more impor tant having been acquitted by juries selected for the purpose. As Par ker has no money and probably few friends, he may get jastice, but even considering all this, it is doubtful. Durham Herald. be in- many millions of dollars would vested in your State. i Yours truly, "Albert L. Rice, j "P. 0. Box 1421." In every part of the State, and in great variety, are found iron ;0res. There are untold possibilities for the development of the iron industry in the State. - - ! There are deposits of iron ore in Gaston, Halifax, Granville,- Person, Durham, Chatham, Randolph, Mont gomery, Guilford, Stokes, Madison, Jackson, Haywood, Swain, Mitchell, Cherokee and many other counties. Few parts of the State are destitute of iron deposits. Raleigh Post. Sectionalism in the War- .bitznugu .Lee, who was a popu lar hero when he returned from Cuba, and who, in the popular mind, was to go back to Cuba at the head of conquring legions,1 has been quietly shelved. Other gen erals who happened to vote right or to be personal favorites are put to the front. Lee is governor of a province, which means that he is neither governor of Cuba nor gov ernor of Havana, and he is com pletely out of the public eye.' And now, in raising these regiments, instead of what must manifestly look grave discrimination, the difference is emphasized by making the re cruiting centres for every one of these regiments in the North, so that it is practically impossible for Southern men to be in them. The President's policy is wrong in this, and it is a wrong that may come back to plague him. If it do not it will not be for lack of invi tation. The error seems to us to be really grave. 1 1 The Philippine campaign ought not to be fought by people from one part of the country, nor should its prosecution 1 be. regarded! as a sectional matter. But since the brief brush in Cuba it looks very much as if military operations had been regarded not merely as a sec tional matter, but as a political onel None but Republicans have been put on guard, and the troops have been sedulously drawn from new correcting like the North. Indianapolis (Ind. Rep.) News The Wind Blew 140 Miles an Hour. M The Weather Bureau has issued a special report on the gale of August 16th, 17th and 18th, which was 80 disastrous to shipping in the vicinity of Cape HatterasJ Ob servations at the Weather Bureau stations showed chat at 4 a. m., of the 17th, there was wind velocity of 70 miles an hour. It increased in intensity until 1 p. m., when it was 93 miles an hour, with extreme velocities of from 120 to 140 miles an hour. At that hour the anne monotor cups were blown away and it is probable that the wind 'reach ed even a greater velocity that evening." '' If The hurricane was the most vere within the past 75 The total loss at Hatteras will amount from $15,000 to $20, 000. The fishing business, which is the principal industry, has been for the present entirely swept away. An interesting, fact is that the highest velocity at Hatteras was 80 mile 8 an hour. ! 86- years, alone For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing: 8yrun has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, J auays an para, cures wind cone, ana is tne oesi remedy for Diarrhoea. It wiU relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part ot the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sureand ask for "Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. ' The entire fleet of the world, ac cording to Lloyd's Registry of Shipping, London, is 28,180 steam ers and sailing vessels, with a total tonnage of 27,673,528, of which 39 per cent, are British. America comes next with 3,010 vessels, with a total tonnage of 2,465,387. ; Nor way is third in the list, as the num ber of vessels, and Germany is fourth, although the tonnage of the German vessels is almost equal to that of the United States. The only other nations which have as i a 1 , uitxuy as one moueanu vessels are Sweden, Russia, Italy and France. The great success of Chamber- lam's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedj in the treatment of bowel complaints has made it standard over the greater part of the civi lized world. For sale by C. E. Holton, Druggist. nO EDOlV GREASE NEEDED - T-11 - m - "'L "Elbow Grease" is a slanz lots of rubbing. It is fist necausc oi tne almost uhivJ;"V Jt4 ha rA Washing Powder jNoeiDow grease is neeaea witn uoid uust. It makes hou. work easy, a real pleasure instead of a hated drudgery. It saves your uuici jrvui ucuiu, juui iciupci, juui uiuncy. 11 is Detter and cheaper than soap for all cleaning. For greatest economy buy our large package. CHICAGO The N. K. Fairbank Company NEW YORK ST.LOLIS D0ST0 fyin) U vyy Lru liAj for Infants and Children. Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought lias bornt tlio signa. turo of Clms. II. Fletcher, and has been nia(e under his personal supervision for oyer 30 years. Allow one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" arc but Experiments, and endanger tlio health of Children Experience against Experiment. The Kind Xou Have Always Bought ijears mo Dignaiuro oi In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC etNTlUK COMMNf, TT MURMV TT. NtW VORK CITY. ' Dr. lies' IS Will Not Perform Miracles But It Will Cure Nervous Prostration, fHNR. MILES' Restorative Nervine Restores g i jJJ with science, vhich is the practical, common-scuy way w oooooo moving tho germs of disease, and then supplying x "nt 10 ;tr Ski nerve food, that gradually starts into new, vigor. . ;is ' . sum v neaitny nerve iissue, increases me apinvw, - c ...,:3 4:: ..' 4 "1 win power to control tne nerves, inau out stupefying or paralyzing the senses. The case of Mrs. M. B. Reed, rtho cstlmaDie IV1"' j.e merchant in Delta, Iowa, interestingly shows that Tippd writes ! , i f lU41 1U1VU(,VU blV.UW ----- i ft'l'Ol I - "1 had been troubled with nervousness ana occauujii ; tion. In July 1891,1 was stunned by a stroke of lightning, rfk-f, a:3i and became much worse. My limbs would all draw up, and ntf u & hand was in a cramped condition, and the chords In my ncc ..i. 1 prominently. One physician pronounced ' it a .light strode ' i would have throbhings months I could not sleep, T t.hnncrbt. T rrmlrt nnt. Ktnf1 jj a. t u v. j i v- Incnno MV UIU UUb CUUiU 1 WUU1U &UUU UO UCUU W i""" - l aj What Cheer, one from Springfield, and one from Sigourn h- :jj r-- i -r i vi1 TnniiarV l"!'1-' w' was straw first sleep and $500. words how grateful Nervine. I am now perfectly well and have four months.' Tlr Tminc" TPdni la crtl oil rfriirrHstS On thepSIl,j i the first bottle will benefit, or money will be rtfu u V- l . r, . V,. unfc Medical V5 DooK on ne&n ina Nerves rreo aj mo w no neip ior me; x was lucurautvr uu - , r as I thought, I tried Dr. Miles' Nemnc, ana bottle. The second night I slept two hours, ana i. y , kept increasing and my health improved; SiU1J ' , ,.t:c surely. I have taken in all forty bottles, but. v i , yA -t cXj-- ( 00 to me. sso words can express my suucriim. . , ne- I feel towards Dr. -Mile. u-r -r , iEl. r not taken inc j. i Hi'- . - Dr. lies' Nervine ' - ! 'i " ' Restore- I-

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