i- J': ' - I 5 ' b i - . ' ' ! ' ' ' ' . , ' -.1 THE WORLD AGHAST.. ba ,Seured by the Henry forehand! ' ' - I Other criraM. .. i I v - i Greensboro Patriot. ESTABLISHED 1821. evangelist ;ia now in this state preaohing In a mirth-provoking style. The "good, old ion" made people happy, thai. i.4v..aw cento; three month cento. In advance. I them great Consolation. But the PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. W. M. BAEBE & CO. Tni following, from the Durham San. is to the point: ,;..-V "We are told that a lauehine ruropo ana Amorica Amazod 1 falsa data had bean civen tn . ' it M a . I r a 3 . con and Indlsnant. I tne undated bordsmn in n.rtA Emev Sept. U.Th, jndffe, oI J.tJ2 Entered at the P.O. in Greenaboro, N. C aecond-cUas mail matter. ance. toem great conso ation. iSut tne a TOniSSemS' SS? w,aJ-r & the condemnatbn .trie now i. to get up lomaim toWWni bat, In-facleitablUhd hi. - fad in preaching the gotpeL .All jected to a fresh degradation innocence.. ortt of aensational manners haTe t Thm vmrdt nf v Oi the Rannea mnrt A Confederate Flag "Wanted. of thb Patriot, -ihe Guilford Chapter of Communications, unless tney contain tant news, or disenss briefly ana pi leeia of real interest, are not wanl m t . . acceptable in eyerr otner way, uiey wui znya- n 7l uumiuiuus , tt-i! j tx vuui ui fhiJected 116 name u Pn ngeHts. It grates harshly gf the Cxar the newspapers-do not Jn United Daughters of the Con- W 1 .... . . at W -m M B U Da A B.B V 1 WW V - V M W M - - - M. VI I m WW WW Bw Bk A. IW. m. a AdTertisements on whicn no specuied nnmber upon OUT laea 01 gaorea IDingS I TS TtrirC uo 5trun8S' ! wuou was Organized last forbid at the ovtion of the pabllsher. and he charred no to the date of discontinuance. SSStS'SSiSSlffllSaaf ammt ial!B t0 1Ue death nd ",v- tron ol this inf.moa, CiSlS" Th. K i"-!9. Cef6derat? g that was uaVdtu mdrtbTififi Tbr55ee).dft, won."; ' ; London Daily MaU declares Eennes T v ,co 11 any ot their friends rS:omn?vchrdrfJmS1r"i It It . oaute of deep regret tbat ?ce'. moral Sedan. The Dally News ??!tbT. a,e to gUe or oftta puKuhen. . - - - nr..Ph hwH. W1 M Dreylns that Is on . " . 'T 08 8rtef ul to I them V.T 1 """" u ACbvcra fcu ef insertions is marked wm be continaed nill mn A rf.... ft,. .. terms. With the exception of a few April in GrenrieW, : WUi uu Mvoeawjo n, nwtuiUij TMn Ql. , . . . I , ' uu uun UUU1 JM that .honld surround thing, per- WhoU wTrid iTwn'X" ff?" erL8 mow-tb.n hundred, desires HI t7;C3 It now taing in the sltnatlon around Manila. uus and give the Old Buttermilk Ba ngerahaU ch,nc, itJ4 1 , Yert 0 be !letnuL I e any preacher can to far forget hie Lj, bnt h fo,the priTlIeg6 of carJ f I , a-j i"tb r- fcV wov"fc oicrapa says mere seems nothing left oDject or tbe organization is isn metnoas merely to attract at- duj a revolution and a war collect and preserve Telica of th tendon to himself and his sensa. Spain. tional preaching. We do not be- The' pulpit Is lieve the Almiehtv ever smiles on Chaplain in Ordinary to the Oueen. u'?BA?.' 1 ! such efforts, h-en a man is truly fffij 3?P X X. selves supreme in all branches of called to proclaim the sacred the crime of the five obiect iudpM memor7 life, and if a competitive manipula- truths of the gospel, he will be another prominent divine declared One op thb Daughters. tion - of typewriters could be ar- found working for, the salvation of I ttmye wilf to Wt wlffou aUy oi W- MDO,' C' ranged between wen. utis ana lien. HwuiBrainer man seesing no to- inena. - - a ne entire plant of Weyler there would be no reason to riety. q'H H8 PATRIOT, . Greensboro. N. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13, 1899. Amiricans have proven them- hear the rnsurtrenta rnun . 6 ur lXe can rope. The wu given to our cavalry during the '6(k. a canfidence in their leader. Take the record nLA aiers under him u.. u "-on. r " w .uCa ,ning as defeat, and to j no rear was enough to throw consternation in dence f ins i a i ' in me commercial the came : .and the ttera creates a panlo In the mercantile - Tin TRv Ui 6 fm fn I arena. We cannot understand always get in the rear of thu . a.;- . . 4. I. . L. o wis is easily explainea. - .M uCr SDOws every hog path that leads to il hci Fo r, w hat. fear the result. A terrible condition of affairs iena. ! xne entire plant of the Hot i y i,ieads to .the different1' Still another declares these men whA Springs Barvtes Comnantr .V wi plants of this countrr. anr?:vo . T . I- I . w i nQflrb rw --v- 4B1U9 uaro taacu Koeir i"u50f vvaH uesiroyea Dv Are Sat. frnm fiwf r..n. l ' . pheM beside Judas, Pilate and Judge! urday, entailing a loss of S62 000 " ' 'her8by mto ,he ' with small insurance. bar of factories. In this way we get r the Inside prices. The path of Senator Pritchard, prevails at the state hospital, for j The German press are'a unit in de the Republican party's dictator in the insane at Mort?anton The jc'ibipgthe verdict as cowardly and this state, is not strewn with roses large building, are entirely to. 'hKSWb BXPQBT. I goods to supply them. Buyl inese uays. m spue oi ms uiu- quate and numbers of patients are f Kelchsanzeiger, emanating di- cobbictid weekly bt matum that nnnnaitlon to'thfi con- tnrnA1 aotr on i Ji. reclly from the Emoeror. wouM ran. V John j. phoenix. stitutiou.1 amendment shall be the of ronm. Th.-nUw.. nwJ J????lbi? . of -one Trholto J5 SWppU of a - . a .t i- , - --wwVMowa,c ui me greatest jaaicial and political vuuiry xrroauce. vtest of fealty to the G. O. P., the last Sunday published extracts crimes of any age." It is agreed there best men in that party continue to from ajiumber of letters written to. ft?1 t,bu,8ec5nd veiJiictt i J a Krave P" Beeswax UYINQPMCM- -PendenvDr.P.L.Mu, IKMS iSlr J"'" Jue"UIOt xu iafcC,fc Mumuw pny, pieaaing lor the admission of cowaraice which the world will find it Small spring chickens lb "5 L 1 pruTe uiuiseu a patriot raiuer man insane persons, the maioritv of " jaiuuu" I a nartifian ia Pant Tnhn F Rnw JL. J i fThe court stated In its verdict that leathers . . a partisan is Capt. John F. Kow- whom were turned away on ac there were extenuating circumsuncea Hides-dry.. iana, oiJtutnerioroton, wno nas count of the nTr.ArA An.t Of this the Nnun Pr! pra ri ureen 1 t - m. - 3 S n I -i. L - IMS' mrm wf . I long ueen a promineni ana innuen- tion of the hospital. tial Kepublican of the west. man's nmf? v.' r " ' week. ,n the mark.,. Take the.rm, o, store,, ChIot.. OrT' nd Union, 8. C, and you will sconce see that 1,1 reanl, 'h5 ng so largely we take the enti re outp pt of 22 6 12 buyer WiU , We ha ye received a copy of the industrial edition of the Kinston Free Press, one .of the best papers in the state, published in what is probably the best town in eastern North Carolina. The paper con tains thirty-six pages, exclusive of the cover, and is a valuable publi- no1 aana . I VatD As the Ob- s mA ArA nn,M 'JLau, Sheep Skins. .V.'.V ...": .'era 2S aarr.i. t.nU t i. . ... , I . . . wuwimu-W Si TallOW A -wV w. 0j 0, fcuo eituauon is tsnuating circumstances foi-an nfflrr w' ? heart rending. 1 is a duty the peo- serving with the colors who betrays Wool washed v pie of North Carolina owe to them- C",nA7 tb ?n.em? .Either h Unwashed . ! ! ! ! ! Ofllwon . .. . . iifcur, m wnicn case there 1& no ea b ruits selves, as well as to their unfortu- point of view under which hi. hm Apples lb. - - - I 1 - w I - - . nate neighbors, to see that this can De diminished and no punishment erri.es i 12 7 rliQtrftB .i..-JiMoo hard for him, or he is not a trai- eacne8 Ped, lb............. r- -ww .wa.w,w ..uo eariiesMtnr 'and npflrl. nn uorn, new. ......... r -nr I lie81' tor, and needs no extenuating circum- Imm7' possible moment. We firmlv be- stances. ThA t.n m... . Ji Flaxseed thftf rt rr,Qf contradictinn." i;" 40to60 " -mmmmmm A. UULI I I 1 II L V 1 M I ri I - " I fnr Q r A a I wt m fc. . J' - --- f I T -T? . a, '1 - 1IHU, UBW Sweet : ' - r 1 cara ftttri rtrnf Af Imm U i : J t I . wo yvn-wu cation. It contains, a good histori- r., v,w"ul.iUM wuum uui . comments upon the ver- Mones id.............. ; w I nww,i 3 A . 1 t . Irlinf art t K Km I n. ... I .Wav, -r-. . , Ftunuouuo uhb oeren oi reason w uowpcan laaignation, ae- cal sketch of Kinston and short God's most ureolous aift J .! o sr,n that battle between the sketches of her most prominent !v , precious gift to man- ciril and military courts will continue business and professional men. t 5 antnoritiee of the hoe- until the victory rest, with the Court Considerable .pace i. devoted to IS. Ik, m ueir power 10 relieve th aiftin i ! - I . r .wvuFiiwu ftnn w u reiieve ine Bua- to erect an expiatory monument In tion, but it is a matter of human front of the Palace of Justice at Bennes In the mannfafttnvinff t all ..s v U1 u unlon an(J( 1ke Wh , , you will hear something drop shortly in old Guilford that will woU tives. Before this takes place and in order to make' room, a bUa counters" in all department, to clean up many valuable lloeiatLC-' ..vw .a aau uujwO.. .flO TOOm 1? What WB Want .nrl U,,. . ww. vimo uave, urj 3 2 HARRY-BELK BROS. the most important industrial and commercial enterprises of the town and county, as well as the public schools and churches. " OAT The expected has happened. - m m I mt A w al . impos8lDlUty to meet the demandaJ remina iature generations of this mad. upon them with the appro- TCJSL.... .1- wwofe.uu a i, lianu. tnat the court martial aicrnf, rom. mendatlon to mercy, but bnly as re- L i w . at I I CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH, 225 SOUTH ELM ST., . F. JOED AIT, K. of P. "BUILDING. QUICK. CO,, r i - D. J." SINCLAIB, JORDAN, SINCLAIR & LIACDONALD. Car load of oats received last (1 week and they are fine. Give me a call when you need Grain or Feed of any kind. X2ST Capt. Alfred Dreyfus, the Alsatian R,CH FORGER BACK TO SET- ffft11 'l?111 ""IJ rank, Jew, has, for the second time, been " which unjustly convicted of treason to conn r . . had doubts, of 1.1. -a.-" u... ' ,v,w, neuto Holland should have received the says the mere mention of extenuating (1 W TYRTCTNrVi'Q circumstances proves that the judges h ' AmJ -LJ O the accused and Made a Fortune. his county and his degradation or dered. He was not convicted be cause hfi had hflpn rrrven rrtiflfvr for nUatraA t. iood.l.. - -" f - & v. . , jr jx i ; -.-w6ww. w&atuw m ioou mis aiieiEoon urges the revisionists to benefit. It remember 111 East Market Street. that in order to demand justice from TllO Hi -flit Sort the COUntrv. it i nroe-r tt-of k u AMOul' a i a man under twenty indictment IZ T ! Dl, , uouluu jusuco irom r alleged crime in 1886 thlf th,country i4 necessary first of the th foia j . . surrendered himooif i ti.. j.i.t. J. w aei who. calmness. uw xwaov avvuoatiuus lilaUO akTainSL I . u vo UiSulCl Ml . . I tnrniin'ii i i . . - Greensboro City and Suburban Property, Manafactaripff sites. Acreage adjoin Lg thecity in fmll tracts to suit purchasers. Farms and farming lands! timber lands, and tracts adapted to colonization purposea in Guilfcri t ' l special auenuon given to loca ing people from tie JNprthern States. Best of connections North aud .South. Cor- Thev have been in hiiainpaa tr. nioooa I rpsnnnipnno trrifVi tinmnnAni,... mt. rt . ... Ui . " . . : w v' f.tOw vuhvuuvuuu HllU UUlllC"BCCIVri.S XIII It'l IS-fl nr . . . - i i on linn n s eova ma .. rnp r nnrrnns r .a irnm . j . i i - vu. . . , . iviuuy 8 umCB. alter hfl hurt oiiirlarl I w.w.w.w . gicon luuvo- I . f nuvw uuw lUUOIi: I . , j him. but tO RATA th hnn.rti.9 . . ol tcr "SU 6)UdeQ the mant Af MnB.. m fjx . ! thav will n1Da.A . T " I - w MVMvas uai mima inn hw.A. vw . i wm w w icuaiaaaiicn win Mnrinw" Trnm i - awtoo uu cverv i 1 1 11 m-.ii nn i ww iui tuiiLBHn - vpurg t-i A ta tf i . - r - '"P t- . . . . - w uv. WAMWM TT- 1 w . the French army, about the moat ward H. Nwm.n ?s?: Dreyfus case." corrupt and dishonorable aggrega- 8eventsixth 8tre. who had fl K?? 13 f1?8?, t0 tS depths' tion o9 Ood-r foot-stool. B the. Imericar to S and finafv'to "Mother .argTeUe mini,: judgment -arRennes France stands Amsterdam, Holland, where Ji h ters in their sermons Sunday denounc- i .ww.w au Duo Diituugeai serins. prices the lowest, at The Tom Rice Jewelry Co. Jordan, Sinclair & Macdonald, 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, GREENSBORO, x! CV be pointed at her and she will just ly receive the bitter execration of all who love liberty. McKinleys' expansion policy is said to favor the permanent holding oi tne Philippines and their gov ernment by three American com missioners, to supplant the military government when the Aguinaldan rebellion shall have been crushed. Whether the people of the United States will support the President in this radical departure from well grounded American principles is the greatest issueof foreign policy presented since those which led to the war of 1812. The people of this country recognize the fact that the problem of the permanent disposition of the Philippines is seriously perplexing and that it de mands the most earnest delibera tion oefore conclusive action is taken. They hope, however, that the settlement of the problem may rest on a consistently American basis. Thev knnw ho- .L w w Hum me moment the United States take formal and final possession of the Philippines a new epoch begins for this country, and they "are appre hensive as to the developments of that epoch as bearing upon Ameri can principles and institutions and the welfare of the country. 1. ... nnn n n an 1 i i ' , - bookkeeoer for the firm nHr we,8d 106 rfgts of the individual. Brothers clothing dealers of W fiTi? Ww th.e verdict is looked upon U .A 1 mmm, w. w.w mm mmn fill mi fTO C rt Ri til . ruaaway. xoe firm went bafori th I T" w"' " l"3 rB not f.n,i j: " u 50 u.nao " cover ifrance with The dispatch expects release c will be five yea demnation. Mi an. application for revision. I This will they had been swindled by okkeeper out of $200,000 by f forged . book. drft -tw, etc. The firm had to makai W w " onve years from his former con-ment.-New York SSSi demnation; Meanwhile he has signed bliuj.. . T . spatcn to lhe an annlifatfnn f a- -atrU I rrui. m their bookkeeper out of S200 om i J1?? fll3pches state that Dreyfus m.i s j , ' . ' i exDecu release on untohAr isfK iKiAk ui lurewi ; DOOM.-; (Irtftt am I ,. . - w -' -- etc. Tha Arm -- win oe nve Philadelphia Record. go to Paris, where it will be examined by a court reporter and then submit ted to the Court of Revision probably kUBuoun oi wJasaatlon. whih will M ' - w II - t I J ; r I i lU xio"HjT " : v V : Suspicious of Uncle Sam. Mexico City. Sent. 11 Pm. advices received here from Rraril t10111 or annul the sentence. l . . wai ll I T "Ia.. w.A, ... m. 1 . . snow tnat the government at Ri hnfl' hatairt n.ii .1 r xi . - 6.g.uv muuencea dt tbe r.i.rf . u I . j -v.- - accounts regardine the alled ... iCOTer. n? rat nh tj , o .w..ww iud xvouuea court maruai. cret understandmcr betwftiin th Tf KAn.. r. . i , o -! "wno cit -vaojriua ia again sent to avian and the United States gov- PHaon, it seems generally understood ernments by which the latter pow- 'has he will' go to Corte, in Corsica, wa naa .u isko over tne fArritn vraere no will at least on a too4 the upper Amazon claimed by Bo- - 9 BIHmore6un says that In view livia, a region rich in rubber o! the Eennes court martial verdict, It is alleged in Bio that Ameri- 't?rejent decision of the Court of Cas- can n.T.l "officer, bay. recTno Si? ! ' . . . ronar Jured premaTrlbunaT orpare!; ' vt BEEN! TELLING - YOU from week to week about the pons to .Washington? Th "Pennsylvania Low Down1 Grain Drill." This week hear what a good was made that Mr. r. -p d.. when Irai.min. .h- - . . . ' mo wccis. MCcti wiim united states Minister tfi , iraziT and dtwMViTitai 4f ",Br-vT "anaoiph county has to say about it. -He boueht and usea u uoiiv in inn aorrAAmAnf 1 w wwow. was lauuceni nur tn I nna met . Bolivia, but it is now said th.f . 1u.?i? its own emphatic words-thatir"" 'aol ycdl' - wn. w w.- i --tfkMA-.L ff nn xuo ocmence oi j.oyi nas no longer JlR. W. J. MILLER- "mo, um it is now said that a arI wupia..w nw secret Bolivian atrent Mr TTrh f1?6 seance of 1894 has ted States Consul at Para. ihe horr1rpn itself and of the exnrt urhn horl C'nrti. iUrneT f wm Elroy Umlned it tbe Court of Cassation de- V-Urtl8. formorlw Af k-. v.. Lm HA.iti i . , . w. uo uureau oi V,UC14 p'wveiy : Boio RepUbIiC8' 10 Peru d That Dreyfus did not write that pa- oonvia is reported to be in the na- per, and that Esterhazy did. j ture of a secret mission for his Tha Dreyfus did not sell or give in- government. There is a profound- fj?rmation to the possible enemies of ly suspicious sentiment develoninc ncef-acd that Eaterhazy did. inLatin-Americareffardino. thl- . nat ireyfus was innocent and Es- eigns of the VnhRJ0 " - "if l8m "J- WtUkCBi That the conviction of Dreyfas had Sir : I bought one of your Pennsylvania Low Down Drills last fall, and can say that it is the lightest draft and best fertilizer and wheat feed I have-ever seen, and I have used several different kinds. - U T. DAWSOX. - ocience, Randolph county, August 28th, 1899. - i W. O. STRATFORD. General Agent j for Guilford, Randolph and Chatham