X Vashikgton letter. ?rlw;suiNaTOKfSKrTll,'g?; I sequel to the: recent; "round I I Sif the newspaper correspon-t-aeainst the censorship estab L General! Otis appeared libed. i it came in the form of SjffL-Xlvate letter jfrom B. M. CD& l. a .onciated Press cor- . rue - n:. rn CP0: A. fh PhlliDDineg. ad. )naecfc ' . EW to' the general J manager of I t institution, in reply to hie re- for ali the factsof the:trou. J5 between the reporters and the ffi commanding. This letter .. ;nm nrint. Its contents Uwt lb KI,fc i KLed general discussion among rr Collins reviews ai greai . f V I L7 III i HLIULJ1 CDBIUU 14 A. f sby Otie, and states in sub taace that no facts were permitted r.hp eent to the United States hand, quietly perhaps but none the less effectively." The ablest argument against Im perialism ;y et reported was that of ex-Goyernor Boutwell, of ; Massa chusetts, made ;at Springfield, in that state, a f err days ago. The most significant revolt against the new policy was the meeting at which it was delivered, when 1600 representative citizens of the Con necticut Valley assembled to ex press their disapprobation of the policy of this administration. iThe speech jhae attracted no lit tle comment of public inen in Washington ; the more so as it met unqualified approval of hundreds of auditors who heretofore , have been counted as amongst , the - yerjr strongest of Bepublicans. OOUBT SAYO GUILTY. hat indicated anything favorable L the Filipinos, or as Mr. Collins Dreyfus Condemned to Ten Years in a Fortress. i Rsnneb, Sept f9.-While; groups ff mrAmrm thrw A nm In f Via Annrt. expreeses.it, Otis told him the or- yard of the Lycee .this i afternoon, ders were "to let nothing go that teTen French officers did the deed hi -oiiri iiicuui,M which history will place side by side idd tnai uiBpw vuo UondentsJiave Deen auereu, ana Roman aavmtkt crucified an inno 6iu n re written substantially by oeQt man t0 please a mob. This tyh, until the reporters were made tribunal condemned" an , innocent tb ierte ,ai mechanical mouth- man to satisfy the canity of a few riieies to glorify that officer and generals. -The parallel runs fur bii operations; and when the men thef The martyr of wb thousand decided they would no longer be ycar agQ wag the incarnated virtue riie8 to the deception of their 0fgenerations of his race; theTic imirican readers.Otisj threatened tim of today typifies the truth that tt cjurt-xnartial. them, only.chang- modern civilization involves more lag this intention when advised to than the fate of the Jewish people, do 90 by general -Dates. cd vn r 1 ! I - ' 1 ; V - " We are busy as bees these days. We are between two season's pushing out the remnants of Summer welcoming the advance guard of Fall and Winter Suits. The tables in our re- ceiving department are groaning undertheweight of the grandest stock of Clothing ever Rroduced. In sight are the Suits that are to take the- place of the thin airy garments of today, (o where else will you see such a congregation of Fine Fabrics I . -.. , Mki fel-is MJsi a ftta u thy id Ipl b Te Created to our special order will come, a mighty host of Novelties for the Boys' and Chil drren's Departments. The Hats and Furnishings have each ibeen tuned oh the same chord ofs perfection and completeness, v We have stood upon the shoulders of a successful past and errasDed that perfection that knows no improvement.' Congratulate vourselves: Our CM. ,,AETSTORY,1& (00., 236,andi238outhiElm street, 3.6., flotailorc. Greensboro, North Carolina. A SPANIARD MOBBED. Hauled Alone by a Rope Around His Neck General ' Gomez Rebukes the ' Cubans. Havana. Seotember 7. An at- And thn IirA-rfiia rASA Rianihefl more . . Am A ifffi a The 'publlcaUon j Of tnl8 letter Uhan thA noUHnal fntnrA nf PranrsA. aJTu Hr,, n.mMhn. .hA Wis tis added to the general admiBsion which. it directly concerne. working on a lighter in the harbor, tnat Otia ii ' a man unfit for con- ooniequencei of . -today's The mob dragged him from the wharf, due Ing the campaign and the erent will be so far-reaching and put a. rope around his neck, hauled lament is made on good author- imp0rtant to the yital interests of haloD Ui!? ,tn?u!iil2 lij that he will be relieved as Boon huanlty at large that the ate of Jli.121S and ts A L fll nnrationa are reaumed. ..j.iji j? ir . House guard rescued him and ne was . ! i r if a ij i mo luuiviuuai iroujr auwwu v u.kfin to tne hosDital. covered witn erritt and Miles both i i are men- hardlv enter into tne account in I nnuMu u.i tnitirail Jia uoqcu v Dyr estimating wnat tneiaiure por- wiU recover. I TheVfriends of these officers are tend8 it is not eyenirorth while s ; The mob asserted that he was an tifising them not to go unless or- t0 denounce the five men whose bid-time friend and abettor of Bartolo dered. They beliere that nothing voicet brought France face to face Eamoa, the Spanish informer and spy, hk dieanDointment would result. uk ka mn.t tA.thi. ,,!.: nf hAr Camacho said he knew Ramos, bat de- that their reputations will suf-kloodv historv Thev stand for a olared that he had never injured any L va .;fli,0f: .inofinn mooa? MMoiy. l mj biu oxor . perfectly innocent of the Armv officers now,eleiQeni in muzauon waicu 8pecifio offeD3es charged against him. tZ?L?A makes Europe an armed camp, in Dlawe La Marina says: "It is any commana- time of neace. Thev represent that .ffi.i..t(Ajitttiiirr:.min.Wiii a ing oflicef runs great nsK oi iaii- newlhing in ethics--"military jus- Spanish guide or spy to place his life ingiihort of expe6tations-by un- tioe,, They typify the curse which in jeopardy." i M ertaking to restore order with the descends upon France about once a Gen. Gomez, in the course of an in- ima 1 army now provided. Gen- generation intolerance and dis- terview published to-day by La Liicba, tral Miles, however, des res to take ontent with the exi8ting order of says : "The political conduct of .the q tDe worK, ana u is quite prooa- utiinv. - . 7-v: blelhat he will be permitted to go. CdngresBman JUeyer, pi Louisa- rendered a verdict convicting VRP- eousness of his cause and of the ulti- sa, vho is a strong gold man, al- tain Dreyfus of treason in betray- mate triumph of the principles which though a Democrat, and 'frequently iDg French military secrets to a he defended on the field of battle, and Hnwa thA nlnnfl nf the Tlenublican t ArAryn flrAVArnment. The vote was la now nroolaimine on the streets. He WMW mw - ' . I & S A W S W W i w w I w aaministration, is authority lor 5 to 2. the statement that I there will be an -extra-' I session ,; 1 L 11 J l-KT . 1 I m . -r-r : l grese to oe cauea in Qvcuiucr. rortress. ne nas J V" .Dlred wuhln us by the ghost stories ben. Meyer siaies inai no gets Hva vears. ne is aiso to suuer u- . uiMhnM .hnnXA nnt h m- should take notice of the old autono probably Dreyfus was then sentenced to mists' cries o their efforts after a pro- 1 r .L AZ plred within us by the ghost is a so to puffer de- td UJ ln ohlldhood 8hould nQ information from a man al- gradation. The prisoner's counsel viewed in late years." thi ways familiar with! the President's will aDDeal his case policies and purposes. Labori, on hearing the decision, It! ii explained; that the extra turned. pale and clenched his fists, leieion will be called mainly for Demange seemed to brejik down the purpose of considering a form suddenly, and looked five years old- of'goTernmQnt for Cuba It is so er. Jouaust added nothing to the well known that the discussion of reading of the bare decree that Cuban aiTairs must Wad into a Dreyfus was guilty and that hie ittong, and protracted fdebate of confinement was to be ten years the Phtfinnines aa ! well, land! inci- confinement in a military fortress, . I 1-ri - . I ... . . . m . iL. . tMly very bitter denunciation with aegraaauon irom me aruiy, WORST NOT kNOWN. of-tUe policy of imperialism, that excepUo say : "I request spectators . . U The Cuban Doctors Slow to Report Fever Cases Last Count Is Eighty. i I Jacksonville, Sept. 7- Since last i re port thirteen new cases of fever j have been reported from Key West, making seventy-five cases 'in all. Among the cases is State Senator -Harris, who is i i nan? congressmen doubt that it to leave- me court ruum nivuouv Dr.Porter reports some . diffieulty; in ii a vijl be called. -Senator. ' Beveridge, tif recent visit to the Philippines. . Eyery ellort has been made to in- CTiew the Senator upon this sub- jeet, hii but he has declined to express opinions. A friend oi tne rlAmntiafrntlnn." TnA Order Wftl I AnAa Immlnhan rhvifian thqo obeved to the letter. Beoorts so far come mainly from Tne prisoner was nouueu ul iuo Amencaa puyoiwiauo. iuo iuwiouw jm mis S inas ids aumoer ui cases sreater than has been reported:! No further news has been received from Miami on the east coast. Rail road officials say it is likely that the case reported there is the only-one uiose watcn vFaratialiax to Succeed Sampson. WA8HINQTON, Sept. 11 The Na vy Department reached a final de termination today, : to assign .Hear Admiral Norman H, Farquahar to command of the . North Atlantic squadron,, to succeed Admiral Sampson, and to place the latter in command of the Boston navy yard, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Admiral Picking. The transfer will take place on Octo ber 10. The University OF NORTH CAROLINA. Widest patronage and fullest equipment in its history. Faculty, 38: Students. 495: 3 Academic Courses; 8 Elective Courses; 3 Professional schools, in Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. New Buildings, Water Works, Splendid Libraries, Laboratories, Ete. Advanced Classes open to women. Tuition, $60 a year; Board, $8 a month. Ample oppor tunity for self help. Scholarships and Loans for the needy. Free tuition for teachers. Sum mer School for teachers, 24 Instructors, 147 stu dents. Total enrollment 644. For catalogue, address, PRESIDENT ALDJBRRXA1V. Chapel Ilill. N. C. TIEP0S1T YOUR MO HEY IM The Peoples f 5Cents. .Savings Janli, OF Eatafcllahed In 1897. ' Does strictly a Savings Bank J.W . t OTT, President. business. ! Has been in successful operation i- never lost a dollar. ! I 81-Sm Pays iHtercat Dptt. i for ten years and J. A. IIODGIN, Treasurer. Handles the beat Seed 116 WEST MARKET ST. agents wantedfor the life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world's greatest naval hero. By Murat Halstead, the life-long friend and admirer of the nation's idol. Biggest and best book, over 00 pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations. Only 1.50. Enormous demand. . Big commis sions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick.- The Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Cax ton Bldg., Chicago. 22-16t: A Valuable &ift! Appreciating the liberal trade we have enjoyed on fhe Chattanooga Chilled Plows, we have decided to make one of our caitomeri a present of one of these valuable adjuncts to a Well-regulated farm. Hence, every dollar you spend at our store between this date and December 16th, 1899, will entitle you to one chance at the plow. For instance, if you spend $20 you get twenty chances. You write your name on twenty cards, which are deposited in a sealed box, and on Sat. urday, December 16th, the drawing will be held. The lucky person, will receive a No. 45 Steel - A cut of which appears Beam Chattanooga Chilled Plow, above in this advertisement. You know thsre is no better plow made than the "Chattanooga."' Remember, a chance at the dIow costs you nothing, for every dollar spent with us always buys one, hundred cents' worth of goods. . Yours for the fall trade, THE GREENSBORO HARDWARE UE Ti it d the White House at the re- prisoner w.rouu.u Wl cf the President, and for verdict in ll;tf; 5 th ee hours explained the result of court by an assistant of Labori s is gre hii int tH PMiinninfl.: and was then removed to prison. . o Gold Standard For India. Simla, Sept. 9 At today's ses- that will be heard from. sion of the India council, Mr. Clin-1 Is kept on all suspects and the least efcator. hwiUr U mithoritv ior ton Dawkins the financial member, illness is carefully, noted. statement that he is very introduced the currency bill. v He Jacksonville, Sept. 7Oflacialtele. tful about the speedy solution said that,'in' the absence of the grams irorn ur.roner, ai js.ey vesi, t tVEanern troubles.f.nd that mint procl.matlon f rom, Eng and, ZlllVnZ lonyincea the President of the wh eh haiDeen vaiuyM dj mw --7h'lh; SxpecUtion of more hui nature of the problem De- ana lecnmcai queiuoaB, v Jcre our army. j j " been decided to make gold the le- S connection Nith this it is gal tender immediately, in the con- Uted aiRn th.t mfnf.tUrtnn yiction -that no other measure to proffer I iarge "UUiU emDarrassment ana " ircou wa- fever, expectation of more within the next twenty-four hours. No deaths were reported. j Washington; Sept. 7 8argeon Gen ion inclined to Droffer ( large ccel8ions to, Aguinaldo, includ Tittuallj although not nomi a free and independent !home ?3Ternment, only .the sovereignty the ''iTnitori fo toa ita MMff. V'OQ of the Filipinos 'TV upon. tion. . " , X-. The government, he continued eral Sternberg to-day received notifica tion of three new cases of yellow fever among . the troops . in Havana. The number of cases among the troops is thirteen. Three deaths have resulted being in- was confident of the wisdom of this from yellow fever since the outbreak policy, and the secretary of state the city. i for India, Lord George Hamilton, ASensible Grand Jury. Had promisea 10 assist, buouiu a to this citv ! yesterday Uln ?A S: for the May term, upon being discharg- irc an extended tour In Europe meni WOU4U ed tc-day by Judge Dobler, In i the ''"EvVrvwhW dStside of to exchange gold for Tupees. Criminal Court, made the following ..rs.-i- erywnere , ouisiue ox rtv-inD l & . i rh e-ine condemnation of Frenen j- i.u . uJi: UoCiareU, UUOI uun uvsue v XiiD puuisuiucui ui vi&Aku, nuotuoi anything hostile to silver, in which judicially or illegally carried ont, the inhabitants oClndia largely would be considered the most effective fhr nvinirs It believes punishment for rape which could be Sill larism is vicronim. Th a result Pe Drevfua ! trial will h tn 1L iLl - pcueci xauure or ine irarie fiition next year. The Euro eatiment concerning ) this VF6 J. a 'triali is more bitter than1 in .tK- i Th. .t rumea and nrmnh anAHlr nf contempt, and the predic -J t rye general that the so-called ti' V. Jun"Cj is tottering to its oere is a general expecta- ui the verdict will nauaa an snas;a KUW r-".; 1U results, we would suggest castration pand in response to trade demands, Md mcmmint in all o! as the exchange of rupees ror gold ?lcUon. lnste4d of hanging. h " should impart elasticity to the cur- , xhls punishment, unquestionably, will prevent the criminal from again committing this crime, and he will be come a marked obiect and a living tIse think, will ciuse 1VO CURE-NO PAY. all dnnuts sell GROVE'S L lamg- of the government is U; "ion of a short itfme, bL: ine -establishment of it, tLitrnmnts of Germany and SiguUr : I aa Ve quite likely! to take a1 ' tf und M&laria. It is simply Iron and t k&Lelettfl form. . Children love it. 1 it to bitter nauseating tonics. ; Price, 50c 1 Quinine in a Adulu prefer others of the same brutal propensit to hesitate , before they give way their passions." ii es to The Kind Yea Raw iWways BcJl o cube a cold ibt owe dat TakeLaxatire Bromo Quinine Tablets : AU Dmarrists refund moner If it fails to Cure.25e T&e f enume nas i. & Q. ob eaca ublet. J ml n lJ St 1 1 n 1- run 7 A I in ale TM s'WesIa 3 1-2 c. per yard for 500 yards good Domestic, worth 5 c. 3 c; per yard for 500 yards good d c. yauco. r 5 c, per yard for yard-wide Percale, 8 c. value. ' . 121-2 c. per yard for fine all-Wool Dress Goods. 5 c per yard for good heavy Ticking, f f fr . 5 c. for fine Organdie and Lawn that sold at 12 1-2 to 18 c. per yd. ..I : 98 cents a pair for a pair juen gooa uim ouu cheap at $1.25. on i. xritt'a 1iArv Wnrlrintr fihoeB worth 11.25. .All Otf CCQIB a pall V m Avmwj . . w- .0 w . solid leather. 98 cents a pair for 200 pairs Ladies' Button and Lace Shoes, all solid gun c v r and good style, worth $1.25. We can give youShoes from' 50 cents a pair up to $4.00, any style wanted. v Visit our store and get prices before buying elsewhere. InlJi Cheapest Store in Greensboro, 328 S. Elm St.; . 3- .. '1