i t 1 t i i j Scott's Jrop ......vr. IX v t"J" I t nvr. vnw. JIIGHT --ta i Another Scholarship at Guilfcrd : ' Vaulalia Items. wme5;o- " r Miss Jalia Elliott, of Greensboro, xno w oman s jueaicai uoiiege or visited relatms Here last week. Baltimore has Juit established at Rm w .ft.:- nun Guilford College ab annual tuition dren's day at Bed Hill last Sunday, scholarship, to be awarded to lady nt i.. a n TM .. .ih , .Im Loa Anthony, of Centre, is 5In5 Tin Mg her brother, tlr. G. L. An- do much crnnrl in thAnmrnf hAlnlnirl North Carolina eirle in their edu- Urs Jane Kirkman, of your city, cation. . - - Pd a- visit to her son, ZIr. J; A. The opening of the college this recently. year on the fifth enrolled the largest Hiss Tinsie Anthony expects to number ever reached on the first enter school at the State Normal uiw Crop Rice, n" . r--.ii nu . : . Ti -...- new ru.ii uiiqedB, day. JUany are entering irom day wainaanrui.vouege. to day, and the prospect Is good Misses Flora and Blanche An- . 1 U- ..! --. I 1 . ... .. t. ' . ' s r Dp 1 largo uuuiuor ouu iui Boruuuujf expect WO leaTO tne latter KeW riaKeu mtc, ; lent work. The college is fortu- part of this week for Pinnacle on a jjgW SnreuQeQ OUUUanui, nate in having among the fnstrue- pleasant trip. New Shredded Yneat, w" ' .5 u ' n? A sociftl enjoyed by a number j - vk" miuuu u-uBiwuii at the residence of Mr. w. A. KI wo muMuia oi ABiurai nisiory. M0t on the evening of the 6th inst. Sf JfiwaraS grauat5a UP Confectioneries were1 furnishedby i, uu guuu uBw 01 wor uuuer i je young men. m Olives , New uuve uii, ' I Prof. TTnlmp.a nn thtk nflt atirvv I ' New Sardines, ,7. 7; r;B7,;-P8 J. iu.li, acuuiupaaiea uy lueir guest, iisw Citron; New uannea uqoas, II, SCOTT at Beaufort during the summer. 2 TTTVi Mr. Pearson now has charge of the JS!!AJ"df.??:.S?ord Tiil ed department of biology, and will also T TT . add to the colleetionB in the mnae. Kev. Mr. Bunch filled his regular New Pickles. um and Pu the entire collection appointment at Moriah church last T in good order. Professors Hodgin Sunday at 11 yclock. Text I. and Wilann Bnnt thm anmmi in4 OamUCl 1& :22. On aCCOUUt Of the the summer school at Cornell Uni- protracted. meeting at Shady Grove versity, the on in studying Kng- the 4tn Sunday he will not fill lish literature, and the other in his appointment at Moriah on that i . . rm mi m mi9 , OaripatsV &c.. NOVT OPEN AND FOB SALE AT ! ii if in i J 1 ii ii i ii ' a i i' ir I'll y i 1 1 1. 1 n 1 1 1 i.i NEIGHBORHOOD HEWS. ters of Interest Reported by Our Corps of Correspondents. McLeansville Items. the study of chemistry. The reception on Saturday night. given by the Y. M. C. A. to the nw 8tudenti, was held in Memorial hall and was much enjoyed by a large number of students, alumni and friends. day. Brick Churoh Items. Making feed is upon the farmer. Mr. M; N. Greeson went to Gra ham Monday on business. Mrs. Etta Rochella, of Durham, The athletic association-is show- visited in this neighborhood last jlf. Jack Busick'a wife is quite ing much interest in foot ball, and week, Mids Agnes Clapp, from Rock Creek, visited friends and relatives here last week. irck with fever. I the interest in eyery department of Mr. Alex. Montgomery is sick at college worK was never so entnusi g,EIi Wilson is suffering con- y luo oauuatu an ao4e n Miss Mary Shepherd died last v i. .mavwiMM n rm mm h w raw m n n or v w-u m w m m m Myrtle May came down ul ' T. 6 vnurcn ine ioiiowingaay. , Rev. H. M. Brown will commence a protracted meeting at St. Paul's church the second Sundav inOcto ber. X Mrs. M. N; Greeson, Mrs. Jacob syri! iU?.11vT1T at the college hjai your cuy vmnmg lomuvcn i:d friends bunday. Mi. J. R; Davis and family have be feeling Tee protracted illness of JVIiss im- we i Whit8ett Items. Fine rains have fallen now for several days. . Mr. Charles Sellers, of Burling- sharp and Mrs. Georee Hoffman ton, was here Sunday. are amonfir those who have been Messrs. Olive and Swaim visited very sick since our last writing. near iioerty last baturaay. j Several from herd went to Mt Prof. W, C. Blagg hopes to move Hope last Sunday to witness the bis family here at an early date. close -of Prof. Leonard's singing Students still continue to arrive, echool, which he has Jbeen very sue JmotherjMrs. Lambeth, where A number have come in since our cessfully teaching there. Rat. . " neighborhood i'I Tickle does not seem to :rsT'ish'e is now quite sick, : iprrv to learn. Mies Ida Hines came up from .-1 s limancercountv. where she nas tpnkifiitinizi and is now with iher is tenakee her.home. ni ...ir nrinn. Tnaf onH advor. There will he nrftftohinir in the twwvB ui uu. ... - rr i . i r inrm,r nftnftrlhfta been heard hRsformed church here at 4 d. m. MC"-" uuu Aor .v-r..- J I . ... . I om . Ill K Wind the narties will deliver next Sabbath. - oaTf UC4' . ; 1 . I - I m - . t If vmi have lost or found anv- Mr TK WlbAr im nreni-rincy tn JLUe neaim 01 tne ill advertise in the PjLtkiot. open a brick yard as soon as the is Sood at the P!eseni weather will permit. - I nir. ranK iernoaie nas gone to ... V AH Pa an. ..4 1.. J!.. i2Wbarton, Esq., is visiting rel- Mr.- H. V. Stewart was called v- put.uc u .uuc. Ttland wak at recrular services home last week for a few days by Mr. W. A. Kernodle has returned the death of his aunt. from the mountains of West Vir- :eted by the pastor, ReV. J. McL. Messrs. Avnef. Glendenia, Glas- ginia bfook. II 4 i cock. Wvhne. Dickinson and others 1 he iarmers are very busy cut- 0 people have been complain- from Greensboro spent Sunday ting and curing tobacco and pulling Whe hot weather we have had here. - - iiouuer. ('. but appear to be more rec- Mr. W. S. Clapp, of Alamance, Mr. J. J. Busies: thinks he will :ti'.ed , sin?e we had aj rain last who was called home recently by gather ten bushels of hickory nuts Kit-.. -I. . - - . . via i r vr m m -..;uy oigm, ana ine air is mucu sicKness win soon return to Bcnooi, us uoo vuio year. Pe;Dlea9ant.' w nrA a d tn loam, v T, C "RiioinL- P W TromnrllA X4rs. Arcf-le McLean and A snecial exercise bv the von aad J. M. Brown Tiave entered :ejDonnelt left last week "for a neoole will be held at St. Mark's school at Jefferson Academy, near . i ' ..- " - f . - . . I r."r sit ' i - a -lortn Carolina ana virgi- church, three miles east of here, at NucjLean8vine. fThey are traveling in a buggy in a. m. next Sabbathr The public Mr. T. J. Watlineton. who hal .1 T It . . .1. ., .- l - , 3 'intake in all the principal invited. been in feeble health for some time! im their route by the way1 of Mr K. B. Wheeler has rented his was able to attend the baptizing of fry, thence through a portion UainahiA frm Bitntri near- the his wife, who joined the Primitive i, muunmins nr v irorinia. ve i i i sri i Kantiat -hu.h . i 1 1 ' n ' . ---er-. - Bcnooi io a zenueman wuo wm "i1"" ""u'-" uuu-ui o. . - - i - build a handsome residence here during the next few months. Iihem a prosperous trip. But 'n't they have a hoi time: in Hp withoiit a top. ;f Charles D. Cobb had a very Opening of his school. Forty ;4ri ere enrolled, and several r'me in since. He anticipates vSr attendance than last, se Mt is now a very j busy time -.-jcib, ana some are nece - JCOmnelled tn k.in thnir nhil. I vwheln Oov Vi ill kre?n opportunity lenient T.Kr.f. . : v w a has entered f ' -i in '8 ' this good section, white as soon s quite We are croppers. 4i, several good openings. Tf rr ii ..: s .). M l o"jjri-ing inat some ;trB o carelenia. rb iff re so many continually roving ace to another, and so Btionr, have been given r ue columns of .this and Virg in r-n L.-i;- a . . 41.:-. : J f ""'IB. inn - amily were Mr. J. out in W, the rjog fodder, a "cook" broke and 8tole aazor, a iLp.ife, a finger ring and 4 7 a ear bob8, which they air. onaw was oon" leaving.' - Ji lo xne "ouse, when Jamestown Items. Mies Vera Armfield has returned borne from Raleigh. Miss Mary B. Futrell school at Guilford College. Mr. Adams, of Greensboro, was one of our callers last week. Miss Katherine Long, of Lexing ton; is visiting Mrs. John Ragsdale. Misses Emma and Eva Bundy Rev. P. J. CarrajFav. of Greens boro, passed through town last Fri day. , : , .I,-; " ;". Miss Lizzie Knight, of Rocking" ham, was here Saturday and Sun day visiting the Misses Gant. Messrs. W. B. Carter and Tom Price, of Winston, were here Fri day. They were representing Brown s warehouse. Mr. James S. Cook will leave next Friday for Chapel Hill. He expects to complete the course in 1900, then take up a course in law. Mr. John T. Simpson, wife and daughter, of Winston, passed through town Saturday on their way to Rocfkingham county to visit relatives. Stokesdale Items. We have had beautiful rains re cently. Dr. J. E. Banner, of Mt. Airy, was in t(vn Saturday. Mr. J. Laurie Hill, of German- ton, was in town Monday. Mr. A. B. Kimball, of Greens boro, was here one day last week. visiting Miss Ross, near Pleas ant liaraen. Miss Cora Lewis has returned home from McLeansville, where she has been visiting friends and rela Uvea. Mr! Joe Ragsdale is getting his residence near completion. It is one of the prettiest houses in the south. Protracted meeting begins at the Presbyterian church the fourth Sunday of this month. Mr. Good man, our pastor, will be assisted by Mr. Lacy Wharton. The goods have been bought in the northern markets and from manufacturers at th for money, and we desire now to turn that back, into money a tnVsmaH " aienai considered, we do herebv cuarantee. over t.r Am ? :. Z r.T .r for less money than von can buy the same elsewhere. UJN THIS Jj'IBST FLOOR we carry Dress goods, from tin n -, rm CLi.t TTT . . T 9 r i . . . 1 Clf tr tO AA 1 . O.I! . from 2.c. up; Cor.et8. Shirt Waist., Beady Mad. Drrti' SHk.?. Td TbUck.i S nn ' SS2S 2iSK e Sheet" is- H r. " aWSi CurtaiSK Sample Brown lareantila 234 SOTJTH BT.TVn ! SO?EiBlE3C. . -mmbbbmmimm1,mmmmm Lego Items. ' The turnip crop In this section is almost a failure. The farmers are now tusy with their tobacco and fodder. We are having fine showers and the weather is much cooler. We are glad to say that, the sick in this community are about all well again. There is considerable land selling going on in this section, also some building. j B. F. Whitei Esq., attended a meeting near Winston-Salem Sat urday and Sunday. We are sorry to note that Mr. W. L. Killen and familv have moved from this place to Archdale. His wife will teach in the school at that place. , I The colored Methodists held a campmeeting. at Raleigh's Cross Roads last week. It is said that they had a faith preacher with them who made some wonderful cures. He would not perform on any one) that used snuff, tobacco or whisky. It would probably be a good . thing to prevail upon all people to stop using those three things. Threatened by Famine. London, September 12. The Pall Mall Gazette's dispatch from Capetown says the price of food stuffa and other necessaries of life is going up at an alarming rate on the Rand, and famine threatens Pretoria and Johannesburg. The feeling of disgust at the flieht of the Outlanders leaders is beine more pronounced. OM Chill Ionic Pepsin la Testalass and Guaranteed to Curo Chills and i Fovor and all Dalarial Troubles. Does Not Contain Qalalae Nor Other Poiaon. . r .J oeNot lnJw the Stomach Nor Effect the Hearlnr. ir ie is -Was there ever a time when so little time was equal to so much money io the farmer as it is at this present time? To make the most of this valuable time, you need to take advantagejpf all the time saving machinery which this progressive age offers. To bepecific POM AM IIOTTOX PLASTERS. ' " j ; i i ' j - ! tDOli you want to learn all about CORN PLANTERS and COTTON PLANTERS write to Odell Hardware Company, joF. Cap Loads of Sumner Items! . i We are having very warm weath- cut ihg and I U1R. . -. I Have obtained the highest reputa tion for purity, cleanliness and germination, causing our busi ness in the same to become one cf the largest in the United States. Handling these Seeds in the large quantities that we do, also en ables us to sell same at the lowest 'possible prices, quality considered. WOODS SEEO BOOK elves f Pted f?4Ion about Grasses and Clovers soils the different sorts ??fc-cari fr18 combinations to give largest results In hay or pss- rtr.. c yl DStur-a mrlntm.. Ate . Aer. t A tvcf-l will Ktn OU. Pastures UrtA triMufAWfi. f A tvxt1 tirll! Kriorr tV.fo J - ; ' mm w w ww mr-m - V - Tf - VI W-l-J c and samples of Grass and Clover Seeds sent on application. "WOOD &! SONS, Seedsmen, Bichmond Va. er at present. People 'are busy curing tobacco. Mr. Thomas E. Hodgin entered school at Guilford College last week. ' ; ! - Mrs. Shubal Davis, who! has been suffering from erysipelas, is im proving. Mrs. Martha Hodgin is visitine Via ar T TT - J : ' 1 M mc- ewu, . jo, nougiu auu xaruiiy, - O -.!. - i ob ouuiucru Jrines. Prof. Robert N. Wilson, of Le. noir, has been visiting his friend, froi. &amuel H. Hodgin. -----. i - The Mormons have established a T KTIEW - - i . -til.'.-'' - ' On account of the advance in all materials that are used in the construction of Buggies, Carriages and Wagons, the manufacturers have advanced prices from $5.00 to $10.00. For the benefit of our customers we have placed our order at the old price for Two car loads "Anchor" Buggies, Two car loads "Advance" Buggies, OneTcar load "Columbia" Buggies, i.i ; ! ' . One car load "Indiana" Buggies. i We havejust unloaded two cars of these goods and had fifty in stock. If you expect to buy a Buggy, Carriage or Wagon next spring you will save from $5.00 to $10.00 by buying it at once. We will not have any of these goods in stock long, as we are selling them under the market and shipping them in every direction. As we have advised you, we are selling both the "Empire" and "Bickford & Huff mail" Drills, which need no introduction. We handle the Syracuse Chilled Plow. Myron 0. Mewell Sd Go church in Raleigh.

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