30 A BOLD STAGE ROBBER. &i .. rt becomes weary drudgery V t,ie woman is si.ck. The work n ,? the woman's pride is hurt. f inUt.iin is to as muc d better $ wife is a well woman. 1 '-ft her nnct ltri- if her teirariier. 7f nnt'1 111 i o u n i y . V..r Ml IIUiii": LI lit-aiui to- y j. Kui- Pale y: 4urfj, ...vto . inr- t I ? -JL-tycar I. ,1 ' I was ,v, r -'i!i. anu uiiuair uiuauiiv, i was kr . - . .J . . x vrk an'i l elt that something mut be vicnfycif aovicrana rrccivca a prompt f ir. Iitrce's Favorite Prescription, and v ! '-our h vpenit .instructions. I began ' immediately, my health became ex v! I cmilf! do a!I ray work (we live on t iirin). I walked and rode all I conld, J?., it -1 had a short, easy confinement -k'.-arthy.baby boy." ' medicine" that .gives prompt ,lf4re relief is Dr. Pierce's lavorite r.uo-n. it is a ionic ana punuer ,rks on one special set of organs 'ts them in a perfectly vierorous. condition: It quickly soothes in- ; id r4 Ik1 1 t -o Tiii hoi i,n and stops debilitating drains ' syum. lasen regutany aunng "t Kreslauon 11 greatly lessens n and danger of childbirth" y.vA sweet to the taste it contains ir . men ouen uisajrces wiui weaK T. .1 t : i Kilts; nor nucs u uuiiiii nuy cticu- )r fOTntini -in "uu, uuu iuciciuic t induce a craving for stimulants, jx rkctly in, any climate. ' He Take 8 An Express Box and Robs Passengers Leaves the Preacher a Dollar. " Napa, Cal., Sept. 14 The Caligtoga and Lake Port stage was held op to day by a solitary highwayman who made off with the express box. At the cene of the robbery the road runs through a beary undergrowth and comine suddenly around a curve the stage driver was confronted by a mask ed robber, which covered him with bis shot gun and ordered him to stop; The passengers were then commanded to diemopnt from the . stage and were drawn up in a row while the highway- man abstracted the express box of Wells, Fargo & Co., but left the United States mail bag. The highwayman then turned his attention to the row of eight frighten ed passengers whom he commanded to deposit on the groand their money and valuables. Rev. F. Coy, pastor of the Methodist church at Middletown, handed the bandit $5, remarking : "I am only a poor preacher and that is all I have."; Upon this statement the highwayman handed the minister back $lin chaDge. "All right pard," Newton Stiff, an old resident of Mid dletown. had a considerable sum in his purse, but slipped the wallet inside his long boot, giving the robber only the loose silver in hia pocket. In all about $75 in cash was secured from the passengers in addition to watches, chains and trinkets. The robber then plunged into the thicket which adjoins the road, and the last heard, of him was a report which probably indicated the blowing oil of the lock of the express box. A If r v torn are subject to peculiar Ills. The right remedy for babies' ills especially worms and stomach disorders is Froy's Yermlf ugo mni children for 60 years. Send fug. book about the Ills and the i v. On botti mailed for 9S ewta. t A S. FIILY, Bsltlmorc, lid. P.-rii lfnt, - Vice President, i - . - THASTCU. A. W. HcALISTES; Sec. A Treas., v DAVID WHITE. - kn to a-loas d Trust i Capital $25,000, paid up. Surplus $24,539.65. N EG OT I ATES LOANS. i . - Km AS EXECUTOR OF ESTATES HEAL ESTATE . AND COLLECTING AGENCY. Parable of Kentucky. A man born in the wilds i of-KeD tucky is of few days and full of liquor. Ho fisbetb, fiddleth, fusseth and fight- eth all the days of his li'e. He runneth from water as a mad dog and drinketh much whiskey. When he riseth from his cradle he goeth to seek the scalp of his grand- sire's enemy and bringetb home in his carcass ammunition of his neighbor's wife's cousin's uncle's father-in-law, who avengeth the deed. Yea, verily, his life is uncertain, and he knowest not the hour that he may be jerked hence. - He goeth forth on a journey "half shot" and cometh back on a shutter full of shot. - He riseth in the night to let the cat out, and it taketh nine doctors three days to pick the buckshot from his person. He goeth forth in joy and gladness and cometh back in scraps and frag ments. He calleth his fellow man a liar and getteth himself filled with scrap iron, even to the fourth generation. A cyclone bloweth him into the bosom of his neighbor's wife and bis neighbor's wife's husband bloweth him into the bosom of Father Abra ham before he hath time to explain. He emptleth a demijohn into him self and a shot gun into his enemy, and his enemy's son Iieth in wait on election day, and lo, the coroner plow- eth up a forty-acre field to bury that man. Way croes Herald. SHOT BYEED. Transacts a. General Trust Business. A Li T'h II;) ... fir. ,0 ..tAv fl. i-Htions -for loaus are"" desired Hniou.nts ranging, from 100 to e have money listed which are? anxious to have placed at iVmple security is always re- Hbaye for rent three dwellinsrs. Wmv Thurch street, one on Spring F'jnier on west Lee, near Npr- ltd: ege. m excellent dwellings on Sum- niie-and Improved and unlm property, both in city, and ' W HIlil IKrpil Tnr sal. on or address us for particulars. Hudson Tells the Story of the Crime. Winston, N. C, Sept. 14. Thomas Hudson, one of the the men who were committed to jail yesterday, charged with being responsible for the death of Mr. D. Binkley, of Yadkin county, sent for a lawyer to-day saying he wished to make a confession. Solici tor Griffith went to the jail when Hud son told the whole story. He said Thomas Reed shot Binkley ; that they engaged in a fight when Binkley threw one hand to his pocket, whereupon Reed fired and Binkley fell. They did not stop to see bow bad he was shot. Hudson says they were all drinking. He admitted he made a mistake by not telling the whole story on the witness tand yesterday. In showing me a let ter from his mother, the prisoner wept. She told the son to tell the truth aa to the murder. Hudson said to the solicitor he wish ed to turn State's evidence and asked to be released, but this is not probable, as be is the most important witness. An officer said to-day that when ar rested he had over $180. Bob Cobbler about sixteen dollars. Hudson had very little money. It is nown that Binkley had as much aa $44, if not nore when he was shot. tt ATT Ti n i rwxr xye lyomlse vour washing. .j ru'u the package, and just :Ve,r- whitest, most satisfactory iWu ev" haiUlotie. That is what ,IV n uouing ana me irons .ur place,- Give us a call or (,vtr the wire. NSBORO STEAM LAUNDRY. M. I,ck, Proprietor. . : : ' , ; . WHS -TOD EAT TOO MUCH fr m DRINK TOO-MUCH Retimes you do both 'iV m te cloudel brain and general m w a ."OHHSOtl-s.i SU-T'i?'5fc Nothing so rood for yJ?, cheaa'-. Lll?usnes. or Malaria, and T1 Ga i Inc., PhlUdclphU. r, v;or. Opp. Postofflce Jones Outlines Plans. London , Sept. 15. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, chairman of the Democratic central committee, to-day officially out lined the plans, of the Democratic party in the next Presidential cam pain. He has agreed to give Stone whom he appoints on finance,and print ing committees, statements that con flict which the committee says are ab surd and have not the slightest foun dation. Report 8 of an early conven tion are also groundless. The platform will be anti-imperialist, free silver, anti-trusts, reduction of tariff, c. Bryan, he says, will surely be nomi nated.. - ? Richmond, Va., June 10. 1S9S. Goose Grease Liniment Co,Gbeensboeo'.C. Pear Sir Some time aro yon ent me one dozen bottles of Goose Urease Liniment to be used in our stable amongst our horses, and vre beg to rtate that we have used this exclusively since receiving it, and would state frankly that we have never had anything that gave us as good satisfaction. We nave used it on Cuts, Bruises, Sore Necks, Scratches and nearly every disease a horse can have and it has worked charms. We need more at once. Please let me know if you have it put up in any larger bottles or any larger packages than the ones sent us and also prices. ours truly. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. r By J. C. West. .; A GroTrtng Dancer. J j -i In discussing the subject of traf ficing in votes a correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says: I On Thanksgiving Day, 1897,1 s i a clergyman nere, in nis sermon, eaid : "A man who will' buy a vote will sell bis vote, and a man who will sell his vote will sell his coun try." This proposition cannot be disputed. It is axiomatic. Now I ask, What is a man who will sell his country? He is traitor, and none the leas a traitor because his treason is not charac terized by its . right name. He is none the less a traitor because his blows at the very foundation of our national structure "are deliver ed openly, shamelessly, and un blushingly, while bis fellow-citi zens view the dreadful crime with indifference or helplessness. Anyone who reads the newspa pers knows that the practice of buying and selling votes is steadily growing, and that the people (both those who sell their votes and those who do not) are becoming more and more convinced that politics and politicians are incorrigibly rotten. It surprises no one now! to learn that a certain senator, ren resentative or other public officer has spent a large sum to secure an election. Can anyone who has read a little history fail to see where this con dition will lead us? Let this rottenness go unchecked a tew aecaaoB longer, ana it will be entirely beyond control. The country will be ripe for an empire, and the emperor (some man of commanding wealth and influence) win do found ready to assume hi 8 of the functions. I understand that some states have statutes bearing on the subject of corruption in elections; but we seldom hear of their en forcement, although we frequently hear of their, infraction. M There should be an amendment to the constitution of the Unitea States declaring it treason for any one to buy or to sell a vote, for any consideration, in any Federal, state, congressional, legislative or munici pal election ; and not only disfran chising the buyer, and the seller, but imposing such term of impris onment, especially on the buyer, ae will stamp the dreadful practice with something like the infamy it merits. UNCLE SAM'S HOT BATHS. The Hot Springs of Arkansas! Via. Southern Railway. f Will eradicate from your system the lingering effects of grip and other ailments caused by the severe winter, and malaria, rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kid ney, liver and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin diseases, and ohronic and functional de- rangaments. The mountain cli mate of Hot Springs is cool and delightful in summer. 100 hotels open the year around. j For illustrated literature, con taining all information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager Business Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. I For reduced excursion tickets and particulars of the trip, see ocal agent or address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern By.,1 Washington. D. C. BY RAIL TO SOUTHPORT.1 Engineers Begin the Work of Surveying the Line. Wilmington, N. C, September 14 The first practical step toward the con struction of a railroad between Wil mington and Southport was taken to day, when a party of five engineers began the work of surveying the line. They begin at Southport, moving up be river. The survey will be prose cuted as expeditiously as possible. It is expected that the road will be built n a short time. When the building of this road the dreams of two generations of North Carolinians will be realized, viz : a con- inuous line of railroad from the east ern to the western extremities of the State, with a deep water terminus on. our own coast and connection beyond our borders with the great valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi and the fer- lle plains of the wide west. Nothing can be done to check he fires now raging in the Sierra Madre Mountains, in Southern Cal- fornia, because of the inaccessi bility of the region that is being devastated. More than 700.000 acres of good timber have already been destroyed, and that the loss is tremendous may be inferred from the fact that thousands of trees from four to six feet in diameter, many of them two hundred feet in height, have been burned. While human life is not menaced by this sweep of fire, the destruction of so much valuable timber must be de plored. - Forty-Two Deaths From the Plague. Capetown, Sept. 15 In the Cape House Assembly yesterday Premier Schreiner admitted that there had been forty-two deaths from the Cubanic plague at Magudue, near Mapgneza Defagoa Bay. He said every person aiiacxea succumbed. JL V o A 3 it -1 Don't be in a hurrv to huva Whoat nrfll hafnrn w,, i r. ined the Improved Steel Frame "BUCKEYE. imvB eeim We claimjor it: The Lightest Weight. The Lightest Draft. Sfelfi'f''fiSS?: Jhe Most Satisfactory to Use.B The ONLY Ktliw t i K?i icv"Jl 0"-lct-ury rerxuizer reeaer. 1 he ONLY DRILL haviner Glass-Fertiliser FpoHorc uhirh unii m,, i 1 " - w ww.i.wii Will KUIN, tiUK Lll choke, and which are always clean. Will not rust or corrode The 'j' in io nu cajjci iiiiciu. uiauc li umi tuts utjbt maxenai oy toiks Who have been makinor Hrillc for vmarc iif io oo nan i :n can be. Has the "Double Run" Force Wheat and Oats Feeder. in ouying, ouy the best -the Buckeye. i . - Gbeeksboro, N. C. Aucr. 21. 1899. Wakefield Hardware Co. Dear Sire I have used several different kinds of drills and find the Buckeye Disc Drill the best of of them all. On clean land it does good work, and on grassy or stalisy land it also does good work bet ter than the Hoe Drill. It will put in any amount of fertilizer wanted up to 500 pounds. Also does fine work in sowing peas and oats. - Albert Pekle. Hillsdale, N. C, July 27, 1899. Wakefield Hardware Co., Greeusboro, N. C '' 1 ! i .... . Gentlemen The Buckeye Drill I bought you last fall has given entire satisfaction. It does all that is claimed of it. I am well pleased with it. Yours truly, W. H. Warren. NEW SOUTHERN LINK. Through' Line to be Establish ed Between Louisville and Norfolk. Louisville, September 13. A dis patch from London Depot, Ky., says : "W. H. Wells, of Washington, chief engineer of the Southern Bailway, is here with a corps of engineers and sur veyors, working along the Bock Castle river in the neighborhood of Bock Castle Springs. He said that the Southern Is going to build a oo no Ber ing line from Burgin, Ky., to iNorth Jelllco, . Tenn., 115 miles across the Louisville and Nashville, between Liv ingston and East Bernstadt, striking the Southern tracks, and continuing to Book Castle, across into Pulaski, and slightly to the west ; then along the Cumberland a few miles to a val ley, leading into Jellico. "The work will be begun as soon as hat route is surveyed, and will require two years to com pie the line, and will cost $2,000,000. The object of the new branch is to give the Southern a through route from Forfolk to Louis ville, and direot communication with the grain trade of the North-west." OCHOOL BOOKO 3 3 Income of Mormon Church. In demanding that each member of his church pay over- one-tenth of his total income, "Doctor' John Dowie is simply following the ex ample of the Mormon church, says a Chicago exchange. As an ex ample of what such 'combinations may amount to in the course of a year, it is stated that last year the Mormon church received from tithes alone over $900,000. This year it is estimated that the in come from tithes will reach $1, 500,000. As a further indication of the financial prosperity of the Mormon church, President Snow states that the last of the twenty- year bonds, of which $1,000,000 worth were sold in 1897, will be re deemed within the next five years. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 8yrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their cnUdren while teething-, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sunerer immediately. ; bold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sureand ask for M rs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and tale no other kind. BAUEM Academy and College, for Girl9 and Tonn Women. Best home care, together with ful College instruction. Specialists in Music, Art, Elocution, Languages, Commercial and Indus trial Studies. Institution founded in 1&02. The Register shows 328 last year. Tew term bejrin Wednesday. Sept 6. 1899 Send for Catalogue to Rev. J. W. CLEWELU Principal. 31 -7 1 Salcnc, North Carolina, v WWM " Mv wife suffered for many years from Ner- rons Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Sleeplessness and Nervous Debttity." writes John KeUoes. Philadelphia. we tried many physicians ana numerous remedies, but with no results, until I beard of Johnson's Dyspepsia Cure. We bought six boxes, and the results far surpassed our ex pectations. She now eats and sleeps well, is gaining in flesh, and her color, which had got to be yellow and sickly, is now as fresh as when ire were first married, and Z tell her that John son's Dyspepsia Cure has made her ten years LArfGt: BOX 10 CENTS. (23 TABLETS) scnt mr mail ron rive s-ccnt stamps. Mads at THE JOHNSON LABORATORIES, lC, Pmla. IIowArd Gardner, Cor. Opp. Postofflce. D AGENTS WANTED TOR -THE LIFE AND Achievements of Admiral Dewey the world's greatest naval hero. By Marat Halstsad, the life-long friend and admirer of the nations idol. Biggest and best book; over 500 pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations. Only fl.50. Enormous demand. Big commis sions. Outfit free. Chance ol a lifetime. Writs quick. The Dominion Company,Srd flsor Cax tonBldg., Chicago. 22-lft If you wish to save money on School Books, come to see us. We carry in si a large supply of new and . second-hand books, and will buy vour bid second hand books if they are in good condition, j We also have Slates, Tablets, Pen cil, Stationery, Ink, etc. WQMTDI OBOS.. Booksellers & Stationers. . 3P cm Next door to Joinson & Dorsett. Splendid ! Assortment of Hard Rubber Trusses to Select From, at Gardner's. i Corner Opposite Postofflce. -1 Fop I have the finest herd of REGISTERED HOGS! In the South. Pigs for sale at reasonable prices. Jolui A. IToToig. Desirable Farm for Sale. 175 acres of highlr improved land well adapt ed to the growth of" Wheat, Oats, Corn. Tobacco, and-epecially CloTer and Grasses SO to 40 acres now in Clover and Grass. The farm ja weU wa tered by springs and small streams running through it. Good well of water, 7-mom dwell ing, large gram and feed barn, sod all necessary out buildings. Fine early Peach Orchard; also an Apple Orchard of selected variety of apples : Pears, Plums, also fine selection of Grapes, aU Just coming into bearing. The farm is located convenienUy to Schools Churches. Mills. Mar kets and Railroad, and in one of the healthiest localities in the state, s family of 11 having re sided on the farm ten years and not having re quired the services of physician during the time. An adjoining SO-acre tract can be obtained. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at Patsiot Ofico i TJr. ilrieV NravH Fxabtxbs enreRUEUMA TU1L WEAK BACKS. At draxxlsta, oolj&c. CHOOSE YOOR DRUGGIST CAREFULLY. A dmgzist can do more harm rr good than most people give him credit for. There are dif ferent qualities in drugs just as there are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by ibe same name The difference betweenjmre, nish grade drugs and cheap, inferior drugs of the same name, means the difference between keep ing sick and Retting well. When a doctor writes a prescription, he means best quality. When some druggists fill a prescription, they think onlr about big profits. Choose your druggist carefully. e. -W. WA1D. Schedule in Effect June 25, 1899. WINSTON-S ALEM DIVISION. CKPT SUNDAY. DAILY EX- P.M. A.M. 8 20 Lv. 9 02 Lv. 9 33 Lv. 9 39 Lv. 10 10 41 Lv. . - 1 10 Ar. 5 00 5 33 6 03 6 11 7 P M, A.M. Winston Ar. 9 35 9 00 Walnut Cove Ar?8 55 8 20 Madison Ar. 8 18 7 45 Mayodan Ar. 8 12 7 42 Martinsville Ar. 7 10 6 40 Boanoke Lv. 4 33 .... WESTBOUND. LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. 4.55 a. m. (Vestibuled Limited) for Bristol and intermediate points, and Kooxvilie and Chattanooga, all points South and West. Pull roan Sleepers to Memphis and "New Orleans. 4.23 p. m. for Biuefield, Pocahontas, Kenov, Columbus and Chicago and all points west. Pullman Sleepers from Boanoke to Col umbus, also for Badford, Bristol, Knoxvllle, Chtttanooga and in termediate points. , Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Kooxvilie. WORTH AND EA8TBOUND LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. 1,40 p. m. for Tetersburg, Richmond and Norfolk. 1.45 p. m. for Washington, Hagers- town, Philadelphia and New York. 12.35 a. m. for Richmond and Norfolk, Pullman Sleeper Boanoke to Norfolk and Lynchburg to Bleb mond. 12.35 a. m. (Vestibuled Limited) for Washington and New York. Pullman Sleepers to Washing ton, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg. DURHAM DIVISION Leave Lynch burg daily except Sunday, 4 00 p.m. (union station) for Durham and all intermediate points. Leave Durham dally except Sunday, at 7.00 a. m. for Lynchburg and intermediate point. For all additional information apply at ticket office, or to M. F. BRAGO, W. B. BE V ILL. Trav Pass. Agt. GenPaps. Agt., Roanoke, Va. EN i . , f 1 U1mA mrtA T1 Pit, Caveats, ana iw'i"ui",,"4 ent business conducted for Modchatc Fees. oum ornce is orosivc U, 8. paTtwrorrict SidVe cMsVcure pattia remote from Washinjtoa. .. I Send model, drawing or photo, mth desenp tlW'e irie, il.patetitable or rot, Jrte cf charge. Onrfe. Ef"nV Icoft c TSeTa'tfc U. S. and foreign coontnes sent tree. C.A.SWOWciCO. -rr v n - opp. fstxwt omci. wmh..w-. r:r;w To prevent La Grfppe take a dose or two of Dr. MilcV RcitoraUvc Nervine cUiij. . Y

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