Greensboro Patriot. " ESTAB L18HED 1821. TWELVE PAGES' WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1899. LOCAL HEWS ITB1IS. Is be to re Mrs. yr.C. Boren, of Pomona, visiting in High Point. The Alamance county fair will ield this year from October 31st November 3rd. William A. Murray has - turned to the Presbyterian theological school at Richmond, va. Vn l red ruat oroof and white winter seed oats for sale. . . Hi att & Lamb. Por Sale Good 5-rpom cottage on Walker avenue, near, Normal School. Call on or address W. P. Turner, this office. r . ' tf Mr. J, A. Davidson; of Gibson ville, was here Monday morning 'on his re turn from a brief visit in-Chatham county. .; " ' For Sale. A high-grade Victor bl- , cycle, in splendid condition; or would .TAhonrofnf m11 hnrie. ADDlr at - . - s t - aa Rev. J. F.rMoCulloch, editor of Our Church Record, occupied Rev. H. D. Lequeux'a pulpit at Alamance church Sunday. from the northern markets, where he 1 .9 J . V 41 purcnasea new gouus iur me uru u Thacker & Brockmann. A series of seven lectures will be delivered in the chapel of the State Normal and Industrial College during the fall and winter months. Walter R. Henry, of Charlotte, na? tiooal bank examiner, spent the latter part of last week here on business. He went to Mt. Airy Monday. - The Home Orchestral Club, com posed of some of the best musical talent in the city, has been organized. Mr. o. Aiuerman is me airector. An interesting meeting is in pro gress i at Westminster Presbyterian church. The pastor being assisted by Rev. E. C. Murray, of Mebane. Mr. John Baker, of South Carolina, pent Sunday with relatives in the Shady Grove neighborhood. He was on bis return from a business' trip north. . ' - The Atlantic & Yadkin trains now arrive and depart from the Southern's new passenger station. The old C. F. & Y. V. depot is used for freight pur poses exclusively. - 'l Mr. Harry C.Martin, a former well known insurance man of this city, has been appointed manager of the local department of the North Carolina Home Insurance Company, of Raleigh. G, R. Brower, division freight agent ef the Southern Railway, as in the city a few days ago for thti pur pose of adjusting freight rates to this point, about which there has recently been much complaint. While out driving one afternoon last week the little three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. lie Allster fell from the carriage and received several severe bruises about the head. The wounds were not serious. The recruiting station in this city is now enlisting recruits for the hospi tal service of the United States army. Only unmarried men between the ages of 21 and 35 are received,' The pay ranges from $13 to $40 per month. Mr. prE. Thomas and one of his tenants bad a misunderstanding Mon day afternoon in regard to some finan cial matters. The discussion resulted in blows, the combatants being sepa rated before any serious damage Was done. . A number of gentlemen went to Manchester Monday to enjoy several days' fox hunting. Among the party were Messrs. J. E. KcKnlght, J. F. Jordan, S. E. Hudson, W. C. Tucker, William Love, and R. W.t A. L. and A. F. Brooks. Mesdames J. M. and E. M. Hen drlx and Mr. John M. Dick left last night for New York to witness the fes tivities attending the home-coming of Admiral Dewey. Mr. J. M. Hendrix has been In New "York alnco 1at wooV buying new goods. The following Greensboro gentle men have been appointed marshals for the state fair, which will be held in Raleigh October 16th-20th : Capt. R. Percy Gray, Judge WVp.Bynum, Jr., Mayor Z. V. Taylor, E. T. Garsed. J. W. Cone, W. T. Powe, Garland Daniel and C. G. Wright. M. G. Newell & Co. wish to tell you a wheat drill and buggy. Prices have advanced on drills, to take effect January 1st. Buggies have already advanced inrprlce, but Newell & Co. will continue to sell them at the old .prices until their stock is exhausted. See their new ad. in this issue. ' Seed Wheat for Sale. I have at my farm, 10 miles east of Greensboro, 250 or 300 bushels of Ful caster (bearded) seed wheat for sale at $1.00 per bushel. Guaranteed to be free of cockle, trash, etc. J no. R. Stewart, At Greensboro Hardware Co. From a Former Citizen of Guilford The Patriot is in receipt of a most interesting letter from Mr. Andrew Nicholson, aJveoerable citizen, of New Castle, Henry county, Ind., who waa born and reared within a few miles of this city, on the Battle Ground road: He asks what has become of old Mar tinsville and says be. has picked up bayonets left by the British in the bat- tla of Qniirord . uourc nouse. ex tracts from hia letter follow : Mb. -v Editor : You arean entire stranger to me and so am I to yon, but wa will not be strangers long. X was born and partly reared in your -county and state. My father, John Nicholson, owned a farm on the road leading from Martinsville to the cross roads; I guess Van call it Greensboro now. I have seen load after load of the old .build ings pass our house; I forgot whether they movtd the old court house or not, but they moved the old log jail. They had got It up and the doors locked, but not chinked and daubed : - had one prisoner In it. "Our farm lay on the east side of the road, one and a half miles from Mar tinsville. (I have to guess at courses and distances.) It had a spring on It and a little branch. Our neighbors were Aaron Berry, a' hatter; Pratt Jessup, who wore buckskin breeches; the Albrights, and Johnny Gibson, who made peach and apple brandy In sum mer and whiskey in winter. He set up a liquor shop in 4he new town His son was bar-tender. Once he eaid to his son, 'Johnny, my man, did yon charge that half pint?' Yes, father, I did.' 'Well charge it again before yon forget it.' A young married couple I think they came from Virginia- started up a tailor shop; something we needed. They stood very fair. After they had lived with us for some time we were startled one morning by the report that strangers had arrested our tailor as a slave and sold him, I think, it was to Wilkes Peonies. After Mm Peoples died the heirs sold the slave but he was so white the purchaser had a hard bargain. Finally the latter tied him on his back In the sunshine, changed his color, and sold him the best he could. ' "My father and mother were Metho dists. Our preacher preached from Sunday morning until Saturday night. One of our neighbors wanted to go with the preacher to his next point sent his son out to the road to He grew impatient and ' went out and asked his Son if anybody had passed. He said no, but a nice bay mare With a long tail had passed with a pair of legs strung across her. (The preacher was badly hump backed.) His name was Mulr. I recollect how it was spelled. One of my school teachers was Wil- Ham Lister. He agreed, to teach read ing, writing and arithmetic as far as the single rule of three. I will be ninety-four years old next Thanksgiving. Have been in Sunday school eighty-four years and still go every Sunday I am able. Was marked present every Sunday in the year a short time ago. Written , with mine own band. Andrew Nicholson." Marshals for the State Fair. Mr. L. A. Carr, chief marshal of the state fair this year, has sent out invi tations to the prominent young men of the state asking their assistance in the great effort to make the fair this year exceed all others. The Southern Rail way has announced a rate of one fare for the round trip plus fifty cents for one admission into the fair grounds, from all points in the state, including Norfolk, Richmond, Lynchburg, Dan ville and intermediate? stations. Tick ets at this rate will be sold on October 14, 15, 16, 17 and 20tb, while for the special days rates on a very low scaled basis will be offered . from Hickory, Grover. Pineville and nolnta north anrf east thereof on October 17th and 18th. and from other points in the state on uctooer lgth and 19th, the Anal- limit of all tickets being October 23rd, 1899.' For full Information call on any agent Southern Railway, or write R. L. Ver- uou, a . r, An unarior.ce, SS . J. 40-zt The young people of the Hlnton neighborhood were entertained at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. M. M Gladson last Friday evening in a very gracious manner. Vandalia, Thorn's Mill, Pleasant Garden, Greensboro and perhaps other places were represented in the happy assembly. Refreshments were served at ten o'clock. and watch. "W anted: Purchasers for new or second hand iron safea,vault doors, etc We exchange large for small safes, will buy your second hand safes for cash. We put on new' combination locks and do all kind of expert repair work. Our Drices are the lowest. O. B. Barnks & Co, Greensboro, N. C. Revs. T. H. Pegram and J. R. Hut- ton conducted a gracious union revival meeting at the Oak Ridge M. P. church last week. They were assisted by Mrs. Woody, of the Friends church, and Rev. A. G. Kirkman. There were sev enteen nrofessions of religion. The services were closed Sunday night. House and Lot for Sale. A five-room cottage, with good gar den and orchard, all nearly -new, at Guilford College. Mrs. S. P. McNairy, 40-2t. Guilford College,. C, I j . Notice of Sale. . I will sell at public auction, on Octo ber 2nd, 1899. my land situated seven miles east of Greensboro and contain ing X acres. There is a good one and a half story frame building, good log kitchen and a tobacco barn on the place.1 Also a very good orchard. The place is well watered. .. There are about 2) acres of young pine timber and small meadow. j it win make a good truck farm. Terms of sale : One-half cash and balance in six months at 6 per cent, interest. .The sale will be held on the premises at 2 o'clock p. m. ; Jamxs B. Davis, t i McLeans yille, N. C. A negro man and his wife, residing in the eastern part of the city, became engaged In a lively row early yesterday morning. . . When his wife attacked him with a butcher knife, the husband I . . 1 . - - . il : ...1 . . seized a hammer and used it with tell ing effect, breaking his wife's arm near the wrist in two places. He, then left foij parte unknown. tel Frprrofrnro 66 99 rvo. aoo, For your LUNCHES,' and as fine, ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS - As can be made. Fine Confections, Fruits, Cold Drinks, i- ine uigarsana ancy uooda. Deliv ered j from1 6 a. to. to 10 p, m on short notice. Kestaurant and Ice Cream Parlor open until 11.55 p. m. Sunday Hours Breakfast, 7.30 to 9.30; Dinner, 1 to 3; Supper, 6 to 8. 326 South Elm St, Greensboro. Up-to-Date Jewelry of Every Description. Elegant for Assortment of Goods Adapted welding and Birthday Presents. Call and examine our srooda. It's a pleasure to sbow them. ARE DOLLARS WORTH 1 00 CENTS r- TO YOU? We Handle Auction Goods of All Grades, and Make a Specialty of FURNITURE and HOUSE FURNISHINGS. We can sell you these articles rnAd good 8 in first-class condition at from fi to H off dealers' prices, and some times ac less price. FWe buy all ' kinds ef Above goods when in good shape and will be glad to see anyone having same to sell. See us when you have anything to sell of value. - E. D. GOLDEN & BR0., 103 E. Market St Greensboro. X7TNext door to Pickard's. Academy of Music. Monday w Only One Night , October 2. Barlow kstres Management, I1AEBY WARD. 35 White Artists. Band and Orchestra. New First Part. Costames. Songs and Dances. Grand Street Parade at Noon. Don't Forget the Date. ' a i f t f n " .... ! .amission ou ana 40 cents : cnuaren 25 cents. Reserved seats on sale at Farisa' Drug Store. - mi 619 Soutl Elm SL, Greensboro, H, C. : TELEPHONE 105. GROCERIES ARBUCKLE COFFEE. 11c LOOSE SODA, 3c; 2 lbs. 5c. WASHING POWDER, B.B., 4c BAKING POWDER, 4c. SOAP, 2 cakes for 5c These few itema will give you an idea of how we sell goods. The cash system does it. Come and see our prices for any; hing you may want. i ZTeadneh mtoppeA In 20 minutes by Dzw MUes' Pact Pit.ia "Once cent a dose.- 7401 & (is (is to (is (is (is (is (is As (is (is as (is (is (is (is (is 0, 3 , . " ' . : v& The time is drawing near when the father, mother t and daughter, and even the little tots, must be ,h.n ' S good Winterhpes. This is : necessary inderp good health and save doctor bills. We hav h v.JL l . you your -winter font t! wear. . And another very important fact we would call to- your attention is that our buyer is now in the northern mar ? j T" u : 'iV" v- "i i an aim, winter Drv ffOOaS. He will nn rlnnhr nirim mino -u. - " .7. Largest Stock of Good Shoes! facts. (is 4is as OS fa ft 221 South Elm St., Yours truly, The : People's : Honey-Saving : Store, 9 GREENSBORO, N. C. A! wMll.ll ITUm wvJli; MM! ' Thirty days ago we announced a sale of our entire stock at a reduction in price of 40 percent. This adv. appeared in the Greensboro dailies. The results have been far be yond our expectations. V. As the sea.son is now approaching when our many friends in the surrounding country will be laying in their supplies of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Etc., we wish to again announce that - We Have Reduced Prices 40 Per Cent On our entire lines of OVERCOATS, MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S ICLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, VALISES, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, HOSIERY; UNDERWEAR, ETC., ETC. U - REMEMBER THIS I This cut is not on any particular line, but extends to the entire stock, valued at $30,000. THIS OFFER to the public is made for the purpose of cleaning up everything by December 31st, 1899. . On January tst, 1900, we expect to retire frojm business. Tfii FisMkieCsite :Eompanv 0' OPPOSITE r.lcADOO HOUSE,' GREENSBORO, N. C. I: BBDFOBD'S ' TITTTj TTTj" Tj" M1JTUTTn I 1 TASTELESS 11 jl fl 1 1 1 1 IJl j JilIJHU I IM m m . WZEH H301T - - ... - - ill - Positive, Feast ii ira m k And : a : General : Tonic. It i more cffectiye than Qiitnine, and ii an antiperiodic, alterati?et tonic, etc. seneitive tonio and don't have to send 500 or 1000 miles away to get your money back in case it does no effect a cure: Come to Farias. .a a stomach without any nauseating effects whatever. It combines iron blood purifier, which is an advantage over any other chill ttmtay oa hrlr for the askme. ou Jdttn jranss, Druggist, Successor tq KichaAdson t Fariss, W4 121 South Elm Street, in f ri Jl 4 - t.h Opposite Benbow House. . f