1 - SCoVt's .: Corner, i 5 Boxes it TaibeU" fbeese aim poxes "Jersey Just In. Cheese r t xbH ret : will 1 fagjiiiiu8 customer. - Y I two brands of Cheese heifineat to be had and ways please the most SCOTT HI. p ; Lie w Crop Oat Meal and Macaroni just in. 3 NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. iterl cf Interest Reported by Oux Corpa of uorresponaents. i-- , Centre Items. jjr W. . Julian is getting his orke in order. Mr. S. K. Mutrow are h -hills and fever. - Hockett, of Greensboro, hie parents here. C. Gregson has moved w house, which is a great -' Mr. (ni Mr.d.q Siting to bis nj art ine u hisbarn ore fata The Huttbn brothers have sold n their entire interest at Climax 3i 31 f 9. Curtis, who will continue ebusineps. Mr.lj.L Osborn will quit driving aiii '-aid, try quill-driving. He toftake the place of Mr Waldo B. Hockett was seriously her day by, falling out loft. The accident may )dy 'as r:ool Tin re Wi ! book-keeper at the High l Manufacturing Company. will go-north to jenter Ul be but a small amount itusowed in this community, as e ground has beentoo bard to ek: Corn is better than was ex- sciedj wheats so wing will com- wee text week. . We recently saw an account in ePitKifrTof seme gentleman wbo 1 a eialk of corn measuriue irteen feet" in ' height. H. M. xkett fcua one which measures !:rteen fcet to the tassel. '; It also it i . ntwgood ears of corn, the first- tea and a hair feet from id. This is Randolph D. MrMSobhronia Kingr of Pieas- k Grdeh, received the 'Bad intel- acefa-few days aeo that her son uied in Georgia of fever. 14 remain 8 were brought to his alt Pilot Mountain for inter im HlfL. " iri j " -L:ur Jving anu cuiiuren - H ia me irain t oaiuraay rPl., -J i " 1 1 . ueceaseu was auuui jears old and was a son of 'teRev. 0: W. Kinir. - o- Thorn's Mill Items. Miss Lettie Glass id enrolled at the North graded school this ses sion. ; '.. . Messrs. Ernest and Terry Sharp have gone back to Guilford College this term: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rankin at tended services In Greensboro Sun day night. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foard visited relatives at Jamestown last Satur day and Sunday. Officer Scott, of Greensboro, came down on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, recently. Mies Lelia Kirkman, one of our most charming young ladies, is teaching school at Tabernacle. ' Mrs. R. A. Brown, who has been here on a visit to her parents,' left for her home in Georgia last week. Miss Mamie Allred, of Concord, wbo has been visiting the Misses Foard, has gone to Reidsville on a yisit. ' ' Mr. A. M. Jordan har purchased the James place, In South Greens boro, and will move his family there soon. - Mr. Samuel Scott .will remodel his dwelling house this fall. He will nave a convenient house when completed. . Among those who visited here since our last writing were Mrs. C. Mendenhall and her daughter, Miss Dovie, of Kimesville; Mr. Ed. Tucker and family, of Greensboro Miss Kate Low, of JWhitsett; Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Keith, of Greens boro; Mr. Clinton Vicory and family, of Jamestown; Mr. and Mrs? John tow, of Greensboro, and Mr. William Wiley and, daughter, Miss Carrie,-of High Point. Lego Items. The weather, is dry, cool and frosty. The advertisements are up for the letting of the mail route at this place. Mrs. S. E. Turner and family, of this place, moved back to your city last Saturday. , Land selling is still active in this section. Some has sold ae high as $58.33 an acre. We are now connected by "tele phone with your city and find it a great convenience. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. J. Hedgecock and children, of Deep Uiver, are visiting their parents and grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F White, this week, Mrs. J; A. Burney has the promise or the day school at this place and will" commence leaching the first Monday in November. We con eider this a wise choice. The protracted meeting at Hick ory Grove is now In progress. Rev. DA. Highfill, the pastor, has the efficient help of Revs. Raper, True blood and A. G. Kirkman. S Vandalia Items, tedara Elliott visited rela- Greensboro recently. .aEi Coe and mother visited im 1 1, Liberty last week. 18 hi esfrt. 1H 1. J1188 , itt h t lit. H. Lowe, of o, visited the former s re last1 Sunday. Cone, of vouf citv. called - . . - - - j w L. Anthony, our nursery- pUndav morning. M. Gladson. of Hinton. Flora Anthony, of this eptled church at Alamance St., ' . . ' 8 Plena" and Emma Elliott ay to attend a protracted Hickory Grove church, ! rd i j 8 ? I he arid Flora and Blanche An- pmed from Pinnacle on P8t.,'after spending sev- paving a pleasant time. Pmberlain. from Maesa- po bought the Reynolds eome time ago, has familv here and is re. hisl dwellincr hmuA - Ramseur Items. 0 We had f ro8tlf or several nights last week. Our merchants are laying in their fall and winter stock of goods. A number of our citizens have fine porkers to kill this season. It is rumored there will be several marriages in town at an early day. Our High School has about 130 pupils enrolled, and is doing ex cellent workr . ' Dr. C. S. Tate spent the past two weeks in Bladen and Pender coun ties recreating. ' Messrs. Watkins, Carter and Craven, of the Ramseur Store Co., and O. C. Marsh, of O. C. Marsh &r Co , visited the northern markets iabt veek. All the factories and enterprises of the place are making full time and the future is very bright for Ramseur. There is as much if not more business transacted here than any place its size in the state. - Woods-Olass. Married, at tbr residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. A. L. Allred, on Wednesday evening, September 27, 1899," Mr. Robert Clayton Woods, of Lacrosso, to Miss Maggie Alice Glass, of Hinton. Miss Lizzie, the young and accomplished daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. G. R. Parker, of Guilford 'College, was maid of honor, while Mr. John F. Woods, brother of the groom, proved him self none the less handsome by taking the prominent position of best man. After congratulations the happy party repaired to the dining room, where a sumptuous supper was served," consisting of the many dainties that are calculated to sat- sfy the inner man. Mr. and Mrs. Woods are deserve incr Tounz Deople and carry the good wishes of their! many friend?, who wish them a long and pros perous life. Rev. W. A. Bunch, pastor of the bride, officiated. Witness. - Sumner Items. Miss Cary Anthony, who has been sick, is better at present. Miss Bertie Hodsin entered echool in Greensboro last week. Mr. Charlie Short is to teach our public echool at Concord the coming winter. Mr. John Short is erecting a handsome residence. He will move into it shortly. Miss Cora Hodgin, wbo has been visiting friends and relatives in Glenola and High Point, returned home last Friday. j Farmers are busy getting in their fodder. Tobacco is about all cuti Solomon Cohrane, one of our best farmers, will have about twenty fine barns of tobacco. STATUE NEWS. flnrlr Have obtained the highest reputa Uv)Q S virflSS n3Tl for purity, deanUness and ness In the same to become one of the largest In the United States. Handling these Seeds in the large quantities that we do, also en ables us to sell same at the lowest possible prices. oualitvronsidemL IfuiU, WOOD'S SEED BOOK gives l Dtpfi Uil aDOUi vjrasscs anu iuvcra suus uio ailierentSOXTS I ijfSSl 'r-best combinations to give largest results in hay or pss- tbvoCD P81"18 d meadows, &c. , &c A postal will bring this WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Eichmond, Va. er A cotton mill to cost $50,000 is to be built at Wake Forest. j The State Veterinary Surgeons Association met in Raleigh Mon day. The colored state fair will be held in Raleigh October 31st to November 2nd. 1 h i Forty-three persons were last week granted license to practice law in this state. I' ( The Maxton Light and Power Company has been chartered with a capital of $50,000. The citizens of Monroe are mak ing an effort to secure graded schools for that town. The negro postmaster of Rocky Mount has been displaced by aj competent white man. 1 ' The enrollment of students at the University of North Carolina is 461. Thirteen states are reprej Isented. i Mrs. Sue McNeill, of Joneeboro, committed suicide last Friday morning by cutting her throat with a razor. - j Senator Marion Butler intimates that he will make Raleigh his home and practice law, which he will make his profession. A Raleigh negro put poison ii his wife's coffee Sunday and she died in convulsions in a few hours1. The negro is in jail, i j The total value of the taxable property of Durham county is $9,t 932,260. Of this amount nearly seven eights is owned in Durham township. . ! In Wilkes county last Saturday Mat. Hamby, a deputy sheriff, was killed while trying to arrest Louis Wyatt. Wyatt cut the officer with a knife and then escaped. The Baptist Female University opened in Raleigh last week with one hundred and twenty-two board ing students. The Baptist of North Carolina have labored for twelve years in building this in stitution. i The penitentiary shirt factory will be in operation by November let. ! At first only a small number of hands will be employed, but the number will be increased. There will be one hundred machines in the factory. Rev. J. A. Perry, prominent among the Holiness people, died Thursday at Elkanah College, of which he was the president. It is alleged that during his sickness his family, who are Christian Sci ence believers, refused to give him any medicine. ' The executive board of the state penitentiary has decided to pur-! chase the Anson county farm, which has been operated under a lease for several years. The farm contains about 2,100 acres and will cost the state about $20,000. It is the, pro perty of Judge R. T. Bennett. Charges are made that a profesi sor named C. W. Eppes, colored, in the negro State Normal School, at Plymouth, is an ex-convict. There has been a convict of that name in the penitentiary. The state super intendent of public instruction, to whom the charges are made, has directed the school board to make a complete investigation. Albert E. Boone, one xof the of ficiale of the Black Diamond Rail way, chartered by the last legisla ture, writes the Secretary of State asking whether a charter for an extension can be obtained. He then says: We want to build a line of railway from Roanoke, Va.j via Danville and Raleigh, to Southi port, N. C." He gives 16 reasoni why the road should be built. William Jennings Bryan, has gone to Texas to attend the Demo cratic carnival at Dallas this week. Dry Goods, Motions, Hosiery, Furniture, Oaijpets, &c, &c, NOW OPEN AND FOR SALE AT SAMPLE Ml liilffi mM The goods have been bought in the northern markets and from manufacturers, at the very bottom notch for money, and we desire now to turn that back into" money at the smallest possible profit. Quality and material considered' we do hereby guarantee, over our own 61'gnature, to sell younything in our line for less money than von can buy the same elsewhere. ! ' ! ON THE FIRST FLOOR we carry Dress goods, from 10cJ to $3 00 per yard; Calico and Lawns, from 2Jc. up; Corsets, Shirt Waists, Ready Made Drees, Silks f faney and blacks), 25c. to $2 00 per yard; Sheeings, 4 i, 5-4, 8 4, 9-4, 10 4; Ready Made Sheets, 48c. to 75c. each. Towels, Gloves, Umbrellas and Parasols, and a thousand other things. ! ON THE SECOND FLOOR we carry a complete line of iFurniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Crockery, Lamps, Clocks, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Silver Ware, Stoves, fcc. On third floor we carrv our duplicate stuck. Come to see us and we will prove to vou we are well prepared to do all we say. Yours truly, Ma ! I rontil 8 Co, 234 SOTJT -E3T.1VC STREET. The Nile is now at the lowest point of which there is any record. John R. McLean opened his cam paign in Ohio Saturday. J. L. KEELING-, Wholesale BreBer - A TTX) 342 South Elm St., Greensboro. ARE DOLLARS WORTH 100 CENTS T0 YOU? We Handle Auction. Goods of All Grades, and Make a Specialty of FURNITURE and HOUSE FURNISHINGS. We can sell you these articles good goods 10 nr8t-cla8s condition at from to eff dealers' prices, and some times at less price. We buy all kinds of above goods when in good shape and will be glad to see anyone having same to sell. See us when you have anything to sell of value. E. D. GOLDEN & BR0., 103 E. Market St Greensboro. C7"Next door to Pickard's. TIEPOSIT YOUR MONEY IN 1 j The People's 5 Cents Savings Bank, . OF GKEEIEnsrsBCmO, 3ST- a, I. Entabli.hed lu 1887. j Pj IntrreM on Deposit. Does strictly a Savings Bank business. Has been m successful operation ior ten years and never lo.t a dollar. J. W.,OTT. President. .52-8m J. A. HODGIN, Treasurer. m ii ' i 4S to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to wlf MOT? Why not buy Tools and Cutlery that are RIGHT IN QUALITY, MATERIAL AND PRICE? That is the kind you will find here. Many years of ex perience has taught us that only goods of the best quality will give our customers the best satisfac tion. Farmers, mechanics and machinists will find it to their interest to examine our large stock before purchasing. A specialty with us is first class Farming Implements. We carry everything from a Garden Rake to a Buffalo Pitts Cutaway Harrow. Odell Hardware Co., Hp GBEE1TSBOBO. 3fcT. C. EKE THEY V ARE! Pay Tour Money and Take Your Choice ! BICKFORD HUFFMAN. These Drills are'known as the standard of the world. They are made both disc and hoe. Don't be induced to buy any other until you examine them. We only have one price. You buy at the same price your neighbor paid. Prices are already advanced for next year. . Don't put off buying. I G-G-IES C3-C3-IESS Our house is full and there are two more car loads yet to come in this month. Don't wait until spring and pay the advance. , Gk Hewoll & Co. Myrpn